Delicious cottage cheese Easter without eggs. Easter cottage cheese - the most delicious and different recipes for excellent treats for the festive table

05.03.2020 Desserts and cakes

Easter cottage cheese... An integral part of any Easter table. Easter cottage cheese can be either raw or baked or custard or boiled. And how tasty the cottage cheese will turn out to be, depends to a large extent on the quality of the cottage cheese used for its preparation.

Baked cottage cheese Easter is especially tasty - such Easter is usually baked in the oven, and candied fruits, raisins, nuts or cocoa are very often added to it. And custard (boiled) cottage cheese Easter always turns out to be very tender - in order to cook it, a mixture of cottage cheese, butter, sour cream and eggs is brewed in a saucepan. This is how the famous cottage cheese Easter "Tsarskaya" is prepared!

In general, Easter cottage cheese can be prepared in two ways: cold and hot. In order to cook Easter cottage cheese in a cold way (that is, raw Easter), all the components are carefully rubbed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and to prepare boiled Easter, the mass is heated over a fire until bubbles begin to rise from the bottom of the pan. Of course, making hot Easter cottage cheese requires more effort, but it turns out to be much softer and sweeter than the raw version.

Ideally, the cottage cheese for making cottage cheese Easter should be fresh and sufficiently fatty (although some hostesses claim that excellent cottage cheese Easter is obtained from dry fat-free cottage cheese). Selected homemade cottage cheese is especially well suited for these purposes, and if it was made from baked milk, it is doubly good (to prepare such cottage cheese, milk is flooded in the oven for several hours), because Easter prepared from such cottage cheese can boast an unusually pleasant pink color!

In order for the cottage cheese easter to always be homogeneous, the cottage cheese must be carefully wiped through a sieve, and only after that it is combined with all the other ingredients and the future cottage cheese easter is thoroughly kneaded. And you can always beat the curd mass using a mixer.

Sour cream for making Easter cottage cheese should be non-acidic, as well as rather fatty and thick, and the cream should also have a high fat content (at least thirty percent). And sugar can always be replaced with powdered sugar - it will be much easier to grind it with egg yolks, and the finished product in this case will be able to boast of a more delicate consistency. As for the eggs, it is best to take the yolks for making cottage cheese Easter, which are ground with sugar or powdered sugar until they brighten. And the lighter this mixture turns out, the better!

Easter cottage cheese, along with, is an integral attribute of the Easter festive table. If you have never cooked Easter from cottage cheese, I recommend trying it, it is very tasty and simple!

I offer you a recipe for raw cottage cheese Easter. It turns out to be a real delicacy that flies away in an instant!

To prepare it, you will need a special mold, a pasochny, in the form of a truncated pyramid, which, I think, will not be difficult to find on sale before Easter. They are plastic and wooden. However, you can use an ordinary flower pot or colander instead, that is, any container with a hole in the bottom through which the whey will drain.


Glass - 250 ml

  • 500 gr of cottage cheese (better than homemade, without grains)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 bag of vanilla sugar
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (20-25%)
  • 100 gr butter
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup nuts (walnuts or others)
  • 1 / 2-3 / 4 cups candied fruits

Video recipe for Easter cottage cheese:

How to cook cottage cheese Easter - recipe with photo:

  1. Prepare food for Easter. Leave the butter at room temperature to soften. Chop the nuts not very finely. If the candied fruits are large, then cut them into pieces. The products indicated in the composition are just enough for the form, as in the photo, with a volume of 1 liter.

    Essential products for egg-free Easter cottage cheese

  2. Sort out the raisins and pour boiling water over for 10 minutes.

    Soaked raisins

  3. Drain the water, squeeze out the raisins and leave to dry.

    Prepared raisins for Easter cottage cheese

  4. Rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve so that it becomes airy and homogeneous. It's very simple - pour some of the curd into a sieve and spread it with a spoon :-). It is best, of course, to use homemade cottage cheese of medium fat content, without grains. But if you have store-bought cottage cheese, then it is advisable to wipe it a couple of times. If there is no sieve, then you can scroll the cottage cheese in a meat grinder or grind it with a blender.

    Wipe the cottage cheese

  5. Mix sour cream with vanilla and regular sugar and stir to dissolve.

  6. Add the resulting sweet sour cream to the curd.

    Cottage cheese with sour cream

  7. Add softened butter there. Stir well, you can use a mixer.

  8. Pour nuts, raisins and candied fruits into the curd mass. (You can also add orange or lemon zest if you wish.)

  9. Mix.

    Cooking Easter cottage cheese

  10. Put the form for Easter cottage cheese on a plate and put it inside with gauze.

    Pasobox covered with gauze

  11. Fill with curd mass.

    Form filled with curd mass

  12. Fold the edges of the gauze on top, as shown in the photo.

  13. Press down with a load, for example, a three-liter jar of water, closed with a lid. Leave in a cool place for 10-12 hours. (I had Easter under load for 10 hours in the kitchen at room temperature.) Periodically drain the serum from the plate.

  14. Remove the load and refrigerate Easter for a few hours or overnight.
  15. Remove the finished cottage cheese easter from the mold by removing one side of the pastry box (or turning it over onto a plate, if the mold is one-piece).

    Getting Easter out of the mold

  16. Remove the gauze.

  17. Decorate as you wish with multi-colored sprinkles, candied fruits, etc.

That's all! Beautiful and delicious cottage cheese Easter is ready! It is best to cook it on Saturday morning, on the eve of Easter Sunday, in parallel with or, if holy, on Thursday or Friday.

If you liked the recipe,

For a very long time I was looking for a good recipe for cottage cheese Easter without using yolks / raw eggs (well, I can't eat them calmly, and even more so give them to children!) And finally found it in one of the women's magazines. There are still eggs in this recipe, but here they undergo heat treatment and I don't have to worry about the presence of dangerous bacteria. Pasochka turns out to be very tasty, we ate it literally in one meal and I did not even have time to take a photo for memory. The recipe is simple, but you will have to cook this dish at least in the evening on the eve of the great bright holiday (otherwise, the cottage cheese Easter simply will not have time to settle, it needs at least 12 hours).

So, from the products we will need: 450 g (or a standard large store pack-bath) of cottage cheese, 100 ml of cream of any fat content, 100 g of soft butter, 2 eggs, 4 large tablespoons of sugar, a little vanilla, raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits to taste (you need to take at least 50 g of dried fruits, but I took more, they certainly won't hurt).

From "non-products" we will need three simple devices: a large sieve, gauze and a special form for curd puffs. To be honest, I did it without a uniform, I just don't have it and didn't have time to buy it, I took an empty glass of sour cream instead and pierced a hole there to drain the liquid.

And now step by step cooking:

1. Unpack the curd, wrap it in cheesecloth and squeeze out all the excess liquid. I was surprised that at least half a stack of liquid seemingly flowed out of the dry curd. We don't need whey, you can use it for other culinary purposes, and squeezed cottage cheese must be grated twice through a sieve, so its structure will be more uniform.

3. Now let's get to the eggs - break them into a small saucepan, pour in the cream, put on a small fire and, with constant stirring, boil until thickened (I got a kind of yellow soufflé). Be careful not to burn the eggs.

4. And now the final stage: pour the eggs into the curd mass, mix our pre-washed and soaked dried fruits, put them in gauze, put them in a mold, put a press on top (I had a can of water) and send them to the refrigerator to infuse. Please note that excess liquid must drain, so the presence of a hole in the mold is required.

5. After the prescribed 12 hours, we take our beautiful Easter out of the refrigerator, carefully put it on a plate and decorate it to our liking. You can lay it out with candied fruits or raisins, sprinkle with grated chocolate or coconut, pour over with chocolate, make inscriptions, in general, as your heart desires!

Try to make this kind of cottage cheese Easter, I am sure that your whole family will definitely like it!

Calories: 1025

Last year, I cooked a lot of types of cottage cheese Easter, since it is this that all members of my family love most of all. You know, of all types, we most of all liked custard custard Easter without eggs. Friends who came to visit us also noted her amazing taste. I described the cooking recipe with step by step photos in detail for you.
What I like the most is the process of making this kind of Easter. You don't need to bake, knead or prepare a bunch of foods. If you have children in your family, then I would strongly recommend preparing just cottage cheese Easter for them. Believe me, you will not notice how it will be eaten, so I recommend making a large cottage cheese Easter, increasing the proportions of ingredients by 2-3 times, or wanting a few pies.
As fillers, you can add raisins, colored and aromatic candied fruits and even pieces of chocolate to Easter cottage cheese. In general, as you can see, there can be any filler. Even nuts will be appropriate and with them Easter will taste original. I suppose you will like this one too.

Required products:

- half a kilogram of cottage cheese,
- 50 grams of butter with the lowest percentage of fat,
- 1-2 tablespoons of non-fat sour cream,
- 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

How to cook at home

Immediately, I note that the cottage cheese should be laid out in a fairly deep bowl.
Put sour cream on it.

Then add the specified amount of granulated sugar and butter.

By the way, the last ingredient may not be added at all to Easter, it will come out quite tasty even without it.
Plug in the hand blender and whisk all ingredients well.

Transfer the sweet curd mass to a saucepan and put it in a water bath or the most ordinary slow fire.
With constant stirring, boil the mixture until it is evenly smooth in appearance. You cannot boil.

Turn the plastic form upside down, put cheesecloth, which you moisten in water. Then add all the curd mass.

Tuck the edges of the gauze for the next Easter and place the load on top.
In a day, the curd Easter will be ready! I also really like this

Each festive Easter table is full of different delicacies that people who have kept a strict forty-day fast are eating with pleasure. But the main dish on this table is always Easter - after all, it is a symbol of a bright holiday that instills hope, joy and happiness in people. In this article, we will show you how to cook cottage cheese Easter at home.

On Easter, each family paints eggs and bakes bread cakes. The tradition of doing this is repeated every year, as it is well known even to babies. But where did the custom of preparing Easter from curd mass come from?

Not in every home you can find Easter cottage cheese on the festive table, although in fact this particular dish is the “blessed food” that you must definitely break your fast after Lent. The cottage cheese cake acquired this value thanks to the main ingredient. The fact is that cottage cheese has been considered a sacred dish for the Slavs since ancient times.

  • People believed that this product symbolized fertility and worship of its deities. They understood how useful cottage cheese is and how difficult it is to get it from milk, so they allowed themselves to use it only once a year on the holiday of Easter.
  • It was mixed with butter, sugar and sour cream, which were considered the highest gifts of nature and an unaffordable luxury for an ordinary person working on the earth.
  • After Christianity was adopted in the 10th century, cottage cheese lost its sacred meaning, so they began to prepare Easter from it more often.

Note that until the 18th century, in the minds of people, cottage cheese was a liquid fermented milk mass, which was prepared by the whole village. First, people collected sour milk and then fermented it. Hard curd began to be used only in the middle of the 18th century. In addition to butter, eggs and sour cream, they began to add various overseas products, which included:

  • Nuts
  • Candied fruit
  • Dried fruits
  • Spices

A very important moment in the preparation of a festive dish was the choice forms for cottage cheese easter- a special sandbox in the form of a truncated pyramid. She symbolizes Calvary and the pursuit of excellence. According to numerous Christian theories, curd Easter, which has such a shape, attracts God's grace to the family and concentrates positive energy.

In this article, we will present you with several original recipes. Easter cottage cheese without baking, which you can prepare for everyone's favorite holiday of spring - the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter cottage cheese: recipes with photos

The process of preparing Easter cottage cheese will depend on what type of festive dessert you want to prepare. There are three ways:

  1. Can be cooked raw curd easter:
  • Grate the curd mass thoroughly so that there are no lumps - this is the most important and lengthy process. As a result, the cottage cheese should turn out to be small, crumbly, but soft.
  • Mix the finished grated cottage cheese with the rest of the ingredients in the correct sequence.

  1. To cook custard cottage cheese Easter according to this recipe:
  • Mix all the ingredients for the dish into a single mass and compress them.
  • Put the curd mixture on the fire and boil everything for an hour. You can cook this cottage cheese easter in a slow cooker.
  1. To cook cottage cheese easter in the oven(by confectionery method):
  • Mix all the ingredients for Easter in one container
  • Put the prepared, thoroughly grated mixture in the oven to bake

Note that the most useful and nutritious option for making Easter cottage cheese is raw, because in this case the cottage cheese retains all its properties.

Now consider step by step how to cook different types of cottage cheese easter.

Raw Curd Easter Recipes

In fact, the technology for preparing raw curd Easter is the same, only the amount and composition of the ingredients changes. Let's characterize the main features of the process of preparing raw Easter from cottage cheese:

  1. The cottage cheese should be low-fat (it is best to use a low-fat product), grainy. It must be rubbed through a sieve in a separate container.
  2. The next important step is to add only to the curd first:
  • Powdered sugar
  • Butter
  • Sour cream

  1. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and sugar using a mixer or a simple hand whisk to form a light, thick paste.
  2. Combine two pieces (curd mass and egg-sugar) into a single dough. Add spices and dried fruits for the Easter curd filling.
  3. Place the finished curd dough in cheesecloth, and then in a special collapsible plastic or wooden pastry box, on the sides of which there are images of a cross, the letters "ХВ", flower patterns and so on.
  4. Some kind of oppression is always put on the pasochny, and then the Easter is taken out to a cold place, where it should be for 12 hours.
  5. Before serving Easter to the table, sprinkle it with powdered sugar, chocolate chips, mint leaves, berries and other confectionery auxiliary products.

Now let's figure out in what quantity and in what sequence you need to mix the ingredients together in order to prepare different types of raw cottage cheese passas.

Easter cottage cheese with candied fruits and nuts

  • You will need 1.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 kg of slightly melted butter
  • Powdered sugar (2-3 cups)
  • Half a glass of fat-free sour cream, which is recommended to be pressed so that excess liquid is drained from it
  • 4-5 chicken eggs (only yolks can be used)
  • Vanilla sugar (1 sachet)
  • 100-150 g candied fruits
  • 1-1.5 cups shelled nuts (we recommend toasted almonds)

Add candied fruits and nuts at the very end, when you start putting the curd mass into cheesecloth. The main thing here is to make sure that these ingredients are evenly mixed with the curd. Instead of raisins, you can use marmalade, chocolates, raisins, prunes, and other confectionery products.

Easter cottage cheese without eggs

Instead of eggs, gelatin can be used in the preparation of raw curd Easter. The result is a very tasty and unusual dessert. Below is a list of ingredients for Easter cottage cheese with raisins without eggs:

  • 5 tablespoons fat-free sour cream
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 3 tablespoons sugar or powdered sugar
  • One teaspoon of lemon juice

All of the above ingredients must be mixed into a single mass.

  • One tablespoon of gelatin, which must be soaked in cold water, then melted in a water bath and cooled
  • 450 g low-fat cottage cheese, which must be grated through a sieve
  • 50 g raisins, which must be steamed in boiling water

At this stage, all the ingredients need to be mixed together, placed in cheesecloth, and then in a sandbox. Cool the Easter in the refrigerator for a few hours (it is recommended to leave it in a cool place for 10-12 hours).

Chocolate curd easter

Would you like to surprise your guests at Easter? We offer you to cook an exquisite, very tender and tasty chocolate curd Easter, which will delight all sweet tooth and dessert lovers. To prepare it, you will need the standard ingredients for this dish, as well as dark chocolate in the following amount:

  • 60 g butter
  • 250 ml low-fat whipped cream
  • 200 g dark chocolate (approximately two bars)

If you don't like dark chocolate, you can use both white and milk chocolate.

  • 40 g icing sugar
  • 300 g cottage cheese

How to make chocolate curd easter:

  1. Make chocolate ganache first (melt chocolate in hot cream)
  2. Prepare curd mass according to any scheme from the above recipes
  3. Mix the two mixtures into one, and then place it in cheesecloth, in a paste box, under oppression and in the refrigerator

Easter cottage cheese in layers

There is nothing difficult in preparing puff pastry cheese. All you need to do:

  1. Prepare a pure curd mass according to any of the recipes presented above.
  2. Prepare a chocolate curd blank.
  3. Prepare candied fruits, nuts and dried fruits if you want to use them.
  4. Fold Easter in cheesecloth and then in a sandbox. It is best to cover the gauze in the sandbox itself, and then pour the dough into it in portions - first white, then chocolate. So in a checkerboard pattern, gradually add the dough so that as a result your Easter looks like puff.

Boiled cottage cheese Easter recipe

Boiled cottage cheese Easter tastes more delicate than raw, but less healthy. The most popular of these boiled Easter desserts is cottage cheese Easter "Tsarskaya". To prepare it, you will need:

  • A pound of cottage cheese
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 200 g fat-free sour cream
  • 100 g flooded butter
  • 100 g sugar or powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar or pure vanilla
  • 80 g raisins and almonds each (walnuts are also fine)

Making dough from these ingredients is easy. You just need to mix all the ingredients together into a single mass, which must be poured into a saucepan and put on medium heat. The curd mass should not boil. You need to remove it from the heat at the moment when it just starts to boil.

Baked curd Easter recipe

If you choose to bake cottage cheese Easter with dried apricots, then you need to know a few nuances:

  • In the oven in which you will bake Easter, there should be a baking sheet with water. This is necessary so that the cheese mass is soft and fluffy.
  • The Easter cottage cheese should be baked at 160 degrees for 90 minutes. Do not open the oven door frequently.
  • You cannot add a lot of dried apricots to the cottage cheese Easter that you want to bake, as this will only interfere with baking it.
  • Lubricate the top of Easter with milk so that it does not harden, but takes on a beautiful golden color.

The dough preparation for this Easter is the same as for raw and boiled ones. The only thing that is recommended is to purchase a special gastronome container, similar to a pasochny, since you cannot bake Easter in the oven in wooden and plastic forms.

Let your Easter holiday festively decorate with Easter cottage cheese. It doesn't matter which recipe you use, the main thing is to think about light, kind, good in the cooking process, so that your dish will be filled with love and turn out to be very tasty.

Video: "How to cook Easter cottage cheese?"