Yeast lace pancakes with milk. Yeast pancakes with milk - recipes for fluffy, thin pancakes with holes

30.09.2019 Egg dishes

There are several ways to make pancakes perforated. The fastest is to make yourself work the most popular chemical reaction in cooking - soda + acid. But when there is neither one nor the other, the only successful option to pamper your family with delicate pastries is to have pancakes with yeast. The recipe is simple, accompanied by a photo and framed step by step. The only drawback is that you have to wait for the dough to ripen. But the wait is fully justified. The pancakes come out simply amazing - the softest, lacy, ruddy and elastic. Baking them is a real pleasure. I offer you 2 cooking options - based on water and milk. Note that by varying the amount of flour you can achieve different results. Thin handsome men come out of thin dough. Make the mass thicker, and you get plump, appetizing round.

Delicious yeast pancakes on water with beautiful holes


Step-by-step recipe with photo:

For the base of this yeast pancake dough, clean water or a milk-water (1 to 1) mixture is suitable. Heat the liquid to a temperature of 30-40 degrees. Pour about 150 ml. Add half the sugar, the whole amount of yeast and 4 tbsp. l. flour.

Stir to completely dissolve the sugar crystals and yeast granules. Cover with a light napkin. Leave in a warm, draft-free place for 10-15 minutes, so that the mass begins to "play".

You can also cook with fresh yeast. You will need about a 30-gram piece. Crumble it before adding it. Dough in this case will take a little longer to cook - about 30 minutes.

After a quarter of an hour, a grayish foam will appear on the surface of the dough. This testifies to its "ripening". Add salt and the rest of the sugar to a bowl. If you plan to serve pancakes with unsweetened filling, then you can skip the rest of the granulated sugar. Beat the egg with a fork or whisk until smooth. Pour into the rest of the ingredients.

Add flour residues in small portions. For thin pancakes with many holes, use a little less food. The dough should eventually come out pretty runny. Thick, fluffy pancakes will require more flour. But do not overdo it so that the baked goods do not turn out to be tough, clogged. Also add optional vanilla flavor (for the sweet version).

Pour in the rest of the water. Heat it up again if necessary. Stir the mass.

Pour in the oil. After mixing, you get a fluid pancake mass. Cover the bowl again. Take about 60 minutes to climb.

The mass will noticeably increase in volume, become porous, light, airy.

Stir the dough. It will settle down a bit. In principle, you can immediately start baking or wait for the second rise. This will make the pancakes even more perforated.

Grease a skillet with vegetable fat or lard before preparing the first serving. Bake for 1-3 minutes on low heat on each side.

Spread the finished baked goods with a piece of butter. Pancakes are thin, with holes, fragrant, ruddy and very tasty. You can't tell right away that they are cooked in water.

The most successful yeast pancakes with milk - fluffy, delicate

Required products:

How to make delicious, fluffy yeast pancakes with milk:

Mix yeast with sugar. If you are more accustomed to cooking with pressed yeast, this amount of products will require about 40 g. Rub the fresh product with your hands until fine crumbs. Stir in granulated sugar.

Pour about a glass of milk into a separate bowl. Warm up to a warm state (no more than 40 degrees). Transfer to the yeast and sugar mixture. Add 2-4 tablespoons of flour. Stir until smooth. Leave to come up for 7-10 minutes.

A "cap" of bubbles will appear on the ripened dough. Add the remaining milk to it. Sift flour. Pour in portions, while stirring with a whisk to prevent lumps from forming.

Melt and cool the butter. Send it to the dough. If not creamy, use a vegetable (no additives or odorless).

For openwork pancakes, the dough needs to be thin, flowing into the hole. It will drip from the spoon in a thin trickle. If you like thick, spongy, fluffy pancakes, add a little more flour. The mass will turn out a little thicker. Cover the container with a light cloth to prevent a weathered crust from appearing on top. Leave in a warm corner to rise for an hour. Stir the mixture after about 30 minutes. And wait for the re-rise.

Bake in a pancake or cast iron skillet. If the dishes are non-stick, the baked goods come off easily. It is not necessary to lubricate it with additional fat. Pour the dough onto a well-heated surface. The warmer the pan, the more holes you get.

You can eat baked goods right away or stuff them with sweet or savory filling. Elasticity makes it easy to roll the rounds into a tube or envelope.

Help yourself!

The end of the cold winter and the long-awaited start of spring is marked by a week of eating pancakes. Shrovetide is one of the most satisfying and beloved folk holidays. A hot, ruddy pancake is associated with the gentle warm sun, which we have been waiting for all winter. Although Shrovetide is originally a pagan holiday, many of us continue to follow good pre-Christian traditions. Help and treat those in need, receive guests and, of course, have fun. Ride down the slides, play snowballs, and those who are bolder can generally climb an icy pillar for a valuable prize))))

What kind of pancakes are not baked for Shrovetide: yeast, yeast-free, with milk, kefir, whey, baked, etc.

In one of the topics, I described how to cook delicate thin pancakes.
Today I will tell you how I bake yeast pancakes.

For yeast pancakes, you need the following products:

    Instant yeast - 1 tsp with a slide

    Sugar - 2 tablespoons

    Salt - 1 tsp

    Sunflower oil - 100 ml


For the preparation of yeast pancake dough, first of all, I prepare the dough. I slightly heat a glass of milk in the microwave and dissolve yeast, salt, sugar and 1 tbsp in warm milk. flour. Cover with a tea towel or plastic wrap and put in a warm place until the yeast activates. The yeast activation process can be seen by the frothy "cap" on the dough. I use a small amount of sugar as I assume the pancakes are unsweetened. If you plan on sweeter pancakes, add more sugar.

I sifted the flour into a bowl, made a depression in the center and poured the dough that came up.

She added vegetable oil and eggs to the dough.

She poured in half the milk and began to knead the dough.

I pour in the rest of the milk. I knead the dough until it becomes homogeneous, smooth without lumps.
I cover the bowl with the dough with plastic wrap and put it in a warm place. I recklessly made the dough in a small bowl. The dough has grown significantly in size. I had to pour it into a larger pot.
The yeast pancake dough becomes frothy and light, it is full of gas bubbles.

Dear hostesses! Here are some proven yeast recipes. Each recipe is special in its own way. This article explains step by step not only how to cook ordinary pancakes with yeast, but also how to make them deliciously with the addition of some kind of cereal or pumpkin. Choose the option that suits you best, rather bake and try!

Pancakes baked according to any of the recipes are deliciously tasty, airy and delicate! And there is no particular difficulty in preparing them, the main thing is not to rush and do everything according to the instructions.

At the same time, it is imperative to maintain a positive and excellent mood. After all, if you wish, everything will work out, even if you do it for the first time. Your family and guests will love this treat! Enjoy cooking

Cooking such a wonderful yeast delicacy, although it takes more time, but the result is simply amazing. It not only pleases the eye, but also our stomach. Cook and taste soon!


  • Wheat flour - 500 g
  • Milk - 4-5 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • Dry yeast - 7 g


Pour slightly warmed milk into a bowl, dilute yeast in it, add 1 tbsp. l sugar

Be sure to pay attention to the temperature of the liquid. It must be warm. Then the yeast will really play well and the dish will turn out to be excellent. If the milk is hot, the yeast bacteria will simply die.

Stir until smooth, cover with a towel or cling film. Put in a warm place for half an hour

During this time, the dough will have to come up.

The readiness of the dough can be determined by a noticeable increase in its volume.

Sift flour into a separate deep container through a sieve. This can be done several times, since due to this process, the flour is saturated with a large amount of air, which will give our dessert more airiness.

Pour in the remaining sugar, salt to taste.

For more flavor, add vanillin

Break an egg at room temperature. Here, it also affects the final baking result.

Pour in the dough that has come up. Mix everything very well so that lumps do not appear, as they will significantly spoil the taste of pancakes

Stir vegetable oil into the dough

Cover the pancake mixture with a towel or plastic wrap. Leave in a warm place for 2 hours to increase the volume

During this time, the rising dough will need to be kneaded 2-3 times

Before baking the first pancake, lightly grease the pan with vegetable oil. Next, pour the dough into a hot frying pan with a ladle, distribute it over the entire heated surface using circular motions

When the pancake turns golden on one side, turn it over. Then bake for a couple of minutes and remove from heat. Yeast pancakes are fluffy, tender and delicious! Enjoy your tea!

But this miracle was called "Tsarist" for a reason, since the name really speaks for itself. Such wonderful pancakes are not just airy, but also so tender that they just melt in your mouth. They can be served on the table with or without a sweet filling.


  • Flour - 3 tbsp
  • Milk - 3.5 tbsp
  • Dry yeast - 2-3 tsp
  • Or fresh yeast - 25 g
  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l
  • Whipped cream - 150 g


The first step is to start preparing the dough. To do this, crumble the yeast into a bowl (just pour dry yeast), pour in warm milk. Then add 1, 5 cups of flour, sifted through a sieve. Stir, let the dough rise. In a separate container, beat three chicken yolks, grind them with butter until they are white. Next, pour the resulting egg mixture into the dough, mix everything thoroughly

Pour the remaining flour in small portions, sifting it through a sieve. Add salt, sugar, stir until smooth. Place in a warm place for 45 minutes or put on a steam bath, that is, place the container with the dough in a bowl with warm water.

Be sure to pay attention that hard lumpy formations are completely absent. The mixture must be completely homogeneous!

Combine the remaining chicken proteins with cream, beat everything well with a mixer or whisk

After 30 minutes, gently pour this mixture into the dough, stirring from top to bottom. Leave the yeast dough for 15-20 minutes to rise

Preheat a frying pan, grease it with vegetable oil or fat. Pour in one ladle of dough, spread it evenly over the entire surface. Bake until golden brown for 1-2 minutes over low heat

If your frying pan is old or has not been used for its intended purpose, you can remove the adhesion of the pancakes by heating a small amount of salt on it.

When the edges are slightly browned, turn the pancake over and bake it until tender for about half a minute. After that, remove it from the pan using a spatula.

It is very tasty to use such pancakes with sour cream or jam. And in order to fully justify their name, then they can be served with red caviar.

Our great treat is ready. They can be served and eaten both hot and cold. Enjoy your meal and good mood!

And now I present to your attention yeast pancakes in milk with corn flour. Their main difference is not only in the composition, but also in the original size. It is by this that they are somewhat reminiscent of pancakes. However, the taste is not at all the same. Try it, just delicious. They will definitely appeal to adults and especially children.


  • Corn flour - 1 tbsp
  • Milk - 0.5 l + 125 ml
  • Wheat flour - 1 and 1/4 cups
  • Fresh yeast - 25 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Cream or sour cream - 75 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Sunflower oil for greasing the pan


Heat 0.5 liters of milk, pour cornmeal over it. Stir thoroughly, set aside to cool the mixture

Break the yeast into small pieces, add sugar and the remaining warm milk to them. Wait for the yeast to dissolve. In this case, you can stir them, thereby speeding up the process

In a separate bowl, sift the wheat flour through a sieve.

Pour sifted wheat flour into a deep container, add a mixture of milk with corn flour to it, then the yeast mass. Knead everything, cover with cling film or napkin. Set aside in a warm place for 1.5 - 2 hours. You can place the bowl in a container with warm water

The dough should work well. This will be noticeable by the large number of air bubbles that appear. The more there are, the tastier and more delicate our delicacy will be.

Pour 3, lightly beaten, egg yolks, cream (or sour cream) into the dough that has come up. Beat the egg whites in a good foam and add to the dough, lightly salt

Knead the dough thoroughly and slowly, it should be completely homogeneous.

Grease the pan with oil, pour the dough into it and smooth it over the surface. Bake pancakes on each side until beautiful golden brown

They can be baked in any size, it all depends on your preference. The finished dessert goes very well with sour cream or melted butter. Bon Appetit!

With this recipe, you can make delicious and cute pancakes. One of the main ingredients is pumpkin, which makes them bright and yellow. If yellow pumpkin is missing, turmeric can be added to add color.


  • Pumpkin - 400 g
  • Sugar - 40 g
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Dry fast-acting yeast - 5 g
  • Chicken egg - 4 pieces
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Wheat flour - 300 g
  • Melted butter - 30 g


Wash fresh pumpkin, peel and remove seeds. Cut the prepared pulp into large pieces, cook until soft.

To make the pumpkin soft, you can boil it in water or steam

Beat soft pumpkin with a blender until puree

Break eggs into a separate bowl, add salt and sugar to them. Beat everything up a little

First, pour in half of the warm milk, add sifted flour and yeast. Then add the second part of the milk, beat until all the ingredients are evenly distributed

Cover the finished dough with cling film, set aside in a warm place for 1 hour, so that it comes up, that is, it starts to bubble

After an hour has passed, put prepared not hot pumpkin puree into it. Mix everything and put in a warm place for 1 hour

The mass should increase well, become airy and light

Grease the pan with oil (do this before baking each pancake). Pour the dough into a hot frying pan, distribute it evenly by tilting the pan. When the pancake is all in holes, it turns brown, you can turn it over and bring it to readiness on the other side

Ready-made pancakes can be served immediately. The treat is ready and you can please both guests and your household with it. Bon Appetit!

Thanks to this recipe, you can make thin pancakes that just melt in your mouth. Already, this yummy simply flies away from a beautiful saucer on the table imperceptibly. And if you serve them with berry jam or sauce, then it is simply impossible to resist.


  • Kefir - 1 tbsp
  • Milk - 0.5 tbsp
  • Flour - 1 tbsp
  • Dry instant yeast - 1 tsp
  • Sarah - 2 tablespoons
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Butter - 30 g
  • Salt - a pinch

For berry sauce:

  • Raspberries (fresh or frozen) - 250 g
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l
  • Rum (optional) - 1 tbsp. l
  • Cloves - 3 pieces
  • Cardamom -0.3 tsp
  • Cinnamon - 0.3h l
  • Measuring cup - 250 ml


At the very beginning, melt the butter and cool it until warm.

In a bowl, mix sifted flour (2 tablespoons), salt, sugar, yeast

Pour in warm kefir.

The fat content of kefir can be used at your discretion and taste. You can also replace it with regular curdled milk.

Mix thoroughly so that no lumps form. Cover the container with cling film or napkin. Leave the dough for 30 minutes in a warm place. When it fits completely, its volume will approximately double.

If suddenly, it was not possible to bypass hard lumpy formations, then a submersible blender will help to eliminate them.

Whisk the chicken eggs in a separate bowl. Pour in their matched brew, and also add warm milk and the remaining sifted flour with vanilla sugar

Add previously melted butter, mix the whole mass until smooth. Cover the bowl again with cling film or napkin, put in a warm place for about 30 minutes

After the specified time, the pancake dough will be ready. Fry them as usual in a hot frying pan, on both sides until a bright golden blush. You do not need to add oil to the pan

Each baked yeast pancake, remove and coat with a little softened butter

Prepare raspberries for the sauce. If it is frozen, then unfreeze it.

Place the berries in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, place on the stove and bring to a boil. Then add rum (optional), spices. Cook for about 15-20 minutes to thicken the sauce a little. That's all! Ready-made freshly baked yeast pancakes with kefir and milk can be served with berry sauce. The taste is simply amazing! Be sure to try!

By adding semolina, the pancakes are thick and fluffy. They can be considered quite unusual and should definitely be tried, as they turn out to be very tasty and satisfying.


  • Milk - 300 ml
  • Water - 300 ml
  • Semolina - 300 g
  • Wheat flour - 100 g
  • Dry yeast - 2 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp
  • Soda - ½ tsp
  • Vegetable oil for greasing the pan


First you need to dilute the yeast. To do this, pour 50 ml of warm water into a container, add yeast, 1 tsp of sugar, 1 tsp of flour. Stir everything and leave in a warm place until a light foam forms. That is, to the point where yeast bacteria begin to work

Pour semolina into a deep cup, make a small depression, pour the yeast mixture and the remaining warm water into it with a thin stream. Stir until smooth.

When adding cereals, be sure to pay attention that it has a pleasant and appropriate smell, there are no foreign grains

Then pour in warm milk. Add remaining bulk solids. Mix everything thoroughly with a mixer, breaking lumps. Then cover with foil, set aside for 40 minutes

If, after the specified time, the dough thickens a little, there will be small bubbles on its surface, then the pancake dough is ready for baking.

Heat the greased pan and only then pour a small amount of dough into the very center, while it should be an even layer

When the entire surface of the pancake becomes openwork, turn it over to the other side

Remove the finished pancake from the pan onto a plate. Fry in this way until the end, until the dough is finished.

Cooked pancakes go well with honey - butter sauce or just melted butter. Bon Appetit!

Video - recipe for yeast pancakes with milk "Boyarskie"

Such a wonderful dish like pancakes goes well with any sauce, jam and filling. They can be stuffed with any fillings: liquid, thick, sweet, spicy, and so on. They are perfect for both a festive table and an everyday one.

It just so happened that they are necessarily baked not only for Shrovetide, but also on any ordinary day. At the same time, they can be served on the table both in the usual classic style, and by showing your imagination.

The ability to bake pancakes means that you definitely won't be lost with such a hostess. Since this dish is to everyone's liking. And what kind of recipe to use in this case is up to you. Bon appetit and great mood!

With the onset of cold weather, more and more often you want something solid, satisfying. For example, pancakes. You can make thin, lacy ones, but if you show patience, you can make real thick and fluffy pancakes with yeast - fragrant, incredibly appetizing. They are also called sour. Delicious pancakes can be prepared with any ingredients, but the main ones, of course, are flour and yeast. So, let's begin.

Thick pancakes with yeast - a recipe for milk, or a recipe for sponge cooking

Thick and fluffy pancakes are obtained when the dough has passed all stages of fermentation, filled with air, became porous and light. Just letting the pancakes stand well, discard, and there is the main secret of successful pancakes. In addition, yeast pancakes with milk are well obtained from a fairly thick dough. Therefore, do not worry that the recipe below will end up with a thick mass.

The calculation is made for a large portion of pancakes, but if you need fewer pancakes, just cut the amount of food in half.

Let's prepare:

  • 0.6 kg of flour (ordinary flour is good, but excellent products are also obtained from buckwheat);
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 40 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 50 g ghee or melted butter;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • yeast (if dry, then you need 15 g, if fresh pressed, 40 g).


  1. Dissolve the yeast - to do this, take a glass of milk (from a general measure), heat it to a slightly warm state, add the yeast and leave it to swell for ten minutes.
  2. Warm the rest of the milk a little too, literally a little warmer than body temperature. Add granulated sugar and salt, stir and add the yeast dissolved in milk.
  3. Beat in the eggs and stir in the flour gently.
  4. The final touch is to pour oil into the dough. Stir.
  5. Leave everything to rise. Like any yeast dough, it needs to be raised three times in order to be saturated with carbon dioxide. Therefore, periodically the dough needs to be kneaded when it begins to rise. Usually, in a warm place, the entire climb takes about three hours or a little more.
  6. Pancakes are baked in a frying pan well heated and greased with vegetable oil on both sides.

Important: don't overdo it with yeast! With an increase in their rate, the dough will rise faster, but the pancakes will acquire an excessively yeasty taste and smell. Better to wait for a natural rise. If you want filled yeast pancakes, bake thinner from the dough recipe above. If you want thick and fluffy pancakes, then slightly increase the amount of flour.

Yeast pancakes on water

It happens that there is no milk in the house. This means that you need to make pancakes with yeast and water. By the way, some people do not like to bake yeast pancakes in milk, they deliberately do not add it to the dough. On the water, the dish under discussion turns out to be a little "rubbery", does not break well, and this has its own taste and charm.

For such a recipe you need to prepare:

  • a couple of eggs;
  • a glass of flour (two hundred grams);
  • 10 g of compressed yeast;
  • half a liter of water and oil for frying;
  • add sugar and salt to taste.


  1. Beat eggs until smooth.
  2. Dissolve the yeast in a little warm water.
  3. Add eggs and yeast to the rest of the liquid.
  4. Add salt and sugar.
  5. Sift flour and stir thoroughly so that the dough does not have lumps.
  6. Cover the saucepan with a lid or towel and leave to rise for an hour.
  7. As the dough begins to rise, knead, pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix.
  8. Wait for the rise again. After that, you can bake thick and porous pancakes in the water.

Lean recipe without adding eggs

This recipe is good because it does not contain animal products, which means it can be used on fast days. The pancakes are thick, porous, and quite tasty. True, there are them, like most products, you need right away.


  1. we take a minimum of products - a couple of glasses of flour, 40 ml of water, salt and sugar to taste, yeast 20 grams;
  2. we prepare the dough, for which we pour a glass from the total volume of water, heat it up a little and dilute the yeast in it, a little sugar (about a tablespoon) and a little flour;
  3. leave the resulting dough for fifteen minutes until air bubbles appear on the surface of the dough. Soon the surface will be covered with a cap of bubbles. This means that live yeast is running, you can continue to cook lean dough;
  4. heat the rest of the water a little, add the dough there, then a couple of tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, stir;
  5. add a couple of tbsp into the dough. tablespoons of vegetable oil and leave in a saucepan under a towel to rise. If the room is warm after an hour, the dough should rise repeatedly. Each time we knead it to saturate it with oxygen and continue fermentation;
  6. Finally, take the dough with a ladle and carefully pour it into a hot and oiled frying pan. Bake pancakes on both sides, avoiding overdrying.

Grease the finished lean pancakes with aromatic vegetable oil or jam. Delicious pancakes on water and without eggs are ready!

Lush pancakes with sour milk or yogurt

Pancakes are baked from the same yeast dough as always, the difference is in the presence of a fermented milk product. It can be sour cream, fermented milk, and ordinary curdled milk. Thanks to them, pancakes are more porous and airy.

To get exactly this kind of treat, prepare:

  • a pound of flour;
  • granulated sugar 70 g;
  • 700 g of sour milk or yogurt;
  • 30 g of compressed yeast;
  • three medium sized eggs;
  • salt to taste;
  • clarified sunflower oil to fry, and 50 g butter - in the dough.

We do this:

  1. Add yeast diluted in a little water to the warmed milk. Wait until frothing appears on the milk.
  2. Beat the egg with sugar, but not hard.
  3. Add the diluted yeast mixture to the eggs, salt and mix well.
  4. Pour in the flour according to the recipe, mix until the dough is smooth.
  5. Let it rise well, crushing the dough a couple of times.
  6. Bake pancakes in a frying pan greased with any fat.

Fold the finished pancakes in a stack, having previously greased each with melted butter or ghee.

Quick recipe for kefir and dry yeast

Yeast pancakes on kefir are prepared quickly and quite simply. In principle, this is a variation of the previous recipe, but kefir is taken instead of sour milk.


  1. A couple of eggs are stirred in a container with kefir.
  2. Salt is added to the mixture to taste, a couple of teaspoons of sugar, a couple of tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  3. Dry yeast (1 teaspoon), water (about two-thirds of a glass) and vegetable oil are poured there.
  4. Next, it remains to add flour - it will take a little more than a glass to make the dough of medium density.
  5. Leave it to rise for forty or an hour.
  6. After the dough has stood, you can start baking the pancakes.

Yeast pancakes with semolina

Pancakes come out very beautiful, hearty, interesting. How do we cook? It's very simple - like ordinary yeast, only with the addition of semolina.

We take:

  • a glass of flour;
  • one and a half glasses of semolina;
  • 150 g of water and 500 g of milk;
  • a couple of fresh eggs;
  • three tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • vegetable oil in the dough will require 3 tbsp. spoons, in addition, prepare a little for baking pancakes;
  • salt a small spoon and the same amount of dry yeast.

From this calculation of products, a pretty decent stack of pancakes comes out, which can be fed to a large company. If you need less volume, reduce proportionally.

  1. Sift flour and mix with semolina.
  2. We prepare a dough from a small amount of milk, sugar and yeast.
  3. As soon as the dough foams, we drive eggs into it, mix with a fork or whisk.
  4. Add vegetable oil to the liquid, then add salt and flour. At the last moment, add warmed milk or water and mix well again.
  5. Let it come up, knead and immediately bake from ready-made yeast dough.

Yeast on a bottle

This is not a recipe, but rather an original form of dough handling. Any dough from the above methods is suitable for him. Choose any recipe - kefir or sour cream. The bottom line is that the dough is prepared in a plastic bottle and poured from it. This is convenient for baking.

A bottle with a capacity of one and a half or better two liters is required. First, dry components of pancakes (flour, dry yeast, salt and sugar) are gradually introduced into it, and then liquid components are added - eggs, milk, kefir or water. For convenience, it is better to use a funnel with a wide mouth. After adding the liquid, shake the bottle thoroughly and for quite a long time to obtain maximum homogeneity. Having prepared the dough, the bottle is opened and kept in this form until the approach. Next, proceed to the baking process, pouring the desired portion into a hot oiled frying pan. This method is convenient because you can store the rest of the dough in the bottle for some time.

It is enough to try yeast pancakes just once to understand all their undeniable benefits. They differ from their closest competitors by the soft consistency of the dough and the cute pattern that appears all over the surface during frying. They can be thin or thick, matte or ruddy, smooth or fishnet. At the same time, yeast pancakes can be prepared with any filling and served as a main course or dessert.

Pancake yeast dough is based on milk, kefir or water. The liquid ingredient is heated slightly, then dry or fresh yeast is diluted in it. Special fast-acting yeast helps to save time. Pancakes also include flour, eggs, soda, salt and sugar, semolina, etc. To save oil during frying, it is also often added to the dough itself.

Frying pancakes is very easy. To do this, just scoop the dough with a ladle and pour it into the pan. On each side, the pancake is cooked for about 1-2 minutes. After that, it is removed from the pan and laid out on a flat dish. Place the following pancakes on top to form a stack.

When the pancakes have cooled down a little, you can fill them with any filling of your choice, or serve just like that, offering guests sour cream, jam or some delicious sauce.

Yeast pancakes don't have to be thick and thick. This recipe is perfect for lovers of thin pancakes. In this case, the dough can be used for both sweet and salty filling. Yeast must be fast-acting with an indication of the activation time on the package.


  • 3 cups flour;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 11 g dry yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the milk a little, add salt and sugar to it, stir.
  2. Beat eggs there and beat lightly with a whisk until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  3. Combine yeast and flour in a separate container, mix well and add to the liquid ingredients.
  4. Leave the dough to rise in a warm place under a towel.
  5. Boil water and add to the dough that has come up, quickly mix everything with a spoon.
  6. Fry the pancakes on both sides until tender.

Interesting from the net

Semolina makes the pancake dough thicker, respectively, and the pancakes themselves are quite thick. If you suddenly want to get even thicker pancakes, you must first boil the cereals and add semolina porridge to the dough. You can also simply increase the amount in the recipe. You should give preference to sweet fillings and garnish ready-made pancakes with whipped cream.


  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 8 tbsp. l. decoys;
  • 1 egg;
  • 6 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • ½ tsp dry yeast.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the milk into a deep bowl, add the egg, semolina, salt and sugar to it.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into the resulting mass and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Boil water in a separate saucepan and pour into the dough immediately after boiling.
  4. Stir the contents of the bowl quickly and pour the yeast into it.
  5. Stir the dough thoroughly again, leave warm for 2 hours.
  6. Gradually introduce flour, after sifting it through a sieve.
  7. Stir the dough until smooth, breaking all the lumps.
  8. Fry the pancakes in vegetable oil on both sides.

You can pamper yourself with sweet pastries even with a minimum of calories consumed. Such a dessert will be especially relevant for those who fast and have to deny themselves dairy products. The specified amount of water is for thick pancakes. You can make them thin by adding another 100 ml of liquid.


  • 350 g flour;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 5 tsp Sahara;
  • 10 g fresh pressed yeast.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, combine flour and four tablespoons of sugar.
  2. Heat water, add half to a plate with dry ingredients.
  3. Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly with a spoon, set aside for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour 100 ml of water into a separate container, add the remaining sugar and dilute the yeast.
  5. When bubbles go through the yeast mass, pour it into a bowl of flour.
  6. Mix everything until smooth and remove the resulting dough in heat for 30 minutes.
  7. Add vegetable oil and salt to a common plate, mix again and start frying pancakes.

Pancakes with salted curd filling can be served as an original snack by cutting them into small portions. In this case, the dough itself is baked in a pan as well as in the oven. The filling, if desired, can be changed or supplemented with any other ingredients.


  • 2 glasses of kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tsp dry yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 bunch of dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat one glass of kefir to 35-40 degrees and dilute yeast in it.
  2. Pour salt, sugar and half a glass of flour there, stir.
  3. Leave the dough warm for half an hour, then beat in the eggs and gradually add flour.
  4. Add the remaining kefir, mix everything into a homogeneous mass and leave for another half hour.
  5. Fry the pancakes until golden brown in a hot skillet on both sides.
  6. Grind cottage cheese, dill and garlic in a blender, mix everything with mayonnaise.
  7. Let the finished pancakes cool slightly and fill each with curd filling.

There are a lot of recipes for choux pastry for pancakes, but experienced housewives will surely like this cooking method. Creams add special tenderness to the crepes, which are added at the final stage. A lot of pancakes are obtained from this amount of products. If it is not yet Maslenitsa in the yard, you can slightly reduce costs, while observing the proportions.


  • 450 g flour;
  • 750 ml of milk;
  • 150 ml cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 5 g dry yeast;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil 300 ml of milk in a small saucepan.
  2. Pour 150 g flour into boiling milk and stir vigorously.
  3. Remove the saucepan from heat and wrap with a warm towel, leave for 2 hours.
  4. Heat the remaining milk without boiling, dissolve salt and sugar in it.
  5. Beat eggs in there and beat slightly with a whisk until smooth.
  6. Mix flour not used for brewing with dry yeast and gradually add to the milk-egg mass.
  7. Combine the resulting dough with the previously prepared tea leaves (flour + milk) and mix well.
  8. Cover the dough with a towel, remove to a warm place and knead after an hour, then leave for another 30 minutes.
  9. When the dough rises enough, pour the cream, melted butter and vegetable oil into it, mix.
  10. Remove the plate under the towel again and leave it alone for 20 minutes.
  11. Stir the dough again, grease the pan with vegetable or butter.
  12. Fry pancakes on both sides until matte and openwork holes appear.

Now you know how to make yeast pancakes according to the recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

Many people are too lazy to cook yeast pancakes, because it takes a little longer than for simpler versions of the same dish. Nevertheless, it is the yeast that makes it possible to obtain a soft, airy and very tasty pancake dough. So that the process does not cause difficulties, you just need to use the following tips on how to make yeast pancakes:
  • The liquid in which it is planned to breed the yeast must be heated slightly above room temperature, but in no case should it be boiled.
  • In order for the yeast to work exactly as needed, a little sugar and flour should be added to the dough.
  • Yeast pancakes do not require a lot of oil for frying. It is enough to grease the pan just before the first pancake.
  • You should start frying pancakes in a frying pan only when it has warmed up well, otherwise you will get the notorious pancake “lumpy”.
  • It is recommended to put yeast dough with the addition of semolina in the microwave for 2-3 minutes and heat it up. This way the yeast is activated faster.
  • Yeast dough should be suitable in a warm and dark place. It is best to cover it additionally with a regular kitchen towel.