Baked pork in sour plum sauce. Baked pork in sour plum sauce Stew with vegetables in tkemali sauce

07.03.2020 Egg dishes

I love to bake meat in the oven. It always tastes good. Most often I cook it this way for sandwiches. Our family really loves tea with sandwiches, and I don’t want to buy sausage in principle - it’s expensive and harmful. I took out the plum sauce and decided we'd have some delicious baked pork tonight c. This is a truly delicious dish for any occasion, be it a holiday or a family meal.

Since the Tkemali sauce itself contains a lot of acid, the meat marinated in it turns out to be very tender and juicy. However, plum tkemali can be replaced with cherry plum or any other sour, for example, cranberry or pomegranate. And do not forget - the longer the pork is marinated, the better the result.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: in the oven .

Total cooking time: 1 h

Servings: 4 .


  • pork tenderloin or shoulder - 600 g
  • tkemali sauce - 2-3 tbsp
  • salt pepper
  • garlic (I have dried) - to taste
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook:

Note to the hostess

  • Baked pork is good for appetizers and salads. In some cases, it can be used instead of sausage in recipes.
  • This dish is best cooked from tender meat, which will subsequently not lose its shape when sliced. Tenderloin, loin, shoulder blade work well.
  • The longer the meat is marinated before being sent to the oven, the tastier it will be. Therefore, if it is possible to keep a piece of pork in the sauce for at least two hours, it is better to do it. Indeed, during this time, the meat will be thoroughly salted and soaked in marinade.
  • The cooking time for pork in the oven is about 1 kg for about 1 hour.
  • Cooking baked pork in the oven is best done with fresh meat. However, this is not always possible. Therefore, if you are using a frozen piece of meat, then it must be transferred to the refrigerator from the freezer in the evening. Until the next day, the pork will thaw gradually. This method is considered the most correct.

Remember Quentin Tarantino's famous film Pulp Fiction? There, Vincent Vega suggests to Mia, the wife of Marcellus Wallace: "Let's go better than steaks." What is a steak? A steak is a fried, thick piece of meat cut from an animal's carcass, usually beef, but not required. The meat is cut across the grain.

In Viking language, steak means frying. Roast beef is known to us in the form of dishes "roast beef" - literally "fried beef", or steak - literally "piece of beef". The classic steak is beef, better known in America, they even say that the steak is a purely American invention. At least in America, the criteria for selecting meat for steaks are very strict.

It is hardly possible to cook a classic steak at home, due to the complex technology of preparing meat and frying it, and it is very difficult to find the meat you need. Tolley business -!

But the pork loin on the grill - the cue ball, with preliminary marinating in, is easy to prepare. Marinated pork roasts well. Recipes for marinating meat are known, and everyone has their own.

Tkemali fruit acids marinate meat excellently, giving it a unique taste. The sauce is easy to prepare and, if prepared correctly, can be stored for a very long time. The base of the sauce is tkemali or cherry plum. Better wild, but cultured from the garden is also suitable. Cultured less dense and less acidic.

As a side dish for meat with tkemali, a Caucasian summer vegetable salad with a dressing of nuts, herbs and garlic, as well as other salads, is perfect. Grilled pork loin with sour tkemali sauce - delicious meat, perfect for a picnic.

Pork loin. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Pork on the bone 2 pieces
  • Tkemali sauce 3-4 tbsp l.
  • Dry white wine 0.5 cups
  • Salt, black pepper, coriander Spices
  • Carrots, onions, parsnip and celery roots, parsley for garnish
  1. Pork loin or "cue ball" on the bone. To cook meat with tkemali for two, you need one piece weighing 220-250 grams, one per serving. You need fresh meat, but not fresh, since cooking fresh meat is a whole science, complex and obscure. The meat should be cut across the grain and be thick enough.

    Pork loin or "cue ball" on the bone

  2. It is not necessary to beat off the meat, it is prepared in a whole piece. Season the pork with salt and pepper, sprinkle with a little ground coriander. Smear the meat with the prepared tkemali sauce.
  3. Fold the meat with tkemali in a ceramic or glass dish with a lid, pour white dry wine and leave to marinate for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.

    Smear the meat with the prepared tkemali sauce. Leave for pickling

  4. Grease the grill of the barbecue with vegetable oil and put pieces of marinated meat with tkemali on it, and the remains of tkemali can not be removed.

    Place the marinated pork on the grill

  5. Fry the meat with tkemali for 5-6 minutes on each side, until fully cooked.

    Fry meat for 5-6 minutes on each side

  6. To get a beautiful mesh pattern from the grill - after half the time, turn the meat 90 degrees.

    Fry the meat until cooked through

  7. While the meat is fried with tkemali, cook: tomato, cucumber, sweet pepper, hot pepper, garlic, onion. Season with a chopped mixture of nuts, basil, cilantro, salt and wine vinegar.
  8. Or, if you prefer a hot side dish to meat with tkemali, it is better to cut carrots, celery root and parsnips into large cubes. Fry over high heat in vegetable oil, add the onion, chopped into large strips and fry everything together until the onions and vegetables are cooked. Spices are to taste, but grilled pork loin is especially tasty when spiced.

    Prepare fried vegetables for garnish

  9. Put ready-made fried meat with tkemali on a plate, add salad or vegetable side dish.

Beef with tkemali in Georgian is very simple to prepare, there is nothing special in this recipe, except for adding cherry plums or sour tkemali plums to the meat. In the original, freshly picked plums are added, but in the absence of, if the meat is cooked in winter, you can add ready-made, already cooked, which we did.

Georgian beef with tkemali


  • fatty beef - 500 grams,
  • onions - 4 heads,
  • tkemali - 1-1.5 cups,
  • green onions - 4 branches,
  • cilantro greens - 4 sprigs,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • salt and capsicum to taste.


Cut the beef into small portions, chop the bones, wash thoroughly.

Salt the meat, put in a pan and fry on all sides in highly heated fat. Then transfer to a cauldron or saucepan, pour in the fat left over from frying, add a few tablespoons of water and simmer under the lid until soft. At the end of stewing, put the peeled onions cut into circles. Add pitted tkemali plums boiled in water (or add already cooked tkemali sauce).

Shortly before removing from heat, add chopped green onions (green onions can be replaced with fresh dill), chopped cilantro and crushed chilli. Stir, remove from heat and serve. Bon Appetit!

Remember Quentin Tarantino's famous film Pulp Fiction? There, Vincent Vega suggests to Mia, the wife of Marcellus Wallace: "Let's go better than steaks." What is a steak? A steak is a fried, thick piece of meat cut from an animal's carcass, usually beef, but not required. The meat is cut across the grain.

In Viking language, steak means frying. Roast beef is known to us in the form of dishes "roast beef" - literally "fried beef", or steak - literally "piece of beef". The classic steak is beef, better known in America, they even say that the steak is a purely American invention. At least in America, the criteria for selecting meat for steaks are very strict.

It is hardly possible to cook a classic steak at home, due to the complex technology of preparing meat and frying it, and it is very difficult to find the meat you need. Tolley business -!

But the pork loin on the grill - the cue ball, with preliminary marinating in, is easy to prepare. Marinated pork roasts well. Recipes for marinating meat are known, and everyone has their own.

Tkemali fruit acids marinate meat excellently, giving it a unique taste. The sauce is easy to prepare and, if prepared correctly, can be stored for a very long time. The base of the sauce is tkemali or cherry plum. Better wild, but cultured from the garden is also suitable. Cultured less dense and less acidic.

As a side dish for meat with tkemali, a Caucasian summer vegetable salad with a dressing of nuts, herbs and garlic, as well as other salads, is perfect. Grilled pork loin with sour tkemali sauce - delicious meat, perfect for a picnic.

Pork loin. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Pork on the bone 2 pieces
  • Tkemali sauce 3-4 tbsp l.
  • Dry white wine 0.5 cups
  • Salt, black pepper, coriander Spices
  • Carrots, onions, parsnip and celery roots, parsley for garnish
  1. Pork loin or "cue ball" on the bone. To cook meat with tkemali for two, you need one piece weighing 220-250 grams, one per serving. You need fresh meat, but not fresh, since cooking fresh meat is a whole science, complex and obscure. The meat should be cut across the grain and be thick enough.

    Pork loin or "cue ball" on the bone

  2. It is not necessary to beat off the meat, it is prepared in a whole piece. Season the pork with salt and pepper, sprinkle with a little ground coriander. Smear the meat with the prepared tkemali sauce.
  3. Fold the meat with tkemali in a ceramic or glass dish with a lid, pour white dry wine and leave to marinate for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.

    Smear the meat with the prepared tkemali sauce. Leave for pickling

  4. Grease the grill of the barbecue with vegetable oil and put pieces of marinated meat with tkemali on it, and the remains of tkemali can not be removed.

    Place the marinated pork on the grill

  5. Fry the meat with tkemali for 5-6 minutes on each side, until fully cooked.

    Fry meat for 5-6 minutes on each side

  6. To get a beautiful mesh pattern from the grill - after half the time, turn the meat 90 degrees.

    Fry the meat until cooked through

  7. While the meat is fried with tkemali, cook: tomato, cucumber, sweet pepper, hot pepper, garlic, onion. Season with a chopped mixture of nuts, basil, cilantro, salt and wine vinegar.
  8. Or, if you prefer a hot side dish to meat with tkemali, it is better to cut carrots, celery root and parsnips into large cubes. Fry over high heat in vegetable oil, add the onion, chopped into large strips and fry everything together until the onions and vegetables are cooked. Spices are to taste, but grilled pork loin is especially tasty when spiced.

    Prepare fried vegetables for garnish

  9. Put ready-made fried meat with tkemali on a plate, add salad or vegetable side dish.