Potatoes with a crust in a pan. Fried potatoes with mushrooms

29.07.2019 Egg dishes

Good day!

Today I decided to give you my most valuable culinary recipe on how to fry the most delicious potatoes :) I have been carrying this recipe under my heart for a long time since childhood, living in the village, eating, like many, often one potato for a hurray!

The step-by-step recipe, photos and videos to it, of course, reveal all the secrets of my cooking fried potatoes with a crust! Naturally golden :) With onions, garlic and dill.

I will tell and show all the subtleties of choosing the right frying pan, the potatoes themselves and the principles of proper frying, otherwise many beginners cannot avoid an incomprehensible "cooking" in a frying pan. But you still want to eat deliciously :) And not about just chopping up what happened ...

Video! How to deliciously fry potatoes

I advise you to watch the video to the end, it is not large and contains a lot of my personal life hacks! Visibility, always good + in the video you catch up on your appetite :)

You will have to master the recipe for sure right away, especially since it is simple and described step by step in the article, fry your delicious potatoes and you will definitely succeed with a golden crust today!

But now, before the recipe, which I have calculated to feed 4 foreheads, I would like to tell you a little about the most amazing facts about potatoes that I learned from secret sources :) for my 46 years.

Amazing facts about potatoes

How many-sided and amazing the world we live in after all! Each facet plays with its own colors, shades, facts. The world of cuisine, the world of culinary specialists is just one of hundreds of thousands of faces.

Each dish, in turn, has its own history and flavor. Each seemingly long known ingredient and product - also with its own history. And it happens that it would seem - well, what could be interesting or fascinating here? But no!

Take potatoes: it seems to us that from time immemorial they have been included in many dishes. And pundits say that from time immemorial it was only on the territory of modern South America, 7-9 thousand years ago, where modern Bolivia is located, they used wild-growing potatoes for food.

He was then even worshiped as an animate being. They also said that in the Inca calendar there was such a unit for determining the time as the time for cooking a potato dish - about one hour))

On our continent, at first, potatoes took root a little, there were both potato riots and clashes. They called her darling both the devil and the damn apple, but that the potato helped to defeat hunger in a certain period of time is a fact!

There is such a historical fact: there were times when the peasants in Russia did not want to plant potatoes in any place. And then such a cunning move was invented: they planted a field with potatoes and put them to guard the soldiers, they say, the value of considerable on the field is growing!

Well, our man is our man - they began to steal potatoes little by little and plant them in their gardens). So, by hook or by crook, potatoes received universal distribution and well-deserved recognition. And now they call her nothing other than the second bread, and this is the honest truth)).

Here I remembered the story of one of my acquaintances, how he traveled on a ticket to hot countries, overseas. At first nothing - exotic. Bananas are almost lying underfoot, wonderful binturongs lazily climb the trees, and then he says that he almost howled like a wolf: he just wanted fried potatoes with onions and dill!

You can understand a person, I myself can hardly last long without potatoes. Without bananas - as much as you like, but without potatoes - thank you, I refuse)).

And the first thing my friend, returning from a trip, asked his wife to cook fried potatoes. Of course she cooked it, but it turned out not quite right)

My friend dreamed of getting tasty, crispy, fried slices, neatly cut into strips, but it turned out either mashed potatoes with fried, or stewed potatoes, half fried ...

Of course, he didn’t make any claims, his wife is golden, but you must admit, friends, there is such a thing - not everyone and far from always succeed in exactly the “classic of the genre”, namely fried potatoes with a crispy crust!

Although many people think: “Ugh! To make a potato is easier than a steamed turnip. " But no, my dear ones, there are also here its own characteristics, tricks and tricks, its own rules of preparation, and if you do not know and do not follow them, it will turn out not quite that or not at all).

These rules are quite simple, they do not require specialized education, and they mainly relate to the two most important points: it is to choose the dishes suitable for such a case and to choose the right one - to buy the right potatoes for frying. Yes, and one more thing: the process itself, the technique of execution).

Which pan is better to cook

“Well! Surprised! " - the impatient reader will think. They say, everyone knows that potatoes are fried in a pan, not in a jar). This is so, but the pan must be correct.

I myself somehow "burst", I bought a very beautiful frying pan and very useless, because the sides and bottom of that pan were thin, and no matter how hard I tried, no matter how I selected the heating of the stove, nothing good came out: the bottom burned , the top remained damp.

Therefore, here is the first rule for you: you need to fry potatoes in a thick-walled pan with a thick bottom. Only in this case, it warms up evenly throughout the entire volume, and it is fried potatoes that are obtained, and not a burnt, unevenly cooked mass.

Personally, I prefer the usual massive cast-iron frying pan, which our mothers and grandmothers used to cook with. The result is excellent!

How to choose the “right” potatoes for frying

The next moment is to choose the right potato. You've probably noticed that when cooking, one potato cooks faster, while the other, for some reason, has to be cooked longer. One quickly falls apart, and the other does not.

The thing is that there are a great many varieties of potatoes, agronomists-breeders have worked wonderfully well, and it turned out that there are differences between potatoes and potatoes.

There are more starchy varieties and there are less starchy ones. For frying, we are interested in potatoes with a lower starch content, this one falls apart less, and it is from this that appetizing crispy slices are obtained.

And choosing, calculating just such a potato in the market or in a store is not difficult at all: you need to look, focus on the color of the peel.

Potatoes with red and dark red, brown tubers contain less starch, this is what we need, we buy this for frying.

The tubers are light yellow, yellow - more starchy, quickly boil down, when frying, the slices quickly fall apart, lose their shape, so it is better to buy such potatoes for making mashed potatoes.

Tubers should be flat, without large ugly "eyes" and irregularities. The tubers should be free of damage and even a hint of a rotten side or cut.

It’s a matter of everyday life, and to be honest - many, coming home and finding a spoiled tuber, which “quite by accident” put a smiling saleswoman in the market in your bag, think about the following: “Yes, I will cut it off quite a bit here, and it will go. Do not throw such a potato into the trash bin! "

And this is a mistake. You can not use spoiled, even slightly rotten tubers for food. The fact is that any sore: rot, mold that touches the potato spreads throughout the tuber. It's like a splinter in your finger - it is there, and the inflammatory process has accordingly affected the whole body!

Therefore, do not risk your health, it is not worth it. Also, in no case should you use tubers that have turned green on one side. A green peel, even from one side, suggests that such a potato contains corned beef - a poison that can cause severe poisoning, so the formula: “I will cut it a little and it will go”, you know, will not lead to anything good.

Don't risk it, don't be worth it! It is forbidden to give green tubers even to livestock feed, I am telling you this as a person who passed the test for fodder production at one time).

Delicious fried potato recipe

In general, we figured out the choice of dishes and how to choose the right potatoes, now we can proceed to the process of preparing delicious, crispy, fried potatoes.

It is not superfluous, I think, will know that from 1 kilogram of raw unpeeled potatoes, you will get about 800 grams of ready-made fried. In terms of calorie content, this is about 1500 kcal, 25 grams of protein, 180 grams of carbohydrates.

Estimated cost at the time of this writing:

    Potatoes - 17 rubles per kg

    Sunflower oil - 82 rubles per liter

    Salt - 12 rubles per 1 kg

    Onions - 15 rubles kg

    Dill greens (bunch) - 20 rubles

    Garlic (head) - 10 rubles

As you can see, the set of products for the price is very democratic, available to any person - both a student and an academician. The cost of a dish for 4 men according to the recipe described below will be 173 rubles + an almost full bottle of oil, a pack of salt and almost a kilo of onions will remain for further use!

Cooking time is no more than 30 minutes, and this is in a measured, unhurried mode!

You will need:

    Potatoes - 2000 gr (2 kilograms)

    Sunflower oil - 80 gr (5 tablespoons)

    Medium ground salt - 10 g (1 teaspoon)

    Onions - 50 gr (½ medium-sized onion)

    Dill greens - 3, 4 branches

    Garlic - 3 cloves

How to fry potatoes deliciously and with a crust

In order to fry and cook the potatoes deliciously and with everyone's favorite golden crust, so that everything is not only tasty, but also looks beautiful, the onion and garlic are not burnt, you need to follow my step-by-step recipe and then everything will be like fire!

And so off we go ...

We wash the potatoes under running water, on the tubers of even “fashionable” producers, whose potatoes are packaged in beautiful bags, there are still particles of earth that stick to the fingers and, accordingly, to the already peeled tubers when cleaning. Then the whole thing is badly laundered).

We washed, then we clean the potatoes from the peel, for this it is better to use a small knife that fits comfortably in the hand, and with which you can easily and conveniently remove the extra eyes at once, but they will be). You can, however, use a special cleaner - a housekeeper for vegetables, which removes the skin very thinly. Here it will be more convenient for you.

We immediately put the peeled potato tubers into a saucepan or any other container of a suitable size with cold water. This is to prevent the potatoes from darkening in the air. And the second point: in this way, part of the starch we do not need will be removed from the potatoes, which prevents the formation of a golden brown crust).

After having prepared in this way, cut our potatoes, it must be rinsed under cold running water in a colander under the tap. Thus, we again remove excess starch, so the pieces will not stick together and will fried better.

Washed - spread on a paper towel with a thin layer, blot to remove excess moisture.

Otherwise, oil heated in a frying pan may start to "shoot" in different directions, staining your kitchen and getting on your skin and clothes.

While a paper (you can also use a clean cloth) towel absorbs moisture, put a frying pan on a high heat and pour in sunflower oil, heat it well for 3 minutes.

Gently put the prepared potatoes in the pan so as not to burn themselves. There should be 2-3 layers of potatoes in the pan. If you make a frying pan full of potatoes, then fried, crispy crust will not work!

It is better to cook as described in two passes or cook simultaneously in two pans.

Pour the potatoes into the pan "from ourselves"! Not on, but from myself. Do not cover with a lid, reduce the heat to medium. If you want delicious, crispy fries, never roast them under the lid. For many, this will be something new, unexpected, but this is so - do not cover it!)

So we fry the potatoes for 5-7 minutes, without interfering, do not endlessly butter with a spatula, turn it over, as they say - do not interfere with the process. During these 5-7 minutes, the potatoes will brown from below until golden brown. Now you can turn it over).

You need to turn it over in three or four movements, trying to turn the entire layer, all this fried, golden bottom "pie".

For convenience, you can and should use two shovels or a spatula and a spoon, for example.

Everyone has different stoves, pans too, so adjust the degree of roasting and time yourself, based on your taste. Someone likes only lightly browned slices, someone fries quite a bit.

Turned over, fry for another 5-7 minutes over medium or slightly below medium heat. Peel and finely chop the onion and a couple of garlic cloves on a cutting board.

After turning the potatoes over the second time and fried them for 5-7 minutes, add salt and add chopped onion and garlic on top. That is, you need to salt and add onion-garlic at the final stage of cooking!

If this is done at the very beginning or in the middle of cooking, then the potato that is called "will give juice", moisture will be released and golden brown crust may not work.

Separately about onions and garlic. Someone hates onions or garlic, so it's up to you to decide whether to add what, and how much. I like it more like this, with garlic and onions).

Dill greens, washed well under running water and finely chopped, add at the very end of frying, or already in a plate with potatoes, just before use.

Without dill, I think the dish is not completely complete, but this is my subjective opinion, here again, rely more on your taste.

Such potatoes with milk are especially good, this, I will report to you, is just a song without an accordion!). In general, try it, I'm sure you will like it.

And perhaps the last recommendation: never try to cook something worthwhile if you are in a bad mood. I am far from mysticism, esotericism and other sophisticated and secret "teachings", but the fact is obvious: I am cooking something in a bad mood, that's it! Carcasses light - such a gruel turns out, it's already a shame to do it).

Therefore, cook with a light heart, bright thoughts and everything will work out. I hope my article will help you with this, but if something is not entirely clear - watch the step-by-step video filmed specifically for this article, ask questions in the comments.

Perhaps you will be interested in a description of the cooking process for a particular dish), so I will gladly perform it! All the best to you! Your Petrovich.

Now I heard that scientists said that potatoes are very useful for the body. Perhaps this is so, but it is definitely not worth overusing fried!

Fried potatoes, despite their calorie content, are considered the favorite food of many people. It is served as a main course and used as a side dish. And although many people know how to cook potatoes, I will tell you how to properly fry potatoes in a pan with a crust and onions.

The highlight of a properly fried potato is its delicious and appetizing crust. Not every chef can get it, since it is not so easy to make crispy and ruddy potatoes. To get the result, you must follow the rules during preparation and frying. I have good advice on this. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them.

  • Cut the potatoes into wedges, sticks, slices, strips, or cubes. Before cooking, I advise you to soak it in clean water. This will increase your chances of getting a nice and crispy crust. Just keep in mind that in this case most of the nutrients will be lost.
  • Put the potatoes only in a skillet with boiling oil. And the thickness of a uniform layer of potatoes should not exceed five centimeters. Do not salt while cooking, as the potatoes will absorb a lot of fat. Finish the taste of your dish before serving it.
  • For crispy potatoes, first fry over high and then over medium heat. Never cover the pan with a lid, otherwise you will end up with stewed potatoes, and sprinkle a little flour on the dish to brown.
  • Do not stir the potatoes often while frying. Use a plastic or wooden spatula for this purpose. Immerse it in the potatoes and lift the bottom layer with a light movement. Do not make any chaotic movements.

Typically, refined vegetable oil is used to cook fried potatoes. But you can also cook the dish in butter. Only to get a tender and fragrant potato in this case, you will have to constantly monitor it so that it does not burn. If you are not afraid to ruin your figure, feel free to use animal fat or bacon. The result will be amazing.

As for the calorie content, it will reach prohibitive indicators. The calorie content of fried potatoes is 320 kcal per 100 grams.

The classic recipe for fried potatoes in a pan


  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 6 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt.


  1. Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into slices 3 mm thick. Then place in a skillet with hot oil and spread evenly.
  2. Cook for about fifteen minutes until tender. Flip only once. Do this after the potatoes are browned on one side.
  3. At the end of frying, place the potatoes on a paper napkin to drain off excess fat. Salt, garnish with chopped herbs and send to the table.

Video recipe

Despite the seeming simplicity, not every novice chef is able to cook crispy and browned potatoes the first time. You can only achieve results with practice. So if the first attempt fails, don't give up and practice. This is the secret of success.

The most popular potato recipes

Potatoes are a versatile product. If you think that frying is the only way to cook, you are wrong. It is boiled, steamed, baked in the oven, added to salad, used as a pie filling. The most daring chefs make vodka from potatoes.

The bulk of the proteins, vitamins and minerals rich in potatoes are contained in the cambium layer. Therefore, it is recommended to cut the peel thinly, otherwise the lion's share of substances valuable for the human body will be lost.

Vegetables and herbs are combined with potatoes. It is often served with various pickles, sauerkraut or salted mushrooms. But there are products with which it is not recommended to use it. It's about milk, sugar and fruit.

Consider the popular and delicious step-by-step potato recipes, and you will get the opportunity to see this.

Stuffed potatoes

Stuffed potatoes are a beautiful dish that is suitable for everyday meals and looks on a festive table. As a filling, I use fish, various meats, mushrooms or vegetables. You can take the filling of your choice.


  • Potatoes - 12 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp spoon.
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Pork - 400 g.
  • Meat broth - 500 ml.
  • Salt and pepper.


  1. Chop the onion into small cubes and fry in oil until golden brown. Mince the pork twice, add the onion, salt, pepper and stir.
  2. Cut off the top of peeled potatoes and remove the core with a knife or spoon. To prevent it from falling apart during baking, the wall thickness should be within one centimeter. Fill the potatoes with the mixture.
  3. Fry the grated carrots in oil until softened. Fry the flour in a separate skillet without adding oil until creamy. Add broth to flour, stir, put carrots with sour cream and tomato paste and stir.
  4. Put the prepared potatoes on an oiled baking sheet and pour over the sauce. It remains to send the dish to the oven. At a temperature of two hundred degrees, bake for about an hour.

When I first prepared this masterpiece, the family was thrilled. Since then, I have periodically prepared a delicacy to satisfy the culinary needs of the household. Hopefully the treat will leave the same impression on your family members.

Potato casserole

This culinary masterpiece is truly outstanding. I'll tell you about him.


  • Potatoes - 1 kg.
  • Minced pork - 500 g.
  • Onions - 2 heads.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Mushrooms - 300 g.
  • Processed cheese - 200 g.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Universal seasoning, pepper, salt.


  1. Boil peeled potatoes until cooked. Chop the onion, pass the carrots through a medium grater. Fry the prepared vegetables in oil until half cooked with chopped mushrooms.
  2. Add minced meat to the pan, stir and fry until tender. At the very end, salt and pepper the contents of the pan and sprinkle with seasoning.
  3. Pass the boiled potatoes through a coarse grater, and beat the eggs with the addition of salt.
  4. Put half of the potatoes on the bottom of the mold, spread half of the cheese on top, and then all the filling. Fill everything with half the egg mass, add the remaining ingredients and cover with eggs.
  5. Place the foil-covered form in the oven. At 180 degrees, the casserole is cooked for about twenty minutes. I recommend serving it in combination with pickles or sour cream.

There is no doubt that the dish is prepared in an elementary way. Garnish with sprigs of fresh herbs and figurines of fresh vegetables to make the delicacy beautiful, before serving.

New Year's holidays are just around the corner. If you are drawing up a New Year's menu, include this recipe. All guests will be delighted with the masterpiece.

Baked potatoes with vegetables

I suggest a vegetarian recipe - baked potatoes with vegetables. Although there are no meat products in it, the dish turns out to be hearty and tasty, and it can be served alone or as an addition to fish or meat.


  • Potatoes - 500 g.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 wedges.
  • Olive oil - 0.33 cups
  • Table vinegar - 2 tbsp spoons.
  • Pepper, salt, ground oregano, basil.


  1. Pour cold water over the vegetables provided in the recipe. Peel the potatoes and cut into thick slices. Remove the stalk from the eggplant, the seeds from the pepper. Chop them coarsely.
  2. Prepare the form. I advise you to use a wide and deep container so that the vegetables are half full. It is inconvenient to stir vegetables in a small form. Place the potatoes on the bottom of the oiled dish.
  3. Place the onion, pepper and eggplant on top. Pre-fry the onion if desired. As for other vegetables, they are used raw.
  4. In a deep bowl, combine dried herbs, add salt, olive oil and vinegar, pepper and whisk. Pour the resulting mixture over the vegetables. It is important that the dressing covers everything evenly.
  5. Put the form with vegetables in the oven for twenty minutes. Temperature - 200 degrees. After the time has elapsed, stir the contents of the form, and continue cooking, reducing the temperature to 170 degrees. Take out the dish after 40 minutes.

If the family does not adhere to a vegetarian diet, this delight is sure to be enjoyed. In addition, if you wish, you can always supplement it with baked lamb or diet rabbit.

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms

The next recipe is stewed potatoes with mushrooms. Take your favorite mushrooms for cooking. Canned, frozen, and fresh will do. This will not affect the result in any way.


  • Potatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Mushrooms - 350 g.
  • Onions - 2 heads.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 wedges.
  • Oil, laurel, salt, pepper.


  1. Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into medium slices, put in a saucepan and cover with water. Place the container on the stove
  2. While the main ingredient is cooking, wash the mushrooms, dry and chop into small pieces. Pass the carrots through a coarse grater, and chop the onion into cubes.
  3. Fry the onion in hot oil, then add the carrots, stir and fry together. At the very end, send the mushrooms to the pan and fry until the moisture evaporates. At this stage, salt the contents and sprinkle with pepper.
  4. After boiling water, put a few leaves of bay leaves and garlic passed through a press into a saucepan. When the potatoes are soft, add the mushrooms fried with onions and carrots and stir. Simmer the dish under the lid until tender. Stir the contents of the saucepan.

These stews are paired with various additions, including salted salmon, vegetable salads, cold cuts or regular kefir. She will delight you with an excellent mushroom aroma and spicy taste.

Potato pancakes

It is not known who invented the potato pancakes. Some say that Belarus is the homeland of the dish. Ukrainian chefs unanimously declare that a masterpiece has been created in their country. It's not that important. The main thing is that the dish, contrary to its simplicity, is really tasty.

If you have not had to cook them before, here is the simplest recipe. With its help, you will make ruddy, crispy and mouth-watering pancakes, combined with sour cream.


  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Salt.


  1. Pass the washed and peeled potatoes through a meat grinder or fine grater. Add flour along with eggs and salt. Mix everything. The main thing is that there are no lumps in the mass.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil in a suitable skillet and spoon out the potato mixture with a spoon. When the pancakes are browned on one side, turn over. Since everything happens quickly, I do not recommend leaving the stove.

Despite its enviable simplicity, the dish will rebuff intricate croutons or primitive pizza, especially when served in combination with a sauce that includes sour cream and herbs.

The history of the origin of potatoes

A fascinating history lesson awaits you at the end of the article. On which continent a person first discovered potatoes is unknown. Its habitat is considered to be South America. The vegetable began its distribution from Peru. Such assumptions were made by historians.

Ancient people, looking for an alternative way to get food, discovered tubers of wild-growing potatoes in the ground.

Ancient Indians living in South America cooked potatoes in a variety of ways. But the favorite was a dish resembling chips. It was stored for a long time and satisfied hunger.

On the territory of Europe, the vegetable appeared in 1565. The Spanish king Philip II ordered to deliver the plant to the palace. Despite this, the vegetable did not receive recognition immediately. At first, potatoes were grown incorrectly due to a lack of experience and knowledge. Even Europeans tried to eat unripe tubers, poisonous fruits and tops, which led to poisoning and health problems.

And although people rebelled against the use of potatoes, European kings did everything possible to spread the plant, trying to solve the problem of hunger. In the middle of the seventeenth century, the vegetable gained popularity and acquired the status of the main European agricultural crop.

Potatoes appeared on the territory of Russia at the end of the seventeenth century. Peter I, during a visit to the Netherlands, became interested in this outlandish vegetable and took it with him. Initially, in Russia, the plant was considered a curiosity and exotic. At balls and receptions, they were served to the table as an overseas delicacy, seasoned with sugar.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the country's leadership began to distribute instructions for the cultivation and use of potatoes. As a result, the vegetable began to be grown on a large scale, eaten, fed to livestock, processed into alcohol and starch.

Dishes that are easy to implement deserve the attention of a modern person. Since you can fry potatoes in no time in a pan, we suggest considering the best variations. It turns out so delicious that the whole family will ask for more. Let's start!

# 1. Fried potatoes in a pan: "classic"

  • butter - 40 gr.
  • potato tubers (large) - 6 pcs.
  • garlic cloves - 5 pcs.
  • dill - 25 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 70 ml.
  • spices

We will tell you how to properly, taking into account all the subtleties, fry potatoes in a pan.

1. Peel and rinse the tubers, place them in cold water for a quarter of an hour. In this simple way, you will get rid of excess starch.

2. Chop the potatoes into equal sized cubes. Melt 2 types of butter in a skillet, send the potato strips for frying.

3. Do not cover the dishes. Wait 7 minutes, during this period it is necessary to mix the components 1 time.

4. Now reduce the heat to medium. Fry the slices until crisp for another 10-12 minutes.

5. 3 minutes before completion, add the garlic gruel. Turn off the stove, sprinkle the dish with spiced salt and chopped dill.

No. 2. Fried potatoes with crust and onion

  • medium onion - 2 pcs.
  • potato tubers - 7 pcs.
  • spices

Not everyone knows how to fry potatoes according to the rules in a pan. It will be tasty to cook it with a crust with onions in no time.

1. Chop peeled potato tubers and chop into sticks. Chop the onions in half rings.

2. Place the potatoes in water for 10 minutes, then remove and discard excess liquid. To do this, place the pieces of vegetable on napkins.

3. Heat oil in a skillet until bubbling. Set the power to medium. Lay out the potato wedges.

4. Let sit for 7 minutes, then gently turn over with a spatula. Don't break the pieces.

5. Reduce the hotplate slightly to a value between minimum and medium. Wait 10 minutes, stir the contents several times.

6. After the allotted period of time, add half rings of onion. Stir and bring the dish until tender. This will take about 8 minutes.

7. Before turning off the stove, add spices, salt, you can crumble green tea. Consume hot immediately.

No. 3. Fried potatoes with garlic crust

  • butter - 30 gr.
  • potato tubers - 7 pcs.
  • garlic teeth - 6 pcs.
  • sunflower oil - in fact
  • condiments

We propose to consider another interesting variation on how to fry potatoes. We advise you to cook it in a frying pan, it is very tasty and with a crust, the dish is obtained by frying with garlic.

1. Prepare the tubers according to the familiar scheme by peeling and chopping them into small pieces.

2. Heat the butter and stir in the vegetable oil by eye. Lay out the potatoes, keep for 7 minutes without stirring.

4. In the allotted time, it is necessary to turn the contents over a couple of times. Now sprinkle with spices and do not forget to salt. Wait 6-8 minutes and turn off.

No. 4. Fried potatoes with mushrooms

  • garlic cloves - 8 pcs.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • mushrooms (preferably champignons) - 0.6 kg.
  • potatoes - 1 kg.
  • dill - 45 gr.
  • spices

Fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms will conquer even the most sophisticated gourmet. We will cook in a frying pan, here is the recipe.

1. Chop potato tubers into cubes of equal size for even heat treatment.

2. Crush the garlic teeth into a gruel. Chop the onion into cubes or halves. Fry vegetables with oil.

3. In the bowl where vegetables were languishing, fry the mushroom slices. They should lose volume and become ruddy. Stir in the onion and garlic.

4. How to fry potatoes: put them in a frying pan in sizzling oil, keep for 7 minutes. Stir, salt, add spices to make it delicious.

No. 5. Fried potatoes with meat

  • potatoes - 900 gr.
  • dill - 60 gr.
  • pork - 0.4 kg.
  • spices

Before frying potatoes, decide on the meat. Pork is the best in a skillet.

1. Wash the meat, chop into bars. You can pre-beat to make the product softer.

2. Now heat the oil until it sizzles. Place the pork on the roast so that it gets a crust. Season with salt and spices.

3. When the crust appears on all sides, reduce the power, cover the dish and simmer for a quarter of an hour.

4. Tackle potato tubers. They need to be cleaned and chopped. Stir in pork, set for 10 minutes, leave contents uncovered.

No. 6. Fried potatoes with cheese

  • potato tubers - 8 pcs.
  • cheese - 0.35 kg.
  • dill - 50 gr.
  • spices

1. Before frying the potatoes, they must be chopped into 2 * 2 cm cubes. It turns out so delicious in a frying pan.

2. Place the vegetable in the sizzling oil, hold for 7-10 minutes, until a crust forms. Then turn down the power to the middle mark.

3. Timed at least another 10 minutes. It is necessary to control the heating of the stove so that the potatoes do not burn, but bake inside.

4. When the dish is almost ready, sprinkle it with spices and chop the coarsely grated cheese.

5. Close the dishes, set the minimum heat and wait 5 minutes. Add herbs before tasting.

No. 7. Fried potatoes with lard and apple

  • lard with layers of meat - 0.2 kg.
  • potatoes - 1 kg.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • condiments

1. Remove the peel from the fruit, cut the core. Chop into cubes or sticks. Chop the onion in half rings, lard - in slices.

2. Now heat not too much oil to make it sizzle. Add lard and wait for it to turn light.

3. Bring the hotplate down to the middle mark and add the diced or chopped potatoes. Keep for 6 minutes, stir.

4. Turn over again after 5 minutes. Pour in the onion with the apple, mark for 12-15 minutes. Finally, sprinkle with spices and salt. Ready!

No. 8. Country style potatoes in a pan

  • potatoes - 0.6 kg.
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml.
  • spices

Before frying potatoes in a country style in a pan, they must be deliciously marinated.

1. Select medium-sized tubers. Rub them with a hard sponge while holding them under the tap. Do not peel off the peel.

2. Now chop the tubers into orange slices. Make a marinade from butter and your favorite spices, leave the slices in it for a quarter of an hour.

3. Place in a hot skillet, fry for 10 minutes at maximum power. Next, reduce the indicators, cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Today's article was devoted to how to cook delicious fried potatoes. All manipulations are carried out in a frying pan; you do not need a lot of strength and components.

I don't know why, but people are usually divided into two categories - those who succumb to and obey fried potatoes, and those who, no matter how they puff, cannot learn to cook this simple dish. Fortunately, for a long time and reliably (hopefully, reliably) I belong to the first group - I know how to fry potatoes, I love and create in every possible way. Would you like to tell your secrets?

Fried potatoes: the classic way

If you still dream of mastering the really simple science of frying potatoes, you will have to start somewhere. Let's talk about this first. Step by step and in great detail.


  • large potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil, salt.
  1. Peel the potatoes and immediately put them in a bowl of water, while the vegetables should be completely covered with liquid. Cut into cubes, which are then also put in a bowl.
  2. After all the potatoes are cut, put a frying pan with a thick bottom on the stove (ideally - cast iron, well - steel with a thickened bottom). Pour in a few tablespoons of vegetable oil and turn on medium heat.
  3. At this time, drain the water from the potatoes and put it on a paper towel (you can use a cloth towel) to dry it from excess water.
  4. When the pan with butter is completely warmed up, put the potatoes. And we do not touch it, at least for the next 5-7 minutes, while the gas is slightly reduced - to a little weaker than average. Do not stir, do not stir, do not remember. This is one of the main rules of a successfully fried potato.
  5. After the indicated time, we take a wide spatula and turn over the layers of potatoes with several movements. Not flickering, not small - briskly, broadly, confidently. If you find the right moment, then the potato bars will turn over exactly in layers. On the reverse side, an appetizing golden brown crust should be waiting for you. Made? Everything, go about your business, do not touch dinner now for a little less time - about 3-4 minutes.
  6. So, we turn over the second time and go to rest. After a while, we turn over the third time, wait a couple of minutes, choose the thickest block and check it for readiness. If the potatoes are a little damp, mix again and fry until tender.
  7. Salt, mix lightly and gently and arrange on plates. Tasty!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms


  • potatoes - 2-3 tubers;
  • mushrooms - 100 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.
  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes, dry them and put them in a well-heated frying pan. Fry over medium heat until tender.
  2. At the same time, put finely chopped mushrooms in another pan (heated and oiled). If we are talking about mushrooms - raw, if the farm has forest mushrooms - boiled. Fry until golden brown, at the end add the onion cut into half rings and fry until the onion is tender.
  3. Put the mushrooms in the potatoes, mix, fry for about a minute, salt and serve immediately.

On a note. I recommend not neglecting the second frying pan - both potatoes and mushrooms give up quite a lot of water when frying, so if you want to get not a stew, but a ruddy and crispy dinner, do not be too lazy to get another frying pan.

Country style potatoes

How delicious! This is how my grandmother cooked - and, it seems to me, I can still, closing my eyes, remember that magnificent combination of aromas, sounds and pictures that accompanied the village-style potatoes. Incredibly yellow potato tubers, orange eggs, snow-white onions, dazzlingly bright greens - I would give half the world now for dinner cooked with gentle wrinkled hands ... Alas, for lack of the opportunity to taste my grandmother's treat, I go to the kitchen myself.


  • potatoes - 2-3 tubers;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - a few branches;
  • lard - 3-4 slices;
  • salt.
  1. We peel the potatoes, cut them into "skibochki" - first along in half, and then into slices: we get crescents.
  2. Put lard on a preheated frying pan, melt the fat over minimal heat. Greaves can be removed (or you can leave), put the dried potatoes in a frying pan.
  3. Fry until tender, salt at the end and fill with slightly loosened eggs. We cover with a lid and bring to readiness - just a couple of minutes. Serve sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Young fried potatoes

Contrary to popular belief, young potatoes can be very fried. To avoid the nuisance of falling apart and sprawling, here's a little trick that turns your dinner into a feast.


  • small young potatoes - about 1 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • a bunch of dill, salt.

The potato should actually be small - about the size of a walnut, no more. In addition, tubers of the same size must be selected. In order not to waste time and not feel like Cinderella, go to the market: grandmothers in the season of young potatoes sell exactly what you need. Digging a crop in the garden, they immediately sort it by size, wash it, put it in bags and carry everything to the market in the hope that there will be a buyer for each product. And he still exists - you! Let them look at you strangely, it doesn't matter. Do not hesitate and take the cheapest potatoes - the smallest. Yes, and don't worry, you don't need to clean it.

  1. Take out a large bowl, put the trophy in it, pour in a few handfuls of coarse rock salt, close the lid, turn on your favorite music loudly and, hugging the bowl, dance. Vigorously, strongly and plentifully, it is important to shake the bowl, shake and shake. After about five minutes you will get peeled potatoes (you just have to wash them), good mood, lost calories and toned muscles.
  2. So, wash it and put it in a saucepan, fill it with water. Bring to a boil, boil it almost until tender, turn it off and immediately drain the water.
  3. Dry (you can put the pan on the fire and wait a minute or two). Heat the butter in a frying pan, put the potatoes and, stirring occasionally, fry until tender. Salt and serve, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

French fries

Once upon a time there was a Belgian named Frite. Once he came up with a wonderful thing - to sell take-away potatoes, moreover, not ordinary, but fried sticks in a large amount of oil. The dish quickly became popular, and now, in my opinion, everyone knows what fries are and how they taste.


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - about 0.5 liters;
  • salt.
  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes of the same thickness. We dry it.
  2. Pour the oil into a small-diameter ladle (saucepan) and heat well. You can fry potatoes only after the oil is completely calcined.
  3. Gently place the potatoes in small portions in a ladle, fry until a weak, even golden color and immediately remove with a slotted spoon.
  4. We spread the finished potatoes on paper napkins, salt before serving.

Deep-fried potatoes

Another option for deep-fried potatoes is roses. Such "flowers" can be a decoration of salads, and act as a separate dish, and simply serve as a decor for serving the above-described fries.


  • large potato tubers - 3-4 pcs;
  • salt, vegetable oil.
  1. Peel the potatoes, cut them in half lengthwise, and then into thin, thin semicircles. We select the first "petal", roll it up into a tube. We wrap the second "petal" around the first, trying to firmly press the base, and, on the contrary, leave the top free. Thus, we form a "rose" from 10-15 petals, fasten the "stalk" with a toothpick.
  2. Dip for a few seconds in a large amount of hot vegetable oil (all potatoes should be covered with oil), remove as soon as the vegetable acquires a light golden hue.
  3. We spread it on a paper towel. After cooling (small, or better complete), remove the toothpick. Salt before serving.

Fried potatoes "Khvorost"

Have you seen what bundles of brushwood the men carry from the forest? These are about the same and we will cook - well, perhaps a little shallower, but the difference is not particularly striking.

In general, the recipe shamelessly resembles potato pancakes and pancakes, and the essence is the same, but still it turns out not potato pancakes, but fried potatoes.


  • large potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • medium carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • salt, vegetable oil.
  1. My potatoes, peel and cut into strips. This is important - we just cut, and not be lazy and rub. At the same time, if you want to get the perfect version of edible "brushwood", you should strive to ensure that all the straws are relatively the same thickness (and preferably not very large).
  2. We clean the carrots and also cut them into strips, moreover, at times thinner than potato ones.
  3. Mix, salt, add eggs and flour. Let stand for a couple of minutes, then fry under the lid, spreading small pancakes, on fire, slightly less than medium, until golden brown.
  4. Turn over and fry again - until tender. Do not rush - potatoes in cubes may not have time to fry, so it is better not to make a big fire. We serve immediately.


The easiest and most boring option is a plate with a heap of fried potatoes on it in an appetizing slide. At best, sprinkled with finely chopped dill. Let's get away from this?

You can serve potatoes in a hot frying pan very effectively: the fat is still sizzling, vegetables are almost bouncing in the oil, and you are carrying a frying pan that will keep warm for a long time and keep the food from cooling. Carry and sip sweetly with your nose - the aromas tickle and seduce, the picture pleases the eye and the soul, and a sharp thought comes the feeling of the beauty of life!

Try not to serve potatoes alone. Garnish with fresh vegetables, pickles, a few balls of green peas, a scanty parsley leaf - it doesn't matter, just to dilute the potato aria with something.

Oh, and don't forget the sauces! Ketchup directly asks for potatoes, and banal sour cream mixed with garlic is also not very bad. Aioli, satsebeli, adjika, mushroom sauce - in this case, almost everything will be appropriate.

Announcing that today, for example, you have fried potatoes for dinner, you should understand that there will be… potatoes on the table. Confused? I mean, the key when choosing a product for this dish is its taste. Varietal properties are also important, but they are secondary, but the gourmet fillings are essential as never before. If you buy potatoes that are watery, with an unpleasant aftertaste or indistinct consistency (ready-made), it is better not to waste your time: you will fail. In this case, candy will not come out of nonsense, therefore, having found and noticed a suitable potato once or twice, mentally put a tick next to it: it is worth buying this particular variety for frying.

Nevertheless, certain rules can still be deduced. It is best to choose medium-boiling potatoes with a dense skin and low starch content. If, after heat treatment, the tubers keep their shape well, this suits you, take it. Experts say that it is better to prefer yellow and pink potatoes - I will not give a justification, since everything is much simpler for me: I take what I grow in the garden. Perhaps you should look for “your” grandma on the market, who will sell you the best proven product?

Oil and fat

Fry potatoes on anything. Most often and, I think, healthier - on refined oil, which is specially refined for use in a frying pan. Nevertheless, I will say from experience that the most delicious potatoes are those that are cooked in lard or lard. Yes, yes, you can close your eyes in horror and sigh defiantly, imagining how much the calorie content of dinner will increase when using such fat. However, since we initially decided that occasionally we can afford a small holiday of the belly, then let's spend it so that it is actually a holiday, and not a miserable semblance of a matinee in kindergarten. So, potatoes with cracklings, ruddy and crispy, crispy and aromatic - that's what is the standard for me!

By the way, you can also fry in butter, however, there is a big risk of having dinner with a frying pan: it is easy to miss the moment, and then the potatoes will hopelessly stick to the bottom. Delicious, not uncomfortable. The way out is to add a small amount of butter to the main amount of vegetable oil.

1. For frying potatoes, it is better to take a large-diameter frying pan: let the frying area be solid, and the layer of potatoes insignificant. This way you will get a ready-made dish faster and cost less stirring, which will significantly affect the integrity of the potato and its crispness.

2. When cutting potatoes, housewives usually put them in a bowl of water (so as not to darken). Make sure that you put the pieces in the pan, from which the excess liquid is very, very good.

3. Another reason to put potatoes in a container of water before frying is starch. After half an hour spent in the "bath", the vegetable will lose most of this substance, which will have a very positive effect during frying: the potatoes will not fall apart.

4. Frying pan - perfectly and fully preheated!

5. When frying, try not to stir the potatoes very often, and when you do this, take a spatula with a wide "blade", which will turn a large layer over at one time. Start at the edge, gently bring to the center, flip over to the same place with a sharp, precise movement.

6. Salt potatoes at the very end of frying - otherwise it will soften and absorb excess fat.

7. Onions should be fried with potatoes - they add aroma and sweetness to the main vegetable. In addition, carrots, celery and parsley root, finely chopped cabbage are good for this dish. Any meat products - bacon, ham, boiled pork and even sausages-sausages - fit perfectly into the picture.

Calorie content, benefits and harms

I think it's not worth talking about why fried potatoes do not belong to the representatives of healthy food - the words about carcinogens, cholesterol and other nasty things have long made everyone sore. In general, I do not want to raise this topic, it is not interesting. I'd better say a couple of phrases in defense. Of course, most of the vitamins and nutrients contained in potatoes are lost after heat treatment, however, something remains - and therefore we can say that this vegetable is a rich carrier of vitamins C, B, K, E, PP , it contains quite a lot of folic acid, magnesium salts, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, potatoes are believed to be beneficial for cardiovascular disease, stool problems, and swelling.

Calorie content ... well, yes, the figure is not very pleasant. In 100 g of fried potatoes, an average of 300 kcal is hidden. However, everything is fine in moderation - and if you do not eat a bucket of potatoes at a time, I think that such a dinner will bring more benefits than harm, while I suggest not to forget about the incredible gastronomic pleasure and consider it a weighty argument “for”.

Despite the simplicity of the products used for frying, different dishes can be prepared each time. How to fry potatoes so that everyone likes them? To do this, you need to take into account several recommendations. And various auxiliary products will give an additional taste to the potatoes.

What do you need to know about frying?

How to fry potatoes properly? What do you need to know to achieve exactly the effect you intend? Let's start from the very beginning. It is better to choose older potatoes for frying. Young can also be cooked deliciously, but the taste of the usual will be richer. Peel the tubers, cut into strips, plates or wedges.

To get a fried crust, you need to put the dry product in a glued pan with butter. You do not need to cover with a lid. If you want softer potatoes, cover it without fail, but not right away.

The best spices are salt, pepper, bay leaves. You can add herbs, oregano, suneli hops, ginger and nutmeg.

Used as additives:

How long does it take to fry potatoes in a pan? It all depends on the temperature, portion size, the readiness of the rest of the products. It is best to keep it for 25-30 minutes, and then check with a match how soft it is.

How to fry potatoes in a pan? We heat butter, you can ghee, or lard. Fry the onions, add the potatoes and stir. Periodically turns the lower lobules upward.

How to fry delicious potatoes in a slow cooker? To do this, just pour in the oil, put the peeled and cut potatoes in the bowl, add the onion, mix and put in the frying mode for 30 minutes.

There are many ways to prepare such a simple dish. Here is some of them.

New potatoes

You can make such a dish with young potatoes. Select the smallest tubers, the smaller the better. It is desirable that they do not need to be cut. Scrape off the rough skin. Boil in lightly salted water until half cooked.

Crush the breadcrumbs in a bowl. Dip the potatoes in them. Pour oil over a frying pan or cauldron and heat well. Add potatoes there. 10 minutes - and the dish is ready! Add butter.

With herbs, garlic and bacon

You can make another tasty dish from young tubers. The potatoes are fried right with the skin. All you need is to cut it into slices. Melt the butter in a skillet. Cut lard or bacon into thin strips. Fry until transparent. Add the potatoes and leave to roast, uncovered, for about 25 minutes.

Turn over periodically. During this time, cut the greens: dill, parsley, onion. Combine with salt, pepper and press-crushed garlic (to taste). Turn off the heat under the skillet and add the prepared mixture there.

A la deep fat

Cut the potatoes into strips. It is convenient to take large oblong yellow tubers. Heat the oil in a cauldron. You need to pour so much so that the depth is about 5 centimeters at least. When the oil boils, you can get down to business.

How much to fry depends on how hot the oil is and how much ruddy you want to achieve. Salt and pepper at the end. It is better to spread it on a napkin to get rid of fat.

With egg and cheese

The frying pan is greased with ghee. The potatoes are cut into thick strips and poured onto a heated surface. When the entire portion is filled, pour vegetable oil on top. Fry the slices for 10 minutes and turn them over with a spatula. Cover and simmer over medium heat.

The bottom layer will be baked into crispy pieces. When the dish is almost ready, salt and pepper. Break 2-3 eggs upstairs, cover the grated cheese with a thick layer, cover and leave on low heat for 7 minutes. Turn off the stove and leave for another 5-10 minutes.

A very tasty combination - potatoes and chanterelles, as well as porcini and honey agarics. You can use regular mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, but the aroma will be slightly different. To get rid of excess fluid and possible toxins, it is better to boil the mushrooms in advance. How to fry forest chanterelles with potatoes?

Fry the onions in oil, toss in the sliced ​​potatoes. After 10 minutes, add the mushrooms. To get a fragrant soup, pour in a couple of tablespoons of water. Spices are added after the liquid has boiled. Since you need to fry the boiled mushrooms with potatoes a little less, you can throw them in 10 minutes before the dish is ready.

If you cook such a dish with meat, you get a full-fledged hearty lunch. Additionally, you can add some grated carrots and nuts.

With vegetables and meat

This recipe is similar to the previous one. But here it all starts with the fact that you need to cut meat into pieces, for example, pork. Fry it in oil for a few minutes. When the soup flows, add the onions and carrots. After 10 minutes, add the chopped potatoes. Fry everything together.

When the dish is almost ready, add vegetables: peas, corn, zucchini, beans, broccoli, etc. Salt and pepper. Cover with a lid for 5 minutes. The vegetables should remain slightly crispy. Turn off the heat and leave to infuse.

With spices

This recipe is great for multicooker cooking. Fry the onions. Put the chopped potatoes in a bowl, mix everything. Add salt, pepper, suneli hops and some Italian herbs.

We close the multicooker and set to fry for 20-30 minutes. The aroma is simply amazing! You can also add pork or chicken thighs. Then first we lay the meat, and then everything else.

Fried potatoes are a great option for a hearty meal. Such a dish will not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, sometimes you can afford to relax a little and eat something delicious.