Eat incompatible foods. What can and cannot be eaten with? Talking about food compatibility with a nutritionist

23.09.2019 Beverages

Why sometimes we get up from the table with a feeling of lightness and a surge of energy, then fly on wings all day and manage to do a lot of things, and sometimes after lunch you want to lie down and not open your eyes until dinner? Why does one meal give strength while another takes it away? It turns out that there are products that are either "friends" with each other, or conflict. Depending on this, the digestion process is accelerated or slowed down. In the second case, the stomach requires additional energy, so we feel fatigue and drowsiness. Some treats, like goose with apples or fish with mashed potatoes, can sit in the stomach for more than 12 hours!

Why you need to combine foods wisely

Each type of food requires an individual composition of enzymes and gastric juice, but besides this, a special environment is created in the stomach, which is required for processing a certain product. For example, proteins need an acidic environment, which is created by hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and carbohydrates, in an alkaline environment, which is formed by alkaline reagents in the mouth. Now imagine how the gastrointestinal tract behaves if it receives meat and potatoes. To avoid chaos, the stomach is forced to increase the production of hydrochloric acid and neutralize unnecessary alkaline enzymes that rush to the potatoes, since they prevent the pork chop from being digested. And only when the potatoes are finally "rendered harmless" does the digestion of meat begin, and everything else is sent to the intestines undigested, and there the fermentation process begins with intense release of toxins. The pancreas and liver wear out faster due to a strong load, and the remnants of undigested food remain in the intestines, forming fecal stones, the deposits of which lead to constipation and intoxication of the body. In other words, if you are monitoring your health, you need to know which foods do not go well with each other and, if possible, try not to eat them in one meal.

Rules for combining products

Let's talk about compatible and incompatible products. So, what can you put on a plate without harm to your health, and what is better to refuse?

Proteins and starches, as already mentioned, inhibit the digestion of each other, therefore meat, fish and eggs with bread, porridge and potatoes are considered food bad manners. The same applies to pasta and cheese, sushi and rolls, which combine fish with rice, numerous sandwiches with protein products.

It is not recommended to combine proteins with proteins, since each of them needs special conditions for digestion. For this reason, advocates of healthy eating put the merciless stigma "not suitable for digestion" on scrambled eggs and bacon, fish with a cheese crust and nuts and cheese.

Protein and fats are considered incompatible because fat blocks the production of hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the digestion of proteins. It turns out that meat, fish, eggs and even beans and mushrooms cannot be fried in oil. Fans of healthy lifestyles can only cook the above products steamed, grilled, in a slow cooker or stew in water.

Starchy foods and sugar are also incompatible, since sugar will be digested first, and starch will begin to ferment in the stomach, so you will have to say goodbye to sweet cereals, sandwiches with jam, cookies, cakes and pastries. And this is already a serious sacrifice!

Fruits, which include tomatoes, are not combined with anything, since they "slip" through the stomach and are digested exclusively in the intestines, and if on the way they encounter an obstacle in the form of deposits of meat and pasta, then their fate changes dramatically - fruits are doomed to fermentation along with other dishes of the "multi-storey" lunch. For this reason, apples, oranges, pears, peaches and other fruits are recommended to be eaten not for dessert, but half an hour before meals. It is clear that scrambled eggs with tomatoes, porridge with fruits and all fruit and berry sauces served with protein and starchy foods fall into the "taboo" category.

Vegetables can be combined with any food, but with one amendment - starchy vegetables (beets, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower) should not be mixed with sugars, and all other combinations are given the green light!

Milk and melon are the only foods that are best consumed separately from the rest of the food, otherwise severe digestive upset can occur. Better not to risk it!

Many nutritionists are also suspicious of such traditional combinations as meat with wine (acid and protein) and tea with baked goods, since tannins interfere with the absorption of flour products. Also, do not use vegetable and animal fats together, but this recommendation has already become familiar to us. They say that if you follow the rules for combining products, you can improve your health and lose weight. However, there are alternative points of view that break the theory of separate nutrition to smithereens, so you should not go to extremes, because it is one of the most pleasant pleasures in life. By the way, tables of incompatible foods can be found on the Internet along with recipes for healthy eating. As the scientist-physiologist Brillat-Savarin said, “the animal is satisfied, the person eats, and the intelligent person knows how to eat”!

Ibn Sina, for example, in the "Canon of Medicine" examines in detail which types of food can be consumed at one time and which cannot. Ignorance of these rules leads to the fact that very often you can see how at dinner people eat first a plate of cottage cheese with bread, then pea soup with meat, with potatoes and also bread, then porridge with the basics, wash it all down with sweet compote or, more better, juice (or even with a cake!) and, finally, eat an orange or an apple (they say it's useful ...).

A familiar picture, isn't it? But as a result of such a “lunch”, none of the listed products can be properly digested and assimilated.

The resulting calories barely cover the costs of digestion and neutralization of toxins, the excretory system will groan from the stream of poisons formed when food is spoiled in the stomach and intestines.

An apple, for example, eaten on an empty stomach, leaves it after 15 - 20 minutes, an orange even faster. But what happens when fruit gets into a full stomach, that is, after another meal? They cannot move into the intestines and after the same 15-20 minutes they simply start to rot.

With unnatural combinations of foods or with an excessive amount of eaten, gastric, and then intestinal digestion is disturbed. Undigested, lingering masses for a long time become the prey of putrefactive bacteria. The stream of toxins hits the liver, kidneys, poisons the whole body and leads to numerous diseases.

The founder of the theory of separate nutrition, G. Shelton, whose works are now used by nutritionists around the world, wrote:

“We do not benefit from food that is not digestible. Eating and spoiling food in the digestive tract at the same time is a waste of food. But even worse, spoiled food leads to the formation of poisons, which are very harmful ... An astonishing number of cases of food allergies disappear completely when patients begin to eat food in the right combinations. Such people do not suffer from allergies, but from indigestion. Allergy is a term applied to protein poisoning. Abnormal digestion does not carry nutrients into the bloodstream, but poisons. ”

Below is a classification of food products with indications of ideal, acceptable and harmful combinations. All products are classified into 10 groups.

Group 1. Sweet fruits

Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits, raisins, dried melon. Fruit is a fast-digesting food. Sweet fruits stay in the stomach a little longer, more acidic ones - less. All fruits are best eaten separately from other foods. It is especially harmful to use them as desserts after meals. In this case, they cause fermentation (especially the sweeter fruits). The same applies to fruit juices.

Both fruits and juices are best consumed as a separate meal or half an hour or an hour before meals, but so that at least 3 hours pass after the previous meal.

Sweet fruits are ideally combined with each other (raisins with prunes) and with semi-sour fruits (persimmon with apple).

Sweet fruits can also be combined with cream, sour cream, herbs, fermented milk products. Dried fruits in small quantities can be added to some cereals (for example, pilaf with raisins or dried apricots, etc.)

The peculiarities of our digestion do not seem to prevent us from combining any fruits and vegetables, but their joint use is still undesirable. People instinctively feel this, and few people think of eating persimmon with cucumber or dates with cabbage. But there are also exceptions. For example, applesauce and carrot puree, vegetable salads with cranberries or lemon juice, etc.

Group 2. Semi-acid fruits

They are sometimes called semi-sweet. These are mango, blueberry, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, and also sweet in taste: apples, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, apricots, peaches, etc. This also includes watermelons.

Semi-acid fruits go well with each other, with sweet fruits (pear with figs), with sour fruits (apple with tangerine) and with fermented milk products (grapes with kefir).

Compatible with cream, sour cream, herbs, as well as protein products containing a lot of fat - with cheese, nuts, fatty cottage cheese. Some berries can be consumed with warm milk.

Combinations with other protein foods (meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, legumes) are harmful, mainly due to the difference in the rate of digestion. Compounds with starches are even less desirable.

Peaches, blueberries, blueberries, grapes and melons are known for their special “delicacy”. They are superbly digestible when eaten on their own, but are incompatible with any other product (except for some semi-acidic fruits). It is best to eat them not before or after meals, but as food.

Tomatoes also belong to the group of semi-acidic fruits due to their high acid content. But, like all vegetables, tomatoes are not very compatible with fruits and, unlike fruits, they are relatively well compatible with proteins and vegetables.

Group 3. Sour fruits

Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, currants, blackberries, cranberries; and also sour in taste: apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes, etc. They go well with each other, with semi-sour fruits, with fermented milk products, cream, sour cream, fat cottage cheese. Combinations with nuts, cheeses, herbs are acceptable.

Incompatible with animal protein products, legumes, starches and less compatible vegetables.

Group 4. Compatible vegetables

Cucumbers, raw cabbage (except cauliflower), radishes, bell peppers, green beans, radishes, onions, garlic, beets, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, young pumpkin, young zucchini, lettuce and some others.

They go well with almost any food, contributing to its better assimilation: with proteins (meat with cucumber, carrots with cottage cheese), fats (cabbage with butter), with all vegetables, starches (bread with beets), herbs.

All vegetables are incompatible with milk. Compounds with fruits are also undesirable, although exceptions are possible.

Group 5. Less compatible vegetables

Cauliflower, boiled white cabbage, green peas, late pumpkin, late courgettes, eggplant.

It is successfully combined with starches (zucchini with bread) and with all vegetables, with fats (eggplant with sour cream), with herbs. It is permissible to combine with cheese.

Combinations with animal proteins (cauliflower with meat, green peas with egg) are less desirable.

Incompatible with fruits and milk.

Group 6. Starchy foods

Wheat, rye, oats and their products (bread, pasta, etc.); cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.; potatoes, chestnuts, ripe corn.

Ideally combined with herbs, fats and all vegetables.

It is also allowed to combine various types of starches with each other, but such combinations are not recommended for people who are prone to overweight. In addition, various cereals and grains differ greatly in protein composition, and ideally, it is better not to mix them.

When consuming starchy foods with fats, it is also recommended to eat something from greens or vegetables.

Combinations of starches with proteins, especially animals (bread with meat, potatoes with fish), with milk and fermented milk products (porridge with milk, kefir with bread), with sugars (roll with jam, porridge with sugar), with any fruits and fruits are harmful juices.

Group 7. Protein products

Meat, fish, eggs; cottage cheese, cheese, feta cheese; milk, yogurt, kefir, etc.; dry beans, beans, lentils and peas; nuts, seeds; mushrooms.

Ideal with herbs and compatible vegetables. Moreover, these foods promote good protein digestion and the removal of many toxic compounds.

The exception is milk, which is best drunk on its own.

Moreover, warm (but not boiled!) Milk is most easily assimilated. Milk can sometimes be combined with fruit, but the tolerance of such a compound varies from person to person.

It is permissible to consume proteins with fats, and animal proteins are better combined with animal fats, and vegetable proteins - with both animal fats and vegetable fats. But fats slow down digestion, so it is advisable to add vegetables and herbs to the combination of proteins with fats.

Proteins are incompatible with starchy foods, fruits and sugars.

Exceptions are cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, nuts, seeds, which are sometimes acceptable to use with fruits.

Group 8. Greens

Lettuce, nettle, plantain, green onions, sorrel, dimple, coriander, parsley, acacia, rose petals, clover, dill, etc.

Greens are combined with all food, except milk. For normal health, it is recommended to eat a bunch of greens every day. Its use with starches and proteins is especially useful, in this case it promotes excellent digestion, neutralizes toxins, replenishes the deficiency of fine prana and vitamins, and improves peristalsis.

Group 9. Fats

Butter and ghee, cream, sour cream; vegetable oils; lard and other animal fats. Sometimes this group also includes fatty meat, fatty fish, nuts.

The general property of fats is that they inhibit gastric acid secretion, especially if consumed at the beginning of a meal. At the same time, fats mitigate the negative effects of some unsuccessful food combinations. For example, low-fat cottage cheese with bread and sour cream will be absorbed better than the same cottage cheese with bread, but without sour cream (although cottage cheese with bread is a very unfortunate example).

Fats are ideally combined with herbs, vegetables (salad with sour cream), with starchy foods (porridge with butter). Sometimes it is permissible to combine fats with fruits, especially berries (strawberries with sour cream).

It is undesirable to combine fats with sugars (cream with sugar, confectionery). Here, the negative effects of the inhibitory effect of fats are especially pronounced.

It is also not recommended to jointly use animal and vegetable fats, although exceptions are possible. Vegetable oil, for example, goes relatively well with fish, which contains unsaturated fats, and much worse with meat. Ghee is often combined with other foods better than butter.

Group 10. Sugar

White and yellow sugar, fructose, jam, syrups, honey, molasses.

In combination with proteins and starches, they cause fermentation, contribute to spoilage and other products.

It is best to consume sweets on their own (if any). For example, arrange tea with jam or sweets for an afternoon snack. In principle, 2-3 candies, if you really want, can be eaten 40 - 60 minutes before meals, but in no case after meals!

An exception to the general rule is honey. It contains substances that prevent decay, and in small quantities is compatible with many products (except animal food). But honey is a strong biologically active agent, and it is not desirable to eat it every day (so that the body does not get used to it). Sometimes you can drink herbal tea with honey or add a teaspoon of honey to porridge or salad.

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Nutritionists say that whole milk is not compatible with any food, and it is advisable to drink it separately. But kefir, due to its unique composition (fundamentally different from milk), is perfectly combined with a lot of products. Why, then, a drink obtained directly by fermenting milk can be consumed with other food, but not milk itself.

The fact is that in the process of preparing a fermented milk drink, part of the proteins breaks down, and the lion's share of lactose (milk sugar) is converted into lactic acid, which is an excellent accelerator of the process of digestion of food received simultaneously with it. It is thanks to lactic acid that kefir is a dietary product that significantly improves the condition of the digestive tract and digestion processes.

What products can kefir be combined with

The most favorable combination can be called the use of kefir simultaneously with vegetables, especially those containing a large amount of chlorophyll - these are green vegetables (all leafy greens, including celery, parsley, coriander, dill, arugula, as well as cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, green bell pepper ).

Kefir goes well with berries, fruits, including dried, dried and frozen, jam, natural bee honey. Kefir perfectly complements whole grain dishes, various cereals, muesli, all types of bread, especially whole grain. The combination of kefir and fiber (wheat, flaxseed, milk thistle, pumpkin, etc.) or bran is an excellent remedy for normalizing weight, improving digestion and cleansing the intestines from fecal impurities, decay products, toxic compounds and accumulated toxins.

What products do you want to combine kefir with?

There are a number of products that can be consumed together with kefir, but it is better to avoid this, if possible. These include: seeds (poppy, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cumin, sesame), nuts (walnuts, Brazilian, almonds, cashews, cedar, peanuts, hazelnuts), legumes (lentils, beans, peas, beans), and all varieties of mushrooms, including dried mushroom dishes.

What products are contraindicated in combination

Scientists have proven that the compatibility or incompatibility of individual products is due to the fact that each of them requires a specific activity of the digestive glands. That is why two proteins of a different nature and different from each other in composition, requiring different changes in the digestive glands and different times for digestion and complete breakdown, cannot be taken at the same time. For this reason, kefir is absolutely not combined with eggs, whole milk, fish, caviar, seafood and meat.

Consider these simple guidelines in your daily diet, and your digestive system will always function normally, avoiding unnecessary overload.

Each of us at least once experienced a state when something from our food did not suit our body. Certain product combinations are known to be inappropriate. Let's do justice to this fact and make our meals more enjoyable while improving our health.
The principles and rules of food compatibility were first formulated in the 30s by Dr. Hay.
His theory boils down to the fact that we should eat as much alkalizing food as possible, eat fruits separately and in their natural form, avoid processed and refined foods, do not mix concentrated protein and concentrated carbohydrate foods in one dish. Over the past 65 years, we have received a ton of compelling examples to support this theory. These rules are very easy to follow.

Rule 1:
Meat, fish and eggs are concentrated protein foods. For its absorption, your stomach needs to produce large amounts of acid and digestive enzymes.
That's why:
- Limit fluid intake during meals;
- Don't eat sugar;
- Eat more vegetables and vegetable protein along with animal protein;
- After a protein meal, take a 2-3 hour break before your next meal. This is necessary for its assimilation.
______ Rule 2:
Potatoes, turnips, pumpkin, green vegetables, pasta, nuts, seeds, Brussels sprouts, and bread are all complex food sources. The consumption of these foods leads to the formation of an alkaline environment in the stomach.
They are very easy to digest. That's why:
- Don't eat sugar;
- Take a 1-2 hour break before your next meal so that the carbohydrates can be absorbed.
______ Rule 3:
Fruits are the best way to provide immediate energy. They are the best source of sugar that we need from time to time. The assimilation of fruits is very fast, since our body is able to easily produce the necessary enzymes and hormones. An alkaline environment forms in the stomach. That's why:
- Eat fruit in between meals;
- Do not eat sweets, chocolate, other sugar-containing foods with fruit;
- Take a break of 30 minutes to digest the fruit before your next meal.

Along with the simple rules listed above, there are Nutrition Principles:
1. The acid-base balance of the blood is directly determined by our nutrition. As noted in Dr. Shishlov's Methods, maintaining an optimal alkaline reaction in the blood ensures stable health and a cheerful, energetic well-being. Try to provide 55-70% of your required daily energy intake from Complex Carbohydrates, as "internal stress" and acidification of the body are in direct agreement.
2. Many foods are a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates. Consume them as they are, as it is impossible to separate protein and carbohydrates from each other.
Mixing concentrated proteins and concentrated carbohydrates (such as steak and fried potatoes) is another matter. Benefits can hardly be expected from such mixing.
3. Acids are formed in our digestive system from phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine, which we get mainly from animal foods such as meat, fish, eggs, etc.
Alkalis are formed in the digestive system from calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium, which are most found in vegetables, pasta, legumes and almost all fresh hands.
Fresh milk is slightly alkaline. The needs of our body are met
due to the variety of this type of product.
4. Our body does not need "quick" energy replenishment with the help of pure sugar and sugar-containing foods. In fact, the body is simply unable to cope with the flow of sugar, and this leads to an unacceptable rise in blood sugar. When this happens, a wide variety of hormones and enzymes are produced to restore balance. In addition, sugar begins to feed "unfriendly" microorganisms in the digestive tract, such as fermentation bacteria. Ripe fruits are easy to digest and absorb without disturbing the blood balance. Almost all fruits are immediately digested by gastric juices. Therefore, they must be consumed separately from other foods. The exceptions are bananas, coconuts and apples. They ferment poorly. Therefore, bananas with oatmeal or some other porridge are perfectly acceptable food.

Food compatibility

It is very important for us to know which foods can be consumed together, in what sequence, and which ones can be consumed separately. If quickly digested food is consumed after food that needs long-term processing, then the last portion of food is not removed in time due to the fact that the exit from the stomach is blocked by food that requires long-term digestion. After eating, you should not eat astringent foods such as quince or foods that decompose food. If you eat garlic after the cabbage, then the cabbage will not be digested, but will rot. An apple eaten on an empty stomach leaves the stomach for 15-20 minutes, and oranges even faster. If fruits are eaten for dessert after a hearty meal, then they remain in the stomach along with long-term digested food and begin to ferment after 20 minutes. Each type of food requires a specific enzyme composition. This means that for the digestion of a particular food, a special composition of gastric juice is required. And other conditions for the digestion of a particular product differ from each other - an acidic environment is needed for the digestion of proteins, and starchy food is broken down in an alkaline environment, and acidity will only inhibit the activity of the necessary enzyme. Therefore, it is better not to eat protein and starchy foods together. It is best not to eat carbohydrates with acidic foods such as vinegar, lemon, or ketchup. If the bread is washed down with tomato juice, then the activity of the saliva amylase, the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of starchy foods, is suppressed.
There is also a phase of intestinal digestion, when, under the influence of pancreatic juice, the food gruel that has left the stomach is broken down. But the complete breakdown of food gruel in the small intestine is possible only if the food in the stomach is fully processed. For example, porridge on water quickly breaks down under the influence of not very strong gastric juice and quickly leaves the stomach. If the porridge is eaten with meat, the stomach cannot produce gastric juice of such a composition, which is necessary for both food. Therefore, such food remains in the stomach for too long and leaves the stomach incompletely broken down. Of course, the juice of the pancreas will bring the digestion of this food to the end, but it will ask for an additional burden on the liver, pancreas and small intestine. And the eater himself will feel "a stone in the stomach."
It is also essential that beneficial microorganisms predominantly feed on plant fiber, and meat contributes to the reproduction of microflora, which determines the processes of food decomposition. The human digestive tract is designed for plant foods: fruits, cereals, vegetables and herbs. The bacteria in the intestines are important. The transformation of fiber into either nutrients or toxins depends on them. The quality processing of other nutrients also depends on microorganisms. If a person ate correctly, then the result is obvious: the feces have practically no smell, no gases are formed.
Now in more detail about food groups.

Sweet fruits:
Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits. Fruits break down quickly, sweet fruits stay in the stomach a little longer than sour fruits. Fruit must be taken separately, for example, at an afternoon snack or before the start of a meal. It is very unfavorable to eat fruit after eating, because then fermentation begins in the stomach. Fruit juices should be drunk separately from other foods, as they are concentrated foods. Sweet fruits go well with each other, as well as with semi-sour fruits such as persimmons and apples. Bananas are worse combined with other fruits. Light fruits can be combined with cream, sour cream, herbs and fermented milk products.
__________ Semi-acid fruits:
Mango, blueberry, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, apple, pear, plum, grape, apricot, peach, watermelon. These fruits can be combined with sweet fruits, sour fruits, dairy products, cream, herbs, as well as protein foods that are high in fat, such as cheese, nuts, and fatty cottage cheese. These fruits cannot be combined with eggs, fish, mushrooms, peas and legumes. It is not advised to consume these fruits together with starchy foods. Eat peaches, blueberries, blueberries, grapes, melon and watermelon as a separate meal because these fruits are processed very quickly in the stomach and do not combine well with other foods.
____________ Sour fruits:
Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, gooseberries, cranberries, sour apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes.
These fruits are well compatible both with each other and with fermented milk products, cream, sour cream and fatty cottage cheese.
They can be combined with nuts, cheeses and herbs.
Sour fruits are not compatible with animal proteins, legumes, peas, starchy foods and vegetables.
____________ Well-combined vegetables:
Cucumbers, fresh cabbage (except cauliflower), radishes, bell peppers, beans, turnips, onions, garlic, beets, rutabagas, carrots, early zucchini, early pumpkin, lettuce.
These vegetables combine well with any food, contributing to its digestibility, for example, with proteins (meat with cucumbers, carrots with cottage cheese), with fats (cabbage with butter), with other vegetables, with foods containing starch (bread with beets, with herbs ...
Do not combine vegetables with milk!
It is undesirable to eat vegetables and fruits at the same time.
_____________ Poorly combined vegetables:
Cauliflower, green peas, late squash, late pumpkin, eggplant, squash.
These vegetables are great to combine with foods containing starch, such as bread, with all vegetables, fats, such as sour cream and herbs.
It is permissible to use with cheeses.
Less desirable is a combination of these vegetables with animal proteins such as eggs and meat.
Absolutely incompatible with milk and fruits.

Starchy foods:
Wheat, rye, oats and products from these grains, such as pasta and bread, as well as buckwheat, rice, potatoes, edible chestnuts and corn.
Perfectly combined with herbs, fats and all vegetables.
A combination of these products with each other is also permissible. This should be avoided by people with a tendency to be overweight. In addition, various cereals differ in the amount of proteins among themselves, so it is better not to combine cereals with each other.
When combining foods containing starch with fats, you must add herbs or vegetables at the same time.
The combination of carbohydrates and proteins is very unfavorable. It is especially important not to combine carbohydrates with meat, milk and dairy products, for example, porridge with milk, bread with kefir. It is undesirable to combine starchy foods with sugars, for example, bread with jam, porridge with sugar, as well as with any fruit or fruit juices.
___________ Protein products:
Meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheeses, feta cheese, milk, buttermilk, kefir, legumes, lentils, peas, nuts, seeds, mushrooms.
Ideal with seeds and well-paired vegetables. Promote the processing of proteins and the elimination of various toxins.
Exceptions include milk - it must be eaten separately. Better to give preference to warm, unboiled, unpasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk is very heavy in quality. In some cases, milk can be combined with sweet fruits such as bananas, but each person has their own individual tolerance for food.
A combination of proteins with fats is permissible, moreover, fats of animal origin are better combined with proteins of animal origin, and proteins of plant origin - with fats of plant origin. It must be borne in mind that fat slows down the digestion process. To improve digestion, it must be combined with fresh vegetables and herbs.
Proteins cannot be combined with foods containing starch, fruits and sugars.
Exceptions include cottage cheese, cheeses, dairy products, nuts and seeds - they can be combined with fruits.
Lettuce, dandelions, nettle, plantain, green onion, sorrel, coriander, parsley, acacia, rose petals, dill, etc. The greens are compatible with all products except milk.
___________ Fats:
Butter and ghee, sour cream, cream, vegetable oils, lard and other animal fats. Sometimes fatty meat, fatty fish and nuts are included here.
Fats slow down the secretion of gastric juice, especially if consumed at the beginning of a meal. But sometimes eating fat will destroy the congestion in the stomach caused by poor food combination.
Fats go well with herbs, vegetables, starchy foods, such as porridge with butter. In some cases, a combination of fats and fruits is acceptable, especially for berries, for example, strawberries with cream.
Do not combine fats with sugars, for example, cream with sugar. Ghee is compatible with almost all foods. Vegetable oils are best used with fish, which are high in unsaturated fatty acids. It is better not to combine fats with meat.

Fructose, jam, honey, molasses, brown sugar, syrups.
Together with proteins and starchy foods, they cause fermentation, promotes the decomposition of other products.
It is better to eat sweets separately, but you cannot do this at the end of the meal. Ideally, it is best to skip sweets or eat them as a separate meal.
The exception is honey. A small amount of meld is recommended to be taken together with other food products, since honey promotes the absorption of biologically active substances and delays the processes of food decay. Honey cannot be combined with animal products only. Honey cannot be heated because it becomes toxic.
Meat, fish, cottage cheese and cheese are highly concentrated protein foods. It is possible to live without them, if possible, you should not eat these foods every day.
After eating, it is advisable to sit at the table for at least 5 minutes, and then take a slow walk for 20 minutes.
Subject to the rules of proper nutrition, soups are not necessary. It is better not to cook soups in broth, but to eat puree soup for the first time.


Foods containing starch, sugar, do not eat with proteins and acidic fruits
interval between meals at least 4 hours
do not eat refined foods (flour, sugar, margarine)
All products are divided conventionally:



All food products are divided into two main categories according to the place of digestibility in the gastrointestinal tract:

The main protein food of animal and plant origin: meat, poultry, fish and all products from them, cottage cheese and dairy products, milk, cheeses, eggs, legumes, nuts
Foods rich in starch: bread and all flour products, cereals, potatoes, rice.

MEAT, Poultry, FISH:

The first column is the most important because this is where the easiest way to break product compatibility rules. For meat of all types, a combination with green non-starchy vegetables is favorable, since such a combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal proteins, helps their digestion and removes excess cholesterol from the blood. Use hormone-free and antibiotic-free meat and poultry. The combination of animal proteins with strong alcohol precipitates pepsin, which is essential for the digestion of animal proteins.

GRAINS (beans, peas, lentils):

The peculiarities of the compatibility of pulses with other products are explained by the dual nature. As starches, they go well with fats, especially easy to digest - vegetable oil and sour cream, and as a source of vegetable protein they are good with herbs and starchy vegetables.


Use only fresh, without yellow bloom, with a short period of time for use, without preservatives, emulsifiers, heat treatment is not desirable, contain vitamins A, D, E.


Vegetable oils - in its raw form it is better to use oil of the first cold pressing ("virgin"), store in the refrigerator, it is better to fry without oil, if necessary - minimal heat treatment.


The consumption of sugar and confectionery should be avoided, not combined with any other food. All sugars inhibit gastric acid secretion. For their digestion, neither saliva nor gastric juice is needed: they are absorbed directly in the intestines. If sweets are eaten with other food, then lingering in the stomach for a long time, they very soon cause fermentation in it and, in addition, reduce the motility of the stomach. Sour belching, heartburn are the results of this process. Honey - a product already processed by the digestive apparatus of bees, is absorbed into the bloodstream 20 minutes after ingestion, and at the same time does not load the liver and all other body systems.


Useful, but without special treatment with sulfur dioxide, blanch before use.


All foods rich in starch should always be handled with caution because starch itself, in its pure form, is an extremely difficult to digest product. The ban on the combination of animal proteins with starchy foods is the first and, perhaps, the most important law of separate nutrition. Bread is considered a separate meal and not a required addition to every meal. However, bread made from unpeeled, whole grains can be eaten with a variety of salads, regardless of their composition. Make your own bread from whole-grain flour with the addition of BRAN - a source of fiber, B vitamins, calcium, and iron. Keep refrigerated.

Only not polished - brown.


It can partially replace cereal starch, only boiled or baked, preferably with a peel, if you are sure that there was no special processing. It goes well with vegetable salads.


Sour fruits in all cases include citrus fruits and pomegranates, and all others to taste. Tomatoes stand out from all vegetables with a high content of acids - citric, malic, oxalic.


Their combination with milk and nuts is acceptable, however, in small quantities, because it is hard on digestion. But it is better not to combine fruits (sour and sweet) with anything at all, because they are absorbed in the intestines. They need to be eaten at least 15-20 minutes before eating, but not after eating. This rule should be especially strict with regard to watermelons and melons.


These include the tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild "table" herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers, green peas. Radishes, rutabagas, radishes, young zucchini and turnips are "semi-starchy" vegetables, which, in combination with various products, are more likely to adjoin green and non-starchy ones.


This category includes: beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, squash and squash, cauliflower. The combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation, the rest of the combinations are either good or acceptable.

Separate food, not drink. Once in the stomach, milk should curdle under the influence of acidic juices. If other food is present in the stomach, then milk particles envelop it, isolating it from gastric juice. And until the curdled milk is digested, the food remains unprocessed, the digestion process is delayed, the movement of food slows down, this leads to constipation, flatulence, gastric and intestinal discomfort. Milk goes best with vegetables and fruits.

Cottage cheese, fermented milk products:

Curd is an indigestible complete protein. Compatible with homogeneous products (sour milk, sour cream, cheese, feta cheese).

The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses of the homemade type, i.e. a cross between cottage cheese and cheese. Processed cheeses are an unnatural product, significantly processed. Cheese is a healthy protein product, which, however, requires soaking in cold water to remove excess salt.

This protein product is not easy to digest. However, eggs work well with green and non-starchy vegetables.

Almonds, hazel. Due to their rich fat content, nuts are akin to cheese. However, cheese contains animal fats, and nuts are vegetable fats, which are easier to digest. Peeled nuts should be used immediately, due to the rapid oxidation of fat, or frozen. Combine with vegetable and fruit salads.

Sunflower, pumpkin, sesame - a source of protein, magnesium, calcium. Store in the refrigerator as quickly oxidized.
Separate feeding recommendations:


Bread, potatoes, peas, beans, beans, bananas, dates and other carbohydrate foods should not be eaten with lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, cranberries, tomatoes and other sour fruits.


This means: do not eat nuts, meat, eggs, cheese and other protein foods along with bread, cereals, cakes, and sweet fruits. In one step, you need to eat eggs, fish, milk, cheese, in the other - bread, cereals, noodles (if there is no way to refuse them).


Two proteins of different types and compositions require different digestive juices and different concentrations. These juices are not released into the stomach at the same time. Therefore, you should always follow the rule: ONE PROTEIN IN ONE FOOD.


Cream, butter, sour cream, vegetable oil should not be eaten with meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and other proteins. Fat suppresses the action of the gastric glands and inhibits the secretion of gastric juices when eating meat, eggs, nuts.


Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, pineapples, cherries, sour plums, sour apples, cannot be eaten with meat, nuts, eggs. The less complex the food mixtures, the simpler our meals, the more efficient our digestion.


Jellies, jams, fruit butter, molasses sugar, syrups on bread or in one meal with cereals, potatoes, sugar with cereals - all this causes fermentation.


If two types of starch (potatoes or porridge with bread) are consumed in one meal, then one of them goes for assimilation, and the other remains intact in the stomach, like a load, the intestines do not pass, delays the assimilation of other food, causes its fermentation, an increase in gastric acidity. juice, belching, etc.


Watermelon, honey, cantaloupe and other types of melons should always be eaten separately.


The fat of milk prevents the secretion of gastric juice for some time. Milk is not absorbed in the stomach, but in the duodenum, therefore, the stomach does not react to the presence of milk with secretion, which interferes with the assimilation of other food.

Nutritionists recommend that you be very careful about what you put on your plate. Habitual foods, even very useful ones, if combined incorrectly, can adversely affect digestion and on the figure, weaken the body's immunity.

If you don't feel like going on a strict diet to lose those extra pounds, try to eat simply. Simple food is absorbed better and with the least stress on the digestive organs compared to complex food. And the greater the variety of dishes in one meal, the more difficult it is for the digestive system to cope with it.
Some foods eaten together can have a negative effect - slow down or even stop the absorption of beneficial trace elements and vitamins. This will not affect the figure in the best way later.

What products cannot be combined?

The combination of the following products is very often found in the usual and favorite dishes of various cuisines of the world, but the taste is tasteful, and the benefits of such dishes can be noticeably impaired precisely because of the incompatibility of the ingredients.

There are foods that should not be combined with any others in order to avoid negative consequences for the body: this is milk, melon, bananas.

Meat and cheese. Together with cheese, phosphorus enters the body, and meat contains a lot of zinc. These minerals interfere with one another: phosphorus slows down the complete absorption of zinc.

Pasta and meat. Bad news awaits lovers of naval pasta: the combination of these two products can provoke bloating, fermentation due to undigested food.

Vegetables and alcohol. Drinking just one glass of wine at dinner runs the risk of turning your vegetable salad into a useless heap. Alcohol makes it difficult to absorb vitamins from vegetables.

Potatoes and eggs. Potatoes are rich in minerals. They can negatively affect the absorption of iron and calcium found in eggs.

And here is the Food Compatibility Chart, which was developed and substantiated by Herbert Shelton.

He owns more than 40 scientific papers. Shelton ate a healthy diet in accordance with the chart he developed and actively promoted it. He lived to be 100 years old, and died tragically, full of strength and creative energy.


Food 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 meat, fish, poultry - - - - - - - - + n - - - - -
2 pulses - n + + - n - - + + - - - - n
3 butter, cream - n n - - + + - + + n - n - -
4 sour cream - + n n - + + n + + - + n n -
5 vegetable oil - + - n - + + n + + - - - - +
6 sugar, confectionery - - - - - - - - + - - - - - -
7 bread, cereals, potatoes - n + + + - - - + + - - n - n
8 sour fruits, tomatoes - - + + + - - n + n - n + - +
9 sweet fruits, dried fruits - - - n n - - n + n n + - - n
10 greens, vegetables unstarch + + + + + + + + + + - + + + +
11 starchy vegetables n + + + + - + n n + n + + n +
12 milk - - n - - - - - n - n - - - -
13 cottage cheese, fermented milk products - - - + - - - n + + + - + - +
14 cheese, feta cheese - - n n - - n + - + + - + - n
15 eggs - - - n - - - - - + n - - - -
16 nuts - n - - + - n + n + + - + n -
- incompatible products

The food compatibility table consists of 16 columns.

MEAT, FISH, Poultry: animal proteins are the most difficult to digest food. Shelton believed that all fat should be removed during processing of these foods. Combination with green and non-starchy vegetables is very favorable for meat of all types. As for starchy vegetables, the combination of animal proteins with them is not ideal, but it is still better than the combination with bread and potatoes. Alcohol in combination with animal proteins is very harmful: it precipitates pepsin, which is necessary for their digestion.

GRAINS: beans, peas, lentils, beans, soybeans. This is a rather complex and even controversial product that requires a lot of attention when combined with other types of food. Keep in mind, however, that green beans and green peas do not fall into this category. They belong to non-starchy vegetables and are compatible with all foods except milk.

BREAD, ROLLS, POTATOES: These are starchy foods. These include wheat, rye, oats and their products. Groats: buckwheat, rice, millet. Sprouted wheat is a non-starchy vegetable.

ACID FRUIT: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, cranberries, sour apples and grapes.

SEMI-ACID FRUIT: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, sweet taste: apples, cherries, plums, grapes, apricots, peaches. The food compatibility table does not contain such a column, so you can attribute them at your discretion either to sour fruits or to sweet ones.

FRUITS SWEET: bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, raisins and all dried fruits.

GREENS, NON-STARCH VEGETABLES: the tops of all edible plants: parsley, dill, celery, radish and beet tops, lettuce. White cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers, green peas.

SEMI-STARCH VEGETABLES: radishes, rutabagas, radishes and turnips. The food compatibility table does not contain such a column, but they are recommended to be classified as non-starchy vegetables.
STARCH VEGETABLES: beets, carrots, horseradish, pumpkin, squash, squash, cauliflower, parsley and celery roots.
Melons are not compatible with any other food. At least two hours should elapse between the use of incompatible products.

If incompatible foods enter the stomach at the same time, then their digestion is difficult. This is explained by the fact that an acidic environment is required for the breakdown of proteins, and an alkaline environment for carbohydrates. With the simultaneous consumption of foods containing a lot of proteins and a lot of carbohydrates, the environment is neutralized, as a result of which the food is digested for a long time, it is poorly digested, the processes of fermentation and decay begin. Poorly digested food is poorly absorbed, slowly passes through the gastrointestinal tract, partially remains on the walls of the colon, which can cause constipation, intoxication of the body and, as a result, many diseases. Switching to separate nutrition, that is, in accordance with the food compatibility table, completely eliminates these problems.

Ignorance of the rules of separate nutrition leads to the fact that many people at lunch eat first cottage cheese with bread, then pea soup with meat, fish and potatoes for the second, tea and cake for dessert, and finally eat an apple, believing that it is useful. Apples are really very healthy, but not in such a combination. As a result of such a meal, no product can be properly digested and assimilated.

With improper nutrition and littering of the body with slags, a large amount of energy is spent on digesting food and neutralizing food toxins. The food compatibility chart makes it possible to release a huge amount of energy for life. Digestion with a separate diet occurs in the gastrointestinal tract in a clean and with the lowest expenditure of hormones, enzymes, gastrointestinal juice. People who eat, observing the laws of food compatibility, do not know what is heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, dull pain in the intestines. By switching to separate meals, in 2 - 3 months you will feel a noticeable surge of strength, stop hurting, increase your efficiency, and at the same time you will look great. Some even have a blush on their cheeks. However, it is necessary to dine with mixed food twice a week so that the body does not lose immunity to it.

Reduce the effectiveness of separate meals: poor chewing of food, overeating, drinking large amounts of strong tea and coffee, abuse of vegetables and fruits, which are certainly very useful, but within reasonable limits.