Which contributes to the rapid removal of alcohol from the body. How to remove alcohol from blood at home: effective methods and recommendations

13.10.2019 Beverages

As soon as alcohol enters the body, it begins to be absorbed through the mucous membranes, and within about one and a half hours in the body, its content increases. As the body assimilates alcohol, its decay begins, and decay products, and partially alcohol in an unchanged form, are excreted through the kidneys and urinary system, as well as with sweat and exhaled air.

Both of these processes run in parallel, as a result, the alcohol content in the blood, exhaled air and urine constantly changes. After a single intake of alcohol, the alcohol concentration reaches a maximum after a while, after which it begins to decrease.

If a person continues to drink, using his usual doses of alcohol at certain intervals, the concentration changes in a more complex way. Everyone knows people who know how to sit for hours at the table, continuously "adding", while not getting drunk completely, but, nevertheless, maintaining the desired level of light intoxication. These people, simply based on experience or intuition, equalize the amount of alcohol consumed and removed.

We are interested in purely practically two questions:

  1. If a certain amount of alcohol is drunk, after what time will the alcohol be completely removed so that you can drive a car without fear of the consequences?
  2. How much and what can you drink, knowing that after a certain time you need to get behind the wheel sober?

As you can see, the second task is the opposite in relation to the first. To solve both of these problems, it is necessary to calculate how much alcohol leaves the body, depending on the dose, strength and other circumstances.

How to calculate how much you can drink at the table?

It is common knowledge that women get drunk faster than men, and "larger" people can drink more than "personable". There are also many other factors that are difficult to take into account: the amount of food eaten, its composition (in particular, the amount of fat), the degree of carbonation of the drink, individual characteristics, etc. Due to the impossibility of accurately accounting for all these factors, you can focus on some average value, identified by the results of many measurements.

It can be assumed that in 1 hour 1 kg of body weight of a man removes 0.115 ml of pure alcohol, and women are 20% less, or 0.92 ml. And now an example for the first task: a man weighing 80 kg sat down at the table at 18.00, and drank 350 ml of brandy with a strength of 42% during the evening. At what time (evening, night, morning) can we assume that alcohol is practically eliminated?

We recalculate the amount drunk for pure alcohol by volume, based on the strength of the brandy: 350 x 42/100 = 147 (ml). With a weight of 80 kg for each hour, a man is able to allocate 0.115 x 80 = 9.2 (ml) of pure alcohol. All consumed alcohol will be excreted in 147 / 9.2 = 16 (h). We add to the time of the beginning of the feast the time of complete elimination: 18 + 16 = 34 (h). It can be seen that the time of complete sobering up comes only the next day, well after midnight. Subtracting from 32 the number of hours in a day (24), we get 34 - 24 = 10 (h). So, complete sobering up comes only at 10.00 in the morning of the next day.

We solve the inverse problem: how much champagne with a strength of 11% can a woman weighing 60 kg drink, if after 4 hours you need to be sober as glass? We find the amount of alcohol released in 1 hour: 0.92 x 60 = 5.52 (ml). In 4 hours, 4 x 5.52 = 22.1 (ml) of pure alcohol will be released. You can drink champagne 22.1 x 100/11 = 200 (ml). So, only 200 ml of champagne is available, while at the beginning of each next hour, you need to drink at least 200/4 = 50 (ml) of a sparkling drink so that the "allowed" dose does not apply to the end of the withdrawal period.

Why count when you can look at the table?

The principles and examples of calculations were given for fans of calculations, for a practical guide, we give a table of alcohol withdrawal from the body, depending on the weight of a person and the drink consumed.

If there is no corresponding line for the amount of drunk in the table, you can decompose the amount of drunk into the components provided in the table and add up the corresponding times. Let's check the rule with the example above: a man weighing 80 kg drank 350 ml of cognac. We find in the table the sobering time for quantities of 300 ml and 50 ml, which is 13 hours 42 minutes and 2 hours 17 minutes. After adding up, we get 13 hours 42 minutes + 2 hours 17 minutes = 15 hours 59 minutes. The result coincided with sufficient accuracy.

If a number of different drinks are drunk at the table, the corresponding times must also be added up. Example: a 70 kg man drank 100 ml of vodka and 500 ml of strong beer. Adding 4 hours 58 minutes and 3 hours 44 minutes, we get 8 hours 42 minutes. Time enough to get a good night's sleep.

The table is designed for men. For a woman of the same weight, the elimination time is increased by a quarter. Example: if a woman weighing 70 kg drinks 100 ml of vodka and a bottle of beer according to the previous example, the time for complete sobering up will be 8 hours 42 minutes + 2 hours 11 minutes = 10 hours 53 minutes.


We hope that the given rules and the table will help you not to get into unpleasant situations. A lot of useful information about alcoholic beverages, their preparation and consumption can be found on the website www.nalivali.ru, a true knowledge base for connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages.

Removal of alcohol from the body without intervention takes a long time, which is not always there. But a reason to drink may appear when alcohol consumption is undesirable. If you need to take a blood alcohol test in the next few hours, it is best to speed up the alcohol withdrawal process.

How to quickly remove alcohol from the body?

Firstly, if you drank recently, then you need to induce vomiting. This will help get rid of the alcohol in your stomach and allow less alcohol to enter your bloodstream. Alcohol leaves the human body in three ways: through the lungs, liver and skin. And all this helps the liver. The removal of alcohol from the body can be accelerated if you know what contributes to this:

  • Activated carbon. The withdrawal of alcohol will be significantly accelerated if you drink activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of mass. That is, for a person weighing 60 kilograms, you need to drink 6 tablets. The tablets are washed down with plenty of water;
  • The withdrawal of alcohol is accelerated significantly if you drink fermented milk products on an empty stomach, for example, kefir. The amino acids and bacteria contained in it help the liver to cope with its work faster;
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Since alcohol is excreted along with urine, with a large intake of fluid into the body, accelerated cleansing processes can be triggered. It will also help thin the blood, which will reduce the concentration of alcohol in it. But the withdrawal of alcohol in this way is possible only when there is no risk of edema formation;
  • Bath. If, after a party, you visit the steam room, and sweat rolls off you, then soon there will be no trace of alcohol in your body. Heat and heat will help speed up metabolic processes, and alcohol will be released along with sweat;
  • Diuretics. Which diuretic to take depends on how drunk you are. If it is strong, then strong acting drugs are needed. For example, furosemide. But before using it, you need to make sure that you have no contraindications to it. Furosemide will remove all toxins in a short time, but together with them it will drain the heart. Therefore, with light intoxication, it is better to use diuretic teas;
  • Exercise stress. Run, do a few squats to disperse the blood and speed up metabolic processes. Alcohol withdrawal will take less time.

Cleansing the body of alcohol cannot happen instantly, even when using several methods to accelerate its withdrawal. You need to take this into account and start acting in advance. Removing alcohol from the body naturally will still take longer.

What will help to remove alcohol and improve the condition

Often people suffering from a hangover want to remove alcohol from the body more quickly. But you can not wait for the time when the withdrawal of alcohol is over, you can improve the condition earlier with the help of:

  • Beer. Here the rule is "knock out a wedge by a wedge". If you had to drink a lot yesterday, then your body received a high dose of toxins. A small cup of beer will help push them through. Of course, you can use vodka instead of beer. But vodka does not have a diuretic effect, and the withdrawal time will increase;
  • Brine. After another party, your face looks like a square. You will tell me why there is a brine, because salt retains liquid for a longer time? The fact is that after drinking, the fluid from the vessels in your body goes into the tissues, edema is formed. And in the vessels it becomes insufficient. Salt is needed to return fluid to the blood. There is enough of it in the brine, and essential oils and other useful substances will help to overcome a hangover. But don't confuse pickle with pickle;
  • Dream. In a dream, you will not only not feel the consequences of yesterday's drunkenness, but you will also help the body to relax, remove all the toxins that you received with alcohol.

To make alcohol leave your body faster, try combining several methods. All these methods will help not only speed up the elimination of alcoholic toxins, but also improve well-being. And after a while, the breathalyzer will show that you are completely sober.

Sometimes holidays, meeting friends, or just having a good meal don't always end as expected. Traditionally, in such circumstances, people drink alcohol, but they do not always control its amount, and as a result, the coming morning automatically becomes unkind, however, like the whole next day. Therefore, the question of how to quickly remove alcohol from the body becomes more relevant than ever and is asked by both alcoholics and quite adequate people who drink little. Naturally, it is impossible to significantly speed up the time for removing alcohol from the body so that no traces of alcohol are left in the blood or urine test, but you can reduce its harmful effects and get rid of a hangover.

Ways of removing alcohol from the body

To understand how to quickly remove alcohol, you first need to figure out what are the ways of cleansing from alcohol.

The main way of removing alcohol from the human body is through the liver. This is where most of the ethanol got inside (up to 90%), which is removed by oxidation, turning into acetic acid. Ethyl alcohol is converted into poisonous acetaldehyde using a special enzyme: aldehyde dehydrogenase. In alcoholics, the constant presence of this chemical reaction can cause hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Over time, acetaldehyde is oxidized to acetic acid, which is able to be utilized by all cells of the human body. Removing toxins from the liver is a very complex and lengthy process, which, unfortunately, cannot be accelerated. The speed of this process depends on the health of the liver and the sex of the person. For men, it lasts about 0.1-0.15 ppm per hour, and for women - 0.08-0.1.

In its pure unchanged form, alcohol is excreted from the human body through evaporation by the skin and lungs, as well as through the kidneys. This is the second way to clear alcohol. It is quite possible to intensify the excretion of ethanol through the lungs, kidneys and skin, both by folk and medication.

The main method used by medicine to remove alcohol from the human body is, of course, a dropper, the usual composition of which includes vitamins B and C, 5% glucose, insulin and any drug (Trisol, Reamberin, etc. .). These droppers restore the normal functioning of the body, accelerating the elimination of alcohol through the kidneys. Also, doctors can recommend tablets ("Zorex", "Glutargin", etc.), which accelerate the elimination of ethanol breakdown products through urine.

There are many methods of removing alcohol from your body that you can use yourself at home. Sweet tea and coffee have a diuretic effect, the use of these drinks helps to remove toxins from the body. However, people who have heart problems are advised to replace them with still mineral water, juices with a high content of vitamin C (apple or orange), vinegar drink. You can also take a steam bath, take a warm bath or shower, which will help to release some of the ethanol with sweat through the skin. Fresh air and feasible physical activity will no less contribute to the removal of alcohol from the human body. Some of the alcohol that I have not yet had time to absorb into the blood will remain in the stomach for a long time. A reliable way to remove this part of alcohol is to drink plenty of non-alcoholic beverages. Then the person is forced to gag, thus flushing his stomach. Such procedures stop the flow of ethanol into the blood, and the time for the elimination of alcohol from the body is reduced accordingly. The use of activated carbon or other sorbents to remove alcohol is practically useless, since the ethyl alcohol molecules are very small for the sorbent to absorb. To soften the state of health will help drugs like "Antipolitsay". They can only alleviate the hangover syndrome (relieve headaches, remove bad breath, etc.), but in no way remove alcohol.

We bring to your attention tips that are easy to apply at home:

  1. The first and most important thing is to stop drinking alcohol further. There is no point in trying to cope with the effects of alcohol if alcohol continues to enter the body.
  2. Drinking a lot of liquid (not alcoholic, of course) will contribute to the load on the kidneys, as a result, toxins are more intensively excreted through the urine. Mineral water without gases is best, as gases can provoke vomiting.
  3. According to the old "old-fashioned" method, you need to drink strong sweet tea or coffee. In addition to the diuretic effect, the presence of a large amount of sugar will give the body glucose, which is so necessary for the normal and full functioning of the brain.
  4. You can drink milk. It will create an enveloping film in the stomach and promote a slower absorption of alcohol into the body.
  5. Food rich in starch (bread, potatoes, various cereals, etc.) has an absorbing effect. You can simplify the task with ready-made absorbents in tablets.
  6. Artificial vomiting will help remove alcohol that has not yet been absorbed into the bloodstream. So called gastric lavage will greatly alleviate the condition and weaken the degree of intoxication.
  7. There are many mind games that you can play with your company. You can tackle simple problems, crossword puzzles, or just think over to the smallest detail a plan for tomorrow or week. Boosting your brain activity also contributes to sobering up.
  8. Sweet fruits that contain large amounts of fructose (bananas, oranges, apples, strawberries, grapes, etc.) will help to cope with alcoholic effects on the body.
  9. Simple physical exercise will speed up the process of cleansing the body of alcoholic toxins. For example, dancing will help you combine business with pleasure.
  10. By speeding up the metabolism, sex can also help quickly remove alcohol from the body. Plus, increased sweat production will speed up the process of removing alcohol through the skin.
  11. The thermal effect of a bath or a contrast shower will help speed up metabolism and eliminate toxins. But in no case doused with ice water. It can only cause more unpleasant and lasting ailments than drunkenness and hangover.
  12. You can't overeat. Excess proteins and fats in the body require large amounts of bile to be processed, which puts additional stress on the already "shocked" liver.
  13. Ethyl toxins attack the brain tissue, which is responsible for the production of a particular hormone. It redistributes fluid in the body so that it flows from the blood into the tissues. Therefore, the face is a little swollen in the morning and the person feels an irresistible thirst. Although brine will not help remove alcohol from the body, it will help restore the salt balance, replenish blood plasma with fluid and saturate it with salt and electrolytes. All that remains is to remember that pickle and marinade are not the same thing.
  14. The faster you cleanse the body, the faster it will cope with those harmful substances that have already entered the bloodstream. An enema can help with this. It will cleanse from harmful toxins and fusel oils that are inevitably included in alcoholic beverages.
  15. With a hangover, the body lacks potassium, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and kidneys. Foods rich in potassium are such foods as bananas, parsley, avocados, dates, potatoes, dried apricots, tomato paste, etc. Having eaten at least a little of these foods, you can easily replenish the body with the missing potassium.
  16. Consuming fatty foods with alcohol will help slow the absorption of alcohol.
  17. 10 ml of ammonia diluted in half a glass of water will help not only sober up a person, but also cope with alcohol poisoning. You need to drink this remedy every twenty minutes.
  18. Perhaps the use of herbal decoctions and infusions. Herbs such as mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain, etc. will be especially useful in this case.
  19. Regular raw chicken proteins can help cope with alcohol poisoning.
  20. Fermented milk products are also good for removing alcohol from the body. They contain a large number of amino acids and bacteria that promote metabolism, thereby helping the liver to cope with toxins. It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach in small sips.
  21. Everyone knows that sleep is a universal remedy for many diseases. All of the above methods of fighting alcohol in the body are good, but there is no better way than healthy sleep.

A rare holiday for our brother is complete without alcohol. But often the next day you need to go to work or do other important things. What can be done in such a situation? Are there ways to quickly remove alcohol from the body?


Very often it is the drivers who find themselves in unpleasant situations because of the "communication" with alcohol. And the point is not even that the traffic cops stop the drunk, the person can be completely adequate. But breathalyzers show otherwise, and an unacceptable dose of alcohol for driving is found in the blood. In this case, you need to know the rate of elimination of alcohol from the body so as not to get into unpleasant situations. In order to calculate your figure, you need to use the Widmark formula, which takes into account such data as the height, weight and gender of a person, as well as the strength of the drink drunk and the fullness of the stomach at the time of drinking. And only after simple calculations can you find out the individual terms in which the body will be completely cleansed of the alcohol consumed.

Medicine to help

There are medical ways to quickly remove alcohol from the body. First of all, in case of severe intoxication, you can seek medical help, and the person will simply be assigned droppers, which will speed up the process of cleansing the body. At home, you can try using a remedy such as "Antipolitsay". But it is worth noting that the result from this drug will not be as good as expected. After taking it, morning sickness, headache may go away, the so-called “bodun” among the people may go away, but it will not be possible to cleanse the body from the harm of alcohol. To alleviate the condition and somewhat weaken the effect of alcohol on the body, you can use activated carbon. It is necessary to drink about 5-7 tablets with warm water, and after a fairly short time, you can feel some endowment. The level of alcohol in the blood will decrease, and, accordingly, the intoxication of the body. Well, and, probably, the most effective medical way to quickly remove alcohol from the body at home: take succinic acid tablets. After taking alcohol, you need to drink 2-3 tablets and repeat the procedure several times throughout the day. It is this remedy that will help in the shortest possible time to restore the normal functioning of the body after taking a large dose of alcohol.


There are also fairly simple and affordable ways for everyone to quickly remove alcohol from the body. You just need to use the food that everyone is familiar with. By the way, they help the body in no way worse than some medicines. So, it is worth noting that in order to quickly remove alcohol, a person needs to drink a lot of liquid - water, compote, tea can be. Milk also removes alcoholic toxins from the body well. You need to take it in a glass every hour and a half. Regular chicken broth has the same properties as milk. And by adding a pinch of cumin and cinnamon there, you can further speed up the process of cleansing the body of toxins. Well, and, probably, everyone knows the classic folk way of how to cleanse the body of alcohol - drink a glass of cucumber or tomato pickle. You need to drink it every hour and a half until relief occurs.

Not only people who are addicted to alcohol face the problem of removing harmful elements of alcohol from the body. The consequences of drinking strong drinks at a banal holiday table make themselves felt even after a few days. The intensive removal of harmful substances is especially relevant for those who plan to continue active work the next day after the meal. Therefore, the question naturally arises: how to remove alcohol from the blood? Moreover, the process of withdrawal itself must obviously be safe, affordable and effective.


The simplest and safest principle of alcohol purification from blood is liquid withdrawal. In this case, it is worth taking a closer look at For example, experts recommend "Veroshpiron", Spironolactone "and similar funds. But not many in the morning after a stormy celebration are able to get to the period.

In this regard, another question: how to quickly remove alcohol from the blood with natural diuretic products? Watermelon, melon and zucchini have similar properties. If the pumpkin season has long passed, then you should turn to alternative means. For example, green tea or oatmeal tea will provide the same effect without side effects.


Perhaps there is no easier way to remove alcoholic components from the body than water. It cannot be said that drinking plenty of water will quickly restore its previous state, but without it, other methods will be ineffective. The presence of fluid during this period is simply necessary - both for getting rid of harmful toxins, and for general tone.

If you need to remove alcohol from the blood at home without special drugs and diuretics, then water will be a good solution. It is necessary to drink with a frequency of about 4 liters for 2-3 hours. Such a volume will not only stimulate blood cleansing, but also effectively wash the walls of the stomach, which is very useful in a state of a hangover. Moreover, the water should be slightly chilled and clean. You can replace plain water with mineral water or fresh juice. However, these should be natural drinks, not packaged ones. Liquids with sweeteners, dyes and additives are not included in this paragraph.

Hike to the bathhouse

Water procedures as such also have a positive effect on the body poisoned by alcohol. In this case, the same scheme applies as with diuretics - the removal of unwanted substances along with the liquid. Only the bathhouse stimulates the elimination of alcohol through intense sweating. The thermal effect of a bath or sauna speeds up the metabolic process, ridding the body of toxins. But it is also important to observe some precautions.

How to remove alcohol from the blood using a bath without harm to health? First of all, this method is not suitable for those who have heart problems. You can also use a contrast shower, but without abrupt transitions between temperature regimes.

It should also be remembered that the bath increases blood pressure, just like alcohol. And if people who are sensitive to intracranial pressure can still afford a little wine, then the additional heat load can only aggravate the situation.

Physical exercises

If there is no bath or sauna in the house or, in principle, there is no craving for water procedures, then sweating can be triggered by physical education. It doesn't take long. In a state of hangover, 20 minutes of intense exercise will induce active sweating in anyone, and at the same time will speed up the metabolism. But you shouldn't overdo it with training either. It is important not to forget that the body has a certain form of poisoning and excessive loads are also undesirable for it.

By the way, when it comes to questions that quickly removes alcohol from the blood and at the same time does not exert psychological pressure, many experts note sex. On the one hand, this is the same form of physical activity with the release of sweat, and on the other, the production of a "happy" hormone - endorphin. That is, in addition to solving physiological problems with the help of sex, you can to some extent eliminate the depression characteristic of a hangover.


The main rule is not to overeat, not to burden the stomach with laborious work processes. The most problems are caused to the internal organs of proteins and fats, the processing of which will involve a lot of bile - accordingly, the load on the liver doubles. The most useful for the normalization of digestion processes, heart and circulatory system will be the intake of foods containing potassium. It is good for both the heart and the kidneys, which will provide the same diuretic effect.

How to remove alcohol from the blood using potassium? It is enough to use bananas, potatoes, dried fruits, tomato paste and herbs. As for the main dishes, the emphasis can be placed on the so-called absorbent ingredients. This is food containing starch - the same potatoes, cereals, flour, etc. Fermented milk also contribute to the withdrawal of alcohol. The bacteria and amino acids contained in such products stimulate the same metabolic process, helping the body to cope with toxins.

How to remove alcohol from the blood with medications?

There are many specialized complex remedies that allow you to remove alcohol and, in general, help the body cope with the symptoms of a hangover. Among them are "Zorex", "Alka-Prim", "Alkozeltser", etc. They, in addition to disinfecting effects, have a positive effect on the nervous system and accelerate the same metabolism. But they also have a serious drawback - side effects. In one case it will be an allergic reaction, in another - insomnia, and in the third - vomiting with nausea. And this is not to mention the contraindications, including liver disease.

Many people call activated carbon the most gentle solution of this type. It would seem that it is a familiar and long-tried remedy, but does activated charcoal remove alcohol from the blood as effectively as the above drugs? According to the manufacturers, as an absorbing agent, it is able to eliminate a significant proportion of alcohol in the body in a few minutes.


Of course, it is worth turning to specialized drugs only in special, extreme cases. If there is no need for immediate removal of alcohol, then it makes sense to spare the body and use soft and painless methods. How can you quickly remove alcohol from the blood with minimal stress? The easiest way is to do nothing and continue sleeping. At this time, the body's struggle with toxins is not felt, but it goes on, and moreover, it is stable and confident. Known and quite effective strategy "wedge wedge". That is, morning drunkenness. Oddly enough, a modest dose of the same alcohol stimulates the process of decomposition and elimination of harmful substances, as it promotes the previous dose.