Meatless Oregon Pea Soup. Pea puree in broth (split green peas)

02.11.2019 Egg dishes

Pea puree in broth (split green peas)

Pea puree can also be served in small portions - in tartlets

Recently cooked, garlic and spices and. There was a fine, fragrant spicy broth (NOT salty). I decided to cook green split peas Mistral on it. It turns out to be very tasty on the water, but on the broth - you can’t come off at all!

I also added garlic from the head boiled in broth to the pea puree. It's not obligatory. It was just a pity to throw away such a tasty thing. But you can serve these garlic cloves in general as an independent addition to mashed potatoes and meat.


for 3-4 servings

  • Split green peas (fast-cooking) - 1 cup;
  • Non-salted broth (preferably fatty, from pork, brisket, pig ears, lamb) - 2-2.5 cups;
  • Tomato sauce Krasnodar or tomato paste - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • Freshly ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Dried basil - a whisper;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Possible additives are fried onion rings, garlic, herbs (basil, parsley, mint), sweet pepper (fried with onions or fresh), lemon juice.

Similarly, you can cook red lentils (instant boiled). And you get a delicious lentil puree.

How to cook

  • A prerequisite is unsalted broth. If the broth was salted, then it is better to boil the peas in plain water (otherwise the cooking time will increase significantly). Pour green chopped peas into the broth (cold or hot), cook for 40-50 minutes until the peas are completely softened and strongly boiled. If it turns out that the peas are still harsh, and the broth has boiled away, add more broth or water. Be sure to stir: at the beginning of cooking - sometimes, towards the end - quite often, so as not to burn.
  • When the peas are well boiled (ready) - add tomato sauce, ground pepper, basil, salt. If the peas have turned into a puree, but it is watery, boil down to the desired density. Keep in mind that the finished hot puree will thicken when solidified and become like a pate, and after cooling it will completely harden and will be cut off with a spoon like soft butter. Therefore, when you see that the puree has turned out (everything is soft) and the mass begins to slightly stick to the walls of the pan - you're done!

The taste of this dish is similar to meat pea porridge (remember, there were such canned food in Soviet times, with meat and fat?), Only the taste of our pea puree in strong meat broth turns out to be more refined and interesting! The thickened puree can be spread on bread like a pate or put into tartlets for appetizers on the festive table (as in the beautiful photos of Natasha Rybka).

Pea puree heated in a container. Delicious both cold and hot.

Delicious pea puree
can be an appetizer, and a side dish, and an independent dish.

Puree is convenient to spread in tartlets. You can decorate with herbs, a slice of tomato or sausage

If you are preparing pea puree with onions, then it can be fried (stewed until soft) in vegetable or butter, or together with pieces of brisket. Season with salt and season with mashed potatoes. Together with onions, you can fry-stew and strips of Bulgarian sweet pepper.

If you do not want to fry, you can serve pea puree with fresh onion rings (tastier with red Yalta) or pickled onions.

If you cooked meat broth with a whole head of garlic, you can remove the garlic cloves soaked in broth from the shell and add them to the puree 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

When cooking green split peas on water, it will turn out. Such a dish will be tasty and simple with salt (because green split peas are very crumbly and satisfying, they have a rich, luxurious taste even without additives). And if you fill the puree with vegetable (or butter), oil, it will turn out even tastier. And with spices, onions, garlic, tomato sauce - generally super!

But . For those who do not have green peas, but only ordinary yellow -. Also very tasty! In general, you can also cook mashed potatoes in broth from ordinary peas, only it will take longer to cook.

Both adults and children love to eat green peas. In almost every garden there is a place for a vegetable legume, in addition, agricultural technology does not include complex activities. An important component of a good harvest is the selection of varieties and high-quality pea seeds. With the current range of seed, making a choice is not so easy, a description of the different varieties will help you with this.

In this article, you can get acquainted with the most popular varieties, the yield and quality of the fruits of which have been tested over the years.

The ripening period of the Alpha variety is early, from the moment the sprouts germinate above the soil surface to technical ripeness, 45-55 days pass. The variety is characterized by a stable yield (6-7 t/ha), resistance to Fusarium, ascochitosis and other diseases.

The height of the bush in centimeters reaches 55, 2 beans are formed in each sinus, 5-9 seeds develop in a pod 7-9 long.

Pea variety Alpha

The peculiarity of the culture lies in the high commercial value and taste due to the high sugar content in the composition.

When sowing, the following scheme is used: row spacing - 20, interval between seeds - 5, pea immersion depth - 3-4.

Peas of early ripening with a growing season of 55-60 days. The height of the bush reaches 50-70 cm, and therefore a garter is required. Pod parameters at the stage of technical ripeness: length - 7-8 cm, number of seeds - 5-9 pieces. The culture is resistant to ascochitosis and powdery mildew.

With properly carried out soil fertilization at the stage of preparation for sowing, it does not need further top dressing. Features of the fruit - a very sweet taste, ideal for canning. Yield indicators: 7-8 t/ha.

sugar peas


High-yielding variety with a ripening period of 45-56 days. The bush is formed to a height of up to 70 cm, so a garter or installation of trellises is required. In the axil, the plants develop 2 pods. At the stage of technical ripeness, the length of the pod reaches 8-10 cm, each contains 6-8 seeds.. Resistance to diseases is average, tolerance to Fusarium is noted.

Sowing works are carried out in May, and in June it is time to harvest (up to 1.3 kg per 1 m2). When planting, the scheme is used: 30x15, the depth of immersion of peas is up to 5-6 cm.

Regular application of mineral fertilizers prolongs the fruiting period, which increases the yield.


Super early variety of peas with a vegetation period of 50 days. The bush is formed of medium size, reaching a height of half a meter. Straight or slightly curved pods contain 6-9 peas. Friendly germination of crops is replaced by no less friendly fruiting.

Intensive maturation requires additional nutrients, which must be applied in the form of top dressing every 10 days. From a square meter, harvest up to 500 gr. When disembarking, the following scheme is used: 15x5, immersion depth - 4-6. Beans are used fresh, frozen and canned.

Description of the variety Ambrosia


High-yielding early ripe variety with a vegetation period of 65-69 days. The bushes are formed high, reaching 80 cm, so you should install a trellis along the bed or tie it to individual pegs. The pod is large, dark green in color, up to 9 cm long, contains 10-12 seeds. Disease resistance is average, the plant is tolerant to Fusarium wilt. Yield indicators: 7 t/ha.

When planting, a scheme is used: 20x6 cm. If high-quality soil fertilizer was carried out before sowing, then top dressing can be omitted.

Unpretentious high-yielding variety with a growing season of 60-70 days. A strong stem is formed up to a height of 80 cm, which involves the procedure for tying or installing a trellis. On one bush, an average of 14 pods are tied, each reaching a length of 5-8 cm, the number of peas is 6-9 pieces.

The peculiarity of the plant is the absence of a parchment layer, which allows you to use the fruits fresh without extracting them from the pods.

The beans are also suitable for freezing and canning.

The culture has an average resistance to diseases, withstands nighttime spring frosts, so it is suitable for growing in Siberia. Agricultural technology is very simple, no special conditions are imposed on watering and top dressing.

Pea seeds baby sugar

sugar oregon

Culture of medium early ripening with a vegetation period of 55-70 days. Peas are considered one of the best for growing in the Moscow region. The height of the bush sometimes exceeds 1 m, so it is necessary to install trellises along the beds. The length of the beans is on average 7-9 cm, each contains about 7 peas with a smooth surface. The peculiarity of Sugar Oregon lies in the thickness of the parchment layer, it is so thin that it allows you to use the fruit together with the pod.

When disembarking, the scheme is used: 30x15. Young shoots develop intensively in fertile soil rich in calcium (the environment should be neutral or slightly acidic). Aeration also affects the yield, so it is carried out regularly.


The culture is mid-season with a vegetation period of 68-85 days. The peculiarity lies in the high yield, about 18.9 centners are harvested from one hectare. The plant has good immunity, easily tolerates drought. Tolerance to root rot and ascochitosis is noted. The number of nodes up to the first inflorescence is 11-15, 3 flowers are formed on each.

Pea Seeds Oregon


The ripening period is early, the growing season lasts days. The bushes have a powerful stem, so with a height of 65-80 cm, a garter is not a mandatory event. Ripe pods reach a length of 8-9 cm, each contains 7-8 peas. The brain variety is distinguished by high commercial characteristics and taste.


A late maturing plant with a growing season of 78-96 days. Bushes are formed of medium length, so you need to make a garter.

Peas in a bean are formed small in 6-7 pieces, but very sweet, for which they are valued by farmers and culinary specialists.

Peas Troika

Yield indicators - 5 t/ha. Troika belongs to brain varieties, taste qualities, as well as commercial ones, are at their best.

Even a novice gardener can handle growing peas in open ground. As a reward for the time and effort spent, you can get a nutritious and vitamin-rich product that will complement many dishes with a delicate taste.

Today for lunch we had a delicious and hearty soup of green dried peas. I used such peas for the first time, I always bought yellow ones.) Green peas cook faster than their yellow counterpart))), and they taste softer, or something ...
Recipe from Ira-Iris from the Culinary Travel Club forum, photos and comments are mine.)

250 g dry green peas
1 onion
1 small carrot
2 garlic cloves
1 green bell pepper**
bunch of mint and basil***
100 g s/c bacon
salt, sugar****
red ground pepper*****

To begin with, we set the peas to boil, we don’t immediately salt the water, otherwise instead of 40 minutes our peas will boil for three hours. You can add 1/2 teaspoon of sugar for speed and flavor. But this is not at all necessary, green peas are cooked faster than yellow ones.
Bacon (preferably thinly sliced) cut across into small pieces and fry in a dry frying pan until crispy, then put on a paper towel to absorb excess fat. You should end up with some kind of bacon chips. Then, in the same pan, fry the chopped onion and garlic. When the excess liquid has evaporated and the onion becomes golden, add the carrots grated on a coarse grater, lightly fry and add finely chopped sweet pepper. Stew everything, lastly add the diced potatoes and continue to simmer until the potatoes are almost ready.
When the peas are almost ready, put the vegetables that we have in the pan into the pan, salt to taste, pepper, add finely chopped greens (mint and basil - this is the whole "trick" of the soup), boil for 5 minutes, remove the pan from the heat, Cover tightly and let the soup brew for 20 minutes.
Serve with garlic croutons and top each plate with crispy bacon bits and fresh basil greens.

** It is not at all important to use green peppers. These are purely color sensations. Use whatever you have. Although raw multi-colored peppers vary in taste, in my opinion.

*** There should be a decent amount of mint and basil - a full bunch in total, not three branches. This is the key to success.

**** Use optional sugar. Well, if you really need to cook peas very quickly. Sometimes sugar is added to dishes to enhance the flavor. Quite a bit, half a teaspoon per pan. And it does work...

***** There should be enough red pepper to be felt. You can even use fresh chili if you like.

My comments: We had this soup for lunch today. Only without bacon.) Delicious soup turned out from green peas and cooks faster, really. I grated potatoes, as Tamara does from the same KKP. But the potatoes were not stewed with onions and carrots, they were cooked.
The greens were dried - I will definitely cook this soup with fresh herbs to feel the fullness of taste.
I soaked the peas for an hour, out of habit.)))

Easy Spring Oregon Pea Soup Recipe step by step with photo.

A simple recipe for spring soup with homemade oregon peas with a photo and a step-by-step description of preparation. Easy to cook at home in 1 hour. Contains only 203 kilocalories.

  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Soup
  • Recipe Difficulty: Easy Recipe
  • Features: Recipe for a strict vegetarian diet
  • Preparation time: 18 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Servings: 7 servings
  • Amount of calories: 203 kilocalories

Ingredients for 7 servings

  • Oregon green split peas Mistral - 300 g
  • broccoli - 200 g
  • wild garlic (wild garlic) - 100 g
  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • vegetable broth or water - 2 l
  • medium carrot - 1 pc.
  • small onion - 1 pc.
  • sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • parsley - 2 sprigs
  • salt, black pepper, coriander - to taste

step by step

  1. Rinse the peas, place in a saucepan with water or vegetable broth and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. It is not necessary to soak green split peas "Mistral", and it is cooked much faster than usual.
  2. In the meantime, grate the carrots, finely chop the onion. Put olive oil together with sun-dried tomatoes in a frying pan and fry onion and carrots on it until golden brown.
  3. Rinse the wild garlic well, remove the hard basal part. Finely chop the stems along with the green part. Remove the seeds and internal partitions from sweet peppers, cut the flesh into cubes. Break the broccoli into florets. Pound peppercorns and coriander in a mortar.
  4. When the peas are cooked, add browned onions and carrots to the pan, salt. Boil 5 minutes. Then add sweet peppers and wild garlic to the soup, which will give the dish a delicate garlic flavor and fill it with vitamins. Then put the broccoli in the pot. Boil 3 minutes. Season with spices, turn off the heat, cover and let it brew for 15 minutes. Bon Appetit!

Rinse the peas, place in a saucepan with water or vegetable broth and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. It is not necessary to soak green split peas "Mistral", and it is cooked much faster than usual.

In the meantime, grate the carrots, finely chop the onion. Put olive oil together with sun-dried tomatoes in a frying pan and fry onion and carrots on it until golden brown.

Rinse the wild garlic well, remove the hard basal part. Finely chop the stems along with the green part. Remove the seeds and internal partitions from sweet peppers, cut the flesh into cubes. Break the broccoli into florets. Pound peppercorns and coriander in a mortar.

When the peas are cooked, add browned onions and carrots to the pan, salt. Boil 5 minutes. Then add sweet peppers and wild garlic to the soup, which will give the dish a delicate garlic flavor and fill it with vitamins. Then put the broccoli in the pot. Boil 3 minutes. Season with spices, turn off the heat, cover and let it brew for 15 minutes. Bon Appetit!