The benefits and harms of bananas for the health of the body. Useful properties of bananas

16.08.2019 Beverages

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits on the planet, they are grown in 150 countries, and the volume of production in the world exceeds 105 million tons. This popularity is determined by the beneficial properties of bananas (more precisely, the composition), the ability to ripen during transportation and ease of use. Knowing how to store bananas, you can buy delicious fruits for future use and not worry - a quick snack is always at hand.

Why bananas are useful for the human body

Recently, food is increasingly called a medicine that can protect and even cure all diseases. Bananas fill a niche in this "treatment." First of all, they usually talk about their nutritional value and calorie content (up to 100 kcal per 100 g). The beneficial properties of bananas are such that they can satisfy hunger in any situation, even on an empty stomach, because they contain various enzymes, including malic acid, which make them easily digestible. And fiber, pectins and soft fibrous structure correctly adjust the work of the stomach, intestines and pancreas, without irritating or burdening them.
The beneficial properties of bananas are determined by their rich and balanced chemical composition, which has a good effect on all organs and systems of a person. The amount of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids depends on the type and degree of maturity of the fetus. Bananas contain a significant amount of ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system, slows down aging, as a powerful antioxidant, and has a preventive effect against cancer. Vitamin A protects vision, slows down the development and facilitates the course of cardiovascular diseases. The group of B vitamins not only improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair, they are involved in a positive mood of the emotional and psychological state.
Potassium and magnesium are needed for heart disease. In addition, they are involved in strengthening the bone and muscle skeleton. This is important for athletes and people who perform hard physical labor. Bananas also help them increase stamina and adapt to heavy loads. Trace elements that bananas contain maintain an optimal water-electrolyte balance and remove excess fluid from the body, relieve edema.

Enjoyable sweet banana pulp with high potassium content helps to overcome tobacco addiction. Doctors advise to eat a quarter of a banana instead of a cigarette during the period of smoking cessation.

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Useful properties of amino acids in bananas

The beneficial properties of bananas, in addition to carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, are determined by amino acids. The composition of these fruits contains three essential amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize, and this is undoubtedly what bananas are useful for the normal functioning of the body.
Tryptophan normalizes metabolism, participates in synthesis processes, as a result of which the state of tension and anxiety decreases, the sensitivity to pain decreases, and natural sleep is normalized. Tryptophan, by converting to serotonin, improves mood and helps to defeat anger or aggression.
Lysine promotes the absorption of collagen and calcium by the body, which preserves and improves the appearance of a person, and also reduces the reaction of cartilage and bone tissue to stress. Thanks to this, bananas are useful for speedy recovery from injuries.
Methionine is a strong antioxidant that participates in the synthesis of adrenaline, ensures normal liver function, enhances the effect of hormones and vitamins on the body, protects arteries from fatty deposits, improves the condition of the skin and hair - still undeniable beneficial properties of bananas.
Bananas also contain the nonessential amino acid tyrosine, which is involved in the synthesis of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which improves mood and overall tone of the body. This acid promotes the production of melanin and the appearance of a brown skin tone when exposed to sunlight. In addition, tyrosine suppresses hunger and restores the body after any stress, mental and physical, helps the brain, improves the ability to concentrate, and increases alertness.
The presence of amino acids in bananas, along with a sufficient amount of vitamins C and group B, allows nutritionists to include it in the antidepressant "happiness menu".

Why bananas are good for women

The main help to the female body is manifested during the PMS period and, in fact, on critical days. Bananas reduce pain, reduce bleeding, replenish B vitamins, and help increase hemoglobin if it drops during this period.
During pregnancy, the beneficial properties of bananas help to cope with bouts of nausea. they usually do not induce a gag reflex. Bananas easily satisfy hunger, relieve heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, keep muscles and internal organs in good shape, helping to bear fruit. Constipation, a problem for many women during pregnancy, can be overcome or at least relieved by eating one banana on an empty stomach every day.
Bananas are also useful during breastfeeding - the baby's mother can eat bananas in the same mode as during pregnancy, because their proteins get into the amniotic fluid, and the baby has time to get used to them. However, you should still limit yourself to 2 - 3 pieces per week, carefully observing the baby - if there is a rash or seething in the baby's tummy, which can cause intestinal colic.
Doctors do not mind and even advise including bananas in the menu of pregnant and lactating women, because they are hypoallergenic, relieve many problems, make life easier and increase comfort. However, they must be very ripe. Green bananas can cause diarrhea, and overripe bananas can cause constipation. Knowing how to store bananas can avoid these problems.

Why bananas are good for men

All the beneficial properties of bananas are relevant for men as well, but the main thing in men's life is magnesium in the composition of bananas, which is necessary to increase potency. Eating at least one banana every few days will increase the duration of your erection as well as improve the quality of your sperm. The magnesium in bananas contributes to the appearance of especially mobile "nimble" spermatozoa. In addition, bananas are included in the diet after surgery for prostate diseases.

Useful properties of bananas in dietary nutrition

Easy-to-digest banana pulp, which does not require heat treatment before use, is often included by physicians in dietary and medical nutrition. Most often, various sources describe a banana-milk diet. It is prescribed after a lot of weight loss. It helps with the gradual transition from strict restrictions to a normal diet. The beneficial properties of bananas and the gentle nature of the diet allow you to practice it every month for 2 days, when you need to drink 2 glasses of milk and eat 2 bananas.

Useful properties of bananas in cosmetology - masks for skin and hair from bananas

The beneficial properties of bananas are fully manifested in cosmetology. Ripe bananas in their consistency and composition are an excellent base for cosmetic masks. All vitamins - A, C, E, group B and trace elements magnesium, potassium, etc., which are contained in these fruits, easily overcome the skin barrier and nourish the skin and hair not only from the outside, but also from the inside. These beneficial properties of bananas make it possible to use them for all skin types, complementing the masks with traditional ingredients that will enhance their effect.
The pulp of bananas for masks is best chopped with a mixer or blender. The result is a soft, homogeneous mass that is convenient to apply and then remove from the skin or hair. In addition, the effectiveness of carefully chopped and mixed masks is much higher than masks made from fruits simply mashed with a fork.
Mask for quick restoration of the skin of the face and décolleté... Grind the pulp of 1 small banana with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream (can be replaced with heavy cream). Apply immediately on face for 20 - 30 minutes, then rinse, preferably with warm, still mineral water. The skin is tightened, it acquires freshness and an even tone. To enhance the effectiveness of the mask for dry skin add beaten egg yolk, and for oily skin - white. In addition, it is useful to drip a little pharmacy oil solution of vitamin A into the mask.
Mask to restore and maintain collagen in the skin... Grind the egg yolk with 1 tsp. natural yogurt, mix with the pulp of half a banana.
Acne Blemish Treatment Mask... 1 tbsp. l. chopped oatmeal mix with a pinch of ground nutmeg, pour 1 tbsp. l. warm milk. After a couple of minutes, grind the mixture with banana pulp. Apply regularly to acne and pimple marks, let it dry completely, rinse with warm or cool water. To enhance the effect, the mask can be washed off with a cotton swab dipped in calendula decoction.
Banana mass for a soothing and revitalizing bath... Beat 1 kg of mashed banana with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix the resulting mixture with warm water and dissolve in bath water. After the end of the water procedure, wash off the traces of the mask with a warm, and then a cool shower.
Restoration of the skin on the heels... Lubricate dry rough heels and cracks on them with banana puree, stand for 10 minutes, rinse and make a contrasting bath for the feet, preferably in a decoction of chamomile.
Mask for dry and brittle hair... A mixture of puree of 2 very ripe bananas and 2 tbsp. l. apply honey to the hair with a massaging motion, rub lightly into the scalp and distribute over the entire length of the hair. Close your hair with a special cap or a plastic bag, wrap your head with a warm scarf on top. After half an hour, rinse with water and wash your hair with a suitable shampoo.
Mask to improve hair structure, reduce hair loss and hair loss... Mix the pulp of one banana with 100 g of natural yogurt or curdled milk, rub into the scalp - milk components will enhance the beneficial properties of bananas. After an hour, wash your hair as usual.

Useful properties of bananas - using the peel

Banana peel brings health and beauty benefits. With the inner side of the peel, you can wipe your teeth, it will give them calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements, which will strengthen bone tissue and enamel, and daily rubbing will make your teeth whiter.
In addition, the treatment with the inner side of the peel helps to solve a lot of skin problems:
reduces swelling and itching from insect bites, they are wiped with a peel, then a fresh piece is attached with a plaster to the bite site for a while;
reduces pain and accelerates the healing of abrasions, scratches, sunburns, due to the effect on them of essential oils and enzymes that are in the peel;
helps to remove warts, for this the peel is fixed on the wart at night, repeated until it disappears;
reduces inflammation of the skin affected by psoriasis or acne;
enzymes in the peel pull deep splinters to the surface.
Another use of the peel does not apply directly to humans, but makes bananas useful in everyday life. Dry or simply crushed, it is an excellent fertilizer for garden and indoor plants.

Who shouldn't overuse bananas

Bananas have practically no contraindications. However, some health problems require moderation and caution in the consumption of bananas. They can increase the viscosity of the blood, which will have a negative effect on varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and cardiovascular diseases. Because of the large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates and the high glycemic index of bananas, people with diabetes and overweight should include them in their diet very carefully, only with the permission of a doctor.
Eating bananas before main meals with a lot of protein increases gas production in some. Gas formation is also enhanced by eating green, unripe bananas due to the large amount of insoluble starch that has not had time to turn into sugar - an occasion to learn how to store greenish bananas so that they do not cause inconvenience and ripen quickly.

Bananas are a reliable source of strength and good mood

And yet, the most important useful property of bananas is the positive that these sweet, yellow fruits filled with the warmth of the south bring into our life. They are hassle-free and easy to use, and can and should be eaten raw. They are indispensable on the road, in line, at school, when you just need to "freeze the worm" and there is no way to wash your hands. Moreover, a banana is a real box with energy that nature gave us. After all, it contains all three types of natural sugars - glucose, sucrose and fructose. To get a long-term rejuvenation effect, you must first eat a very ripe banana, its pulp will be absorbed quickly and instantly charge the body with fresh energy, and after it - less ripe, it will digest much longer, gradually releasing its calories. This will provide each person with strength and good mood, at least for several hours.

Tip: How to store bananas

Bananas are one of the few fruits that often end up on store shelves unripe. Therefore, it is so important to know how to store bananas. For quick ripening, green bananas are placed in a warm (but not hot) place wrapped in a cotton cloth or paper bag. To stimulate the ripening process, along with bananas, you need to put some kind of ripe fruit that secretes phytohormone (ethylene). It can be an apple, pear, tomato, pomegranate. It is better not to use citrus fruits, the essential oils contained in them can interrupt the aroma of bananas.
To slow down the natural ripening process, green bananas do not need to be left next to other fruits. They also need to be wrapped in cloth or paper and left in a cool place at a temperature of at least 15 degrees. Ripe bananas are also stored.

Tip: How bananas cannot be stored

Bananas cannot be stored in the refrigerator, they spoil faster and lose their taste and useful properties. If bananas are placed in plastic bags, they will release condensation, and this contributes to the development of fruit rot.

Bananas taste good and can easily become a worthy substitute for dessert. They are popular with many people. But few people know what exactly is in their composition, what they are rich in.

You can understand in more detail what the benefits of bananas are for women by examining their composition and properties. The product directly affects the physiological processes in the body. It is important to know if the product is harmful and when it is recommended to limit its use.

In contact with

Bananas are a natural product for humans

Bananas are not only delicious, but also high in calories. But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the use of them. After all, they are rich in vitamins, as well as trace elements, especially potassium, which is reflected in the benefits for women and men. The fetus first appeared in Southeast Asia.

Loved by many people around the world. And not only in the usual fresh form. They are fried, canned, boiled and baked. Many women add to dishes as an ingredient.

The varieties that exist at the moment were bred artificially. They can be divided into desserts, which have a sweet taste, and "plane trees", which require heat treatment, characterized by hardness and lack of sweetness. The latter variety is usually not eaten by people.

To maximize the benefits, the fruits are harvested immature. This helps to avoid overripe. If the peel begins to crack, this will affect the benefits of bananas, leading to a loss of taste and aroma.

The texture is soft and the taste is sweet, making this fruit a favorite with children. There is a benefit that the fetus has on the body of any person, regardless of the sex of the latter:

  1. An antidepressant of natural origin. After the fruit has been eaten, the body begins to actively produce serotonin. This hormone has been assigned the "happiness hormone". Such benefits of the fruit are directed more towards those who are regularly exposed to stress and worries.
  2. The benefits of a banana lie in the quick feeling of fullness it causes. Suitable for a hearty snack in between meals.
  3. Accelerates the process of removing toxins, including those that appear in the body with the ingestion of alcohol. For good, eat after the holidays, feasts.
  4. Replenishes the body with vitamins, including groups B, C and potassium. This has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  5. Differs in high fiber content. Does not have an aggressive effect on the intestines and stomach. For various diseases of the digestive system, including gastritis, it is recommended to eat this fruit to alleviate the condition.

Benefits for women

Many are interested in how a banana is useful for a woman's body. Indeed, in addition to those listed, there are properties that have a positive effect on women's health. Many people monitor their weight and periodically adhere to various diets. The beneficial properties of a banana for women are to quickly saturate the body.

Regardless of the calorie content, women should feast on this fruit, including those who adhere to dietary restrictions. It is only important to do everything in moderation.


To understand how bananas are good for women, it is worth studying the composition. They are rich in vitamin C. They contain choline, vitamins B6 and B9. The presence of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium is noted. In addition, the composition is distinguished by the presence of iron, calcium and zinc in small quantities. The pulp contains fiber. At the same time, dried fruit has no less benefits than fresh.

Banana chemical composition

Calorie content

The benefits and harms of bananas for women are reflected in the state of her body. In addition to the composition, it is worth studying the issue of calorie content. Most of it is carbohydrates. In 100 grams of fruit, carbohydrates account for about 21 grams. Fat is much less, only 0.5 grams, while proteins account for 1.5 grams. 100 grams of banana has a caloric value of 96 kcal.

Everyone should enrich their diet by adding this fruit to it. After all, the benefits of bananas for a woman's body are expressed in the following:

  1. Promotes the elimination of toxins from the woman's body. Thanks to this, cleansing occurs at the cellular level.
  2. Benefits for the skin. With one banana daily, the epidermis looks more toned. The woman will notice how her skin has become younger.
  3. It has already been noted that the fruit triggers the active production of serotonin inside. Therefore, it becomes easier for women to endure PMS, to cope with stress. The benefits of banana boils down to reducing pain that occurs in the lower abdomen during menstruation.
  4. Eating the fruit increases the production of oxytocin.
  5. A good remedy for the prevention of migraines.

Despite the listed useful properties of the product, it is not recommended to abuse it. If there are too many fruits, it will provoke bloating and other negative consequences. Therefore, a banana carries both benefits and harm to a woman's health, which is definitely recommended to be taken into account.

Bananas, the benefits and harms for women in whose position have their own characteristics, are popular. The elements contained in the composition have a positive effect on her baby too:

  1. Potassium is essential for improving the functioning of the heart muscle. Often in women who are in a position, there is an increase in pressure. Banana improves condition and reduces puffiness in a woman.
  2. Folic acid is needed for the proper development of the fetal nervous system. A pregnant woman has a high need for this type of vitamin. Therefore, it is recommended to add bananas to the diet.
  3. The zinc contained in this fruit contributes to the normal development of the baby's taste receptors and is necessary to maintain immunity.
  4. Banana contains fiber, so that a pregnant woman can cope with constipation. The bowel function will also improve, heartburn will pass.

A pregnant woman may experience sudden mood swings. Banana will help improve it.

Breastfeeding is an important period in a mom's life. Therefore, women carefully monitor their diet at this stage. Banana helps to replenish the supply of vitamins, which is so necessary for a mother after childbirth. Her body needs to compensate for the lost minerals.

The benefits of a banana when breastfeeding are:

  • improving a woman's mood;
  • good option for a snack during the day.

If a woman, while in position, ate bananas, then while breastfeeding, you can continue to include them in the diet. It is recommended to limit the consumption of this fruit only in the first days of feeding.

It is recommended that you start giving your child bananas no earlier than one year old. When a rash appears on the body or if the baby is swollen, then it is worth giving up this fruit for a while. A little later, you can try again to introduce bananas into the child's diet. But it is important to do it carefully, in small portions. The benefits of bananas for children boil down to the following:

  • improves concentration, reduces fatigue;
  • sleep improves, the body as a whole is strengthened;
  • takes part in the formation of muscles and bone tissues;
  • improves brain function.

Banana benefits not only the body of a woman, but also a man. The benefits for men are:

  • energizes. For such benefits, it is recommended to use berries for men who are actively involved in sports or those who regularly face increased physical exertion;
  • accelerates the recovery of muscle tissue.

How to use so that the beneficial properties are preserved?

In addition to fresh consumption, bananas are boiled, baked, fried. After the processing temperature, the taste of the product becomes sweeter. But at the same time, some of the vitamins from the fruit are lost.

If boiled, then dietary fiber, fiber and pectin will be preserved. The banana will not lose its benefits, but it will be slightly less than when consumed fresh.

Is harm possible?

There are so-called contraindications when it is worth giving up bananas. This applies to cases where the possible harm from introducing it into the diet far outweighs the benefits that can be obtained. It is recommended to refuse if:

  1. There is an allergy. If you have an individual intolerance to avocado, then a banana will also cause allergies. Although it is not a strong allergen.
  2. With diabetes. This is not an indication for a complete rejection of bananas, despite the calorie content and high sugar content. It is important to consider the ripeness of the fruit. The more ripe it is, the more sugar it contains. Therefore, diabetics should choose slightly unripe fruits with a green stem. Reduce banana consumption to a minimum. Consult a doctor beforehand.
  3. Children under 3 years old. You can also not give up the fruit completely. It is only recommended to give it in a limited amount. Banana helps to stimulate the intestinal mucosa. In children at this age, an overabundance of the fetus can lead to colic.
  4. Overweight. It is worth carefully monitoring how many bananas are present in the diet. This is due to both their calorie content and the high starch content in the composition. To determine the optimal amount of fruit destroyed per day, it is worth contacting a nutritionist.

Useful video

The benefits of bananas have a positive effect on the health and appearance of both women and men. You can learn about all the beneficial properties of bananas from the following video:


  1. Sweet bananas, the benefits and harms for the woman's body are described above, are loved by many people. They contain a lot of vitamins, trace elements, including potassium, zinc, folic acid.
  2. The benefits of bananas lie in the ability to improve mood, cleanse the body, and fast satiety.
  3. It is important to consider contraindications so as not to harm the body, as well as to know when to stop and not to consume too many berries.

Text: Elena Dolina

Banana has many beneficial properties for human health: this fruit has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, improves skin condition, normalizes blood pressure and improves mood. But what's especially nice: banana lovers never complain about their sex life - for which there is a completely scientific explanation.

Health Benefits of Bananas

Nutritionists highly respect banana, the beneficial properties of which are due to its unique composition. Banana contains an abundance of potassium and magnesium - very useful trace elements that have a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, nourish and oxygenate the brain cells, and normalize the water-salt balance. In addition, recent studies by scientists have shown that a diet rich in potassium and magnesium can help people who want to quit smoking to overcome the so-called "barrier of addiction." Thus, bananas are now deservedly attributed to a useful and rare property to rid the body of cravings for smoking.

In addition to potassium and magnesium, banana contains a large amount of useful B vitamins, so that even one eaten banana can relieve a person from nervous tension, relieve stress fatigue, and suppress an outbreak of unjustified aggression. The beneficial property of a banana to have a positive effect on the human nervous system is explained by the content of a special aminopropionic acid called "tryptophan" in it. This substance, getting into the human body, is converted into serotonin, popularly known as the "hormone of happiness." And this gives the right to conclude that a banana is an extremely healthy fruit for mood, which has the ability to drive away sadness, blues and the beginnings of depression.

Other benefits of banana include:

  • due to its high iron content, banana is useful for the formation of hemoglobin in the blood;

  • fiber, which bananas are rich in, helps to eliminate problems in the gastrointestinal tract;

  • since bananas contain all possible types of natural sugar at once - glucose, fructose and sucrose - this fruit has the beneficial property of instantly energizing a tired or exhausted body (which is why bananas are so popular among professional athletes).

The beauty benefits of bananas

However, bananas are useful not only for health, they also have valuable properties for human beauty. Bananas are often used as a base for nutritious masks. The following version of the express mask is especially popular among women: the pulp of 1-2 bananas is rubbed together with the 1st. a spoonful of heavy cream and 1 tsp. a spoonful of honey. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, it is immediately applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face, and left for 20-25 minutes. Then they are washed off with warm water or non-carbonated mineral water. The effect is immediate: the skin is tightened, acquires a smoother tone and freshness.

Banana is also useful for skin that has inflamed areas or insect bites - this fruit has the ability to quickly relieve itching and irritation. It is enough to rub the area of ​​inflammation a little with the inner side of the banana peel.

Benefits of bananas in the service of sexuality

And finally, one of the most amazing and enjoyable properties of a banana is its ability to significantly increase a person's sexual performance. It's all about the already mentioned tryptophan. When bananas are eaten, this amino acid not only improves mood by stimulating serotonin production. Along with this, entering into complex chemical processes in the body, this amino acid has the beneficial property of increasing potency in men and increasing sexual desire in women. That is why bananas have earned a place of honor on the list of aphrodisiac foods. Well, besides, bananas contribute to the production of the so-called love hormone - oxytocin. Which makes people feel deeply affection and sexual intimacy.

So, no matter what sphere of human health you take, it is evident from everything that banana is a very, very useful product. And besides - and amazingly delicious! It is not without reason that the banana diet for weight loss is considered one of the most enjoyable and easy. Eat bananas for health and lose weight with pleasure!

For many people, a banana is the most beloved fruit since childhood, but not everyone thinks about what it is good for the body. In adulthood, weight watchers often refuse these fruits, as they are high in carbohydrates. However, the competent use of the fruit can greatly strengthen the body.

Banana chemical composition

People who suffer from allergies or intolerances to certain foods are accustomed to perceive the banana as a kind of lifesaver. Banana owes its complex of beneficial properties to its chemical composition. This fruit contains many substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body:

  • potassium, which is rich in dried bananas, removes excess fluid;
  • sodium, calcium and phosphorus strengthen bones, teeth, nails, help with increased mental stress;
  • iron normalizes blood circulation, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • fiber helps with gastric diseases, since it envelops the walls of the stomach, serves as the prevention of gastritis;
  • magnesium helps the heart and brain function.

Calorie content

Girls who follow their figure are often in a hurry to abandon bananas after potatoes. Their fears have a logical basis: this is a high-calorie fruit. ? The nutritional value of a banana per 100 g is 95 kcal, and one fruit (without the peel) will "cost" about 120-150 kcal. To avoid problems with the figure, eat them 2-3 times a week. It is best to choose the morning hours: for example, a serving of oatmeal with dried bananas makes a great breakfast.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The beneficial properties of a banana are related to what substances it contains. One fruit accounts for:

  • proteins - 3 g;
  • fat - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 42 g.

Since fruits contain so many carbohydrates, it is best to use their properties in a snack after exercise, sports. They contain a lot of fructose, the properties of which block the feeling of hunger, allow the body to burn previously accumulated fats after exercise. In addition, the properties of protein help to "build" muscles, so a banana smoothie with milk is an excellent shake after fitness.

What vitamins are contained in bananas

Like other fruits, bananas are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. For human health, vitamins A, E, group B, as well as C and PP are especially important, which have a complex effect on the condition of the skin and hair, strengthen the immune system, and help cope with stress. A large amount of vitamin A helps to maintain a beautiful complexion, strong nails and shiny hair, while the properties of vitamin E help to solve skin problems.

In addition, among the beneficial properties of banana, you can highlight the high content of tryptophan, which helps to produce serotonin (it is called the "hormone of happiness"). It has been proven that eating the fruit 2-3 times a week improves mood and improves well-being. Some experts talk about the beneficial properties of this fruit for male and female libido, calling it a natural aphrodisiac, along with chocolate and oysters.

The benefits and harms of bananas

Like any product, a banana cannot be called absolutely harmless in terms of its properties. There are a number of contraindications in which the use of this fruit should be minimized or completely excluded. For example:

  1. bananas should not be eaten with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, after heart attacks and strokes, since the starch contained in these fruits thickens the blood, which causes the risk of a blood clot;
  2. you should not overuse bananas for those who suffer from diabetes;
  3. nursing mothers should be careful.

During pregnancy

For expectant mothers, vitamins A (carotene) and B9, which are found in bananas, are especially useful. If the effect of carotene on the body is complex - healthy teeth, hair, nails, keen eyesight, then vitamin B9 (called folic acid) is a real building material for the female body, especially for pregnant women. Vitamin E, which is also found in these fruits, helps the skin to maintain its elasticity, which is important both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

With gastritis and stomach ulcers

Rich in fiber and starch, bananas for gastritis act as an excellent enveloping substance for the walls of the stomach. It's great if your breakfast consists of porridge and mashed banana (or you can cut the flesh into pieces). Vitamin B6 controls the production of a healthy amount of gastric juice, and vitamin B2 heals small wounds (including internal ones) and contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

For heart

Doctors note that bananas are good for the heart, since vitamin A serves as a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases and prevents the appearance of malignant tumors. Vitamin B6 removes excess fluid from the body, thereby reducing the stress on the heart. If there is a problem in this area, it is best to eat dried bananas, as they contain more potassium and magnesium.

For women

The nutritional benefits of fruits are not limited to food. There are known recipes for banana face and hair masks that are effective for restoring water balance, getting rid of dryness, and improving complexion. Usefulness is achieved due to the high concentration of vitamins A and E, and with the cosmetic use of the fruit, the calories are not terrible for the figure. However, eating bananas can:

  • normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • get rid of PMS;
  • increase the ability to conceive, since they contain folic acid (B9).

For men

Vitamin B9 (folic acid), which is useful for the female body, is useful for men, since it serves as the prevention of intimate difficulties. It has been proven that banana lovers can always boast of stable erections and healthy sex drive, even after 45 years. In addition, the properties of potassium have a good effect on sperm quality, increasing a man's chances of fatherhood.

With diarrhea

Eating bananas with diarrhea should be done with caution, as their viscous texture can provoke increased diarrhea. This is especially true for overripe fruits. However, one fruit eaten during illness or poisoning will be beneficial, since its vitamin complex will strengthen the weakened body. The high B2 content contributes to the normalization of the stomach and intestines.

For athletes

Bananas are high in carbohydrates that provide energy, so just one serving can provide you with the calories you need for your workout. To avoid drinking extra fluids, you can eat dried fruits or banana chips. The health benefits of processed fruits are higher than those of fresh fruits that contain water.

For kids

Doctors do not recommend giving bananas to children under three years of age. The fact is that at this age allergic reactions may not appear, in addition, a high content of vitamin K can lead to jaundice. The digestive system of babies is not always ready to digest these fruits, but a preschooler can be offered a banana cocktail instead of an afternoon snack.


Bananas were once recognized as harmful for weight loss, but now the opinion has changed. The three-day banana mono-diet is recognized as effective, and dried fruits are a very healthy snack after training in the gym. They suppress the feeling of hunger and control the level of cholesterol in the blood, thanks to which it is possible to quickly lose weight. Fresh fruit is best for breakfast.

Video: are bananas good for the body

Over the past decades, bananas have become an integral part of our diet. Now it is already very difficult to deny yourself your favorite delicacy. Nice to know that they are also very useful! Here are 22 reasons to eat bananas!

Eat right, exercise and!


1. Bananas help fight depression. They contain a lot of tryptophan, a substance from which serotonin, the hormone of happiness, is produced. Therefore, eating a banana can easily improve your mood.

2. Bananas are the only fruit that even in babies does not give an allergic reaction.

3. Strengthening bones. Bananas retain calcium in the body, it is not excreted in the urine, but remains in the body and is used to strengthen bones. This is especially important for coffee lovers, which, on the contrary, flushes calcium out of the body.

4. Improving microflora. Thanks to the enzymes that are part of bananas, substances that enter the body with the main food are absorbed by the body faster.

5. Constipation. Bananas are very beneficial for those who suffer from constipation. Regular consumption of bananas will eliminate this problem.

6. Bananas help get rid of problems such as heartburn.

7.. When consumed, bananas envelop the walls of the stomach and thereby protect it from aggressive substances and acids in food, this promotes healing and scarring of ulcers in the stomach.

8. With diarrhea. Those with diarrhea are advised to consume bananas. It is a very good restorative product.

9. The high content of potassium in the banana pulp saves those who exercise a lot from cramps in the calf muscles.

10. Swelling. Eating bananas significantly reduces swelling in those who suffer from it.

11. Source of energy. If you eat bananas before your workout, you will be able to exercise more efficiently - the sugar level will not rise very quickly and you will have enough energy until the end of the workout.

12. Improving digestion. Pectins and chelates, which are part of bananas, are good at removing other harmful substances, thereby improving digestion.

13. For women. Serotonin and other nutrients found in bananas are excellent for relieving PMS symptoms. If you eat a banana during your period, you can get rid of bad mood and unpleasant symptoms.

14. Anemia. The high iron content in banana pulp makes it an essential food for anemia.

15. Diseases of the heart. Potassium, which is abundant in bananas, helps to improve the condition, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, and treats hypertension.

16. Immunity. Bananas contain antioxidants and amino acids, and they are known to protect the body and improve immunity well.

17. Kidneys. Bananas can have a positive effect on work, nutrients, trace elements and improve their condition, remove sand and stones.

18. Nausea. Bananas are an excellent remedy for getting rid of nausea on the road or with toxicosis in pregnant women.

19. Itching from insect bites. Banana peels are a very good insect bite repellent - just place the inside of the banana peel over the bite for a few minutes.

20. From the heat. Bananas have the ability to lower body temperature. This will help you with a fever or extreme heat.

21. Quit smoking. When weaning from nicotine addiction, it is recommended to eat bananas - a large amount of vitamins, potassium, help remove nicotine residues from the body and adapt to life without cigarettes.

22. Increase of mental abilities. The high potassium content in bananas makes a person susceptible to new information, which is necessary when preparing for exams.