Lean potato casserole recipe. Lean casserole

01.08.2019 Beverages

During the fast, delicious dishes on the table are inappropriate, however, it is not worth depleting your body by depriving it of the necessary vitamins, so the diet should be varied during the fast. There is no big trouble if the lean dishes turn out to be tasty enough to be eaten with pleasure by all household members, including children. In addition, lean dishes are used in vegetarian diets, in a number of diets, when there is no need to deprive yourself of something tasty.

We suggest preparing lean vegetable casseroles that will not only diversify your diet, but also allow you to get the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. This is especially true during Lent, which is observed before.

Lean Sauerkraut Casserole

Ingredients required:

  • sauerkraut - about 200 g,
  • mushrooms (champignons are also suitable) - 200 g,
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.,
  • onions - one piece,
  • boiled water - an incomplete glass,
  • flour - 150 g,
  • soda (extinguish with vinegar) - half a teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil - for lubricating the mold,
  • salt, spices - to taste,
  • greens (optional) - how much is needed for decoration.

Cooking process:

  1. Slice the mushrooms thinly.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings.
  3. Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices.
  4. Lubricate the mold.
  5. Spread two potatoes, mushrooms, onions, sauerkraut, remaining potatoes in layers in a mold. Do not forget to pepper and salt each layer.
  6. We prepare the dough from water, flour, salt, slaked soda. It should turn out to be a little thinner than the pancake dough.
  7. Pour the dough into a mold, place the mold in the oven. The casserole will be ready in about an hour.
  8. Cut into portions, place on a plate, turning the potatoes upside down. Sprinkle with chopped herbs on top.

Lean carrot casserole

Ingredients required:

  • carrots - about a pound,
  • seeds (pumpkin, sunflower), nuts - 300 g,
  • parsley - a bunch
  • rosemary - half a teaspoon,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • garlic - a couple of cloves.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the seeds (or nuts) in a coffee grinder or blender.
  2. Boil, peel, cut into large pieces and puree the carrots with a blender.
  3. Chop the parsley as finely as possible.
  4. Squeeze the garlic into the nut mixture.
  5. Combine all ingredients including spices and salt.
  6. Sculpt a piece of wood from the mixture.
  7. Place the carrot and walnut logs in a mold, place in the oven and bake for about 40 minutes. If you want to make a casserole as soon as possible, then you can distribute the mixture in a thin layer over the shape, then the cooking time will take half as much.
  8. Remove the log from the oven, cut into thick pieces, serve, sprinkle with herbs. If someone does not fast, then you can pour sour cream.

Lean potato and cabbage casserole

Ingredients required:

  • white cabbage - half a kilo,
  • potatoes - half a kilo,
  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons,
  • bread crumbs - two tablespoons,
  • salt, spices - to taste,
  • greens (optional) - for decoration.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, chop the cabbage.
  2. Boil vegetables in salted water until soft, remove with a slotted spoon, discard in a colander, drain, mix well, mash.
  3. Lubricate the mold, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, lay out the vegetable mixture, flatten. Cover with oiled paper and bake for 20 minutes. This vegetable casserole is suitable for vegetarian and lean meals as an everyday dish.

Ecology of consumption. Food and Recipes: These dishes are made with vegetables and are suitable for vegans and vegetarians, as well as dieters who simply prefer healthy food ...

Recipe 1: Lean Vegan Zucchini and Tomato Casserole

  • 1 young zucchini, medium size;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • a bunch of fresh dill;
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of ground flaxseed;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar;
  • salt to taste.

Our test uses flaxseed and apple cider vinegar as a binder. In vegan baked goods, flaxseed often replaces eggs (1 egg = 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed). Therefore, if you are not fasting and are not vegan, then you can use eggs instead of flax (there are 3 pieces for this pie).

So, we knead the dough for our lean pie. First you need to grind the flaxseed in a coffee grinder and add water in a 1: 2 ratio for a couple of hours. Grate the washed and peeled zucchini. Chop the dill and add to the grated zucchini. Pour soaked flaxseed into the mixture, sift the flour, add salt, vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar and baking powder.

The dough should come out like very thick sour cream. Transfer the dough to a baking dish, oiled or covered with parchment, level it out. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices and place on top of the courgette dough. We put the cake pan in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake until tender (about 50 minutes).

The finished cake must first be cooled, and only then removed from the mold and cut. Otherwise, there is a risk that it will fall apart. Cut the cooled pie into portions and enjoy excellent taste.

Recipe 2: Vegan Lean Moussaka Casserole

Moussaka is an eggplant casserole popular in the Balkan countries and the Middle East in various interpretations. Meat is often added to this dish, but today we have a vegan version of moussaka. It is traditionally prepared from eggplants and other vegetables, so we will build on what can be easily found in supermarkets, despite the cold winter.

  • 1 large eggplant
  • 1 large onion
  • 100 grams of champignons
  • ½ vegetable marrow
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 275 ml soy milk
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 80 grams of walnuts
  • 30 grams wholemeal flour
  • Tomato puree
  • Bread crumbs
  • Herbal mixture
  • 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Greens

Cut the eggplants and zucchini into slices. In a frying pan, heat 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil and fry vegetables on it. Place them on paper towels to absorb excess oil.

Dice the onion. Add 1 more tbsp to the pan. l. butter and mascara onions for about 5 minutes. During this time, cut the mushrooms into slices and add them to the onion. Send the chopped garlic there and cook for about 5 minutes more.

Add diced tomatoes, tomato puree and a mixture of herbs to taste to the mixture of onions, mushrooms and garlic, cook over low heat until the consistency of a sauce. Then add bread crumbs, crushed nuts, salt and pepper.

Mix the remaining sunflower oil, soy milk and flour in a saucepan and beat with a blender over low heat for about 5 minutes - the mixture should become thick and lump-free. You can add a little more flour if needed.

Grease a baking dish with oil, spread the eggplants and zucchini along the bottom and edges. Top with nut-tomato paste, then a layer of white sauce and again with nut-tomato paste.

Bake for about half an hour at 180 C. Garnish with nuts and herbs.

Recipe 3: lean vegan pasta and vegetable casserole

  • pasta 1 pack
  • zucchini 1 piece
  • onion 1 pc
  • carrots (medium) 1 pc
  • tomato 2 pcs
  • mayonnaise (vegan) 1 cup
  • greens 1 bunch

To give a unique aroma, you need a bunch of any greens, ground pepper and oregano seasoning. Vegetables will have to be fried in vegetable oil.

It is best to add a little flour to hold the casserole together.

Zucchini and carrots, cut into small strips, should be lightly fried in vegetable oil. Separately fry the onion, cut into half rings. While vegetables are fried, you can boil pasta in salted water, but make sure that they do not boil, rinse with cold water after a few minutes.

It is advisable to thoroughly grease a square deep form with oil or fat, then put a third of the pasta in it. Place half of the carrots and zucchini on the bottom layer, season with salt and spices. The next layer needs to be formed from the second part of the pasta, leaving a little on the top layer. After that, you can lay out all the fried onions. Place the remaining pasta on the onion, cover with the tomatoes, cut into slices. It remains to mix the eggs with mayonnaise and pour the resulting cake, decorate the casserole with herbs, add chopped garlic, spices and salt as needed.

The baking sheet should be kept in the oven at a moderate temperature for 15 minutes, after which the dish will be ready. It can be cut into pieces with a knife and laid out on plates for serving.

Recipe 4: Lean Vegan Potato Casserole

  • Potatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Mixed vegetables (frozen) - 1 p.
  • Champignons - 1 pack.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  • Garlic, herbs.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Vegetable oil.

Cook the potatoes, while adding a little grated carrots so that the potatoes acquire an appetizing golden color.

Drain half of the water in which the potatoes were cooked, and from the rest we make mashed potatoes, thick enough, you can add a little flour for the bunch.

In a frying pan, fry onions, carrots, mushrooms, vegetables, herbs, garlic in vegetable oil (for those who do not use oil in fasting, you can simply stew with the addition of water).

Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil and spread half of the mashed potatoes evenly.Next, we spread our mushrooms with vegetables.We report the rest of the potatoes.We make waves with a spoon and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes. on medium heatuntil golden brown.

Recipe 5: Lean pita and vegetable casserole

  • Armenian thin lavash - 3 pieces (which contains only flour, water and salt),
  • Eggplant (frozen is also suitable) - 800 grams,
  • Fresh tomato - 3 pieces
  • Zucchini - 800 grams,
  • Soy milk - 1 glass
  • Water - 2/3 cup
  • Tomato paste - 2-3 teaspoons,
  • Spices, salt


  1. First you need to cut the eggplants into pieces. We soak them in cold salted water, even if they are frozen. We squeeze out the water.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into pieces or cubes, then cut the courgette into cubes. Mix all the vegetables.
  3. Prepare the sauce: take soy milk for it, add tomato paste and mix everything well. Can be whipped with a blender. If you haven't switched to a salt-free diet yet, add salt and your favorite spices. That's it, very quickly, our sauce is ready!
  4. Now let's get into pita bread. We cut them in half. We take a suitable sized dish or a baking sheet with large sides for baking.
  5. Put the foil on the bottom of the form, put half of the pita bread on the foil, pour the sauce over it.
  6. We put the next half of the pita bread. We spread ¼ part of the cooked vegetable filling on it. Pour sauce over the filling too.
  7. Put half of pita bread, filling, sauce again. So we continue until the ingredients run out. The casserole should have a top layer of pita bread. Grease it with the remaining sauce.
  8. We put in the oven and bake until golden brown at 180 degrees, about 1 hour, but, of course, everything depends on your oven.

Recipe 6: Lean Vegan Bean and Potato Casserole

  • 500 grams of potatoes;
  • 200 grams of white beans;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • salt and spice mixture "For potato dishes" to taste.

It will not be superfluous to soak the beans in water for several hours the day before, so that it will cook faster later.

Now let's get down to business! The onion comes first: we finely chop it and fry it thoroughly in 1 tablespoon of oil until golden brown.

Boil the potatoes in salted water, which is not completely drained at the very end of the action. Let's imagine that we are preparing mashed potatoes.

Although what is there to imagine, it is mashed potatoes that we will make. But first we boil the beans, send them to a dish with potatoes and, calling for help with a crush, we will create mashed beans and potatoes. Do not forget to add salt in the process. By the way, if not laziness, instead of kneading, you can scroll the beans and potatoes through a meat grinder.

Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil. Divide the mass of beans and potatoes in half. Put the first half on the bottom of the mold. This is followed by a layer of fried onions.

Cover the future casserole with the second half of the puree on top. Smooth out beautifully, sprinkle generously with a mixture of spices for potato dishes and fill with the remaining oil.

It remains only to bake the casserole in the oven until golden, about 45 minutes at 180 ° C.

The final touch: droplets of fresh herbs on a crispy crust.

Recipe 7: Lean Rice Casserole with Olives

  • two glasses of rice
  • vegetable oil 7 tablespoons
  • one carrot
  • a tablespoon of capers
  • pitted olives 100-150 grams
  • two onions
  • parsley
  • one stalk of leek
  • salt

To make a rice casserole, I start by preparing the vegetables. I peel the onions and chop them finely.The same fate awaits carrots. I just cut it into circles.

I add 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the pan. I put the onion and begin to fry it. The rice is not mine. I add it to the bow. I pass until it becomes transparent. I fry the carrot circles in vegetable oil. Finely chop the leek. I put it on a plate and salt. I cut the olives into two halves, add them to the onion. I put a spoonful of capers in the filling for the rice casserole. I stir it.

I put half of the rice in a mold. I put a layer of carrots on it. Cooked filling on carrots.Above, again rice.

I pour in one liter of hot water, salt and send the rice casserole to the oven for 40 minutes, at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

Sprinkle with parsley before serving.

Recipe 8: Lean Vegan Rice and Mushroom Casserole

  • 300g rice
  • 200g boiled mushrooms,
  • 100g onions,
  • 100g carrots,
  • 50g vegetable oil
  • greens, salt to taste.

Peel and chop the onion, wash, peel and grate the carrots. Saute prepared onions and carrots in vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes.

Pass the boiled mushrooms through a meat grinder. Boil the rice until cooked in salted water, then drain and rinse.

Mix rice, mushrooms and sautéed vegetables, season with salt and pepper, stir, sprinkle with herbs and place in a baking dish.

Bake in the oven until browned. published

Of all the abundance of lean dishes, the casserole is an excellent invention for those who follow fasting and diet, for those who do not accept meat and dairy products in their diet, and just for all lovers of simple and delicious breakfasts and dinners. Also, the casserole has an indisputable advantage - in its preparation, an economical hostess uses standby supplies and products that are left from previously prepared dishes.

The basis of the proposed recipes for lean casseroles is potatoes, and any set of vegetables, mushrooms or fish can serve as an addition. To prevent the potato mass from disintegrating during cooking, add a few tablespoons of starch, flour or semolina to it. The rest is a matter of taste, preference and imagination.

For those who do not use vegetable oil when frying, as an option, vegetables can be stewed in a small amount of water or vegetable broth.

Lean potato casserole "Mushroom meadow"


  • 6 potato tubers;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 3 tbsp soy or other sauce;
  • frying oil.

Cooking description:

  1. First, let's prepare the mushrooms and onions for the filling. Cut everything into medium-sized cubes and fry in vegetable oil. Add a couple of tablespoons of soy or other sauce to the mushrooms, mix.
  2. Peeled potatoes must be dried with a paper towel, then coarsely grated. Add flour for the viscosity of the mass, the remaining sauce and spices to taste and desire.
  3. Grease the form with oil, spread half of the potato mass, level it well, the next layer will be mushrooms with onions and potatoes again on top. We smooth the surface and apply a drawing with a spoon or fork, then the casserole will be not only tasty, but also beautiful.
  4. In a hot oven at 180 degrees, bake for an hour. You can serve it both hot and cold, in any form the casserole will be good.

Casserole with mashed potatoes and cauliflower


  • mashed potatoes - 300 g;
  • a bag of frozen cauliflower;
  • greens - one bunch to taste;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • starch - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 tablespoons;
  • olives optional;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Cooking description:

  1. We disassemble the cauliflower (we replace broccoli if desired) into small heads of cabbage, boil in salted water and discard in a colander.
  2. Chop the olives into rings, finely chop your favorite greens and onions.
  3. Add starch and water to the puree, season with spices, curry can be added to brighten the taste and a hint of piquancy. To make the casserole fluffy and tender, beat the mass a little with a mixer.
  4. And then you can offer two options. In the first, we combine mashed potatoes with prepared vegetables and bake in this form. Or put all the mashed potatoes on a baking sheet, distribute the cabbage beautifully and evenly on top and sprinkle with herbs and olives between the inflorescences. Select and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Lean potato casserole "Village"


  • potatoes - 4 tubers;
  • fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 200 g;
  • pickles - 3-4 pcs.;
  • onion 1 pc .;
  • flour 2 tablespoons;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking description:

  1. For the minced meat, grind the mushrooms and onions through a meat grinder and simmer under the lid until tender. Do not forget to salt and pepper for taste.
  2. Peel the potatoes, dry them from excess moisture on a paper towel, rub them on a coarse grater, add salt, add flour so that the casserole is not crumbly, and knead well.
  3. Put part of the potatoes, all the mushroom mince in layers in the prepared form, sprinkle with cucumbers, cut into thin slices, cover with potato mass.
  4. We bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes, until tender.

Potato and vegetable casserole "Mosaic"


  • 1.5 kg of potatoes;
  • a bag of frozen vegetable mixture;
  • a package of frozen mushrooms;
  • one carrot;
  • one onion head;
  • garlic and herbs optional;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking description:

  1. Boil the potatoes, and add finely grated carrots to the water to give them a beautiful shade. Then beat the strong puree and add flour for greater viscosity.
  2. Fry mushrooms, vegetables, chopped garlic, herbs in oil, salt and pepper to taste, add your favorite seasonings.
  3. Then, on a baking sheet, form the first layer of half mashed potatoes, lay out all the vegetable filling and cover with the remaining potatoes.
  4. In an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for 20-25 minutes until a beautiful golden brown crust.

Potato casserole "Goldfish"


  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of fish fillets;
  • half a glass grows. oils;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • bulb;
  • greens;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt, sugar.
  • ground black and red pepper.

Cooking description:

  1. Cut the fillet into narrow plates, fry in oil. Brown the onion chopped in half rings.
  2. For the bottom layer, put half the potatoes, cut into thin slices, in a greased form. Dilute the tomato paste a little with water, sugar and spices, pour on top. We spread the fish, onions and cover with the rest of the potatoes.
  3. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees until the potatoes are cooked. Crackers will give your dish a nice crust. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Potato casserole with beans


  • dry beans - 1 tbsp.;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • onions - 3-4 heads;
  • breadcrumbs - 1 tablespoon;
  • frying oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking description:

  1. For this recipe, the beans must be prepared in advance by soaking and boiling until tender. We pass the boiled potatoes through a meat grinder. Grind the finished beans in a blender.
  2. In a deep bowl, mix the potatoes and beans well until smooth, add salt and pepper to taste. If you wish, you can add your favorite spices, it will go well with suneli hops or ground coriander.
  3. Fry finely chopped onions in oil until transparent, make sure not to overcook, this will change the taste of the dish.
  4. Grease the form or baking sheet with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and spread the mashed potatoes and beans, sandwiching with onions. We level the top, draw waves with a spoon and spray with oil.
  5. We bake in a hot oven until golden brown. Serve with finely chopped herbs.

Casseroles are simple and time-consuming in their own right - just mix certain foods and send them to cook in the oven - but that makes them just as delicious. As a rule, all family members love casseroles, at least for breakfast, at least for lunch, at least for dinner.

You should not give up on them during the fast - it turns out that eggs and milk in casseroles are not required components. One of the most delicious and satisfying options for a lean dish is potato casseroles.

Simple recipe

Quite often, mashed potatoes remain at home, which you don't really want to heat up and use for further meals as a side dish. This is just an excuse to cook a lean casserole (of course, with the proviso that mashed potatoes were made without milk and eggs).

Broccoli or cauliflower must be disassembled into small inflorescences and boiled for 5 minutes in water (then drained). If olives are used, cut them into slices, and finely chop the herbs and onions. Next, you need to mix mashed potatoes with starch and water, and also season the resulting mass with spices to taste - curry gives an interesting taste, for example. It remains to mix vegetables and herbs into it, put in a mold and bake for half an hour.

Read how to cook delicious - it's delicious meat with a pleasant sourness, and smoked plums add a smoky flavor.

Read step-by-step fluffy pancake recipes p.

Risotto with shrimps in a creamy sauce. Read on for how to properly prepare a seafood dish.

Lean potato casserole with mushrooms in the oven

Potatoes with mushrooms are a classic and beloved combination of flavors. You can use it to make a simple potato casserole during the fast.


  • 4 medium potatoes;
  • 200 gr. mushrooms;
  • 3 pickled (pickled) cucumbers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking time: 20 minutes plus baking time.

Caloric content: about 100 Kcal / 100 g.

First you need to mince the mushrooms and onion and fry them in a pan under the lid, salt and pepper. Cut the pickled cucumbers into thin slices. Peel and grate the potatoes, season with salt and pepper, and add flour.

Now you can collect the casserole - lay out in layers half the mass of grated potatoes, all the minced mushrooms from onions, cucumbers and the other half of the potatoes in layers.

The form will need to be covered with foil and placed in the oven for 40 minutes at 200 degrees. It is advisable to remove the foil 10 minutes before readiness - this is how a fried crust forms.

Vegetarian mashed potato casserole with vegetables

Packets of frozen vegetable mixes become especially popular during fasting, which is not surprising - it's tasty, simple and fast. True, many are at a standstill, trying to come up with dishes that can be prepared from these mixtures, excluding direct heating them in a pan. So, you can make a casserole out of them!


  • 1.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 packs of a mixture of frozen vegetables (any);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • greens to taste;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • vegetable oil (for frying);
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking time: 30 minutes plus baking time.

Caloric content: about 130 Kcal / 100 g.

The potatoes need to be peeled and boiled, and then mashed using the water in which they were cooked - the mashed potatoes should turn out to be quite thick. In a skillet, fry finely chopped onions and carrots, add chopped garlic and herbs there, and add the vegetable mixture, bringing everything together until tender.

It remains to grease the baking dish with vegetable oil, put half of the mashed potatoes, vegetables there and top with the remaining mashed potatoes. To make the casserole not only tasty, but also beautiful, at this stage you can make a "wave" spoon on its surface and put in the oven over medium heat for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Potato casserole with cabbage

Cabbage is a budget, tasty, satisfying, but at the same time a dietary product that practically saves in the post, since many different dishes can be prepared from it. One of them is the lean potato casserole, which is sure to please even the most seasoned meat-eaters, and also will not harm those who are on a diet.


  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of white cabbage;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1 bunch of green onions;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking time: half an hour plus baking time.

Caloric content: about 140 Kcal / 100 g.

The potatoes need to be boiled and mashed, adding a little potato broth - as a result, you should get a thick mass.

Cabbage should be chopped as finely as possible and stewed in a small amount of the same potato broth with the addition of a drop of vegetable oil and, as it cooks, semolina.

It should take about 10 minutes to stew the cabbage in general - this must be done under the lid.

Season the finished puree with chopped dill and green onions, as well as garlic, stir in the cabbage mince and flour and put everything in a baking dish.

Preparing a potato casserole with cabbage in the oven for about half an hour with a temperature of 180 degrees.

In fact, there are many options for preparing such a dish - for example, stew cabbage with carrots, onions and tomato paste and do not mix it into mashed potatoes, but lay it out in layers.

Or you can add onions and some mushrooms to cabbage, removing semolina from the recipe. And also, if you wish, you can replace white cabbage with another one - cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc. The combination of potatoes with cabbage will still be successful.

Cooking casseroles can hardly be called a tricky business, but there are secrets here, which will not be superfluous to listen to for any, even the most experienced housewife.

  1. An appetizing fried crust on a casserole can be obtained by greasing it with mayonnaise on top - only with the amendment that the mayonnaise should now be lean;
  2. Casseroles made from mashed potatoes are more tender and airy, and from grated or sliced ​​potatoes, they are more crispy and spicy;
  3. For potato casseroles, you can use not only fresh, but also dried or pickled, as well as salted mushrooms. And every time you get a new taste;
  4. Lean potato casseroles are good to serve with pickles, fresh vegetables and herbs, as well as with sauces that can be prepared during the fast from the same lean mayonnaise with the addition of tomato paste, garlic and dried spices;
  5. It is not worth getting the casserole out of the oven right away, it is advisable to let it stand in it for a little while with the heat already off, which will allow the dish to retain its shape;
  6. You can use different spices for potato casseroles, including ready-made potato dish sets. But besides them, cumin and nutmeg are well suited, as well as black pepper, dried garlic and Provencal herbs;
  7. If the casserole is made from grated raw potatoes, then there is no need to be afraid that it will not stick together - it will contain natural starch, it will bind everything. In other cases, it is advisable to add dry starch or flour.

Enjoy your lean meal!

Step-by-step recipes for lean potato casserole in the oven with mushrooms, fresh and frozen vegetables

2018-03-20 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of finished dish

2 gr.

3 gr.


18 gr.

112 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Lean Potato Casserole with Vegetables

Recipe for lean potato casserole with juicy vegetable filling. Mashed potatoes will be used as a basis, you can cook it in advance or cook it strictly according to the recipe from the products listed in the list. Available vegetables will be used for the filling; we cook them in vegetable oil.


  • 8 potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 10 g garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of crackers;
  • 40 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1 pepper;
  • herbs, spices.

Step-by-step recipe for a classic lean casserole

Cut the peeled potato tubers, fill with water, boil until soft. Be sure to salt at the end. We drain the liquid. Grind the vegetable until puree, add a little greens and flour. Stir the potato mass thoroughly.

While the potatoes were boiling, vegetables had to be prepared for the filling. We clean everything, chop finely, fry in vegetable oil. If there is no fresh bell pepper, then you can take it from the freezer. Salt and pepper the vegetables, add garlic.

Lubricate the mold with the remaining oil, sprinkle with crackers, leave a little for the top of the casserole. We spread half of the potatoes, then the filling and mashed potatoes again. Smooth it out, sprinkle with croutons on the casserole.

Place the lean casserole in the oven. Since the ingredients have already passed the heat treatment, we cook for about a quarter of an hour at 200 degrees. Carefully take out, divide into portions, serve with ketchup or other lean sauce. By the way, a flavored pesto sauce would be a good option.

If desired, we use eggplant, zucchini, and any other vegetables for the filling. They don't have to be fresh, you can even chop a pickle for taste.

Option 2: A quick recipe for lean potato casserole with mushrooms

This recipe is different in that you do not need to cook potatoes and filling in advance. Assembling the casserole will take about ten minutes. Mushrooms for the filling are used pickled or salted. The oven can be turned on immediately at 180-190, let it warm up for now.


  • 7 potatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons of starch;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 200 g of mushrooms;
  • 0.5 bunch of dill;
  • bulb.

How to quickly make a potato casserole

We chop the mushrooms. You can make plates, cubes, or shape the pieces into any other shape. We throw mushrooms and other small specimens entirely. It is only important to carefully drain the marinade. If the mushrooms are very salty, then rinse. Add finely chopped onion and dill, stir.

We rub the potatoes, add starch (you can replace it with flour), salt, stir and immediately put half into a greased form. Then mushrooms and potatoes again. Align, cover with a layer of oil.

Cover the dish with a lean casserole with a piece of foil, cook for half an hour. Then we remove the foil and cook for another fifteen minutes. The exact time depends on the type of potato, as well as the thickness of the layer.

You can also use fresh mushrooms for the filling, but first you need to boil or fry them a little. If the product has undergone preliminary processing and is taken from the freezer, then let it thaw, squeeze out the moisture.

Option 3: Lean potato casserole in the oven

Sauerkraut will be used for the filling in this recipe. It is very important to properly prepare the vegetable and stew until soft before cooking potato lean casserole in the oven.


  • 700 g potatoes;
  • 500 g sauerkraut;
  • 2 onions;
  • 40 g flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato;
  • oil, spices.

How to cook

We put the peeled and cut into pieces potatoes to cook. We prepare ordinary mashed potatoes from it, you can add any spices to it, salt to your taste, at the very end we introduce a couple of tablespoons of flour so that the casserole is stronger, and the layers keep their shape.

Chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil, add the cabbage. Fry lightly, then cover and simmer. This process is not quick, the sour vegetable will cook for about 25 minutes. Then we introduce the tomato, you can fill the filling with herbs.

We collect the casserole in a greased form, put sauerkraut between two layers of potatoes. Smear the top, cover with a thin layer of vegetable oil. You can just sprinkle it. Sprinkle with croutons if desired. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until all layers are set.

For the filling, you can even use very sour cabbage, but it is better to rinse it first, then squeeze it, only then stew and fry.

Option 4: Lean Potato Casserole with Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a wonderful food that will find its place in a lean potato casserole. Recipe with the addition of carrots. An obligatory ingredient is white bread crumbs.


  • 700 g potatoes;
  • 50 g onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 40 ml of oil;
  • 50 g crackers;
  • 300 g of cabbage inflorescences;
  • 3 tablespoons flour.

Step by step recipe

We break the cabbage with inflorescences, put it in boiling water, boil it for five minutes. Drain into a colander.

Fry onions with carrots a little. Cook the potatoes peeled and chopped until tender, salt, make mashed potatoes. As soon as all the pieces are mashed, add flour, mix, add fried carrots with onions.

Lubricate the form, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, spread the cabbage. We send potatoes to the top of the inflorescences, fill in all the voids, level, sprinkle with crackers on top.

Cooking a lean casserole of potatoes for about 20 minutes, it should brown a little. Then we take it out, turn it over into a dish, divide it into portions.

You can make a casserole with broccoli inflorescences in exactly the same way. They are boiled a little less than cauliflower, it is enough to boil for two minutes, then use according to the recipe.

Option 5: Lean Potato Casserole with Mexican Blend

Frozen vegetable mixes are now sold in all stores, they are very simple and easy to prepare, they can be used in different dishes. Another very interesting option for lean potato casserole in the oven.


  • 8 potatoes;
  • 300 g of Mexican mixture;
  • 80 g flour;
  • 30 ml of oil;
  • 30 g crackers;
  • spices, garlic.

How to cook

Prepare ordinary mashed potatoes of a thick consistency, season with salt, knead, add flour and stir.

For the filling, place the frozen Mexican mixture in a heated frying pan with butter, but do not cover, as indicated on the package. Cook in an open container until all the moisture has evaporated, salt, pepper, fill the filling with fresh or dry garlic.

Lubricate the casserole dish, cover with crackers. The Mexican mix can be simply added to the potato mass or filled with filling. We do as we like and put the casserole in the oven. Cooking for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

If there is no Mexican blend, then you can use Hawaiian vegetables or separate the ingredients to your liking. Mushrooms in such a casserole will also not be superfluous.

Option 6: Lean potato casserole in the rustic oven

For such a lean casserole in the oven from potatoes, fresh mushrooms are additionally needed. The filling requires pre-frying, but this is only necessary to remove excess moisture and improve the taste of the mushrooms.


  • 5 potatoes;
  • 200 g of champignons;
  • 4 tablespoons of oil (lean);
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 3 pickled cucumbers;
  • 100 g onions.

How to cook

In vegetable oil (three tablespoons), fry the diced onion. We also finely chop the champignons, add, evaporate the water from them. As soon as the mushrooms begin to fry, add pickles, grated or cut into small cubes. Warm up with them, add herbs, garlic and any seasonings to taste.

We rub the potatoes, salt and pepper, add flour, knead thoroughly. We spread a little mass in the form, then the filling and hide it all under a layer of potatoes. Cover with foil. Cooking a lean casserole for half an hour.

Open the casserole and sprinkle the top with the remaining vegetable oil. We increase the temperature from 180 to 220 degrees, cook until golden brown.

Additionally, you can add a little tomato sauce or paste to the filling, they will enhance the taste of the mushrooms, make it even more interesting, and change the color a little.