School catering menu. What foods should you limit in your diet? Menu for schoolchildren for every day

05.05.2019 Egg dishes

Adequate food in schools is the key to the normal mental and physical development of the child. In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", these institutions are obliged to provide students with full breakfasts and hot meals. Food in schools is strictly regulated by sanitary rules and norms - it must be balanced (the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates), complex. In addition, along with food, the child should receive not only nutrients, but also vitamins and minerals.

Catering requirements

Numerous observations have shown that a child who receives a balanced breakfast and lunch is less tired, he performs well, and a high level of performance is maintained for longer. Therefore, it should be structured to cover 100% of the learners. Since the child is in the classroom most of the time, breakfast and lunch should cover his energy needs. For example, children of elementary grades spend about 2500 J per day, middle and senior level - 2900 J. These costs should be fully covered by breakfasts and lunches. With a long stay of children at school, they must additionally be provided with an afternoon snack.

The dining room should be well lit and heated. There must be a sufficient amount of furniture. Noises and odors from production facilities and the catering facility should not enter the dining room. The artistic and aesthetic design of the hall is welcome, it is good if there are stands with information about healthy eating. At the entrance to the dining room, the child should awaken his appetite, this contributes to the preparation of the body for food intake and good digestion.

Preference should be given to glass and porcelain dishes. The use of plastic and enamel plates, mugs is prohibited.

What should be breakfast and lunch

According to sanitary requirements and standards, breakfast should include an appetizer (salads), a hot dish (as a rule, these are milk porridges, soups, omelets, cheesecakes and casseroles) and a hot drink (tea, cocoa, compote). Lunch should consist of an appetizer, the first course (soup), the second (fish or meat with a garnish of vegetables or cereals) and the third (sweet tea, jelly, compote). It is recommended to include buns and fermented milk drinks or milk in afternoon snacks. By the way, in most regions of our country, children (regardless of the preferential category) are provided with milk and buns free of charge.

The organization of meals at school includes preparations such as cooking, baking, stewing. They are aimed at maximizing the preservation of nutrients and vitamins in food. Frying is not allowed. It is recommended to prepare a varied and balanced menu for 12 days.

Who is entitled to free meals?

All students from grades 1 to 11 must receive in schools. Despite this, many parents are unable to pay for school lunches and lunches. Some categories of children can receive free meals at school. Large families can take advantage of this privilege, and such is considered a family in which there are 3 or more children under the age of 18. If the child is an adult, but he is a student of an educational institution, the family has the status of a large family until the end of his studies. A family is considered to be low-income if the average monthly income per member does not exceed the amount established by law.

Each region has its own ceiling. For example, if an average of 4500 rubles per person per person per month, and the region has a limit of 5000 rubles, then children from such a family can eat free of charge in the school cafeteria.

In addition, orphans, disabled people, as well as children who find themselves in difficult living conditions can receive reduced-price meals at school.

What documents need to be collected

To get free meals at school, parents will have to collect a certain package of documents and send it to the social protection department. Each region has its own list, in most cases they require:

If the family is recognized as low-income, then in addition to the above documents, it is necessary to provide a certificate of income of each parent for the last 3 months (in some cases, for 6 months). School meal benefits are provided by social welfare authorities. However, documents may also be required at the educational institution itself. Among other things, it is also necessary to write an application for food at school.

What documents need to be collected for orphans and disabled people

Children without parental care can also receive free school meals. In such cases, a legal guardian must write a statement.

If a child is disabled, he or she can also eat free of charge at school. In this case, a certificate confirming disability is additionally attached to the application form.

What to do for parents in a difficult life situation

Children in difficult life situations are considered a special category. In fact, there is no official confirmation of this, so the class teacher should determine the status here. Parents themselves must explain to the teacher why their family found themselves in such a situation, and why it became impossible to pay for meals at school. Then the class teacher must examine the living conditions of the family and draw up an act about it.

Further, the document is sent to the social protection authorities, an appropriate decision is made there, and an application for preferential food for the child is sent to the educational institution. It should be noted here that such a benefit can only be used for one year.

Payment for meals at school - nuances

The law determines the amount to pay for children's meals, and it changes every year. And if the cost of breakfast or lunch exceeds the limit prescribed by law, parents are offered to compensate for this difference at their own expense. If they are against additional fundraising, in such cases a separate menu is drawn up, as a rule, it is several times inferior in quality to a balanced lunch.

The local budget can also partially pay for reduced-price meals at school, but even here each individual municipal institution makes its own decision. In addition, as mentioned above, children of elementary grades can additionally be provided with a bun and a fermented milk drink.

In order for a child to want to eat well in the future, this habit must be developed in him from childhood.

After all, we all met children who, after school, lined up in whole queues for chips. And there are those kids who also manage to get themselves crackers with various flavors, chips, and snacks during recess.

What should be the proper nutrition for a student?

Basic principles of student nutrition

Younger schoolchildren should eat 4-5 times a day, and breakfast and dinner should be about 25% of the daily calorie intake. And children aged 7-11 need 2300 kcal per day.

In addition, if a child enrolls in a specialized school with increased mental or physical stress, then the parents should increase the calorie level by 10%.

Regular food intake is essential. If the little one eats at the same time every day, this will prevent the development of gastritis and ulcers and establish the correct interaction between the secretion of the stomach and the food centers of the brain.

For children, protein is most useful, which is present in large quantities in milk, fish, rabbit meat, beef, turkey.

Fats useful for a child are found in butter, vegetable oil, sour cream.

Complex carbohydrates are found in cereals, bread, dried fruits, honey.

Vitamins are also very important in the diet. So, vitamin A, which is responsible for vision, is found in carrots, green onions, sea buckthorn fruits, rose hips, red pepper. Vitamin C (excellent for boosting immunity) is present in lemons, oranges, fresh parsley, dill, currants, and sauerkraut. Vitamin E (an antioxidant that helps blood clot), as well as iron are found in beef liver, buckwheat, and quail eggs.

What should be the student's menu?

We bring to your attention the dishes that should be included in.

First breakfast should include cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice) or vegetable dishes, eggs, cheese, butter and dairy products (tea), fruits.

On lunch it is best to give your baby sources of protein (cheese, eggs, meat, dairy products) and sources of energy (bread, cereals), as well as vegetables and fruits.

On dinner prepare your baby vitamin salad, first course, side dish, meat (fish, poultry) dish, drink.

Broth (meat, chicken, fish) and soup cooked in this broth are suitable as the first course. You can also use dairy and vegetarian soups. The second course can be cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, stewed vegetables with poultry, meat, fish, casserole, goulash, stew, poultry, beef stroganoff, baked fish.

Give your child something to drink 40 minutes after eating. Compote, jelly, juice will do. It is recommended to give the crumbs a plate of vegetable salad before the first course.

For afternoon tea fresh fruit, dairy products, and whole grain breads are good.

How to cook healthy dinner for a student? Remember, dinner should be satisfying but easy to digest. And it is recommended to eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Vegetable, dairy dishes, cereals are suitable.

What should be excluded from the student's diet?

1. Fast food
2. Sausages.
3. Foods that contain food additives (colorants, flavor enhancers, and preservatives).
4. Croutons with flavors, chips, snacks.
5. Semi-finished products.
6. Lollipops and gum.
7. Carbonated drinks.
8. Mushrooms.
9. Dishes with mayonnaise and margarine.
10. Ketchup and other sauces.
11. Store juices in packages.

Also remember that white bread and sugar should be limited to overweight children.

Schoolchild's diet

If the baby learns in the first shift, then he:
Should have breakfast at home at about 7-8 o'clock.
Next, a snack at school at 10-11 o'clock.
Lunch (at home or at school) at 13-14 hours.
Dinner at home at about 7 pm.

If a child is studying in the second shift, then he:
Eats breakfast at home at 8-9 o'clock.
Dines at home, before going to school at 12-13 o'clock.
Snacks at school at 16-17 o'clock.
Supper around 8 pm.

Sample menu for a schoolchild for a week


Breakfast: cheese cakes with sour cream, tea sandwich.

Lunch: cabbage and carrot salad, borscht, mashed potatoes, rabbit meat cutlet, dried fruit compote, bread.
Afternoon snack: cookies, kefir, orange.
Dinner: scrambled eggs, bread, rosehip infusion.


Breakfast: rice milk porridge with raisins, sandwich, cocoa.
Second breakfast: a sandwich with cheese, an apple.
Lunch: beet salad, chicken broth, boiled egg, beef meatballs, stewed cabbage or zucchini, bread, apple juice.
Afternoon snack: bun with cottage cheese, milk.
Dinner: potato zrazy with meat, bread, tea with honey.


Breakfast: omelet, fish cutlet, sandwich, tea.

Lunch: eggplant (squash) caviar, soup, stewed liver, corn porridge, bread, fruit jelly.
Afternoon snack: oatmeal cookies, kefir, baked apple.
Dinner: pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins, milk.


Breakfast: milk buckwheat porridge, sandwich.
Second breakfast: cheese sandwich, banana.
Lunch: egg and radish salad, pickle, chicken cutlet, boiled cauliflower, bread, pomegranate juice.
Afternoon snack: apple pie, milk.
Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, tea.


Breakfast: cheese cakes, sandwich, tea with milk.
Second breakfast: soft-boiled egg, bread, orange.
Lunch: salad of carrots and apples, broth with noodles, beef stroganoff with stewed vegetables, bread, compote.
Afternoon snack: biscuit, fruit jelly, yogurt.
Dinner: rice pudding with raisins and dried apricots, kefir.


Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, sandwich, cocoa.
Second breakfast: cottage cheese with raisins and dried apricots.
Lunch: vegetable salad, beetroot, baked fish, boiled potatoes, bread, juice.
Afternoon snack: bun with raisins, jelly, tea.
Dinner: scrambled eggs, milk, bread.


Breakfast: millet porridge with pumpkin and carrots, a sandwich, tea with honey.
Second breakfast: cheese sandwich, banana.
Lunch: vegetable salad, soup, meatballs, pasta, bread, tomato juice.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese cookies, kefir, something from fruit.
Dinner: potato rhinestones, sour cream, milk.

When a child begins to go to school, the requirements for his nutrition change, because schoolchildren have quite large psychological and mental stress. In addition, many children attend sports clubs. At the same time, the body continues to grow actively, therefore, sufficient attention should always be paid to the nutritional issues of a school-age child. Let's find out what foods are needed for children over 7 years old, how much a schoolchild should consume them every day, and how best to build a menu for a child of this age.

It is necessary to ensure proper nutrition for the student and teach him to eat healthy.

Healthy eating principles

A child over 7 years old needs a balanced, healthy diet no less than young children.

The main nuances of nutrition for children of this age are as follows:

  • During the day, there should be enough calories from food to cover the child's energy consumption.
  • The student's diet should be balanced in terms of essential and non-essential nutrients. To do this, it is recommended to diversify it as much as possible.
  • It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child's body.
  • At least 60% of the protein in a school child's diet should come from animal products.
  • The amount of carbohydrates received from food for a student should be 4 times more than the amount of protein or the amount of fat.
  • Fast carbohydrates presented in the child's menu with sweets should account for up to 10-20% of all carbohydrates.
  • It is important to have a meal regimen so that the child eats regularly.
  • The student's diet should include bread, potatoes, cereals. Flour products for a child should be cooked with coarse flour.
  • The child should eat fish once or twice a week. Also, at least once in the student's weekly menu, there should be red meat.
  • Legumes are recommended for a child of this age 1-2 times a week.
  • A child's diet should contain five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. One serving is an orange, apple, banana or other medium fruit, 10-15 berries or grapes, two small fruits (apricot, plum), 50 g of vegetable salad, a glass of juice (only natural juice is taken into account), a tablespoon of dried fruits, 3 tbsp. l. boiled vegetables.
  • The child should eat dairy products every day. We recommend three servings, one of which can be 30 g of cheese, a glass of milk, one yogurt.
  • Sweets and fatty foods are acceptable in the student's diet if they do not replace wholesome and healthy food, since there are very few vitamins and minerals in cookies, cakes, waffles, french fries and other similar foods.
  • It is worth minimizing the intake of synthetic food additives and spices with food.

Include fresh fruit and vegetable juices in your child's diet

The needs of the schoolchild

6-9 years old

10-13 years old

14-17 years old

Energy requirement (in kcal per 1 kg of body weight)

80 (on average 2300 kcal per day)

75 (on average 2500-2700 kcal per day)

65 (on average 2600-3000 kcal per day)

Protein requirement (g per day)

Fat requirement (g per day)

Carbohydrate requirement (g per day)

Milk and dairy products

Sugar and sweets

Bakery products

Of which rye bread

Cereals, pasta and legumes


Raw fruits

Dried fruits


Vegetable oil


The eating habits of a child attending school are influenced by the change in schooling. If a child studies in the first shift, then he:

  • Eats breakfast at home at about 7-8 o'clock.
  • Snacks at school at 10-11 o'clock.
  • Dines at home or at school at 13-14 hours.
  • Supper at home at about 19 o'clock.

A child whose education takes place on the second shift:

  • Eats breakfast at home at 8-9 o'clock.
  • Dines at home before going to school at 12-13.
  • Snacks at school at 16-17 o'clock.
  • Supper at home at about 20 o'clock.

Breakfast and lunch should be the most energetically valuable and provide a total of about 60% of the daily calorie intake. The child should have dinner a maximum of two hours before he goes to bed.

Good appetite most often occurs with an established diet and significant physical activity during the day.

What are the best ways to cook food?

Schoolchildren can cook food in any way, but it is still not recommended to get involved in hot meals, especially if the child is low in activity or has a tendency to gain subcutaneous fat. Stewing, baking and boiling are considered the most optimal types of cooking for children.

What foods should you limit in your diet?

Try to limit the following foods in the child's menu:

  • Sugar and white bread - when consumed in excess, they cause weight gain.
  • Foods containing food additives (dyes, preservatives, etc.).
  • Margarine.
  • Non-seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • Sweet soda.
  • Caffeinated products.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup and other industrial sauces.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Fast food.
  • Raw smoked sausages.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Deep-fried dishes.
  • Packaged juices.
  • Gum and lollipops.

Carbonated drinks and foods with harmful additives should be excluded from the diet to the maximum.

What fluids to give?

The best drinks for a school-age child are water and milk. The disadvantages of juices are their high sugar content and high acidity, so they should either be given with meals or diluted with water.

The total amount of fluid a student should consume per day is influenced by his activity, nutrition and weather. If the weather is hot and the baby is active, give the baby more water or milk.

Carbonated drinks and caffeinated foods are not recommended for primary school age. It is permissible for older schoolchildren to give such drinks, but not during meals, since iron absorption worsens due to caffeine.

How to compose a menu?

  • For breakfast, it is advised to give 300 g of the main course, for example, porridge, casseroles, cheesecakes, pasta, muesli. Offer him 200 ml of a drink - tea, cocoa, chicory.
  • For lunch, it is advised to eat a vegetable salad or other appetizer in an amount of up to 100 g, a first dish in a volume of up to 300 ml, a second dish in an amount of up to 300 g (it includes meat or fish, as well as a side dish) and a drink with a volume of up to 200 ml.
  • An afternoon snack can include baked or fresh fruit, tea, kefir, milk, or another drink with cookies or homemade cakes. The recommended amount of drink for an afternoon snack is 200 ml, the amount of fruits is 100 g, and the amount of baked goods is up to 100 g.
  • The last meal includes 300 g of the main course and 200 ml of the drink. For dinner, you should prepare a light protein dish for your child, for example, from cottage cheese. Dishes made from potatoes and other vegetables, porridge, eggs or fish are also well suited for dinner.
  • You can add bread to each meal in a daily amount of up to 150 g of wheat bread and up to 75 g of rye bread.

First of all, you need to consider in what shift the child is studying, since this affects his meals. In addition, it is recommended that the ration be drawn up not for one day, but for the whole week, so that the dishes do not repeat and all the necessary products are present in the weekly menu.

Discuss and compose the menu for the whole week together, if you are sure that the child will not be capricious at the same time. Involvement of the child in the cooking process is also encouraged.

An example of the right menu for a week

Day of week



Afternoon snack



Cheesecakes with apples and sour cream (300 g)

Tea (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Cabbage and carrot salad (100 g)

Borscht (300 ml)

Rabbit cutlet (100 g)

Mashed potatoes (200 g)

Dried pear and prune compote (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Orange (100 g)

Cookies (50 g)

Omelet with green peas (200 g)

Rosehip infusion (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Rice milk porridge with raisins (300 g)

Cocoa (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Beetroot salad (100 g)

Egg broth (300 ml)

Beef meatballs (100 g)

Stewed cabbage with zucchini (200 g)

Apple juice (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Bun with cottage cheese (100 g)

Fresh apple (100 g)

Potato zrazy with meat (300 g)

Tea with honey (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Omelet with cheese (200 g)

Fish cutlet (100 g)

Tea (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Eggplant caviar (100 g)

Potato soup with dumplings (300 ml)

Braised liver (100 g)

Corn porridge (200 g)

Fruit jelly (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins (300 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Buckwheat milk porridge (300 g)

Chicory (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Radish and egg salad (100 g)

Homemade pickle (300 ml)

Chicken cutlet (100 g)

Boiled cauliflower (200 g)

Pomegranate juice (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Apple pie (100 g)

Noodles and cottage cheese casserole (300 g)

Jam tea (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Cottage cheese pancakes with honey (300 g)

Milk tea (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Apple and carrot salad with sour cream (100 g)

Broth with noodles (300 ml)

Beef stroganoff with stewed vegetables (300 g)

Grape and apple compote (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Fruit jelly (100 g)

Curdled milk (200 ml)

Sponge cake (100 g)

Rice pudding with raisins and dried apricots (300 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Omelet with tomatoes (200 g)

Chicory with milk (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)


Millet porridge with pumpkin and carrots (300 g)

Tea with honey (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Cucumber and tomato salad (100 g)

Vegetable puree soup (300 ml)

Squid meatballs (100 g)

Boiled pasta (200 g)

Tomato juice (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Pear (100 g)

Curd biscuits (50 g)

Potato cutlets with sour cream (300 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Several useful recipes

Fish zrazy with cottage cheese

Pieces of fish fillet (250 g) beat off a little and salt. Mix cottage cheese (25 g) with herbs and salt. Place a little cottage cheese on each piece of fish fillet, roll and roll in flour and then in a beaten egg. Fry a little in a skillet, and then put the zrazy in the oven to bring them to readiness.


Peel, chop, and then sauté one carrot and one onion until they turn yellow. Add tomato paste (2 tsp), cook for another 2-3 minutes, then remove from heat. Peel three potatoes, cut into wedges and boil until half cooked. Add to the potatoes sautéed vegetables, one pickled cucumber, cut into small cubes, and a pinch of salt. Cook the soup until tender over low heat, and before serving, put a teaspoon of sour cream in each plate, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Pouring meat balls

Take a pound of meat with bones and cook, adding a quarter celery root and a quarter parsley root to the water. Pour the broth into a separate container, and grind the meat in a meat grinder along with the onion fried in butter. Add sour cream (2 tablespoons), mashed butter (3 tablespoons), pepper and salt to the resulting minced meat. Make small balls. Add pre-prepared gelatin (10 g) to the broth. Pour the broth over the balls and leave to set. You can add chopped boiled carrots and boiled chicken eggs to the balls.

Feed a schoolchild from a common table and show by example how to eat

Possible problems

In the nutrition of a school-age child, various problems are possible, with which parents should be able to cope in time.

What if the child does not eat the foods he needs?

A child over the age of seven has already developed tastes, so he may refuse certain foods, and it is not worth insisting that he eat them, despite disgust and rejection. So eating behavior can be further aggravated. Parents should try to cook unloved foods in different ways, perhaps the child will like one of them.

For the rest, you do not need to insist on the use of any food if the child's nutrition can be called varied - if his diet contains at least 1 type of dairy products, 1 type of vegetables, 1 type of meat or fish, 1 type of fruit and any dish from cereals. These product groups must be included in the children's menu.

Quick bites in the school cafeteria

For younger students in educational institutions, breakfast is usually provided, and sometimes a hot lunch. If a student buys pastries from the cafeteria, parents should make sure that breakfast before school and lunch immediately after returning home are nutritious and made from healthy foods. Also give your child healthy alternatives to school buns with you, such as fruit, yogurt, or homemade cakes.

Lack of appetite due to stress

Many schoolchildren experience severe psychological stress during their studies, which affects their appetite. Parents should carefully observe the child and respond in time to the situation when stress has caused a decrease in appetite.

It is important to consider the rest of the child after returning home and on weekends, giving him the opportunity to switch his attention and do what he loves. Hobbies, especially those related to physical activity, such as hiking, rollerblading, cycling, and various sports sections, help relieve stress.

Lack of appetite is often caused by stress. Support your child and have a heart-to-heart talk with him more often.

How to understand that lack of appetite is a symptom of the disease?

The fact that decreased appetite may be a sign of a disease will be indicated by the following factors:

  • The child is losing weight, he is inactive and lethargic.
  • He has problems with stool.
  • The child is pale, his skin is very dry, the condition of his hair and nails has deteriorated.
  • The child complains of recurrent abdominal pain.
  • Rashes appeared on the skin.

Binge eating

Excessive food intake leads to obesity in children, the cause of which is most often heredity and lifestyle. For an overweight child, the doctor will recommend changing the diet, but parents may encounter difficulties. For example, in order not to seduce a child with sweets, the whole family will have to give them up. In addition, the child will believe that the prohibitions are unfair, and may secretly eat the forbidden dishes.

Best of all, if a fat child communicates with a nutritionist alone, then he will more easily accept the doctor's advice and feel more responsible. According to experts, overeating is often a sign of psychological distress, such as loneliness. Therefore, it makes sense to go with the child and to a psychologist.

Improper nutrition and stress are the most common causes of increased child weight

  • Sharing meals with parents will help to introduce the student to the principles of healthy eating, provided that the whole family eats right. Teach your child more about the health benefits of foods and the importance of nutrition in maintaining health.
  • If the child takes food to school with him, offer sandwiches with cheese, baked meat, a pie, a roll with cottage cheese, a bagel, a casserole, fruits, cheese cakes, yoghurts. Think about how to pack the food and how the child will be able to eat it. To do this, you should buy special containers, as well as wrap the sandwiches in plastic.
  • Avoid giving children completely low-fat dairy products, but prefer low-fat dairy products.

The student's menu should not only be tasty and varied, but also healthy. Dishes for school meals will help the body of a child and adolescent to receive all the necessary trace elements.

Below is a sample menu for a school cafeteria for a week.

Children should eat porridge for breakfast. Its benefits are beyond doubt. Porridge with vegetables is even more useful. The main thing is to cook it correctly. For this dish, you can use ready-made pumpkin puree or fresh pumpkin. The fruit is cleansed, freed from seeds. The pulp is cut into pieces and stewed for half an hour.

Usually ready-made raw materials are delivered to canteens in the form of mashed potatoes, which are added to the porridge at the end of cooking. In this case, the cereal is boiled first. There is one important nuance here. So that the cereal does not taste bitter, the sorted and washed millet is poured with boiling water. It is kept in this form for 5 minutes, and then the water is drained. Now the cereals can be boiled.

The grain is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and the cereals are boiled, stirring, over low heat for 30-40 minutes. Then you need to salt, add sugar. Pumpkin puree is added 5 minutes before the end of cooking. If the dish is cooked from pieces of pumpkin, then after they have been cooked, the vegetable is chopped. The cook put the porridge on the plates, poured over it with preheated butter. One serving is 150-200 grams of porridge.

It is served with a cereal coffee drink with milk, enriched with micronutrients - 200 grams; 100 grams of fruit yogurt; crispbreads and fresh fruit or berries.

Schoolchildren will start lunch this day with a vegetable vinaigrette. School canteen meals made for lunch are tasty and healthy too. In order to prepare this dish, vegetables are thoroughly washed: potatoes, beets, carrots. They are boiled in the "uniform".

Potatoes are cooked with carrots, and beets are cooked in a separate bowl for a longer time. To keep it soft, after the end of cooking, it is placed in cold water. Vegetables are peeled, cut into cubes, green peas are added, salted and seasoned with sunflower oil.

The first course is a broth soup with pasta. Children love pasta. Therefore, such a dish will be eaten with pleasure. First, boil the meat, remove the foam or drain the first broth. Carrots and onions are sautéed separately. Chopped potatoes are added to the broth and cooked for 10 minutes. Then the pasta is poured. You can cook soup without potatoes, then the amount of pasta increases.

For three times meat goulash with mashed potatoes is served. You can also make a complex side dish by adding cauliflower to the potatoes. These vegetables are boiled and then rubbed. Warm milk is poured into them, salt and butter are put.

Before boiling cauliflower, it is disassembled into inflorescences and placed in already boiling water. This will save more vitamins in the vegetable. Turn down the heat and close the lid. It will also help preserve more vitamins. Better to boil vegetables in salted water.

For lunch, special wheat and rye-wheat bread is served, enriched with micronutrients, minerals and vitamins. Kissel is delivered to the canteen in the form of an industrially produced concentrate. Jelly is quickly cooked from such raw materials.

The concentrate is diluted in a small amount of water. This solution, stirring, is poured into boiling water, brought to a boil, and the jelly is ready. For dessert, cast semi-hard toffee enriched with micronutrients is suitable.

The second day includes the following collection of recipes for school meals:

Breakfast - boiled sausages for school meals (49 grams) with stewed cabbage (100 grams). These two dishes go well together. Raw cabbage is chopped, lightly fried with chopped onions and carrots, then a little hot water is added and stewed with the lid closed. Towards the end of cooking, add salt and tomato paste.

Children will also like floral herbal tea (200 grams). Sugar is given in individual packaging in the amount of 10 grams. Bread from wheat flour of the first grade is put for one person 20 grams. For dessert - pressed muesli - a bar, plus fresh berries or fruits.

Lunch starts with a salad of carrots and prunes. The prunes are pre-washed and soaked for 30 minutes. Now you can chop it finely, grate the carrots and season everything with salad sauce.

The first dish is pea puree soup. Peas also need to be soaked in advance. You can do this in the morning or in the evening. Boil peas, stirring, for a sufficient time, then add smoked meats and boil more. 25 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped potatoes and roast carrots and onions. Wheat bread croutons will be very good for such a soup. Usually some bread remains. Cooks cut it into squares and dry it on a baking sheet.

The second is served with steamed fish fillet with a complex side dish, which consists of boiled rice and seaweed. Rye-wheat bread with minerals and vitamins. The fortified apple compote completes the school feast. The nutrition of school-age children should include everything they need, including vitamins. In the presented dishes, they are contained in sufficient quantities.

Third day

Wednesday starts with breakfast. It consists of tomato salad with vegetable oil. In addition to the appetizer, the main course is also prepared. These are chopped chicken cutlets with pasta of group A. Minced chicken - ready-made, industrial production. It has already been rolled through a special meat grinder at least twice and has a uniform consistency.

To it are added chopped onions, eggs and the crumb of white wheat bread soaked in water. Everything is thoroughly mixed and breaded in breadcrumbs. Cutlets are stacked on a baking sheet and sent to stew in the oven. School canteens can buy ready-made semi-finished meat products from factories that produce food for children. Then the frozen product will need to be kept at room temperature, after it has thawed - sent to the oven.

Drinking is also required for breakfast. An instant cocoa drink with milk, enriched with micronutrients in an amount of 200 grams, is perfect for this. Fresh berries, fruits and 20 grams of fortified wheat bread are also relied on here.

For lunch, the chefs will make a cucumber salad with vegetable oil or sour cream. The first dish is Siberian borscht in meat broth. Children will also like the second course. This is a potato casserole with boiled meat. Potatoes can be boiled in their skins and chopped.

Then you need to add eggs and mix the mass well. The meat for the casserole is pre-boiled. The first course is made in this broth. Meat is taken in such a quantity that it would be enough for both the first and the second. For the first, it is cut into pieces and placed in each plate when serving.

Dessert - fortified compote from quick-frozen currants and pressed muesli in the form of a bar. The bread for dinner is the same as in the past.

Fourth day

School meals for this day are also delicious, healthy and varied.

The day begins with a curd casserole with berry sauce. Milk is also served for breakfast with a straw, individually wrapped.

Lunch consists of a salad of boiled beetroot and fresh apples with vegetable oil. The first dish is cauliflower soup flavored with sour cream. The second is Stronogov's liver with boiled pasta. Compote is cooked from dried apricots.

The fifth day

Breakfast: Fish casserole from ready-made fish fillets for school meals with mashed potatoes. A cucumber canned without vinegar is also supposed to be here. The drink is tea with lemon and sugar. Dessert - fortified biscuits.

Lunch is rich in protein. It consists of salad. Boiled or canned beans are mixed with grated cheese and seasoned with sour cream. The first dish is Leningrad pickle in poultry broth. The second consists of turkey fillet stewed in tomato sauce and crumbly buckwheat porridge. The lunch is completed with multifruit juice.

Sixth day

Breakfast: Pasta baked with cheese. Fruit bioyogurt, fresh berries or fruits, coffee drink with chicory milk.

Lunch: Commercial marrow caviar for baby food. Potato soup with meat broth with beans. Cod fish meatballs with mashed potatoes. Frozen strawberry compote, muesli bar.

Seventh day

Breakfast: Cottage cheese pancakes with condensed milk, instant cocoa, plus fresh fruits or berries.

Lunch: Salad of apples, carrots with the addition of orange. Fruits and vegetables are seasoned with salad dressing. Peasant soup with millet. Home-style roast of potatoes and beef. Hematogen.

Eighth day

Breakfast: Tomato salad, steamed minced meat meatballs, boiled rice. Herbal tea with sugar.

Lunch: Salad of green peas, beets with vegetable oil. Rostov ear. Children's dumplings. Compote of dried fruits.

Ninth day

Breakfast: Bun, muesli with milk, chicory milk drink.

Lunch: White cabbage salad, chicken broth soup with pasta, boiled chicken soufflé. Vegetable stew, apple juice for baby food.

Tenth day

Breakfast: School pizza, instant cocoa, fruit.

Lunch: Vegetable salad with apple, cabbage soup with meat broth from fresh cabbage, buckwheat crumbly porridge, azu from boiled meat, frozen cherry compote.

There are many dishes for baby food. Parents who have taken this menu as a basis will feed their children with healthy and very tasty food. Students will receive everything they need and will be able to study well.

Important aspects of baby food

  • At 6 years old, the average child's need is about 2000 kcal / day, at 11-13 years old it increases to 2300-2700 kcal, at 14-17 years old - up to 2600 kcal for girls and 3000 kcal for boys.
  • At the same time, with age, the recommended amount of carbohydrates and protein consumption increases (for the entire period of growth), but a little more fat is required at 6-8 years than, for example, at 9-10 years.
  • The junior schoolchild's regimen should include five meals a day. For a high school student, four meals will be enough.
  • It is very important that the child never gives up a hot breakfast, because this is the main energy charge for the whole day.

Basic nutritional principles

Proteins and fats in a child's diet

It is very important to distribute food correctly throughout the day. Foods rich in protein, especially when combined with fat, take more time and energy to digest. The nitrogenous substances contained in the protein excite the nervous system, therefore, a late dinner with a protein dish can cause insomnia in a child.

  • It is advisable to give meat, fish and egg dishes to children in the morning, and vegetable and dairy dishes are preferable for dinner.

If traditionally meat, poultry or fish are served for dinner, make sure that the child does not eat too late or too much.

In general, at least 60% of the diet should be allocated to protein foods. Easily digestible milk protein is especially useful for children. That is, fermented milk and dairy products must be present!

It is advisable to eat meat or poultry 2-3 times a week, alternating with fish. If the child loves eggs, do not give more than 4-5 a week so as not to overload the body with cholesterol. Or use two whites instead of eggs, freeze the yolk and then use it for baking.

Sources of carbohydrates

The best and correct sources of carbohydrates for children are fruits, vegetables and cereals. Vegetables and herbs are good for side dishes, fruits - as a snack or dessert.

By the way, the classic salad of cucumbers and tomatoes is by no means a standard for a simple and healthy dish. Ascorbic acid, which is found in tomatoes, is destroyed by ascorbate oxidase, an enzyme found in cucumbers.

The student's diet should also contain fats, but within reasonable limits. In their absence, the metabolism is disturbed, the assimilation of proteins worsens. The retarding effect of fat on gastric secretion can be eliminated by increasing the intake of raw green vegetables and fruits.

Sample menu for a schoolchild for a day

1st breakfast: porridge (oatmeal, barley or porridge made from several grains is especially useful) or vegetable dish (baked vegetables, salads, stews), drink (cocoa, milk, juice or tea)

2nd breakfast: a dish of cottage cheese or eggs (casserole, cheesecakes or scrambled eggs) and a drink.

If, for example, a child does not have breakfast at school, then it is necessary to give him something with him! A standard "school lunch" should include healthy carbohydrates, protein, something sweet (glucose is simply necessary for mental activity, which is at its peak after 2-3 lessons). Wrap your child's favorite coarse bread sandwich with red slightly salted red fish or chicken breast with you, add cheese and (necessarily!) Vegetables, herbs and salad. Add a pear or apple, treat with a few squares of chocolate.

Dinner: salad (mainly vegetable), first course, second course with a side dish, drink.

The variations of the first and second courses are endless. For the first time, you can offer the child broth (chicken, meat or fish) with dumplings or crackers, dense soups with various additives, prepared on the basis of these broths.

Second course. The participation of proteins is mandatory here (meat, chicken, fish - stewed, boiled, in the form of cutlets, beef stroganoff, goulash, etc.).

Afternoon snack: milk, kefir or juice, fresh fruit, whole grain biscuits or bread.

Dinner: vegetable salad, the second with a side dish, a drink. Another, more acceptable option: curd or vegetable dish, porridge.

In fact, a child's diet largely depends on the parent's eating behavior. It is in childhood that addictions to fast food are formed. Try to keep track of what and when your children eat. In the future, this will help to avoid many health problems.

You will find many healthy dishes for children on our website under the heading “ recipes for children". Dishes are prepared with special love. Ingredients are selected based on the recommendations of nutritionists and include everything that a growing body needs.