The name of the bones of beef. Parts of beef carcass

04.11.2019 Desserts and cakes

Beef is appreciated by both gourmets and food lovers. This delicious high-calorie meat is perfect for preparing main courses and for mixing with other ingredients to create dishes with complex recipes.

Retail beef

Before going on sale, beef meat goes through several stages of preparation. Pre-sale procedures include cutting, deboning and stripping directly.


  1. Half of the carcass is cut into two parts - front and back. Or, if the carcass was whole, into four parts. The cut is approximately in the center - between the thirteenth and fourteenth vertebrae, this line will go along the last rib. They start cutting from the bottom, from the flank. An incision is first made at the level of the thirteenth rib, then it is made through the soft tissues that frame the rib from the hindquarters to the spine. The articulation of these vertebrae is cut.
  2. Further, the cutting of beef carcasses continues in parts. The front half of the side is divided into five cuts.
  3. The neck is cut along a line that runs between the beginning of the sternum and the last cervical vertebra. Moreover, the incision should pass between the last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae.
  4. To cut off the shoulder blade, place a quarter of the carcass with the inside side down and pull the shoulder blade up by the leg. The first incision is made along the contour that the muscles form, the second incision runs along the line from the elbow to the upper edge of the scapula, and the third is made on the shoulder blade pulled from the body - the muscles connecting the bones of the shoulder and the scapula itself are cut.
  5. The remainder of the forequarter of the carcass is called the dorsal-thoracic and is divided into a thick edge, subscapularis, brisket, and an edge that is cut off after the dorsal-thoracic part of the carcass has been deboned.
  6. We pass to the back half of the carcass. Cutting beef carcasses for trade involves the selection of the following parts: tenderloin, rump, flank, thigh, or rump, shank. The tenderloin is separated first. This is the best and most expensive part of the mascara. The tenderloin is trimmed along the entire length of the lumbar spine, starting from the thick edge - the head. After isolating the sirloin and shank (upper leg), the posterior part is divided into lumbar and posterior pelvis. The remaining cuts are separated during deboning.


Deboning is done after the beef carcass has been cut. This process involves removing the meat from the bones. During this, it is important that no meat remains on the bones, and that there are no large and deep cuts on the pieces of meat. The maximum permissible depth is 10 mm. The size of the pieces is determined by those who cut it, but do not forget that small pieces will be used for trimming, and they are much less valuable.

The deboning order also determines the cutting pattern of the beef carcass.

Neck deboning

They try to remove the meat from the neck in a whole layer, carefully separating it from each vertebra.

Deboning a paddle

Place the deboning spatula with the inside facing up. First, the radius and humerus are excised and separated. After cutting the fastening tendons, the scapula is removed. Veins are cut from the remaining piece of meat. The remainder is divided into two parts - shoulder and shoulder.

Dorsal-Thoracic Deboning

The meat is cut first from the sternum, grabbing what is attached to the costal cartilage. Further, the meat is removed from the ribs in a whole layer. This pulp is then divided into a thick rim, edge and subscapularis.

Deboning of the hip

The first is the pelvic bone that is cut directly. Then an incision is made along the femur and it is dissected out. The inner part is cut off - the flank, then the outer - the rump. The cuts into pieces are made on films and after the removal of the stringy meat.


When the beef carcass has been cut and deboned, stripping begins. The essence of stripping is to cleanse the meat from tough tendons and films, as well as to give the pieces of meat a smoother shape and presentation.

To do this, thin margins are formed from large pieces, excess fat is separated from all the pulp.

The appearance of the pieces

After deboning and stripping, the beef cuts should look like this:

  • the shoulder of the scapula is wedge-shaped;
  • the back of the scapula - two oblong muscles connected to each other;
  • thick edge - a rectangular piece;
  • thin edge (lumbar part) - also rectangular, but, accordingly, thinner;
  • neck - square or rectangle;
  • edging - a rectangular piece;
  • brisket - part in the form of an inflated sail;
  • tenderloin - a soft part of a rounded oblong shape;
  • rump - round or square;
  • flank - a thin rectangular layer;
  • shank - either chopped oval pieces with bone, or a rectangular piece with a thinning of one edge.

Beef meat, taken from different places of the carcass, has different taste properties, is endowed with its own set of nutrients, each place requires certain processing and is suitable for different dishes. Therefore, this type of meat is usually divided into three varieties:

  • the first, which includes rump, sirloin, which is also called tenderloin, chest and back parts in full;
  • the second class includes the thigh or rump, shoulder, shoulder blade and flank;
  • the third grade is the remains, that is, the incision and shanks (front and back).

Do not even doubt that the cost for pieces of meat of different varieties of the same weight will be specifically different. Therefore, it is important for the buyer to know which beef is suitable for which dishes, so that, having bought a piece of expensive meat, it does not go down to dishes that cannot hit the gourmet's receptors.

It is worth noting that cutting beef carcasses for sale leaves about 7% of the third grade, 88% of the second and only 5% of the premium beef. This is what determines the market value of the meat itself and dishes made from it.

But the taste of meat depends not only on its type. Determining factors are also the physical activity that the cattle experienced throughout their lives (the greater the load, the harder and denser the muscles), the type of food, the method of slaughter and, of course, the age at which the animal was slaughtered, after which the beef carcass was cut. According to the first criterion, it is considered that the meat becomes more tender in the direction from the head to the tail and from the bottom up. Young veal, of course, will differ from the "adult" meat, it will be brighter in color and looser and more tender consistency.

Culinary purpose of different pieces

Pieces with more connective tissue will be stiffer and take a long time to process. Such pieces are usually not fried, but boiled or twisted into minced meat. These are the flank, neck and trim.

Also, the rump and shoulder blade have a considerable amount of connective tissue, they are also better to stew or use for soup. For these purposes, as well as for grinding into minced meat, you can use any pieces of the second grade, which are determined by the cutting of beef carcasses.

For steaks, a tenderloin is ideal, which can be safely fried in portions or in small pieces.

For different types of soups, it is better to choose different pieces. For example, for borscht - fatter, and for a weak transparent broth - a lean piece.

Processing conditions

The entire beef processing procedure must be carried out in a cool room. The temperature should not exceed 10 degrees.

Beef cutting schemes differ in each country, as well as the names of various cuts. It is very important to learn how to determine from which part of the carcass this or that piece is taken. Meat of various cuts is distinguished by many parameters: taste, color, hardness, fat content, presence of veins, amount of collagen and other very important indicators that affect the choice of dish, cooking method, and cooking time.

Israeli cutting scheme

1. ורד הצלע
"Vered ha-tsela", in Russian entrecote. Delicate, delicious meat interspersed with fat. Sectional cut containing 4 or 5 ribs with relatively soft and fine-fibred meat. In the center there is a characteristic piece of fat in the shape of a flower or an eye (hence another name - "ain steak"). Entrecote can be baked in the oven or over an open fire in one piece (in the form of roast beef), or fried in the form of steaks (in a frying pan or again over an open fire). You can pre-soak them in one or another marinade or sauce; however, only salt and pepper will be enough. The melted fat will make the entrecote juicy and especially tasty. For excellent roast beef, the ribs are usually sawn off shorter and the meat is tied; bones can be removed completely, in this case the meat is rolled into a roll before tying. The meat can also be used for stewing or roasting in large pieces.

2. צלעות עורף
"Tslaot Oref" (or simply "tslaot") - the part of the carcass located in front of the entrecote (in the direction from the neck); the Russian term is "thick edge". The meat from the first ribs at the neck is harsh, interspersed with fat, therefore it is usually cut into cubes and used for roasts and goulash (at least 2-3 hours of stewing). Also suitable for broths and minced meat. Thick edge. For roast, stew, minced meat, slow braising.

3. חזה
"Haze" - brisket. The meat is quite tough and fibrous, with a lot of fat. After the brisket and ribs are removed, a long, flat piece of meat is left, which is usually rolled up and tied. Pieces of the required length are cut from it and sold. The layered structure of the muscle tissue of the brisket is emphasized by fat layers, the taste is good. The brisket must be cooked in a humid environment. Sometimes it is stewed, but more often it is boiled - either fresh or salted (the brisket is traditionally used for pickling).

4. כתף
"Katef" (or "Katef merkazi"). The central portion of the beef shoulder, sometimes also referred to as the "thick shoulder". This cut includes a portion of the largest muscles in the shoulder; the ribs and adjacent muscles are located closer to the back of the carcass. Cutting the shoulder of the shoulder blade depends on local traditions, but more often than not, large chunks of excellent-tasting pulp are simply cut from it for later slow frying. The meat can also be cut into portions for stewing.

5. צלי כתף
"Tsli katef". Scapular-humeral part, literally - "roast from the shoulder blade". Along with number 4, it is perhaps the most common and popular part of beef carcass in Israel. In the center of this piece there is a characteristic layer, from which quite a lot of gelatin is released during heat treatment. As the name suggests, this piece of carcass is perfect for roasts. Easy to cut into beautiful slices.

6. פילה מדומה
"Fillet Medume". This is not a “bloody fillet”, but simply a “false fillet” (or false fillet). The name in this case speaks for itself: in appearance, this part of the scapula is a bit like a fillet, but in terms of class it does not reach it. This is a fairly fibrous meat, intended for long-term processing (stewing or cooking). The meat is very lean, so it is most delicious to cook it in a sauce or boil it.

7. מכסה הצלע
Mikhse ha-tsela. On the diagrams, this part is usually not present for a completely prosaic reason - it is obscured by an entrecote. It is mainly used for minced meat (for example, for making bolognese sauce, kebabs, hamburgers, etc.). However, this portion can also be used to make great steaks over the fire.

8. שריר הזרוע
"Shrir ha-zroa" - shank, front leg (hind leg is usually called shank - see number 18). The muscular foreleg (knuckle) contains the medulla and several narrow, prominent muscles with a thick layer of connective tissue and tendons. After removing the bone, the meat is usually cut into slices across the fibers or into cubes for stewing. When cooked in a humid environment, the gelatin of the connective tissues transforms into a decoction, forming a very tasty and nutritious gravy. The shank is especially suitable for cooking French beef stew.

9. אסאדו
"Asado" (it is "chestnut", it is also "shpondra"). Middle ribs of the carcass, covered with meat; the Russian name is "thin edge". The combination of several layers of tender meat and fat makes it juicy and tasty. Can be sold with or without bones. Suitable for roasting in the oven or on a wire rack, for prolonged simmering (roast, cholent, etc.), as it can be cooked all night. It is this part that is used for the famous Argentinean asado - grilled meat. Quite often, edging is used to prepare minced meat.

10. צוואר
"Tsavar" is the neck. Neck meat contains a large percentage of connective tissue and therefore requires prolonged heat treatment in a humid environment to acquire the required softness. However, it tastes good and is inexpensive. Neck meat is usually sold cut into cubes or minced.

11. סינטה

"Cinta", aka tenderloin, aka "thick sirloin". The upper back of the carcass, located after the entrecote, at the hind ribs. Along with fillet and entrecote, it is considered the most valuable (and, accordingly, expensive) part. The top layer of fat makes them juicier than fillets. The tenderloin is baked in the oven or over an open fire as roast beef, cut into thick, juicy steaks and fried in a pan or wire rack.

12. פילה

Fillet. It is the softest and most delicate part of the carcass, located on the inner side of the back ribs, and most appreciated by gourmets. Fillets can be baked in the oven in one piece or fried (usually very briefly so as not to dry out) in the form of thick, juicy steaks. It is enough to salt and pepper such steaks so as not to clog the natural taste of the meat. However, fillet perfectly absorbs any sauces, so it's a matter of taste. Can be made from fillet and steak tartare (Tatar steak).

13. שייטל

"Sheitel". Corresponds to a part of what is called a rump in Russian. One of the best parts of a mascara is non-greasy, soft and juicy. Sectional cut containing the lower vertebrae of the spine and the pelvic bone. All bones are usually removed and the meat is sliced ​​across the grain in portions to prepare tender, delicious steaks. Rump steaks can be fried over an open fire or in a pan. Pieces weighing more than 1.5 kg make an excellent roast beef, which is usually cooked over high heat. Next to it is a small oblong piece of especially soft meat, which in Hebrew is called "Spitz hashaitel"; it is advised to use it for quick frying and preparation of so-called medallions.

14. אווזית
Avazit. The upper part of the rump, in Russian sometimes called a nut or a ball. A fairly large piece, consisting of several muscle groups and located at the back of the carcass. One of its parts, in fact, resembles a nut in shape and is highly recommended for roasts, since it is fried or stewed for a long time. From other parts, you can prepare schnitzels, escalopes or beef stroganes.

15. צ’אך

"Chah" (aka "chak"). In Russian, it is usually translated either by the phrase "pulp of the thigh", or by the frightening-sounding expression "the outer part of the leg, cut". A large piece of a characteristic triangular shape, in which two parts are distinguished. The one that is called "Spitz ha-chah" can be cooked into excellent juicy steaks or baked in the oven in the form of roast beef; it is soft, so it is fried quickly. The rest usually goes for roast or goulash, since it requires a thorough, unhurried cooking or stewing in its own juice.

19. וייסבראטן

"Weisbraten", aka "visbraten"; most likely, it corresponds to the Russian word "rump". Apparently, the name adopted in Israel comes from the German "white meat for roast" - "Weiss Braten". This part of the mascara is closest to the tail. The meat is mostly lean, almost dietary, with a characteristic light pink tint (while the rest of the carcass should be bright red); the upper part is covered with a layer of fat, which, of course, can be removed, but is it necessary? (Of course, it all depends on whether you are on a diet.) Usually this piece is stewed over low heat for a long time; however, some chefs advise to simply bake it quickly in the oven.

These three cuts together (14, 15,19) make up the top of the hind leg. The dipstick is a cut of lean, fine-fiber meat from the inner thigh - good for slow roasting and braising. Chip meat is slightly rougher, but also tastes good and is usually used for slow roasting or braising, as well as for salting and simmering. A rump is an excellent cut of meat between the sacrum and the pelvic bone. Most often, this meat is used to prepare high-quality roast beef by slow roasting. The thigh is good for slow roasting and braising in large chunks, but quite often it is cut into portions that are stewed or fried in a pan.

"Kaf". The upper part of the rear part of the carcass, located closer to the tail, in Russian is the sirloin, or, in the language of professionals, “the inner part of the leg, long-cut”. This cut contains a large amount of the most tender meat on the last three ribs. The sirloin can be fried whole, with or without bones, or it can be cut into portions for roasting steaks over an open fire or in a skillet. Sirloin fillet steak is cooked without bones; to prepare a steak with a bone from the front part of the sirloin, the meat is cut off along with the rib: the beefsteak from the posterior lumbar part of the sirloin contains a piece of tender tenderloin that lies under the spine. If the tenderloin is cooked on its own, it can be fried whole, but most often it is sliced ​​across the grain to make steaks.

17. פלדה

"Plada", in Russian "flank". A fairly large but thin piece of meat located around the stomach; like asado, it has layers of fat. It consists of a variety of relatively small internal muscles, the best culinary qualities, among them are the muscles of the inner part of the flank, the muscles adjacent to the inner part of the rump. Despite the fact that the steaks from the meat part of the diaphragm have a coarse-grained structure on the cut, they contain very little fat and have excellent taste when cooked over an open fire or in a skillet without being completely browned. In order for the meat to cook completely, it must be stewed for quite some time. A third type of steak is sometimes called a "butcher steak". It is very rare to buy such meat, since it is cut from the central internal muscle, the only one in the whole carcass. Try to buy it at every opportunity, because thanks to its delicate taste and wonderful aroma, it is perfect for grilling on a wire rack.

18. שריר אחור י

Shrir Ahori. Veal shank (back leg). The fleshy part of the hind leg rich in tendons: like the shank, it contains the marrow and a large percentage of connective tissue. Another name is osso buco, as it is used to prepare a traditional dish of Italian cuisine. Requires long stewing (or cooking) over low heat - for example, when cooking cholent; often used for all kinds of broths, soups, borscht, etc. Sometimes it is sold in the form of diced goulash or roast. The delicate aroma and high gelatin content give this meat excellent stewed taste.

Scheme for Hebrew readers:

The description of the cuts is taken from the book "Beef and Veal" of the "Good Kitchen" series, as well as from Israeli sites.

Cutting scheme according to Russian GOST

Beef half carcasses are divided into separate cuts according to the following scheme:

Cuts are subdivided into grades, 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Grade 1 includes:
hip 7; lumbar 2; dorsal 3; scapular (scapula, shoulder edge) 4; shoulder (shoulder and forearm) 5; chest 6.
Grade 2 includes:
cervical 7; flank 8.
Grade 3 includes:
notch 9, front shank 10, back shank 11.

The anatomical boundaries of the cut should be:
Cut: between the second and third cervical vertebrae. The first two cervical vertebrae enter the incision.
Neck cut: the anterior border runs along the cut separation line; back - between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae. The cut includes three cervical vertebrae (3 to 5).
Shoulder-cut: front border - at the place of separation of the neck-off; back - between the fifth and sixth ribs; lower - along a line passing from the upper third of the first rib through the middle of the fifth to the lower third of the last rib.
The cut includes: the shoulder bone, two cervical (sixth and seventh vertebrae), four first thoracic vertebrae and partly the fifth with the corresponding parts of the ribs.
Shoulder cut: upper border - along the line of separation of the shoulder cut; lower - in the transverse direction through the middle of the radius and ulna. The shoulder cut is removed from the chest cut by an incision in the muscle tissue.
The cut includes: the humerus and half of the radius and ulna.
Front shank: it is separated along a line passing transversely through the middle of the radius and ulna.
The front shank includes: the lower half of the radius and ulna and the bones of the wrist.
Breast cut: front border - along the line of separation of the shoulder, cut; back - along the lower third of the thirteenth rib; upper - along a line running from the upper third of the first to the lower third of the last (thirteenth) rib; lower - along the costal arch to the sternum.
The cut includes: the brisket with cartilage and the corresponding parts of the thirteen ribs.
Dorsal cut: the front border - along the line of separation of the shoulder-cut; back - between the eleventh and twelfth ribs; lower - along the line of separation of the breast cut. The cut includes:
part of the fifth and six thoracic vertebrae, starting from the sixth to the eleventh, with the corresponding parts of the ribs.
Pasha: the boundaries of the department run along a line running from the knee joint to the articulation of the true and false parts of the thirteenth rib and further along the costal arch to the sternum.
Lumbar cut: the front border - along the line of separation of the dorsal cut; back - between the fifth and sixth lumbar vertebrae; lower - along the line of separation of the flank and brisket.
The lumbar cut includes the last two thoracic vertebrae with ribs (excluding the lower third) and the five lumbar vertebrae.
Leg, leg cut: the front border - along the line of separation of the lumbar cut; back - across the tibia at the level of its lower third; lower - along the line of separation of the flank.
The leg-cut includes: pelvic bones (ilium, pubic, ischial), sacrum, sixth lumbar and two caudal vertebrae, femur, patella and upper 2/3 of the tibia.
Hind shank: it is separated across the tibia at the level of its lower third with preliminary separation of the Achilles tendon at the place of its transition into muscle tissue.
The hind shank includes the lower third of the tibia, hock bones, and the Achilles tendon.

Based on the book "Meat Dishes" by Burda Publishing House. Beef.

Beef- this is the meat of bulls, heifers, cows, gobies and oxen. The quality of their meat depends on the age, type of feed, content and sex of the animal. The aging of meat, that is, the process of maturation of meat, as well as the stress that animals experience before slaughter, also largely determine the quality of the meat. First of all, parts of the carcass with a lot of muscle fibers, that is, roast beef and fillets, intended for short frying and grilling, should be kept (suspended) in the most careful way.
During the aging of the meat (its suspension), lactic acid is formed inside the muscles, which not only loosens the connective tissues, but also forms aromatic and flavoring substances. As a result, beef becomes looser, easier for the body to digest and gains its typical taste. The aging of the meat, of course, matters for the other parts of the carcass as well.


Any beef should be juicy red in color, have a pleasant smell of fresh meat, as well as a delicately fibrous marble structure. When pressed and cut, the meat should be sufficiently elastic and in the places of the cut - shiny, easily amenable to pressure with a finger, and the place of pressure after a while should even out itself.

As a rule, meat of young animals - heifers and bulls not older than two years - should go on sale. The meat of older animals should be used to make sausages.

CARCASE PARTS The most delicious parts of the beef carcass are roast beef and fillet. However, you should not give up other parts, you just need to be able to cook them correctly. Meat with a small amount of connective tissue is usually not used for cooking and stewing.

1. The sirloin(thigh, small nut) This meat is tender, juicy and poor in fiber, perfect for steaks or roasts. 2. Ball(nut, mouse, nape) Lean, fiber-free meat is perfect for stewing, rolls and minced meat. Meat with a lot of fiber is not suitable for oven baking and quick roasting. These cuts of meat are best boiled or stewed. 3. A burghermeister, or pastoral, piece This part of the carcass is above the ball and is suitable for marinated stews, goulash and stews.
4.Tail This piece of meat consists of a rump, a frikando, a compact midsection and a tail. 4a. Tail Chops are cut from the tail of dairy calves, which are great for roast, marinated or grilled meat. 4b. Rump This tender meat can be cut into chops. In addition, these pieces are used for cooking or stewing. Traditionally, broths are made from it.
5. Ankle This is relatively soft meat, penetrated with tender fatty streaks, it makes excellent minced meat, brass meat and rolls. 6. Back ankle(caviar, bovine leg) Rump meat is great for soups as well as matching broths. 7. Oxtail This meat is juicy and jelly-forming. Thick pieces of oxtail are used for stews, thinner ones for soups.
8. Flat roast beef This part of roast beef is perfect for rump steaks, chops - quick-cooked with bone (4-6 cm thick, weighing 600-1000 g). 8a. Fillet Can be baked in the oven or roasted whole or in portions. Chops are cut from the head, meat for the chateaubriand is cut from the middle part. 8b. Upper ribs This part of the roast beef is used to prepare cutlets, ribs, double entrecotes and roast on the wire rack.
9. Upper ribs from under the scapula The meat on top of the ribs is perfect for boiling, grilling, or in the oven. 10. False rib(thick rib, piece of tongue, rib from under the shoulder blade) Juicy meat used for quick frying, goulash or stew. 11. Neck (back of the head) This piece of meat is taken for stewing - goulash, stew and for frying. The neck is perfect for thick soups or stews.
12. Thick shoulder blade Excellent meat that should be marinated and then stewed, and also used for rolls and boiling. 12a. Scapula Perfect for cooking roast, brass or boiled meat soaked in vinegar. Before that, fat is necessarily cut off from a piece. 12b. False fillet(shoulder rump) The shape resembles a fillet, but the meat has coarser fibers. Perfect for eintopf, kebabs and stews.
13. Front ankle Excellent soup meat. Typically, the front ankle is cut into pieces. Together with the marrow, it is perfect for cooking. 14. Breast rump Together with the brisket, the brisket is offered in one piece. The meat is great for cooking. 15. Central brisket Beef brisket can be sold fresh or stuffed. Both the one and the other brisket are excellent meat for cooking.
16. Medium brisket It has fewer bones and is leaner than other parts of the brisket. The medium brisket is used as a meat soup. 17. Edge(transverse ribs, ladder) This is essentially an animal's ribcage, on which there is an excellent soup meat. The ribs are easily separated from the boiled meat. 18. Side(thin edge) With or without bones, in the shape of a roll, this meat is perfect for boiling or for goulash.

Beef is a storehouse of nutrients. It is often used in the menu for those who switch to diet food. However, it should be understood that parts of beef carcasses can differ from each other in many ways, from softness to taste.

Why is beef so fond of? How to choose a useful product

Beef is a healthy product, it contains a large amount of B vitamins. Before the sale, the carcass can be kept suspended, this only improves the taste of the product in the future. This condition of the carcass can last about ten days.

When choosing a part of the carcass, you should pay attention to the freshness of the meat. Correct beef does not have brown or yellow fat, and it also has shades of brown tone - spoiled.

It is noteworthy that moderate consumption of beef, that is, about two or three times a week, helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and, in general, has a beneficial effect on the state of the heart system. Also, this meat is recommended for those who are actively involved in sports. This is due to the fact that the product restores the body and muscle mass.

Beef varieties: classification

Parts of the carcass can be divided into several large groups. It is noteworthy that each of the sections of the animal carcass belongs to its own variety. There are three of them:

  • What parts of mascara fall into this category? Here you can find the chest and back, sirloin, rump, as well as sirloin.
  • First grade. This list includes: the neck, the shoulder, and the scapular region.
  • Second grade. In this group, you can find the shank, back shank and cut.

You can read more about some parts of the carcass below.

Top grade. Description

The back, which is on the First Grade Meat list, goes for chops. It is also used for baking. This, in turn, includes entrecote, rib loin, thick rim, and ribs.

The rump is also called the thigh. Goulash is made from this meat. According to its properties, this part of the carcass is distinguished by the absence of fat. The meat is fibrous but lean. Also, a variety of meat rolls are prepared from the rump.

What is the most expensive part of the mascara? Fillet. This meat comes directly from the back, closer to the ribs. Filet mignon or tournedo can be obtained from different fillet areas.

The sirloin is the name of another part of the mascara. It is also quite fleshy, but less lean. By itself, this piece is loose, it is covered with a layer of fat. However, good cutlets are obtained from it, and these pieces are also perfectly fried and quickly stewed.

The brisket is also divided into parts, depending on the location of the piece. Thus, the front part contains a large amount of fat, which is recommended to be removed before cooking. Good for soups. The brisket kernel is considered an excellent part. This includes the bone, a small layer of fat. The meat itself is dense in structure and has good taste.

First grade: what is included

The neck is generally considered an inexpensive meat. This is due to the fact that most of it is occupied by the muscle structure. The main methods of preparation of this part involve a long heat treatment. It makes good meat broths. The neck is often used for cooking or stewing. However, the tendons should be removed.

The meat of the part of the carcass, which is called the shoulder blade, is quite soft, fibrous. Its structure may vary depending on its location. They are used both for making cutlets and minced meat, as well as for goulash and stewing.

The shoulder is slightly inferior to the scapular. Despite the fact that this type of meat can also be used to prepare a second course, it is used mainly for making clear broths. The meat is quite dietary.

Second grade: description

Shafts are often chopped into circles, that is, into pieces. In such pieces, in addition to the pulp, there is a part of the bone with cerebral fluid. Due to this, this part of the carcass is used for jellied meat. Since during cooking and further solidification, the meat forms a jelly base.

The shank is high in calories. It is known to many thanks to the famous German dish, in which this piece is served fried, seasoned with sauerkraut. For the fact that the knuckle glistens with fat, it is called "ice leg". A smoked version of this dish is also often used. In fact, this is the same shank, but on a different part of the leg.

The cut is located next to the neck of the animal. It is also used in the preparation of jellies or jellies, since there is little meat there.

How do you choose the right piece of beef for a particular recipe? There are two aspects to this question. The first concerns lovers of exclusive products: beef varieties. The second aspect is important for any culinary specialist: this is the cutting of beef carcasses and the correct use of specific pieces of it.

Beef marinades

The science of pickles is not as complicated as it sounds. Moreover, being carried away by the composition of the "bouquets" and how fancifully they are reflected in the taste of the finished meat, you begin to get real pleasure. The marinade must certainly contain an acidic component, which will start the fermentation process and help make the meat softer in a few hours. In our kitchens, there is always a lot of sour - obvious and non-obvious -. it citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange) and simply sour fruits (kiwi, pineapple, plum) and berries (gooseberries, currants, sea buckthorn), ginger, mustard, pomegranate narsharab. It is good to grate the onion for the marinade - it is the juice that is important from it. But vinegar is advised to avoid - it "knocks out" the meat spirit from the meat.

Meat is marinated in the Indian manner - in kefir or yogurt, in a 1: 1 ratio with mineral water with gas... This base makes it soft and juicy. For the same purpose, olive oil is added to the wine marinade. Unexpected Ingredients Occur: dark beer (especially when combined with mustard), soy sauce, and even vodka. But the most creative marinade has recently been made from Vietnamese fish sauce nam plah and blue blue cheese- the paste of them has a magical effect: it softens the meat and gives it a special flavor.

Beef has always been popular in markets and supermarkets because of its nutritional value and lower calorie content compared to other meats. It is chosen by both unrestrained meat eaters and adherents of dietary nutrition. And veal is suitable even for baby food. For beef and veal to really be beneficial for our health, they must only be of good quality.

Definition of quality

When buying beef, first of all, pay attention to the color: high-quality meat has a rich red color. With the age of the animal, it darkens. Veal is much lighter and has a pinkish tint. The older the animal, the more clearly visible the yellowness of the fat. Adults have a dark yellow tint of fat. If the color of the beef seems to be too brownish, then this piece must be lying on the counter. Also keep in mind another indicator of the age of the animal - the toughness of the meat.

General tips for determining the quality of any type of meat, including beef, can be read

Carcass cutting - choose the part you want

Immediately before purchasing, the buyer should not only check the quality of the meat, but also correctly select and determine the part of the beef carcass, its purpose. The figure and table below will help the buyer figure it out.

Figure - Scheme of cutting beef carcasses (high-quality cuts)

Table - Description of the parts of cutting beef carcasses

Name of the part of the carcass cutting (cuts) Variety Characteristics, features of the part of the carcass Purpose of the part of the mascara
1 Neck, cut 3 It contains a considerable amount of tendons, but has good taste. Cooking (including long-term cooking), stewing.
Dishes: refueling soups and broths, minced meat, cutlets, goulash, cholent, jellied meat (jelly).
2 Dorsal part (thin edge, thick edge, entrecote) Can be sold with bones. Thick edge - soft, fine-fibred meat, contains 4.5 ribs.
The thin edge has excellent taste and contains 4.5 ribs.
Entrecote is a selected soft intercostal portion of meat located along the vertebrae.
Frying, baking (including large pieces), stewing.
Dishes: soups (ribs), chopped cutlets, goulash, roast, steak (thin edge), roast beef (thin, thick edge), ribs, entrecote.
3 Thick sirloin, sirloin Tender meat, thin layers of fat. Frying (including fast), stewing.
Dishes: cutlets, chops, meatballs, steak, beef stroganoff (upper part of the sirloin), zrazy, rolls, various minced meat and fillings.
4 Tenderloin, sirloin The most valuable and tender part of meat, lean, without veins Frying, baking in a piece. Good for grilling.
Dishes: roast beef, steak, chops, shashlik, azu.
5 Rump Differs in its softness. Good taste. The inside is the most valuable. Stewing, boiling, frying, minced meat, baking.
Dishes: cutlets, meatballs, beef stroganoff (inner part), soup, broth.
6 Rump (mid-thigh), probe (inner thigh), bisection (lower thigh) Lean, fine-fibred meat, good taste. Stewing, boiling, baking.
Dishes: cutlets, roast beef, soups, broths.
7 Peritoneum, flank (curl) The consistency of the meat is rough, but the taste is not bad. May contain fat, bones, cartilage and films. Minced meat, boiling.
Dishes: cuts, meatballs, roll, soups, zrazy, borsch, broth.
8 Edge banding Meat contains layers of fat. Possesses excellent taste. Boiling, stewing, minced meat.
Dishes: goulash, azu, cutlets, filling soups.
9 Scapula The fibers are a little rough.
Shoulder - lean meat, may have thick veins.
Cooking, stewing, minced meat.
Dishes: steak, goulash, azu, chopped cutlets, roll.
10 Brisket The meat has a layered structure, contains fatty layers. Good taste. Boil, stew, bake, chop (stuff).
Dishes: roast, soups, borscht.
11 Thigh Not the best in consistency, but good taste and aroma (thanks to gelatin). Slow roasting and braising in large pieces.
Dishes: goulash, azu, soups.
12 Shank Many tendons, connective tissues. Contains marrow and gelatin. Good taste. Stickiness after cooking. Slow cooking.
Dishes: broths, jellies (jellied meat).
From the pulp it is possible: cue ball, cutlets, meatballs, rolls, etc.
13 Shank The same as the shank. Like a shank.

Storing beef

As with any meat, beef is best stored in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of frozen beef is slightly longer than that of and is about 10 months. Veal has 8 months.

The maturation time of beef after slaughter is approximately 2 weeks at a temperature of 1-2 degrees Celsius. As the storage temperature increases, the ripening time also increases. Without using the refrigerator, the meat will mature within a few days, but in this case, the shelf life will be sharply reduced.