How soap bubbles are made at home. How to make soap bubbles at home: the best recipes

28.09.2019 Egg dishes

Today this fun is very popular not only among children, but also among adults. By blowing bubbles, you can have fun with your family or friends. It will be even more interesting when there is a solution for soap bubbles prepared at home. It is done simply, you just need to know the recipe and follow the "production" technology. You can connect all the “home” ones to the process, especially children - for them it will be no less exciting than blowing bubbles.

How to make a soap bubble solution. Recipes

So, to prepare a "magic" liquid, you will need the most ordinary components that relate to the field of household chemicals.

On their basis, various

solutions, which then turn into bubbles mesmerizing with their beauty. Experiment with a few recipes to make your bubble solution when you feel like having a party.

Solution recipes

Recipe number 1: Soapy

For the composition, you will need the following ingredients (unit of measure - parts):

Ordinary soap - 2;

Hot water - 8;

Glycerin - 4;

Sugar syrup - 1.

By mixing all the parts, you get a bubble solution. At home, you can prepare this liquid differently.

Recipe number 2: With shampoo

You will need the following components:

Children's shampoo - ⅓ mugs;

The main secret is pharmacy. The mixture of soap and glycerin produces durable sparkling bubbles: it allows you to create not just round balls, but all kinds of sizes and shapes. As a basis, you can use both household and regular toilet soap. It needs to be cut finely (you can use a grater), mix with glycerin and add them to the water, bringing it to a boil (the mixture must be constantly stirred). Ingredient Ratio: 50% -50%. Be careful when working with boiling soap; it can gurgle a lot - do not burn yourself.

You can use dish detergent instead of soap. Ratio of ingredients: 100 g of glycerin, 200 g of the product and 600 ml of water.

The most difficult method in terms of execution technique, but at the same time it gives the most durable, non-bursting soap bubbles. Required ingredients: hot water (not boiling water - 600ml), liquid glycerin (300m), ammonia (20 drops) and detergent powder (50g). Stir everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained, let the mixture brew for 72 hours, then filter and put in the refrigerator.

Also, one of the beauty secrets of soap bubbles can be called ordinary food coloring. Having previously divided the resulting volume of the solution into parts and adding a couple of teaspoons of different dyes to them, you will get soap bubbles of all colors of the rainbow.

How to make soap bubbles at home with your own hands: recipes

Although earlier we have already considered several options for how to make soap bubbles at home, as they say, more recipes are better than nothing: there will be plenty to choose from.

1. Soap bubbles recipe for quick and easy preparation: base - dishwashing detergent.


100 ml - means for washing dishes;
400 ml. - water;
2 tsp Sahara.

Mix thoroughly and "voila" - you are ready even now to arrange a grandiose show of soap bubbles.

There is another similar recipe, but in it we replace sugar with glycerin.


150 ml. - means for washing dishes;
800 ml - water;
2-3 tbsp glycerin.

Mix thoroughly and place the mixture in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

2. Taking care of children: based on baby shampoo.

Children love to play with soap bubbles, but what to do if drops from bursting soap bubbles get into the baby's eyes and the bubble blowing game turns into a race to the sink to wash the eyes. In this case, we can only advise you to use a special soapy liquid based on baby shampoo that does not cause pain and burning when it gets on the mucous membranes.


1 glass of baby shampoo;
2 glasses of boiled water.

Stir and let it brew for 24 hours, then add: glycerin (3 tablespoons) or sugar (6 tsp). Now you can start a bubble show for kids without worrying about cute babies.

3. Recipe for lovers of exquisite aromas: base - bubble bath.

For half a liter of solution you will need: 380 ml. - foam and 120 ml. - water.

4. Recipe for non-trivial people: base - corn syrup.


400 ml. - dishwashing detergents;
Litere of water
180 ml. - syrup.

5. Economy option: basis - laundry soap.


A glass of water - 200 ml;

40 gr. (2 tablespoons) soap shavings;
1 tsp glycerin (can be replaced with sugar or gelatin).

If you don't feel like messing around with rubbing the soap, use liquid soap instead of lumpy soap. Then the ratio will be as follows: half a glass of soap, 1/4 cup water, glycerin - 10 drops. Let the foam settle (about 2 hours) and put in the refrigerator.

6. Recipe for people who like to experiment: base - thick sugar syrup.

The resulting solution will help your fantasy come true: you can arrange a soap bubble show for children at home. Various combination figures will also be within your power: for this you need to connect the inflated, heavy-duty, non-popping soap bubbles with each other.

60 ml. syrup (combine water and sugar in a ratio of 10ml / 50g);
100 g soap shavings;
200gr. glycerin;
400 ml. boiled cooled water.

How to make soap bubbles at home?

Editorial response

Since ancient times, soap bubbles have attracted both children and adults. During excavations in Pompeii, archaeologists have found frescoes (1st century AD) depicting people blowing bubbles. This fun is no less popular now.

Durability is the main thing that is appreciated in soap bubbles. This property directly depends on the correct proportion of ingredients for the solution, so if you decide to make bubbles yourself, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Recipe 1

One of the easiest ways. You need to take 200 g of dishwashing detergent (not for dishwashers), 600 ml of water and 100 ml of glycerin (sold in any pharmacy). All ingredients must be mixed well. Ready! The glycerin (or sugar) in this formulation contributes to the strength of the bubbles. By the way, you cannot take plain tap water - it will contain a lot of salts, and this will have a bad effect on the quality of the film. Therefore, it is better to boil the water and let it cool down or use distilled water. These bubbles will be durable, although not very large.

Recipe 2

This method is more difficult - it will take longer and require complex components. For 600 ml of hot boiled water, you need to take 300 ml of glycerin, 20 drops of ammonia and 50 g of any detergent (in powder form). Mix all the ingredients and leave to brew for two to three days. After that, we thoroughly filter the solution and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. It's a little tedious, but such a product will allow you to make durable and large bubbles, just like the professionals performing at the soap bubble show.

How to check the quality of the prepared mixture?

A bubble with a diameter of 30 mm should, on average, “live” about 30 seconds. If you dip your finger in a soapy solution, and then quickly touch it on a soap bubble - and the bubble will not burst - then the solution turned out to be correct.

Once the soapy solution is ready, all we have to do is select the bubble blower tool.

How to blow bubbles?

A “classic” bubble blower is a straw, such as a cocktail tube. A straw was also used 300 years ago - it is it that we see in a painting by a French painter of the 18th century Jean-Baptiste Chardin(1699-1779) "Bubbles" - and continue to use now.

Bubbles, Jean-Baptiste Simeon Chardin, 1734 Photo: Public Domain

For a more difficult blowing out of soap bubbles, for example, using the "nesting dolls" principle, pour the bubble solution into a flat plate about 20 cm in diameter. Use a straw to inflate the bubble so that it “lies” on the plate. You will get a hemispherical bubble. Now carefully insert the tube into the bubble and inflate another one, but smaller.

How to prepare a solution for giant (from 1 m in diameter) soap bubbles?

The show with huge soap bubbles iridescent in all the colors of the rainbow fascinates both adults and children. It is able to decorate both children's parties and weddings and give an unforgettable magical atmosphere.

Recipes for large (from 1 m in diameter) bubbles

Recipe number 1

  • 0.8 l of distilled water,
  • 0.2 l dishwashing liquid,
  • 0.1 l of glycerin,
  • 50 g sugar
  • 50 g of gelatin.

Soak gelatin in water, leave to swell. Then strain and drain off excess water. Melt the sugar and gelatin without boiling. Pour the resulting liquid into 8 parts of distilled water, add the rest of the ingredients and mix without foaming (foam is the enemy of soap bubbles!).

Such a solution gives especially large and durable bubbles, and most importantly - it is absolutely non-toxic, which means it is harmless to you and your child even in contact with the skin.

Recipe number 2

  • 0.8 l of distilled water,
  • 0.2 l thick dishwashing liquid,
  • 0.1 l of lubricant gel without impurities,
  • 0.1 l of glycerin.

Mix gel, glycerin and dish soap. Add hot distilled water and mix thoroughly without creating foam on the surface. This method will allow you to make the most "tenacious" bubbles that do not burst even when in contact with water.

How to make giant bubbles?

A regular straw will not work for blowing giant bubbles. Tie a woolen thread to two sticks, such as knitting needles. The resulting structure must be dipped in a plate with soapy water, allowing the woolen thread to soak. Next, spreading and sliding the knitting needles, try to create your first soap creation.

Another - more complex - manufacturing method will require step-by-step instructions. You will need 2 sticks, a cord to absorb the soapy water, and a bead.

Step 1. One end of the string must be tied to the end of one of the sticks.

Step 2. Step back 80 cm and put on the bead (acts as a weight), then tie the cord to another stick.

Step 3. The remaining tip must be tied back to the first knot. The result should be a triangle made of cord on sticks.

To start the bubble, dip the cord into the solution, let it soak in the soap, and then pull it out, raise it with outstretched arms in front of you and spread the sticks. Do not make sudden movements, but also do not delay the process, as the soap solution can quickly spill onto the ground.

* Bubble show shops and large children's stores have a huge selection of giant bubble blowing tools - in different shapes and with different numbers of cells. You can blow out one big bubble or a swarm of tiny bubbles that will fly in different directions in an instant.

Even during the excavation of the notorious Pompeii, archaeologists discovered frescoes depicting children blowing soap bubbles. And today, fun with soap bubbles is held in high esteem by children, and by many adults.

The easiest way is to go to the store and buy a bottle of one or the other, but it is better to make them yourself, especially since there are a lot of recipes from which everyone will choose the best option for themselves.

Before you start preparing your entertainment solution, it will be helpful to familiarize yourself with some of the secrets of quality rainbow balloons.

  • Tap water is not the best component for preparing a solution, use boiled, or even better distilled water.
  • The solution will work better if the soap (other soap) contains fewer perfume additives.
  • The approximate ratio of soap and water - 1/10 - is not strict, but it is better not to step aside so that the quality of the bubbles does not suffer.
  • Do not overdo it with glycerin (sugar), otherwise it will be difficult to blow bubbles.
  • For babies, a less dense solution is suitable - the bubbles are easily blown out, although they are not very stable, but it is better if they are not stable than the child cannot blow out the ball.
  • Experts in homemade soap bubbles recommend that the solution be kept for at least 12 hours before use (preferably in the refrigerator).
  • There should be no foam in the solution, you cannot get good balls with it, for its absence it is necessary to insist and cool the solution.
  • Bubbles are better at high humidity.
  • Dust in the air and strong wind are not comrades to soap bubbles.

So, recipes for soap bubbles for all occasions:

Option number 1:
Laundry soap - 1 part (under no circumstances use toilet soap - the solution will not work with it!)
Cold water - 10 parts
Glycerin 1 / 3-1 / 5 parts by volume of the soap mixture (or 1/4 part of soluble sugar with gelatin).
Finely chop the laundry soap (you can grate it on a grater), then mix it with water, wait until the soap is completely dissolved in water, pass through cheesecloth. Then add glycerin or sugar solution with a little gelatin. Now it remains for the solution to only infuse.

Option number 2:
Any simplest dishwashing detergent - 100 gr.
Water (boiled / distilled) - 300 ml.
Glycerin - 50 ml.

Almost the same, but with sugar.
Dishwashing detergent - 1/2 tbsp.
Water - 2 tbsp.
Sugar - 2 tsp

And in the first and second options, simply mix all the ingredients and insist - the solution is ready!

Option number 3:
Hot water - 300 ml.
Powder detergent - 25 gr.
Glycerin - 150 ml.
Ammonia - 10 drops
Mix everything and leave the mixture for 2-3 days, then filter through cheesecloth and insist in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Option number 4:
Water - 300 ml.
Shampoo - 100 ml.
Sugar - 1 tsp
Glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.
Add sugar and glycerin to the mixture of water and shampoo, stir everything well and leave for 12 hours. From such a solution, large balls are obtained that slowly fall to the surface.

Option number 5:
Water - 60 ml.
Transparent shower gel - 50 ml.
Sugar - 0.5 tsp.
Mix everything thoroughly, insist the allotted hour and you can work rainbow miracles!

Option number 6:
Water - 300 ml.
Glycerin - 100 ml.
Ammonium alcohol - 10 drops.
Laundry soap - 50 g.
In one bowl, combine water, glycerin and ammonia. In another container, boil the grated laundry soap over a fire until it is completely dissolved, then add it to the main solution. Mix everything, let it brew for 2-3 days, filter through cheesecloth and refrigerate for 12 hours.

Option number 7:
Baby shampoo - 200 ml.
Water - 400 ml.
Glycerin - 3 tbsp. l. or 6 tsp. Sahara.
Mix shampoo with water and leave for 24 hours, then add glycerin (sugar) and refrigerate for 12 hours.

Option number 8:
Dishwashing detergent - 2 tbsp.
Water - 2 tbsp.
Corn syrup - 3/4 cup
You just need to take everything and mix (do not forget to stand in the cold before use).

Option number 9:
Water - 8 parts.
Glycerin - 4 parts.
Grated household goods - 2 parts.
Sugar syrup (water / sugar ratio 1/5) - 1 part.
Get a homogeneous mixture from these ingredients, filter, insist in the cold. From such a solution, strong balls are obtained, from which you can build a variety of shapes (should be blown onto a smooth surface, for example, on a table).

Option number 10:
Water - 300 ml.
Dishwashing liquid - 100 ml.
Glycerin - 50 ml.
Sugar - 4 tsp
This solution is best done in a large bowl, as it is great for making giant balls. A gymnastic hoop is lowered into the basin and a huge, durable bubble is slowly drawn out.

By the way, you can get colorful bubbles - add 2-3 tsp to the solution. food coloring.

Any product must be of high quality, so you should check the resulting solution for quality, namely:
  • Take a straw, dip in the solution. A liquid film should form at the end of the straw - carefully blow into the other end. If the bubbles are watery, not long-lived (the "life" of a bubble with a diameter of 3 cm is at least 1/2 minute) or burst quickly from a light touch of a finger, then a little glycerin and soap (dishwashing liquid) should be added to the solution.
  • The "correct" bubble will remain intact if it is pierced with a finger dipped in soapy water.
Now it remains to choose a tool for blowing rainbow bellies, it can be:

- an ordinary straw, a tube for cocktails (the tip of such a tube can be cut into petals, which should be bent), hollow pasta, a tube can be made yourself from thick cardboard.

Various dough cutters are also suitable;

Wire variations. You can simply twist the wire with a loop (by the way, the part you need to hold onto can be decorated with various beads - you get an original stick-frame for blowing soap bubbles). An interesting option is to get balls from the following tool - the wire is twisted in a spiral so that one end of the wire passes through it with an axis (like a stick in a popsicle).

A simple option from a plastic bottle, you just need to cut off the bottom - the device for blowing large bubbles is ready!

A gymnastic hoop is perfect for giant bubbles (option # 10).

Another device for creating large bubbles is to tie elastic bands or silk threads to the ends of two knitting needles (you can take straws for a cocktail), you should get a frame that you gently dip into the solution, pull out and put up in the wind - the result should please.

A funnel (glass, plastic) can be adapted.

If you have thoroughly stocked up with a solution, then you can lower a tennis racket into it, all that remains is to wave the racket and admire the extravaganza of soap bubbles.

The least expensive way is your own hands. Everyone knows the "okay" gesture. In this way, you need to fold your fingers - dip in the solution - blow into the resulting "window".

And finally, a few variations of soap bubble entertainment:

Soap matryoshka. On a saucer with a small amount of solution, using a tube (first dip it into the solution), a soap bubble is inflated in the form of a hemisphere, then the tube is carefully inserted inside the bubble and another smaller bubble is inflated, then the tube is again inserted into the newly obtained bubble and a new one is inflated, etc. etc.

Rainbow extravaganza in the bathroom. Take a full bath of water, put floating lighted candles in the water, turn off the light and enjoy the view of the most beautiful sight - the rainbow overflow of soap bubbles and glare of water under the candlelight!

- "soap puzzles". An excellent opportunity for joint useful entertainment. Adults blow bubbles and give a task to children: "Back his shoulder", "burst the balloon with your nose", "catch him in your palms", etc.

Freezing soap bubbles. First, the solution must be cooled (somewhere down to 0 degrees). If you then go out into a severe frost and blow out a bubble, then thin needles are formed on it, connecting into funny snow figures. If it is not severe frost outside, you can still get an ice ball - you just need to carefully blow it into the snow, after a while a ball of snowflakes will come out (some, so as not to blow in the cold, this operation is done in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator).

Soap competitions. To do this, you need a woolen blanket or carpet (with a pile). On such a surface, the balls do not burst for a long time and if you blow on them, they roll. Whoever quickly rolls the ball to the opposite side of the carpet in this way is the winner. You can also wrap your tennis racket (another suitable item) in a wool scarf. Adults gently blow the ball onto the racket. And children can carefully toss the ball - it bounces interestingly. In this case, the winner is the one with the ball that "lives" longer.

Painting. A small amount of gouache is added to the soap solution (it is more interesting if the solutions are of different colors - prepare several glasses). You can spread or hang (on the back of the paper, glue a loop of thread, for which you can hang the sheet) a sheet of paper. Then blow balls from various cups in the direction of the sheet - upon contact, the ball will burst, leaving a colored trace. Or you can simply blow out a bubble, "catch" it with a sheet of paper (holding it in your hand).

Soap bubbles show. You can arrange it yourself, having learned some tricks or invite specialists. Any celebration will be adorned with such a “soapy-bubble” performance.

Bedtime story. Of course, you can reread a Cinderella or another fairy tale for the 100th time. But it's better to compose your own story with your child. So, “Once upon a time, Soap Bubble lived, he was kind and kind and loved to fly. Once he flew high to the fluffiest clouds and flew through the fields and meadows. I decided to look into the dense forest. He flies and sees on a tree stump ... ”Let the child figure out who the bubble saw on the tree stump, and then it’s again the turn for the“ adult storyteller ”and so a new interesting story will turn out in turn.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to prepare a solution for safe soap bubbles and organize "rainbow-air" leisure. Good mood and strong, beautiful soap bubbles!

Summer is in full swing - and I want something so-and-so ... To be fun, simple and - so that the sea of ​​real summer sensations! One of the great options is Soap Bubble Festival ... Yes, a holiday: any, even the most boring, evening with soap bubbles turns into an adventure. It's fun and beautiful, plus - new sensations, new observations, new discoveries ...

Oh, soap bubbles! ..

You can spend a quiet evening of experiments, you can have a funny competition, or you can have noisy pampering for the kids ... By the way, how many adults can walk past the children blowing bubbles and not show the "class"?

Today we have prepared for you 7 recipes for making soap bubbles at home ... But they can be used in courtyard conditions, and in summer cottages, and in parks, and on holidays, and in walking and even in conditions of playing in a laboratory for studying the properties of soap bubbles!

What is important to know in order to make soap bubbles at home OK?

Of course, the main thing is the solution and which sticks (tubes, frames) for soap bubbles you use. Below are 7 recipes for soap bubble solution. You can choose the one that suits you best, but do not be surprised: you may have to "adjust" it to suit your conditions. Let some helpful tips help you.

The best children's books

Useful tips for those who make soap bubbles at home:

  • It is better to use boiled water to prepare the solution, and even better - distilled water.
  • The fewer impurities (perfumes and other additives) in the soap or other detergent used to prepare the liquid, the more reliable the result.
  • How to make the solution thicker and the quality of the soap bubbles better? To do this, use glycerin or sugar dissolved in warm water.
  • The main thing is not to overdo it with glycerin and sugar, otherwise it will be difficult to blow bubbles.
  • A less dense solution forms less stable bubbles, but they are easier to blow out (suitable for babies).
  • Many bubble lovers advise keeping the solution 12 to 24 hours before use.
  • At the start, before blowing out the bubble, you need to wait for a clean solid film (on which you will blow), without additional small bubbles at the edges, which sometimes appear. Bubbles need to be carefully removed or wait until they disappear. And in general, it is advisable to avoid foam: insist, cool the liquid for soap bubbles - if only there was less foam.
  • Wind and dust in the air are not helpful for soap bubbles.
  • High air humidity is a helper.

How to make soap bubble solution: 7 recipes for all occasions

Recipe 1, simple: soap bubbles from dishwashing liquid

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup dishwashing liquid
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Ready!

You can use a similar composition, where glycerin is used instead of sugar:

  • 2/3 cup dishwashing liquid
  • 4 glasses of water
  • 2-3 tablespoons of glycerin.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and store in a cool place for 24 hours. Glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy.

In order to do multicolored soap bubbles , add food coloring to the mixture (2-3 teaspoons for the whole volume or divide into parts to make bubbles of different colors).

Recipe 2, for the little ones: how to make soap bubbles from baby shampoo?

You will need:

  • 200 ml baby shampoo,
  • 400 ml of distilled (boiled, melted) water.

This liquid should be infused for a day, after which you should add:

  • 3 tablespoons of glycerin or 6 teaspoons of sugar.

Recipe 3, fragrant: bubble bath foam

You will need:

  • 3 pieces of bubble bath,
  • 1 part water.

Recipe 4, original: soap bubbles with syrup

You will need:

  • 2 cups dishwashing liquid
  • 6 glasses of water
  • 3/4 cup corn syrup

Recipe 5, cheap and cheerful: a solution for soap bubbles from laundry soap

You will need:

  • 10 glasses of water
  • 1 cup grated laundry soap
  • 2 teaspoons of glycerin (or a solution of sugar in warm water, you can - with gelatin).

You can do with a combination of water and soap without additional additives (for example, if there is simply no glycerin). The soap grated on a grater must be poured into boiled water, moreover, hot, and stir to full dissolving soap. If the dissolution is difficult, you can slightly warm the mixture with continuous stirring. Do not bring to a boil!

And if you do not want to grate laundry soap, then use the following composition:

  • 100 ml of liquid soap,
  • 20 ml distilled water
  • 10 drops of glycerin (after the foam settles, ie after about 2 hours. It is better to infuse the liquid in a cold place).

Recipe 6: extra durable soap bubbles for experimenters

You will need:

  • 1 part of concentrated sugar syrup (proportion: for 1 part of water 5 parts of sugar: for example, for 50 g of sugar - 10 ml of water),
  • 2 parts grated soap
  • 4 parts glycerin
  • 8 parts distilled water.

Using this solution, you can, for example, build a variety of shapes from soap bubbles, blowing them onto a smooth table surface.

Recipe 7: giant soap bubbles for a children's party

You will need:

  • 50 ml glycerin,
  • 100 ml dishwashing liquid,
  • 4 teaspoons of sugar
  • 300 ml of water.

A solution for giant soap bubbles can be prepared in a basin, and they are “blown out” using a gymnastic hoop or a frame specially twisted from a flexible material. Honestly, you won't have to blow - you will rather have to swing the frame or slowly pull out a large durable bubble from the basin.

Giant soap bubbles on the beach (video):

What to blow into? Straws / frames / sticks for soap bubbles

As sticks for soap bubbles, you can use tubes of different diameters, frames, cocktail sticks (especially with the tip cut crosswise or in the form of a fringe and bent "petals"), hollow blades of grass or pasta, molds for cutting dough, funnels, you can buy in the store special pistols for soap bubbles or just blow them through your fingers! 🙂

And if you are invited to a real Soap Bubble Festival or arrange one at home, you can make original stick-frames with your own hands from wire and colored beads, for example, the following:

Another original idea - use to blow big soap bubbles ...!

Soap bubbles show

And finally - look at how beautifully and unusually soap bubbles are used in theatrical shows.