What is the best way to marinate a kebab. Step-by-step recipe for kefir kebab

18.08.2019 Egg dishes

For a good barbecue, you need to take only the highest quality, proven or fish. A small amount of fat is welcome.

The flesh should be cut into pieces weighing about 50 g. A good marinade for kebabs, among other things, often contains onions. It adds spice to the marinade, and the dish with it will turn out to be more juicy. Onion rings, after the main ingredient has been marinated, are sometimes strung on skewers, alternating with pieces of meat or fish. For 2 kg of pulp, 700 g of onions are required. The ratio is approximate. It is believed that you cannot spoil a kebab with onions. It is desirable that the onion heads are small - their diameter should not exceed the thickness of the sliced ​​pieces. Otherwise, the onions will go beyond them and burn, and this is not very tasty.

Place pieces of meat or fish in a large bowl, pour over the marinade and stir. After that, lay the onion between the pieces. It must also be marinated and it is desirable to preserve the integrity of the rings, otherwise it will not be possible to put it on skewers. Cover the bowl with a mug or plate, press down with oppression and put in a cool place. After a few hours, depending on the preferred marinade, as well as on the raw material that is pickled, you can start stringing and frying.

Traditional vinegar marinade

The vinegar marinade contains table vinegar - about 70-90 g, salt and ground pepper. There is no need to add water, since during the marinating process, the meat will let out juice, mix with vinegar and soak all the meat. You should be careful with salt, as during the frying process the meat loses some moisture, as a result of which the salt concentration increases. Some undersalting can later be compensated for with a sauce, which is served with a kebab. His recipe is at the end of the article.

A good kebab marinade made with table vinegar is suitable for all types of meat and fish.

Marinade with fruit vinegar

Natural fruit vinegar for kebabs is even better than ordinary table vinegar, however, due to its low concentration, and it does not exceed 4%, a longer exposure is required. Its amount is also taken more than 2-3 times, that is, half a glass. If ordinary table vinegar softens and soaks the meat in a couple of hours, then fruit and berry vinegar will take about 8 hours.

The best vinegar kebab marinade recipe usually involves using natural grape or apple cider vinegar infused with rosemary, tarragon, or basil. This marinade is used for cooking pork, beef, lamb, chicken, rabbit and fish such as salmon or sturgeon shashlik.

In addition to vinegar, the marinade contains salt and pepper. Onions are treated in the same way as in the case of a traditional marinade with table vinegar.

Marinade using red or white wine

The acids found in table wines do an excellent job of pickling. The best kebab marinade is always made with the color of the meat in mind. For dark meat, take red wine, and marinate chicken and fish in white. Ideal for marinating semi-sweet wine. White wine will give the kebab a slightly sour taste, which is beneficial for both chicken and fish. Of all the varieties of red wine, cabernet can be safely preferred. Its astringency goes well with meat of large animals, as well as rabbit meat. The best marinade for pork kebab is made with cognac. It is usually diluted in half with water or citrus juice.

For 2 kg of pulp, one glass of wine mixed with salt and ground pepper is enough. The taste of the marinade depends on the type of wine. Onions will come in handy in this case. It is recommended to grind it in a blender until smooth and put in a marinade. Send whole sprigs of fresh parsley there.

Marinade with mayonnaise

Modern gourmets are advised to marinate kebabs in mayonnaise. This method is most suitable for those cases when the meat does not have any fat at all and may turn out to be harsh, but the most knowledgeable people in the barbecue business claim that mayonnaise, as well as fermented milk products, is the best marinade for pork barbecue.

The mayonnaise contains all the ingredients necessary for pickling - vinegar, salt, pepper and even mustard. It is she who gives dry and tough meat unmatched juiciness and softness. The marinating time is quite long. It is best to leave the meat with mayonnaise in a cold place overnight. Since vegetable oil is present in the mayonnaise, the kebab will cook quickly enough. To get a delicate and aromatic meal, it is important not to overexpose the skewers over the fire. Here you need to follow very closely. When a piece of transparent liquid appears on the cut, the kebab is considered ready.

Soda water marinade

For the marinade, take mineral water with gas. It is desirable that this water has a pronounced taste and a high level of salinity. Carbon dioxide passes through the meat fibers and creates conditions for a deeper penetration of the aromatic components of the marinade into it. These are fresh herbs - parsley, celery, basil, tarragon, oregano and mint. The amount of salt and pepper is determined individually, based on the taste of the mineral water.

They do an excellent job with marinating and sugary carbonated drinks. Despite their apparent incompatibility with salt, pepper, onions and green herbs, meat is marinated in them very quickly. It turns out a very good marinade for kebabs from various types of meat. It undergoes the necessary hygienic treatment and acquires a wonderful taste.

Korean style marinade

Shish kebab lovers who know a lot about marinating meat recommend marinating it in liquid from Korean vegetables, which are sold in markets by weight. The strong taste of a very spicy solution marinates any meat perfectly. This is the best marinade for dark meat kebabs. The Koreans keep the composition of their pickles secret, but it is not necessary to know them. For 12 skewers, half a glass of Korean marinade made from any vegetables is enough.

Marinade with tomatoes

Another quick marinade option is canned tomatoes. It has all the necessary components. Tomatoes are also used for marinating meat. Several pieces need to be kneaded and combined with brine. Keep the meat in this composition for one night. The next day, the kebab can be fried.

As for fish, this is perhaps the best marinade for kebabs from it. In this case, marinating should not be too long - 15-20 minutes will be enough.

Marinade with pomegranate juice

In the southern regions, it is believed that the best lamb kebab marinade is obtained from pomegranate juice. Packaged canned juice is not suitable for this purpose. It is better to buy fresh on the market or squeeze it out of pomegranates yourself. For marinating 2 kg of meat, one glass of juice is enough.

In addition to juice, the marinade includes salt and pepper and fresh herbs. They need to be laid in whole branches. They shouldn't get on the skewers. Since the marinating process lasts about a day, during this time the plants have time to give all their aromas to the marinade.

The same marinade is good for beef.

It makes the color of the meat more intense and beautiful, and in some cases this can be very significant.

Beer Marinade

This marinade can be prepared with one beer with the usual spices, such as salt and pepper, without adding anything else, in the expectation that the hops and malt that gave the taste to the drink will do a good deed for the meat. It is on beer, according to the assurances of experts, that the best marinade for pork kebab is obtained. Only high-quality live beer is suitable for it, without the inclusion of preservatives and other artificial ingredients.

Beer marinade can transform familiar slices of cold cuts into an amazingly tasty dish.

Beer and pomegranate juice should be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. Put cilantro, basil, parsley and celery in the marinade and chop into porridge using a blender. Season with salt and pepper. Dip the meat into the marinade and keep it for 6 hours. If the kebab is scheduled for the second part of the day, then it is convenient to do it in the morning. So that the meat retains all the aromas and does not lose its juiciness, it should be removed from the marinade and poured with vegetable oil before being skewered. Such a kebab is fried faster than without oil. Its readiness is checked by cutting a piece of meat. As soon as the juice turns from red to clear, the kebab is ready. It is recommended to remove it a little undercooked. The best marinade for pork kebabs, and beer marinade is just such, has a unique preservation property, in which even raw meat will not harm health.

Marinade with lemon juice

This marinade is most suitable for fish, but may well be suitable for meat. Squeeze 150 grams of juice from several lemons, add salt, pepper, onions ground into porridge and green culinary herbs. Marinate not too long - no more than half an hour. Remove the pickled pieces from the sauce and pour over the vegetable oil. After that, immediately string on skewers and send to the grill.

Marinade on kefir

Fermented milk products are considered an excellent base for the marinade. In order to marinate 2 kg of meat, you need to prepare the following composition. Spicy herbs - cilantro, basil, dill, mint, celery and parsley - put in a blender. Send a few cloves of garlic and a couple of onions there. Season with salt, add ground pepper and pour in half a liter of kefir. All ingredients should be finely chopped and filled with a thick and aromatic mixture over the pieces of meat. The best marinade for chicken, pork, lamb or beef kebab is made on old kefir. The more acidic it is, the better. The duration of marinating depends on the type of meat. For chicken, 30-40 minutes is enough, and pork can be held for a day.

Marinade for chicken

Chicken breast fillet can be marinated in any of the ways suggested above, but we offer you the best chicken kebab marinade, tried and loved by many gourmets. In order for the marinade to be enough for one and a half kilograms of meat, you need to mix two tablespoons of ready-made mustard with the same amount of mayonnaise and soy sauce. Add a handful of suneli hops and a teaspoon of powdered sugar. Crush two large cloves of garlic and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Marinate in this composition for 40 minutes.

Kebab sauce

The main task of the marinade is to process raw meat products in such a way that they are completely safe to eat. After keeping the meat in one of the marinades we have proposed, it can be eaten raw, but it will be much tastier if it is scorched with the heat of the charcoal coal and sprinkled with the appropriate sauce.

We offer you a universal sauce that will go well with any kebab. If your kebab turned out to be bland due to the incorrect calculation of the amount of salt and hot pepper, then homemade tomato sauce will successfully compensate for all the mistakes.

Three kilograms of tomatoes should be scalded with boiling water and peeled. Rub through a sieve and pour into a large cast iron skillet or saucepan. Put on fire. Place 3 bay leaves, one small piece of ginger root and a cinnamon roll in a saucepan. When excess water evaporates, and the volume of tomato puree is reduced by 2 times, you can begin to enrich its taste. To do this, grind fresh dill, basil, tarragon, oregano, mint and 100 g of garlic in a blender. Grind 1 clove, 1 large peppercorn and 20 small peppercorns, a small pinch of cumin and black cumin into powder. Send all this to the tomatoes, after removing the cinnamon, bay leaf, ginger from the pan and adding salt and a coffee spoon of sugar to taste. Wait until it boils and turn it off.

If the sauce turns out to be more than needed, then it can be folded into a glass jar, pour a little oil on top, cover with a lid and send it to the refrigerator until the next shish kebab.

Shish kebab is a favorite dish of many. The kebab season usually begins in May, according to statistics, every tenth Russian is chosen for the May holidays in nature. And what kind of outdoor recreation without barbecue? And here the questions begin: how to marinate the meat so that the kebab is soft, juicy, fragrant? In this article, you will find 5 of the best marinade recipes for pork kebabs.

Which recipe to choose is a matter of taste for everyone. There are disputes and discussions about the kebab marinade. There is no one single correct recipe, because everyone has different tastes. And it is possible to decide which is the best way only experimentally. Write in the comments how you marinate the kebab, let's see which marinade gets more votes!

Now let's get down to cooking!

Shish kebab tips and secrets

For pork kebab, it is better to take a neck. This meat is quite fatty, the kebab will turn out to be very tasty. Also pay attention to the freshness of the meat, do not take frozen meat.

Cut the meat for the shish kebab into small pieces, so that it is convenient to eat this shish kebab later. Too large pieces will take a long time to cook, they will burn on the outside, but will remain moist on the inside. Too small pieces will dry out.

Many kebab owners claim that meat cannot be salted while marinating. This is because salt draws the juice out of the meat, making it dry and tough. They say that meat should be salted either directly during frying or at the end of the marinating process. Others, on the contrary, argue that you can salt the meat during marinating to make it tasty. How to proceed is up to you. It all depends on personal preference.

You need to fry meat when it is at room temperature. Do not start frying meat that has just been taken out of the refrigerator (if marinated for a long time), let it warm up a little.

You need to fry the kebab on the already burnt "gray" coals. On the skewer, you need to string the pieces one to one so that there are no gaps. However, do not press them too tightly. If a piece of fat is hanging from a piece of meat, cut it off so that it does not burn.

When the meat begins to brown, fat drips from it into the coals, which ignites a flame. To put out the fire quickly and easily, sprinkle some salt over the coals where they ignited. The salt will instantly absorb the fat, and you don't have to pour the fire into it (often during cooking, the meat is poured with wine, water, vinegar, but you can do without it).

Flip the kebab when you hear a hiss. It is better to turn over more often than allow it to burn.

Pork kebab marinade with ayran (carbonated tan) and onion

This marinade can be called one of the most delicious. The meat according to this recipe turns out to be very tender and aromatic. Ayran is good because it is both a milk drink, and sour and carbonated. All these properties work very well on meat. It is enough to marinate meat in ayran for 2 hours, after which it can already be fried.

For this marinade you will need:

  • pork (better neck) - 2 kg
  • onions - 1.5 kg
  • ayran - 1.5 l
  • pepper mixture - 3 pinches
  • salt to taste
  • any spices - to taste (you can take a mixture for barbecue or cumin, or koreander)

How to marinate pork in ayran.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Salt the onion and crush it well with your hands so that the onion exudes juice. Onion juice is a very important ingredient in pork marinade, it gives the meat the flavor and tenderness it needs. You can even marinate meat without the onion itself, but only with squeezed onion juice. In the next marinade recipe, I will write how to do it.

Cut the meat into portions and add to well-mashed onions. Mix the meat and onion well with your hands. Give the meat a massage, remember it, so it will better absorb the marinade.

Now pour the ayran on the meat and onions and leave it to marinate for a couple of hours. You can leave it overnight, just put it in the refrigerator. We will add pepper and other spices later, before frying, because spices without oil will still not reveal their aroma.

Remove the meat from the marinade before stringing the kebab onto the skewer. Remove the onion from the slices, you do not need to fry it, because it will burn anyway. Put the meat in a separate container, add a mixture of peppers and cumin (or other spices if desired) to it. Stir and string on skewers.

Grill the kebab until tender. Serve the kebab with your favorite sauce. Bon Appetit!

Onion marinade for pork kebab

Onion juice is a great pork marinade. When marinating meat for barbecue, you can do without vinegar and other acids, and use only a lot of onions. In this case, the meat will be tasty and aromatic. Vegetable oil is always used as a conductor for spices so that they better reveal their spicy bouquet and soak the meat well. Mustard is a natural way to further soften meat.

Ingredients for onion and mustard marinade.

  • pork pulp - 1500 gr.
  • onions - 1 kg
  • black peppercorns - 15 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • mustard powder - 1 tablespoon
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • salt - 1.5 tsp


Peel and chop the onion in a way convenient for you: grate, chop in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Now you need to squeeze the juice out of this onion gruel. Use a strainer to squeeze the juice out of the onion.

Cut the meat into small pieces (about 40-50 gr.), Put in a bowl, in which you will marinate it. Pour in 1 tbsp. dry mustard, stir with your hands, massaging the meat. Grind the peppercorns in a mortar or mill and add to the meat. Break the bay leaf and send it there. Mix everything well with your hands. Pour in 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and salt the meat, stir.

Pour the onion juice over the meat, stir and leave to marinate at room temperature for 2 hours. If you will fry the kebab the next day, then cover the container and send it to the refrigerator.

The marinade is ready. Your kebabs will definitely turn out to be very tasty if you cook according to this recipe!

Pork kebab marinade with kiwi

Kiwi is a very healthy fruit that contains natural acid in sufficient quantities. For marinating meat, it is better to use this acid than artificial vinegar. But it is important to know that when marinating kebabs with kiwi marinade, you should not leave the meat overnight. Kiwi very much softens the meat fibers, so 30 minutes - 2 hours of marinating - is enough and you can fry.

This marinade is quick and tasty, the kebabs are juicy. It is very suitable if your meat is not very fatty, or you doubt its quality, or you need to quickly marinate the meat.

Choose kiwi as ripe and soft as possible, so that it runs the juice well.


  • pork - 2 kg
  • kiwi - 1 pc. (100 gr.)
  • onions - 0.5 kg
  • pepper, salt, spices - to taste


Cut the meat into pieces. Season with salt and pepper. It is good to use a mixture of peppers. Mix everything with your hands, not forgetting to mash the meat.

Peel and grind the onion into a pulp in a blender. Add the onion gruel to the meat. The onion is finely chopped so that the meat is in better contact with it and is well saturated with its juice. Optionally, you can cut the onion into half rings and mash it with salt (as in the first marinade recipe) or squeeze the juice out of the onion and use only the juice (as in the second recipe).

Stir the meat and onion with your hands.

Peel the kiwi and use your hands to grind it into the meat. Stir everything together again and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours.

Put the meat on a skewer and fry. Bon Appetit!

Pork barbecue marinade with kefir

Many people like kefir marinade the most. But this is a matter of taste. Try to marinate pork in this way, perhaps you will also become a fan of marinade with kefir. To prepare such a marinade you will need:

  • pork - 2.5 kg
  • onions - 1 kg
  • low-fat kefir - 1-1.5 l
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • ground bay leaf - to taste
  • salt to taste


Rinse the meat well, clean it from films and excess fat. Cut the meat into portions. Peel the onion and cut into a medium dice. Use your hands to crush the onion well so that it lets out the juice.

At this stage, we do not salt the meat, but only put spices in it. First, put black pepper in the meat and mix well with your hands. There should be enough pepper so that pepper is visible on each piece after mixing. Also put the peppers in the onions and toss them. The bay leaf is laid next, also separately in meat, separately in onions. Also, mix and mash everything with your hands.

Now combine the onion with the meat in one container.

Pour kefir over the meat, mix everything well. Leave the meat to marinate at room temperature for 2-3 hours. Or refrigerate overnight.

Have you forgotten that we didn't salt the meat from the very beginning? The meat will need to be salted about 40-60 minutes before frying. Salt the meat, stir and you can start lighting the fire.

Put the meat on a skewer and start frying it. During frying, you can grease the meat with kefir marinade.

Pork kebab marinade with vinegar and onions

There is a lot of controversy between all kebab lovers about this marinade. Some argue that vinegar is the best marinade, others write that in no case should you marinate in vinegar. In any case, vinegar is a Soviet classic, the taste of childhood. If you want to make a kebab with vinegar, then it is better not to marinate for a long time so that the meat does not become tough. A couple of hours will be enough for the meat to marinate. But, if it is impossible in another way, leave the meat to marinate overnight.

Ingredients for the vinegar marinade:

  • pork - 1.5 kg
  • onions - 700 gr.
  • table vinegar (9%) - 50 ml
  • salt - 1, 5 tsp
  • black pepper - 1 tsp


Cut the meat into the required pieces. Peel and cut the onion into rings.

Now you need to take a container in which you will marinate the meat. It is desirable that it be plastic or glassware. We spread in this container in layers: meat, onions, a little vinegar, salt, pepper and again everything in the same sequence. Cover the meat with a plate and put on a press (water bottle). Leave at room temperature for 1 hour. Then put the meat in the refrigerator.

It remains to fry a kebab and enjoy its taste!

I think that from these 5 options you will definitely choose your favorite and best marinade for pork kebab. I look forward to your comments, see you in the next article!

In favor of the Asian origin of this dish, not only its name speaks, but also the preparation of barbecue itself - in the desert and steppe regions of Eurasia, due to a shortage of wood, it was faster and more convenient to cook finely chopped meat. Therefore, even today everyone is well aware that a delicious shish kebab will be prepared for you just somewhere in Central Asia or in the Caucasus. A delicious barbecue recipe is a visiting card of an Asian culinary specialist. Moreover, kebab recipes different peoples have their own. The marinating of the kebab (soaking the kebab), the methods of cooking the kebab may differ. The hereditary Caucasian chefs from generation to generation pass on the secrets of how to marinate a kebab, how to properly fry a kebab. But the Russian people first learned how to make shish kebab in the middle of the 18th century thanks to the Russian-Turkish war. I must say that kebabs quickly took root all over Russia.

Three hundred years later, in theory, everyone knows how to fry a kebab, how to marinate a kebab or how to soak a kebab, but in practice, not everyone can cook a real fragrant, soft, juicy kebab. To know how to cook the right shish kebab, it would be nice to watch the work of the master or watch a video: you need to know the shish kebab when to turn it over, when to turn down / add fire, when to shoot. In this sense, video kebab recipes really help.

So, if you decide to cook a kebab, the cooking recipes differ from each other in the type of meat and ingredients for the marinade. In principle, any meat can be used for barbecue, but classic barbecue or real barbecue is traditionally made from lamb. If you love pork, the best kebab comes from the neck.

The recipe for marinating barbecue is perhaps the most important point. There are many answers to the question "how to marinate meat for barbecue?" Usually they use salt, black pepper, onions, herbs, lemon, and other spices. A few words about how to properly marinate a kebab. The main serving of salt in shashlik it is better to add 15-30 minutes before frying, otherwise it can release all the juice from the meat. One of the main ingredients is onion, so there is never too much onion for barbecue. Vegetable juices, for example, tomato juices, soften meat well and give it a pleasant taste. If you are an exotic lover, add pomegranates, oranges or even kiwi to the meat. Place the saucepan in a cool place and wait 3-4 hours. Super mega kebabs are guaranteed to you!

In our age of chronic haste and lack of time, many are interested in how to cook barbecue quickly. Therefore, we will tell you how to quickly marinate the kebab: we recommend adding white wine (but not vinegar!), Beer or kefir to the standard set for the marinade: after 2-3 hours the marinating of the kebab will be completed. A quick barbecue is guaranteed for you!

Barbecue at home - too shashlik, but it cannot be compared with a kebab prepared in nature. Homemade kebabs do not smell like smoke, river, fresh May greens. And of course, even the most delicious shish kebab loses all meaning if you eat it without wine, fresh vegetables, and even more so alone. Gather your friends, go to nature, cook a barbecue, take a photo, post them with us as barbecue recipes with a photo. And thousands of people who every year on the eve of the May holidays are looking for how to cook a barbecue, how to cook a barbecue, how to cook a barbecue correctly, how to marinate meat for barbecue, how to cook a delicious barbecue, how to cook a delicious barbecue, how to soak a barbecue, how to marinate a delicious barbecue, how to marinate a kebab deliciously, how to properly marinate a kebab, they will thank you.

Shish kebab is a delicious dish for eating, from which the mood rises and bliss for the body comes. There are many varieties of it, but the classic one is always made from meat:. The exceptions are chicken and fish.

Skewering chunks of meat on skewers and roasting over coals according to certain rules is a classic of perfect cooking meat with a smoke smell.

Cooking on skewers in the oven, in a frying pan of minced meat and various fish in the following articles.

Rules for making a classic barbecue

For cooking, it is better to take young and juicy meat. To get good results. the following rules should be observed:

  • Avoid cooking with frozen meat. Because frozen meat contains significantly less nutrients than fresh meat. No matter what they say, no matter how they marinate, the fibers from the frozen meat will be tough.
  • Avoid steaming meat from freshly slaughtered animals. The blood should drain from the carcass, the meat should "rest" for several hours, lie down. In the old days, it was generally considered a prohibition to cook dishes immediately from the shot game - 2 - 3 days should pass.
  • Stringy meat is not suitable.

The best barbecue grill is the traditional grill used by most people today. You can see what kind of barbecues are in our modern life in the blog.

According to experts and people from the people, the best firewood is vine firewood. Further in decreasing quality are: white acacia, dogwood, blackthorn, beech, oak. you have already realized that only deciduous trees are suitable.

The criterion for the quality of firewood is the amount and heat of the coals.

Buy better ready-made charcoal and use it. As a rule, the charcoal sold in bags is made from birch chunks.

If you use wood, then it should burn almost smokeless, give a lot of coal with a good heat and not be tarry - such is the quality of the wood itself.

The height of the barbecue for frying meat should be such that the meat is 10-15 cm above the coals, or even lower. It is more convenient to make a brazier with grate bars (small) and a blower, in order to create traction depending on the wind and weather.

In the absence of a barbecue, the hearth can be folded from an improvised non-combustible material: stones or bricks for frying the barbecue.

Classic pork skewers - how to marinate with vinegar for a delicious meal


  • 2 kg of pork tenderloin, not too oily, or
  • 3 kg of brisket on the bone (very tasty too)
  • 100 ml white wine vinegar
  • 1 kg of onion
  • salt pepper

For filing: 4 sweet onions + thick or thin pita bread


Cut the pork belly into equal pieces with lard.

Cut the other piece with ribs in this way. so that the meat is located along the bone.

Each onion should be cut in half lengthwise, then cut into very thin half rings. Combine onion and vinegar, season well with black pepper. Combine meat and marinade in a large saucepan, hand toss for 5 minutes. Then fold the meat and marinade tightly into a container, cover and marinate at room temperature for 2 to 3 hours.

Take skewers wide and flat so that the meat does not turn when frying.

String the meat so that it runs along the skewer without hanging from it. The pieces must be of the same size and quality so that they cook evenly. Then place the skewers with meat at a distance of 10 - 15 cm from the coals and fry, remembering to turn them evenly, until cooked and browned.

In a large bowl, chop the onion coarsely, take a large piece of pita bread and use it to remove the hot pieces of meat. Sprinkle the kebab in a bowl with onions. Thus, it undergoes heat treatment, absorbs the taste of meat and becomes a separate snack.

This is how a dish of ribs looks like if you decide to perform this version of the classic preparation of meat with bone and wine vinegar.

Pork kebab recipe and mineral water marinade


  • 2 kg pork neck
  • 4 onions
  • mineral water
  • ground black pepper, ground coriander, salt


Cut the pork into pieces, cut the onion into half rings, pepper and sprinkle with ground coriander.

Place the meat together with the onions in a saucepan and pour over the mineral water to cover the meat. put oppression on the meat and leave for 4 hours. Then add salt to the meat to taste. Next, you should string pieces of meat on skewers according to all the rules and fry over coals.

Classic lamb barbecue - a dish for a festive table


  • 500 g lamb
  • 2 onions
  • 100 g green onions
  • 200 g tomatoes
  • 0.5 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon oil


Cut into even pieces (20 - 25 g) the kidney or the flesh of the hind leg of the mutton, put in a bowl, season with salt, sprinkle with ground black pepper. Then put the grated onion there, pour with vinegar, mix and keep in a cold place for 5 - 6 hours.

The meat of young lambs is not watered with vinegar, but sprinkled with pepper, salt, parsley is placed and kept for 2 - 3 hours in the cold.

Shashlik is fried over coals for about 15 - 20 minutes. In order for the meat to cook evenly, the skewers must be turned frequently.

The finished pieces of meat must be removed from the skewers, put on a dish, and sprinkled with oil. Serve as a garnish with green onions, sliced ​​tomatoes, lemon. boiled rice. Serve separately ground dried barberry or pomegranate juice.

Beef kebab - the most delicious marinade to keep the meat soft


According to this recipe, the meat becomes soft even if it was very tough. You can even take meat frozen. Let the meat thaw. Then cut the beef into pieces from a matchbox.

Pour a layer of allspice with peas on the bottom of the pan. Cover it on top with a layer of bay leaf. Put a layer of onion cut into rings, a layer of meat on top, salt and pepper with ground red pepper, put a layer of onion again and alternate so on. The last layer should be onions. Lay a layer of bay leaf on top of it.

On top of the bay leaf layer, put a layer of tomato paste in a finger thick and vinegar (put 1 spoonful of vinegar for 1 kg of meat). Cover all this with an inverted plate and put about 10 kg of oppression on top. Withstand a day. After a day, drain the soup, throw out the top layer of the lavrushka and transfer the meat to another dish, leaving the bottom layer of the lavrushka and peppercorns in the old one.

Then squeeze the lemon into the meat, add dry white wine. After 2 hours, you can fry with skewers in a charcoal grill.

Lamb shish kebab with vinegar: a classic way of cooking meat in Tajik style


  • 1200 g lamb
  • 200 g onions
  • 50 g vinegar 3%
  • 30 g cumin
  • 50 g greens
  • ground black pepper, salt


Cut the lamb pulp into 25 gram pieces. Season with salt, pepper, mix with finely chopped onions, cumin, pour over with vinegar and put in the cold for 4 hours.

Then string the pieces of meat on skewers and fry over hot coals.

When serving, place the meat on a plate and sprinkle with chopped onions and herbs.

Pork kebab marinades: how to marinate meat in pomegranate juice


  • 2 kg pork neck
  • 1 glass of fresh pomegranate juice
  • 4 tomatoes
  • onion
  • cloves, basil, parsley, black pepper, salt


Cut the pork into portions and place as the first layer in an enamel pan. Cut the onions into rings and lay them in a second layer. Finely chop the greens and sprinkle the meat and onions.

Then put clove flowers on top and cover with pomegranate juice. Put the container with marinated meat in a cool place for 4 hours. Stir every hour. Season with salt before the last stirring.

As a result, start stringing meat on skewers, alternating with tomato circles and frying over coals in the grill.

Shish kebab: a signature pork recipe, and people's marinade with beer!


  • 2 kg of pork (neck)
  • coarse sea salt
  • 5 onions
  • 500 ml of dark live beer
  • 5 - 6 sun-dried tomatoes
  • ground black pepper

Recipe preparation:

Rinse and dry the meat. Cut it into large pieces so that each has fat on it.

Then make the marinade: grate the onion and transfer the onion gruel to a bowl with the meat,

salt and pepper to taste, pour in all the beer. Stir and marinate for at least 5 to 6 hours.

Then remove from the marinade, string on metal skewers and grill on the grill over apple, pear or aspen wood coals. Reviews from the people are excellent, the people are in the subject!

A method of cooking juicy pork shish kebab on the grill - video

Enjoy barbecues on the coals, in the fresh air, with a smoke!

Who doesn't love delicious barbecue? I think there are few people who are indifferent to tasty, soft, juicy, aromatic kebabs. But how to marinate the meat so that the shish kebab turns out just like that? Read the answer to this question in this article. Here are 4 of the best marinade recipes for pork kebabs.

In fact, there are many recipes for marinades. And opinions on how to properly marinate meat are also countless. Therefore, choose the marinade to your liking, or rather experiment and find the best marinade for yourself. In this article, read detailed recipes for pork marinade with onions and vinegar, marinade with lemon, mineral water, beer, and kefir.

In addition, pork for barbecue can be marinated in ayran (tan), in pomegranate juice, in mayonnaise, in soy sauce, in tomato juice, with kiwi, with mustard, etc. The basis for any marinade is onion, or rather onion juice. To give the onion juice, you need to mash it well or chop it into gruel. Next come the spices, here a wide field for experiment is already opening up.

There is debate and debate about salt. Some people think that salt should be added in the process of frying the kebab or at the end of marinating. This is because salt draws juice from the meat, making it dry. But at the same time, the meat may not remain salty in the middle. Others believe that you can salt the marinade, and this will not affect the juiciness of the finished kebab. I believe the marinade can be salted if it is a quick marinade for one hour. If you are going to leave the meat to marinate overnight, then salt it an hour before frying.

Delicious and quick pork marinade with onions and vinegar.

The vinegar marinade is loved by many, but many also believe that vinegar makes meat tough. I want to say right away that vinegar is not a required ingredient in this recipe. It should be put in if you are making a quick marinade. That is, they cooked it, an hour later they fried a barbecue. If you want to marinate the meat for the night, then you do not need to put the vinegar. With prolonged contact with vinegar, meat can actually become harsh.

An important ingredient in this marinade is onion, or rather onion juice, which will make the meat tasty and aromatic. And also a good selection of barbecue spices. In this way, pork is marinated for barbecue in many restaurants of Caucasian cuisine.

For such a marinade you will need:

  • pork (preferably neck) - 2 kg
  • onions - 1.5 kg
  • vinegar - 2 tsp
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • thyme - 1 tsp
  • ground bay leaf - 1 tsp
  • red paprika - 1 tsp
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons

Cooking marinade with onions and vinegar.

Wash the meat and cut into portions weighing 60-70 grams. The good thing about the neck is that it is quite fat, and the kebabs are juicy and soft. If you are trying to maintain your figure, then choose lean meat, but marinate it a little longer.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

Place the onion on top of the pieces of meat and crush it with your hands to let the juice drain. Toss the onion with the meat so that each piece of meat can be soaked in the onion juice. Shish kebab meat needs to be mixed with your hands, while remembering the meat a little, as if you were giving him a massage. This way the meat will marinate better and absorb the desired flavors.

Salt the meat. Usually kebab is salted in a ratio of 1 tsp. salt per 1 kg of meat. And add all the spices to the meat with onions: paprika, black pepper, bay leaf, thyme (softens meat very well). It is customary to add thyme in the Caucasus, this herb goes very well with pork and makes the shish kebab more tender and spicy.

Now pour over all this wealth with vegetable oil. Oil is a conductor for spices. Only with vegetable oil will the spices reveal their aroma and soak the meat well.

And add vinegar to the meat. It is important to remember that you need a little vinegar, just a little.

It remains to mix the workpiece well and send it to the refrigerator to marinate. Such a shish kebab can be fried after 30 minutes, if the meat was fresh and fat enough. If there are doubts about the quality of the product, then marinate it a little longer, about 2 hours.

When the meat is marinated, you can put it on a skewer and grill it over coals. Be sure to make sure that there is no open fire under the meat. When melted fat gets on the coals, a flame ignites. You can quickly extinguish the fire with a pinch of salt, which absorbs fat almost instantly. In the place where you salted, the fire will no longer light up. If you pour water over the coals, the temperature drops, which affects the roasting and taste of the barbecue. And in the place where there was water, fat can again ignite.

You do not need to turn the shish kebab very often, about every one and a half minutes. But do not keep the kebab for too long without turning it over, so that it does not burn.

When the meat is evenly cooked, remove from the skewers and serve with fresh vegetables and sauce. Bon Appetit!

Shish kebab with lemon, onion and mineral water.

Highly carbonated water softens pork very well, so one of the most delicious marinades is considered to be a marinade with mineral water. In this recipe, in addition to onions (which are in all marinades) and soda, lemon juice is also used. This ingredient is already not for everybody. Some people think that lemon is only combined with fish and does not need to be added to meat. Others argue that lemon has a special zesty taste.

I will note that marinade with lemon will make your meat very tasty, you just need not to overdo it with lemon. If you put too much lemon juice, then the meat will be too sour, which can no longer be called a delicious barbecue.

For such a marinade, you will need:

  • pork - 2 kg
  • highly carbonated mineral water - 250 ml (full faceted glass)
  • onions - 7 pcs. middle
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • coarse sea salt - 1 tablespoon or to taste
  • barbecue seasoning - to taste or 2 tbsp.


As usual, we wash the meat, remove, if necessary, films and veins. Cut the meat into medium sized pieces. Too small pieces can quickly burn or dry out. Chunks that are too large will remain soggy inside. It is optimal for a piece of meat to weigh about 60 grams. It is also good for barbecue when there is a fat layer on each piece, which will give additional juiciness.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

Salt the onion and crush it well with your hands so that the onion releases the juice. Onion juice is the main ingredient in pork marinade. If the onion is simply chopped and mixed with the meat, then the kebab will not be as aromatic as when marinating with onion juice. By and large, simply chopped onion does not give anything in the marinade, it is important to extract the juice from it.

Sometimes, for better contact with meat, the onion is chopped into gruel or squeezed out of juice, and the cake is thrown away. You can use any of these methods.

Add well-mashed onions to the meat. Also add your favorite spices or take ready-made kebab seasoning. Mix everything well with your hands.

When the meat is mixed with onions and spices, add lemon juice and highly carbonated mineral water. Mix everything together again. Now cover the meat and send it to marinate in the refrigerator for 5-10 hours. During this time, you will need to mix it several times.

After the meat has been marinated, it's time to get out into nature. Light a fire, wait for the coals to burn out and cover with gray ash. Put pieces of meat on a skewer and fry, remembering to turn over for even frying.

Pork shashlik with kefir.

Kefir is increasingly becoming an ingredient in kebab marinades. Kefir gives meat a certain creamy flavor that many people like.

For kefir marinade you will need:

  • pork - 2 kg
  • onions - 7 pcs. middle
  • kefir - 1 liter
  • garlic - 3 heads
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • salt - 1 tablespoon
  • a mixture of peppers - to taste


Peel the garlic, wash the parsley. Grind the garlic with the herbs in a blender.

Cut the meat into medium pieces (about 50-70 gr.), Salt and pepper. You can add other spices if you like. Zira, star anise, coriander, thyme, paprika, and basil go well with pork. Or you can use a ready-made kebab spice mix.

Cut the onion into half rings and put it in the meat. Now mix everything well with your hands, while crushing the onion so that it lets out the juice. Each piece of meat should be spiced.

Now add chopped herbs with garlic to the meat and mix everything with your hands. And the last stage is the addition of kefir. Just pour all the prepared meat with 1 liter of kefir and stir with your hands so that all the meat is in the marinade.

This concludes the preparation of the marinade. Leave the meat to marinate for 2 hours at room temperature or refrigerate overnight. After that, you can fry a barbecue and enjoy the taste of meat!

Marinade with beer for pork kebab.

Many men love beer marinade. Alcohol is evaporated during cooking, leaving only a peculiar taste and smell of hops and malt. Therefore, if you want to eat a tender kebab with the aroma of beer, then read this simple recipe.


  • pork - 1 kg
  • light beer - 300-500 ml
  • white onions - 3-4 pcs.
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • oregano or spices for barbecue - to taste


Cut the meat into pieces (about 2.5 cm wide). If there are enough fatty layers in the meat, then the kebab will turn out to be more juicy. The ideal meat for barbecue is pork neck, it is soft and quite fatty.

Season the meat with salt and pepper. It is better to use freshly ground pepper, it is more aromatic than ready-made ground pepper. If there is no pepper mill, then peppercorns can be ground in a mortar or in a napkin using a rolling pin.

You can take onions and onions. But white onions have a less pungent smell, so if possible, take them. Cut the onion into half rings and place with the meat. You can also add spices to kebabs or oregano.

Pour the light beer over the meat and onions. Remember the onion well with your hands and stir everything together. It is important that the beer envelops each bite from all sides, so take the time and mix the meat with the marinade well.

Cover the container with the future masterpiece with a lid and set the meat to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Better to keep him there all night. Now it remains to fry this delicious kebab and eat it with your favorite sauce and vegetables. Bon Appetit!

I hope you have chosen the recipe you like. Write what kind of kebabs you got and what kind of marinade you used. On this I say goodbye, see you in the next article! If you liked the article, share it with your friends. To do this, simply click the social media buttons below. Recipes for other main courses