Beef entrecote. Juicy and appetizing beef entrecote

26.09.2019 Fish dishes

As you know, beef is rather capricious meat. The cook usually has to resort to various tricks to get the desired degree of softness and satisfying juiciness from him. Therefore, many chefs prefer to deal with pork. However, there are two dishes that everyone knows about. This is beef stroganoff and beef entrecote. Both that, and another in preparation does not require much trouble, and at the same time the meat turns out to be the most tender.

Cooking basics

Before you can make beef entrecote, you need to buy it. And in order not to be disappointed in your first experience, you should not make a mistake in your choice. If you haven't paid attention to beef before, consider the following:

  1. The darker the meat, the older the animal was.
  2. The fat on the selected piece should be white. Yellow rather openly alludes to the venerable age of the slaughtered cow.
  3. For a classic entrecote, you need to take a piece of meat from the intercostal part of the carcass. However, now this rule is not always observed, but for the first time it is better to follow it all the same.

The main culinary techniques are simple: the meat is cut into not too thin slices (not less than a centimeter in thickness) about the size of a palm. Then the beef entrecote is beaten off, rubbed with salt and pepper and fried over medium heat in olive oil for four minutes on each side. During this time, a beautiful ruddy crust should form. After the pan is covered, and for a couple of minutes the meat comes under the lid.

However, these are general rules. Fans of the dish have come up with many variations on its theme.

Vienna entrecote

Four matching chunks of beef are pounded; the edges are not deeply cut so that the meat does not curl up when frying. Four large onions are cut into rings or halves. Each beef entrecote is fried very quickly, for two minutes, (in pork fat, by the way, and not in vegetable oil). If there is a good blush inside, the meat should be slightly bloody. Only after that the entrecotes are salted and flavored with white pepper. Onions are put in their place in a frying pan, from where the fat is drained and where the butter is melted. When it is fried, a glass of veal broth and a spoonful of wine vinegar are added to it. After a couple of minutes, the meat is laid out on plates, poured with sauce and rushed to the table in the company of pickled cucumbers and fried potatoes.

Breton beef entrecote: recipe with photo

It is prepared in a very original way. The beginning, however, is trivial: four suitable pieces of meat are beaten off, rubbed with a mixture of coarse salt and black pepper, sprinkled with olive oil and soaked in spices for half an hour. However, it is supposed to fry it in melted oil, traditionally quickly. A spoonful of butter is ground with chopped parsley and onion, plus ground pepper. The mixture is laid out on the bottom of the vessel, entrecotes are placed on it, covered and brought to softness in a water bath (about ten minutes). They are served with their own juice and mashed potatoes.

Stuffed entrecote

An interesting way of making beef entrecote was invented by the Austrians. It is tastier from veal. The meat is beaten, salted, peppery, breaded and fried. Potatoes are cooked separately (three by two entrecotes), cut into small cubes and mixed with the same slicing of two hundred grams of low-fat bacon and three hard-boiled eggs. Minced meat is seasoned with chopped parsley, nutmeg and an incomplete glass of sour cream. The filling is laid out on pieces of beef, which are rolled into sausages and fixed with toothpicks. A fry of three onions is laid out on top, the contents of the saucepan are poured with a glass of white wine and stewed until soft. Before carrying the dish to the table, the sauce will need to be filtered and poured over the meat.

Entrecote with Roquefort

Probably, you can take another type of cheese, but four pieces of meat will require only 150 grams, so you can splurge on the recommended Roquefort once and you will have an amazing beef entrecote. The recipe prescribes to pass it through a meat grinder with half a pack of butter (125 grams), red bell pepper and Tabasco sauce - you take it at your discretion. The mass is rolled up with a sausage, wrapped in foil and sent to the cold for a quarter of an hour. During this time, entrecotes are prepared quite standardly and laid out on plates. On top of them are placed thin slices of chopped cheese butter - and the dish is eaten immediately.

Entrecote with beer sauce

Most of the recipes, if you noticed, differ not so much in the way the meat is processed, but in the sauces that are offered to it. So in this recipe, beef entrecote (photo below) is fried in a completely usual way, only it is advised to stand it for half an hour after beating and rubbing before frying. The whole essence of the dish is in the sauce, for which three tablespoons of flour are fried in the same amount of loose oil, after which a glass of light beer and half a glass of strong broth are added. As it boils, it is immediately removed from the stove. The two eggs are divided into whites and yolks; only the latter will be needed. They are whipped into a lather with four tablespoons of heavy cream, the juice of one lemon, cinnamon, salt and sugar. The mass is poured into the sauce and kneaded. When such beef entrecote is served, it is poured with the resulting sauce and sprinkled with crumbled herbs, crab sticks and salted peanuts.

Entrecote in red wine

This recipe also focuses on the sauce. Four pieces of beef are processed as standard and left on a preheated platter. In the juice remaining from them with butter, onion is stewed - four heads, finely chopped. About three minutes later, half a liter of red dry wine is poured. Five minutes later, when the liquid has evaporated by half, the fire is screwed in and four tablespoons of cream are introduced into the pan. In parallel, two spoons of starch are stirred in a pile of water. After introducing the last component into the sauce, it languishes on the stove for a couple of minutes, after which it is poured onto the entrecotes hot.

Baked entrecote

In French tradition, fry this dish. But the beef entrecote in the oven is also very successful. Only it should cook much longer than in a frying pan. The meat, washed and dried, is cut into slices, beaten off, rubbed with vegetable oil, added and peppered - in general, the traditional set of actions performed. The baking sheet or form is well coated with the same oil. The oven heats up to 170 Celsius, a sheet is placed in it and the time is recorded (for a start - 45 minutes). Check for bleeding before removing. The simplest roasted beef entrecote can be varied in taste by varying the sauces to it.

Step 1: prepare the entrecote.

Remove the meat from the freezer for 1 hour before cooking, place in a deep bowl and let it melt at room temperature, without unnecessary heat treatment. Rinse defrosted entrecote under running water, pat dry with kitchen paper towels and place on a cutting board. Peel the meat with a knife, from the film, without cutting off the fat layers, and cut across into 2 pieces of equal weight, thickness up to 1.5 centimeters.

Step 2: salt and season the entrecote.

Cover the dried pieces of entrecote with plastic wrap and beat lightly with a coarse-mesh hammer. Then rub the meat with coarse salt mixed with black pepper. Coat the entrecote with a little olive oil, place in a deep bowl and let the meat soak in salt and pepper 5-10 minutes.

Step 3: fry the first side of the entrecote.

Place a thick-bottomed pan on the stove, which is turned on at the middle level. Add the butter and melt it. Then add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Dip the entrecote into the heated mixed fat using a kitchen tong (fork). Carefully, as the fat will sizzle and splatter! Sear one side of the meat for 45 minutes without moving it, so that the bottom layer is covered with a beautiful, uniform brown crust. When the side to be roasted is dark brown, turn the entrecote to the other side with a spatula.

Step 4: fry the second side of the entrecote.

Screw the stove to a low level and fry the other side of the entrecote until brown for 5 - 7 minutes... During this time, the meat will reach almost full readiness, but inside it will remain half-baked. While the entrecote is fried, turn on the oven and preheat it up to 80 - 90 degrees.

Step 5: we bring the entrecote to full readiness.

After browning, your piece of meat is still soggy inside and needs to be cooked until cooked through. Of course, hot is never raw and you already want to try the dish, but be patient. Place the frying pan with entrecote in the preheated oven on 2 minutes. Then turn it over to the other side and turn off the oven, slightly open its door so that a narrow gap forms, and keep the meat in the oven for another 2 minutes... Put the finished entrecote on a plate, garnish with sprigs of dill and parsley.

Step 6: serve the natural entrecote.

Natural entrecote is served hot on a flat, large plate, poured on top of it with oil in which it was fried. When cut, the piece is pink and when pressed with a fork, a light pink juice should come out. Boiled or fried potatoes, vegetables baked in the oven or fried on the grill, mashed potatoes, rice, any vegetable salads are served as a side dish for this dish. Like any meat, natural entrecote is pleasant to savor with white semi-sweet Chardonnay or Gewürztraminer wine. It is preferable for opponents of alcohol to sing along with this dish with mineral water without gas or juices with sourness, for example, pomegranate, orange, multi-vitamin from citrus. I hope you enjoy the natural entrecote! Bon Appetit!

- - During frying entrecote, in no case, do not cover the pan with a lid, otherwise you will get a regular stew instead of a naturally fried entrecote.

- - Do not be afraid to bring the entrecote in the oven to readiness, the myth that the meat is overcooked or completely baked is a complete fiction. Some parts of the entrecote, or rather the fatty layers, must separate from the connective tissues and reach full readiness, and this can only happen at high temperatures, which, unfortunately, the pan does not give completely. The caramel taste of the finished dish depends on high heat treatment.

- - Natural entrecote can be served with various types of sauces, it can be rusk sauce, almond, tomato or hot chili sauce.

- - To give the meat an exotic flavor, you can use any dried and ground spices you like, intended for meat.

- - Sometimes, in order to give the entrecote an interesting aftertaste in the heated fat, first fry a couple of onion pieces and a couple of garlic for 4 - 5 minutes, the fat absorbs the aroma of these ingredients and transfers this smell to the meat during frying.

- - Do not mislead yourself and do not pour vinegar on the meat! Vinegar is good for kebabs and marinating meat. But it is not suitable for beef entrecote, which can taste harder than a rubber sole due to such an additive!

Entrecote is a boneless beef chop made from intercostal meat. This is a fragrant, softest and juicy piece of meat. A restaurant dish that came to us from French cuisine. Although in fact, the recipe for beef entrecote is not so complicated. It is not difficult to cook it if you know the nuances, otherwise even the perfect beef can come out dry and tasteless. In this article we will tell you how to make classic beef entrecote with the addition of flavor-enhancing ingredients.

Entrecote is a special, very delicate and extremely tasty part of beef carcass. Initially, it was cut exclusively from ox meat, moreover, as the primary sources write, from the intercostal space between 9 and 10 ribs. Today, the requirements of even restaurants for entrecote have become simpler: this meat dish is also prepared from pork, but the classic version is from beef. Moreover, in this place, the meat is especially tender, so that it can be cooked by quick frying, without resorting to subsequent stewing.

Often, before cooking, the meat is beaten off a little, and to make it more soft, it is treated with special softeners. Now about how to fry beef entrecote - a classic recipe with variations.

How to properly marinate meat

Even the best piece needs to be pickled. Before this, the meat is washed and dried with a towel. It is lightly beaten with a kitchen hammer, then rubbed with a mixture of pepper, salt, herbs and chopped garlic. It is better for a piece to stand in the marinade overnight or at least three hours.

Meat from the freezer must be completely thawed before marinating. Pieces should be cut across the fibers and no more than 3 cm thick.

An entrecote marinade may be the simplest - salt and pepper. You can complicate the composition by cutting several onion bulbs into rings, adding a little broken bay leaf, salt, pepper and wine (you can also take beer). The liquid is taken at the rate of 1 glass per 1 kg of meat. Not bad for marinated entrecote and nutmeg, in general, spices can be taken to taste.

Next, you need to fry the entrecote in a pan or cook in the oven.

How to fry entrecote in a pan

Entrecote is fried in a pan in vegetable oil or in a mixture with the addition of butter. The fire should be large so that the meat quickly "seizes" and the juice remains inside the piece. A few minutes is enough for the meat to brown on one side. After that, you need to turn the piece over.

For cooking in a frying pan, you need to take a piece about 3 cm thick. Meat weighing half a kilogram will go for one entrecote, this will be a portion for two. For frying, you need two to three tablespoons of oil.

This is done like this:

  1. Pour oil into the pan. If you are cooking in a non-stick skillet, you can simply grease the piece of meat well before cooking.
  2. Dry the beef and rub hard with salt and freshly ground pepper. Spices are taken to taste, but if you need sharper, then put more pepper.
  3. When frying meat, it is undesirable to use a fork; it is better to turn the piece over with a spatula or tongs.
  4. Before serving, the entrecote, fried on both sides, is left to lie down for a while so that the latter “rests”.

Beef entrecote in the oven in foil

Entrecotes in the oven baked in foil are very tasty and tender. Wrap the meat so that it does not dry out.

Products required:

  • a pound of beef;
  • 1 teaspoon of prepared granular mustard;
  • a little salt to taste;
  • a little coriander;
  • 20 g lemon juice;
  • 5 g of honey and soy sauce;
  • other spices.

Execution process:

  1. The washed and dried piece is rubbed with a mixture of honey, mustard, lemon and spices, left in the marinade for half an hour.
  2. Then they are laid out on foil, wrapped so as to preserve the juice.
  3. They are sent to the oven and baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 20 minutes, after which the foil is unrolled, poured over the meat with the released juice and allowed to fry.

Cooking up your sleeve

To prepare an entrecote baked in a sleeve, you will need products in an arbitrary volume:

  • a piece of meat on the bone;
  • a spoonful of mustard, ready-made;
  • a couple of tablespoons of olive oil;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • salt, pepper, dry herbs to taste;
  • garlic.
  1. Spread the meat with mustard and refrigerate for an hour. During this time, mustard will soften even the most elderly meat.
  2. Get a piece, wash, dry.
  3. Drizzle it with lemon juice, oil, which can be anything, but ideally olive oil. The oil is a kind of conductor of all spices in the fibers of the meat, in addition, it adds softness to the low-fat entrecote.
  4. Sprinkle the meat with salt, herbs and pepper, finely grind all the spices piece by piece.
  5. Lash the meat with thinly chopped garlic.
  6. Let it rest for a quarter of an hour in a warm place and send it to bake in a sleeve at a temperature of 175 degrees. Bake for one and a half to two hours, depending on the size of the piece.
  7. Serve with boiled whole potatoes, mashed potatoes or a vegetable side dish.

Breton entrecote

A very tasty and truly French recipe - Breton entrecote.


  • meat - 0.6 kg;
  • 50 g of butter and onions;
  • a little salt and pepper to taste;
  • green parsley.

Cooking like this.

  1. Slightly beat off the meat cut into pieces.
  2. Marinate it in salt and pepper.
  3. Drizzle with oil and leave to lie down for a while.
  4. Fry very quickly over high heat so that the meat is covered with an appetizing crust, but the inside remains damp.
  5. At the bottom of a deep dish, put a mixture of butter, grated onions and chopped parsley. Put the fried meat on top of this green mass, cover with a plate and leave the dish in a water bath to rise until tender - it will take about 8-10 minutes.
  6. Before serving, garnish the entrecote with mashed potatoes, pour over the juice left after stewing the meat.

Beef entrecote with apples and onions

For 1.3 kg of meat you will need:

  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • some garlic or garlic powder;
  • half a spoonful of soy sauce;
  • some Browning sauce and Worcestershire sauce;
  • corn starch - a couple of tbsp. spoons;
  • apples for garnish (4-5 pcs.).

How to make beef entrecote:

  1. Fry the meat on both sides in a coated pan.
  2. Put the meat product in a saucepan and pour in water, put on fire.
  3. Pour in Worcestershire sauce, season with salt, add garlic powder or finely chopped garlic.
  4. Put chopped onions and apples on top of the meat. Keep under the lid on low heat until the beef is tender.
  5. When the meat is cooked, it must be removed, set aside for a quarter of an hour, so that it becomes ready for slicing.
  6. Strain the liquid remaining from the extinguishing, put on fire and boil until about 2 glasses remain. Then add the diluted starch. Pour in the Browning sauce as well. Cook everything together until thick.
  7. Pour the sauce over the beef and serve with apples and onions.

Entrecote is easy to prepare. It can be an excellent main course of a festive table and is good as a dish for an everyday dinner.

My husband and child are very fond of meat. Especially for them, I learned how to cook entrecote. When my grandfather comes to visit, whose false jaw rests on snot, I prepare a soft entrecote for him. Today I will tell you how to cook beef entrecote in different ways. It's not as difficult as it sounds. Let's cook the first course in the most affordable way: in the oven.

Juicy meat cooked in the oven for the most loved ones

Ingredient List:

Servings: 4-5

  • A piece of good meat for entrecote
  • Salt, pepper, spices suitable for beef.
  • Vegetable oil.

This recipe is perhaps one of the most affordable for housewives, because almost everyone has an oven!

  1. Rinse a piece of meat thoroughly in water, wipe it with napkins.
  1. Grease the baking sheet in which we will bake. Also treat a dried piece of beef with oil, wipe with the spices you like.
  1. Cooking time depends on the size of the piece, its shape and other factors that affect the cooking speed.
  1. The finished dish should be served cut into pieces, with plenty of fresh vegetables.

The next way you can get a delicious dish is in a frying pan. It also has its own tricks on how to get a juicy piece of meat.

A piece of meat prepared by roasting on the stove

Ingredient List:

Servings: 4-5

  • beef entrecote - 400-500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

This recipe will appeal to those who want to cook a delicious dish without having modern appliances in their arsenal.

  1. Prepare the beef: remove the tendons from the meat, rinse, cut into portions.
  1. Beat off the meat, sprinkle with pepper and salt.
  1. Fry until crusty over high heat.
  1. Turn over, reduce heat and cook for at least 20 minutes.
  1. For a side dish, you can give fried potatoes, which were cooked in the same oil.
  1. For more flavor, serve mustard sauce, fresh vegetables.

Of course, we offered the housewives two whole cooking options. However, a good entrecote can also be prepared in a slow cooker. Grilling is also possible, but this option is not available to everyone. Let's take a closer look at the multicooker method.

Meat cooked in multo with garnish

Number of ingredients:

Servings: 6-8

  • 1 piece of pork entrecote;
  • large potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • mayonnaise - 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • seasoning.

Cooked with potatoes, boneless meat tenderloin will definitely delight the lover of meat food.

  1. Peel the meat from the veins, rinse, beat off with a hammer.
  1. In another bowl, mix sour cream, garlic, salt, spices.
  1. Coat the chicken with this mass, pour oil into the multicooker bowl, turn on the "Baking" mode and let it warm up.
  1. Roll pieces of meat in sour cream filling.
  1. Fry in hot oil for at least 10 minutes.
  1. Peel and dice the potatoes. Fry with the meat until the potatoes are cooked.

Even vegetarians will love this hearty dish. Moreover, the multicooker will do everything to make your piece of meat soft. With one of the last recipes, consider the method of cooking in foil.

Appetizing meat baked in a metal sheet

Ingredient List:

Servings: 2

  • 500 g of beef (2 entrecotes);
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 2 pinches of pepper;
  • 2 pinches of salt.

An appetizing dish that will appeal to all meat-eaters.

  1. Prepare the meat by washing and drying with napkins.
  1. Slightly beat off, sprinkle with spices.
  1. Place on a greased baking sheet.
  1. Bake under foil for at least an hour.
  1. If you want a tasty crust, remove the foil half an hour before cooking.

So, easily and simply, you can cook meat in a variety of ways. Do not be afraid to experiment, try new dishes. Thus, you will earn yourself the reputation of a professional cook who does not succumb to difficulties. Well, numerous household members will be grateful to you for a variety of culinary masterpieces. Everyone will be able to cook according to our recipes, because they are supplied with detailed photo instructions. We will be grateful if you share photos of your culinary victories in the comments.

Meat dishes have always been in demand on any table. A dish made from properly cooked meat will be useful for the human body, however, beef still has a special value due to its composition. That is why beef entrecote has been so popular in various world cuisines for several centuries.

Selection of ingredients

Beef began to be used in the human diet about eight thousand years ago during the domestication of the once wild bull. Today, the most delicious meat is obtained from young animals that have undergone preliminary castration. This should be taken into account when selecting meat for making entrecote. This dish has French roots. Its literal translation is "between the rib", which speaks for itself about how part of the carcass is used to prepare a meat dish.

For the correct selection of the entrecote part of the carcass, it should be borne in mind that the size of the piece should be about the middle palm, while the optimal thickness of the cut is about three centimeters. But an important factor in choosing the right part for a hot dish is the way it is prepared. Since the choice of side dish, heat treatment and marinade will also depend on the size of the meat used.

Juicy and tasty entrecote can be prepared not only from the pulp, but also from a piece of tenderloin on the bone. Moreover, variations of modern recipes include the use of both a large piece and chopped into portions. In supermarkets and markets, beef pulp is usually sold, which is cut specifically to make entrecote from it.

Cooking rules

In addition to the correctly selected part of the beef pulp, in order for the meat delicacy to be a success, it is necessary to know and use some recommendations regarding the preparation of a meat dish. To make the entrecote tenderloin as soft as possible, it is usually marinated or steamed for several hours. The taste of the finished dish will increase significantly if salt and spices are added to the water. In addition, any meat will become more juicy if you use fresh lemon juice during its preparation.

It is best to tap the entrecote before cooking, this will significantly reduce the time required to bake or fry the delicacy. As for the traditional method of cooking meat, the tenderloin lends itself to heat treatment in a pan until an appetizing golden crust forms on the pulp. As a spicy addition, a mixture of butter and various fresh herbs is laid out on top of a hot dish. Such a nuance will have a positive effect on the taste of the entrecote.

In cooking, beef entrecote acts as an independent dish that does not require the inclusion of any ingredients. Although in some cases a hot dish is served with a slice of bread or garlic croutons. You can also fry or bake entrecote and serve it with potatoes, vegetables, or sweet and sour sauce.


Today you can find many different options for making entrecote. The most common recipe involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • fresh beef tenderloin;
  • salt and any seasonings to taste;
  • olive or corn oil.

The step-by-step technology for working with ingredients looks like this.

  1. Washed and cleaned meat is laid out on a napkin to remove moisture.
  2. The pulp is cut across the grain into pieces of the selected size.
  3. Each piece must be rubbed with salt and spices, then carefully beat off with a meat hammer.
  4. It is important that the pulp is saturated with spices. To do this, it is worth making several small cuts in it, pour over with oil and marinate for 20-30 minutes.

Frying entrecote is best in a wok; you do not need to add more oil to the dish. You need to cook the dish over medium heat, however, in terms of high-quality and uniform frying of the pieces, the level of hotness of the pan is of great importance. In addition, you need to fry in an open wok or skillet without a lid. It will be more correct to spread the tenderloin with kitchen tongs. It will take about 5-6 minutes to process one side of the pulp. Slower roasting can dry out the meat and lose its tenderness. The finished beef should be pink in color.

Beef entrecote can also be cooked in the oven. This option is the second most popular recipe for making a delicious meat dish. Before heat treatment, the tenderloin must be rinsed and dried. And if a large piece of beef was purchased, divide it across the fibers into portioned portions. The meat must be salted and grated with any spices you wish and left to marinate.

Before sending the dish to the oven, simmer the meat in a pan for 3-4 minutes on each side. To give the entrecote a more expressive taste, it is best to fry the beef after the onion or garlic has been fried in this oil. After that, the tenderloin must be transferred to a baking dish or on a baking sheet, sprinkled with juice from a frying pan and sent to the oven for 7-10 minutes so that the entrecote is soft, it must be baked at a temperature of no more than 180 C.

An interesting and equally successful solution would be the cooking method using baking foil with onions. For this, the beef is prepared and dried, after which it is rubbed with salt and spices to taste. For the sauce for meat, you need to combine sour cream and mustard. The resulting mixture should be coated on all sides with pieces of beef and let it marinate for about half an hour. After that, the pulp with onions is placed in foil and baked for an hour and a half in the oven at 170-180 C.

The degree of readiness of the entrecote can be checked with a regular toothpick. If the stick pierces the meat without obstacles, then the dish is baked - it can be served.

Any meat goes very well with vegetables or mushrooms, in addition, world-famous chefs very often use a small amount of alcohol as a marinade or seasoning for meat dishes. The following recipe assumes the use of such products:

  • beef entrecote;
  • Champignon;
  • Red wine;
  • cream or fatty sour cream;
  • starch, salt, spices.

Cooking technology includes the following sequential steps.

  1. The beef pulp must be fried on both sides in a pan with the addition of butter.
  2. Onions are cut into rings and simmered in meat juice in a frying pan until golden brown. After that, wine is added to it, after boiling, cream is introduced.
  3. The starch is mixed with water and poured in small portions into the onion-wine sauce.
  4. Mushrooms are fried in a separate skillet and then mixed with the sauce.

Pieces of portions must be poured over with hot sauce and served.

There is another option for baking beef entrecote in the oven, where eggs are used as an additional ingredient. In addition to its high taste, such a dish has a very unusual and beautiful appearance. Its preparation requires a minimum of time and food. The egg is not boiled, but fried, as a result of which fried eggs are added to the meat. You need to cook entrecote according to the following recipe.

  1. The meat is cut into pieces, salted and spiced.
  2. After that, pieces of beef are laid out in a hot pan with the addition of vegetable or corn oil. The pulp is fried until golden brown, as a rule, 3-5 minutes will be enough for this.
  3. Next, the meat will be baked in the oven in the form. In the oven, the entrecote should be kept no longer than 10 minutes so that the pulp does not dry out.
  4. Eggs are fried in a pan in the usual way, however, care should be taken to keep the yolk liquid. Therefore, as soon as the protein begins to set, the scrambled eggs must be removed from the stove.
  5. After the specified time has elapsed, the beef is removed from the oven and placed on plates. An egg is placed on top of the entrecote, which is best sprinkled with fresh herbs or finely chopped fresh vegetables such as bell peppers or cucumbers.

Juicy beef entrecote can also be made on an airfryer, and a vegetable side dish for it in a slow cooker. In this case, dinner or lunch will become not only incredibly tasty, but also healthy. To prepare a dish, you need to purchase the following products:

  • beef;
  • garlic;
  • soy sauce;
  • any oil;
  • spices;
  • fresh lemon;
  • zucchini for a vegetable addition.

To make the meat as juicy as possible, beef tenderloin must be marinated before frying. Meat dressing is made with soy sauce, oil, minced garlic and spices, and lemon juice. In this composition, the entrecote must be kept for about 3-4 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the pieces of pulp are placed in foil and sent to the airfryer for heat treatment. The baking time is 50-60 minutes. During cooking, the entrecote can be turned over, but only once.

For garnish, the zucchini must be cut into cubes, salt and spices must be added. Cook a vegetable in a slow cooker in the "Fry" mode. At the end of cooking, put the meat and zucchini on a plate, you can additionally sprinkle with any chopped herbs or garlic.

Nutritional value and calorie content

The main advantage of beef in comparison with other types of meat is its low fat content. It is noted that one hundred grams of meat after heat treatment contains no more than 10.8 grams of fat. Most of the chemical composition is proteins, which is important for a dietary and healthy balanced diet, since protein is able to saturate the body with the necessary energy. The protein level in beef flesh is in the range of 29.6 grams, with zero carbohydrates.

In addition, the mineral components contained in beef entrecote make it possible for the dish to act as a full-fledged source of nutrition and an important product that provides the body with vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

The use of beef pulp becomes relevant in the off-season and in winter, when there is a serious deficiency of vital vitamin D. In addition, the tenderloin is a storehouse of easily digestible iron, which is important for varying degrees of anemia.

As for the calorie content of the dish, one hundred grams of finished meat contains about 200-220 kcal.

For information on how to cook beef entrecote, see the next video.