Beautiful pies and buns made from yeast dough. Yeast dough bun shapes and how to make beautiful buns

10.09.2019 Beverages

There are already many recipes on the site, and I have not yet had time to tell you how to make buns from yeast dough. And by the way, this is the most popular tea dish in our family. I use the same recipe for buns as I use for baking the rest of the buns.

Having dabbled in making a simple pastry, you can always make excellent airy buns - buns with sugar, cinnamon, poppy seeds and other additives. Buns can be in the form of butterflies, snails, curls, hearts.

Bun dough recipe

The number of ingredients is indicated for 8 large buns.

For dough:

  • Yeast - 25 g pressed or 7 g dry;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Warm milk - 250 ml.

For the test:

  • Vegetable oil (I use refined sunflower oil) - 0.5 cups;
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
  • Salt -0.5 tsp;
  • Flour - 3.5 cups (about 400 g);
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;

Filling for buns:

  • Melted butter - 30 g.
  • Sugar to taste
  • Cinnamon to taste

How to make sugar buns from yeast dough

I prepare the dough for buns in a sponge way.
So, let's measure out 250 ml. milk.

Milk is the basis for our dough, it should not be hot (at a temperature of 50 C, yeast dies, we must not allow this). But yeast will not start working in cold milk, so we heat the milk so that it is slightly hotter than room temperature.
Our buns will be cooked with pressed yeast, break off 25 g.

If desired, raw pressed yeast can be replaced with dry instant yeast, in this case you need to take 7 g of dry yeast.

Knead the yeast with a fork, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

We send half a teaspoon of salt to the dough for the dough. Crush the resulting mixture with a fork.

Add warm milk to the dough.

The yeast should dissolve well in the milk. Mix into a homogeneous liquid mass.

Add flour (3 tablespoons) to the mixture.

All flour that will be used for yeast dough must be sieved beforehand. This will saturate the flour with air and make the dough more tender and airy.

So, stir the mixture with flour, we get a blank for the dough.

We remove the dough in a warm place without drafts for 20-25 minutes. You can cover the dough with cling film or a clean towel.

How to cook can be found in a separate article.

How to make bun dough

While the dough reaches the lush foam we need, break the egg.

Add the remaining sugar (2 tablespoons) to the egg, grind.

There is no need to beat the egg with sugar until fluffy foam, just stir until smooth.

Pour vegetable oil (110 g) into the dough. This is about half of a regular faceted glass.

Now we need our dough, which has increased in size by this time.

Tip: The dough recipe can be used to make delicious and other baked goods.

Mix the dough and start adding flour in portions. A small part was added and stirred. Added again, stirred. In total, you should use 3.5 cups of flour. But, given that the flour is different for everyone, you may need a little more or a little less. Focus on the consistency of the dough.

At first, the yeast bun dough will look like this.

Then it will be difficult to knead with a spatula or spoon and you will have to put everything aside, proceed to kneading the dough with your hands.

When the dough becomes thick, spread it on a floured surface and begin kneading with your hands. You need to knead for about 10-12 minutes, until the dough becomes plastic. The dough will be sticky, which is normal. Even if it sticks a little to your hands, there is nothing wrong.

Of course, we can achieve a result with the help of flour so that the dough does not stick to our hands at all, but in this case we will get a dough filled with flour, dense dough, which in the finished baking will not be airy, but heavy.

Then put the dough in a bowl, grease it on top with a palm dipped in vegetable oil, cover with a towel and put it in a draft-free place for 1.5 hours.
After the allotted time, the dough will increase in size, you need to knead it and send it to the refrigerator for another 2 hours.

Put the well-fitting dough on a surface sprinkled with flour (or greased with vegetable oil).

Divide the dough by the number of buns you are planning. From this amount, I get 8 large buns. They turn out to be large, lush. So we first divide the dough into two equal parts, then each of the two parts - into two more pieces.

We divide each part by two more, we get 8 blanks for buns.

One part of the dough will be one bun, and the shape can be made very different - in the form of hearts, snails, butterflies.

The most popular and romantic are heart-shaped buns.

Buns with a heart

The buns in the shape of a heart are very reminiscent of a bun from Soviet times called the Moskovskaya bun (by the way, they are still sold in stores).

Making a heart out of dough is as easy as shelling pears! Follow my step by step instructions.
So, we roll out a piece of dough from our blanks into a circle. If the shape of an even circle does not work out, it does not matter, the heart from the dough will still come out wonderful.

Now brush the entire surface of the dough with melted butter with a brush.

Butter can be substituted with vegetable oil of your choice.

Sprinkle with sugar (you can use cinnamon or brown sugar). I will use regular sugar.
In the photo, it may seem that the sugar is poured in a heap in one place, in fact, the sugar is evenly distributed over the entire surface.
For a better impression of the sugar, you can use a rolling pin over the dough.

We begin to roll the cake into a roll.

We pinch the edge of the roll so that the dough does not come apart.

Now fold the roll in half and slightly pinch the edge.

With a sharp knife, cut through the "plump" part of the roll, not reaching 1.5 cm to the edge.

Now we turn out the cut edges, we get a heart.

In the finished form, the bun looks like this:

Butterfly buns

Children are very fond of buns in the form of butterflies. You can involve the kids in making them: roll the dough into rolls, lubricate the surface of the dough with oil with a brush - even a child can do it, and the pleasure will be overwhelming!

To make butterfly buns, we do the same steps, roll out the cake, grease it with butter, sprinkle it with sugar, then roll up the roll, pinch it ..

We turn the edges of the roll "under ourselves" and fasten it, as shown in the photo:

Using a knife, cut the edges of the roll on each side, not reaching the middle of the roll.

We open the wings of the butterfly with the inner side to us.

There are a lot of ideas on the Internet on what shape to make buns and buns. One has only to try once - and a variety of spirals, snails, hearts, butterflies and pigtails will appear on your table. Experiment and please your loved ones!

Now put the buns on a baking sheet covered with parchment, cover with a towel and let them stand for 15-20 minutes. Before baking, grease with yolk mixed with milk, and send to the oven at 180 C.
The oven must be preheated.
After 20 minutes, the buns are ready!

In contact with

For home-baking buns of various shapes, yeast dough is best suited, it holds its shape and tastes great, but puff pastry also makes the taste of the buns unique.

It is quite simple to sculpt buns with a filling, the main thing is to knead the dough correctly.



  1. Wheat flour -800 gr.;
  2. Vegetable oil-1 tbsp. l .;
  3. Milk-300gr .;
  4. Sugar - 120 gr.;
  5. Vanilla sugar-4 gr;
  6. Yeast-35 gr or 13 gr dry;
  7. Eggs-2 pcs.;
  8. Butter-120 gr.

Bun Yeast Dough Recipe

For the dough, you first need to prepare the dough, only then knead.

  1. Pie sweet step by step. The simplest form of burgers, the pie can be fresh fruit, cottage cheese, jam, or jam. A dough cake can be cut out with a glass shot and rolled out with a rolling pin up to 8 cm in diameter, put the filling in the middle, fasten the edges, leaving a small hole for powder or syrup.
  2. The next simple form of burglar baking is the flower. Roll out a dough cake with a diameter of 5-7 cm, cut the edges with a knife, put the filling in the middle with a teaspoon, bake the product in the oven at 190 degrees, 50 minutes.
  3. A cheesecake with cottage cheese or jam is made from a piece of dough rolled across. The cheesecake is formed from an oblong piece of dough, which must be cut from two edges, closer to the middle. A filling is placed in the middle of the workpiece, and the edges of the dough are threaded through the cuts.

Twisted buns: how to make yourself

To form twisted buns from the dough, the dough must be distributed in advance on bundles. This is a very easy way to make buns.

  1. Pigtail bun. A fairly wide piece of dough is distributed over 3 strands, leaving 1 cm on top. Further, the bundles must be twisted together, like a braid. We form the bundles so that the weaves are symmetrical, and the edges are folded down. After baking, the loaf can be rubbed with sugar.
  2. Network. It is necessary to form a braid from two edges of the cut dough. To do this, you need to roll out a piece of dough in an oval shape, spread the filling along the entire length of the workpiece, cut the edges with a knife and apply to the middle of the workpiece, covering the filling, as in the pictures.
  3. Snail bun. A tourniquet of dough, 10 cm long, must be twisted over the edges, gradually twisting inward. Making a snail is quite simple, you can make a beautiful design for it, decorating it with raisins, dried apricots or sesame seeds.

To make the pies not only tasty, but also beautiful, there are several available ways to shape the dough. Patties can be of different shapes.

  1. Closed pie with waves. A filling is applied to an ordinary dough blank, the edges of the dough are fastened together. Throughout the pie, you need to make waves with kitchen scissors or pinch the dough with your hands.
  2. Triangular patty. The formation of triangular pies is also simple, the filling is superimposed in the middle of the workpiece, only the pie is fastened a little differently. The edges of the workpiece are visually divided into 3 parts, the edges are assembled and fastened together.
  3. Puff pastry can be baked in an unusual shape, even in the form of animals. It is necessary to make the workpiece square, put the filling in the middle, bend the corners. Make a tourniquet of their dough, twist and put in the middle. After baking, you will get a funny pie in the shape of a pig.

In addition to pies of various beautiful shapes, it is possible to bake cookies, hamburger buns, various pies with and without filling, nuts with cream or condensed milk, croissants from puff or yeast dough.

Shapes of buns step by step with a photo

We all enjoy eating different buns. We see that they come in different shapes. And every time we want to know the taste of a bun of a different pastry and shape. And how to create or weave such delicious buns out of dough? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

Now you will learn how easy it is to create buns of different configurations. Yeast dough allows you to create different weaves of dough pieces to create sometimes even complex shapes.

  • Bun dough recipe
  • buns made from yeast dough: buns with sugar Spindle;
  • how to make pigtail buns;
  • how to sculpt chrysanthemum buns;
  • Weaving the simplest forms of buns video tutorial

Bun dough recipe

Cooking time 40 minutes. Dough rise time 2 hours.

Products for 1 kg of dough:

  • 1.5 tablespoons milk powder
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanillin
  • 130 grams of butter
  • 1 glass of water
  • 750 grams of flour
  • 25 grams dry (pressed) yeast
  • 2 eggs

Making yeast dough:

  1. Take 1/4 cup of water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and crush the yeast. Stir and leave to rise.
  2. Sift flour, remaining sugar, vanillin, milk powder into a large bowl and mix well. Pour warm boiled water, warm melted butter and yeast into the resulting mass, beat the eggs (Photo 1).

Knead the dough (Photo 2).

At first, it sticks a lot to your hands, but you don't need to add extra flour, you just need to knead well for at least 10-15 minutes.

3. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and place in a warm place before rising (Photo 3).

When the dough comes up, knead it, knead a little, and you can make buns.

Yeast dough rolls: Spindle shaped sugar rolls;

Weaving time 1.5 minutes for 1 bun.

Products for 20 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

How to make dough buns step by step:

  1. Roll a sausage out of the dough, cut it into pieces and roll out of each bun. Roll the balls into flat cakes with a diameter of about 10-12 cm. Brush each flat cake with a beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar on top (Photo 1).

2. Roll the cakes into rolls (Photo 2).

3. Cut the roll in half, not reaching the end by 1 1.5 cm (Photo 3).

4. Twist the resulting two strips together as in (Photo 4). Fasten the ends.

When the buns are braided, they should be placed on a baking sheet, allowed to rest for 20 minutes, then cover the top with a beaten egg. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C until golden brown.

Spindle Shape Buns; with sugar are ready.

Beautiful buns made from yeast dough Flowers;

Weaving time 1 minute for 1 bun.

Products for 15-20 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

Modeling the shape of buns Flowers ;:

  1. Divide the dough into small koloboks (like a children's cam), make a sausage from each kolobok (Photo 1).

2. Tie the sausage in a knot (not tight), without tightening to the end (Photo 2) and so that one end of the dough is longer than the other.

3. Take the short end of the dough and braid around the knot. Next, on the other side, braid the long end of the dough around the knot (Photo 3).

4. Attach one end to the side, and thread the other into the middle (Photo 4).

Sprinkle the top of the buns with sesame seeds, sugar, or crushed nuts. But first, cover it with a beaten raw egg. You can pour melted chocolate on the buns, but then you must first bake them and cool a little.

Flower-shaped buns; in the oven ready.

How to Make Pigtail Shaped Buns;

Weaving time for one bun is 1 minute.

Products for 15 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

Modeling of Pigtail buns;

  1. Divide the dough into koloboks, from which make a sausage (Photo 1).

2. Lay out the sausage as in photo 1: end B should be pulled out slightly unlike end A.

3. Put the end A into the loop (in photo 1 it is visible) and secure from the back (Photo 2). Only end B remains free.

4. Twist the oval that has formed (seen in photo 2) once with a figure eight (Photo 3).

End B remains at the top of the figure eight. Bring it back behind the product and pass it through the free hole of the figure eight (Photo 4).

It remains to transfer the buns to a baking sheet, let stand for 20 minutes and grease with a beaten egg. Then into the preheated oven, just like the other buns above.

Pigtail Shape Buns; ready.

How to sculpt chrysanthemum buns;

Weaving time for one bun 1.5 2 minutes.

Products for 15 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

Weaving buns Chrysanthemum; step by step:

  1. Divide the dough into koloboks, roll an oval out of each. Cut the oval into thin strips (Photo 1).

Roll the oval cut into strips into a roll, but not straight, but obliquely (Photo 1 and Photo 2).

Do everything carefully, the weaves should not be tight.

2. Twist the resulting roll with a snail (Photo 3),

fasten the end at the back of the product (Photo 4). Then place them on a baking sheet, let them melt, brush with a beaten egg and bake in a heated oven.

Chrysanthemums; it will turn out more interesting if the ovals, before cutting, grease with an egg and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

Chrysanthemum-shaped buns; from yeast dough are ready.

Weaving the simplest forms of buns - video tutorial

Happy baking with beautiful bun shapes.

When talking about sweet pastries, you can talk about it for hours. Many people know how to cook yeast dough and practice it very often. But when it comes to the shapes of buns, not every housewife can boast of the ability to sculpt beautiful shapes of buns from yeast dough with sugar. Today I will tell and show you how you can mold beautiful buns from yeast dough and it will be easy and simple. Study my photos carefully and you will succeed. Surprise your family with beautifully shaped buns, set the table and brew delicious tea. The family tea party will be held in a good mood and everyone will be able to choose the one that they like. Thanks to the photo, you will learn how to make beautiful buns.

Required products:

- 1 kg of yeast dough,
- 150 grams of granulated sugar,
- 1.5 teas. l. cinnamon,
- 60 grams of melted butter.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Divide the dough into pieces to roll a bun out of each. First, I will make the shape of a bun, which I call a "tulip". I roll out a circle of dough, grease the surface with butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Only sugar can be used, but cinnamon gives the buns an incredible flavor.

I fold the circle in half, lightly press down with my fingers.

Now I fold it in half again, it turns out a quarter of a mug, I slightly press the dough.

I am not making an incision in the dough completely.

I turn out the ends of the dough, give the shape of a flower.

I will make another bun shape, which also resembles a flower with petals. I roll a roll of dough, oiled, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon.

I connect the two ends of the tape measure and press the ends lightly so that the dough does not come apart.

I make three cuts with a knife, do not cut to the edge.

I turn each petal slightly outward.

Again, from a circle of dough I twist a roll (I grease the circle with butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon).

I make an incision in the center with a knife, but do not cut to the edges.

I turn the edges of the dough inward, and slightly turn the middle outward, it turns out a bun.

I'm rolling the roll again.

I fold it in half, ends together.

I cut with a knife from one edge, do not cut to the end by 1-1.5 cm.

I turn out the cut pieces and get a heart.

I roll out a circle from the dough, grease it with oil, sprinkle it all the same with sugar and cinnamon.

I roll up the roll.

I make cuts on both sides.

I turn each incision in different directions.

I connect the ends and form a beautiful bun.

I roll out the dough again.

I make a lot of stripes with a knife (you can take a pizza knife), but I cut in one direction, and I do not cut the edges.

I twist the dough into a spiral.

I wrap it in a circle and connect the ends. It turns out beautiful.

I roll out the dough in an elongated circle.

I roll it up with a tube.

I cut the tube into two strips. I leave the edges without a cut.

I turn each strip in different directions.

Now I twist it flat into a circle.

It turns out a bagel.

I put all the buns on a baking sheet and put them in a preheated oven.

I bake for 30 minutes at 180 °. Beautiful buns are ready.

Serving mouth-watering products to the table. Bon Appetite!

Surely there are no people who would not love homemade buns. Forms are different (we will tell you a little further how to make baked goods), not everyone is able to give such products. Therefore, we decided to devote the presented article to this particular topic. Learn how to make buns, curls and classic buns.

The forms are different: how to do it?

As a rule, they are prepared only from a rich yeast base. In other words, yeast or margarine, as well as granulated sugar, should be added to the dough for such products. After kneading the soft base, cover it with a towel and leave it aside for 80-90 minutes. During this time, the dough should rise several times, become as soft and fluffy as possible.

So how to make different It should be noted that most housewives prepare such baked goods without relying on any recipes. Therefore, you can give one or another shape to the buns at your own discretion.

However, there are also those chefs who prefer to cook only certain baked goods of specific sizes and shapes. Let's consider some of these options in more detail.

Classic products

How to make buns of different shapes? Before answering this question, you should tell how classic round products are formed. To do this, pinch off a fist-sized piece from the rich yeast base, and then grease it with vegetable oil and roll it into a ball. In this form, the semi-finished product is placed in a deep mold, and then all other products are laid out there. Moreover, there is no need to leave this or that distance between them. Indeed, after baking, semi-finished products flavored with oil move very well from each other.

We form buns

Now you know how classic buns are formed. The forms are different (we will tell you how to make buns right now) you can come up with such products yourself. However, in this section of the article, we decided to tell you how to make beautiful and neat buns.

A small piece is torn off from the pastry that has come and rolled into a round cake with a diameter of about 12 centimeters and a thickness of 7-8 millimeters. After that, the products are sprinkled with fine sugar and rolled into a tight roll. In the future, it is folded in half, the middle part is cut, leaving the ends in their entirety. Then the product is laid out on a greased baking sheet, having previously opened the cut part of the semi-finished product. From above it is smeared with a chicken egg and sent to the oven.

Form curls

Before making buns of different shapes, you should decide what kind of products you want to get. If the presence of the filling is not important for you, then you can use the methods presented above to form homemade cakes. Otherwise, it recommends turning your attention to the following method.

So how do you stuff your homemade buns? Various shapes (a photo of the products is presented in this article) can be given to such baked goods very easily. However, we will only consider the fastest and most popular method. To do this, put all the butter dough on a board, sprinkle it with flour and roll it into a rectangular layer no more than 8 millimeters thick. Then the filling is spread on it (for example, poppy seeds, thick jam, dried fruits, fruits, nuts, etc.) and wrapped tightly in a roll. After that, the product is cut into pieces. Their thickness should not exceed 4-5 centimeters.

At the end, the formed curls are laid out on a greased sheet or baking sheet and sent to the oven. At a temperature of 200 degrees, they are baked for 52 minutes, and then carefully removed.

It should be noted that it is according to this principle that the famous cinnabon buns are baked.

Let's summarize

Now you know how you can make delicious homemade buns. Shapes are different (we discussed how to make buns and curls above) it is quite easy to give them. The main thing in this case is to use only a rich yeast base and show the maximum of creative imagination.

By the way, in addition to the options presented, there are many more different ways to form beautiful homemade buns. For example, someone makes them in the form of braids, someone in the form of a sliced ​​loaf, and someone even gives the buns the look of French croissants.