Oven baked bream. Bream in the oven - an affordable fish delicacy

14.10.2019 Desserts and cakes

It has long been known that fish is very healthy. But the benefits can be gained from fresh fish rather than store-bought frozen fillets, as its expiration date is difficult to establish.

For example, you can buy live bream and cook it at home... Although bream is a very bony fish, its meat tastes great. It is best to bake this product in the oven or stew with seasonings and vegetables. The meat of this product, baked in the oven, retains all its useful properties.

Oven-baked bream with tomatoes


  1. vegetable oil - 50 g
  2. tomatoes - 0.5 kg
  3. bream - 0.5 kg
  4. onion - 1 head
  5. ground pepper, salt, parsley - to taste
  6. lemon - 1 pc. (small)


  • Gut the fish, remove the scales, rinse and dry, then rub with salt and pepper.
  • Wash the tomatoes, chop them into slices.
  • Finely chop the onion, squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  • Lay foil on a baking dish, grease it with vegetable oil, put some of the tomatoes and parsley on top, place the prepared carcass on top, and then again the remaining tomatoes with herbs.
  • Put the foil back on and place in the oven. This dish is baked for 25-30 minutes.
  • You can boil potatoes for a side dish.

Bream, baked in the oven, in a hurry


  1. onions - 3 pcs.
  2. bream - 1 pc.
  3. parsley, dill, ground black pepper, salt - to taste


  • Gut the bream, clean it, wash it, if there is caviar inside, then take it out and put it aside, the gills must also be removed.
  • Then, cuts must be made on the carcass (on the tail and ridge) every 5 mm.
  • After the carcass, you need to rub it with salt and pepper (outside and inside), if there was caviar, it also needs to be salted and put back inside the carcass.
  • Inside the bream, you also need to put onions, previously chopped into rings, dill and parsley.
  • Connect the edges of the carcass with wooden toothpicks and put on a baking sheet, previously oiled with vegetable oil. You need to bake the dish in the oven at 150 ° C for 40 minutes.
  • After this time, the dish can be transferred to a plate and served, but first you need to take out the caviar, onion and herbs. The latter can be thrown away, but the caviar can be served with onions.

Bream, baked in the oven in pieces


  1. flour - 4 tablespoons
  2. bream - 1 kg
  3. butter - 4 tbsp. l.
  4. ground black pepper, salt - to taste
  5. milk - 125 ml
  6. parsley to taste
  7. vegetable oil - to taste


  • Rinse the carcass, make a cut along the ridge lengthwise and cut it into medium-sized pieces.
  • Pour milk into a cup, then dissolve salt in it. After that, pieces of bream should be soaked in milk for 15 minutes.
  • Then the pieces of fish need to be rolled in flour and put into a saucepan with vegetable oil, pour melted butter over everything and place in the oven, preheated.
  • You need to bake the dish for 15 minutes, after cooking, transfer everything to a plate and decorate with parsley on top.

Bream in the oven with potatoes and sour cream

This fish can not only be baked separately in the oven, but baked together with a side dish, for example, with potatoes.


  1. bream - 0.5 kg
  2. potatoes - 3 pcs.
  3. flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. sour cream - 30 g
  5. salt to taste


  • Peel and rinse the carcass, cut into pieces, then salt and roll in flour.
  • Peel and wash the potatoes, cut into cubes.
  • Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and put the fish there, put the potatoes on top.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 ° С and put a baking sheet with the preparation there for 25 minutes.
  • Then remove the dish, pour over sour cream and return to the oven for another 15 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with lemon juice before serving.

Oven-baked stuffed bream

An excellent table decoration will be such a dish as stuffed baked bream. When preparing it, you do not need to make colossal efforts, but the dish itself will delight not only with its appearance, but also with its taste!


  1. onions - 4 pcs.
  2. olives - 60 g
  3. butter - 15 g
  4. vegetable oil
  5. salt to taste
  6. bay leaf - to taste
  7. bream - 1 kg
  8. garlic - 3 cloves
  9. lemon - 1 pc.
  10. ground black pepper - to taste
  11. cream or sour cream - 70 g


  • Peel the fish, remove the entrails and fins, rinse well, make transverse cuts on the carcass, then pull out small bones, salt the carcass. Drizzle inside and outside with lemon juice and rub with black pepper.
  • Then the fish should be stuffed with the following products: finely chop the onion and put ½ part of it in the fish, then finely chopped parsley, a little lemon zest, butter and chopped olives are placed inside.
  • The rest of the onion should be mixed with vegetable oil, seasoned with salt, garlic and placed on a baking dish.
  • Place the prepared carcass on top of the mixture, grease it with vegetable oil, cover with foil and bake in the oven for 5 minutes at low temperature, then remove the foil.
  • The bream should be greased with vegetable oil and baked for another 15 minutes, but the temperature should be slightly increased.
  • Finished fish can be garnished with orange or apple slices.

Bream stuffed with buckwheat porridge in the oven


  1. bream - 2 kg
  2. vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. dry buckwheat - 1 cup
  4. onions - 2 heads
  5. butter - 70 g
  6. chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  7. dried mushroom powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  8. salt, ground black pepper - to taste


  • From dry buckwheat, you need to cook crumbly buckwheat porridge and add mushroom powder.
  • Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan until browning, mix with buckwheat porridge, add 50 g of soft butter.
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs and chop, then add them to porridge with onions.
  • After the mixture, pepper, salt and cool.
  • Peel the fish and gut it over the head so as not to cut the carcass. Then rinse and dry, especially inside. After that, you need to salt and pepper it.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Stuff the carcass with porridge, but not very densely. The abdomen can be held together with a thread or wooden toothpicks.
  • Place baking paper on a baking dish, grease and then sprinkle with bread crumbs.
  • Place the stuffed carcass on top, pour with melted butter on top and put everything in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • Then reduce the heat to 160 ° C and bake for another 30 minutes. Raw vegetables can be used as a side dish.

Oven stuffed bream with bacon


  1. bream - 1.5 kg
  2. salted lard - 100 g
  3. garlic - 1 head
  4. dill and parsley
  5. vegetable oil


  • Peel the bream from entrails and scales. Make cuts on the back, salt.
  • Finely chop the bacon, chop the garlic, finely chop the dill and parsley, mix.
  • Fill the fish carcass with the resulting mixture.
  • After that, it must be rolled in flour, fried in boiling vegetable oil, and then put in the oven until the dish is fully cooked.

Fish is a great substitute for meat, and oven-baked bream is an excellent decoration for any table, not only everyday, but also festive!

Fish is one of the essential products of the human diet. Someone prefers the sea, while others prefer the river. Among the river bream can be distinguished. It has an exquisite taste, although it does not belong to delicacies.

Regardless of how to prepare bream, this fish represents noble dish in any form- simply fried or boiled in a fish soup, charcoal and grilled or.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a couple of simple and quick recipes for cooking in the oven.

How to peel bream

First of all, the fish must be rinsed well. The scales of bream are tough, and for easier cleaning you can sprinkle it with salt, then start with the tail, against the growth of the scales. The fins also need to be cut off. Then we cut the abdomen and gut, thoroughly rinse the insides with heated water. From the giblets, if we come across a female, we can do not get rid of caviar, it is good for food. For example, you can pickle caviar, and how to do it - read in our magazine. We make a cut along the ridge for better baking and wipe it off with a paper towel.

How to cook delicious bream in the oven. Recipe number 1

We need:

  • Medium fish
  • Onion, medium-sized head
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream, 200 grams
  • 1 lemon
  • Salt and spices to taste
  • Herbs (parsley, dill, or basil)

How to bake bream in the oven?

  1. Coat the finished fish with mayonnaise (sour cream), sprinkle with salt, pepper and add a little lemon juice. Carefully rub the resulting mass into the carcass, both outside and inside. We put it off for half an hour. When the fish is soaked, cut the onion into rings, mix it with a little mayonnaise and fill the bream.
  2. We take a baking sheet. Lightly grease with oil and spread the fish on it. Immerse in a preheated oven. At a temperature of 185-200 degrees, bake for 15 minutes, then take out, sprinkle with herbs and set back for 5-10 minutes.
  3. For a side dish, potatoes and vegetables are very good, it is recommended to bake with fish. Serve hot.

Bream baked in the oven in foil. Recipe number 2

It should be noted that with this cooking method fish need not be pickled, and cooking will take less time, and the fish will be juicier.


  • Food foil
  • Bream, 500 grams
  • Garlic, a few cloves
  • Vinegar 10 grams
  • Lemon 1 pc
  • Greens, salt, pepper and seasonings to taste
  • Olive oil 30 grams

Cooking description:

  1. We prepare the fish, clean, wash, gut, wipe. We do a couple of cuts on the carcass and proceed to the witchcraft over the sauce.
  2. Finely chop the garlic and mix it with spices, add vinegar (this removes the specific smell well).
  3. We generously grease all the fish with oil (from the outside).
  4. Sliced put the lemon in the abdomen.
  5. We take a baking sheet, spread the foil and grease it with the rest of the sauce, spread the bream and wrap it up.
  6. We immerse the future tasty dish in the oven and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 185-190 degrees.
  7. Then we take it out, unfold it and hold it for another 10 minutes for an appetizing, golden crust to appear.

The dish is ready let's stick a little and serve. You can decorate it with herbs and cover with a salad of fresh vegetables, this dish will certainly please your family or guests.

Bake whole bream weighing up to 0.5 kilograms at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Bread bream weighing from 0.5 to 0.8 kilograms at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Bread bream weighing from 0.8 to 1.2 kilograms at a temperature of 200 degrees.

How to bake whole bream

Bream - 1 kilogram
Onions - 2 heads
Lemon - 1 piece
Seasoning for fish - 2 rounded tablespoons
Olive (can be substituted with vegetable) oil - 3 tablespoons
Salt - 1 teaspoon

Food preparation
1. Gut and wash the bream.
2. Rub the bream with salt and seasoning for fish.
3. Squeeze out the lemon juice and sprinkle it over the fish.
4. Peel onions, wash, cut into half rings.
5. Place half of the onion on a wide piece of foil.
6. Put the bream on top.
7. Place the second part of the onion on top.
8. Wrap the bream in foil.

How to bake in the oven
1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
2. Put the bream in foil on a baking sheet.
3. Put a baking sheet with bream in foil on the middle level of the oven, close the door.
4. Bake the bream for 50 minutes, then open the foil and bake for another 10 minutes.

How to bake in a slow cooker
1. Put the bream into a slow cooker.
2. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode and the time is 1 hour 10 minutes.
3. Close the lid of the multicooker and wait for the sound of the end of cooking.

How to bake in an airfryer
1. Preheat the airfryer to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.
2. Place the bream in foil on the middle wire rack of the airfryer.
3. Bake bream in foil for 40 minutes at medium blowing speed.


When baking, bream can be stuffed:
per 1 kilogram of bream

Buckwheat filling: boiled buckwheat (half a glass) with chicken eggs (3 pieces) and dill (half a bunch).

Onion filling: onions (1 head), chopped parsley (1 bunch), olives (100 grams), butter (50 grams), bread crumbs (1 tablespoon).

Cabbage filling: sauerkraut (150 grams).

Fresh vegetables, pickles, boiled rice are served as a garnish for baked bream.

When baking bream, you can lay it out on a potato pillow - and bake it together.

When baked, the bream can be rolled in flour or sprinkled with breading mixture; coat in homemade mayonnaise or sour cream; pour over soy sauce.

Spices for roasting bream - basil, oregano, sage, garlic, bay leaf, black and red ground peppers, marjoram, oregano, coriander.

Bream can be marinated in a mixture of spices, in wine, soy sauce, onion mixture, vinegar, lemon juice for 2 hours, after covering and refrigerating.

Bream fish does not belong to the category of delicacies, which means that it has little fat and a lot of small bones. But if you work hard, then this humble and rivers will turn into a gourmet dish. So that your guests do not distinguish between bream and trout, you need to resort to the help of small secrets, certain rules, observing which we can "refine" our delicious fish. First, the carcass should be thoroughly cleaned and gutted. This is not so easy to do, because the scales are very tightly attached to each other. To get to the meat, you need to sprinkle the entire surface with coarse salt, wait a little, and then, starting from the tail, scrape against the scales.

Then we free the fish from gills, viscera, eyes. We wash the carcass and dry it. Now the second secret: how to get rid of countless small bones? Using a knife with a sharp tip, make shallow cuts along the torso from head to tail every half a centimeter. Then, during heat treatment, small bones will be baked so that they will no longer be felt. Now it's time to think about how to cook bream.

There are many recipes: it should be assumed that if we are not going to dry or dry the fish, we must try to ensure that the carcass does not lose fat during cooking. To do this, either pre-fry the sides until a crust forms, and when baking, wrap the fish or even a baking sheet with foil. Dishes from bream will turn out to be especially fragrant and tasty if, before heat treatment, rub the carcass on the outside with spices, salt, pepper, and sprinkle with lemon juice or mud inside

and put in the belly slightly pickled onion rings and herbs (sprigs of basil, parsley, cilantro, dill). To prevent the filling from falling out, the edges of the abdomen should be fastened with toothpicks.

How to cook Spread a baking sheet with vegetable oil, put the carcass wrapped in foil on it. If you cook fish immediately with a side dish, for example, with potatoes, then place finely chopped root vegetable circles next to it and wrap the entire baking sheet with foil, then put it in a preheated oven for half an hour. Remove the foil, fill everything with sour cream or heavy cream and send to bake for another quarter of an hour. Before serving the bream on the table, do not forget to remove the greens from the belly, and sprinkle the fish itself with dry white wine and lemon juice.

Here's another recipe for how to cook bream in the oven. Cook buckwheat porridge separately - not very much, a portioned bag (100-150 g) is enough. Fry onions in oil until golden brown, boil Add onions and eggs to the porridge: finely chopped boiled, as well as shaken raw. We clean the fish, gut it, wash it, dry it, rub it with salt. We stuff the carcass with porridge, fix the sides with toothpicks. Put the bream on a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake for half an hour. Then pour sour cream and let stand in the oven. Pour the resulting sauce before serving

and sprinkle with dill.

Few know how to cut the fish into portions, removing the tail, fins and head, breaded each in a mixture of flour and salt, and then fry on all sides in vegetable oil until a crust forms. Put the onion, previously fried until golden brown, in a deep place, put the fish on it and pour a glass of sour cream. Simmer so over low heat for a quarter of an hour, then add spices, salt and cook for another 10 minutes. Two minutes before removing from the stove, sprinkle the bream abundantly with grated cheese.

Fish is one of the essential products of the human diet. Someone prefers the sea, while others prefer the river. Among the river bream can be distinguished. It has an exquisite taste, although it does not belong to delicacies.

How to peel bream

First of all, the fish must be rinsed well. The scales of bream are tough, and for easier cleaning you can sprinkle it with salt, then start with the tail, against the growth of the scales. The fins also need to be cut off. Then we cut the abdomen and gut, thoroughly rinse the insides with heated water. From the giblets, if we come across a female, we can do not get rid of caviar, it is good for food. For example, you can pickle caviar, and how to do it - read in this issue of our magazine. We make a cut along the ridge for better baking and wipe it off with a paper towel.

How to cook delicious bream in the oven. Recipe number 1

  • Medium fish
  • Onion, medium-sized head
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream, 200 grams
  • 1 lemon
  • Salt and spices to taste
  • Herbs (parsley, dill, or basil)

How to bake bream in the oven?

  1. Coat the finished fish with mayonnaise (sour cream), sprinkle with salt, pepper and add a little lemon juice. Carefully rub the resulting mass into the carcass, both outside and inside. We put it off for half an hour. When the fish is soaked, cut the onion into rings, mix it with a little mayonnaise and fill the bream.
  2. We take a baking sheet. Lightly grease with oil and spread the fish on it. Immerse in a preheated oven. At a temperature of 185-200 degrees, bake for 15 minutes, then take out, sprinkle with herbs and set back for 5-10 minutes.
  3. For a side dish, potatoes and vegetables are very good, it is recommended to bake with fish. Serve hot.

Bream baked in the oven in foil. Recipe number 2

It should be noted that with this cooking method fish need not be pickled, and cooking will take less time, and the fish will be juicier.

  • Food foil
  • Bream, 500 grams
  • Garlic, a few cloves
  • Vinegar 10 grams
  • Lemon 1 pc
  • Greens, salt, pepper and seasonings to taste
  • Olive oil 30 grams

  1. We prepare the fish, clean, wash, gut, wipe. We do a couple of cuts on the carcass and proceed to the witchcraft over the sauce.
  2. Finely chop the garlic and mix it with spices, add vinegar (this removes the specific smell well).
  3. We generously grease all the fish with oil (from the outside).
  4. Cut into circles put the lemon in the abdomen.
  5. We take a baking sheet, spread the foil and grease it with the rest of the sauce, spread the bream and wrap it up.
  6. We immerse the future tasty dish in the oven and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 185-190 degrees.
  7. Then we take it out, unfold it and hold it for another 10 minutes for an appetizing, golden crust to appear.

The dish is ready let's stick a little and serve. You can decorate it with herbs and cover with a salad of fresh vegetables, this dish will certainly please your family or guests.