How semolina beats are made. How to make semolina meatballs? Semolina meatballs with cheese

22.04.2019 Egg dishes


  • milk 300 ml;
  • semolina 100 g;
  • ghee for frying;
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l .;
  • eggs 1 pc .;
  • flour for breading;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat.
  2. When the milk boils, add salt, sugar and stir.
  3. Now we need to add semolina. Since the porridge will turn out to be very thick, a lot of semolina is taken for this amount of milk, so so that no lumps form when adding cereals, reduce the heat to the very minimum or turn it off completely. Pour in the semolina, constantly stirring it with the milk. The porridge will thicken very quickly.
  4. This is how it will be right after adding semolina.
  5. Stir it with a spoon and cook over the lowest heat so that it thickens so that it does not fall off the spoon. Then remove from heat and leave to cool completely.
  6. Add a chicken egg to the cooled thick semolina porridge. If the egg is too large, only half can be added. Mix, the porridge should remain very thick.
  7. Heat the ghee in a frying pan.
  8. Form cutlets from thick semolina porridge with our hands, roll them in flour.
  9. Put in a frying pan and fry them on one side.
  10. When they are browned, turn them over and fry on the other side.
    Place on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  11. Put the finished semolina cutlets on a dessert plate and pour over with fruit jelly.

Delicious dessert is ready, bon appetit!

Semolina cheese pancakes with cottage cheese


  • cottage cheese - 400 grams;
  • semolina - 3 tablespoons;
  • chicken egg - piece;
  • sugar - 2-3 tsp;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vanilla - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method

  1. First, you need to pour the curd into a bowl and crush it with a fork. In order for the cottage cheese to turn out very tender and without grains - wipe it through a sieve.
  2. Add one egg, semolina (add gradually), sugar, vanillin and salt to the grated cottage cheese. (If you have liquid cottage cheese, then you should mix it with semolina in advance and leave for 2 hours. During this time, the semolina will absorb water from the curd and swell. Thanks to this, your cheese cakes will become even more tender.) Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Now the finished dough needs to be shaped into balls. The easiest way to do this is with your hands: roll the ball from one hand to the other. The cheesecakes should be all medium in size, in this case, about 20 of them are obtained.
  4. Next, you need to roll the finished balls in flour. You can leave the pancakes in the form of balls or make them slightly flattened, like tortillas.
  5. The pan with vegetable oil must be preheated. There should be a little vegetable oil. Put the curd balls in a pan and fry over medium heat until golden brown.
  6. Do not rush to immediately remove the syrniki from the fire, as soon as they begin to brown - they will still be raw. Wait for the formation of a golden color and then you will have excellent syrniki!

In the oven, the meatballs are made according to the same recipe, only on a baking sheet at 180 degrees. We have already told you everything step by step.


Great video, it was even shown on TV. be sure to take a look.

Kindergarten-style meatballs recipe


  • semolina - 0.5 cups;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method

  1. From milk and semolina, boil thick semolina with sugar and a pinch of salt, cool. I got it very thick.
  2. Add 2 eggs to the cooled porridge, mix. If the porridge turns out to be as thick as mine, blend everything together with a blender until smooth.
  3. Add a spoonful of starch and stir again.
  4. Blind round meatballs with wet hands, roll in semolina.
  5. Fry in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.
  • milk (fat content 2.5%) - 400 ml;
  • semolina - 6 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • white wheat flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • finely ground bread crumbs - 7-8 tablespoons;
  • butter - 60 g.
  • Preparation time: 00:30
  • Cooking time: 00:10
  • Servings: 4
  • Complexity: average


We will cook cue ball with raisins and orange peel. A recipe with a photo will help you cope with a new dish. You can diversify it with any other dried fruits (finely chopped dried apricots and prunes). Also, instead of orange zest, you can add lemon or tangerine. The step-by-step process is absolutely not complicated, so sometimes please your household for breakfast or dinner with semolina balls.

Semolina cues are just a godsend for mothers who cannot feed their babies with porridge in any way. And indeed, they prepared a little differently and had a completely different result. Yesterday you were chasing a child with a spoonful of porridge, and today you made meatballs from semolina with jelly for breakfast, and the baby is eating them by both cheeks.

Useful Tips

  • Adjust the amount of sugar in the recipe based on your taste preferences. If you serve cue ball with sour cream, then add a little more granulated sugar. In the case when you are going to eat them with condensed milk or jam, then do not make the cue ball too sugary.
  • Don't forget about the beauty of serving the finished meal. Even such a simple breakfast as semolina beats, present it exquisitely and a good mood for the whole family will be provided. Put the meatballs on nice plates, next to it, put a few fresh mint leaves, berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants) or pieces of fruit (chopped peaches, nectarines, pears and apples).

Semolina meatballs are prepared very quickly. This dish is especially popular with children. After all, it is served to the table along with sweets such as honey, condensed milk, etc. To understand how to make this sweet treat correctly, let's take a closer look at the process of its preparation.

Step-by-step recipe for semolina cakes

Required Ingredients:

Cooking process

Semolina beats should be started by making ordinary porridge. To do this, pour fresh fatty milk into a saucepan, boil it over low heat, and then gently add semolina, granulated sugar and table salt. Next, the porridge must be boiled until thickened, removed from the stove and completely cooled. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that there are no lumps in it. After that, melted butter and chicken eggs should be put in the semolina mixture. All of these ingredients are recommended to be mixed well using a large spoon or blender.

Dried Fruit Processing Process

If you decide to pamper your kids and make semolina balls just for them, then it is recommended to add some dried fruits to the base. We recommend using pitted black raisins. It must be sorted out, and then filled with boiling water and kept in it for about 20 minutes. During this time, dried fruits will swell well, become soft and clean.

The process of forming the cue ball

Even a small child can form balls from semolina. To do this, take 1 full large spoonful of the base, and then roll a ball out of it and slightly flatten it. Further, it is advisable to dip the semi-finished product from 2 sides in dry semolina (you can also use wheat flour). All other products are formed by analogy.

Heat treatment of meatballs in a pan

Before preparing semolina meatballs, put the pan on the fire, heat it strongly and pour in odorless sunflower oil. Next, on the surface of the pan, you need to lay out from 5 to 7 semi-finished products and lightly fry them on both sides. After that, put the finished products on a large flat dish and sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

How to serve correctly

Ready-made are recommended to be served for breakfast or afternoon tea. It is best to eat this dish warm along with hot tea, as well as some kind of jam (cherry, raspberry and berry jam works well), condensed milk, honey, etc.

Useful advice for housewives

You can make meatballs not only with the addition of black raisins, but also ingredients such as ground nuts, dried apricots, prunes, pieces of fresh berries or fruits, etc.

Young mothers with small children are most often thinking about such a question of how to cook. Semolina is not only a healthy dish, but also a great opportunity to disguise semolina porridge, which children do not like very much. Semolina meatballs are flat round cutlets made of semolina porridge similar in appearance to cheese cakes.

You can diversify the taste of semolina meatballs with the help of dried fruits. Raisins, dates, dried apricots, candied fruits will do. Classic semolina meatballs are prepared without the use of these additives.

Today I want to show you how to cook semolina meatballs like in kindergarten step by step with a photo.

Ingredients for semolina balls:

  • Semolina - ¾ glass,
  • Milk - 500 ml.,
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt is a pinch
  • Vanillin - half a bag,
  • Eggs - 1 pc.,
  • Sugar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sunflower oil for frying

Ingredients for cherry jelly:

  • Cherries - 1 glass
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Potato starch - 2 tbsp spoons

Semolina balls as in kindergarten - recipe

After all the ingredients have been prepared, you can start preparing the semolina. First you need to cook semolina porridge. Pour milk into a saucepan. Bring milk to a boil over low heat. Add a pinch of salt. Pour semolina into the boiling milk in small portions, while constantly stirring the milk. If you add all the semolina at once, then there is a risk that large breasts of cereal are formed.

While stirring, boil the porridge for about 7-10 minutes over low heat. The semolina porridge should be thick enough. Remove the pot from the stove. Let it cool to room temperature.

After cooling down, you will see that it has become even thicker and denser consistency - what we need. Transfer the semolina porridge to a bowl in which you will prepare the semolina dough. Add vanillin. Half a bag will be enough, if you use vanilla sugar, you can add it and a whole bag.

Beat in an egg.

Add sugar or icing sugar. In the recipes for semolina balls that I came across on the Internet, I saw that many housewives suggest adding sugar directly to the semolina. You can do this too, but I find it more convenient to add it in the process of making semolina dough. Do not worry that grains of sugar will come across in ready-made meatballs. Just like during frying, the sugar will completely dissolve.

Add wheat flour.

Stir the meatballs with a spoon until smooth.

Wet your hands with water so that the semolina does not stick to your hands. Form round or oblong cutlets from it. Dip them in flour and place on a floured kitchen board.

It remains to fry the semolina meatballs. Pour the sunflower oil into the skillet. Warm it up. Lay out the meatballs. Saute them on each side over low heat for about 2 minutes.

Put the finished meatballs on a plate as soon as they are ready. Serve hot with jam, condensed milk, honey, topping, hot chocolate or jam.

Semolina beats like in kindergarten. Photo

I don't know why, but it is considered a classic that it should be served with semolina meatballs, so in this recipe I will quickly tell you how to make it. Wash and sort fresh cherries. In winter, jelly and frozen cherries are quite suitable. You can defrost them, and immediately cook jelly from them. Place the cherries in a saucepan.

Fill with hot water. Bring to a boil.

In a small bowl, dilute the starch with a little water. 50 gr. there will be enough water.

Add the starch to the saucepan.

Pour sugar into the resulting cherry compote.

Boil the cherry jelly with constant stirring for another 5 minutes.

Remove from heat and cool. Since the meatballs cool down very quickly, the cherry jelly is best cooked in advance. Enjoy your meal. I would be glad if this recipe for semolina cakes like in kindergarten you will like it and come in handy.

Childhood memory - semolina meatballs with jelly for breakfast in kindergarten! It's very easy to make them at home and serve with sour cream, milk sauce or whatever you like.

The meatballs themselves are a European dish. We will cook our meatballs at home from semolina. To prepare such a dish, it would be ideal to use ready-made semolina, which remained after the previous meal. It is already thick in itself and in a new role will reveal itself from a different gustatory side.

We will fry the semolina meatballs in breadcrumbs, inside they will remain very juicy and tender, and on the outside they will acquire a crispy, rich crust. How exactly you can make delicious semolina meatballs, you will find out by reading our recipe for a dish with a photo, which is presented below. In it, all actions are painted step by step.

To saturate and diversify the taste of semolina meatballs, we will prepare a special viscous sweet sauce for them, which ideally complements the texture of the dish.

  • semolina - 0.5 cups
  • milk - 2 glasses for porridge + 250 ml for sauce
  • sugar - 0.5 cups
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  • breadcrumbs - 4 tablespoons
  • refined vegetable oil - 2-4 tablespoons
  • salt to taste

Semolina is boiled both in milk and in plain water, the only difference is that milk semolina has a much more pronounced creamy taste, and semolina in water is very light. Take a suitable thick saucepan and pour the specified amount of milk into it, bring the liquid to a boil, salt a little to taste. Pour all the semolina into a saucepan in portions, mix the cereals thoroughly in milk so that it does not come in lumps. Cooking semolina for 6-7 minutes, then remove the porridge from the heat and cool it under a closed lid.

Pour bread crumbs into a deep bowl. From the cooled and slightly thickened porridge with wet hands, we form a small size ball as shown in the photo. Roll each bit in bread crumbs. Heat the frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and fry each semolina on it from both sides until golden brown.

For the sauce, we need to bring the milk to a boil. Mix flour, some warm water and sugar in a bowl. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling milk, mix the ingredients and bring the liquid to a boil again. Cool the finished sauce a little, pour semolina with it and serve the dish to the table, or serve the sauce in a separate saucer. Semolina meatballs are ready.

Recipe 2: semolina beats like in kindergarten

Prepare semolina meatballs like in kindergarten and serve them with jelly or condensed milk, jam - and you won't have to persuade anyone to eat another piece, the meatballs will be eaten with gusto and they will ask for more additives! The whole secret of a magical transformation is in an appetizing golden brown crust, which is obtained when roasting meatballs. And they can also be breaded in breadcrumbs - the crust will become even denser and, in contrast to the tender, soft semolina, it will be very tasty!

The basis of the meatballs is a steep semolina porridge. You need to cook it very thick, much thicker than you usually cook. The porridge should be such, about which they say “so that the spoon stands,” otherwise the meatballs will blur during frying and you will get semolina cakes. Sometimes raisins or other dried fruits are added to the semolina, so if the meatballs are to your taste, it is very easy to diversify them.

  • milk of any fat content - 0.5 liters;
  • semolina - 0.5 cups;
  • large egg - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l (to taste);
  • salt - a pinch;
  • flour for breading meatballs - 2-3 tbsp. l;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Bring the milk to a boil over low heat. As soon as the foam begins to appear on the surface, stir the milk with a spoon so that it starts to move, and a small funnel turns out in the center. Without stopping stirring, add semolina in a thin stream. Reduce the fire under the pan to the minimum before adding semolina.

Stirring constantly, cook the semolina until all the cereals swell and the porridge begins to thicken. Add sugar and salt. Put sugar to taste, perhaps you want to make the meatballs sweeter, or vice versa - make them savory and serve with jam or condensed milk.

We continue to cook the semolina for 5-7 minutes, until it thickens. The porridge should be steep so that it can easily move away from the sides of the pan while stirring.

We shift the finished semolina into a bowl or leave it in a saucepan and cool until warm. We drive the egg into warm porridge.

Mix vigorously in a circular motion. At first, the semolina will be lumps, but as it mixes, it becomes smooth, the egg will fully combine with the porridge.

Put a frying pan with vegetable oil on a quiet fire. Pour flour into a plate. We moisten our hands under cold water, collect a tablespoon of semolina and form a round blank. Put on flour, press down to make a plump cake. Dip in flour and transfer to a frying pan.

Fry the semolina balls for three to five minutes on each side, until a uniform golden brown appears.

Serve semolina balls warm, hot or cool to room temperature. We choose additives to your taste: berry jelly, condensed milk, jam, berries rubbed with sugar. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 3, step by step: semolina meatballs

  • Semolina 125 g
  • Hard cheese 50 g
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Vegetable broth 250 ml
  • Ground paprika 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt To taste
  • Pepper To taste

The taste of the meatballs will directly depend on the quality of the semolina: how to make the semolina tasty if the cereal is old and moldy? Right, no way. Remember - semolina should be light yellowish, without visible lumps. If the cereal sticks together, it means that it is damp, and this will not lead to anything good, except for the appearance of bitterness or acid.

You can, in principle, take any cheese: some recipes even contain Parmesan (it's not for nothing that the French love meatballs). But the usual "Dutch" or "Russian" will be no worse.

It is better, of course, to cook the vegetable broth yourself from fresh vegetables, but in the case of a total shortage of time or desire, it is quite possible to do with a bouillon cube.

Bring the vegetable stock in a saucepan to a boil. Stir constantly, add semolina into the broth, and, without stopping stirring, bring to a boil again.

After that, reduce the heat to low and, stirring calmly, cook the porridge for 2 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave to cool for 10 minutes.

When the semolina has cooled down a little, beat in an egg, add grated cheese, paprika, salt and pepper, and mix well.

On the work surface (for this, a cutting board moistened with water is best suited) form a sausage from the resulting mass and send it to the refrigerator for 10 minutes for final cooling.

Cut the cooled semolina sausage into 12 pieces and form the meatballs in the form of small round cutlets.

Heat vegetable oil in a pan and fry the meatballs for 2-3 minutes on each side until tender.

Recipe 4: how to cook semolina meatballs

I often cook such sweet meatballs with a delicate crispy crust, filled with fruit jelly, because absolutely everyone loves them at home. This dish is budgetary, it is prepared quite simply, you can be convinced of this by looking at this recipe for semolina cutlets with step by step photos.

  • Milk 300 ml
  • A pinch of salt
  • Semolina 100 g
  • Ghee for frying
  • Eggs 1 pc.
  • Flour for breading
  • Sugar 1 tbsp

Let's prepare the ingredients for the semolina cutlets.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat.

When the milk boils, add salt, sugar and stir.

Now we need to add semolina. Since the porridge will turn out to be very thick, a lot of semolina is taken for this amount of milk, so so that no lumps form when adding cereals, reduce the heat to the very minimum or turn it off completely. Pour in the semolina, constantly stirring it with the milk. The porridge will thicken very quickly.

This is how it will be right after adding semolina.

Stir it with a spoon and cook over the lowest heat so that it thickens so that it does not fall off the spoon. Then remove from heat and leave to cool completely.

Add a chicken egg to the cooled thick semolina porridge. If the egg is too large, only half can be added. Mix, the porridge should remain very thick.

Heat the ghee in a frying pan.

Form cutlets from thick semolina porridge with our hands, roll them in flour.

Put in a frying pan and fry them on one side.

When they are browned, turn them over and fry on the other side.

Place on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

Put the finished semolina cutlets on a dessert plate and pour over with fruit jelly. Delicious dessert is ready, bon appetit!

Recipe 5: semolina meatballs in a pan

  • Semolina 500 g
  • Chicken egg 1 pc
  • Vanillin 1 sachet
  • Breadcrumbs 100 g
  • Sugar 50 g
  • Butter for frying

Cook very thick semolina porridge.

Add the egg.

Add sugar.


Form the balls with wet hands.

Roll in bread crumbs or bread crumbs.

Fry in butter until golden brown.

Recipe 6: semolina meatballs like in a kindergarten (with photo)

Semolina balls will appeal to both adults and children. They turn out to be very similar to cheese cakes, but have their own original taste. They are quite simple to prepare and do not require a lot of food. As a result, tender, airy and very appetizing semolina meatballs come out. The main thing in this recipe is to properly cook semolina porridge so that it turns out to be thick enough and mold well. Then the semolina balls will turn out incredibly tasty.

  • Milk 500 ml
  • Semolina 6 tbsp. spoon
  • Sugar 2 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Butter 1 tsp
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Vanilla sugar 1 sachet
  • Flour 100 g
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Boil thick semolina porridge. To do this, bring the milk to a boil and introduce the cereal in a thin stream with constant stirring. Simmer for about 5 minutes, not forgetting to stir. At the end add sugar, salt, butter. After that, turn off the heat, cover and let the porridge brew for another 10 minutes.

Beat the egg with vanilla sugar.

Add the mixture to the cooled semolina porridge and mix well. The semolina dough is ready.

With wet hands, so that the dough does not stick, form the balls. It is good to roll them in flour on all sides.

Put the semolina meatballs in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil and fry over medium heat until golden brown.

Turn over and also fry until golden brown, but with the lid closed. So semolina balls will turn out to be more airy and tender.

Put the prepared semolina meatballs on a plate with paper or a napkin to remove excess fat.

These are such delicious semolina meatballs.

Semolina meatballs go well with jelly or sour cream, it is impossible to tear yourself away from such a dish.

Recipe 7: semolina starch balls

For many, semolina beats are of genuine interest. This dish was somehow forgotten, and not every housewife knows how to cook them. And in general, not everyone knows that semolina can be used to make not only porridge, but also delicious meatballs. They are somewhat reminiscent of syrniki in appearance. But their taste is not curd, but more delicate, without sourness. If someone cannot eat cottage cheese, then semolina balls will help out in this case.

Semolina, the recipe with a photo of which you see step by step below, will be an ideal breakfast for you, and children simply adore such a sweet dessert. The meatballs can be poured over jelly, washed down with tea, milk or fruit compote.

  • 100 grams of semolina in the dough + a little for breading,
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 1 tbsp potato starch
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • a pinch of salt.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add a pinch of salt, granulated sugar. Boil. When the milk starts to rise in the saucepan, add semolina and stir constantly. Cook the porridge until it thickens. Suck to room temperature.

Drive eggs into the cooled porridge and mix until smooth.

Add potato starch to the dough to bind the whole mass. Starch perfectly absorbs all moisture and fixes the whole dough.

To create a more homogeneous mass without lumps, beat in the dough with a blender. Beat with a blender just a couple of minutes.

Pour some semolina into a deep plate and put a spoonful of dough there.

Dip a ball of dough in semolina and give it the shape of a ball. With dry hands, semolina-breaded meatballs are easily formed.

Pour some oil into a frying pan and put all the meatballs there.

Fry the meatballs over medium heat until crusty on both sides. Usually the meatballs are fried for 6-7 minutes on each side.

Serve hot meatballs after roasting. You can serve both sour cream and sweet jam with semolina meatballs.

Recipe 8: semolina meatballs with plum jelly

Semolina meatballs with jelly (they are also called manniks) are a well-known and favorite dish from childhood, which has been included in the menu of any kindergarten for many years. This interesting and tasty dish is eaten by everyone, even those who flatly refuse semolina. But it is semolina that is the main component of the meatballs.

Today we will remember our childhood and prepare semolina meatballs with plum jelly for our household members.

for cue ball:

  • milk - 0.5 liters;
  • semolina - 100-115 grams (slightly more than half a 200 gram glass);
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • butter - 15-20 grams (1 tablespoon);
  • salt - 5 grams (half a teaspoon);
  • sugar - 50 grams (2 tablespoons);
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

for jelly:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • starch - 20-30 grams (2-3 rounded tablespoons);
  • sugar - 75 grams (2.5-3 tablespoons);
  • plums.

First, we need to cook semolina porridge. To do this, put a saucepan of milk on medium heat, salt,

add granulated sugar, butter.

When the milk boils, we reduce the heat and pour in a thin stream, while slowly stirring, semolina. Cook, stirring so as not to burn, for about 10 minutes. The porridge should be very thick. Then we set aside to cool.

Now let's get down to jelly. Separate the plums from the seeds and fill with water so as to completely cover the fruit. We put on medium heat and cook until the plums soften.

Wipe the hot mass through a strainer,

add water until one liter of plum liquid is obtained and set on medium heat.

Since the plums are sour, add 3 tablespoons of sugar and bring to a boil.

While the liquid is boiling, we dilute the starch in a small amount of cold water. After boiling, slowly introduce the diluted starch in a thin stream and stir. We reduce the heat and let the jelly boil for 3-4 minutes.

Plum jelly is ready.

Beat the egg with vanilla and add to the cooled semolina, stir well. If the porridge turned out with lumps, then the mass can be whipped with a blender.

We form small cakes from the prepared mass with wet hands and roll them in flour, you can sprinkle a little sesame seeds. From the resulting test, 10-11 medium balls are obtained.

Fry semolina on both sides until golden brown in a frying pan over medium heat with heated vegetable oil.

Recipe 9: semolina meatballs with cherries in the oven

Semolina meatballs in the oven - a simple and delicious recipe for preparing a light and delicate dessert dish based on semolina. Such meatballs are prepared incredibly simply and quickly, but they turn out to be light, fluffy and not at all greasy, unlike those that are fried in oil. Try to cook semolina meatballs in the oven and you will be pleasantly surprised with the result. Serve semolina balls as a dessert for the festive table and your guests will be delighted!

  • semolina - 6 tbsp. full of spoons
  • milk - 600 ml
  • sugar - 60 g
  • egg - 1 pc
  • salt - a pinch
  • vanilla sugar to taste
  • dried cherries (raisins, etc.) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - for lubrication
  • coconut flakes - for breading

Pour sugar and semolina into the milk, add a pinch of salt, put on the fire and constantly stirring to cook the thick semolina porridge.

Add the egg.

Mix thoroughly, add cherries, vanilla sugar, mix again.

With wet hands, form neat round beats, roll in coconut flakes.
