Chicken breast cutlets kcal. Chicken cutlet: calorie content

04.03.2020 Egg dishes

Products made from meat products must be present in the daily diet of a person and make up at least one-ninth of all the rest of the food. The need for vegetable protein and protein exists not only for athletes, but also for those who are trying to lose excess weight. Indeed, with a shortage of these elements, muscles will be lost instead of fat, although the figure on the scales will certainly begin to decrease.

Of all the meat assortment presented on the windows of grocery stores, poultry meat is in the greatest demand due to its financial affordability, low fat content and ease of assimilation. It is baked, boiled, fried, stewed and grilled, whole or cut, and also put on minced meat and added to cabbage rolls, making meatballs, meatballs or even cutlets. The calorie content of the chicken counterpart, nevertheless, turns out to be lower than that of beef or pork, as well as the proportion of fat. Although in taste, of course, they are slightly different: red meat products come out more tender and juicier. Nevertheless, the poultry variation is ideal for those with a weak stomach, liver and gallbladder problems, and, of course, those who are looking after their figure. Moreover, the last category is very important to know the exact figure of the calorie content of a steamed chicken cutlet, fried or cooked through the oven and microwave. It will not be superfluous and information about what is best to use this dish in order to minimize the load on the gastrointestinal tract and the risk of deposition in problem areas: despite the dietary nature of poultry meat, even it should be eaten correctly.

How many calories are in a chicken cutlet

The bulk of the calorie content of a chicken cutlet - steamed, in the oven or in a frying pan - falls on the minced meat. And he, in turn, depends on the breast, devoid of skin and bones, from which it comes. The energy value of the twisted fillet is 143 kcal and is divided almost exactly in half between proteins and fats: 49% versus 51%. It is lighter than the meat of other birds and is the easiest to digest. You can buy both ready-made minced meat and its original source, which will have to be processed with your own hands in a meat grinder. The latter option is preferable from the side that there is a chance to personally control the exclusion of the possibility of foreign parts of the bird getting into it. In addition to the peeled fillet, there should be nothing in the minced chicken. And the point is not even that the calorie content of a chicken cutlet runs the risk of jumping due to the presence, for example, of a cholesterol-rich skin, but also a deterioration in the taste of the dish and its beneficial qualities. The ready-made minced meat, unfortunately, may contain not only bones and cartilage, but also soy, preservatives, dyes and stabilizers, which allow the product to retain its presentable appearance longer.

Speaking of the effect on the body: here we can talk about the same thing that is characteristic of the fillet itself, because when the consistency changes, the properties do not change, which, alas, does not apply to the method of heat treatment. Chicken white meat is rich in protein and protein, potassium, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and sodium, vitamins PP and B5 (pantothenic acid). It is indispensable in dietary and fitness nutrition, and is included in various medical "tables" for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And, of course, you can save as much as possible by cooking minced chicken using a double boiler, multicooker, oven or microwave. Frying in a lot of oil reduces the benefits and increases the calorie content, as well as the load on the liver.

In the classic recipe for cutlets for viscosity, an egg "weighing" 157 kcal or low-fat cream, a little wheat bread soaked in milk, onions, salt and pepper to taste, breadcrumbs are also added. Sometimes semolina is added. Thus, the answer to the question of how many calories are in a chicken cutlet without various additives, fried in oil, will be the figure of 140 kcal per hundred grams.

Chicken cutlet on the menu of those who follow the figure

Various meat dishes, especially poultry meat, must be included in the food of those who want to gain a slim figure, but not lose kilograms due to the lost muscle mass. But since it is boring to constantly eat only boiled breast, all sorts of meatballs, meatballs, rolls, casseroles and minced chicken cutlets can add variety to the daily menu. In addition to the classic recipe given above and not very original, variations with vegetables are popular. Most often, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini, zucchini, pumpkin are added. For connoisseurs of sweet and sour notes in meat dishes, combinations with apples, prunes, bananas and even cherries and nuts will be interesting. And the most satisfying are cutlets with rice, ham, cheese and bacon. True, as one might expect, the calorie content of chicken cutlets of the latter type is higher than that of vegetable cutlets.

But before looking at a few particularly interesting recipes, it's important to mention a couple more points. The guardians of harmony should refuse to fry in oil, add mayonnaise and vegetable oil. It is better to bake or steam cutlets, take skim cream or egg white. Among the oils, if there is an urgent need to give preference to olive. And in no case combine a meat product with potatoes, thus preventing its trouble-free assimilation and, therefore, forcing lunch or dinner to be postponed in problem areas. If you need a side dish, you should pay attention to brown rice, buckwheat, fresh or steamed vegetables. Pumpkin and cabbage are especially good for the digestion of meat. And be sure to add a sprig of parsley to them. Then you don't have to worry about thinking about how many calories are in a chicken cutlet.

A rather nutritious and healthy option for a figure is cutlets with sweet pepper. Among the ingredients, low-fat finely grated cheese, chopped onion, white bread soaked in milk, salt, herbs - parsley is especially valuable - and, of course, chopped bell pepper are connected to the minced chicken. In one steamed chicken cutlet, the calorie content will depend on its size, but there are about 127 kcal per hundred grams. And the parsley included in the composition will facilitate the processing of meat by the body and will not allow it to transform into extra centimeters where it should not.

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Love meat and can't live without it? Does veganism seem like a nightmare to you? Do the extra pounds still make themselves felt? Do not give up your favorite dish, just read how to cook chicken cutlets to lose weight even more, what is useful and what you can do with them. Read about this in our article.

Chicken cutlets for weight loss

For many of us, cutlets are associated with something fatty, fried and harmful. But few people know that cutlets can be made not only not so high in calories, but even used as the main component of the diet. And we are talking about minced chicken cutlets, the calorie content of which does not exceed 220 kcal per 100 g... And it can be made even smaller by replacing some of the ingredients.

Therefore, chicken breast cutlets are used in diets such as chicken and. Nutritionists note that not only do they promote weight loss, they are among the most balanced diets around.

This is because chicken breasts have many beneficial minerals and vitamins, but are almost fat-free. And now we will figure out how to cook a low chicken cutlet calorie content per 1 piece - 60 kcal.

Steamed chicken cutlet

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes.


  • 300 g minced chicken or breasts;
  • half;
  • 0.3 cups of oatmeal;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

First step:, onion. Mince the chicken breasts and onions, or chop the onions and add to the minced meat you bought in advance.

Second phase: flakes, egg. Add flakes and an egg to the minced meat. Before this, the flakes can be soaked a little in water or milk so that they swell. Add spices to taste and mix well.

Stage three: ground meat. Take a steamer bowl and brush lightly with oil. If there is no steamer, then put 1/4 of the water in the pan, and when it boils, put a colander on top, also pre-oiled. Roll small patties and place in a colander. Cover and cook for 15-20 minutes. When the cutlets are ready, you can sprinkle them with herbs and serve.

Such a minced chicken steamed cutlet has calorie content 108-112 kcal per 100 g.

Chopped chicken cutlets


  • 600 g chicken fillet;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 1 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 20 g of parsley and dill;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • spices;
  • frying oil.

Cooking process:

Stage one: fillet, onion, eggs, starch, mayonnaise. Take the fillet and chop very finely. Chop the onion too. Combine fillets, onions, eggs, mayonnaise and starch into a homogeneous paste.

Stage two: minced meat, spices, herbs. Add salt and pepper to the minced meat and mix well again. Finely chop the parsley or dill, garlic and add to the minced meat. Mix well and beat the minced meat with your hands.

Stage three: butter. Make cutlets that are not too large. Pour oil into the skillet. When the oil is hot, place the patties in the skillet and reduce the gas. Fry until golden brown.

Chopped chicken cutlets from chicken breasts have calorie content 173 kcal per 100 g.

Oven baked chicken cutlets

Cooking time - 1 hour.


  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • onions - 250 g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • salt pepper;
  • breadcrumbs.

Cooking process:

First step: fillet, onion, salt, pepper, egg. Grind the fillets with the onions. Add spices, egg and mix well. Leave the minced meat in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Second phase: minced meat, bread crumbs. Make cutlets out of minced meat and coat them in breadcrumbs. Line a high-sided baking sheet with parchment paper. Arrange the cutlets and place the baking sheet in the oven at 200 ° C for 30 minutes.

Calorie content chicken cutlets cooked in the oven - 113 kcal per 100 g.

Chicken cutlet with buckwheat

Cooking time - 30 minutes.


  • minced chicken - 400 g;
  • boiled buckwheat - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • onion - 1 large onion;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt, pepper, spices;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

First step: buckwheat. Rinse and boil the buckwheat. Leave to cool.

Second phase: minced meat, onion, buckwheat, egg, spices. Peel the onion and chop finely. Mix the minced meat, onion, egg and cooled buckwheat and stir. Add spices and stir again.

Stage three: butter, cutlets, bread crumbs. Pour some vegetable oil into the pan and wait until it becomes hot. At this time, you need to mold several cutlets and cover them with breading. Cook the patties until they are fried, until golden brown. Then sprinkle with herbs and serve. Bon Appetit!

Buckwheat with chicken cutlet gives us 95 kcal per 100 g.

Chicken cutlet with zucchini

Cooking time is 40-50 minutes.


  • 700 minced chicken;
  • 700 g young;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt, black pepper;
  • greens;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

First step: zucchini. Wash and grate the young zucchini. Do the same with the onion.

Second phase: zucchini, onions, herbs, minced meat, egg. Combine the minced meat, grated zucchini, onion and finely chopped greens. Mix thoroughly, add the egg, salt, pepper, mix again and beat the minced meat a little.

Stage three: ground meat. Make medium-sized patties and place in hot oil in a skillet. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

Such chicken cutlets with zucchini have calorie content 101 kcal per 100 g.

Chicken cutlet with cheese

Cooking time is 20 minutes.


  • 500 g minced chicken;
  • 100 g
  • 1 onion;
  • greens;
  • 1 egg;
  • 15 g semolina;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

First step: minced meat, egg, onion, herbs, semolina. Add the egg, semolina and finely chopped onions and herbs to the minced meat. Mix well, add spices.

Second phase: minced meat, butter. Make a tortilla out of the minced meat. Cut the cheese into small pieces. Wrap the cheese into a tortilla, forming small patties. Fry on both sides in hot oil until tender (until golden brown).

Such a chicken cutlet fried with cheese has calorie content per 100 grams 185 kcal.

There can be many recipes for chicken cutlets if you change one or two ingredients. The recipe and dieteticity of cutlets also depend on the method of preparation, for example, a fried chicken cutlet in a pan has a calorie content higher than that cooked in the oven, about 220 and 115 kcal. The most dietary chopped cutlets are steamed, the calorie content of which is approximately 105-110 kcal.

Of course, a lot depends on what you serve such cutlets with. After all, it is stupid to combine steamed chicken cutlets with pasta in gravy and hope for quick weight loss. It is best to serve stewed or boiled vegetables with them, as well as cereals without oil.

As you can see, all the recipes are very simple and varied, which means that you will not have any problems with making the menu. You can easily lose weight with such a diet and still not go hungry. Tell us in the comments if you have tried similar diets, what results did they bring?

Love for cutlets arises in childhood and continues throughout life.

Pieces of tender meat melting on the tongue give great pleasure. Happy people who do not need to constantly worry about maintaining weight can eat cutlets made in any way and from any meat.

For those who constantly monitor the calorie content of food, you need to know exactly: how many calories are in a cutlet of chicken, pork, beef, minced fish.

How many calories are in a chicken cutlet

There are several ways to cook ready-made cutlets: frying, baking and steaming. If the meat is fried in oil, the calorie content of the dish increases by almost 30%. Not only very slim, but also very healthy people can afford fried cutlets in unlimited quantities. For those who suffer from high cholesterol, heart and vascular diseases, have problems with the stomach and pancreas, this dish is not suitable.

Steaming cutlets is the healthiest method, and it practically does not change the calorie content of raw minced meat. In turn, cutlets prepared from any meat or fish can also have different calories. It depends on what kind of meat was used (fatty or lean), what additional ingredients the hostess added to the minced meat.

Take high-quality, tasty, and low-calorie chicken meat, for example. This is a real gift for people who are losing weight: it is dietary, that is, it is not fat at all, it is easily digested, it turns out delicious in almost any form. But if you make cutlets from different parts of chicken meat, then their calorie content initially (that is, before cooking) will be different:

Meat cut from all parts of the carcass (along with the skin) will give 190 kcal;

Only chicken breast cutlet without skin - 115 kcal.

How many calories are in the cutlet will depend on the composition of the minced meat. If we add additional ingredients to the meat (white bread, semolina, onion, flour), then the calorie content will change. Moreover, sometimes it can be changed both in the direction of increasing (for example, adding high-calorie semolina) and in the direction of decreasing. In the latter case, the minced meat can be diluted with low-calorie vegetables, for example, onions and carrots, and water or milk can be added.

The highest calorie content is found in meat fried in oil. In order to somehow reduce it, you can fry the patties over low heat, under a tightly closed lid, adding literally a teaspoon of oil to the pan. Of course, if the frying is normal, then the cutlet should sour deliciously on a generous portion of oil. Very tasty, but high in calories.

Steam cooking is the ideal solution for people looking after their health and weight. The formed cutlets will remain to be sent to a double boiler or multicooker. No oil or flour is required for frying. Of course, you won't get a crispy crust, but there won't be a blow to the liver and blood vessels either.

So how many calories are in a chicken cutlet? Depending on the composition of the minced meat and the method of preparation, the data will differ somewhat:

Fried cutlet contains from 120 to 250 kcal per 100 g;

Steamed cutlet contains from 85 to 130 kcal per 100 g.

Diet chicken meat is very good for the heart and nervous system. It gives the body strength, normalizes cholesterol levels, provides essential amino acids, trace elements and vitamins, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, relieving the condition of patients with gastritis and ulcers.

Chicken meat is indispensable for losing weight people. It provides the body with complete protein without overloading with calories. Steamed chicken cutlets are good for toddlers and frail or elderly people. For great benefits, serve with fresh or grilled vegetables. For those who are not afraid of extra calories, mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat can be a side dish for a fried chicken cutlet.

How many calories are in a pork cutlet

Pork is one of the most controversial types of meat that are included in the constant diet of a modern person. Some consider it tasty and healthy, despite the fat content, others try in every possible way to avoid eating pork meat.

It is absolutely unreasonable to refuse it. Pork meat and lard contain a lot of nutrients, the most valuable of which are arachidonic acid and selenium. The first regulates hormonal balance, has a beneficial effect on the brain, and has a positive effect on blood clotting. As for selenium, it is a powerful substance in its healing properties. It prolongs the youth of the body, renewing cells, increases efficiency, relieves depression, strengthens the nerves.

In addition, pork meat, like chicken, contains many vitamins (the presence of all B vitamins is especially valuable) and a powerful mineral complex. Pork is very good for pregnant and lactating women, as it contributes to the saturation of the body with proteins and nutrients, and also enhances lactation.

Most nutritionists see nothing wrong with eating pork if its quantity does not exceed 200 grams per day. Contrary to popular belief, pork meat is perfectly absorbed by the body, especially if it is not eaten in the form of a kebab paired with strong drinks, but in the form of a tender cutlet.

Another question is that you can cook pork in different ways. If, in addition to the calorie content (rather high) that a piece of brisket has, you add the calorie content of oil when frying in a pan, then under the guise of a fried cutlet flowing with juices, you can get a real calorie bomb.

How many calories are in a pork cutlet also depends on three factors: what part of the carcass the minced meat is made from, what additional ingredients it contains, and what is the method of preparing the cutlets. The average calorie values ​​are as follows:

A cutlet fried in oil "weighs" in calories from 345 to 360 kcal;

A steamed cutlet has approximately 290 kcal per 100 g of cooked dish.

Considering that it is not recommended to eat more than 200 g of pork meat, then one cutlet weighing 80 g is quite enough to get the required amount of zinc, magnesium, selenium, arachidonic acid, vitamins PP, B and other useful substances.

How many calories are in a beef patty

It is believed that beef is healthier and safer than pork meat, as it contains less fat, and therefore less calories. This is partly true: beef is actually lean compared to white and pink fatty pork. Before figuring out how many calories are in a beef patty, you need to make sure of the benefits of this product.

Red beef meat contains complete protein, it is high in iron, so beef patties should be included in the diet of people with low hemoglobin. In addition, beef contains a lot of collagen, which is most valuable for the human body, which prolongs the health of the ligaments, as well as zinc, which is a very useful trace element for the immune system. Young beef is easily digested by the body. Beef cutlet contains amino acids, B vitamins, as well as pork meat, it will perfectly satisfy hunger and give long-term satiety.

We must not forget that any fried meat contains carcinogens, therefore, it has a potential cancer hazard. The high content of cholesterol in beef threatens the development of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, frying increases the calorie content of beef patties, despite their clear dietary benefits.

It is no coincidence that for the preparation of minced meat that is ideal in taste and calorie content, pork and beef are most often mixed in the proportion that seems to be the most delicious.

How many calories are in a pure beef patty? If we take the average figures without taking into account additional ingredients, the approximate numbers are as follows:

beef cutlet fried in oil - 240-250 kcal;

steamed cutlet - from 140 to 170 kcal.

Quite modest compared to pork and quite comparable to chicken. This means that beef patties are preferable for dieting, especially steamed ones. One cutlet will not harm the figure, but will saturate for a long time. You can serve beef with a salad of fresh vegetables (this is the most healthy option for the body) or any other side dish.

How many calories are in a fishcake

Fish meat is a valuable food product. It contains a lot of complete, and most importantly, easily digestible protein, as well as trace elements (phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc), vitamins (D, B12, B6), unsaturated omega acids. Eating fish cakes, you can saturate the body with useful substances, strengthen bones, and improve the functioning of the nervous system. Fish meat can lower cholesterol levels, and most importantly, prevent aging of the body.

How many calories are in a fish cutlet depends on its (fish) variety. The calorie content of different varieties varies from 68 (navaga) to 150 (salmon, salmon) calories. An egg, bread soaked in milk, onions and other components are added to the fish fillet, which changes the calorie content up or down.

It is clear that cutlets made from pollock will be less fatty and high-calorie than cutlets made from pink salmon, for example. And yet they will remain an easy, digestible, healthy dish.

How many calories are in a cutlet fried in vegetable oil? From 110 to 190 kcal on average:

Pollock - 105-110 kcal;

Cod - 115 kcal;

Pike - 275 kcal;

Hake - 145 kcal;

Pink salmon - 188 kcal.

A steamed fish cutlet will compare favorably with fried in calorie content: it will contain only 90 to 130 kcal.

Of course, the fried cutlet tastes better (mainly due to the fried crust). But if you take into account the great benefits of steam dishes, you can also enjoy the taste of a steam cutlet.

Thus, it is necessary to include meat cutlets in the diet; it is unreasonable to refuse them. However, it should be borne in mind that the method of processing and the composition of minced meat significantly affect the calorie content of the finished dish.

Chicken meat makes up a significant part of our consumer basket. It is affordable and considered to be a lighter product than beef and pork. Nutritionists of all disciplines willingly include chicken in the daily diet of their patients.

Due to its low fat content, chicken meat is recommended for the diet. It contains a large amount of complete protein, rich in potassium and phosphorus, iron and magnesium, contains a whole range of vitamins. White meat from the breast is considered the most valuable, red meat (legs) is a little less useful. It is undesirable to eat the skin, it has a high fat content, in addition, it accumulates many harmful substances. An easy way to diversify the menu is chicken cutlet. The calorie content of this dish depends primarily on the choice of raw materials and the method of preparation. For a dietary table, it is recommended to cook steam cutlets from white meat.

Boiled white chicken without skin contains 110 kcal, red - 155 kcal. The calorie content of steamed dishes is significantly lower than with other methods of food processing. Steamed meals are good for the elderly and toddlers, for anyone on a weight loss diet, and for those with digestive problems.

Advantages of steamed dishes: cooked without the use of oil; low processing temperature, which allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients. During the cooking process, no harmful carcinogens are formed, like when frying; the nutrients remain in the meat, rather than going into the water as in cooking.

For comparison: the calorie content of fried chicken cutlets is 240 kcal per 100 grams. It will change slightly depending on the addition of auxiliary ingredients. Steamed chicken cutlets have a low rate. Their caloric content averages 160 kcal per 100 g.

The easiest way to make cutlets is from purchased minced meat. The calorie content of minced chicken cutlets bought in a store will be slightly higher than from homemade minced meat, since manufacturers use all parts of the chicken carcass to make it. But you will save time.

For 0.5 kg of ready-made minced meat, take 2 eggs, 100 grams of white bread, a medium-sized onion, salt, herbs, 2-3 cloves of garlic. Soak the bread in milk, squeeze lightly and twist in a meat grinder. Then twist the onion and garlic. Finely chop the greens, mix everything with the minced meat, salt to taste. Form small round cutlets, cook in a double boiler for 30 minutes.

Cooking minced meat yourself is not so difficult. But you will know exactly what it is made of. Minced chicken is twisted from white or red meat, previously separated from the bones. It should be borne in mind that the white meat in the finished product is very dry. Therefore, if you are not on a diet, then it is better to mix it with red meat or add a little mayonnaise, sour cream or white bread soaked in milk to cutlets.

The multicooker has become an excellent assistant in the kitchen. It is very simple and quick to cook chicken cutlets in it, and the taste of the finished dish is simply delicious.

Recipe: chicken cutlet (calorie content 175 kcal), steamed in a slow cooker.

  • 2 chicken breasts or 500 grams of chicken fillet (white meat);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 grams of white bread;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt, seasonings to taste.

Minced meat is prepared from chicken, eggs and white bread. Finely chop the onion. Set the multicooker to the “Multipovar” mode, at a temperature of 160 ° C, fry the onion in a small amount of vegetable oil for 5 minutes. Sauteed onions are mixed with minced meat. Then set the "Steam cooking" mode, sculpt cutlets and put them in the multicooker bowl. Cook for 20 minutes.

Vegetables and chicken cutlet will be a great combination. In this case, the calorie content of the dish is reduced by 20-40 kcal.

You can make cutlets by adding eggs, bread, onions, and vegetable ingredients that are grated or twisted in a meat grinder to the minced meat.

For 500 grams of minced meat to choose from:

  • 300 grams of pumpkin;
  • 1 small zucchini, 1 carrot;
  • zucchini 250 g, carrots 100 g, white cabbage 100 g, sweet pepper 100 g;
  • 1 bell pepper, 2 tomatoes.

There are many options here, connect your imagination and feel free to put your favorite vegetables into cutlets. The main thing is that the cutlet minced meat retains the shape given to it and does not creep. If not, you can add a little potato starch.

You can diversify the flavor of chicken cutlets by adding high-fat foods such as cheese and sour cream. The calorie content of a steam chicken cutlet with cheese is 220 kcal per 100 grams.

  • 500 grams of chicken meat.
  • 2 onions.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 2 slices of white bread.
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • Salt, pepper, curry, herbs (dill, parsley).

The meat is ground in a blender. Finely chop onions and herbs, rub carrots and cheese on a medium grater. Vegetables, white bread soaked in milk, and the remaining ingredients are added to the minced meat. Salt to taste, mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 1 hour. Then cutlets are formed and cooked in a double boiler for 30 minutes.

Chopped chicken cutlet is distinguished by juicy taste and wonderful aroma. The calorie content of the dish is 180 kcal per 100 g.

In order to make the cutlets more juicy, you can use minced meat instead of minced meat for their preparation. For this recipe, it is better to use red chicken meat, since the chopped breast cutlets are dryish. For two servings you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of chicken legs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. potato starch;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • seasoning: ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers.

The meat is separated from the bones, cut into square pieces of about 1 cm, the onion is peeled and finely chopped. Put meat, onions, eggs in a deep bowl, mix. Then add starch, mayonnaise, salt and spices. Stir again. Leave for 2-4 hours in the refrigerator so that the meat is thoroughly soaked. Then they make large cutlets and put them in a double boiler. Cooking time - 30 minutes.

If you are tired of steamed foods, then sometimes you can afford fried chicken cutlets. The calorie content of fried chicken cutlets is 20-30 kcal lower than cutlets from other types of meat, and you will get no less pleasure from eating.

A cutlet is a dish made from minced meat, mainly meat, in the form of a flat cake or a bun. Instead of meat, potatoes, onions, zucchini, fish, mushrooms and other products can be used to prepare minced meat. Cutlets are pan-fried, grilled or steamed. Chicken meat is one of the dietary types of meat that is used for minced cutlets. Due to the low fat content in chicken fillets, the cutlets are lean, tender, and easily absorbed by the body. Chicken fillet does not contain coarse fibers, as in lamb or beef, therefore it is suitable for dietary nutrition. Chicken cutlets cook faster than cutlets made from other meats. The calorie content of a chicken cutlet is less than the calorie content of a beef or pork cutlet.

Useful properties of chicken cutlet

Chicken cutlets, including Kiev cutlets, contain a large amount of minerals. These are potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Vitamins in the chicken cutlet are present: groups B, A and E. Chicken meat is easily digestible proteins, it is recommended for sports nutrition in order to build muscle mass. Properly cooked patties are a low-calorie source of protein. All these advantages make the use of chicken meat a priority in the diet of patients with the following diseases: polyarthritis, infectious diseases (for example, colds and flu), hypertension, obesity, diabetes. Chicken meat is useful to eat with increased physical and mental stress, during the recovery period after serious illness.

For chicken cutlets, it is better to take homemade chicken meat. And for the rest of the dishes too. Domestic chicken is more stringy, less fatty, its meat is more useful for the body.

Dietary ways to cook chicken cutlet

For the preparation of chicken cutlets, the calorie content of which allows them to be included in the diet even on a strict diet, there are the following rules:

1) For frying, it is better to take a pan with a special coating, ceramic or Teflon. This will keep cooking oil consumption to a minimum.

2) For frying, it is better to use a minimum amount of refined sunflower oil (after frying, the oil should not drain from them).

3) If fried is contraindicated (in case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal or cardiovascular diseases), the cutlets are steamed, in a slow cooker, a double boiler or on an airfryer.

4) If eggs are contraindicated for allergy reasons, they can be replaced with hard cheese or cooked without them altogether. The cutlets will fall apart slightly, but not critical.

Here is a dietary recipe for chicken cutlets with cheese. Would need:

  • Hard cheese 100 grams;
  • minced chicken 500 grams (or a pound of chicken fillet);
  • parsley and dill;
  • onions 2 onions;
  • seasonings, salt, oil for frying.

Cheese and onions are grated or ground in a meat grinder, added to the minced meat. If you have meat, not minced meat, it is better to use a meat grinder for everything. Finely chopped herbs, seasonings, salt are also added there. Everything mixes well. Next, cutlets are formed (at the same time, the hands must be wet so that the minced meat does not stick to the hands) and are fried in a pan with a minimum of oil, on both sides. When flipping and frying the other side, cover the patties with a lid so they will cook through the inside faster. Cutlets fried quickly, you need to constantly monitor them so that they do not burn. The calorie content of chicken cutlets according to this recipe is 222 kcal.