Fortune telling on coffee grounds is an accurate interpretation of symbols. Interpretations of symbols when fortune-telling on coffee grounds

12.09.2019 Egg dishes

When winter frosty days come, each of us tries to look into the near and distant future. From Andreev's Day (December 13) and right up to Holy Epiphany (January 19) there is a period that the Slavs call Svyatki. Our ancient ancestors believed that the predictions of fate at this time were as true as possible. Therefore, many mysterious rituals were performed. For example, fortune telling on coffee grounds. Interpreting the drawings and symbols at the bottom of the cup not only opened the veil over future events, but also often became fun and exciting.

Fundamental rules

If you decide to tell fortunes in this way, you should stock up on natural coffee of two varieties: fine and coarse grinding. One large spoon of the first type and two - pour the second with hot boiling water. At the same time, the cup from which you will drink the aromatic drink should be white, without patterns.

When you pamper yourself with a delicious coffee, the bottom of the dishes will remain thick. Then take a cup with your left hand and focus, mentally ask the question that interests you. In this case, scroll the container clockwise around its axis three times. After that, with a sharp movement of your hand, turn the cup over on the saucer, count to seven, lift it and find out what happened. Examine the container carefully, do not forget to inspect the plate as well. The thick that was on the saucer speaks of past events, the remaining in the cup speaks of future events.

Be as objective as possible when looking at the resulting symbols and drawings. It is better, of course, if close people help you: they will say that they see from the side and with a fresh look will identify the figures left after fortune-telling on the coffee grounds. It is better to interpret the drawings from left to right, then vice versa. Next, look at the bottom of the cup and the symbols that have formed from the edges towards the center.

Cat and mouse

The outline of these two pets is often seen at the bottom of the cup by the person performing the ritual. Usually, such drawings do not bode well if you noticed them while reading the tea leaves. Interpretation: a cat is a symbol of cunning, poverty and dirt. If it is closer to the top of the cup, it means that you have enemies who dominate you and lead you into a remote corner. Therefore, you need to carefully analyze the actions of people from your environment and cut off such connections. Do not get involved in major disputes, do not argue or provoke scandals. If the cat is located at the bottom of the dishes, expect a serious quarrel with family members. If the animal is near a tree, there will be theft or imprisonment, with a person or a face - discover new opponents at work.

A mouse is also a bad sign. First of all, the animal warns of losses that close people can inflict on you. Watch the other figures carefully as you do the fortune-telling on the coffee grounds. Interpretation: the mouse is next to the circle - carefully monitor your jewelry and valuable things that you may lose; if it is near the triangle, you can return the missing item or restore the damaged one; an animal comfortably located in the middle of the dishes - material difficulties and financial losses.

As for the bats, they are more supportive of the one who conducts fortune telling on the coffee grounds. Interpretation: a bat is a sign of friendship and longevity. Often its outlines promise a meeting with a pleasant stranger who will help in life, become a companion. Also, the animal can warn of deceitful comrades, conspiracies, intrigues and gossip emanating from them.

Other animals

First of all, let's talk about a dog, a horse and a pig. These animals more often than others come into contact with a person, help him in hard work and even feed him. A dog is a friend. If you saw exactly her in the remains of the coffee, higher powers warn about events related to your comrades. For example, if an animal is in the middle of a cup, you will make friends with an influential person. He will offer you a profitable and interesting business that will invariably lead to success and prosperity. A dog at the bottom of the dishes - friends will solve your problems, an animal surrounded by clouds - there is a traitor among loved ones, near the outlines of the face - do not neglect the advice, they are quite sensible and useful. Frightened animal with disheveled hair - meeting with comrades of childhood and youth.

If you decide to conduct fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the interpretation of the picture of a pig, which you get at the same time, will be negative. This animal is a symbol of unfreedom, depending on the circumstances and other people. If the pig is at the top of the dishes - you feed and keep the freeloader, below - you yourself live at someone else's expense. A road running next to an animal means spreading unfair rumors about you. Be careful, someone is trying to defile your reputation.

But a horse seen in a coffee mass promises good luck. If it is at the bottom of the tank, a secure old age awaits you, in the middle - wealth and a successful union. A bull obtained during fortune-telling means happiness, a hare - indecision and cowardice, a goat - travel and adventure, a cow - acquaintance with a pleasant person of the opposite sex, a fox - loss, a bear - danger, and a deer - reason.

Overseas guests

They, too, are often obtained during fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: an elephant is a sign of abundance and power. You are a VIP, respected and powerful. If an animal has a raised trunk, luxury and money will fall on your head unexpectedly, but it will certainly be the result of your diligence and hard work. Usually, the result obtained during the ritual often depends on how correctly and competently the fortune-telling was carried out on the coffee grounds. The interpretation of "elephant" is unambiguous: it invariably means only prosperity and success.

But the interpretation of the lion varies depending on its location and posture. Usually this animal is interpreted as a symbol of dignity, arrogance and pride. If he is angry, with an open mouth and a raised tail, love torments and experiences await you; dark animal - meeting with influential authority figures; with stripes on the head and body - connections with the underworld, troubles, disputes; near another animal - danger, the collapse of a dream.

A camel is a very good sign. Means kindness, a cheerful and secure life. The animal located in the middle of the cup promises the favor of fortune, next to the tree - wealth, near the heart - dreaminess and naivety, in the company of clouds - a decent fortune. If there are stars around the camel, this means a quick and successful replenishment of the family. The kid will be smart and successful. If you saw a tiger in coffee, fate asks you to think about your emotions. Learn to control and manage them.

Amphibians and insects

If during the ceremony on the dishes you notice the figure of something terrible and poisonous, such as a scorpion or a spider, do not be alarmed. This does not always bode well for an unhappy future. True, the statement does not apply to the snake, the outlines of which speak exclusively of trouble. Be on the lookout if a figurine of this animal appears when you are conducting fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the snake is the personification of insincerity and lies, treacherous attitudes and intrigues. The reptile at the top of the cup predicts the gloating of enemies from the pain inflicted on you, in the center - expect victory over an old enemy. If a viper is torn to pieces, you should carefully consider your health to avoid lingering ailments.

The frog is a sign of mutual love, good news and success. The lizard also bodes well for surprise and great things. Scorpio is always the enemy waiting for you around the bend, as well as monetary losses and unsuccessful connections. The turtle makes it clear that the caution you took was not unnecessary. You managed to avoid problems, so keep up the good work. As for the crocodile, it promises a good deal, sensitivity and excessive sentimentality.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds, the interpretation of signs is an entertaining pastime, the mood is especially raised when the outlines of insects appear, because they always bring happiness. A bee promises beneficial cooperation, a fly promises countless treasures, an ant promises successful commercial deals, a butterfly promises fresh impressions and joy from communication, a spider an unexpected gift.


A rooster is a sign of a positive and good future. It is often obtained by those people who often perform the ritual of fortune telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the rooster embodies family idyll, harmony, complete harmony. Often this is new news. If the bird is sitting on a hill, you will soon enter into a marriage; stands near the road - expect a loss from an influential person; surrounded by trees - help from a stranger. If a rooster's beak is open, it is a sign of good news. A bird turned upside down promises a change in your position for the better.

The duck has always been considered a good symbol. He also signaled the defenselessness and vulnerability of the person who received his image during fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: a duck in the middle of a cup - take care of your soul mate, his or her heart may break from your actions; next to a person - you have a reliable companion; near another bird - beware of unwanted neighborhood.

Our ancestors also considered the images of a dove and a swan to be good signs. The first promised loyalty and stability in relationships, the second - unexpected financial receipts, confidence in the future. As for the swan, they also paid attention to the color of the graceful bird. If it is too dark - avoid nervous breakdowns, light - get a good position in society. Two birds, intertwined by their necks, mean great unbreakable love.

The crow has always been the epitome of trouble and disorder. The chicken portended stupidity and material damage. The eagle promised unexpected news, and the owl promised death or a serious illness.

Fantastic creatures

Any ritual is always shrouded in mysticism: absorbing this mysterious and slightly fabulous atmosphere, we often conjecture unreal images for ourselves, see dragons, mermaids, elves. Of course, this also happens during fortune-telling on the coffee grounds. Interpretation: the dragon is a symbol of unexpected circumstances, new meetings that can change your life. He can also portend anxiety and doubt, especially in financial matters. Better to ditch the convoluted commercial scams. Pay attention to every little thing in order to correctly conduct the fortune telling on the coffee grounds (interpretation). The dragon is a mythical creature, so its location on the dishes affects the essence of the prediction. Sometimes he promises parting with a loved one. In other cases, it promises the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of dreams.

Instead, the mermaid should be a red traffic light for you. You should immediately stop, think, rethink the situation if you saw it, making fortune telling on the coffee grounds. Interpretation: mermaid - instability and insecurity, the danger of seduction, temptation and deception. Be careful in love and business matters, believe only in yourself and take off your rose-colored glasses at last.

Interestingly, the fortuneteller often sees only the tail, without the body and head. In this case, the symbol is called a fish, and it already has a completely different meaning. The main thing is to distinguish him from a mermaid: therefore, look carefully when conducting fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: fish - complete well-being. If it is at the top of the cup - wait for important events, below - earn authority and respect in society. The meaning of the symbol changes very much if the number of characters changes, so correctly decipher the fortune-telling on the coffee grounds - the interpretation. A fish, for example, if it is not alone, but in a school, is a good sign. You will get one chance in a thousand to make huge profits and improve your well-being.


A cozy house, a funny key, an ominous coffin ... Their outlines can also often be seen on the walls of the dishes during the ceremony of fortune telling on the coffee grounds. Interpretation:

  • The key is that your dreams will come true soon, you will get everything in order to finally reach your goal. The symbol also prophesies career advancement, creative growth. You may even write a brilliant piece.
  • A ring is a sign of engagement or even marriage. If it's cracked or broken, watch out for fights with your spouse. Such disagreements at this stage of the relationship will provoke a breakup.
  • Wheel - get ready to discover unseen countries. You have exciting adventures and intricate routes ahead. It's time to leave your home and plunge headlong into travel.
  • The house, on the contrary, suggests that you need to settle down, take hold of your head. It is a symbol of stability and constancy, coziness and comfort. Put things in order in your relationship, start a family and then all problems will be solved by themselves.
  • Hammer - you need to make an urgent decision.
  • Dagger - unexpected losses. You trust people too much.
  • Angel - wait for consolation. You have good news, peace and quiet ahead of you.
  • Coffin - illness, mental suffering, trouble.
  • Door - you are on the right track. Don't be afraid to make decisions and move forward.

There are a lot of objects in our life. To interpret what fell out to you, it is worth looking through a special book, where each thing and its meaning are described in detail.


Carrying out fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the interpretation of symbols is best done in a small company, where everyone, in their own way, creatively deciphers the formed outlines on the cup. Yes, and together with friends, this process is much more fun: first, a pleasant ceremony of savoring coffee, then laughter, noise and din during the analysis of pictures. At the same time, people often lose different elements of the environment, which also have their own meanings.

So, clover is a sign that soon your tangled life will stabilize. The black streak will remain far behind, and you can enjoy your success. Single people will definitely get to know their betrothed. If only clover leaves have formed on the dishes - expect complete impeccable happiness, a flower - popularity and fame will overtake you.

The bush says that you have a dream, an idea, a goal. But what was conceived is not destined to come true, so do not waste your efforts and resources in vain. If there are thorns on the bush - you will be delusional for a long time, flowers - you will lose everything on the way to your dream. Bare branches - experiences, losses, suffering. Perhaps you realize that the best years are irrevocably gone.

Willow - a warning about separation, defeat, fall. For men, the sign promises troubles and difficulties, problems with the law. Willow branch - to life problems that will cleanse your soul. If the tree is near the river - pay attention to your health, take care of yourself.

Oak always means a winner. You will be the first, despite the intrigues behind your back. They say you walked over corpses. Let be! After all, you became a leader, and that was the goal. True, during this competition I had a chance to lose valuable character traits, to forget about humanity, flexibility, and kindness. You have become impervious to all senses, even love and friendship. Oak is a warning: remember that strength and determination are only good in situations that do not affect the interests of those close to you.

Other figures

People who have not yet found their mate always dream of seeing a heart at the bottom of the cup. After all, it promises the beginning of a romantic relationship, which may develop into serious feelings. Believe that it will be so. Just to begin with, take the simplest step towards love: conduct fortune telling on the coffee grounds, the interpretation of symbols. The heart that forms on the wall of the dish during the ritual will tell you that you have already found your soul mate. You just don't notice her, you perceive her as a friend. Take a close look at your surroundings and fix this error. If the sign is at the bottom of the cup, you will very quickly find your chosen one. Don't give up on your dreams.

The star means liberation from painful people, events, deeds. Finally, you will breathe deeply, throw off the yoke, take a break from the current difficult situation. A large star is a sign of great happiness, a six-pointed one is a hint that it's time to go on vacation or at least take a day off.

The cross is a sign of bad events when it is dark, and a messenger of a family idyll, if it is light. An arc - a warning about a traitor, an envious person, a square - promises stability and a smooth course of affairs. If you see numbers, consider all sorts of combinations of them. Most likely, they add up to a date that will be a turning point in your life.

Line: broken - to travel, straight - to good events. If two curves intersect - instability, collapse of plans, loss of a loved one awaits you. If you see a dotted line, difficulties and troubles will fall on your head. You may be seriously ill.

The circle is a sign of good relations with employees, family members. You are a wonderful conversationalist, empathetic and flexible. You know how to listen, and people appreciate it in you. You find a common language with almost everyone.

So that you do not fall out of this, remember: conducting a fortune-telling ceremony on the coffee grounds, we perceive the interpretation of the formed symbols as a prediction of very close events. But sometimes signs are a warning of a distant future. Therefore, if the ceremony promised you wealth, and you still did not hit a big jackpot, do not rush. Know that everything will definitely come true, the main thing is to believe and want it very much.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most popular among all kinds of fortune telling. The magical process of magical manipulations over a cup of coffee does not cause any difficulties. You just need to be able to see the mysterious figures and guess their meaning. We will show you how to do this.

What do we have to do

Important: for fortune-telling on the thick, you will need natural (non-soluble) coffee. If it is in beans, you need to grind it with a coffee grinder. An instant drink is not suitable, because the granules dissolve completely, there is no thick or foam left. Therefore, you will not see any figures at the bottom of the cup.

You will also need:

  • Cezva (Turk)- special utensils for making natural coffee. It is a mini bucket with a long handle with a wide bottom and a tapered top
  • Porcelain coffee cup... Usually they are miniature, designed for 30-50 ml of drink
  • Porcelain saucer... It is better to look for dishes without patterns and convex surfaces, the saucer should be smooth

First you need to make coffee. It's easy to do - pour water into the Turk and add coffee (one teaspoon per cup of invigorating drink). Place on the stove. Watch the Turk until the liquid starts to rise. It is necessary at this very moment to remove the coffee from the stove, not allowing the drink to boil.

The coffee is ready! You can start fortune-telling in the thick of it and immerse yourself in the interpretation of mysterious symbols.

But before that you need to taste freshly made coffee. It is undesirable to add sugar to the drink. Sip a cup of coffee slowly so that all the grounds remain on the bottom of the pot. Then take the saucer in your left hand and start slowly pouring the thick over it while rotating it clockwise. After that, the cup must be put on the saucer in an inverted state with a sharp movement so that the thick continues to drain.

The video clearly shows how to prepare for the ritual:

As a result, peculiar bizarre patterns, figures and symbols will appear on the walls of the cup, which will need to be explained.

Interpretation of symbols

Now the fun begins - the interpretation of the symbols that formed from the coffee grounds on the walls of the bowl. Keep in mind that different people can see completely different things in the same drawing. Therefore, the name of the symbol and the search for its interpretation should be the person to whom they are guessing.

So, here are the most popular meanings of the resulting shapes:

  • If you only see one large dark spot- the fat is in the fire. You are about to face adversity. Prepare for difficulties
  • We saw in the midst of any crockery: a cup, mug, plate or something similar - to a nervous breakdown, regret and tears
  • Dark blurry mittens formed on the walls of the cup for a good event - you will meet your love or find a good friend
  • I saw bike- get ready to go on a tough trip that will take a lot of strength and energy from you
  • See funeral wreath? Auspicious sign - dizzying success in a recently started business awaits you. Good luck will accompany you in everything!
  • Have noticed camel? The king of the desert dreams of near death. The old woman with the scythe will take the person close to you
  • But the black is unpleasant Crow portends great profits. You can receive a large financial reward for your deeds, suddenly become rich or become the first heir of a wealthy relative.
  • Saw rider on horseback? Soon you will need help in a certain matter, and you will receive it, moreover, from an influential and authoritative person.
  • Spied wide open eyes? Expect dramatic changes in your life. They will affect either personal life or relationships with relatives.
  • Have noticed the bird of the world - pigeon? Wait for the proposal to get married! Your chosen one will "ripen" for marriage and lead you down the aisle
  • But if a few doves, do not expect a wedding. But it is worth expecting a major family celebration
  • Powerful tree with a spreading crown- to positive emotions and well-being in love affairs
  • Tree without leaves, crooked and ugly - to failures in personal life, discord with a loved one is coming
  • Structure: a house, a hut or a barn - to unplanned large expenses
  • Wild animal- you will have ill-wishers, even enemies who will begin to intrigue
  • Big beautiful lock- to gossip and lies about you. Someone will start a string of rumors that will put your reputation in jeopardy.
  • Rabbit or hare portends the appearance of a new, interesting person in your life. It can be both a future lover and a good friend, with whom you will carry friendship through the years.
  • Reptile predicts imminent troubles: health problems, betrayal of a loved one, betrayal of a friend
  • Brick or other building materials - to the betrayal of a lover, spouse or close friend
  • Cow or calf- to financial well-being. You will receive a large amount of money (bonus, winnings, inheritance), but you will spend everything very quickly
  • Cross- to family trouble. A series of conflicts and quarrels is coming, which may well end in divorce or treason.
  • Round obscure objects- it is worth buying a pregnancy test, a replenishment is expected in your family
  • Bush- to a long, tiring, but full of pleasant emotions journey
  • White Swan, if he is alone - to parting with a loved one, or to a long separation
  • Several swans on the contrary - to happy events in the family. Either wait for a refill or an unexpected surprise from the second half
  • Several trees- to a quarrel with a friend because of his deception, betrayal
  • Fox- to meet a new person who will make an indelible impression on you. But be careful - his intentions are not pure, he is dodgy and cunning
  • Shovel- to a personal financial crisis. You will either lose your job, or you will have unplanned, very large expenses
  • Horse or cart- for a long and tiring journey, get ready to get ready for the road
  • Visible outlines of a person- there is a certain danger close to you, be vigilant in business relationships
  • Toad or frog- you will soon fall in love, but feelings will be unrequited
  • Flower or bouquet- soon a person you will love will appear in your life
  • Elephant- the outline of an elephant portends well-being in all areas of life. You will be lucky in love and career for a long time.
  • Dog- you will soon meet a good person who will become a faithful and devoted friend in the future
  • Rooster or hen- to the emergence of rivals or rivals in personal life. Your other half will stay true to you, so don't worry
  • Lattice appears to be in trouble with the law. Behave with prudence, otherwise sanctions cannot be avoided
  • Pillow- soon in some difficult life situation you will be supported by complete strangers. Accept their help, and the situation will be safely resolved.

Such meanings have when fortune-telling on coffee grounds the symbols that appear most often. Interpreting their meaning is not difficult at all, but try to see as many symbols as possible in order to get the most accurate prediction.

People have always sought to look into the future, to see what lies ahead, to get answers to exciting questions. Fortune-telling on the coffee grounds has always been one of the most common ways to penetrate the secrets of the future - you will learn the interpretation of the symbols that can be seen on the bottom and walls of the cup from this article.

Fortune telling from coffee grounds and interpretation of drawings: a little history

At the moment, fortune telling on coffee grounds is known all over the world. But where did it come from? Where did you first notice the connection between mysterious symbols and life events? It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to these questions. It is safe to say that fortune-telling originated where coffee grew.

Italians defend their authorship most zealously in the discovery. Based on their written sources, fortune-telling was first described in the 18th century. However, there are reasonable doubts that fortune-telling is so “young”.
At the moment, it is reliably known that the Indians from Peru have long used coffee grounds for predictions. The same can be said about the court of the Turkish Sultan. They loved to entertain themselves with such experiments. Since the appearance of coffee in Russia, and this happened thanks to the efforts of Peter I, the Slavs were also imbued with the opportunity to push the veil of the future.
The ritual was not always and not always received positively. For example, there was an opinion (which even now can often be heard) that mysterious symbols do not arise by themselves, but with the help of the Devil himself. At the same time, the wizards were considered his henchmen and, at best, they just looked askance. However, the number of their visitors has never diminished. Still, the mystery attracts. And the mystery associated with the threat beckons with a vengeance.

Divination procedure

Despite the ubiquity of fortune-telling, its basic principles remain unchanged everywhere. It is necessary to stock up on high-quality ground coffee, because it is very important to enjoy the drink, and not think about when this disgusting liquid will finally run out. You will also need a china cup and saucer. It is best if they are white, without any drawings or inscriptions. Dishes with grooves, indentations, etc. are not suitable for the procedure either.

The coffee should be brewed in such a way that the coffee grounds get into the cup. The "oriental" recipe is ideal. You can buy coffee of the finest grind and brew it with boiling water immediately in a cup. However, this option will not allow you to feel all the charm of the process, to feel in touch with many people from different generations who performed the same actions.

While the coffee is brewing, there is time to focus on the questions you want answers to. You can't just look "what's there." It is necessary to mentally turn to the higher forces that are able to satisfy your curiosity. It is important that nothing distracts you while doing this.
Pour the coffee into a cup and when it gets a little cold, sip slowly, savoring each sip, while continuing to focus on your questions. You should not drink all the liquid to the end, the sediment should float, so we leave at least a tablespoon.
Now you need to take the cup with your left hand and make three vigorous circular movements in a clockwise direction. Make sure that the sediment does not splash, but at the same time it should reach almost to the brim.
Then, flip the cup over onto the saucer. In this case, one edge of it should touch the side, and the other should stand on a flat surface. As a result, the cup is tilted. Leave it in this position for a few seconds, and then pick it up and look inside.
Before you, one might say, an open book of your future. It remains only to read it.

Cup geography

It is not only what you see in the cup that matters, but also where it is located. Each zone is responsible for its own sphere and time.

So, closer to the edges of the cup are symbols that speak of the future. The bottom is the past. Accordingly, the lower the spots, the more ancient events they tell.

The handle of the cup is the very object of divination. That is, the closer the symbols are to it, the more they have to do with your life. The most distant ones are those that leave you or become indifferent.

Interpretation of symbols

In fortune telling on coffee grounds, a number of symbols are used, the interpretation of the meanings of which is the main task of the fortune teller.
To read the prediction, you need to consider several of them at once, usually five. They should be analyzed in combination, not separately. This requires skills and, according to fortune-tellers, a special gift. However, this does not prevent you from trying to do everything yourself.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: the meaning of symbols

All symbols that appear on the walls of the cup usually have analogs in real life. It is in this that fortune telling on coffee grounds differs from most of its brethren, who assume reading the future in indistinct images. Here, the opposite is true. In the spots on the cup, it is necessary to consider just something ordinary, and already it will have its own hidden designation.


  • Squirrel - You need to learn how to prioritize for yourself. You seem to be jumping on branches, then to one, then to another. As a result, you get nothing and slow down your forward movement.
  • Wolf - you've recently done something heroic, selfless, or seriously ill.
  • Dove - denotes someone pure, immaculate.
  • Goose is a self-righteous, self-confident person, accustomed to honors and emphasizing her importance, which in fact does not exist.
  • Dolphin - unexpected help that comes whenever you need it; friend.
  • Dinosaur - you can help someone with their studies or self-development.
  • Dragon - you are guaranteed success in the enterprise you have started.
  • An animal (not a domestic one) is a secret enemy.
  • Giraffe - when setting goals, you do not distinguish between reality and unrealizable, therefore, marking time.
  • Snake - there is a hidden enemy in your environment, a slanderer; treason; successful enterprise.
  • Keith - getting small income.
  • A horse is an early personal happiness, good luck.
  • Cat - someone pretends to be your friend, but in fact spreads dirty gossip; devastation.
  • Crocodile - you should be more careful about the decisions you make, especially in the field of business.
  • Rat - disappointment, betrayal of close friends.
  • The swan is a pleasant journey that you did not know about.
  • The fox is a deception, there is someone cunning, two-faced, a swindler nearby.
  • Horse - someone is in love, news from a lover or beloved.
  • Frog - good news awaits you, luck will turn its face, happiness.
  • Bear - danger lies in wait for you, you can avoid it only if you do nothing for this.
  • Mouse - You might not want to associate with new business partners.
  • Monkey - you are surrounded by people pretending to be friends; fraud.
  • Deer - love of truth, wisdom.
  • Peacock - increased attention to one's own appearance; a tendency to self-admiration.
  • Rooster is family happiness.
  • Bird - good news; good business news.
  • Fish - reception, party. The number of fish is equal to the number of guests arriving.
  • Fish - you are ripe to transfer knowledge to others.
  • Pig - your wish will definitely come true. Some of the hidden ones.
  • Elephant - in a difficult situation, do not hesitate to ask for help from those closest to you. Wealth. Force. Power.
  • Dog - you are in luck, you have real friends who will always protect and support.
  • An owl is a harbinger of death, a serious illness.

Interpretation of symbols: body parts

  • Head - says that you think a lot and often about something. Indulge in memories. Digging in yourself.
  • The face is very good protection; defender.
  • The leg is a symbol of the road, a new enterprise. If she is in shoes, everything will end perfectly, financial receipts are possible. If you are barefoot, it is better to refuse such a trip, it does not bode well.
  • Profile - mutual love awaits you.
  • Heart - can have several meanings depending on the appearance. Ideal heart, as in the picture, to talk about complete happiness in love. A crooked heart portends health problems. Depending on the location - either they already exist, or they are waiting in the future.
  • The heart at the bottom is an all-consuming passion that affects your life, although it has remained in the past.

Interpretation of signs: figures of people

  • The rider is the patronage of the powerful.
  • The girl is love.
  • A woman is a best friend. If there is a flower nearby, then the friend is dangerous. Holding a stick - a seduction, a love spell for a man.
  • A man is a seduction, a seduction for a woman.
  • Man and woman - secret passions, betrayal.
  • The child is a symbol of procreation. Located at the bottom means that a child from the past will soon return to your life again. Above - the appearance of the baby.

Interpretation of symbols: natural objects

  • The mountain - your goal is already close. Don't be afraid to swing to very high and covered peaks.
  • Tree - you are used to overcoming difficulties and are not afraid of obstacles. A great future awaits you. The main thing is not to stop and move forward confidently.
  • Rose - a wedding will take place soon in your life. Not necessarily yours - determined by the proximity to the cup handle.

Interpretation of signs: celestial objects

  • The star is a very good symbol. Regardless of the position, it indicates a happy outcome. Luck. Fulfillment of desires.
  • Moon - full says that you easily share your feelings and experiences with others.
  • Month - on the contrary, you keep all feelings to yourself.

Interpretation of signs: biblical symbols

  • Angel - someone secretly wishes you harm, but there is also an unknown protector who will not allow anything bad to happen. The good news awaits you, which you very much hoped for. Joy.
  • Cross - if it looks like the letter "x", then it means marriage.
  • The cross is white with a black outline - family happiness.
  • The cross is black with a white outline - sadness, bad news.

Interpretation of symbols: signs

  • Zodiac signs - you will meet with a person born under the sign you saw.
  • Circle - a sign always speaks of change. These can be any areas.
  • Interpretation of symbols: decoration
  • Rings - a closed ring foreshadows an imminent wedding. Torn - on the contrary, divorce, misunderstanding. Several rings - many marriages await you, according to the number of symbols.
  • The crown is an inheritance.

Interpretation of symbols: clothing

  • Dress - you urgently need to decide on your goals in life - luck favors.
  • Boot - you have a long way to go.

Interpretation: other symbols

  • Roads - an exciting journey is about to begin. Adventure and travel await you.
  • The boat is romance.
  • Horns - you are in danger. There is a possibility that someone close will betray.

If you want to look into your future, fortune telling on the coffee grounds will help you - the interpretation of symbols can be very difficult, so sometimes it is better to consult a specialist. If everything is done correctly, then the future will appear out of the fog.

Here are some examples of what symbols might look like:

1. Bag 2. Ax 3. Point 4. Triangle 5. Kettle 6. Flag 7. Hill 8. Flower 9. Clock 10. Lines 11. Human figure 12. Suitcase 13. Jester 14. Turtle 15. Monster 16. Hat 17 Bee 18. Pentagon 19. Fork 20. Shotgun 21. Mermaid 22. Fish 23. Glass 24. Airplane 25. Candle 26. Pig 27. Net 28. Skeleton 29. Violin 30. Elephant 31. Dog 32. Owl 33. Monkey 34. Clouds 35 Fire 36 Necklace 37 Circumference 38 Peacock 39 Parquet 40 Palm 41 Fern 42 Parachute 43 Spider 44 Feather 45 Saw 46 Pistol 47 Letter 48 Fruit 49 Parrot 50 Reptile 51 Profile 52 Bird 53 Leaf 54 Boat 55 Shovel 56 Horse 57 Moon 58 Frog 59 Mask 60 Lighthouse 61 Bear 62 Infant 63 Hammer 64 Bridge 65 Ring 66 Comet 67 Ship 68 Basket 69 Crown 70 Bowler 71 Cat 72 Cross 73 Bed 74 Crocodile 75 Rabbit 76 Wing 77 Rat 78 Jug

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a ritual that allows you to find out a person's future using one of the most common and popular drinks. Different symbols and signs have very different meanings, and their interpretation will differ dramatically. So, say, a dragon, a heart, a circle, a fish - each of these symbols has its own meaning, unique and talking about the future.


A - (letter) - trouble, problem, trouble;

Diamond - happiness in love;

Angel - protection and help from a stranger;

Arch - receiving a gift or winning the lottery;


B - (letter) - power, potential, greatness;

A butterfly is a person who influences a fortuneteller;

Drum - fortune telling on the coffee grounds portends success;

Tambourine - problems and inconsistency in relationships;

Buffalo - suffering, grief;

Bottle - a warning, possible problems;


B - (letter) - trouble;

Bucket - success at work, in business;

Wreath - good luck and honor;

Broom - change, good news;

Rope - warning, caution;

Paddle - you won't get anything in return, even if you try;

Libra - litigation of a judicial nature;

Fork - prongs up - a rich life, prongs down - not the best meaning, problems and troubles;

Wolf - suffering a serious illness;

Hair - secrets, secrets around you;

Question mark - doubts, questions;

Raven - misfortune;

Volcano - passion, jealousy;


Г - (letter) luck;

Nail - your gift of persuasion will help you;

Eye - charm, attractiveness;

Eyes - changes, accomplishments;

Head - memories, thoughts, thoughts;

The dove is a pure soul;

Mountain - achievements, victories;

Rake - happiness in the house, well-being;

The coffin is sadness, longing;

Mushroom - weight gain, height;

Pear - prosperity and wealth;

Lips - love, kisses, reciprocity;


D - (letter) financial difficulties;

Door - success in business;

Girl - love, joy;

Wood - inner strength, power;

House - reliability, confidence in a new day, if the house is strong, if frail - not the best interpretation, money problems;

Road - news;

Dragon - happiness, luck, fire dragon - victory in everything; dead dragon - backbiting, innuendo;

Oak - triumph, strength, victory;

Duga is a traitor, an unfaithful friend;


E - (letter) sincerity;

Hedgehog - warning against danger;


F (letter) - clarification of problems in the family, between loved ones;

Toad - a quick wedding in fortune telling on coffee grounds;

An acorn is a good start;

Crane - longevity, health;


Z - (letter) home affairs, chores;

The lock is your problem - stubbornness;

Star - desires will soon come true;

Snake - the decision made will bring benefits;


And - (letter) disclosure of a secret or secret;

Willow - sadness at home or a loved one;


K - (letter) take time for church and faith;

Drops - luck in money;

Cabbage - difficulties that will soon be solved;

Maps - new acquaintances;

Swing - parting with a lover;

Square - a happy and rich life;

Dagger - enemy, foe, enemy;

Keith - some profit;

Clover - happiness and good luck;

The key is news that will get you in trouble;

The book is an early guest;

The wheel is change;

Ring - whole for the wedding, torn - for parting;

Spear - you need protection;

Rocker - disappointment in friends;

Bone - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - means that you are a strong person;

A cat is not the best meaning, poverty, ruin, deception;

Circle - changes in the usual life;

Pitcher - good health, longevity;


L - (letter) new feelings;

Lamp - enhancement of intuition;

Swallow - a journey that you will remember;

Swan - random money;

Leo - you're in luck;

Forest - difficulties;

Ladder - good luck at work;

Lemon - envy gnaws at you;

A fox is a good sign that promises good luck;

Leaves - good health;

The horse is the road to a happy future;

Moon - good changes;

Frog - happiness, kindness, family;


M - (letter) ups and downs;

Lighthouse - leadership;

Medal - discovery, achievement;

Mill - fortune telling on the coffee grounds promises you success;

Lightning - the influence of outsiders is very strong;

Bridge - discoveries, new paths, good news;

Ant - anxiety, trouble;

Fly - wealth, inheritance, gain;

Ball - luck and success;


H - (letter) alarm;

Insect - caution will help you;

Knife - loss, losses, sacrifices;

Scissors - moving;


O - (letter) loneliness, devastation;

Cloud - dreams won't come true;

Fire is a meeting with a relative, a dragon on fire is a solution to a problem;

Necklace - fortune telling on coffee grounds portends the help of a relative;

Window - theft, loss;

Nut - change of residence;

Weapon - scandal, fight, quarrel;

The island is loneliness;

Glasses - there may be a danger that it will be difficult for you to cope with;


P - (letter) deception, insincerity;

Peacock - deceitfulness of illusions;

Palm - prosperity and happiness await you;

Fern - success accompanies you;

Sail - an imminent visit of a good friend;

Spider is a financial success;

Cobweb - fortune telling on the coffee grounds portends you victory over all enemies;

Pen - ingenuity, which the fortuneteller knows how to use;

Rooster - family well-being;

The loop is an unfavorable sign;

Saw - problems and troubles;

Pyramid - your dreams will not come true;

A pistol is a danger that will be solved safely;

Letter - business news from a partner, boss or employee;

Dress - soon you will become popular;

Gift - you are loved and you will be happy;

Horseshoe - good luck in a business that you will soon start;

Pillow - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - laziness that bothers you;

Crescent - empty hopes, illusions;

Dishes - tears, resentment;

Bird - good news at work;

Bee - good news, your opinion will be taken into account by others;

The stain is misfortune;


P - (letter) fast holiday;

Rainbow - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - something good that awaits you very soon;

Fork - making the right decision;

Cancer - loss of energy, depression;

Seashell - or seashell - great symbols for creative people, talking about the rise;

Child - chores associated with children;

Hand - feelings;

Belt - your prospects are very vague;

Rhombus - happiness in love;

Hand - palm - to luck, back - to problems;

Mermaid - caution and foresight are your best assistants;

Fish - good news, a gift, a trip, something new in fortune telling on coffee grounds;

A glass is an extraordinary personality;


С - (letter) talent, creativity;

Salute - a gift of fate, winning the lottery, a find;

Airplane - frivolity and frivolity;

A candle is an excellent sign that speaks of the discernment of a fortuneteller;

Pig - your desires will soon come true;

Heart - happiness in love, if the heart is even and beautiful, parting, if the heart is torn;

Skeleton - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - health problems, poverty;

Elephant - you need the help of a friend most of all now;

A dog is a faithful assistant in work;

Owl - a severe illness, death is possible;

The sun is a sign of leadership;

Spiral - new discoveries, achievements, good interpretation;

The old woman - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - strong love;

The table is a mess and confusion in the soul and thoughts;

Arrow - you yourself know the answer to your question;

Chair - promotion, luck;

Steps - of all symbols, this one speaks of good luck at work;

Chest - letter, message;


T - (letter) difficult choice;

Plate - gentleness with others will help to avoid conflict;

Tiger - internal forces will help to achieve the goal;

Cake is a wish fulfillment;

A cane is a liar next to you;


U - (letter) changes in personal life;

Knot - calmness and endurance will help you, among all the symbols - warning;

Snail - new opportunities, discoveries, prospects;


F - (letter) not the most pleasant guests;

The flag is a haste that will get you nowhere;


X - (letter) marriage;


C - (letter) change, violation of plans;

A flower is a favorable interpretation, your wish will come true, flowers are symbols of an imminent marriage;


H - (letter) small losses;

Cup - help and support for a loved one;

Man - guests, relatives, holiday;

Suitcase - a gift, surprise;

Turtle - new achievements;

Dashes - a change in the type of activity in fortune telling on coffee grounds;


Ш - (letter) health problems, depressive moods;

Hat - popularity, fame;


Щ - (letter) some debts and shortages;

Brush - the disappearance of all problems;


Yu - (letter) excitement;

Yula - buying unnecessary things;


I - (letter) everything will work out soon;

Apple - creative upsurge;

Egg - money matters, eggs - symbols of profit;

Anchor is an excellent interpretation, a sign of good luck;

Hawk - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - bad news, fraught with dangers;

Lizard - there are important things ahead;

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a rite of passage that allows you to find out the future of the person conducting the ceremony. Depending on what happened at the bottom of the cup, each symbol will have its own meaning. Dragon, lips, heart, horse - there are many options. Correct interpretation and belief in the effectiveness of the rite is important.

A little background: fortune telling was popular in Italy. Italians claim that it was they who became the founders of this fortune-telling in the 18th century, all the symbols of the answers are from there. A list has been compiled that many have heard of. It was believed that not a single correct answer was complete without the participation of the devil himself.

Fortune-telling on brewed coffee is the most affordable and simple way to look into destiny. Everyone has heard about this procedure perfectly, but not everyone can decipher what the symbols mean during coffee fortune-telling. Also, not everyone knows how to correctly predict the future on coffee.

How to read tea leaves

Process, fortune telling hasn't changed at all. True, not everyone knows that when we start brewing coffee, while we bring it to a boil, we say the words: "Aqua boraxit vinias carajos". We stir the boiling coffee, saying: "Fexitur et" Fexitur et patricam explina "

Be sure to drink or drain the coffee. The thick remaining at the bottom of the cup was shaken, twisting the cup in hands, then overturned on a saucer (always white). Obligatory said: "Nahverticaline, pax Fantas marobum, max destinatus, veida porol." If the fortune-teller accidentally, or for some reason, forgot to say it, then it was possible to get up and leave. They thought it was not worth waiting for the truth from her.

For fortune telling on coffee required: porcelain coffee cup - light, plain; and natural coffee. As you can see, there are a minimum of components. The best fortune-telling drink is obtained by brewing two tablespoons of coarse coffee and one spoonful of finely ground coffee per cup. The answer will be prompted by the sediment that forms at the bottom of the cup after the coffee is drunk by a person who wants to know his fate.

An important role is played by the very procedure of drinking a coffee drink. To begin with, the fortuneteller needs to focus on the question, form it clearly and think about it, pour the freshly brewed coffee, let it settle for three to five minutes. Drink, leaving about a tablespoon of liquid at the bottom.

Then with the left hand, we take the cup by the handle, continue to think about the question, Vigorously rotate. Leftover coffee should be right up to the rim of the cup.

We overturn the cup on the saucer, naturally upside down. Then, count to seven. We turn the cup over and carefully look at what has formed on the walls of the cup. We peer. For fortune-telling, it is important how the coffee spots are located on the walls, from top to bottom, left to right, or right to left, as well as on the bottom of the cup.

The coffee signs on the sides of the cup are the future, at the bottom are the past. The farther from the edge are the signs. The more distant is the future.

We can say a more complete result by considering more than five signs. Associations that come immediately, intuitively and will be the most correct.

The meaning of coffee stains will explain the meaning of the figures below. Of course, it's worth treating with a certain amount of skepticism. Because only the universe knows everything. You need to gain experience, a certain experience of fortune-telling, in order to be sure of the results. It also matters which signs are located nearby, they also play a significant role in fortune telling. Once again, I want to say. That only practice and accumulated experience will give you knowledge and understanding of fortune-telling.
If you need the help of a real fortune teller, you can always apply online, where you can ask a fortuneteller or a clairvoyant in chat or from a mobile phone

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation and meaning of signs

  • Eyes are a pleasant change on the doorstep, they are waiting for you.
  • The head - a young man in your life will bring positive and beneficial changes. Your life will shine with new facets.
  • Head in profile - you don't have to worry, you have reliable protection.
  • The head of a woman - speaks of the presence of feelings. Love.
  • The head of a man - alas, nothing good, separation and rupture of relations with a loved one.
  • Head turned up - may indicate that you have an influential and strong patron.
  • Head turned down - a call for caution, danger awaits on the way.
  • Two heads, as if in the center of a circle - you will soon hear Mendelssohn's march, a wedding on the doorstep.
  • Two heads, facing each other - promises you stable relationships, understanding, love, reciprocity.
  • Two heads, as if separated vertically, means that your partner is not faithful, a major quarrel, separation, or even divorce is possible.
  • Multiple heads - don't worry, even if you are badly and terribly unlucky. Your close people will help you in your difficult situation.
  • Lips - if the drawing on the bottom of the cup is a messenger of good news, but closer to the edge of the cup - you can hope for the support and understanding of your friends.
  • An elderly woman - in spite of a not very pleasant image, you can enjoy: family stable, happy life; if there is a lover, then a strong bond and a more stable relationship with the prospect is possible.
  • The hand is the impossibility of plans, the destruction of illusions, the collapse of hopes.
  • A man with an animal - look around, look carefully, around you, you will surely see a person who cares about you, who is ready for a lot for you. This person is near.

Animals, birds, insects.

  • A butterfly is a message full of confessions and pleasant words, love.
  • The bull is a warning about danger, trouble. Be attentive in your actions and deeds.
  • Bull on a hill - expect pleasant changes, financial improvements.
  • A bull in a lowland is a great sign, which means that your health in the near future will not cause anxiety and fears, naturally, problems with your health will not be disturbed either.
  • Camel - a thrifty animal will bring a full thicket to your home, wealth will delight, further prosperity will inspire hope, financial success will also stay there forever after entering your home for a minute.
  • The raven is a messenger of misfortune. Be careful. But everything is in the hands of Destiny.
  • Dove are wonderful people around you. A pure soul and a loving heart are near. You are very lucky.
  • The hare is a master of empty words, drumming. Cowardice and external shine. For predictions for the future, you need to analyze the present, but there is nothing here. There is no such talent.
  • Snake - do not let the snake into the house and warm it to your heart. He will punish you with evil and treachery, a lie with poison from the lips of such a "friend" with whom you do not need enemies. Malevolence is the most harmless of such people.
  • A cow - it's a shame if they call it that in life, but the sign for fortune-telling is just super, brings good luck and happiness just on the doorstep.
  • A cat - God forbid. This is the collapse of all plans and hopes, poverty, ruin.
  • Chicken - be ready to help while you don't know this person.
  • Swan - sometimes you don't wait, but manna from heaven for you from heaven, unexpected financial receipts.
  • Leo is the king of beasts, in life this sign also speaks of the nobility of the heart, the breadth of the soul, power and a certain power.
  • Fox - naturally, you don't have to wait for a positive. Deceit on the face, right there deception. There is no beast more cunning than a fox. Fraud is also waiting in the wings.
  • Frog - wait for the news that will delight you. Success will come with luck, happiness will not be slow to look at the light.
  • Bear - forewarned means armed. You can avoid danger. With a good set of circumstances.
  • Ant - expect trouble, empty and tedious, anxiety will not leave you, anxiety will rush, vanity - vanity.
  • A fly will not always please - receiving an inheritance, but there is also financial success, a companion - material well-being, by the hand with wealth.
  • Deer - there is no wiser than an animal, nobler. Nearby honesty and not far off openness.
  • Eagle - we only dream about peace. Our life is a struggle. Fortunately, it will end in your victory.
  • The spider is always a surprise. A gift or surprise will delight you.
  • Rooster - home full bowl, paradise. Lead only positive ones. Happiness at home is great. But, if it is closer to the lower edge of the cup wall, there is a person not far from your house who will intrigue, and possibly successfully. Keep in mind.
  • Fish - good news, a pleasant trip is possible.
  • The elephant is the personification of strength, power. The elephant's power is undeniable, influence, even authority. Wealth and financial success are close by.
  • Dog - there is no animal more faithful, such friends, loyal and reliable. What becomes reality.
  • Owl - there is no worse loss of someone, even if we say that we have gone to the rainbow. Maybe not so sad, but a long-term lingering illness, at least.
  • The tiger is a beast and a beast in Africa. Anger and rage.
  • A lizard - that's a nimble one. So, expect a surprise, or something unexpected, this is any event.

Trees, flowers.

  • Oak is a symbol of a triumphant, a sign of a well-deserved victory.
  • Willow - well, tears, weeping willow. Tears of the sea, depression.
  • Clover is a lucky ticket, problems will be resolved, the time will come, there is no need to be sad, adversity will break against the walls of positive.
  • Bush - the business started will be unsuccessful, the collapse of plans and hopes.
  • Forest - no one is guaranteed against mistakes, you have chosen the wrong path or the wrong person.
  • Lily - if on the wall of the cup - this is stability, constancy. Love, loyal and true. Strong friendship. If the sign at the bottom of the cup is a quarrel, a conflict.
  • Rose - well, that means loneliness goes away, engagement at least. And also marriage, and marriage, business for the wedding.
  • Violet - just like everyone dreamed of. Marriage. Moreover, with a wealthy person, not poor.
  • Chrysanthemum is the brightest autumn flower. So is love, the last and very strong.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds. The meaning of items

  • Car - well, that's a trip, a trip.
  • Diamond is not more precious, so in life. Mutual love will visit you. In love - happiness and luck.
  • Angel -0 only joy can be expected from the hands of an angel. Only good news, joy, so unexpected. Or another surprise.
  • Fork - a full bowl house, enjoyment of the financial side, an inexhaustible fountain of wealth, luxury and prosperity.
  • The coffin is, of course, only grief, sad news, misfortune.
  • A coffin with a cross - not otherwise, death.
  • The coffin next to the bed is a serious and long illness, without a gap.
  • The door is open to success, goal achievement. If you think about a business, then go ahead and everything will work out.
  • Home is a hearth where people are waiting. Happiness in life, luck in family life, success and well-being.
  • Dagger - beware of enmity, loss awaits, anger. Envy is their sister.
  • The key is luck for starting any business, since all doors are open, any undertaking is a success.
  • The wheel - does not sit still, we are looking for adventure. In a good way.
  • The ring - much clearer - the wedding is on the doorstep, starting with the engagement. The union promises to be beneficial.
  • Hammer - we begin to act on a whim, like a blind man. Trouble is inevitable, but worth it, whatever the outcome of the case, you will all end up with luck.
  • The knife is the need to sacrifice oneself. Losses. damage cannot be avoided.
  • Scissors - do not run away from luck, success will be a friend, well-being will stay with you.
  • Weapon - get ready for quarrels and scandals, probably a break will follow.
  • Shoes - be careful, there is a possibility of danger.
  • Folder - finished the job, walk boldly. Successful completion.
  • Loop - there is no more terrible and sinister symbol. Beware of big trouble, there is a possibility of death.
  • Glove - nostalgia, the likelihood of the return of old feelings, love.
  • Horseshoe - for good luck. And with this and happiness, success.
  • Dishes are an unexpected meeting, rather pleasant.
  • Candle - let's fly in fantasies, dreams, dreams.
  • A chair is the path to financial success, climbing the career ladder.
  • Flag - beware of rash actions, warning of danger. Be wiser.
  • A hat - a laurel wreath is guaranteed to you, fame and, of course, success.
  • Anchor - if there is a clear drawing, then success is coming, next to it is luck, happiness. As a gift. Blurred - problems, but they are temporary. Personal life will improve. It's a question of time.

Fortune Telling: Figures and Lines

  • Arc - beware, the enemy is dangerous and insidious. Don't underestimate him.
  • The star is an opening, freedom. Leaving a painful situation or an unnecessary, annoying and unpleasant person.
  • Square - your life will be happy and prosperous.
  • St. Andrew's Cross - get ready, marriage is just around the corner. Awaiting marriage, marriage. Wedding.
  • Cross - if the sign is solid, the news is not the best. The outline of the cross, white inside - happiness in family life.
  • Circle - you have a vicious circle, this is mutual understanding and harmony with the people around you, torn - a new acquaintance, new people in your life.
  • Line - if zigzag, adventure awaits. The line is crossed by broken lines. Then straight lines of resentment and problems in personal life are guaranteed. If the line is straight and long - happiness and absence of problems, carelessness. Intermittent means illness. Losses, lack of stability and certainty.
  • Slanting lines - forewarned means forearmed. The danger is coming.
  • Broken lines - close your financial trousers, difficulties.
  • Oval is a sign of the ring, wait for the wedding. Getting married or getting married.
  • Dots or strokes - everything is going well, success, luck, happiness.
  • Triangle - if it is closed, you are the lucky one and the favorite of fate. Luck and unexpected success, good luck with you. Open - there is a patron, a strong defender.
  • Dashes are advice for changing jobs.
  • Quadrangle - lucky in love, definitely. Luck.

Fortune-telling on coffee. What do the numbers mean

  • Unit - relax, you are loved.
  • Deuce - pull yourself together, failure awaits, an unpleasant event. Disease is not excluded.
  • Three - you are lucky in finance, a good deal is possible, a profit.
  • Chtverka - fortune turned its face, luck, success.
  • Five - do not believe empty talk, more gossip, malice. Five means rumors
  • Schesterka - Mendelssohn's march is heard, the wedding. Hence the marriage, marriage. Number six for marriage
  • Number seven - reciprocity is a rare fellow traveler, but you're in luck. There is harmony and peace in the family. Happiness.
  • Number eight - be more tolerant of loved ones and loved ones. A disagreement is possible.
  • Number nine - a new sincere person, an acquaintance will not hurt.
  • The meaning of the number 10 is your lucky star, good luck and success.

The letters on the coffee grounds

It is not possible to decipher all the symbols when fortune-telling on coffee. Very often, in a cup of brewed coffee, we see clear letters that have their own meaning. To know