What sherbet is made of: Eastern and European. Sherbet is a delicious drink originally from Turkey

07.09.2019 Beverages

Sherbet is such a delicacy, by which everyone can understand that he wants more. This name is used for fondant with the taste of condensed milk, and a viscous drink, and ice cream (although it is often called "sorbet").

Whatever you understand by this word and no matter how you prepare this dish, it turns out incredibly tasty, especially for those with a sweet tooth.

The history of the delicacy

Before we learn how to make sherbet at home, let's delve a little deeper into the history of this dish, because there are many different interesting facts.

Actually, this delicacy originally appeared in China, and it was made from fruits, honey, wine and ... snow. It was a great drink. Real sherbets are not eaten, they are drunk, and slowly, through a straw, savoring every sip.

Homemade sherbet came to us in the form we are used to, that is, in the form of a very sweet delicacy with various fillings, from the East, and is so loved by the inhabitants of the whole world that each country has its own proprietary recipe and its own name for this unique dish. For example, the French call it sorbet, the Italians - granite, the British call this dish "cobbler", and the Americans call it a flip.

We will look at how to make sherbet according to the recipe we are used to - in the form of a sweet fudge that melts in your mouth.

How to make peanut sorbet at home

So, we suggest you try to make the classic peanut sorbet. It is quite simple to reproduce this recipe at home, but your family will get an excellent dessert for tea and a lot of pleasure.

You need to prepare the following foods:

  • 1 cup peanuts
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 3.5 cups granulated sugar;
  • 80 g butter.

Now let's figure out how to make sherbet at home.

This is how easy and simple you can make sherbet at home. A recipe with a photo will help you do everything in the correct sequence.

Sherbet with nuts and dried fruits

In addition to sherbet with peanuts, you can cook this delicious dish with other nuts, as well as with the addition of dried fruits.

For this dessert option, you will need:

  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 2 cups granulated sugar;
  • Assorted nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds, etc.);
  • Dried fruits (raisins, dried pineapples, prunes, dried apricots and others).
  1. In a bowl, mix condensed milk, butter and sugar. Cook this mixture over low heat until thickened - about half an hour.
  2. Pour in honey and cook for a while, stirring occasionally.
  3. We spread the dried fruits and nuts on the bottom of the prepared form, lined with parchment, pour the cooked mixture on top.
  4. We put our sweetness to freeze in a cool place. When the sherbet is set and ready to eat, you can garnish it with fruits, berries, or sprinkle with powdered sugar.

You can try this wonderful and delicious sherbet. You will find a photo with detailed instructions for cooking above.

Strawberry sorbet

After you've made the classic peanut sherbet, you can try making the task more difficult and making the sherbet with a different flavor. For example, strawberry.

In order to prepare it, you will need:

  • 1 glass of strawberry juice
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar.

How to make strawberry sorbet at home?

  1. First you need to get a glass of juice. To do this, you can buy ready-made, but it is desirable that it is natural. You can also buy fresh or frozen berries and juice them in a juicer or clean cheesecloth. The main condition here is that there is no pulp.
  2. Next, take a saucepan, pour granulated sugar into it and pour strawberry juice. Heat over low heat until sugar melts, then add gas.
  3. Cook until tender. You can check it by dropping a little sherbet in cold water. If it did not bloom right away and you can grab it with your fingers, then everything is ready. It is imperative that during cooking it is necessary to remove the resulting dark foam from the surface and remove the saccharins from the edges of the saucepan with a damp cloth, otherwise the sherbet may subsequently become sugar-free and will not be so tasty.
  4. If the syrup is ready, then remove it from the heat, cover it with a damp towel and let it cool slightly.
  5. Further, a very important point: when the syrup cools down a little, we begin to gently stir it in one direction until it changes color and becomes even thicker. Once everything has mixed and changed color, you can add lemon juice to the mass.
  6. Knead everything again and leave to freeze in a cold place. Then you can enjoy the unique taste of this delicacy.

In Soviet times, when there was not such a variety of products on the shelves, many baked cakes and cooked various recipes themselves, in their kitchens, relying on grandmother's recipes and their own culinary flair. Sherbet was no exception, many housewives cooked it on their own.

Here we want to tell you how to cook Soviet sherbet - a recipe with sour cream. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • Half a kilo of granulated sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • Raisin;
  • Any nuts.

This is what Soviet-style sherbet is made of. Now let's go directly to the recipe.

  1. Take a deep frying pan, pour the sour cream into it and bring it to a boil.
  2. Next, add granulated sugar to the sour cream and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. We check the readiness of this mass as follows: at the tip of the knife we ​​cool a little of the mixture and try to roll a ball out of it. If it works, then our brew is ready. Check the readiness in this way more often, because if you overexpose the mixture, then crystals will form when it solidifies.
  3. As soon as it's ready, immediately remove the pan from the heat, add butter, nuts and raisins. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Now you need to put the sherbet in a hardening dish. To prevent it from sticking to the bottom and walls, the mold must be greased with oil and rinsed with cold water. Then pour the prepared mass into it and put it in a cool place until it solidifies. After that, it is ready to eat.

Now you know how to make a homemade sherbet like in the good old days.

Ice Cream Sherbet

As we said at the beginning of the article, sherbet is sometimes understood as ice cream. But this is not the usual milk or cream-based product that is sold in every store. Sherbet (or sorbet) is ice cream with a completely different taste and method of preparation.

In order to make sorbet at home, you need to take:

  • Half a kilo of any fresh or frozen berries;
  • 1 orange;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • Some coconut and walnuts.
  1. We take the berries, rinse them thoroughly. If they are frozen, then you need to defrost them. We clean the orange, disassemble it into slices.
  2. Combine berries, orange pulp, coconut, crushed walnuts and powdered sugar. Beat it all with a blender or mixer.
  3. Then we send everything directly to containers in the freezer. Freeze for 2-3 hours. Then mix, put in the freezer again. After another 2-3 hours, mix again and again send to harden for an hour.
  4. After the dessert is frozen enough, you can spread it out onto portioned plates using special tongs or an ice cream spoon. If desired, drizzle with berry syrup or liquid chocolate.

Such a refreshing and low-calorie delicacy will be especially pleasant to eat on hot summer money. And at any other time of the year, homemade sherbet ice cream will not leave anyone indifferent.

So, we have described several types of sherbet - homemade recipes. This, as you understand, is not difficult at all and requires a minimum of various ingredients. You do not need any special cooking skills or florid manipulations.

And if you are wondering how to make sherbet even tastier, then we have several recommendations for you.

  1. For the preparation of all types of sherbet, only fresh vegetables and fruits should be used. So this sweetness will be much tastier. In addition, it is worth remembering that its shelf life is very limited, since, unlike purchased sherbet, no preservatives are used here. Store the treat in the refrigerator.
  2. Before preparing sorbet, all fruits and berries must be thoroughly washed and dried. Dried fruits can be kept in water for a while to soften them. And ignite the nuts in a pan so that all the husks come off them easily and do not spoil the taste of oriental sweetness.
  3. As always, we encourage you to experiment with flavors. For example, when preparing sorbet, you can add cinnamon, vanilla, or other spices to its composition. And if you do not intend to treat them to children, then you can try adding a little cognac, "Amaretto" or whiskey.

Now you know everything about how to cook sherbet correctly and tasty. You will find a recipe with a photo and a detailed step-by-step description of the preparation above. If you want to create a tasty, healthy dish with your own hands, putting your soul into it, and treat your household to a wonderful dessert, then sherbet in all its types is perfect.

Sherbet or, as it is correctly called, sherbet is traditional for the East. The same oriental sherbet is made based on wild rose, rose, dogwood, with the addition of various spices and licorice.

Modern sherbet is more often made from fruit or berry puree with the addition of juice or fruit drink and sweetened with sugar or honey. You can also add ice cream to the sherbet.

Sherbet can also vary in consistency. If you use exclusively fruit juices and purees and only cool the prepared mixture, you will get a delicious refreshing sherbet drink. And if you freeze it before serving, and then interrupt the resulting mixture with a blender, you get a thick viscous sherbet, which even more resembles home-made popsicles. This chirp is more commonly referred to as the French word sorbet, and is more of an ice cream than a drink.

Almost any fruit can be used. I used oranges, apples and peaches in the preparation of the sorbet. I froze my sherbet a little in the freezer. The result is a delicious refreshing thick drink, which, depending on the degree of freezing, can be both thick and thinner.

Cooking steps:

4) Add fruit puree to the unheated syrup. Add lemon juice there. Mix everything and put in the freezer for 1-2 hours. The mass should freeze.

6) Sherbet is ready, the drink remains only to be poured into glasses. Initially, it turns out to be thick, but in extreme heat it melts rather quickly.

Sherbet, aka sherbet, aka sorbet ... This delicacy not only has many names - it may well claim to be the most "multifaceted" one. For most of us, sherbet is a sweet, dairy-based fondant with added chopped nuts and. This dessert is often also called “creamy sausage”.

However, sherbet is also an incredibly healthy and aromatic drink made from rose petals and fruit juices, to which a variety of spices are added. It is this drink that the heroes of oriental fairy tales drink, often causing bewilderment among young readers who are accustomed to "hard" sherbet.

But that's not all. Sherbet is found not only in liquid and solid, but also in soft forms. Soft sorbet is a specially prepared juice that resembles popsicles.

In a word, you can't figure it out right away. And, nevertheless, all types of this wonderful delicacy are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Historical reference

How did you manage to “hide” so many different delicacies under one name? In order to answer this question, you should take a short excursion into history.

First of all, the “right of seniority” belongs to the liquid form of sherbet. The drink, the main ingredients of which were fruits and spices, was considered the favorite delicacy of the legendary Shaherizade. In the Arab world, he enjoyed incredible popularity, and soon "migrated" to Europe. Inventive French some time later "improved" the delicacy in their own way - they began to freeze it, turning it into a cold dessert. So the sherbet drink turned into an ice cream sherbet. Moreover, in France and Italy, it was often added to it to emphasize an unusual taste.

Finally, fudge sherbet, the very sweet to sugary sweetness, was also "born" in the East. Initially, it was a delicacy made from crushed cookies, to which dried fruits, nuts, and other spices were added.

Legend of the origin of the delicacy

The young man was so interested in the exoticism of distant countries that his journey was delayed for twenty years. When Marco Polo returned home, he brought with him not only a huge number of boxes with jewels and objects never seen before, but also an incredible variety of recipes for ancient medicines and dishes, including sherbet.

Sherbet types

As noted above, under the same name there are many delicacies that are radically different from each other. Therefore, let's take a closer look at each of the varieties of sherbet.

Liquid sorbet

Sweetness in liquid form claims to be the “ancestor” of all other types of sherbet. Its main ingredients were rose petals, rose hips, and a variety of spices. Also, ice or ice crumbs, extracts of flowers and herbs, as well as seasonal fruits are added to the drink without fail. Citrus fruits are also often used.

Liquid violet sorbet is very popular in Turkey. It is prepared from fresh flowers, which are first crushed until they turn into gruel, then boiled in a large amount and cooled.

Among all the varieties of liquid sorbet among Europeans, lemon sherbet has gained the greatest popularity, perhaps due to the fact that this drink is somewhat reminiscent of the one we are used to.

Today, in the East, sherbet is valued primarily for its refreshing properties, which make this drink indispensable in hot climates. At the same time, they sincerely believe that sherbet also has healing properties. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the once cold fruit delicacy was available exclusively to the upper class.

Interesting fact: in Turkey, sherbet is considered to be a drink associated with courtship and lovemaking. It is obligatory served during the matchmaking ceremony and at the wedding. There is also a special sherbet for young mothers, which is called “loğusa şerbet” - that is, “sherbet for a woman in labor”. It is believed to enhance lactation. It is prepared in rose water with the addition of cloves and herbs.

Soft sorbet

Soft sherbet is a cold delicacy that resembles a little melted in consistency. France is considered the birthplace of this sweet. D'Artagnan's resourceful compatriots have got used to mixing traditional liquid oriental sherbet with ice cream and chilling it. The result is a complete dessert.

The composition of the soft sherbet is almost the same as that of the sherbet drink. The only difference is the fact that not only fresh fruits and berries, but also dried fruits and nuts are often put into the French version of the oriental delicacy. The most common option is soft sherbet.

Sherbet in the form of fondant

Sherbet fudge is most widespread in Europe, and especially in the post-Soviet space. It is as a sweet fondant with a dense and silky texture that most of us perceive sherbet. The ingredients that are used to make hard sorbet are or, condensed milk, sugar, vanilla, as well as nuts and dried fruits. A thick mixture is prepared from condensed milk, cream and butter, into which dried fruits and nuts are added at the next stage. After that, the workpiece is laid out in a special form, where it solidifies. A delicacy is served, having previously cut it into small pieces.

To many, this version of the dessert seems too cloying. Considering the fact that its main ingredient is condensed milk, to which, among other things, sugar is added, this is not surprising. In addition, due to the presence of nuts and dried fruits, this sorbet is very high.

Composition and useful properties of delicacies

If we talk about the beneficial properties of sherbet, then in different types of this dessert they are radically different.

Composition and useful properties of liquid sherbet

As noted above, the main constituents of liquid sorbet are fresh fruits or berries. They are crushed and added to still hot sugar syrup, in which spices are preliminarily placed. After that, the drink cools down and infuses for a long time. Serve liquid sherbet with ice.

The "trick" of the technology for preparing this dessert is the fact that the fruits and berries included in its composition are not exposed to prolonged heat exposure.

Thus, traditional sorbet, which includes rose hips and rose petals, boasts a high content of carotenoids - natural pigments that are powerful, help slow down the aging process of the body, and also normalize the functions of the endocrine system.

Also, essential oils are present in the composition, and.

All this allows us to say that liquid sherbet increases the body's resistance and its ability to resist adverse external influences, has a positive effect on metabolism, and helps to get rid of dysbiosis.

The energy value of the product depends on the composition. In the traditional sorbet made from rose hips, rose petals, dogwood and spices, it is about 100 kcal per 100 g. If very sweet fruits and berries are used, then the calorie content increases.

Composition and useful properties of soft sherbet

Mild sorbet, often referred to as sorbet, is a great treat for people trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Its main ingredients are purees and juices from berries and fruits. The absence of natural ingredients makes this delicacy low-calorie. Also, unlike liquid sorbet, sugar is used in much smaller quantities during the preparation of a soft treat.

Due to the fact that the fruits and berries that make up the delicacies are subjected to minimal heat treatment, they almost completely retain all the beneficial substances present in their composition. Therefore, sorbet is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and organic acids. This delicacy normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract due to its composition - dietary fiber, which in the intestines is converted into a gel-like mass that binds toxins and toxic substances, after which they are naturally removed from the body. This allows not only to normalize the intestinal microflora, but also helps to speed up metabolism and maintain the bacteriological balance of the body.

At the same time, the calorie content of sorbet is quite low - from 60 to 100 kcal per 100 g of product.

Composition and useful properties of solid sherbet

The value of fudge sherbet is due to the components present in its composition.

The main ingredient of this delicacy is, due to which the most important disaccharide and complex protein casein are present in the composition of sherbet. Lactose is an essential source of energy and helps normalize digestion. As for casein, it gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, preventing overeating.

The vitamin composition is also impressive. So, vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the organs of vision, vitamins of group B are able to normalize the functioning of the human immune system, vitamin C is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary to maintain normal hair and skin.

Dietary fibers present in the delicacy work as a natural "scrub" for the intestines, helping to bind and remove toxic substances accumulated in it. Also, in combination with them, they can reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Dried fruits and nuts are an important component of hard sorbet. Most often, for the preparation of this delicacy, it is used, which contains vegetable fats, as well as biotin, which plays a leading role in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism and promotes the assimilation of protein that enters the body along with food. Dried apricots, which are often added to fondant, are useful for hypertension and anemia. - an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency, helps with a tendency to constipation and "lazy" intestines, and also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

In this case, one should take into account the fact that fondant sherbet is a confection that is quite nutritious. On average, there are about 417 kcal per 100 g of product.

Harm and contraindications

As for the contraindications to the use of any of the types of sherbet, they are quite predictable and also due to the composition of the product.

First of all, due to the high sugar content, liquid and, especially, solid sherbet is not recommended for people who have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, as well as for those who seek to lose weight and are fanatical about their figure. Also, those who suffer from diseases of the pancreas and liver should be approached with caution in the use of fondant, both of which do not like foods high in sugar.

Nutritionists also note that, in terms of its composition, sherbet in any of its incarnations is a rather allergenic delicacy. Both fruits and peanuts, dried fruits, can provoke a reaction of individual intolerance. Also, the body of some people cannot assimilate lactose due to the fact that they do not have it, which is necessary for its breakdown in the intestines. Therefore, the use of sherbet should be approached with caution and should not be particularly carried away.

Cooking peanut sorbet

To make peanut sherbet fondant, you will need the following ingredients: two glasses of milk, three glasses of sugar, 200 g of peanuts, 50 g of butter.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add two and a half cups of sugar to it. Stir, then put on low heat and cook until you realize that the sugar is completely dissolved. Please note that the contents of the pan must be constantly stirred to prevent the milk from burning. Then reduce the heat to low and wait for the milk to thicken and turn creamy.

Pour the remaining sugar into a skillet and melt it over very low heat. Gently pour the melted sugar into a saucepan with milk. Add pre-melted butter there and mix thoroughly.

Peel the roasted peanuts, chop and add to the sweet mass. Stir thoroughly again, then pour the mixture into a baking dish and refrigerate for a few hours. Cut into pieces before serving.

Cooking lemon sherbet

To prepare a fragrant lemon sherbet, you will need: 1.2 kg of sugar, one, two tablespoons freshly chopped, one liter of water, and vanilla to taste.

Pour one and a half cups of water into a saucepan, add mint there and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for two to three minutes. After that, let the broth brew for thirty minutes under a closed lid.

Make sweet syrup. To do this, put the remaining water on low heat and begin to gradually add sugar to it, stirring. When the sugar is completely dissolved, turn the fire up. Don't forget to descale.

After the syrup begins to thicken, pour the pre-filtered mint broth and vanilla into it, and then remove from heat. When it cools a little, pour into it and add the grated zest. After the drink has completely cooled, send it to the refrigerator.

Sherbet with peanuts, the recipe for which at home will be described step by step below, is familiar to many from childhood. Soft, sugary-sweet viscous fudge with lots of peanuts will definitely appeal to both children and adults. Although this dish belongs to traditional oriental cuisine, there are no ingredients in its composition that would be inaccessible. The classic peanut sorbet is made with a lot of butter and sugar, so it has a high calorie content.

What is sherbet?

The word sherbet (also sorbet or sorbet) has several meanings. This is the name of a traditional oriental drink made from rose hips, rose petals, licorice and spices. Now the recipe has changed, and various fruits and berries, honey and spices are added to sherbet. In addition, popsicles or frozen ice are also called sorbet.

Peanut sherbet is an oriental sweet that has nothing to do with drinks. It is a candy made of nuts and fudge, which is cut into small pieces and served as a dessert. In terms of composition and calorie content, sherbet is equated to sweets; it is a hearty and nutritious delicacy. Modern manufacturers usually take condensed milk as a basis.

Homemade recipes

Homemade peanut sorbet recipes may vary. A common ingredient is peanuts, which are used in large quantities. You can buy it already fried or fry it yourself in a pan.

Sherbet with butter

Based on 1 glass of peanuts, you will need 3 more glasses of sugar, 1 glass of full-fat milk, 100 g of butter. The mixture has a liquid consistency, so it is poured into a large mold, and when ready, it is already divided into pieces.

If you take a larger mold, you can cut the delicacy into small portioned slices. You can also place it in a plastic bottle and cut it into wedges like a roll.

Cooking process:

The homemade sherbet recipe is simple but time consuming. If you boil the mixture in the morning, it will cool completely and be ready for use in the afternoon. Ready-made sherbet is served with berries, chopped fruits and other light sweets. It has a rich taste, against which chocolate candies can seem bland.

Sherbet without butter

Each housewife decides for herself what to make sorbet with peanuts. Butter adds fat and calories to the dessert, but there is an option to cook it without butter. For this recipe, you will need a pound of peanuts, a glass of milk, 3 glasses of sugar, a few spoons of cocoa, and 350 g of powdered milk.

Some people prefer to use infant formula instead of powdered milk.

Cooking sherbet:

The exact nutritional value of homemade nut sorbet is difficult to calculate as each housewife uses different ingredients. The approximate calorie content of peanut sorbet is 400 Kcal per 100 g, it contains about 5.7 g of protein, 13.9 g of fat and 55.2 g of carbohydrates.

The taste of nut sherbet is familiar from childhood. It was released in the form of a long, creamy sausage with a honey flavor and a viscous consistency. There are many homemade peanut sorbet recipes that differ from each other. They may contain butter, condensed milk, purchased toffee, honey, cocoa and spices. This is a very satisfying and liver-heavy sweetness, so it is better to cook it rarely and eat it in small portions.

Sherbet (or sherbet) is a traditional drink of the Eastern countries, which is a sweet refreshing drink based on fruit puree, caramel and spices. Sherbet can be thick or runny: the former is often frozen and served as a fruit sorbet, while the latter is simply chilled or served with ice.

The Turkish drink sherbet is extremely easy to prepare, and the arsenal of available tastes numbers thousands and thousands, here you can find traditional fruit and berry sorbets, and options from the flowers of violets, rose, rose hips, sorrel or even chopped nuts. You will learn how to make sorbet in this article. If the presented recipes seem sweet to you and do not quench your thirst, try drinking fresh juices - they do not contain anything superfluous!

Strawberry sorbet drink - recipe


  • strawberry syrup - 50 g;
  • berry juice - 100 ml;
  • strawberries - 3-4 pcs.;
  • mint - 2 leaves;


Beat strawberries with berry juice and pour into a glass with crushed ice. Pour strawberry syrup over the drink and decorate with mint leaves.

Ice in the drink can be replaced with vanilla or strawberry ice cream, since classic sorbet recipes allow the addition of milk or cream. If you think that there are no better recipes for milkshakes with ice cream, then do not put this delicacy, but simply eat it separately.

Can't find strawberry syrup? Then it is enough to simply cook your own from sugar and water in a 1: 2 ratio or pour the drink with berry jam syrup.

Ginger sorbet

Ginger sorbet is a drink for everybody's taste, because with its harsh and spicy taste, it can easily scare away a "Western" person.


  • ginger root - 1 pc .;
  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.


A piece of ginger as thick as a thumb and 3-5 cm long, peel and soak in 200 ml of water overnight. The next day, pour ginger water into a saucepan and mix with sugar, cook a thin syrup from the resulting solution.

Squeeze juice from two oranges and add it to the syrup. Cool the resulting drink and pour it into glasses with ice before serving. Decorate the sorbet with orange zest and grated soaked ginger.

Pomegranate sorbet

Pomegranate sherbet is a true oriental drink as it is served in combination with pink syrup or water.


  • pomegranate juice - 250 ml;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp;
  • rose petals - 1 tbsp.


Lay the rose petals in layers in a small jar or enamel dish. Sprinkle each layer of flower petals with sugar or powdered sugar, and pour the syrup that stands out as it is infused into a separate container, having previously filtered. As the syrup is released, the remaining rose petals can be additionally covered with sugar.

Mix the pomegranate juice with ½ teaspoon of the resulting syrup and set to cool. Serve the finished drink with ice, garnished with pomegranate seeds.

Instead of pink syrup, rose oil is often used to make pomegranate sorbet, but no more than 1 drop per liter of juice.

Fruit sorbet with tea

An excellent soft drink in the coming hot summer season, which, in addition to freshness, gives a boost of energy and perfectly invigorates in the morning.



Chop the citrus zest at random and fill it with boiling water, leave to infuse for 3-4 hours. Squeeze juice from the remaining fruit.

Strain the fragrant infusion on the crusts and mix with ½ cup of orange juice and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. Add sugar to the resulting mixture and add strong brewed tea, mix the future sorbet well and set to cool.

Pour the finished drink into glasses and decorate with a mint leaf or grated citrus zest.