Recipe for making cream from milk and butter. Cream at home: the best recipes with photos

16.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

Whipped cream is a delicious delicacy with a delicate and airy consistency. They are often used for a variety of desserts, baked goods, fruits and other sweet treats. The stores offer a wide range of whipped cream in cylinders, but still they have a specific smell and are less useful. Therefore, it is best to learn how to cook them yourself.

You will need:

- 400 ml of milk (2.5-3.5%)

- butter (the amount depends on the desired fat content, - 380-400 grams for 35% cream)

Put the oil in the freezer. Output - 500 ml


1. So, here's milk and butter. Put the oil in the freezer.

2. Rub butter into milk.

3. We put on the smallest fire so that the milk is barely warmed up, and the butter is completely melted.

4. Off the stove and directly into the blender. At first, butter and milk are still separate from each other.

5. Beat for 3 minutes at high speed. Now milk and butter are already one.

6. Pour into a saucepan - this is the mass obtained. And in the refrigerator. I do in the night.

7. We get this in the morning.

8. We put them in a mixer and beat them as usual.

9. The mass is gradually compacted.

10. Add powdered sugar, and everything becomes really cool !.

- Three butter into the milk on a grater. Boil the mixture in a water bath until the oil is completely dissolved. In no case should milk boil, just warm up well.

- When the oil has dissolved, transfer the mixture to a blender (with knives!) And turn it on for 3 minutes. At this stage, milk and butter should, as it were, merge together.

- Pour into another container and cover with a lid. We put in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

- That's it, the cream is ready, now you can whip it.

- The cream can now be whipped with sugar or used according to the recipe.

How to make classic whipped cream correctly:

Components that come in handy:

  • 400 ml cream with a fat content of 30%;
  • Powdered sugar - 120 grams;
  • Vanillin - 7 tsp.

First you need to cool the cream: pour it into a metal container and send it to the refrigerator for several hours.
Place the container in another (it should be wider), pouring ice water into it. For the first few minutes, whip the cream on low speed without sugar at all.
When the cream is a little thicker, add the icing sugar and beat together for 2 - 3 minutes with a mixer at low speed. It is best to introduce the powder little by little: add - beat, then another portion and beat again.
Then slowly increase the speed to the maximum value. Experienced pastry chefs say that it is better to whip the whisk after all, in this case more air gets into the cream, and they become fluffier. At the same time add vanillin.
Continue to act until an air mixture forms. There should be a whisk mark or firm peaks on the cream.
This means that you need to stop whisking, otherwise, instead of dessert, you will knock out sweet butter.

Whipped cream - recipe

The main task in the preparation of cream from cream is to achieve a thick and strong foam, for this gelatin is introduced here. It can be used for cakes or cake - it holds its shape well.
Fat cream, 33% - 500 ml.
Powdered sugar - 70 gr.
Gelatin - 1 large spoonful.
Water is a quarter of a glass.

How to make whipped cream:

The first thing to do is place the cup of cream and whisk in the refrigerator to cool if you will be whisking without a mixer. It also needs to be cooled if you decide to use it.
Soak gelatin in cold water shortly before cooking, let it swell. After 20 - 30 minutes, warm it up so that it is completely dissolved, but do not let it boil. Set aside to cool.
Now we move on to the main steps: we begin to whip the cream into a foam, as described in the first recipe, at first at low speed. Then slowly begin to pour in the powder, and when everything is laid out, pour in the gelatin. Increase the speed gradually.
Continue whisking everything together until the cream is thick and firm and firm.
If this is a cream for a cake, then you should immediately smear a biscuit with it, decorate with a pattern and refrigerate.
How to make chocolate whipped cream cake cream
Homemade whipped cream with chocolate can become both a stand-alone dessert and serve as a cake decoration. In the first case, immediately after cooking, transfer it to the bowls and put it briefly in the cold. If you are making for a cake, then coat it with layers or decorate and send it to the refrigerator too.

Cream 20% fat - 2 cups.
Powder - a third of a glass.
Gelatin - 1 teaspoon.
Cocoa powder 30 gr. (or 50 gr. chocolate).

Step-by-step recipe for making chocolate cream:

First of all, pour the cream over the gelatin, for this use a third of the total amount. Wait until it swells and place the bowl with the contents in another container of water. Heat it, stirring frequently, to dissolve the gelatin. Then set aside and let cool.
Dissolve the cocoa powder in hot cream, for this use another 1/3 of their amount. Stir until completely dissolved. If you decide to use chocolate, then it also needs to be pre-melted - it will become easier to mix with cream.
Now mix the rest of the cream with the powder and start whisking slowly. When the first foam appears, pour in the chocolate cream, and after a while, gently add the gelatin.

To make heavy cream at home, you will need to buy milk and butter with a fat content of at least 72%. The products must be of good quality. The fat content of the finished cream can be adjusted.

To obtain cream of 35% fat content, you will need:

  • 400 g milk
  • 400 g butter

To get cream of 25% fat, you need to take:

  • 514 g milk
  • 286 g butter

For 15% cream you need to take:

  • 628 g milk
  • 172 g butter

Pour the milk into a medium saucepan. Cut the butter into small pieces and put them in the milk. Place the saucepan over low heat. Heat the milk, stirring it all the time. It is not necessary to bring it to a boil, it is enough if it is warm. Pour the mixture into a blender and whisk for five to ten minutes. Then place the cream in a glass container, cover with gauze or paper towel and cool. Refrigerate them for 6-8 hours.

Fattier, thicker cream can be made with fresh, whole milk at home. A store product will not work for this recipe. Pour fresh milk into a glass jar, let it brew. The cream will rise to the top, forming a "cap". The fatter the milk for making, the thicker this "cap" will be. Spoon the cream off, transfer to a clean container and refrigerate.

The best cream is obtained in summer from fresh milk. During this period, milk is very tasty and contains many vitamins.

How to make heavy natural cream: secrets and tips

  • More details

The next method requires a home separator, manual or electric. This device not only separates the cream from the milk, but also cleans it. The fat content of the product obtained with the separator can reach 50%. In this case, cream is prepared very simply: you need to pour fresh milk into the machine and adjust the fat content. The separator can also be used to whip cream to obtain sour cream or butter.

The benefits of homemade cream

Fresh homemade cream will be useful for gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and other diseases. They can help with some poisoning, as they help to bind and eliminate toxins from the body.

The cream contains the amino acid L-tryptophan, which is converted in the body into serotonin, the hormone of joy. This amino acid improves mood, improves performance, keeps the body in good shape, relieves depression and insomnia, reduces appetite. If you add cream to coffee or tea, it will reduce the negative effects of these drinks on the stomach, without reducing their positive effect on the body, and also protect the tooth enamel from plaque formation.

What I love cream for is its versatility. You open the refrigerator - take out a jar and create! Do you want a cake, cream, a spoon in coffee or strawberries under a creamy cloud. Strike inspiration, sleeves rolled up, time to start. But what if I propose to make pastry whipped cream at home with my own manicured pens! Why, if you can buy? It is possible, but not always. Some recipes require a certain fat content, otherwise the use is limited to dough or preparation of drinks, and no clouds. And the cream of the required fat content may not always be on sale. In this case, buy the fatter milk and also the butter with the highest percentage of fat (butter about 82% and milk about 3.4%). Losing weight either accept it or don't read on.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: heating and mixing.

Total cooking time: 10 min.


  • butter 82% fat - 200 g
  • milk 3.4% fat - 200 ml.


How to whip cream

If you are going to whip cream, there are a few important rules you should know. Firstly, the cream should be at least 30% fat, and secondly, it should be well chilled. Warm and not heavy cream will not whip, but will only ruin your mood.

If you make your own cream using the fattest milk and butter, you will get exactly what you need for the cream.

So, let's go back directly to whipping. You already have cream and now you need a cream.

Pour the cream into a bowl where whipping will take place. and place in the freezer for 5-10 minutes (assuming they've spent enough time in the refrigerator before).

Take out the cream, arm yourself with a mixer and start the process itself. After a short period of time, you will begin to notice the first signs of transformation. The mass will thicken a little and move in a different way on the dishes, after a while it will rise and finally become the cloud that we talked about at the beginning.

Now add a few tablespoons of powdered sugar to taste (and if it is sugar, add a little earlier so that it has time to dissolve), mix with a mixer a little more and on this you can probably put an end to the topic of cream. Delicious desserts for you!

Although no, I forgot to add that this cream whips quickly, and when it has completely turned into cream, you should not continue whipping it. It is important to stop here on time. Otherwise, the whipped mass will very quickly begin to lose its beautiful appearance and begin to exfoliate and turn into butter. The result is broken cream, similar to sweet butter ... html, where butter is made from the cream.

Everyone knows that cream is a dairy product. They are very useful if, of course, they are natural. However, it should be noted that the real product cannot be bought in stores, since cream is made in dairies by separation. How many nutrients remain in this case is unknown. One can only guess. Therefore, there is nothing better than a natural homemade product. It is for this reason that we want to talk about how to make milk cream.

Homemade treat

What could be tastier than homemade cream? They come in handy for making wonderful cakes and delicious pastries. They can be added to coffee, sauces, and baked goods. And in its pure form with bread is a real delicacy. Moreover, cream is the main ingredient in the making of butter and sour cream.

It is simply impossible to make them from store-bought milk at home. For this reason, only real goat or cow product should be taken for production. The first option is something awesome. There are several different cooking methods. Each housewife decides for herself how to make cream from milk. After weighing all the pros and cons, she chooses her own version. But whichever method you use, you should first purchase full-fat homemade milk (whole). It follows from the fact that to get one liter of cream, you need ten times more cow product.

The first (simple) way to make cream

Making cream from homemade milk in this way is quite simple. You just need to take the milk, cover it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for twelve hours. It is better not to touch the pan during this time. After the required time has passed, the cream will be on top. You just need to take a spoon and collect them. If desired, you can add a little sugar to the mass and beat with a mixer. This will make a wonderful homemade cream. By continuing to whisk at a higher speed, we will be able to make real butter.

How to make milk cream with a separator?

The second way to get cream is more complicated. You will need a milk separator. And this means that, in addition to the cow product, you will also have to buy this simple apparatus. Of course, if you want to spoil yourself with homemade cream from time to time, then it makes no sense to purchase. But if you want to regularly make homemade products, then you cannot do without a simple and such a useful device. By adjusting the separator correctly, you can get a product of any fat content. With such a machine, you don't have to think about how to make cream. All you need to do is pour good milk into the container. The separator will do all the work for you.

In general, such a device is a great solution for those who have a goat or a cow. Milk needs to be processed on a daily basis, and the separator greatly simplifies the work. As a result, you can easily get not only cream, but also butter, sour cream and other delicious products.

Separator types

If you are really thinking about the question of how to make cream from milk using a separator, then you should know that there are two types of machines: manual and electric. The latter are more expensive. But they are more convenient to use.

Another way to make cream

While talking about how to make cream, we want to talk about one more method. Most likely, this option will be the most acceptable for urban residents. In a megalopolis, it is not always possible to purchase real fat homemade milk, and not everyone wants to tinker with the separator. Therefore, we offer you a more interesting option. It will allow you to get a good dairy product for desserts and cakes.

So, for cooking, we need butter (at least 72% fat) and milk. The consistency of the cream obtained can be adjusted. It's simple enough. In order for the cream to have a fat content of 35%, you should take four hundred milliliters of milk and the same grams of butter. For 25% of the product, a different ratio is needed: 514 ml and 286 g. If, due to circumstances, you do not eat fatty foods, then it will be even less. So, for 15% cream, you will need 628 milliliters of milk and 172 grams of butter.

The cow product must be poured into a saucepan. You also need to crumble the oil there. We put the dishes on a small fire, heat the contents and stir constantly. Milk should not be brought to a boil. It should just be warm. Next, the mixture should be poured into a blender and beat for about ten minutes. After that, it is better to place the cream in a glass dish. And, covered with a clean towel, refrigerate for eight hours.

Benefits of cream

When we make cream, we don’t think about how useful this dairy product is. There is no need to say that it is tasty. Probably, there is no such person who would not love them. Even kids are fans of this delicacy. Meanwhile, the cream is very useful for duodenal and stomach ulcers, gastritis and other diseases. Imagine that they contain an amino acid that is converted in the body into the "hormone of joy" - serotonin. It is he who improves efficiency and mood, makes the body to be in good shape, relieves insomnia and depression, reduces appetite. This is probably why we all love cream so much. By adding them daily to coffee, we reduce its harmful effects on the body and protect teeth from dark plaque. As you can see, it is quite possible to make good cream at home. Moreover, this is a simple process. The result will delight all family members.

Who is cream contraindicated for?

However, even such a wonderful product has some contraindications. Cream is not recommended for children under two years of age. For their body, this is still too heavy a product. As for adults, the cream should not be consumed by people with obesity, metabolic disorders. They can become taboo with hypertension, liver pathologies, heart and vascular problems. The product is especially contraindicated for those who suffer from intolerance to all milk. With some caution, scientists treated such fatty foods with high cholesterol levels in humans. However, recent studies have shown that the benefits of cream are great. And their influence on the formation of cholesterol plaques is exaggerated.

If a recipe contains cream, it cannot always be replaced with milk. For example, you cannot make butter with whole milk, although heavy cream will do. Luckily, cream is pretty easy to make. All you need to do this is whole milk and butter or gelatin. However, if you want natural cream, use non-homogenized milk.



Heavy cream

  • 3/4 cup (180 ml) cold milk (whole or 2% fat)
  • ⅓ cup (75 grams) unsalted butter

Calculated for 1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream

Whipped cream

  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) cold water
  • 2 teaspoons (10 grams) unflavored gelatin
  • 1 cup (240 ml) whole milk
  • ¼ cup (30 grams) powdered sugar
  • ½ tablespoon (7.5 ml) vanilla extract

Calculated for approximately 2 cups (480 ml) whipped cream

Whipping milk

  • Unhomogenized milk

The quantity may vary


Getting heavy cream

Melt unsalted butter in a saucepan over low heat. Place ⅓ cup (75 grams) unsalted butter in a small saucepan. Heat low and wait for the butter to melt. You can stir the oil occasionally with a spoon or rubber spatula.

  • Do not use margarine or salted butter as they can spoil the taste of the cream.

Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) melted butter to cold milk. This operation is called “tempering” and is very important. If you pour all the ghee into the milk at once, the milk will heat up too quickly and curdle.

  • It is better to use whole milk, although milk with a fat content of 2% will work.
  • Do this in a separate container. A large measuring glass is ideal.
  • Use all 3/4 cups (180 ml) of cold milk at this stage.
  • Pour the milk into the remaining ghee and heat the mixture over low heat. Pour the tempered milk into a saucepan with melted butter. Turn on low heat and wait for the milk to heat up. Stir continuously with a whisk. When the milk starts to emit steam, proceed to the next step.

    • Be careful not to let the milk boil.
  • Stir the cream until thick. A blender is best, although a food processor, electric mixer, or even a hand mixer will work as well. The time required depends on the device used. This usually takes a few minutes.

    • As a result, you should end up with heavy cream.
    • This recipe does not produce whipped cream.
  • Store the cream in the refrigerator and use within one week. First, wait until the mixture has cooled to room temperature, then transfer it to a container with a lid and refrigerate. This mixture can be used in most recipes that require heavy cream.

    • The cream will separate over time. If this happens, simply shake the container well. You can also heat the cream over low heat and stir.

    Getting the whipped cream

    Mix water and unflavored gelatin and wait 5 minutes. Take a small to medium saucepan and pour 1/4 cup (60 ml) cold water into it. Add 2 teaspoons (10 grams) of unflavored gelatin to the water. Wait 5 minutes for the gelatin to absorb water and softening. Don't turn on the fire yet.

    Heat the mixture over low heat and stir frequently until clear. It only takes a few minutes. If the mixture heats up too slowly, turn it on medium heat. As soon as the gelatin dissolves and the liquid becomes clear, you can proceed to the next step.

    • If you use milk instead of water, the mixture not will become transparent. Just wait until the gelatin is completely dissolved in the water.
  • Wait for the mixture to cool, then pour it into the whole milk and stir. Remove the pan from heat and let the mixture cool to room temperature. Then pour 1 cup (240 ml) milk into a bowl and add the cooled gelatin mixture to it. Stir the liquid with a whisk for 20-30 seconds to get a homogeneous mass.

    • The cooling time of the gelatin mixture depends on the air temperature in the kitchen. This will most likely take about 10-15 minutes.
    • Whole milk should be used as it contains more fat. Other types of milk will not give the same results due to their lower fat content.
  • Add powdered sugar and vanilla extract. Pour ½ tablespoon (7.5 ml) of vanilla extract into the mixture and add ¼ cup (30 grams) of powdered sugar. Mix everything again with a whisk so that you get a homogeneous mixture without any streaks and lumps.

    Refrigerate the mixture for about 90 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Take the bowl out of the refrigerator every 15–20 minutes, stir the solution with a whisk, and put it back in the refrigerator. Do this several times for 60–90 minutes.

  • Whisk the mixture with a hand mixer until it becomes creamy. Remove the bowl from the refrigerator and start whisking the solution with a hand mixer. Continue whisking the mixture until thick and soft ridges begin to appear.

    • Keep the edges of the bowl in mind when stirring. After whipping, the cream will double in volume.
    • The time required depends on the temperature of the mix, the speed of the mixer and the desired consistency. However, a few seconds should be enough.
    • If you don't have a hand mixer, you can use an electric mixer or a food processor with a whisk attachment instead.
  • Store the whipped cream in the refrigerator for up to two days. It is best to put them in a glass jar or bottle with a lid. This will make the cream easier to use and will retain its flavor. Do not use plastic containers, as substances in them may dissolve in the cream and spoil their flavor.

    • Although this cream is similar to the heavy cream described in the previous section, it is still somewhat different from it.
    • Whipped cream is good for topping (for example, for waffles or pancakes), strawberry dressing, or cream for pastries and cakes.

    Whipping milk

    Pour non-homogenized milk into a glass jar. You will have to put a ladle in the jar, so it is best to use a jar with a wide mouth. Make sure it is clean.

    • If the milk is already in the glass jar, you can skip this step.
    • This method works only for non-homogenized milk. It is not suitable for homogenized milk because the cream content is too low.
    • The easiest way to tell if milk is homogenized is to look at the label. If the milk is sold in a glass container, you can also check to see if it has a layer of cream on top.