Tabasco is a sauce from the underworld. Legendary Cocktail Ingredient Recipes

22.09.2019 Beverages

Tabasco is the name of a small hot pepper, whose homeland is Mexico. Externally, the Tabasco plant looks like the red chili pepper we are used to, but the Tabasco peppers do not hang on the bush, but are located vertically on it, and very much resemble miniature bell peppers in appearance.

Tabasco pepper is known to the world thanks to Sir Macalenni, who almost 150 years ago invented the recipe for hot sauce based on this pepper.

Ripe red Tabasco peppers or unripe green peppers are used to make the sauce. In green peppers, the flesh is dense, but in ripe peppers it turns into a paste under the peel. The pungency of the sauce directly depends on the maturity of the peppers, so you can buy "green tabasco" and "red tabasco", they differ significantly from each other in their taste.

You can even grow Tabasco peppers at home - the size of the bush allows you to plant it in a regular pot for indoor ornamental plants. With proper care, and it is worth noting that Tabasco is unpretentious, the harvest can be expected 3-4 months after planting the seeds.

What attracts gourmet Tabasco sauce all over the world so much, what is so unusual about its composition?

How Tabasco Sauce is Prepared and Eaten with

The most amazing thing is that the basis of the unique taste of Tabasco is made up of only three simple ingredients. Tabasco contains pepper pulp, salt and white vinegar.

But it's not enough just to mix all these components - pepper mixed with salt ferments in wooden barrels for several years, after which vinegar is added to the resulting mass.

Ideally, Tabasco contains salt from the mines of Avery Island.

The original Tabasco sauce is the one made by McIlhenny. To maintain the reputation of their product, specialists carefully monitor the process of collecting raw materials. What is important, the peppers are picked by hand. While working, the pickers select only the fruits of a certain ripeness. In order not to be mistaken, they compare the color of the pepper with the color of the sample plate, which they always have with them.

Tabasco sauce is prized for its rich aroma and extraordinary spicy taste. To give you an idea of ​​how hot the sauce is, imagine that 0.25 teaspoon of Tabasco equals half a teaspoon of black or white pepper.

The sauce can be used for soups, main courses, snacks and salads. With Tabasco, fish and meat are marinated before frying in a pan or charcoal.

You've probably heard about the Bloody Mary alcoholic cocktail. We prepare it in a simple way - they mix vodka with salted tomato juice. But in fact, the real cocktail recipe includes Tabasco sauce.

So, to make a real "Bloody Mary" you will need: vodka, tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, tomato juice, salt and pepper, lemon juice. To prepare a cocktail, you will need only one drop of Tabasco, vodka - 45 ml, tomato juice - 60 ml, 2-3 drops of Worcester sauce, 10 ml of lemon juice. Add pepper and salt to taste. Preparing a drink is not difficult - just mix all the ingredients with crushed ice.

It is customary to serve "Bloody Mary" with a stalk of celery.

Why is Tabasco sauce good for you?

The sauce contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E, beta-carotene, fatty acids, and such useful substances: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium.

By consuming the sauce regularly, you can increase immunity, improve metabolism. It is possible that this is why the sauce is included in the diet of the British and US military.

The calorie content of the sauce is low - only 12 calories per 100 grams, and given that this product is eaten, due to its specific taste, not in spoons, but in drops, those who take care of their figure need not be afraid of the consequences.


Since the sauce is very spicy, it cannot be eaten with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart disease, in particular, with tachycardia.

In addition, red Tabasco peppers are a strong allergen, so people with food allergies should be careful when trying the sauce.

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Tabasco sauce is an essential part of many delicious dishes. It has a sour-hot, spicy taste, which is very much appreciated by lovers of meat products. Moreover, this additive can add spicy, peculiar and unique taste... So, I will tell you how to make Tabasco sauce at home according to simple recipes that take a minimum of effort and do not require any culinary skills.

Kitchen utensils: blender of any manufacturer, kitchen scale, sharp long knife and cutting board, spacious container, 1 liter sterilized jar, screw-up sealed lid, paper towels, colander or fine sieve, half-liter sterilized jar, ordinary tablespoon.


Step by step cooking

  1. Thoroughly rinse 950-1000 g of hot peppers under running water, then wipe it off with paper towels.
  2. We remove the stalks of the product, after which we cut it into rather large pieces.
  3. We put the prepared component in a blender bowl and grind it at high speed until a homogeneous mushy mass is obtained.
  4. We transfer the resulting mixture into a deep container and add 38-40 g of table salt there.
  5. Thoroughly mix the mass, after which we fill the sterilized dry jar with the resulting mixture by about 2/3, no more.
  6. We tightly tighten the container with a lid and send the sauce to a dark place for fermentation for 6-7 days. Be sure to stir the sauce at least twice daily.
  7. After a week, when the formation of bubbles practically stops, add 75-85 ml of vinegar to the jar and stir everything well.
  8. We close the jar with a lid again and send it to the refrigerator for at least a day.
  9. Pass the present mass through a colander or fine sieve - the sauce is ready.
  10. Transfer the fleshy pepper mass to a small dry jar, cover with a lid and store in the refrigerator for up to three months. It can be used in the preparation of various first and second courses.

Check out the video below for a step-by-step sequence of making a delicious and hot Tabasco sauce using the classic recipe described above.

Cooking time: 15-17 minutes.
Calorie content (per 100 grams): 18-20 kcal.
Servings: one half-liter jar.
Kitchen utensils: fine sieve or colander, sharp long knife and cutting board, measuring cup and kitchen scale, blender or meat grinder, capacious containers of various sizes, tablespoon, non-stick frying pan, garlic press, half-liter sterilized jar with lid.


hot chilli8-10 pcs.
salt3-5 g
wine vinegar (preferably 3%)28-30 ml
garlic5-6 cloves
pickled tomatoes5-6 pcs.
dried basil8-10 g
dried parsley8-10 g
oregano8-10 g
fine granulated sugar3-5 g
ground nutmeg3-5 g
ground paprika3-5 g
coriander3-5 g
medium onions1 PC.
olive oil28-30 ml

Step by step cooking

  1. Thoroughly wash 8-10 hot peppers, then remove the stalk and cleanse the product from seeds, after cutting it in half. We cut the prepared product into pieces of any shape.
  2. Carefully remove the peel from 5-6 pickled tomatoes and grind them through a fine sieve or colander.
  3. We peel 5-6 rather large cloves of garlic, after which we pass them through a garlic press.
  4. We also remove the husk from the onion, after which we finely chop it with a knife.
  5. Put the prepared hot peppers, garlic, onions in a blender bowl and grind at maximum speed until mushy. Pour 28-30 ml of olive oil into a hot frying pan and wait until it is very hot.
  6. Put the resulting mushy mass on top of the oil and pour in the tomato mixture. Add 8-10 g each of dried basil, parsley and oregano there.
  7. Simmer the mass over low heat with occasional stirring until thickened. This process will take about 5-7 minutes.
  8. Pour in there 3-5 g of sugar, table salt, nutmeg, paprika and coriander.
  9. Stir everything well and pour 28-30 ml of wine vinegar. Bring the mass to a boil again and simmer the food for another 2-3 minutes, stirring it intensively and constantly.
  10. Let the sauce cool slightly, then pour it into a sterilized jar and seal it with a lid. To obtain a unique rich taste, we send the jar to the refrigerator for 2-3 days, and then we eat it.

If you have a desire to make a rich and aromatic Tabasco sauce with sauerkraut, then watch the video below, which covers in detail the step-by-step preparation of this delicacy.

Cooking time: 2:15-2:20.
Calorie content (per 100 grams): 18-20 kcal.
Servings: two liter and one half liter jar.
Kitchen utensils: blender or meat grinder, colander or fine sieve, kitchen scale and measuring cup, multicooker from any manufacturer, small deep bowl, multicooker spoon, two sterilized liter jars, one sterilized half-liter jar, three screw-on iron lids.


Step by step cooking

Prepare the components

Let's make the sauce

Video of the recipe for Tabasco sauce in a slow cooker

The video below shows the sequence of cooking Tabasco sauce in a slow cooker according to the above simple recipe.

  • If you want a sauce that tastes less pungent, then before directly grinding the pepper, it must be thoroughly cleaned of seeds. You can also pour boiling water over the product cut into small pieces and leave in this form for half an hour, then drain the water and squeeze the pepper.
  • I recommend wearing disposable gloves when working with peppers. Otherwise, you can get light burns on your hands.
  • If you are going to use dried chili peppers to make Tabasco, then pour boiling water over it for at least half an hour beforehand.
  • In order to increase the shelf life of the product, it is necessary to sterilize the cans and lids in which it will be stored in any way suitable for you.
  • If you use plastic jar lids for fermentation, make a small hole in them.
  • Tabasco sauce must be stored exclusively in the refrigerator, and no more than three months.
  • Some hostesses make a sauce with fresh tomatoes... In this case, it is imperative to remove the peel from the vegetable so that the sauce is uniform and appetizing in appearance. I propose the easiest and fastest way to peel the skin - with a sharp knife we ​​make a cross-shaped incision on a tomato, then completely fill it with boiling water for 4-6 minutes. Then we transfer the tomatoes to cold water for quick cooling, and then pull by the edges of the peel in the area of ​​the incision. Further, in order not to spend a lot of time removing seeds, we wipe the tomato pulp through a fine sieve.
  • Pay attention to a simple recipe that can be eaten even by small children.
  • I propose to learn how to cook the perfect one for a simple quick recipe.
  • will become an indispensable dressing for meat dishes on a cold winter day.
  • Recently I discovered an amazing one, which has an unusually pleasant aroma and a particularly rich taste.

I hope you enjoy making Tabasco Hot Sauce as much as I do. Let us know in the comments if you liked the spicy addition according to the above recipes? Enjoy your meal!

TABASCO ® brand has been identified with the impeccable tradition of making the world's most popular pepper sauce for over 130 years.

The history of TABASCO® sauce began in 1868 on a small island known for its salt deposits at the time, Avery Island, Louisiana, in the southern United States.

The original recipe for the sauce was the result of numerous experiments by Edmund Macalenni ( Edmund McIlhenny), the owner of the island. He used red pepper (later isolated by botanists as a separate variety - hot tabasco pepper), salt from our own mine and the highest quality vinegar. Success came to the new sauce immediately. Already a year after the release of the first batch, orders flowed like a river, and Edmund Macalenni founded the TABASCO® hot pepper sauce business, Macalenni. Four years later, an office was opened in London, and from that moment the triumphant procession of TABASCO® sauce began around the world.

Interesting fact
The first batches of sauce were bottled in bottles with a dispensing lid for cologne. This bottle was sold for $ 1. By the end of 1868, 350 bottles had been sold. The product was originally called "Mr. McLenni's Sauce." The name "Tabasco" appeared later, in 1870, when Edmund Macalenni patented his sauce. He liked the very sound of this word - the toponym of the Indians South Mexico... "Tabasco" in translation from the language of the Indians means "land of wet land."

The current descendants of the Macalenni family retain the family heritage and manufacturing traditions. The unique recipe of the sauce maker is strictly followed to the present day. Every year in January, Tabasco pepper seeds are sown in greenhouses, and then in April, the seedlings are planted in the fields. In August, when the pepper pods ripen, acquiring the required bright red color, firmness and aroma, the harvest is harvested by hand.

The harvested peppers are ground and mixed with kosher salt obtained there on Avery Island. The resulting mass is aged for 3 years in white oak barrels, after which, after peeling and seeds, it is thoroughly mixed with white vinegar of the highest quality for a month. The result is a sauce with a unique taste.

Today, more than 150 different types of hot pepper sauces are known, but TABASCO® firmly holds the first place, covering more than a third of the global sales market.

Interesting fact
By the end of 2003, the number of countries and territories where TABASCO® is being imported reached one hundred and sixty. Few brands can boast of such distribution rates.

The pungency of 1/4 teaspoon of TABASCO® Pepper Sauce can be equated to:
1 teaspoon of other brands of pepper sauce
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon white pepper

TABASCO® is a highly concentrated sauce. Adding just a few drops will give a "live" taste to your dish - from appetizers, soups, salads, egg dishes, cocktails to main courses of meat, poultry, fish, seafood, as well as side dishes. TABASCO® sauce is the ideal base for other complex sauces. Over the years of its existence, TABASCO® sauce has gained popularity and has become an integral part of the cuisine of many countries.

Interesting fact
The American astronauts' diet includes TABASCO® sauce. TABASCO® Sauce - an essential ingredient in a special lobster cocktail QueensElizabeth's UK served at Windsor Palace at the start of Sunday lunch. His recipe was developed by herself The Queen Mother... Along with expensive wines and cigars, TABASCO® sauce can always be found on the tables of members of the British Parliament during dinner.

The trademark of TABASCO® sauce - the original bottle with a red cap, a green rim around the neck and a white diamond sticker - is one of the most recognizable logos in the world. Today the emblem is printed in 15 languages ​​of the world. You will see the famous diamond shape everywhere - in five-star hotels and budget hotels, in fancy restaurants and eateries, aboard comfortable ocean ships, the best shops - in short, wherever people understand a lot about good food. TABASCO® sauce always takes pride of place on the table or counter.

Interesting fact

TABASCO® Sauce is "adopted" by the US Army. He "participated" in more campaigns and battles (including the last campaign in Iraq) than any other sauce. During the Vietnam War, soldiers received thousands of bottles packed in special waterproof containers. TABASCO® "revived" the insipid soldier's food, lifted the spirits, reminiscent of home. TABASCO® sauce is popular with many celebrities. This is the favorite sauce of US President George W. Bush, he always adds it to tuna salad, scrambled eggs, pork barbecue. Hollywood star Paul Newman makes sure to use a few drops of TABASCO® in his favorite Creole gumbo. Madonna loves TABASCO® Sauce with Japanese cuisine.

TABASCO® sauce can rightfully be called the "star among the stars".

In 1993, to mark the 125th anniversary of the red TABASCO® sauce, Macalenni brought a novelty to the world - the green jalapeno sauce. This product will especially appeal to fans of Mexican cuisine - a thick emerald-colored sauce made from ripe jalapeno peppers has a pronounced "peppery" taste, but softer in comparison with the red sauce. JALAPENIO sauce gives a pleasant taste and aroma to food, while not muffling other aromas. It can be used as pickles, salad dressings, instead of bell peppers, garlic, soy sauce, black pepper; it is a great addition to pizza, hamburgers, soups.

In the making of his next hit - Bloody Mary cocktail mix ( Bloody Mary Mix) - Macalenni company used the original recipe of the creator of this famous cocktail Fernando Petiot, developed by him in the 20s of the last century in Paris. The blend contains thick tomato juice, fresh lime juice, Lea & Perrins® Worcesteshire sauce and, of course, TABASCO® pepper sauce.

Using its own original recipes, Macalenni has developed a wide range of complex-component sauces under the TABASCO® brand, forming the so-called “ MCILHENNY FARMS". The following types of this series are presented in Russia: Chili sauce Seven Spices ("7 Spice Chili Recipe"), sauce for steak in the style of New Orleans ("New Orleans Style Steak Sauce"), sauce for steak Caribbean (" Carribean Style steak sauce") And Barbecue (" Bar-B-Que Sauce"). In recent years, Macalenni has delighted the world with new products, including a sauce with paprika and garlic (“ Tabasco With Garlic Flavor"), Hot soy sauce (" Tabasco Soy sauce"), Chipotli sauce (" Tabasco Chipotle"), Habanero sauce (" Tabasco Habanero ").

For the production of its world famous sauces, Macalenni always uses only fresh and natural ingredients. According to the Chairman of the Management Board of Macalenni, Mr. Paul Macalenni The apparent simplicity of making the sauce is in fact both an art and a science based on the experience of many generations.

The Tabasco sauce is one of the most famous in the world. According to the technology, it is cooked for about 3 years in oak barrels before it comes to our tables. However, hardly any of our relatives or friends will wait so long for the sauce to be served - let's prepare a homemade version of Tabasco, making small seasonal changes to it.

I really love green onions, and they are present in my kitchen all year round, so I will gladly add them to the dish along with parsley, garlic and vegetable oil. I will not forget about wine vinegar. In fact, the sauce is created only from Tabasco peppers, salt and vinegar, but such a vigorous mixture cannot be eaten right away, so we will dilute it with tomatoes.

Rinse the tomatoes in water and put them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, and then cool them sharply.

Peel the tomatoes and cut them into slices in a blender bowl. Rinse and chop the green onions, adding to the same.

Put the washed parsley into a bowl with our hands, throw in the peeled garlic cloves. Add salt.

We wash the hot peppers and cut them very carefully, being careful not to touch the seeds with our hands. If you don't like hot spiciness, clean out the seeds and cook without them.

Add the pepper slices to the blender bowl and pour in the vegetable oil and wine vinegar. Grind everything in a pulsating mode for about 3-5 minutes.

Pour the resulting sauce into a saucepan. If you like the smooth consistency of the sauce, then rub it through a strainer. I love to come across seeds during tasting - it will take your breath away! Place the saucepan over the heat and simmer the sauce for about 5-10 minutes over medium heat.

Homemade Tabasco sauce turns out to be very thick and insanely hot !!! Just a couple of drops are enough for the brightness of the taste. Such a dish will perfectly set off meat snacks: mititei, cutlets, shawarma, and especially kebab!

Enjoy it!

Sauces are an essential part of any delicious dish. It is these additives that add spice, originality and uniqueness to the usual recipes. Sweet, spicy, sour; for meat, vegetables, soups ... The choice is almost endless! One of the sauces that has become a welcome participant in feasts around the world is Tabasco sauce. Its spicy, sour-hot taste is ideal for a wide variety of dishes, and is especially appreciated by meat lovers. Is it difficult to cook it yourself? Not at all! Cooking Tabasco sauce will take you a minimum of time and effort. Let's try!

All About Tabasco Sauce

This sauce, which has become sensational today all over the world, was created by the once unknown American Edmund Macilenni in the distant 1868. The unusual spicy taste of the dish quickly won the hearts of the local population, and then it spread all over the world. Among its advantages are noted:

  • Piquancy and pungency;
  • Variety of flavors (from very hot to sweet);
  • Good combination with a variety of dishes;
  • Naturalness of the composition;
  • Low calorie content;
  • Reasonable price (the cost of one jar is about 200 rubles);
  • Affordability (you can buy Tabasco hot sauce in almost all supermarkets).

The dish got its name due to a special type of Tabasco pepper, on the basis of which this spicy dressing was originally prepared. In addition to it, only salt and vinegar were included in the Tabasco sauce. Today, of course, different housewives have a lot of cooking options. And not only from housewives, from manufacturers too.

Types of Tabasco:

  • Red Tabasco (Classic): As close as possible to the one originally prepared by Edmund Macilenni. Sharp, 2500-5000 Scoville pungency;
  • Green: Made from jalapeno peppers. The only species that does not contain any Tabasco pepper at all. Not very spicy, spicy (600-1200 points on a scale);
  • Smoked Tabasco: medium hot (1500-2500 points), made with chipotle peppers;
  • Habanero: the most searing of all types (7000-9000 on the Scoville scale) for those who like to "breathe fire";
  • Buffalo: mild, only 300-900 points of pungency, made specifically for serving to;
  • Garlic: medium pungency (1200-2400 on a scale), consists of a mixture of three types of peppers;
  • Sweet-spicy: as the name implies, an almost mild version of the sauce, the most "gentle" of all types (100-600 points), includes various oriental spices.

Tabasco sauce at home

Despite the variety of types of this addition to dishes, we will turn to the roots of this dish and prepare a classic and rather spicy red tabasco. Of course, we won't be able to cook Tabasco just like Edmund McIlenni once did, if only because we don't have this pepper in the public domain. But we will experiment, replace this pepper with something else, and in the end the taste will be as close as possible to the classic version.

The recipe for Tabasco sauce is simple, the instructions for it are simple and straightforward, and the ingredients for its preparation can be purchased in all major supermarkets. Well, shall we begin? Composition of Tabasco sauce at home:

  • Fresh chili peppers (not dried) - 3 pcs;
  • Large juicy tomatoes - 4-5 pcs;
  • Onions - 1 pc;
  • Wine vinegar - 2 large spoons;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Salt - 1 small spoon;
  • Sugar - 0.5-1 small spoons.
  • Parsley - 1 bunch.

Step-by-step cooking scheme:

  1. Remove the seeds from the pepper and either chop it very finely, or knead it in a mortar. After working with chili, be sure to wash your hands with soap and not wash your eyes until this moment! If you want to slightly reduce the pungency for future dressing, you can pour boiling water over the chili for 30 minutes. If you want to get a really hot Tabasco sauce, then skip this step;
  2. We clean the tomatoes. We cut their pulp, as well as parsley and garlic;
  3. We load all the previously prepared ingredients into a blender and bring to the state of a homogeneous gruel;
  4. Now grease the pan with a drop of vegetable oil and pour the resulting mass into it. Add parsley to it and cook until it thickens and boils down a little. On average, the sauce takes about 10-20 minutes to prepare;
  5. A few minutes before cooking, add wine vinegar, salt and sugar to the pan. Mix thoroughly, and soon you can remove the "brew" from the heat.

Voila! Our Tabasco sauce is ready at home, you can put it on the table!

The benefits and harms of Tabasco. How much to consume

  • As mentioned earlier, this dressing for dishes is distinguished by its low calorie content (only 12 kcal per 100 g), as well as the naturalness and benefits of the ingredients.
  • Like any spicy food, it helps to improve metabolism and has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.
  • In addition, it contains many vitamins, which are also beneficial for health.
  • However, again due to its pungency, there are contraindications for the use of this hot dish. For example, it should not be eaten by people with ulcers and gastritis, inflammation of the digestive system.
  • It is more careful to use it for those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and allergy sufferers.

But even healthy people are undesirable to wrap it up with ladles. This dressing is very spicy, so try it on the tip of a teaspoon first, and then decide how much you need. Here the scheme works: it is better "under-" than "over-".

You were able to make sure that the recipe for Tabasco sauce is quite simple and will be too tough even for novice cooks. The process of its preparation does not take much time, and the instructions are so simple that even a child can make it independently at home. So, hurry to the kitchen to add a real American pungency to your dishes. Bon Appetit!

Video: A variation of making Tabasco sauce at home