Sponge cake step by step recipe. Sponge cake - perfect cakes in a few minutes

10.09.2019 Egg dishes

Biscuit is a versatile pastry for confectioners. Almost no cake can do without a biscuit, cakes and rolls are made from biscuit, used as a basis for any confectionery.

Lush, like a cloud, and quite dense, with butter and cream, with nuts and carrots - they can be very different, but they are united by the cooking technology. Whatever the biscuit dough, for it you just need to beat the eggs (or separately the whites and yolks) and add the rest of the ingredients as carefully as possible. It is due to the air added during whipping that your biscuit will rise in the oven.

When baking a biscuit, two processes take place at the same time. Firstly, the air in the dough heats up and, accordingly, expands, it makes the dough rise in the oven, that is, to increase in volume. Secondly, if there is enough heat (at a baking temperature of 180-200C), the walls of the growing pores are baked. Thus, to get the correct biscuit, you need to beat the eggs well, adding as much air as possible, stir the dough, being careful not to lose the added air, and then bake it correctly at a sufficiently high temperature.

Before carefully studying the technology of Irina Chadeeva, we suggest watching the video recipe of the professional pastry chef Oleg Ilyin!

What are we baking from?


Biscuits are baked due to the starch gelatinization process - when heated in a wet dough, it changes its structure, becoming thicker and more viscous. Therefore, it is the presence of starch that is important for a biscuit, and, accordingly, it can be baked from almost any flour - rice, wheat, corn, buckwheat (any flour contains starch). If you replace part of the wheat flour with starch, the biscuit will be more durable and crumbly. You can bake a biscuit without flour at all, only on starch. But in nut flour (ground nuts) there is no starch, and therefore biscuits with nut flour are less durable and easily settle. Nevertheless, pastry chefs often make biscuits with nuts - it turns out very tasty!


Without which, in principle, a biscuit cannot be baked - it is without eggs. It is the eggs that give it both splendor (when beaten) and strength (when baked). A well-beaten egg mass is the key to success when working with a biscuit.


For a biscuit, use regular sugar, preferably with small crystals. They dissolve faster, respectively, and eggs are better beaten with them.

Basic biscuit recipe

There are many options for biscuit, but it's worth starting with the simplest recipe, which, however, is no worse than the most complex ones. Remember the proportion:

4 eggs
120 g sugar
120 g flour
and no baking powder!

How to make a biscuit:

1. First, measure out all the ingredients. Sift flour (as well as starch, if you use) - it is saturated with air and then mixes better in the dough. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks (remember that cold eggs are best separated into whites and yolks), using a large bowl for whites and medium in size for yolks.

Please note that the biscuit molds and trays must be prepared in advance, and the oven must also be preheated in advance. When the biscuit dough is ready, it must be immediately transferred to a mold (on a baking sheet) and baked without wasting time. The biscuit dough settles quickly, and the finished products from the settled dough are low and dull.

2. Pour half the sugar into the yolks and beat with a mixer at maximum speed until they are thick, almost white.

3. Wash and dry the whisk and beat the whites at full speed until the mixture is white and thick. Mixer attachments should leave a clear, non-spreading mark. Only now add the remaining sugar and beat on until the mass becomes snow-white and shiny.

publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

4. Add the yolks to the whites and stir very gently with a spoon until the mixture becomes homogeneous, light yellow in color.

How to mix correctly? Take a spoon and dip the side into the middle of the bowl. Pass the convex part of the spoon along the bottom (towards you), then up the side of the bowl, continue moving over the dough and again lower the spoon in the middle. The spoon will describe a circle. Repeat this movement while turning the bowl with your other hand. Thus, all types of biscuit (and other whipped) dough are quickly and accurately mixed. This method is called the "folding method".

5. Add flour and other dry ingredients. Stir again by folding. Do not stir for too long, as the dough may thicken too much.

publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

As soon as the lumps of flour have disappeared, stop. Transfer the dough to a mold, flatten the surface and place in the oven.

publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

What to add?

Butter is often added to the biscuit. To do this, melt it, cool it and pour it in as carefully as possible. Even a small amount of butter makes the crumb more tasty and moist, biscuits with butter do not stale longer.

How do I prepare a form?

There are several ways to prepare the molds and bake the biscuit. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it doesn't matter what form you bake in, and sometimes it matters.

Method number 1

Lubricate the inside of the mold with softened butter (the melted butter will drip off and you won't get an even coating). Pour in a spoonful of flour and, shaking the mold, distribute the flour first along the sides of the mold, and then along the bottom. Tap the mold well to sprinkle excess flour.

With this method, the biscuit does not stick to the bottom and walls of the mold at all. After baking for 5-10 minutes, the biscuit cools down and shrinks slightly, while a small gap appears between the wall of the form and the biscuit, and a small slide remains on the biscuit. Turn the biscuit over onto the wire rack, it can be easily removed, while the slide will be at the bottom, and the top will be completely flat.

DISADVANTAGE: when using this method, the biscuit is slightly lower.

Method number 2

Do not grease the dish, but cover the bottom with baking paper.

When baking, the biscuit will stick to the walls, but when you take out the mold, it will also settle. Since the walls cannot settle (they are stuck), the “pea” will settle, thus, when the cake cools down, the surface of the biscuit will become even. The biscuit is taken out of the mold only when it has completely cooled down. To do this, you need to very carefully run a knife along the walls, separating the biscuit, and remove the form. Remove the baking paper before using the biscuit.

DISADVANTAGE: in order to separate the biscuit from the walls, skill and accuracy are needed; silicone molds cannot be used.

Method number 3

Do not grease the baking dish or place baking paper on the bottom.

publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

This method is suitable for the lightest and most delicate biscuits, which settle under their own weight as they cool. These are biscuits with a small amount of flour and starch, as well as protein biscuits. Usually they are recommended to be cooled upside down - for this, immediately after baking, the mold is turned over and placed on bowls so that the biscuit does not touch them. In this position, the bottom and sides of the biscuit are glued to the mold, it does not fall out, but it also does not settle under its own weight. Please note that in this case, it is important to choose the correct size of the form so that the biscuit does not turn out above the edges and can be turned over.

DISADVANTAGE: sometimes it is difficult to separate the biscuit from the mold; silicone molds are not suitable for such baking.


Always preheat the oven to a temperature of 180-200 ° C in advance. It is advisable to bake biscuits on the middle level of the oven; convection can be used. Try not to open the oven for the first 15 minutes of baking to keep the air cool. You can check the readiness of the biscuit 25-30 minutes after the start of cooking. Ready biscuit - always with a uniform slide, golden brown. Pierce it in several places (closer to the middle) with a toothpick, there should be no dough stuck on it. You can also press with your palm, the finished biscuit is elastic and durable.


To prevent the biscuit from getting soaked during impregnation, to be strong and elastic, it is advisable to let it lie down for several hours. For cakes, I usually bake a sponge cake in the evening and leave it in the kitchen overnight. Please note that the biscuit should not dry out - for this, if there is dry air in the kitchen, you can put the biscuit in a bag after it has cooled completely.

publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

How to cut a biscuit?

One four-egg sponge cake baked in a 20 cm diameter pan can usually be cut into three cakes. To keep the cuts even and the cakes uniform in thickness, use a few simple tricks.

Place the sponge cake with the bottom side up - it is very even, and your cake will also be flat on top. It is convenient to use a sheet of baking paper, a flat plate or wire rack as a substrate, the main thing is that you can easily rotate the cake along with the base. Prepare a knife - it is highly desirable that it is sharp, with a blade that is longer than the diameter of the biscuit. A bread knife with a wavy blade works very well.

Use a knife to mark the cut lines about 1 cm deep around the circumference of the biscuit.

Insert the knife into the notch and cut, carefully turning the biscuit and pressing the knife against the bottom cake, it should go exactly along the marked line.


  1. Too thin dough - whites or yolks are not beaten well, the dough has been stirring for too long;
  2. The biscuit does not rise well - the dough was stirred for a long time, the eggs were not beaten well, the oven was too cold;
  3. The biscuit sagged heavily after baking - the dough was poorly baked, there is little flour or starch;
  4. Biscuit donkey in the oven - oven too hot;
  5. The biscuit crumbles heavily - too much starch.

A handmade cake is a symbol of a family holiday, home warmth and comfort. The simplest and most popular homemade cake is made from sponge cake. Biscuit dough contains a minimum of available ingredients that are in any home kitchen, it is easily whipped with a mixer, just baked. And of course, homemade biscuit cakes with homemade cream are incredibly tasty. Any of the most beautiful cakes from the best pastry shops cannot compete with them. And even though a homemade cake is not as beautiful and exquisite in appearance as a cake from a professional pastry chef, when baking at home, we are always sure that we used quality products and cooked with love. Here you will learn not only how to bake a biscuit for a cake, but also how and with what to soak it. I will also offer you some of the most popular biscuit recipes and I will give you a selection of recipes for simple and delicious creams, ganaches and cake icings. And of course, simple options for decorating homemade cakes with beautiful photos are waiting for you.

Biscuit recipes

Classic biscuit

Proportion of eggs, sugar and flour for a classic biscuit: for 1 egg 30 grams of sugar and 30 grams of flour.

  • eggs 4 pcs
  • sugar 120 gr
  • premium wheat flour 120 gr

For round shape with a diameter of 24-26 cm

  • eggs 5 pieces
  • sugar 150 gr
  • premium wheat flour 150 gr

For round shape with a diameter of 28-30 cm

  • eggs 6 pcs
  • sugar 180 gr
  • premium wheat flour 180 gr

For a roll on a baking sheet measuring 38 cm X 32 cm

  • eggs 3 pcs
  • sugar 90 gr
  • flour 90 gr

If you replace 1/3 of the flour with ground nuts or cocoa powder in a classic biscuit, you will get a nut or chocolate biscuit, respectively.

Often in the biscuit dough, part of the flour is replaced with starch, it is believed that with it the product will turn out to be more airy and tender, since it reduces the amount of gluten. But I do not recommend and never add myself. And to reduce the effects of gluten, simply stir the flour into the eggs quickly.

Beat eggs until frothy for 7-8 minutes. Gradually add sugar, beat for at least 10-15 minutes until fluffy and increase in volume by 2.5-3 times and complete dissolution of sugar. Sift flour into beaten eggs in 2-3 doses, stir with a spoon or spatula. Make sure all the flour is mixed into the dough. Pour the dough into a mold, cover the bottom of which with baking paper, the sides do not need to be oiled. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes.

The classic biscuit is very fluffy, delicate and airy. In my opinion, it is good even by itself without impregnation and cream, just sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Detailed step-by-step photo recipe for cooking ⇒

Butter biscuit

For one round mold with a diameter of 26-28 cm or for two molds with a diameter of 20 cm
This amount of dough can also be baked in a 24 cm diameter pan, place the excess in muffin tins and bake with the main biscuit.

  • eggs 6 pcs
  • sugar 165 gr
  • premium wheat flour 150 gr
  • butter 75 gr
  • baking powder 1 tsp

Melt the butter, microwaveable.
Beat eggs until frothy for 7-8 minutes.
Add sugar gradually, beat until volume increases for 10-15 minutes. Add the flour and baking powder to the beaten eggs in 3 to 4 meals - sift directly into the eggs. Stir gently with a spoon or spatula from bottom to top and toward the middle. Make sure that all the flour is mixed into the dough.
Add 2-3 tablespoons to melted and slightly cooled butter. biscuit mass, mix and then add to the total mass in 2-3 doses, mix gently. Make sure all the butter is evenly mixed into the dough.
Bake the biscuit in a preheated 160 ° C oven for 40-45 minutes.
More tips for baking biscuits at the bottom of the page.

Detailed step-by-step photo recipe for cooking ⇒

Angel biscuit

For round shape with a diameter of 20 cm

  • eggs (proteins) 6 pcs
  • a pinch of salt
  • flour 65 gr
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • sugar 125 gr
  • vanilla sugar 1 tsp
  • lemon peel from 1-2 tsp

It is not necessary to use the freshest proteins, on the contrary, it is better to use "aged" ones, that is, those that have stood in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container for 3-5 days. You can also use thawed proteins.

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks so that not a single drop of the yolk gets to the whites. Add salt to the protein mass and beat until a fluffy and soft white foam is obtained. While whisking, add a mixture of plain and vanilla sugar in small portions. Whisk until firm.
Remove the zest from the lemon by rubbing on a fine grater (remove only a thin yellow layer, without touching the bitter white part), add to the whites. Sift flour with baking powder, add (sift) to the protein mass in 3-4 doses, gently knead from bottom to top and to the middle. Avoid too intense or rough movements, otherwise the delicate air mass may settle! Put the protein dough in a dry form (do not grease the walls with anything), level the surface. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes.
More tips for baking biscuits at the bottom of the page.
Yolks can be prepared, which can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks or cooked very tasty

Orange biscuit

Similarly, you can make a lemon biscuit, replacing the orange with 2 lemons.

  • eggs 4 pcs
  • sugar 130 gr
  • flour 160 gr
  • starch 40 gr
  • large orange 1 pc (zest and 80 ml of juice)
  • baking powder 6 gr

Remove the zest from the orange and squeeze the juice. Combine flour, starch and baking powder - sift. Beat eggs until frothy for 7-8 minutes. Gradually add sugar, beat for at least 10-15 minutes until fluffy and increase in volume, 2.5-3 times and complete dissolution of sugar. Heat orange juice to a boil. Add orange zest to the egg mixture and sift the flour mixture into beaten eggs in 2-3 doses, stir with a spoon or spatula. Make sure all the flour is mixed into the dough. Stir in orange juice into the dough. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 30-35 minutes.
More tips for baking biscuits at the bottom of the page.

Chocolate biscuit

For round shape with a diameter of 24 cm

For the chocolate mass:

  • cocoa powder 30 gr
  • sugar 200 gr
  • odorless vegetable oil 135 gr
  • water 100 ml

For biscuit:

  • eggs 5 pcs
  • sugar 50 gr
  • premium wheat flour 200 gr
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • salt 0.5 tsp

Cook the chocolate mass: combine cocoa powder and sugar in a small saucepan, add water and vegetable oil - bring to a boil with constant stirring.
Combine dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt - stir with a spoon and sift.
Beat eggs with sugar until whitened and swollen.
Add the chocolate mass to the beaten eggs in 3-4 doses, continue whisking.
Add flour mixture in 2-3 doses (sift into the dough), mix well with a spoon. At the end, you can punch a little with a mixer.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 45-50 minutes.
More tips for baking biscuits at the bottom of the page.

Chocolate sponge cake (lean)

For a round shape with a diameter of 20-22 cm

(glass volume 200 ml)

  • flour 2 cups
  • cocoa powder 2 tbsp
  • sugar 1 cup
  • vegetable oil (refined) 4 tablespoons
  • baking powder 2.5 tsp.
  • vanilla sugar 2 tsp
  • water 1.5 cups

Combine dry ingredients: sift flour with cocoa powder and baking powder, add vanilla and regular sugar, stir. Pour in water gradually, stirring well. The dough should be smooth, viscous and uniform, evenly chocolate colored. Add vegetable oil, mix thoroughly. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes.
More tips for baking biscuits at the bottom of the page.

Unsweetened chocolate in recipes can be replaced with cocoa powder, according to the following scheme:
every 30 grams of chocolate = 1 tbsp. l. butter + 3 tbsp. l. cocoa (no slide). Reverse replacement is also possible if we want to replace cocoa with chocolate.

Impregnation recipe for biscuit

Basic impregnation recipe

So that the cake is not dry and at the same time, so that your biscuit does not float in a puddle of syrup, you need to correctly calculate the amount of impregnation. Remember the proportion: for a biscuit weighing 500 grams, you will need 250 - 300 grams of impregnation.

  • water 3 tbsp.
  • sugar 2 tablespoons
  • 1 tbsp cognac

From this amount, 100 ml of syrup is obtained.

Heat water, add sugar, heat and stir to dissolve sugar. Once all the sweet crystals have dissolved, leave the syrup alone and wait for it to boil. Remove any foam from the surface and remove the saucepan from the stove. Add alcohol to the cooled syrup: cognac, whiskey, rum.

You can add vanilla, cinnamon to sugar syrup.
Water can be replaced with coffee.
For a baby cake, water can be replaced with fruit juice, no alcohol is added. You can also prepare milk impregnation for children: dilute condensed milk with boiling water to the desired consistency, add vanilla or cinnamon.
You can use any ready-made syrups (my favorite is almond - it goes well with chocolate biscuits). Homemade jam syrup is also suitable (if it is very thick, dilute it with a little water). Often I use homemade for impregnation.
We also add alcohol to ready-made syrups.

Cake Cream Recipes

Cream with Mascarpone and cream

  • Mascarpone cheese 250 gr
  • cream not less than 33% 250 ml
  • powdered sugar 4 tablespoons

Whip the cream and icing sugar. Stir the mascarpone with a spoon, gradually pour the cream into it. Add vanilla. Whisk.

Cream with Mascarpone and butter

  • Mascarpone cheese 500 gr
  • butter 82% 100 gr
  • icing sugar 200 gr

Whisk butter and icing sugar until lightening for 3-5 minutes. Add Mascarpone and beat again until smooth.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Cream with boiled condensed milk and butter

  • boiled condensed milk 2 cans
  • butter 82% 2 packs

Mix butter at room temperature with a spoon with boiled condensed milk until smooth, beat slightly.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.


  • milk 0.5 l
  • corn starch 3 tbsp. l. (or flour)
  • eggs 1 pc
  • sugar 150 -200 gr
  • vanilla sugar 1 sachet
  • zest of one lemon (can be excluded)
  • butter 82.5% 180 - 200 gr
  • icing sugar 1-2 tablespoons

Beat starch, sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, egg and a small amount of milk with a blender until smooth. Add remaining milk, stir. Bring to a boil with constant stirring. Try to get a homogeneous mass. Pour the cream into a bowl, cover with foil "in contact", cool. Whip the butter and icing sugar until white, gradually add the custard base in 3-4 doses, beat well.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Lemon cream

Similarly, you can prepare orange cream by replacing lemon with orange.

  • lemon juice 90 ml
  • butter 150 gr
  • eggs 3 pcs
  • lemon zest 1 tbsp spoon
  • sugar 150 gr

In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine the lemon juice, zest, sugar and eggs, and combine until smooth. Put on low heat and, with constant stirring, bring to a boil and lightly thicken. Cool the resulting Kurd completely. Whisk in soft butter until fluffy. Continuing to beat, gradually introduce the cooled Kurd.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Cream with Nutella

  • Mascarpone cheese 250 gr
  • cream not less than 33% 250 ml
  • powdered sugar 4 tablespoons
  • Nutella 250 gr

Whip the cream and icing sugar. Stir the mascarpone with a spoon, gradually pour the cream into it. Add Nutella. Whisk.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Chocolate cream with chocolate

  • butter 300 gr
  • chocolate 170 gr
  • sugar 150 gr (preferably powdered sugar)
  • vanilla extract 1 tsp (or vanilla sugar 1 sachet)
  • hot coffee 1-2 tablespoons

Whisk in room temperature butter and sugar until whitened. Heat the chocolate on a steam bath, gradually add it to the butter in small portions, beat. Add hot coffee without stopping whisking.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Chocolate cream with cocoa powder

  • butter 100 gr
  • milk 100 ml
  • sugar 1 cup (200 ml)
  • cocoa powder 2 tbsp. l.
  • wheat flour 2 tbsp. l.
  • cognac 1 tbsp (can be excluded)

Melt the butter, be careful not to burn. Mix sugar, cocoa powder and flour, add to melted butter, stir until smooth. Pour in milk little by little and cook with constant stirring until thickened. Refrigerate. Add cognac.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Ganache and cake frosting recipes

Cover the top of the cake with ganache or icing. With their help, you can create beautiful streaks on the sides of the cake. To make the ganache or icing cover the cake in an even layer, when forming the cake, place the bottom of the biscuit on top, which is in contact with the bottom of the mold.

Ganache with dark chocolate

  • dark chocolate (70%) - 100 gr
  • cream (33%) - 50 ml
  • butter - 10-15 gr

Break the chocolate into pieces, put in a cup. Bring the cream to a boil and pour over the crushed chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Let cool, add butter, stir - you should get a smooth and shiny ganache.

Ganache with white chocolate

  • white chocolate 200 gr
  • cream 33% 100 ml
  • butter 10 gr

Break the chocolate into pieces, add the boiling cream, stir until smooth and refrigerate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, if necessary, you can leave it overnight. Take out the yellowish mass and begin to beat it with a mixer. In the process of whipping, add butter - it is necessary for a shine and a more delicate structure of the cream. After this manipulation, the ganache will thicken, turn white and be ready for use.

Ganache with cocoa powder

  • milk 170 ml
  • cocoa powder 4 tbsp
  • sugar 5 tbsp
  • butter 100 gr

Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour in sugar mixed with cocoa powder. Cook the ganache over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and add oil. Stir to dissolve the oil.

Chocolate glaze

  • bitter chocolate 100 gr
  • butter 60 gr

Combine pieces of chocolate and butter, heat in a water bath until smooth.

Chocolate glaze (lean)

  • vegetable oil (refined) 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • cocoa powder 3 tbsp. l. without slide
  • water 40 ml

Combine cocoa powder, vegetable oil, sugar. Add water and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Cool the finished icing slightly and pour over the cake.

Lemon glaze

  • powdered sugar 2/3 cup
  • lemon juice 1.5 - 2 tablespoons

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and be sure to sift the icing sugar - rub through a strainer so that there are no lumps. Gradually add the juice to the powder, stir until a homogeneous thick mass. If the icing turns out to be very liquid, add powdered sugar to it, if it is thick, add juice or water.

Jelly to cover the fruit on the cake

  • gelatin 10 gr
  • 0.5 cups water 100 ml
  • lemon juice 1 tsp
  • sugar 1 tbsp

Fill the gelatin with cold water. When the gelatin swells, heat the mass until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Do not let it boil as the gelatin will lose its strength.
Add sugar and lemon juice. Cool slightly. Use a brush to apply the jelly to the fruit. The gelatin will harden and the fruit will retain its freshness.

How to make biscuit dough

♦ Eggs

Eggs for biscuit dough should be fresh and at room temperature.
If you forgot to take the eggs out of the refrigerator in advance, put them in a bowl of warm water at 40 ° - 50 ° C for 3-5 minutes.
Usually eggs whipped whole, without separating the whites from the yolks, but in some recipes, separation is possible.
Eggs beat first at high speed for at least 7-8 minutes. And only then sugar is gradually introduced in small portions and whipped for at least 10-15 minutes until splendor and an increase in volume by 2.5-3 times, and complete dissolution of sugar. You can determine the readiness of the beaten egg mass by the traces of the mixer whisk, which will begin to form on the mass when it reaches the desired consistency - the biscuit mass can be painted on the surface and the trace of the dough remains visible for several seconds.

The grandmother made the cream from homemade sour cream. It has its own characteristics of preparation, read about it in the same publication ⇒

The modern version of Grandma's cake is a classic biscuit, between the cakes there is butter cream with boiled condensed milk, walnuts.

Covering - Cream of Mascarpone and cream. Decoration - biscuit crumbs, nuts, tangerine chips, star anise.

Another option is to decorate the cake with meringue crumbs. Meringue (meringue) can be bought in a pastry shop, or you can bake at home ⇒
I not only decorated this cake with a crumb of meringue, but also made a layer of meringue between the biscuit cakes. There are still fried almond petals, whole hazelnuts and figs.

Cream from Mascarpone and boiled condensed milk. Prepared in the same way as Cream from butter and boiled condensed milk.

Fresh fruits are a beautiful and tasty decoration of the cake. The only drawback to this decoration is that the fruit winds up quickly, so decorate the cake just before serving or cover it with clear jelly (recipe above).

This is made from butter biscuit and to decorate it, I used strawberries, black currants and small meringues bought in a pastry shop.

Mascarpone cream and cream.

An easy way to give your cake a festive look is to decorate with live edible flowers. This should be done before serving and, of course, use flowers grown without chemical fertilizers.
In the photo, it is decorated with a strawberry flower and mint leaves. This option is also suitable for decorating a cake.

Fresh flowers that can be eaten: rose, orchid, calendula, nasturtium, cornflower, chamomile, dandelion, clover, lilac, violet, pansies, sunflower, acacia, lavender, geranium, jasmine, hibiscus, elderberry. Flowers of edible berries and fruit trees: citrus, apricot, peach, apple, cherry, pumpkin, vegetable marrow. Leaves of mint, lemon balm, basil.
While these flowers are edible, you don't have to eat them if you don't feel like it. After admiring enough of a beautiful cake, you can just put them aside.

My granddaughter Eva is happy to decorate a sponge cake with cherries.

I tried to collect for you the most affordable and at the same time various recipes for biscuits, creams and ganache, I shared the secrets of their preparation - I think, sufficient material for home improvisations. Bake cakes at home, friends! Even if they turn out to be not very even, not very beautiful and will not delight in the luxury of decoration, the home kitchen more than compensates for all this with love and joy that you will give your family. I wish your families to be friendly and happy, may they have a lot of children, a lot of fuss and worries. And let your families be big, because in small families, as a rule, cakes are not baked.

In contact with

Sponge cake is considered to be the most popular in the baking section. It is worth noting that it will definitely not be a culinary masterpiece, but its taste will be at its best, and if you consider that it is not difficult to prepare, then you can forgive him everything.

Moreover, you can buy ready-made biscuit cakes, this will significantly save time and simplify the cooking process.

If you want to do everything yourself, you should know how to make a delicious biscuit for a cake at home. Do not panic, because this is a fairly simple process, it takes little time.

Making a classic cake sponge cake

The biscuit turns out to be very fluffy, it will give your cake a special tenderness.


  • egg 6 pcs.
  • sugar 190 g
  • flour 240 g.
  • baking powder 2 tsp
  • vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. First, we separate the yolks from the whites.

2.Slightly salt the whites, then beat with a whisk at low speed.

3. The result should be the same mass as in the photo.

4. Take half of the sugar, pour in and beat on.

5. Continue the process until the foam begins to pull along with the whisk.

6. Now we do the same with the yolks: pour in the sugar that remains and beat. The mixture should lighten and increase in volume.

7.Must be approximately as shown in the photo.

8. Transfer the mass with the yolks into a bowl, then add the proteins in small portions and mix immediately.

9. Now you need to sift the flour, then add baking powder. Sift again, but into the egg mass. We do it slowly.

11.Add refined butter to a baking dish and lightly sprinkle with flour. You can use baking paper instead.

12.Put the whole dough into the mold. If you have enough time and energy, then you can immediately divide it into cakes and bake them separately. We will cook in one go, divide into layers in finished form.

13. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and send the biscuit for 35 minutes. Using a wooden stick, you can check the readiness: it must be dry.

14.Turn off the oven, open and leave the biscuit there for a while. Now you can gently take it out and place it in the refrigerator for a short time, be sure to cover it with cling film.

15. Take a large and sharp knife and divide our dessert into cakes. They must be very fluffy.

Video recipe:

Bon Appetit!!!

Cooking a chocolate biscuit


  • egg 6 pcs.
  • flour 6 tablespoons
  • vanilla.
  • cocoa 3 tablespoons
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • sugar 6 tablespoons
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

Cooking process:

1.We will start preparing the biscuit in the same way as in the previous recipe. First of all, we need to separate the whites from the yolks and beat them well separately.

2.Add sugar in equal amounts to the whites and yolks, beat them again.

3.Mix the whites with the yolks, beat the resulting mixture with a mixer.

4. Sift the flour and add to the total mass.

5.When a small part of the flour remains, add 2 tablespoons to it. cocoa and then sift.

6. Take a wooden spatula and stir the whole mixture until smooth.

7.The result should be a dark brown dough that will be smaller in volume.

8. We melt in any convenient way 1 tbsp. butter and mix with a little dough. After that, add to the total mass, then mix thoroughly.

9.Do not add butter to the total mass, in which case it will take much longer to stir the dough. Thanks to the butter, we should get a creamy biscuit.

10.Move the dough into a mold and place in the oven. We set the temperature to 180 degrees. The biscuit will cook for about half an hour, after 20 minutes, check the readiness with a wooden stick.

11.The prepared biscuit should cool down at room temperature.

You are probably wondering what happens if you make a biscuit without baking powder? In fact, the taste is almost the same, only the height of the biscuit and its porosity will change. Decide for yourself which dough is best for you. It all depends on the specific situation.

This is what a biscuit with baking powder looks like.

It was not used here.

If you need fluffy cakes, then of course you need to add baking powder.

For dense dough, it is not required.

Delicate cake strawberry cake based on curd mousse

The first step is to make a classic biscuit, the recipe for which we told you at the beginning of the article.

Cut off a thin layer from the top.

We place it in a mold and fill it with sweet syrup. Mix 100 ml to make the syrup. water and 50 g of sugar.

Ingredients for the cake:

  • strawberry yogurt 1 tbsp
  • cottage cheese 200 g
  • gelatin.
  • icing sugar 1p.
  • strawberry jelly 1p.
  • fresh strawberries 0.3 kg.

1.Mix yogurt with cottage cheese, add powdered sugar. Using a mixer, mix the mass until smooth.

2.Pour gelatin with water and wait until it swells.

3.Now it needs to be very heated, not to boil. Then we mix the curd mass with it and mix thoroughly with a mixer.

4. Pour the mixture on top of the biscuit and refrigerate for 60 minutes.

5.Wash the strawberries and cut them into thin slices.

6. Fill in the strawberry jelly layer. You can read how to dilute it on the packaging.

7. Lay out a new layer of strawberries on top and fill in the jelly again.

8.Send to the refrigerator. As soon as the mass hardens, you can take a sample from the cake!

Bon Appetit everyone!

Condensed milk cake at home

This is a good dessert, both on a weekday and at any feast.


  • egg 3 pcs.
  • sugar 150 g
  • flour 150 g.
  • butter 250 g. For cream.
  • boiled condensed milk 0.5 cans.
  • chocolate 1 bar.
  • peanut.
  • jam.

1.Create all the eggs, beat with a mixer at low speed. Put sugar in and start stirring faster. After 5 minutes, a light foam should form.

2. Slowly add flour and mix thoroughly.

3.Fill the mold with dough and put it in the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.

4. Our biscuit is ready. Let it cool for a while, then divide it into 2 cakes.

5. Each cake must be soaked in jam. We breed several tablespoons. jam in a little water and smear the biscuit.

7. Evenly coat one cake with chocolate cream, glue both cakes together, coat the top with cream again.

8. Fry the peanuts a little and use a fine knife.

9.Grate chocolate and mix with peanuts.

10. Decorate the top of the cake with chocolate-nut powder.

Our cake with condensed milk is ready! Let it stand in the fridge for a while to thicken the cream. Divide the cake into pieces and serve. Bon Appetit!

Homemade sponge cake

1.We go back to the beginning of the article and make a classic biscuit. We cut it into 2 cakes.

2. Now you need to make butter cream, which requires butter and condensed milk. We mix both components using a mixer, add vanillin.

3. Soak the bottom one cake with jam. Anyone will do, choose according to your taste.

4. Apply a layer of cream on top.

5. Put the second cake on top, coat its top as well.

6. Now cover with cream all parts of the biscuit, sprinkle with chopped sweet breadcrumbs.

7.Use bizet cookies to decorate the cake.

8. Sprinkle the top with grated chocolate and our dessert is ready.

Video recipe:

Few people will refuse to treat themselves to a delicious biscuit roll or cake. It gives airiness and tenderness to the confectionery. Many housewives dream of learning how to cook it so that eaters cannot be "torn by the ears" from their biscuit. Today, there are many recipes and interpretations of this base for cakes and rolls. But how to make a homemade biscuit so that it turns out to be airy and tasty? Below are the most successful recipes used by chefs in all corners of the earth. But in the beginning, you can learn about the history of the appearance of the biscuit.

History of the dish

Not everyone knows that biscuit has been around for several centuries. Unfortunately, no one managed to trace the threads leading to its creator. But still something about the appearance of this masterpiece became known. For starters, it is worth noting that some culinary experts disagree about which dish is French or Italian. But in both languages, the word "biscuit" is translated as "twice baked."

The earliest mention of this culinary creation dates back to the 15th century. English sailors made entries in ship's logs, and this dish is found in them. Before embarking on a long journey, the cook stocked up on dried biscuits. The sailors called them "sea biscuits" or "ship's biscuit". In those recipes was absent Without it, the product could be stored longer, without being exposed to mold, even in damp conditions. At the same time, the dish remained completely edible until the very end. Such a biscuit had the ability to quickly saturate, while its volume was small. Therefore, by the way, it was popular with overland travelers.

The recipe becomes world famous

The regular sponge cake was delicious. That is why, when gourmets accidentally tasted this product, they realized that the dish needed to find a more worthy use. Very quickly, it migrated to the royal kitchens of Queen Victoria and became a noble dish. Now the biscuit has changed a little. It was no longer dried, but served freshly baked, folded layer by layer and smeared with jam. Gradually, the biscuit dough began to be prepared not only in the royal palace. The recipe became available to the people, after which the dish gained worldwide fame. The British loved these sweets very much, so in the 17th century the recipe crossed the English Channel with them and took root in France. Nowadays, this amazing dish can be found in all countries of our Earth, and each culinary specialist has added his own idea of ​​making a biscuit. Here are some of the recipes that skilled housewives have loved the most. Among them are quick biscuits with sour cream and eggs.

Classic recipe

This variation is the basis of all biscuits. It is the most widespread and in its composition is more close to the original version than others. It was from him that the culinary specialists started, making their own interpretation of this sweetness. A regular sponge cake consists of eggs, flour (if desired, you can replace half with starch) and sugar. The result is tasty and airy - something that all hostesses strive for.

It is important to respect the proportions. The calculation is done as follows: 1 egg + 1 tbsp. l. with a slide of a mixture of flour and starch + 1 tbsp. l. with a slide of sugar. It will be better if there is an opportunity to use

Cooking process according to the classic recipe

Another necessary condition is good (so that they do not fall out when the bowl is tilted) and separately the yolks. In addition, it is important to be sensitive to the connection of these two parts. To do this, the proteins are divided into two parts, in one of them you gradually need to introduce yolks and flour, then carefully add the second part of the proteins. In this case, you should refrain from using a mixer. This process is done with a spoon or spatula. The dough is kneaded quietly, scrolling from bottom to top. You can watch the program of Yulia Vysotskaya, who showed in detail and clearly how to introduce proteins. The biscuit dough should acquire a thick consistency - with the right approach, it will be tender and airy.

Having put the mass for the first time, you do not need to open it, because due to a sharp drop in temperature, the dough will not turn out to be airy. Only 15 minutes later, the biscuit mass is checked for readiness. This requires a match or a wooden skewer, which must be dry after piercing. Now this one for the cake is ready to be greased with any cream, chocolate, jam or jelly.

Simple and quick biscuit recipe

Many hostesses often do not have enough time to spend long hours in the kitchen. At the same time, I want to please my household with various goodies. Therefore, in the kitchen notebook, there must be quick biscuits, which not only cook very quickly, but are also suitable for lubrication with any cream. There are only four ingredients in this recipe. It:

  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • sah. sand - 1 glass;
  • vanillin - ½ tsp

As in the classic recipe, the yolks and whites are carefully separated. Since these are quick biscuits, the proteins are mixed with a mixer at the lowest speed. Sugar and vanilla are poured here in a trickle, slowly. The mixer continues to work. After the white mass stops falling out of the bowl when it is tilted, the yolks are added to the dough with a spoon. As soon as the components are connected, turn off the mixer, add flour to the container, immediately stirring it with a spoon (from bottom to top). It is not recommended to stir the dough for a long time, since all bubbles will disappear and the biscuit will not be airy.

Prepare a mold (diameter about 20 cm). To do this, it is treated with oil and "powdered" with flour. Pour the prepared mass into this container. The oven must be already preheated (190 0 C). These quick biscuits take about half an hour to cook. But at the same time, you should not open the oven door for the first 20 minutes. Readiness is checked by light pressing. The biscuit should "spring", and the notch from the finger should be restored.

Sponge cake with sour cream

The sour cream recipe differs from others in its higher moisture content. For many, this option is suitable. The classic recipe is dry, and if a cake is made from it, it needs additional impregnation, and the biscuit with sour cream is already "wet". For cooking you will need:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • drain. oil - 100 g;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • sour cream - 125 ml;
  • soda - a pinch.

The process of making sour cream biscuit

Put softened butter and sugar in a bowl. Beat with a mixer, but you can use a fork until a white, fluffy consistency. Sour cream and eggs are added to the prepared mass. Also, flour and soda are put here. All ingredients are well mixed. The dough is poured into a mold (about 22 cm in diameter). There should be butter sprinkled with flour on the bottom and sides of the container. The oven should already be heated to 190 0. You need to keep the dough for about an hour. Sometimes the sponge cake may already be ready a little earlier. A wooden toothpick is taken to check.

Egg biscuit

This recipe is very easy to prepare and always works. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions, and the "fastidious" dough will grow into a fluffy biscuit, which does not require your nerves. This egg biscuit is prepared in the following proportions:

  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • drain. oil (for lubricating molds).

A deep container is required for cooking. Put sugar in it and stir. Next, the mixture is whipped with a mixer. The future dough should triple, so it will take a long time to beat. Flour is poured into the mass a little bit and mixed with a spatula. In this case, the oven should be heated up to 180 0 С, and the form has already been greased and sprinkled with flour. The dough is poured into a container and left in the oven for about half an hour. It is very important to hold on and do not open it in the oven while baking. To cool the biscuit, you can lay it out on a towel. If you wrap it up with a clean cloth after cooling it down, it will stand for several days. You can decorate the biscuit with any cream or chocolate.