How to make poppy seed filling for a cake. Cooking poppy seed filling for baking: the best recipes

06.09.2019 Beverages

Fragrant rolls, buns and poppy seed pies instantly whet your appetite. You can buy these delicacies in almost any store, but they turn out to be much tastier if you cook them at home. We'll talk about how to make the right filling from poppy seeds further.

Traditional poppy filling


  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Poppy - 1 glass.


  1. Pour boiling water over the grains, leave for half an hour;
  2. We drain the water (you can use a sieve);
  3. Grind the swollen product with a meat grinder (scroll twice);
  4. Combine the resulting mass with sugar.

The mixture prepared in this way has one drawback - friability. It is inconvenient to work with it when forming a product.

And the indisputable advantage of the recipe is the minimum of necessary products and the speed of preparation.

Poppy and honey filling


  • Poppy - 0.3 kg;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Liquid honey - 150 g.

How to cook::

  1. Fill the grains with hot water, let it brew;
  2. Strain, squeeze with gauze or sieve;
  3. We combine the product with the rest of the ingredients, push all the ingredients in a mortar so that they become a homogeneous mass.

You can use this mixture for any baked goods, but most often it is used for a roll.

Filling with poppy seeds and apple


  • Poppy - 1 glass;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Raisins and nuts - 0.5 cups each;
  • Apple - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - glass;
  • Zest of 1 lemon;
  • Soft butter - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grind the nuts;
  2. We put all the components (except the apple) in one container and let it boil over low heat. While we bring the mixture to a boil, its components must be stirred all the time;
  3. While the boiled mass cools down, peel the apple, grate it;
  4. When the mixture has cooled, add the apple to it and stir.

Poppy filling with spices

As a rule, such a mixture is prepared for products that will be served at the festive table. These can be cakes, pastries, pies, etc.


  • Poppy - 1 glass;
  • Nuts and raisins - 0.5 cups each;
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife;


  1. Pour boiling water over the main ingredient, squeeze;
  2. When the grains have cooled, they must be squeezed out, allowed to cool, and then grind with a sieve or mortar. The resulting mass should acquire a whitish color;
  3. Pour the raisins with boiling water for a short time, let it brew until it becomes soft;
  4. Grind the raisins with a meat grinder;
  5. We do the same with nuts;
  6. Put all components except lemon juice in a deep bowl, mix;
  7. Gradually pour in the lemon juice, while making sure that the mixture has a not too liquid consistency.

Filling with poppy seeds and semolina

This mixture turns out to be very delicate and sticky, so it is convenient to form products with complex shapes, for example, bagels and rolls.


  • Semolina - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Milk - 370 ml;
  • Poppy - 250 g;
  • Nuts - 75 g;
  • Vanilla - 2 packages;
  • Raisins - 100 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Rum - 2 tsp

How to cook:

  1. Grind the pre-washed grains using a blender;
  2. Let the milk boil;
  3. We gradually add sugar, the main ingredient and semolina to it;
  4. Let the mixture boil 3 times, then remove it from the oven;
  5. We connect the mass with the remaining components, and last of all, we drive an egg into it.
  • You can buy the product already packaged, but when buying by weight, you can consider each grain. Be sure to examine it for integrity - it should not be eaten by pests, damaged by mold or dampness. In addition, the poppy seeds should be large and approximately the same size.
  • Rinse the poppy before cooking. The only exceptions are recipes that involve grinding the product with a food processor or coffee grinder.
  • In order for the grains to exude aroma even more intensely, they must be poured with hot water, allowed to swell, and then filtered through a sieve. Some housewives even prefer to bring them to a boil.
  • The filling turns out to be much tastier if you combine the poppy seed base with honey, nuts, candied fruits, milk, butter, raisins, and sugar.
  • Black aromatic grains are often added directly to the dough when baking cakes, pies and other delicacies.

How to properly steam poppy seeds for baking?

    Poppy can be poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. Pour out excess water and grind the poppy seeds with sugar or honey. You can do this: pour boiling water over the poppy seeds and after a minute drain the water, add milk and put on low heat. Add a spoonful of honey or sugar. When the milk has evaporated, you can remove the pan from the heat. If the poppy is not steamed before baking, it will not be as tasty.

    Poppy seeds are steamed to make it more aromatic and tasty. Dry poppy is used only as a powder on top, and if as a filling, then steam it.

    In order to prepare poppy seeds as a filling for your pastries, you need to pour boiling water / water or milk 1 cm above the poppy / and let it brew for half an hour or an hour. Then drain the water and grind the poppy seeds with sugar until white until smooth / blender, meat grinder, mortar /.

    It is necessary to take a gray-blue poppy, because it rubs well.

    It must be poured with boiling water and left to cool.

    And brown poppy rubs worse, so it must be soaked overnight.

    Poppy can be ground in a mortar or minced.

    Then mix with sugar.

  • How to steam poppy seeds?

    Poppy is a very tasty and healthy filling for your pastry culinary masterpieces.

    To prepare the poppy seeds for filling or adding to the dough, rinse the grains and cover with boiling water, or better with boiling milk (1 cup per 100 grams of poppy seeds). Cover the top with a lid so that the poppy is steamed well. Pour boiling water a centimeter above the poppy, leave, let it cool. The poppy must completely absorb water or milk. But that's not all, now the poppy needs to be rubbed

    How to quickly grind poppy seeds?

    In a blender. Someone in order to grind the poppy uses a coffee grinder, someone rubs the grandmother's method with a rolling pin in a mortar, but all ingenious is simple! You can easily and quickly grind poppy seeds in a regular blender! Just before that, you need to steam the poppy: pour the required amount of poppy with boiling water or hot milk and cook for a couple of minutes over low heat. Drain the water, pour the poppy seeds into a blender bowl and beat until the masa turns light gray.

    In a meat grinder. The steaming algorithm is the same as for a blender, only after boiling the mass must be well drained and only then double-rotate the poppy in a meat grinder.

    In a mortar. The method of our grandmothers. Long, but effective.

    Is poppy good for you?

    Nobody will argue that it is tasty. But what is the use of poppy, if any? Yes, and not small.

    Poppy seeds contain a lot of omega fatty acids, which are known to prevent atherosclerosis and ischemia.

    Poppy also contains a lot of proteins, vitamins, even calcium! Poppy seeds have a beneficial effect on digestion, lower cholesterol, help with diarrhea, and work as a sedative.

    If you are on a diet, keep in mind that poppy seeds are very high in calories: 100 g = 480 kcal.

    Video how to properly steam poppy seeds for filling rolls and pies:

    This is how poppy plants look like.

  • I pour boiling water over the dishes, pour poppy water, pour boiling water, after 15 minutes I drain the cooled water and pour it again with boiling water for about half an hour, there is another recipe where it is boiled, I think this method is the most effective, but I do not use it

    There are many recipes for steaming poppy seeds for filling. For example:

    1). option - 2 cups of ground poppy seeds, 2 cups of milk, 80 g of butter, 0.75 cups of chopped almonds, 0.5 cups of honey, vanillin. Mix milk with butter, sugar, honey in a saucepan, boil. Add poppy seeds and almonds and cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened.

    2). option: 2.5 cups of ground poppy seeds, 1.5 cups of sugar, 1.5 cups of milk, 3 tablespoons of raisins, 1 cup of chopped nuts, 2 large apples. Boil milk with sugar, add poppy seeds to it and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mass becomes thick like pasta. Remove from heat add raisins and when the mass cools add nuts and apples grated on a coarse grater.

    3). option: For cakes - 1 glass of poppy seeds, 100 g of jam, 80 g of chocolate. Boil poppy seeds in a little water, drain and mince, add jam, melted chocolate and mix.

    4). Option: For a roll - 1.5 cups of milk. 0.75 cups of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of starch, 1.5 cups of poppy seeds, 50 g of butter. 1 egg, 0.5 cups of raisins, salt. Boil milk with sugar and salt, pour starch diluted in 0.5 cups of water, stir, add ground poppy seeds, butter. boil. Remove from heat and add the prepared raisins and egg when it has cooled slightly. Mix well.

    In Ukraine, baked goods with poppy seeds were prepared like this - they steamed the poppy seeds in boiling water or boiling milk, kept under a fur coat; or rather, on the edge of a heating stove for an hour (approximately), then the unabsorbed liquid was drained, the poppy seeds were poured into the makitra and rubbed with a special pestle-macogonum with sugar and ppm in a homogeneous mashed potatoes. It was incredibly delicious. Now you can grind in not so exotic dishes, the blender will perfectly replace the rustic utensils. Poppy is very tasty as a filling for pies and rolls, the main thing is not to overdo it with sugar.

    Poppy, like raisins, must be steamed before adding it to baked goods, it will be much tastier. Poppy needs to be poured with boiling water, pour water on a finger above the poppy, cover with a plate on top and wrap with a towel. Let it stand for about an hour.

    Sometimes I don’t steam poppy if I don’t want to mess around. But if you want it to be tastier, then pour boiling water over it and leave it for 20 - 30 minutes. After that, drain the water. It is advisable to add sugar or a spoonful of honey to the poppy seeds, mix everything, it will be much tastier. You can also fill the poppy with hot milk, not water, for 20-30 minutes.

    It's incredible when I was not yet familiar with some of the subtleties and secrets in cooking, I always thought that poppy was simply washed and added to baked goods. So I did sometimes until I was told that it was wrong.

    Before you put the poppy in baking, it must be steamed, and it is best steamed in milk with sugar or with honey, and it should be steamed for an hour and a half if the poppy is purchased, and now it is just that. We just make poppy seed porridge with milk and put it to languish at a temperature of 70 - 85 degrees, then you can process it with a mortar, you can add almonds and raisins.

To make the poppy filling succeed, the first step is to prepare the poppy seeds. They do it in different ways.

Place a glass of seeds in a gauze or cotton bag and rinse well in a bowl of water. Wring out the bag, boil water and steam the seeds in a ceramic or cast iron saucepan. Keep them covered for ten minutes, then drain the water and pour boiling water over the poppy seeds two more times. Steaming makes poppy seeds tastier and more aromatic.

Tips for a delicious poppy

Finally, use boiled milk instead of water. Place the container on the hotplate, turn on the heat to low and remove after five minutes. Dispose of liquid with a sieve. Add sugar to the poppy seeds and grind with a pestle in a mortar or chop twice with a meat grinder. You should get a soft, homogeneous mass.

If you run poppy seeds through a coffee grinder or food processor, then do not rinse. Only dry food can be placed in it. The poppy filling is also sweetened with powdered sugar and honey.

There is another way to steam poppy seeds. After rinsing, put them in a clay pot and fill with boiled water. Keep covered for forty-five minutes. Drain the liquid and chop the poppy using one of the above methods.

  • Some cooks do not boil poppy seeds, they just steamed them. Others are boiled in milk for a little longer.
  • To make the poppy filling tastier, walnuts, peanut butter, grated apples, dried apricots, raisins, butter, dried figs, cinnamon and other ingredients are added to the steamed seeds.
  • Easy to prepare, for example, a filling with an egg: steam and then chop six tablespoons of poppy seeds with the addition of two and a half tablespoons of sugar. Pour the beaten egg into the filling and mix thoroughly.
  • It is also important to purchase high-quality poppy: large, not crushed, not damaged by pests. You will not see grain defects in the packaging, so it is better to take the product by weight.

All lovers of buns and pies associate the poppy filling with the taste of childhood. The sweet taste of poppy, despite its grainy texture, melts in the mouth. Poppy seeds are widely used in the confectionery industry, although many fear and restrict the use of poppy seeds. In fact, the poppy must be properly prepared and then the filling will be healthy and tasty.

The poppy is sold ready-made. It can be used in baked goods without pretreatment. However, this rule should not always be followed. The fact is that not every producer carefully processes the grains and stores them in the right place without pests and insects. To avoid getting damaged poppies into the filling for pancakes or pies, the poppy must be thoroughly rinsed. So you can be sure that only selected grains will come across to your food.

Poppy by its structure is very small and special technology is needed to wash it. In addition, in order to fully use the poppy seeds for the filling, it is necessary to steam them and carry out a little preparation. Only an hour after opening a pack of poppy seeds and fully preparing it, you can start preparing culinary masterpieces. Even after going through such a difficult cooking process, the poppy filling remains one of the most delicious. As you know, tasty is not always fast, and poppy seeds are also very useful.

How to wash poppy

Usually we are used to washing cereals, nuts, raisins in a colander, but with poppy seeds we have to be much more delicate. It is very small and rather wide cells of the metal mesh will not work here. The poppy must be washed through a cotton cloth. The gauze we are used to here, too, will not fit her rather wide longitudinal and transverse threads. It is better to use a cotton bag for these purposes.

You can sew a cotton bag yourself in just five minutes. It will be useful in the future for washing small grains. For sewing, use fabric from an old pillowcase or sheet. 20 by 20 cm will be enough. Put poppy seeds in there and rinse it under warm running water. This way you will not lose a single grain. You can also use a regular piece of cotton fabric, only you need to be on the alert with it. There is a possibility that the poppy will "float away".

There is another way, for the lazy, how to wash the poppy. Just fill a glass or bowl with water, add poppy seeds and chat for a minute. As a rule, damaged grains immediately float to the surface, while whole ones remain at the bottom. For a reliable result, wait 10 minutes and then drain off the remaining water. Now your poppy seed is clean and can be used for making delicious toppings for sure!

How to make poppy seeds for filling

Besides the fact that poppy seeds need to be rinsed before cooking, they also need to be steamed. The poppy that is sold in packs or by weight in pastry shops is considered raw, or rather, not ready for consumption. For the filling, the poppy must be steamed so that it at least doubles, and dry unprocessed poppy is used only for sprinkling the confectionery as a decoration.

Pour boiled hot water over a portion of the washed poppy. Leave it to swell for 10 minutes, then drain the water and leave it to swell again under new boiling water. Two hot spills will be enough, the poppy will swell and become damp. Just what you need to make the filling. If you don't want to mess with the kettle and liquid change, you can brew poppy seeds. Place the washed poppy in a saucepan, cover it with a little water, put it on fire and cook until the poppy seeds grow. The finished poppy should sort of smear or fall apart in a spoon.

If the poppy is prepared for a sweet filling, and not just for adding to the dough, then during the cooking process you can add honey or sugar to the water at your discretion. You can sweeten the poppy even after boiling. Drain the water, put the poppy seeds and sugar in a blender and grind the grains. If you don't have a blender, this can be done in a simple meat grinder, mortar, or sieve.

Poppy filling for buns

For open buns, poppy-honey filling is the best fit. It keeps its shape and does not spread throughout the entire product. In addition, with this filling you can cook the most bizarre forms of buns, bows, curls, open triangles. No sugar is used for the preparation of the sweet filling. This is a big plus for those on a diet or sugar avoidance.

To make honey-poppy buns, we need:

  • steamed poppy seeds - 8 tablespoons;
  • liquid honey - 4 tablespoons.

The ratio of honey to poppy seeds goes in the recipe 1 to 2 (1: 2). The volume can be reduced or increased depending on the amount of dough that is being prepared for lubrication. This filling volume is enough for buns baked from 0.5 liters of milk.

So, the already steamed poppy should be put in a metal pan and covered with liquid honey. The container is put on a slow fire, gradually mixed. The preparation time for the honey-poppy filling is approximately 10 minutes. As a result, the filling turns out to be almost ready, in order to use it, you need to wait until it cools down. Then it will become viscous and sticky, capable of holding the dough together.

Poppy filling for pies

You can prepare a delicious filling for pies with a whole list of ingredients, one of which will be a tempting poppy. It is ideal in almost any combination: with apples, dried apricots, raisins, various nuts, candied fruits.

Our list is much tastier:

  • a glass of milk;
  • a glass of steamed poppy;
  • 50 g red raisins;
  • 1 PC. yellow or red apple;
  • 100 g of walnuts;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 1 lemon - only the zest is needed (yellow grated skin)
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 3 tbsp. l. melted honey;
  • cinnamon to taste;
  • 50 g sugar.

Place the nuts in a blender, chop them almost to crumbs. Set the apple aside, take a saucepan, and put the nuts and the rest of the ingredients in it. Put it on fire and bring to a boil. Once the mixture starts to boil, turn off the pan and let the mixture cool. Add the grated apple to the cooled mixture. The filling is ready!

Poppy filling for roll

The poppy seed filling will be much tastier if it is first steamed in milk. Prepare your ingredients.

  1. Dry poppy seeds - 1 tbsp.;
  2. Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  3. Milk - 0.5 l.

In this recipe, you can take any milk, home or state, goat or cow, it does not matter. The whole point is milk steaming. The fact is that initially producers dry poppy seeds, so they get poppy seeds suitable for cooking. In no case should raw grains be used, as it is an opium drug and even in small quantities it can be addictive and cause exorbitant harm to health. This is what many poppy seed bun lovers fear so much.

You need to steam poppy seeds in milk in a metal saucepan. Boil it for 5 minutes after boiling and you will see how an oily film forms on the surface of the milk. It needs to be removed, because We will not need it, the taste of this oil is bitter due to long-term storage and previous drying. Select the remaining poppy seeds in a blender and whisk. Try to collect poppy seeds without milk, this will save the filling from excess liquid. Once you've whipped the poppy, add sugar to it. Do not mix all the ingredients at once, do as in the recipe, otherwise the filling will flow due to the early added sugar. Now the resulting filling can be spread over the roll dough.

When preparing poppy seeds, always consider what kind of filling will be, if it is a filling for pancakes, then poppy seeds should be cooked until fully cooked. If you will be using poppy seed filling for pies or baking rolls, then it can be cooked until half cooked. It will come to full readiness in the oven while baking the dough.

video poppy filling

Poppy seed roll recipe step by step with photo

For home and holiday tea drinking, there is nothing tastier than homemade rolls. The poppy filling goes well with any drink, be it coffee, cocoa or milk. A neatly shaped roll is a fairly classic representation of baked goods. In our recipe, we will formulate an Easter poppy roll, decorated with curd fondant.

Ingredient List:

All products for our roll must be warm. Heat the milk, but do not boil; in boiling water, yeast will not behave as actively as in liquid at room temperature. Combine milk with dry yeast. Take an empty bowl and a colander, sprinkle the prepared flour. Next, add yeast milk, soft butter and all the other ingredients to them. The dough is kneaded until it can freely come off the hands.

Leave the dough under a towel in a warm place. It should become lush and increase in volume. If the temperature in the room is about 20 degrees, then the dough will do in 1.5 hours, if the temperature is above 1 hour, it should be enough. It all depends on the quality of the yeast.

Now that the dough is ready, you need to tackle the sweet poppy filling. Pour milk into a saucepan, add dry poppy seeds and sugar there. You need to cook the mixture for 7 minutes after boiling (slow fire). Those grains that did not have time to swell will reach readiness when baking a roll. Now the poppy needs to cool down. We need to pass the chilled poppy through an electric meat grinder (manual is no worse). The meat grinder attachment should be the smallest. You need to skip the poppy filling 2-3 times.

While the dough is still coming up, and the filling is ready, you can do the icing. She will be the decoration of our cake. Mix cottage cheese with softened butter, add sugar powder to them. Stir until creamy.

The dough has come up and it's time to roll it out on the table. You should have a layer of 30 * 40 cm in size. Put the poppy filling on top of it and spread it. From the edge, begin to twist the roll and lay it out in a ring. Transfer the roll to a baking sheet and cut it as shown in the photo.

We put the roll in the oven. You do not need to lubricate it. We already have the curd glaze ready. Baking is prepared in a preheated oven for about half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. We wait until ready, take out the roll and grease the already cooled surface with white glaze.

You can additionally decorate the roll with confectionery beads, confetti, cocoa, grated chocolate or fruit.

Poppy seed cake, recipe with photo

Poppy seed cake is another treat that your guests will appreciate. It takes only 40 minutes to prepare, but its taste will be remembered for a long time.

Ingredient List:

This cake is kneaded as simply as possible and baked very quickly. First, all dry ingredients are mixed, then liquid ingredients are added to them. Everything is mixed and left near the switched on burner for 20 minutes under a dry towel.

While the dough is filling with splendor, you need to prepare the filling. A glass of poppy seeds is poured into boiling water, boiled for 7-8 minutes, then cooled. Sugar is poured into the softened grains and simply mixed.

Next, the dough is rolled out on the table, the filling is laid out on top. The layer must be rolled up like a roll. You can also bake a roll from it, but we will have a beautiful openwork pie. The edges of the roll are trimmed and the dough is folded into a circle.

Transfer the dough to a baking sheet. We fasten the roll like a donut, cut it with scissors in steps of 1.5 cm.

Form a pie by turning 1 piece of pie in the center of the circle and leaving 2 pieces behind the circle.

Once all the pie elements are prepared, add 2 sliced ​​dough pieces on top. Turn them out like a rose and lay them on top of the base. Brush the dough with egg yolk for shine.

It is necessary to bake the poppy seed pie in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180-200 degrees. Wait until it cools down a little and eat with pleasure. Enjoy your tea!


Date: 25 01 2015


Poppy filling is widely used for making rolls, pies, pies, bagels, strudel as well as very common. I've already introduced it to you. Today I would like to dwell on how the poppy filling is prepared.

Poppy filling is my favorite. With her, I cook my most "trademark". Poppy filling in our stores you can buy ready-made - in cans. But, nevertheless, it cannot be compared with cooked at home. I usually use blue Czech poppy - it is usually clean, without sand. The filling is juicy and tasty. In the Czech Republic, farmers grow poppy seeds legally and exclusively for adding to confectionery and national cuisine. A mixture is made from poppy seeds with sugar, which is sprinkled with homemade noodles - a dish that is very popular in our Transcarpathia. In fact, just mashed poppy with sugar is already the simplest poppy filling.

Poppy filling for rolls, pies, strudel, rolls, bagels

Basic recipe

Poppy 400 grams

Milk 200 grams

Sugar 350-400 grams

Lemon zest from one lemon

Raisins 80-100 grams

Grind poppy seeds in a coffee grinder or pass through a special mill. Another option is to grind in a blender or other chopper. It is advisable to purchase a special kitchen "device" - nothing better than Soviet-era mills has yet been invented.

Well, makitra is also a good thing. Do you have a mock-up? That's just it!

Mix poppy seeds with sugar, pour hot milk,

cook, stirring occasionally, for 5-7 minutes until thickened and a viscous filling is obtained. Remove the zest from one lemon,

rinse and put the raisins in the filling.

Stir well. In almost the same way, the filling is prepared not only from poppy seeds, but also from nuts. Use the poppy seed filling after cooling.

My remarks:

Poppy and halva filling

Poppy 400 grams

Halva 350 grams

Milk 170-200 ml

Raisins 80 grams

Lemon juice from half a lemon

Lemon zest from one lemon.

Grind poppy seeds in a mill or grind in any available way. Pour hot milk into the prepared poppy seeds, cook, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes on very low heat. Then put the washed raisins, lemon zest, squeeze out the lemon juice. Halva crush or grate on a coarse grater. Thoroughly mix the poppy and halva mass - the filling is ready!

My remarks:

  • This filling is most suitable for rolls, buns, shortcrust pastry pies.
  • You can take any halva that you like best. I prefer the ordinary one, made from sunflower seeds.

Poppy and chocolate filling

Poppy 500 grams

Milk 170-200 ml

Chocolate 100 grams

Cocoa 100 grams

Sugar 100 grams

Cognac 50 ml

Orange zest with one medium orange

Candied orange peel 80 grams

Grind poppy seeds in a special mill, grind in a coffee grinder or grind with a blender. Put the poppy seeds in a saucepan, add sugar, cocoa, zest, candied fruit. Cook on low heat for 7-10 minutes, make sure not to burn! Put chocolate, broken into pieces, into the cooled mixture of poppy seeds with additives, pour in cognac, stir, cool. The filling should remain viscous.

The poppy filling can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, and in the freezer for up to three months.

Today I wanted to listen to the lines, born in the corners and corners of the soul, under the noise of the January rain.