Canning mushrooms at home. Direct pickling process

09.08.2019 Beverages

With the onset of the mushroom season, many housewives begin to think about winter preparations that can be prepared from the collected mushrooms. In order to properly prepare canning, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the peculiarities of cooking pickled porcini mushrooms.

White mushroom is considered one of the most delicious and healthy mushrooms belonging to the Borovik family. It can be found on the territory of any continent, except Australia and Antarctica. Most often, it grows in the central part of America, Siberia, Africa and European countries. It is also grown by residents of Japan and China.

The collected mushrooms are used fried, stewed and boiled. Some housewives prefer to pickle and dry them for the winter. Dried foods are grated and used in cooking as a seasoning for various dishes. Pickled ones are added to vegetable sauces, soups and other hot dishes.

The following microelements are present in the composition of mushrooms:

  • myosin;
  • starch;
  • vitamins E, C, B;
  • fats.

Due to the fact that the above microelements are present in the mushrooms, they have properties useful for humans. Regular consumption of mushroom dishes restores the formation of digestive juice and improves the digestion of food. In ripe porcini mushrooms, the amount of polysaccharides increases, which help to cope with malignant tumors.

Also, this component promotes wound healing and the treatment of infectious diseases.

In addition, the composition contains lecithin, which cleans the vascular walls from cholesterol accumulations. This helps to eliminate the main signs of atherosclerosis. Pickled mushroom dishes are rich in amino acids that help restore liver and kidney function.

The fungi contain beta-glucan, which is classified as a potent antioxidant component. With its penetration into the body, the functioning of the immune system is significantly improved and the protective functions of the body are enhanced.

Despite the large number of useful properties, mushrooms should be eaten very carefully, as they absorb a lot of lead, mercury, cesium and other trace elements.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Pickling mushrooms for the winter should be taken very seriously, since the taste and duration of storage of the mushroom dish will depend on the preparation of the main ingredients. Before pickling boletus, you will have to carry out several preparatory procedures.


All harvested ingredients are pre-sorted by size and type. If preparations for the winter are prepared only from porcini mushrooms, then all other varieties are separated from boletus.

Small ingredients are selected for pickling, as they cook faster and marinate better.


Some people think that soaking is not necessary before marinating. However, it is necessary to soak the mushrooms if they are covered with a dense layer of dirt. This will help wash them off and peel them off. Boletus is recommended to be soaked in a salty liquid to cleanse them of toxic elements.

Experienced housewives advise doing soaking for about an hour. It is impossible to carry out the procedure longer, since with prolonged soaking, the mushrooms will lose their taste and become limp.


Forest boletus must be peeled from the skin, as it can spoil the taste of the preparations. During the procedure, carefully remove the skin from the cap. If it is difficult to remove, you will have to place the mushrooms in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Often the boletus begins to darken quickly and deteriorate after cleaning. So that they do not deteriorate, they are placed in a solution made from citric acid.

Winter recipes

To prepare a mushroom preparation for the winter at home, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recipes.

Fried in jars

Many housewives prefer to preserve toasted mushrooms. At the same time, roasting is carried out in two ways - with and without pre-cooking. The last method is often used by experienced mushroom pickers, who are sure that boletus mushrooms do not contain toxins. People who are preparing a snack with this recipe for the first time should soak the ingredients before frying.

First, all the boletus are washed from dirt and soaked for an hour and a half. Then they are cut into small pieces, laid out in a cauldron, filled with water and placed on a gas stove. They are boiled for at least half an hour, after which they are washed with water and placed in a pan. Fried mushrooms are placed in jars, salted and poured with oil.

Mushroom salad

Among housewives, mushroom salad is popular, which is often rolled up for the winter. To create it, you need the following components:

  • two kilograms of mushrooms;
  • a kilogram of tomatoes;
  • five bow heads;
  • 200 ml of oil;
  • three carrots;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 150 ml vinegar.

The boletus are peeled, finely chopped and washed in water. Then all the prepared ingredients are transferred to an iron container, poured with cold water and boiled for 20-40 minutes on a gas stove. After that, the boiled mushrooms are washed again and boiled for 15-20 minutes. Boiled foods are fried for 25 minutes and placed in jars.

Then the tomatoes are chopped in a blender, mixed with vegetable oil and boiled for 40-55 minutes. During the boil, salt with carrots and chopped onions is added to the liquid. The boiled tomato mixture is poured into jars, mixed with boletus and rolled up with lids.

People often preserve mushroom caviar, which is added to many dishes to make them taste better. When preparing caviar, the following products are used:

  • 400 grams of mushrooms;
  • four onions;
  • 80 ml vinegar;
  • 100 ml of oil;
  • spices and salt to taste.

The mushrooms are washed and soaked in a saline solution to cleanse them of toxins. Then they are boiled for 20 minutes over low heat and passed through a meat grinder. After preparing the main ingredients, cut the onion and fry it in a pan. 5-8 minutes after frying, pour the chopped boletus into a frying pan and mix them with salt and spices. The fried mixture is poured into sterile jars, covered with lids and transferred to the cellar.


When pickling, all mushrooms are heat treated and soaked in a pre-prepared marinade. There are several recipes for pickling mushrooms that you should familiarize yourself with.

Cooking in sweet and sour marinade

To create such a blank, a kilogram of boletus is washed, cleaned, poured into a saucepan and poured with a liter of water. They are boiled for 35-45 minutes, after which they are poured into jars.

After that, a marinade is prepared from 30 grams of salt, 25 grams of sugar, spices and water. All of these components are boiled for half an hour, after which 70 ml of vinegar and oil are added to the liquid. Mushrooms in jars are poured with boiled marinade and covered with lids.

Marinate with citric acid in jars

To marinate mushrooms in citric acid you will need:

  • 1-2 kg boletus;
  • two leaves of laurel;
  • four peppers;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 85 grams of salt;
  • 3-4 liters of water;
  • 50 ml of citric acid.

First, each mushroom is cleaned of dirt, dust and peels. Then the prepared ingredients are transferred to a saucepan with water and boiled. To create a brine, bay leaves, citric acid and sugar and salt are added to a liter of liquid. Then the marinade with boiled mushrooms is placed in a jar and canned.

Marinating with vinegar and garlic

To make a pickled mushroom dish tasty, many add more garlic and vinegar to it. A step-by-step recipe will help to prepare such an appetizer correctly. To prepare conservation you will need:

  • 400 grams of small mushrooms;
  • 100 ml vinegar;
  • four heads of garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • sugar and salt to taste;
  • Dill;
  • butter.

When creating a marinade in 2-3 liters of water, add pepper with laurel leaf and salt. Then the mushrooms are washed and placed in a saucepan with boiling brine. After that, the garlic is cut, mixed with herbs, vinegar and boiled boletus. The mixed ingredients are poured into jars and filled with brine.

Simple pickle without vinegar

Some do not add vinegar to the marinade. When using this recipe, all mushrooms are washed, peeled and cut. Then they are boiled for 12-20 minutes in salted water, after which the liquid is drained, cooled and poured back. The mushrooms are re-boiled for an hour and poured into jars.

When creating a brine, pepper with sugar and citric acid are added to the water. The liquid is boiled for 35-40 minutes, after which it is poured into containers with mushroom mass.

Prepared porcini mushroom for the winter by pickling

Some mushroom pickers and housewives prefer to pickle mushrooms for the winter. There are two main salting methods that are most commonly used.

Hot salting

To prepare a workpiece in this way, use:

  • laurel leaf;
  • 900 grams of mushrooms;
  • 120 grams of salt.

The mushrooms are cleaned of dirt and boiled in a saucepan for 25 minutes. Then they are poured into a colander to drain the liquid from them. After that, they are poured into a small saucepan, sprinkled with salt, covered with a plate and pressed on top with a half-liter jar of water. They should be salted for 2-4 days.

Cold salting

The second common method of salting boletus is cold salting. In order to correctly create a workpiece, it is recommended to step by step perform all the steps from the recipe for its preparation.

700 grams of mushrooms are washed, peeled and placed in a deep bowl. From above, they are covered with a thin layer of salt, after which they are thoroughly mixed. Then the ingredients in the bowl are covered with a plate and crushed by the weight. When the mushrooms let out the juice, they are transferred to jars and poured with mushroom juice.

Harvesting porcini mushrooms for the winter by drying

Not everyone wants to waste time pickling mushrooms, and therefore some people prefer to dry them. There are two main methods of drying mushrooms that are often used.


To deliciously dry mushrooms for the winter, a natural drying method is often used. In this case, all the boletus are laid out in the sun and dried for several days. To do this, the ingredients are washed, peeled, laid out on a small tray, covered with a cloth and taken out in the sun. For drying, places are chosen that are protected from the wind and are illuminated by the sun's rays throughout the day.

If it is not possible to dry the mushrooms in the sun, you will have to cook them in the oven. To do this, they are cleaned and cut into small cubes. Then they are placed in an oven preheated to 40-50 degrees. At this temperature, they dry until the kitchen smells of mushrooms. Then the oven is heated to 60 degrees and dried at this temperature for 15-20 minutes.


Canning is considered the most common way to harvest mushrooms for the winter. To preserve boletus, use the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of salt;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • laurel leaf;
  • 75 ml vinegar;
  • 1-2 kg of mushrooms;

Before preparing a snack, they are preparing containers for canning. For sterilization, all jars are washed and filled with hot, boiled liquid.

Then the boletus is cleaned of the ground, soaked and dried. Before canning, the lower part of the legs is cut off. After that, they are poured into a container of water and boiled for half an hour.

To prepare the marinade, one and a half liters of liquid is poured into a saucepan and mixed with salt, bay leaf, pepper and vinegar. The mixture is boiled for at least forty minutes, after which it, together with the mushrooms, is placed in sterilized jars. All containers with snacks should be rolled up and transferred to the cellar. For twisting, a seaming or nylon cap is used.

Many mushroom pickers prefer to freeze boletus so that in the future they can be used for cooking other dishes. To prepare mushrooms you will need:

  • one carrot;
  • 900 grams of mushrooms;
  • 4-5 peppers;
  • bay leaf.

After defrosting, boletus should be used immediately, as they will quickly deteriorate.

How to store mushrooms properly

It is no secret that mushrooms quickly absorb odors and therefore cannot be stored together with other vegetables or fruits. Mushroom pickers advise using a refrigerator to store fresh boletus, since they are not stored for long at room temperature. To keep them in the refrigerator, you must:

  • rinse the mushrooms and soak them in saline;
  • dry them, put in a deep plate and cover with a lid;
  • put in the refrigerator.

Canned mushroom snacks can also be kept in the refrigerator. Also, a cellar is perfect for storing them, in which the temperature never exceeds 8-10 degrees. You should not store canned mushrooms at room temperature, as they will quickly deteriorate.


Housewives often prepare marinated white mushroom snacks. To prepare them, you will have to familiarize yourself with the main recipes for creating winter mushroom blanks.

Mushrooms for the winter and we have one of the ways next in line canning porcini mushrooms... And so, meet - canned porcini mushrooms.

Small porcini mushrooms are peeled. Large ones are divided into hats and legs. Wash thoroughly, cut into pieces.

Prepared mushrooms are blanched for 10 minutes in salted water (20 g of salt per 1 liter of water). The amount of water during blanching should be no more than 1/3 of the volume of mushrooms. After blanching, the mushrooms are placed in a colander to drain the water. In prepared half-liter jars are placed:

  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 3 grains of hot pepper;
  • 3 grains of allspice.

Mushrooms are placed on top and poured over with hot filling.

Pouring is prepared in a saucepan:

  1. 2 glasses of water;
  2. 1.5 teaspoons of salt;
  3. 1 teaspoon sugar
  4. 0.5 cups 5% vinegar.

Put on fire and bring to a boil.

The cans are covered with lids and sterilized: half-liter cans - 35 minutes and liter cans - 40 minutes. Then they are immediately sealed.

Canning of salted and pickled mushrooms

Mushroom preservation

For longer storage of salted or pickled mushrooms, cooked in a non-hermetically sealed container, they can be preserved... To do this, the mushrooms are separated from the brine or marinade, the liquid is allowed to drain and thoroughly washed, sorted, and damaged ones are removed.

Place it tightly in a glass container, add salt, spices and acetic acid to taste, about 2-4 pcs per 1 liter can. allspice, 2 - 3 pcs. bay leaf, 1 teaspoon of 70% acetic acid.

Fill 2 cm below the top of the neck with boiling water, cover with lids and sterilize at 100 ° C cans with a capacity: half-liter - 30 - 35 minutes, liter - 40 - 45 minutes. After sterilization, the jars are immediately sealed.

Canned porcini mushrooms

How to preserve porcini mushrooms? Today we will continue to prepare mushrooms for the winter and we have one of the ways to preserve porcini mushrooms next in line. And so, welcome - canned porcini mushrooms. Small porcini mushrooms are peeled. Large ones are divided into hats and legs. Wash thoroughly, cut into pieces. Prepared mushrooms are blanched for 10 minutes in salted water (20 g of salt per 1 liter of water). The amount of water during blanching should be no more than 1/3 of the volume of mushrooms. After blanching, the mushrooms are placed in a colander to drain off the water. In prepared half-liter jars are placed: 1 bay leaf; 3 grains of hot pepper; 3 grains of allspice. Mushrooms are placed on top and poured ...

Autumn is a hot season for mushroom pickers. At this time, you need to have time not only to harvest, but also to process it. The easiest way to prepare them for the winter is to preserve mushrooms. Such a canned product can be either a separate dish or an addition to a soup or salad. For blanks, you can use both fresh and processed mushrooms. There are many different marinades and recipes.

There are several nuances for preserving mushrooms at home, which you need to know in order for the preparation to be as tasty and healthy as possible. For the preparation of mushrooms, it is recommended to use only enamel or tinned utensils, as they do not react with vinegar.

It is best to choose fruit or bread vinegar for making marinade. Aromatic vinegar or nest vinegar is a good option. It is recommended to marinate small mushrooms as a whole; you just need to trim the leg a little. Thus, the preparation will not only be tasty, but also attractive in appearance. It is recommended to cut large mushrooms into 3-4 pieces.

Each of the types of mushrooms has its own preservation characteristics. So, butter must first be peeled. It is recommended to preserve caps of porcini mushrooms and aspen mushrooms separately from the root part. It is recommended to soak Valui for several hours before cooking.

It is important to select the right mushrooms ... Most often, the following are used for the preparation of blanks:

Almost all edible species can be used for conservation. The main thing is that among the mushrooms for harvesting there are no poisonous ones. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, you need to buy them only in proven places, and with an insufficient amount of knowledge, do not collect them yourself.

Seaming preparation and cooking options

Before you start canning the harvested crop, you need to properly prepare the mushrooms. First of all, they need to be poured into a large bowl and carefully sorted out, while you need to remove all small debris, as well as spoiled mushrooms. To make it easier to do, the bowl should be filled with water, so all the twigs and leaves will simply float up. It is recommended to pre-cut large mushrooms into several parts.

It is better not to use overripe mushrooms for food at all. Their taste is lost over time, and there is also a high probability that worms can live in them.

It is important to pay attention not only to the condition of the mushrooms, but also to their varieties. So, waves and milk mushrooms can taste a little bitter, therefore, in order to remove the bitterness, it is recommended to soak them for a day. In this case, you should periodically change the water. To preserve the taste of the product as much as possible, it is recommended to preserve the mushrooms in different varieties.

There are many options for making marinade. However, two of the most common can be distinguished:

  • boiling in a marinade;
  • boiling separately from the marinade.

Most often, mushrooms are boiled directly in the marinade, so they are saturated with all the components and become more aromatic. To prepare a workpiece according to this scheme, you will need the following products:

It is best to use an enamelled pan for cooking. Pour water, vinegar, salt into it. Place mushrooms in the prepared base and cook over low heat. It is important to choose the right cooking time, it is determined depending on the type of the main product. So, honey mushrooms need to be cooked for 25-30 minutes, and chanterelles and mushrooms for about 20-25 minutes. During cooking, you should periodically collect the foam, otherwise the marinade will turn out cloudy. Finally, add pepper, sugar, laurel, cloves and citric acid.

The second cooking option involves boiling the mushrooms separately from the marinade. Boiled mushrooms need to be thrown into a colander and wait until excess moisture drains. To prepare the marinade, you should take the following ingredients:

  • water;
  • vinegar essence;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • laurel;
  • allspice;
  • dry dill;
  • Carnation.

All components must be combined in one container, and then boiled. The resulting marinade should be poured over boiled mushrooms and spread out in jars. When closing, it is not recommended to use metal lids, since the composition contains vinegar, which can react with metal.

Classic recipe for mushroom preparation

To prepare the blank according to the classic recipe, you need to take a mixture of aspen mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, boletus and birch trees. In total, you should get about 10 kg of mushrooms. For such an amount of the main product, you should take:

  • salt - 500 gr.;
  • bay leaf - 20 gr.;
  • allspice - 7 peas.

First, you need to carefully sort out the mushrooms, wash and boil a little in salted water. After cooking, it is recommended to rinse the main ingredient under running water. Next, it must be folded into an enamel container. You should pay attention to the fact that you need to fold the caps up. Each layer is separately sprinkled with salt and spices. Cover the last layer with gauze and put oppression on it. Thus, the mushrooms should be salted for several days. Then the liquid must be drained into a separate saucepan and boiled.

The base of the workpiece must be filled with hot liquid and left under yoke for 30 days. The finished workpiece should be laid out in pre-prepared jars and covered with nylon lids.

Express recipe for conservation

Most recipes for canning mushrooms at home involve a long and step-by-step cooking. However, there is an express recipe according to which you can preserve mushrooms as quickly as possible and this does not affect their taste in any way. In this case, you can use assorted mushrooms for cooking.

A quick recipe for preserving mushrooms for the winter involves the use of the following products:

The mushrooms need to be washed well and, if necessary, cut into several parts. Boil the mushroom platter for 15 minutes, then add all the other ingredients and cook for another 3 minutes. The hot mass must be poured into jars and tamped well.

There are many recipes for canned mushrooms, according to which one to cook, the hostess herself chooses. Regardless of the chosen cooking option, the mushrooms need to be rinsed and peeled well, and only then start cooking.

Autumn is a period of harvesting natural gifts. It can be not only the crop harvested from the beds, but also the forest one. In order to open a fragrant jar of mushrooms on a winter day, you must adhere to some cooking rules.

Autumn is a period of harvesting natural gifts

When choosing raw materials for canning, you need to pay attention to the freshness of the fruit. Both small and large specimens are suitable. For convenience, large specimens are recommended to be cut in half.

The harvested crop must be placed in a bucket, filled with water and pressed down with a load on top. After a while, forest debris will get wet. Some of it will settle to the bottom, and some can be easily cleaned with a cloth or brush. The affected areas and the remains of the mycelium are removed with a knife. The caps of young mushrooms absorb water very quickly, so it is undesirable to soak the crop for a long time.

Champignons, aspen mushrooms, boletus and many other representatives of the mushroom kingdom change color during oxidation, becoming dark, therefore, after cleansing, they should be immersed in water with the addition of salt or citric acid.

How to preserve mushrooms without leaving the forest (video)

A quick way to preserve mushrooms at home

There are many recipes for harvesting fruits for the winter. Some dishes can be eaten as early as the fourth day after preparation. But the shelf life of such a delicacy is reduced. For canning in this way, you need to stock up on:

  • mushrooms 700 g;
  • onion head;
  • white wine vinegar (1/3 cup);
  • spices (cloves, celery leaves, bay leaves, thyme, marjoram, parsley, basil, oregano, peppercorns);
  • sea ​​salt (1 tablespoon).

Uncomplicated cooking process:

  1. Chop the sorted and peeled mushrooms, chop the onion.
  2. Place greens at the bottom of the sterilized jar.
  3. Combine mushrooms with the rest of the ingredients, except for herbs. Boil for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Pour the slightly cooled mushrooms into the jar along with the marinade.

After the jars have cooled, store in a refrigerator or other cold place.

Mushrooms can be easily cleaned with a cloth or brush

Preservation of mushrooms without vinegar for the winter

Even a beginner can make blanks at home, because the cooking technique is quite simple. For a recipe that has a chance to add to the list of your favorite dishes, you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • 5 g citric acid.

Fresh fruits must be peeled and further instructions followed:

  1. Add salt and acid to the water intended for boiling mushrooms. After boiling, throw in the fruits.
  2. After they decrease in volume and lie on the bottom, turn off the stove. Foam forms during boiling. It must be removed.
  3. Transfer the finished product to sterilized jars and fill with the same water, but filtered through cheesecloth.
  4. Cover the glassware with lids and lower it into a deep saucepan for sterilization. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed 50 ° C. After 1.5 hours, the cans can be taken out and tightly sealed.

Choose a cool, dark place for storage. Delicious dishes are obtained from a natural product.

Even a beginner can make blanks at home, because the cooking technique is quite simple

Preserving fried mushrooms in jars

Opening a jar of fried mushrooms on cold winter days makes it hard to believe that this is a canned product. The recipe includes:

  • 2 kg of any mushrooms;
  • 3 teaspoons of salt;
  • 550 g of fat (vegetable or butter).

Canning technique:

  1. Prepare the fruits by thoroughly cleaning and rinsing them.
  2. Pour into water and put on fire.
  3. Strain after a quarter. Pour in fresh water and boil for another 10 minutes. Rinse and strain again.
  4. Cut the large pieces into smaller pieces and fry in a dry skillet until all moisture has evaporated.
  5. Add oil and fry for another half hour. Salt.
  6. Transfer the contents of the frying pan to sterilized jars and top with oil. If there is not enough oil, you need to boil a new one.

The sterilization time for cans with mushrooms should be at least 1.5-2 hours.

Fried mushrooms can also be canned

Recipe for preserving mushrooms with tomato paste

Canned mushrooms in tomato paste can be served as a separate dish. This is very convenient, especially when you have to prepare a lot of dishes. Required products:

  • 2.5 kg of boiled mushrooms;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • tomato sauce;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 9% vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, ground garlic and pepper, bay leaf.

Step by step guide:

  1. Cut the onion rings into quarters.
  2. Vegetable oil must be poured into the multicooker so that its height in the bowl is at least 1 cm.
  3. Set the "Fry" mode for half an hour. Fry the onions, stirring with a wooden spatula.
  4. After 15 minutes from the start of frying, add boiled mushrooms.
  5. Season with spices. Pour over tomato sauce and stir.
  6. After boiling, switch the mode to the "Soup" state. Turn off after 1.5 hours.
  7. At the final stage of cooking, a couple of bay leaves and vinegar.

Pour the prepared dish into a glass container and close securely.

A quick way to preserve mushrooms (video)

How to properly preserve champignons at home

Due to the peculiarity of the structure of the mushrooms, it is recommended to choose specimens for canning that have reached in size no larger than a walnut. Plus, they must be fresh.

  1. A purchased or harvested crop must be thoroughly rinsed and debris removed. Preferably in several waters.
  2. Put the mushrooms to cook. After the water boils, add spices (bay leaves, hot red peppers and peas, garlic, salt, 0.5 teaspoon of sugar, 50 ml of vinegar).
  3. After half an hour, pour together with the brine into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

From a kilogram of raw materials, three cans with a volume of 0.5 liters are obtained.

Due to the peculiarity of the structure of the mushrooms, for canning it is recommended to choose specimens that have reached in size no larger than a walnut

Canning butter for the winter

Gourmets believe that this type of mushroom is most suitable for pickling. An important feature is that if the skin is not removed from the caps, the dish will turn out to be bitter. It is most convenient to peel dry fruits. Then they need to be rinsed.

There are many preservation recipes, but the simplest one is as follows:

  • at the rate of 3 liters of water, 1 kg of fruit is taken;
  • table or apple cider vinegar - 50 g;
  • 1 onion;
  • garlic (2 cloves);
  • a bunch of dill, bay leaf;
  • allspice and bitter;
  • salt and sugar (1 tablespoon each).

After the mushrooms are prepared, you must:

  1. Bring them to a boil, put a cut or whole onion into a saucepan. After a quarter of an hour, drain the water.
  2. Pour 1.5 liters of water with sugar, salt and spices. After half an hour, pour in the vinegar and chop the dill. Boil for another 5 minutes.

Canned with cinnamon if desired. In this case, follow this guide:

  1. Boil mushrooms in salted water for 10 minutes. Then drain the water.
  2. Prepare a marinade from 1 liter of water, 100 ml of 5% vinegar, 70 g of sugar, 50 g of salt, peppercorns, bay leaves and a pinch of cinnamon.
  3. Boil the butter in the marinade until they settle.

Mushrooms with garlic are very unusual. The recipe is similar to the previous one. But during the unfolding of the finished product in jars, it must be alternated with garlic slices. Top up the jars with boiled oil and cover with plastic lids.

Butters are most suitable for pickling

Terms and rules for storing canned mushrooms in winter

Canned mushrooms should be stored in a cool, dark place with an approximate temperature of 8 ° C. The ideal place is the cellar... It is recommended to use glass containers with glass lids. Subject to all the rules, the shelf life can be 2 years. It is not forbidden to put jars in the refrigerator, where they can also stand for at least 2 years.

If you use a tin lid instead of a glass one, the shelf life is reduced. Such jars can only be stored for one year. The shelf life of canned products prepared in production increases due to special processing.

For storage, not only temperature conditions are very important, but also the amount of acetic acid. Cookware should be made of material that is not subject to oxidation. If the tin lid is swollen, then the product is unusable.

Universal marinade for mushrooms (video)

Canning is a preparation method in which the product is sterilized and stored in sealed containers. Despite the simple canning recipes, such mushrooms will become a real decoration of the table in winter. The product can be used in a variety of dishes.

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Boletus is considered the king of the entire mushroom kingdom. It surpasses even meat in protein content and is considered its natural substitute, for which it was nicknamed white meat. Therefore, it is worth including this product in the diet.

But if it is easier to get it in summer and autumn, then what to do in winter? Of course, taste the delicious preparations made in the summer. Let's find out how to pickle and roll porcini mushrooms into jars.

It will not be difficult for an experienced mushroom picker to distinguish a good mushroom from a poisonous one. But the chances are that the mushroom may mutate and become no longer edible. Therefore, it is still better to buy boletus, which are specially grown on farms.

The porcini mushroom has a characteristic brown cap (color may vary depending on soil composition and age) and a white stem. A distinctive characteristic is the white color of its tubular layer between the cap and the stem, which will always be white regardless of the state or method of preparation.

Before cooking, you should make sure that there is no accidentally caught poisonous satanic or gall mushroom that looks like boletus.

It is worth taking up mushrooms in the very first hours after their collection or purchase, since this product quickly deteriorates and it is better to prepare them for consumption or salting in the very first 5-6 hours. They can be pickled, salted, dried and frozen - they are tasty in any condition.

First of all, you need to select good specimens, sort them by size and rinse.

A good mushroom must be strong, whole, not crumpled and without wormholes, otherwise it will not only not be stored for a long time, but may also contain poisonous substances.

Regardless of the method of further storage, they must first be sorted, carefully inspected for dents, cuts, wormholes and the affected areas removed. It is best, of course, not to use spoiled mushrooms for long-term storage and eat them immediately, but after removing the affected area, they can still be pickled or salted.

For preparation, you need a large container for rinsing and soaking. Of course, the size of the container depends on the amount of the product, but it is better to take a large basin or use the bathroom so that the mushrooms fit freely in it in one layer.

There are three ways to clean them of dirt:

  • soaking first for 30 minutes, then again for 15 minutes in a large amount of cold water;
  • having doused with boiling water up to 5 times;
  • rinse with plenty of running water.

As soon as the dirt and grass are washed off, the boletus must be dried and prepared for further cooking. Whichever storage method is chosen, it is best to use small and medium specimens whole, and especially large ones, cut in half. For pickling or pickling, you can use only hats, and put the legs into food.

Pickled porcini mushrooms

Pickled mushrooms are perfectly stored for a long time in an airtight container. Usually they are pickled with an acid - acetic or citric. There are many marinade options, but boletus goes well with any of them. Consider the recipes for the winter, which, in our opinion, are the most successful.

Boletus marinated with citric acid

If you don't feel like using vinegar, you can easily replace it with citric acid. The taste of mushrooms is spicy and they are stored as long as using vinegar marinade.

  • boletus - 800 gr;
  • citric acid - 20 g;
  • salt - 60 gr;
  • sugar - 10 gr;
  • water - 2 glasses.

Time spent: 3.5 hours.

Calories: 30 calories.

A quick recipe for pickling porcini mushrooms

Thanks to this marinade, the mushrooms are stored for a long time. The recipe is given with the calculation of the use of 1 liter can.


  • porcini mushroom - 1 kilo;
  • water - 750 ml;
  • salt - 90 gr;
  • granulated sugar - 25 gr;
  • vinegar - 30 ml;
  • laurel - 2-3 pcs.;
  • allspice and black peas - 3-4 pcs.;

Time spent: 30 minutes.

Calories: 25 calories.

  1. Boil the prepared mushrooms in boiling water for 20 minutes;
  2. Simultaneously boil the marinade: dissolve salt, sugar and vinegar in 500 ml of water;
  3. After the mushrooms are cooked in the first water, move them to the marinade and cook in it for 8 minutes;
  4. Put bay leaves, peppers, and mushrooms on top in a sterile jar. It must be laid carefully, since soft mushrooms are easily deformed;
  5. Pour the marinade over the jar and roll up the lid using a special machine;
  6. Instant porcini mushrooms are ready for the winter. Store them in a cool, dark place.

Salted porcini mushrooms

An equally popular option for storing porcini mushrooms is salting for the winter. This is the oldest and most proven way of storing this product. There are several types of salting.

Classic recipe

This was the method used by most housewives at a time when there was no citric acid or acetic acid widely available. Salted mushrooms are perfectly stored and have a unique taste.


  • 1 bucket of boletus;
  • 100 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 2 cups of salt.

Cooking time: 4 days.

Caloric content: 24 kcal.

  1. Cover the mushrooms with salt (they should already be peeled and washed) and leave them for a day;
  2. After that, drain the resulting juice into a saucepan and heat a little. Pour the juice back into the tub and leave for another day;
  3. Repeat the procedure with juice, only heat it more;
  4. On the third day, drain the juice again, boil it and return it hot to the container;
  5. After three days, boil the mushrooms with the juice and cool;
  6. Put the boletus mushrooms down with their legs into a container (it is better to use a wooden tub) and pour over the juice;
  7. Pour vegetable oil on top, tie the container with a bag and cover tightly with a lid;
  8. Before use, you need to keep them in cold water for several hours, and then boil 2 times in two waters.

Hot salting

Applying this method of salting for the winter, the mushrooms are heat treated in hot water. This does not change their taste, but time is saved.


  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 30 g for brine and 50 g for pickling;
  • lavrushka - 3-4 pcs.;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 3 pcs.;
  • cherry or currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • dill - 30 gr.

Cooking time: 4 hours for cooking and 45 days for salting.

Calories: 40 calories.

  1. Boil water with salt and place mushrooms in it;
  2. As soon as foam forms on the surface, remove it and add all the spices;
  3. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally;
  4. Cool and put in jars, sprinkle with salt and fill with brine so that it covers only 1/3 of the jar;
  5. After 45 days, it can be eaten.

Cold salting

Another option for salting for the winter, but without cooking, instead of which a long soaking is used.


  • porcini mushroom - 1 kg;
  • salt - 30 gr;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • dill - 10 gr;
  • cherry leaves - 10 pcs.

Cooking time: 3 days for preparation and 40 days for salting.

Calories: 30 calories.

How to freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter

Freezing is the fastest and easiest way to preserve any food, and not just for the winter. This does not take much time and effort.


  • mushrooms - 1 kilogram.

Elapsed time: 15 minutes.

Calories: 24 calories.

  1. Dry the peeled and washed porcini mushrooms. For convenience, you can immediately cut them into pieces;
  2. Place them on a pallet so that they do not touch each other;
  3. Send for pre-freezing for 10 minutes;
  4. Take out the mushrooms and transfer to a bag or container;
  5. Send back to the freezer. Defrost before use.

Any product can be turned into a masterpiece if it is prepared correctly. To avoid trouble, you need to use little secrets:

  1. When cooking, it is necessary to use mushrooms of the same size or make them so, since small pieces will quickly boil and lose their shape, while large pieces are not yet ready;
  2. Porcini mushrooms must be cooked separately from other types due to different cooking times;
  3. Follow the recipe exactly and do not change it;
  4. With cold salting, a small coating of mold may form on the top of the tub surface, there is nothing wrong with that and you can simply remove it with a spoon;
  5. When frozen, you can stir them with other frozen vegetables to make a ready-made soup mix or stew.

These tips will help you avoid mistakes and food spoilage. Using proven recipes and knowing the secrets of delicious preparation of preparations for the winter, you can enjoy the unique taste of porcini mushrooms all year round!

You can learn how to properly dry porcini mushrooms for harvesting them for the winter from the following video.