Turkey jelly. Jellied turkey without gelatin - the best step-by-step recipes for cooking at home with a photo

30.09.2019 Beverages

Something we have not talked about how to cook jelly for a long time. It is usually prepared from the limbs, namely the drumstick of a piglet or a calf. Today we will consider how to cook jelly from the neck of a turkey. This will be the recipe and the subtleties of cooking, of course. We will also consider the features of this type of meat today.

Features of turkey meat

First, a few words about the bird itself. The turkey is a very large bird. Its dimensions are quite impressive. The largest males reach a weight of 35 kilograms! Females are much smaller, no more than 16 kg. In Russia, the meat of this bird is used, but not very popular, perhaps due to the high price.

Turkey meat is considered dietary because it contains fewer calories compared to the same chicken. In addition, it is very well absorbed by the body and also includes a lot of valuable chemicals for humans. In 100 grams of neck meat there are no more than 120 kilocalories.

Turkey meat contains the following minerals: sodium, selenium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iodine, atomic gold, vitamins of group B, PP, K, A, E, essential amino acids, fats useful for humans, organic acids and so on.

Jellied neck - recipe

This is a very tasty, low-fat, low-calorie meal containing easily digestible protein. Such jelly can be served even to children. In addition, the taste characteristics of this dish will not leave anyone indifferent. Jellied Ingredients:

Turkey neck - 500 grams;
Bulb onion - 1 large onion;
Garlic - a couple of cloves;
Carrots - 1 piece;
Parsnips - 1 root;
Bay leaf - 2 medium leaves;
Allspice - 2 or 3 peas;
Parsley root - 1 piece;
Parsley leaves - 1 bunch;
Other spices and salt in accordance with taste preferences.

Rinse the turkey necks well, cut each into 2 approximately equal parts and place in a metal pan, adding one and a half liters of water, preferably cold and filtered. We put the container on the fire and wait for it to boil.

After the contents of the pan boil, you need to drain the broth, because it may contain not very useful impurities (antibiotics, hormones and everything that unscrupulous meat producers treat their birds to). In addition, it is preferable that the broth be transparent, and the first portion is unlikely to be so.

The necks should be removed from the pan, rinsed well under running clean water, while carefully removing the remains of coagulated protein, as well as all other unnecessary impurities. After that, again place the meat in a clean saucepan, pour one and a half liters of cold water and put on fire.

After boiling, you need to reduce the fire so that the water continues to boil, but do not boil, and at this pace the meat is cooked for 2 to 3 hours, after which it can be taken out, it will be completely ready.

The next step is to chop the vegetables. You can not chop the onion by placing it in the pan as a whole, without even removing the husk (in this case, the color of the broth will become noble golden). Parsnip root and parsley need to be chopped, the finer the better. Garlic can be crushed with a knife and thrown into the broth.

After 3 hours of boiling, pre-cut vegetables and spices should be placed in a pot with necks, and then boiled for another 2 hours. The fire under the pan should be such that a slow, moderate boil is ensured. Ideally, no more than half a liter of saturated broth should remain.

The degree of readiness of meat can be checked with a knife or fork. If a reddish juice is released when the neck is punctured, it should still be boiled. As a rule, after the specified period of time, there is no doubt that the meat will be ready, but caution is never superfluous.

After the specified amount of time, the necks must be removed from the broth and cooled slightly so that they can be “disassembled” by hand and not get burned. Meat should be carefully separated from bones and cartilage. The presence of these components in the finished dish is unlikely to improve its taste and other characteristics.

The meat must be decomposed into molds and pour the broth to the edge of the mold. For safety (in most cases this will not be required, but when it comes to preparing for an important holiday event, misses are unacceptable) you can add a little gelatin prepared in the traditional way. It is important that the broth is carefully filtered so that unnecessary vegetables, onion peels or small bones do not get into the finished dish.

An almost finished dish should be sent to the shelf of the refrigerator (not to the freezer) and kept there until completely solidified. Before serving, you can decorate the jelly a little with parsley or dill leaves, which will give new spicy notes to the already delicious dish.

You can serve a cold appetizer with horseradish or green peas. For an adult audience, red table wine can be served, which in small quantities will definitely not be superfluous.


The above recipe is approximate and allows for significant variations, both in terms of spices and other ingredients. For decoration, you can add chopped chicken eggs or a long straw from raw smoked low-fat sausage or ham to the finished broth. Experiment with pleasure.

Bon Appetit!

And what else is a turkey neck good for, what recipes do you know, dear reader? Please share with others using the comment form below.

If you really like beef or pork jelly, but at the same time you can’t often indulge yourself with it because of the rather high calorie content, then using turkey in this dish would be an ideal option for you.

Despite the fact that the technology of its preparation is practically the same as any other type of jelly, the end result is much more low-calorie and tender, and therefore you can eat it even if you are on a diet.

This article will talk about how to cook a delicious turkey jelly in the usual way, as well as using a slow cooker, varying the taste depending on the ingredients.

simple recipe

If chicken jelly is absolutely impossible to cook without gelatin, then turkey bones allow you to achieve this. The collagen and fat contained in them is quite sufficient so that the jelly can completely harden without the addition of this thickener.

Therefore, if you do not have gelatin on hand, feel free to cook this yummy without it. We suggest studying the recipe step by step.

  1. This amount of weight (600 g) will have about 4 turkey wings. It is advisable to take those parts in which there are 2 bones, since additional gelatin will not be used in the recipe itself;
  2. Rinse the wings thoroughly and place them in a pot of cool water. Bring everything to a boil, and then immediately pour out this broth, since the first broth is undesirable to use. Rinse the wings again and pour just enough water into the pan so that the wings are barely covered with it. Put the pan on the stove again, and as soon as the water boils, then immediately remove the foam that has appeared. After that, add carrots, it is not necessary to peel it, just wash it, as well as laurel and pepper;
  3. Bring the future jelly to a boil again, and then lower the temperature to the very minimum. Boil everything for about 2 hours, but salt should not be added until about an hour and a half after the start of cooking;
  4. In the allotted time, the turkey will be completely boiled, so it should be removed from the water and cooled slightly. It will be necessary to pull out all the cartilage and bones from it, as well as remove the skin. The remaining meat should be cut into fairly small pieces;
  5. Garlic needs to be ground with a press, then add it to the turkey meat, and then salt and pepper everything a little. Stir the meat so that it is completely saturated with aromas;
  6. Strain the broth. This should be done through gauze, which must first be rolled up several times. After the broth is clear, you should again send it to the pan and boil it several times over high heat. It should be very concentrated;
  7. Peel the carrots and cut into beautiful figures or just rings. Put them in the bottom of the jellied dish and add parsley to them. Lay them out beautifully, because when the jelly turns over, they will be at the very top;
  8. Pour the carrots and parsley with a small layer of broth, and then put the mold in the refrigerator. Since the broth is concentrated, it will not take much time for this layer to solidify. After that, put pieces of meat on the frozen top layer. Pack it firmly enough and pour out all the remaining broth.
  9. The jelly should harden in the refrigerator overnight. During this time, it will become quite dense. After that, briefly place the form in a container of hot water, this will allow the jelly to easily fall out of the form.

Jellied turkey with gelatin

If you are completely unsure that your jelly will harden, then it would be best to play it safe and still add gelatin. They cannot spoil the dish, so the taste will still turn out amazing.

  • turkey - 500 g;
  • gelatin - 1 table. l.;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onion - 70 g;
  • peppercorns - 4 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • greens - 5 branches;
  • pepper and salt.

Time limit: 10 hours.

Calorie content: 61 kcal.

  1. Since gelatin will be used in the recipe, you can choose any pieces of turkey, even a simple fillet, because then you don’t have to worry about the bones. Cut the turkey meat into medium-sized pieces and start boiling them in cool water. Also add carrots and onions to it, and then fill with water so that the meat is completely covered. Salt everything and add peppercorns;
  2. During the cooking of the broth, it is imperative to remove the manifested foam. Also, if necessary, if you notice that the water in the broth boils away too quickly, then you can add a small amount of it, but not more than 100 ml;
  3. It will take you about 4 hours for the turkey meat to become very tender. Separate the meat from the bone and separate it into fibers. Strain the broth through cheesecloth several times, and then add gelatin to it. It must dissolve completely;
  4. Remember that during the cooking of the broth, the vegetables will be ready much earlier than the meat, so they should be taken out about 30-40 minutes after the start of cooking. Discard the onion immediately, and cool the carrots first, and then chop;
  5. Put the carrots on the bottom of the mold, and then lay out the meat and garlic, cut into thin slices. You can also put a little lemon, for sourness;
  6. After that, the jellied meat should be poured with broth and sprinkled with chopped herbs. Leave the jellied meat in the refrigerator until the very moment of solidification, then remove it from the mold and serve.

Festive turkey neck and chicken aspic

For this recipe, in addition to turkey necks, chicken feet will also be used to give the finished dish a deeper taste.

  • turkey neck - 200 g;
  • turkey wing - 200 g;
  • chicken legs - 300 g;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • onion - 150 g;
  • allspice peas - 7 pcs.;
  • garlic - 7 teeth;
  • salt.

Time limit: 9 hours.

Calorie content: 115 kcal.

  1. Rinse all the turkey meat and put it in the pan. After that, prepare the chicken legs by first removing the skin from them, and then cutting off the nails with phalanges. Put them on the turkey;
  2. Pour a little more than 5 liters of water into the pan, and then set the heat to medium. As soon as the pan boils, you should remove the foam, and then reduce the heat to the lowest possible;
  3. The jellied meat should be cooked for about three and a half hours. However, a couple of hours after the start of cooking, you should put carrots and onions in it, as well as bay leaves and peppers;
  4. When the meat is completely cooked, you should pull it out. Salt the broth and boil it again. The cooled meat should be disassembled from the bones, and then cut into small pieces;
  5. Mince the garlic and then mix it into the meat. Cut carrots into slices. After that, start collecting jellied meat. Put all the meat with garlic on the bottom of the dish, and then put the carrots in an even layer. Everything should be poured with concentrated broth and left to harden in a cold place for 5 hours.

Try to cook, this is an interesting and unusual snack that came to us from Foggy Albion.

On the festive table, serve boiled pork cooked in the oven with your own hands. And we tell you how to make meat unusually juicy.

Spicy chicken in teriyaki sauce is what you need! Take note.

Jellied meat with vegetables and herbs in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is the best assistant when preparing jelly, because by loading products into it, you can go about your business, and in the meantime, the equipment will do everything by itself. Let's consider in detail how to cook turkey jelly in a slow cooker.

    • turkey neck - 200 g;
    • turkey wing - 200 g;
    • garlic - 2 teeth;
    • gelatin - 40 g;
    • parsley - 5 branches;
    • onion - 70 g;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
    • salt and ground black pepper.

Time limit: 9.5 hours.

Calorie content: 74 kcal.

  1. Turkey meat should be washed very thoroughly, and then cleaned of all excess. Put it in a saucepan and pour boiled water into it. Wait until the water boils and cook for 10 minutes. Be sure to remove all the foam. After this time, remove the pan from the stove and drain the water. All meat should be put in a slow cooker;
  2. The turkey at this stage must be seasoned, and then add the vegetables. You don't have to cut them, just clean them. Pour everything with fresh cold water, and close the lid. The jellied meat should be cooked in the "Soup" mode. Set the time to three and a half hours. When about 15 minutes remain, add the bay leaf;
  3. Pour gelatin into a separate cup and fill it with water. When it swells, add it to the broth. Slowly heat the container with the broth so that the gelatin is completely swollen;
  4. Crush the garlic and also add to the broth. After that, take the turkey out of the water and remove all the bones from it. Just cut the meat into small pieces and put in a mold. After that, lay out the chopped carrots and chopped greens. Cover the whole jellied meat with broth and put it to cool in the refrigerator.

Jellied meat with turkey drumstick and pork legs

If you still can’t refuse pork jelly, then just mix the meat from the legs of the pig with the legs of the turkey. Believe me, you will not soon forget such a combination.

  • turkey drumstick - 1500 g;
  • pork legs - 1500 g;
  • dill - 10 branches;
  • onion - 150 g;
  • carrots - 300 g;
  • celery - 100 g;
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 8 cloves.

Time limit: 13 hours.

Calorie content: 124 kcal.

  1. Pig legs need to be washed very thoroughly. To do this, take a stiff brush and rub them under running water. After that, just put them in a large saucepan. Rinse the turkey and send to cook along with the legs;
  2. Fill everything with cold water. Place the pot over medium heat and wait for it to boil. Remove all the foam in this process so that the broth is very transparent;
  3. When the water boils, you should immediately reduce the fire. Peel and cut the carrots into large pieces, and then cut the onion into quarters as well. Cut the celery stalks into large pieces as well, and then put all the vegetables into the broth. Also, garlic, peppercorns, dill and bay leaf should also be added to it. In general, the broth with meat should cook for about 6 hours;
  4. Remove the vegetables and turkey from the broth. It should be cooled and the meat removed from the bones. Cut it into pieces and put in a mold. It should occupy approximately 2/3 of the form itself;
  5. After that, remove the pork legs from the broth. Salt the broth and strain it. After that, fill the meat with broth and leave it to harden to the desired state in the refrigerator. After the jelly is cooked, the fatty film should be removed from it. Feel free to serve this appetizer to the table.

  1. In order to cook an unusually tasty jelly, you should choose those parts of the bird that have a lot of bones and cartilage. It is the neck, wings and legs that will be the perfect pieces for him;
  2. You should not cook turkey jelly with only one meat, it is also necessary to have vegetables in it, such as carrots, onions and herbs. Play with seasonings as you wish.

Bon Appetit!

Turkey is a dietary product rich in nutrients. In the preparation of all kinds of dishes from this bird, almost all parts are used, which makes it waste-free. One of these outstanding and very tasty dishes is turkey jelly, which will come in handy at any table.

We cook classic jellied meat in a saucepan with gelatin

A traditional Russian dish, without which not a single New Year's table can do, can be prepared from 500 g of dietary turkey meat and 15 g of gelatin, which guarantees the solidification of the dish.

In addition, you will need:

  • large carrot;
  • small bulb;
  • a few peppercorns;
  • lavrushka;
  • half a garlic head;
  • up to 50 g of parsley;
  • fine white salt.

Cook aspic in a saucepan with gelatin:

  1. The meat is cut into portions and lowered into a pot of water.
  2. Carrots, onions, salt and peppercorns are immediately sent to the bird.
  3. If necessary, water is added so that it covers the meat pieces.
  4. During the cooking process, the foam is removed from the broth.
  5. After 30 minutes, the vegetables are removed, from which the onions are thrown away, and the carrots are crushed after cooling.
  6. After 4 hours, during which no more than 100 ml of water is added, the broth is filtered several times, and the meat is disassembled into fibers.
  7. If bones are present, they are removed.
  8. The gelatin dissolves in the broth.
  9. Carrots and garlic cloves are laid out at the bottom of the form, then meat and greens are distributed.
  10. Everything is poured with broth and sent to the refrigerator to solidify.

From the neck of a turkey

Poultry neck aspic is an easy-to-prepare, very tender dish with a rich taste.

To complete the recipe, you need:

  • 2 large necks;
  • bulb;
  • medium-sized carrot fruit;
  • parsnip;
  • allspice peas, white salt, herbs and lavrushka.

Cooking scheme:

  1. The washed necks are divided into several parts, which are filled with 1.5 liters of water.
  2. After boiling, the foam is removed from the broth.
  3. After 2 hours, salt, spices, parsnips and vegetables are sent to the pan.
  4. In the process of preparing the broth, the liquid is added so that no more than 600 ml of it remains in the final.
  5. When the indicated volume of liquid remains, parsley is laid out in the pan.
  6. After 5 minutes, the necks are removed.
  7. The meat is separated from the bone and laid out in a sudok, where it is poured with strained broth.
  8. The filler freezes in the refrigerator.

Cooking in a multicooker

If you cook jellied meat from parts of a turkey in a slow cooker, then the dish turns out to be fragrant and dietary, but it will not require almost any effort.


  • 700 g of hips and wings;
  • onion head;
  • medium-sized carrot fruit;
  • half a garlic head;
  • special seasonings for jelly.


  1. Meat is placed in the bowl, which is poured with 2 liters of water.
  2. The multicooker is set to the "Extinguishing" mode for 5 hours.
  3. After 2 hours, vegetables, spices and salt are laid out in the broth.
  4. When the signal sounds, the broth is strained.
  5. The meat is separated from the bones and laid out in a mold, where it is sprinkled with garlic crumbs and poured with broth without vegetables.
  6. The aspic is infused for at least 5 hours in the cold to solidify.

How to make without gelatin

Turkey drumsticks contain a large amount of fat and collagen, which contributes to the solidification of the aspic.

Therefore, making jelly without gelatin will not be a problem.

It is enough to prepare:

  • 1 drumstick;
  • 1 neck;
  • bulb;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • salt and spices.

To cook jellied turkey without gelatin, follow a simple algorithm:

  1. Meat ingredients are poured into 4 liters of water, into which salt, spices, onion and 1 carrot are also sent.
  2. The future jelly is cooked for 4 hours, after which the broth is filtered, and the meat, disassembled into small pieces, is laid out in small bowls.
  3. Turkey meat, on which circles of the remaining carrots are laid out for decoration, is poured with broth.
  4. After a night in the refrigerator, the aspic is served at the table.

Jellied turkey leg

Aspic turkey is an excellent dietary dish that can be included in the menu of proper nutrition without hesitation.

To bring the recipe to life you will need:

  • several shins;
  • small carrots;
  • a pair of onion heads;
  • lavrushka;
  • allspice;
  • clove buds (optional)
  • medium-sized salt and favorite table greens

Sequence of actions:

  1. The shins are placed in a saucepan and filled with water so that its level is 10 centimeters higher than the meat.
  2. Next, lay out vegetables, spices and salt.
  3. The dish is cooked for 4 hours.
  4. After half the time, the vegetables are removed.
  5. The bulbs are thrown away, and the carrots are cut into bars.
  6. When the meat is cooked, it separates from the bones, which return to the broth for another 1 hour.
  7. Meat pieces are laid out in a sudok, where they are decorated with greens, carrots and filled with ready-made broth.

Wing technology

An interesting recipe that, when executed with gelatin, will give an excellent dish with an incredibly appetizing aroma.

You will need:

  • 2 wings;
  • 1 neck
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • parsley root;
  • some gelatin;
  • salt and spices.

Creation method:

  1. The meat is placed in a saucepan, where water is poured. It should only slightly cover the ingredients.
  2. The broth is boiled for 1 hour, after which vegetables, spices, salt and parsley root are sent to the container.
  3. When another 2 hours have passed, the broth is filtered.
  4. Gelatin is diluted in 50 ml of cooled liquid.
  5. The meat, separated from the bones, and carrots are cut into slices, the greens are chopped.
  6. The crushed products are laid out in a mold, where they are poured with broth already mixed with gelatin.
  7. Sudok goes to the cold.
  1. The meat is placed in a saucepan with vegetables, salt, parsley root and peppercorns.
  2. Everything is filled with water, which should cover the main ingredients completely.
  3. The broth is cooked for 3 hours, 30 minutes before the expiration of which chopped greens, pepper and bay leaf are sent to the pan.
  4. The finished meat is separated from the bones and placed in a bowl.
  5. The broth is filtered and mixed with gelatin dissolved in water.
  6. The broth is poured into the sudok, and the future jellied meat is sent to the refrigerator.

From pork legs and turkey

With this combination of meat products, the jelly will turn out to be dense and at the same time light.

Before cooking, prepare:

  • turkey drumstick;
  • 2 pork legs;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • ½ head of garlic;
  • salt and spices.

In the process of bringing the recipe to life:

  1. Pork legs are soaked for 2 hours, after which they are thoroughly cleaned.
  2. The prepared product, along with the turkey drumstick, is sent to the pan.
  3. Everything is poured with water, salted and boiled for 6 hours.
  4. In the middle of the cooking process, vegetables are sent to the broth.
  5. After the specified time, the meat is separated from the bones and laid out together with chopped garlic in a bowl, where it is poured with strained broth and seasoned.

To diversify the diet, it is not necessary to cook complex dishes, spending most of the day near the stove. You can experiment and create a culinary masterpiece worthy of a restaurant menu from a minimal grocery set.

The lowest-calorie jelly can be made from turkey. To taste, it is in no way inferior to the traditional one and it is very easy to cook it. Unlike chicken, there is a lot of meat in the wings and thigh, and it freezes without gelatin and other offal.

Wash the turkey in cool water. Peel onions and carrots.

Put the meat and vegetables in a saucepan, add black peppercorns, and pour water so that its surface is 5-7 centimeters higher than the meat, put on fire (I got about 2.5 liters of water, but you can navigate by the volume of food). Add 1.5 - 2 teaspoons of salt. After boiling, remove the foam and reduce the heat. Cook over low heat for 4 hours. And after 2 hours, remove carrots and onions from the pan. We need carrots for decoration, and onions can be thrown away. During the cooking process, you can add a little water.

When the turkey is done, take it out of the pot and let it cool down. Strain the broth through a fine sieve.

Free the turkey from the skin and bones. Break it up with your hands or a fork.

Cut carrots into small pieces, you can cut out figures or stars. Finely chop the garlic.

Put the carrots in a tray.

Then lay out the meat, garlic and lemon slices.

Pour the contents of the tray with strained broth. Cool and refrigerate for several hours. If you are afraid that the jelly will not harden, use gelatin. To do this, take 1 ladle of broth and completely dissolve the gelatin in it in the amount indicated on the package. Then combine and mix both types of broth with and without gelatin, and pour over the jelly.


  • turkey drumstick (large) - 1 pc. (600 g)
  • turkey thigh - 2 pcs. (1.5 kg)
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • parsley root (or greens) - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • peppercorns - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 1/2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1.5 tsp
  • water - 3 l
  • gelatin (optional) - 25 g


Cut the onion in half lengthwise, the head of garlic across, wash the carrots well, but do not peel. Place the meat, vegetables on a baking sheet covered with parchment, lightly sprinkle with vegetable oil and put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Vegetables should be browned and give a smell, the meat will warm up well. Put everything in a multicooker bowl (or in a deep saucepan), add parsley root, peppercorns, pour water and cook for 3-4 hours.

After the end of the program, take out the meat, cool slightly. Disassemble into small pieces along the fibers and place in trays or jellied molds. Strain the broth through a sieve, with cotton wool laid on the bottom to remove excess fat. Salt to taste. Pour broth over meat.

If desired, you can put decorations from boiled carrots, parsley sprigs or something else on the meat according to your desire. Put the jellied meat in the refrigerator or on a cold balcony and let it harden completely. It is convenient to make jelly in the evening and it will harden overnight.

Useful advice

The jelly will harden well without the addition of gelatin, but ... It will melt quickly at room temperature. If it is assumed that the dish should stand on the festive table for some time, then it is better to add gelatin, there is absolutely no harm from it. If gelatin is ordinary, then it must be soaked for 10-15 minutes in water, then squeezed and dissolved in a small amount of hot broth and poured into the rest of the broth. Today, instant gelatin is most often sold, which does not require pre-soaking. It also needs to be diluted in a small amount of hot or warm broth, and then poured into the main broth and pour over the meat in the trays.