How to cook drinking jelly. How to cook jelly (step by step recipe with photo)

08.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

Kissel is a dish of high density, jelly-like consistency. It is often prepared sweet and based on fruits, berries and other suitable ingredients. In order for the jelly to be thick, starch is added to it, which can be potato and corn, but how much starch per 1 liter of jelly is required, let's try to understand this article using the example of different recipes.

Density of the dish

The density of the jelly depends on how many spoons of starch per 1 liter of jelly will be put. There are several types of cooking, or rather several types of density:

  1. Thick. For such a dish, you will need to put about 80 grams of starch per liter of water. At home, you can use a tablespoon for measurement, in which case you need to put 3 spoons. After the starch has been added, the jelly will still need to be cooked over low heat until the consistency is reached. A wooden spoon should be used to stir such a dish. It should be noted that such a thick jelly is served in bowls, and the dish is used with a spoon or fork.
  2. Medium density. For such a dish, you will need to put about 45 grams of starch, this is about 2 tablespoons. It does not take very long to cook the product, a thickener is added, all the ingredients are brought to a boil, then the dish can be served. This jelly can be consumed warm and cold. You won't be able to drink the product either, so you need to additionally give spoons to it.
  3. Liquid. This type is considered to be drinking, but how much starch per 1 liter of liquid jelly will need to be put, let's try to figure it out. For such a consistency, 30 grams of thickener or slightly more than 1 tbsp will be enough. l. Cooking is the same as described above.

All proportions are presented approximately, and it will be possible to understand in detail how much starch per 1 liter of jelly is needed in specific recipes. This is due to the fact that the thickener can react in different ways with different ingredients. Therefore, in some cases, you need to put more or less starch. Before adding starch, it is always best to dilute it in cold water and strain it.

Vitamin fruit jelly

If there is a fruit compote, then you can turn it into a healthy jelly. Children are very fond of this dish, and it will not take a long time to cook it. In addition, the main advantage is that it retains all vitamins.

  1. Rinse fruits and place them in cold water. After that, put the water to boil, and the fruit will give almost all of its juice to the boil.
  2. When the water boils, remove the pan from the heat, cover and let it brew for about 20 minutes.
  3. When all the ingredients become pale and float on top, then they should be removed in a colander, so that a rich broth remains.
  4. In order to find out how much starch is needed per 1 liter of jelly, you should check the amount of broth, and then add 1 tbsp. l. with a slide for a liquid consistency, 2 tbsp. l. thickener for jelly of medium consistency, but which you can drink. For an almost thick dish, add 3 tbsp. l., for thick jelly, 4 tbsp. l., and for jelly add 5-6 tbsp. l. The entire amount is counted per liter of liquid.
  5. The measured thickener must be diluted first in a glass of broth, then put the whole compote on the fire and bring it to a boil. At this time, you can gradually pour in the starch, while stirring the dish.
  6. The broth will immediately change its color, thicken and become richer.
  7. The dish is brought to a boil, and you can immediately remove the pan from the heat, this will save all the vitamins.

Berry jelly

For children, berry-based jelly is perfect.

To prepare, you will need to do the following:

  1. Rinse and chop the berries using a convenient method.
  2. Pour the berry juice into a container and send it to the refrigerator, and the cake is filled with water and sent to the fire. Boil the berries over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. The finished broth is poured into two pans and filtered before that. The first part is cooled and 50 grams of starch is added to swell it, and the second part is cooked. It is worth adding 150 grams of sugar to it.
  4. When the compote boils, a part with a thickener is added to it, after 5 minutes you can add a little lemon juice... After boiling, the fire turns off and juice is poured from the refrigerator.

Kissel is ready, you can pour it into a cup and garnish with nuts on top. A similar dish can be prepared in winter if the berries are frozen in summer.

Rhubarb Kissel

Children often lack vitamins in the body, so at the beginning of summer it is recommended to prepare jelly from fresh rhubarb, which contains many useful substances. For cooking you need:

  1. Peel the rhubarb and rinse, then cut into cubes and cover with water.
  2. Put water on low heat and bring to a boil.
  3. Additionally, you need to pass several branches of rhubarb through a blender, making a gruel from it, it is sent to the broth.
  4. Next, you need to make jelly from the broth, how much starch per 1 liter of water, each person decides individually according to the recipe above in the description. For a liquid dish, 1 tbsp will be enough. l. per liter of broth. The starch is simply placed in a saucepan, stirred until dissolved and brought to a boil.

This dish turns out to be thick due to the rhubarb pulp. If you do not add gruel, then you can get a transparent jelly.

Milk jelly

Such a product can be given to babies from six months of age.

For cooking you will need:

  1. Bring a liter of milk to a boil, then add 100 grams of sugar and dissolve it.
  2. In a small amount of water, mix 2 tbsp. l. starch, exactly as much as you need starch for 1 liter of milk jelly. Then add the starch water to the milk and bring to a boil again, stirring the dish constantly.
  3. The drink is brewed to the required thickness.

This drink is given to children chilled. Both very young children and toddlers at the age of 2-3 years prefer to drink it.

Oatmeal jelly

This dish has its own characteristics, but the product is very useful.

You can prepare it according to the following instructions:

  1. 70 grams of oatmeal is poured into a glass of warm water and infused for 10-12 hours. After that, water is removed from them and a glass of milk and sugar are added to taste.
  2. The ingredients are put on fire and cooked over low heat. After thickening, the dish is ready.

Serve chilled and apparently no starch is used in the recipe. Such a dish should be given to children under 1 year old 2 times a week, after a year, you can increase the intake, but not more than 1 time per day.

Of course, you can buy ready-made jelly mixtures with different tastes, which are very easy to prepare, but for children it is better to make starch at home and cook everything from natural products. You need to chop the potatoes in a blender and put the mashed potatoes in cheesecloth, then tie them up and leave to release the starch. After that, you can add the ingredient to the dishes. Additionally, it is worth considering the following tips:

  1. You need to cook jelly in an enamel container.
  2. It is worth cooking only for a one-time meal.
  3. The dish is consumed on the day it is prepared.
  4. If you store the jelly for a long time and heat it up, then the nutrients will be lost.

Beneficial features

Kissel is a nutritious product that allows you to saturate any organism. In addition, it enriches consumers with energy and vitamins that it contains. If you prepare a dish correctly, then it will retain the necessary vitamins and minerals, and a cereal-based recipe allows you to treat ulcers and gastritis.

Fruit jelly is good for diseases that are caused by infections, or for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, the product can improve eyesight, and if it is based on apples, then you can drink it in case of anemia. Rowanberry dish normalizes liver function, and cherry product cleanses the lungs and bronchi.


Having familiarized yourself with how much starch per 1 liter of jelly you need to put in one or another case, you can prepare a healthy and satisfying dish. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the possible gain of excess weight, due to the fact that starch is an excellent source of carbohydrates. You should also check your body for allergies before consuming.

My daughter was admitted to the hospital and after the operation for several days she was allowed to eat only broth and jelly. And I cooked jelly for her. On the second day, the operated women began to contact me with a request to teach them how to cook jelly. I was shocked. I always believed that the ability to cook compote and jelly is laid in women at the genetic level.
Therefore, I decided to post a jelly recipe on the site, suddenly it will come in handy for someone else.

Kissel is a very healthy drink. Since it has a slimy viscous consistency, it envelops the walls of the stomach, improving digestion.
The jelly contains many vitamins and amino acids that are well absorbed.
Kissel quickly satisfies hunger without leaving a feeling of heaviness.


1 liter compote, 20 ~ 30g starch

Cook compote from berries or fruits. For example, you can cook.
Strain the compote.
Pour about 150 grams of compote into a cup.

Cool to room temperature. To shorten the cooling time, place the cup in cold water.
Put a saucepan with compote over high heat and bring to a boil.
Pour starch into a cup with cooled compote.

The amount of starch depends on two factors.
1. Desirable density of the jelly. When you add 20g of starch, the jelly will turn out to be light and not too thick. At 30g, the jelly becomes viscous.
2. Date of starch production. The starch from young potatoes is weaker and therefore will need more to thicken. The starch from old stale potatoes is stronger and, with a smaller amount, thickens the liquid more strongly.

Stir the liquid with the starch so that a homogeneous suspension forms and the starch rises from the bottom.

Pour the starch liquid into the boiling compote in a thin stream, while stirring with the other hand.

Reduce the heat to a minimum and let the jelly simmer for 1 ~ 2 minutes.
If the thickness of the jelly is not enough, then dilute the additional starch in cold water and pour into a saucepan.
Ready jelly can be used both hot and cooled to room temperature or completely chilled (from the refrigerator).
When it cools, a film forms on the surface of the jelly. You can remove it with a spoon or strain the jelly through a sieve.

The first recipes for jelly appeared a thousand years ago, when oat milk was sour in Russia to prepare this delicious dish. True, it was not made in liquid form, but when frozen, it was cut into pieces, which were served with hot hemp oil and eaten with jam or milk. Today, you can prepare not only sour-grain jelly, but also fruit and berry desserts. And how to make jelly, you will learn from our article.

Kissel from starch and jam

The benefits of jelly for the body are invaluable. Doctors advise drinking it for diseases of the stomach and intestines, for sore throat. Nutritionists advise including such a drink in the diet of those who are overweight.


  • a cup of jam;
  • two tablespoons of regular sugar;
  • liter of water (boiled, cold);
  • two tablespoons of starch;
  • a few grams of citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Stir the jam in a saucepan with three liters of water and place the container on the stove.
  2. As soon as the contents of the saucepan begins to boil, pass it through a sieve, add sweetener, citric acid and return to heat.
  3. Then take a bowl of water and dissolve the starch powder in it. Pour the mixture into the languishing composition in a thin stream, stirring constantly, wait until the jelly boils, and turn off the stove.

From dried fruits

Delicious and nutritious jelly can be cooked in different ways.

You can also use dried fruits, because as you know, they have more minerals than fresh fruits. Dried fruits also contain a lot of fiber and other nutrients.


  • ½ kg of dried fruit;
  • half a glass of sweet sand;
  • a spoonful of lemon juice;
  • citrus zest;
  • two tablespoons of starch;
  • two carnation buds;
  • cinnamon bark.

Cooking method:

  1. Before cooking dried fruit jelly, they need to be soaked in water for a couple of hours. If you bought dried fruit from a store, be sure to rinse it before soaking it.
  2. Then pour one and a half liters of water into a saucepan, put fruits, spices, sweetener, zest and lemon juice. We put the container on fire and boil its contents for 15 minutes.
  3. Then lay out the dried fruits and add starch, which must be diluted in a small amount of water beforehand.
  4. As soon as the jelly is covered with the first bubbles, return the dried fruit, warm up the composition for several minutes and remove the drink from the heat.

To prevent the surface of the dessert from being covered with a film when cooling, sprinkle it with sugar.

Cooking with compote

From berry compote, you can cook jelly, which in appearance and taste will resemble jelly. You can decorate the finished dessert with whipped cream, berries, or simply sprinkle with powdered sugar.

We all love jelly since childhood! Our grandmothers made them especially tasty: dairy, with berries, fruits, and even with jam! Kissel is a traditionally Russian dish that initially served as a gravy for the main dish, drink and dessert. By the way, our ancestors made jelly on the basis of fermented decoctions of cereals (oats, peas, rye, buckwheat), hence the name "jelly" - from the word "sour". Today, jelly is prepared from fresh juices, dried fruits, various syrups, milk and even bread kvass! If you want to know how to please both children and adults, then read on! In our article we will tell you how to cook jelly correctly so that it is guaranteed tasty and beautiful. There are very few rules for making jelly.

Rule # 1 - choose the right starch. If you are going to cook milk jelly or blancmange, in which transparency does not play a key role, then take rice or corn starch. As a result, you will get a dessert or sauce of a uniform milky color with a pleasant delicate texture. If you are cooking fruit jelly, transparency is important to you. To cook transparent jelly from fruits and berries, take potato starch.

Rule number 2 - observe the proportions of liquid and starch. Are you planning to make a thick jelly, which will be an independent dessert? Then take 3 tbsp for 1 liter of water. spoons of starch. For jelly of medium density, you will need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of starch per 1 liter of liquid. And to cook liquid jelly, which can be used as a drink or gravy for the main course, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch with a slide.

Rule number 3 - always dilute the starch with cool boiled water or milk before pouring it into the jelly. The starch solution must be drained. You need to pour it in very slowly, constantly stirring the jelly so that no lumps appear in it.

Rule number 4 - do not leave the jelly to boil for too long, otherwise, from prolonged heating, your starch will turn into glucose, the jelly will become liquid, turbidity and lumps will appear in it. The optimal cooking time for jelly is 30 seconds after adding starch.

Rule number 5 - cook jelly in an enamel bowl, and use a wooden spoon for stirring so that the jelly does not burn and does not acquire an unpleasant color and smell.

Rule number 6 - so that an unpleasant film does not appear on the jelly, sprinkle it with sugar and put a piece of marmalade on top.

These are the simple secrets of making a delicious Russian dessert. And now the recipes!

Oatmeal jelly

Oat jelly is the oldest ancestor of all jelly that was ever brewed in Russia. Interestingly, oatmeal jelly is considered an excellent medicine for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal jelly helps with colitis and gastritis, as well as constipation.

Cooking jelly from oat flour is elementary. Take:

  • oatmeal (flakes can be used) - 500 g
  • water (or milk) - 1 l
  • black bread - 20 g
  • starch - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar (or honey), salt - to taste

In the evening, pour oatmeal or flakes with water or milk, put a crust of brown bread in a container and leave to infuse overnight.

In the morning, rub the flakes through a sieve, after taking out the bread. You should have oat milk. Mix it with starch dissolved in water and put on fire.

Add sugar and salt to taste. Bring the jelly to a boil with constant stirring. When the jelly boils, you can turn it off immediately. Ready!

Kissel from berries

The most common today is homemade jelly made from berries or fruits. By the way, you can quite safely cook jelly from frozen berries, its taste will not suffer. Kissel from berries always turns out fragrant and very tasty. Traditionally, jelly is boiled from red and black currants, gooseberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, apples, plums and other berries. We offer you to cook classic strawberry jelly. If you wish, you can replace strawberries with any berries or fruits that you like. For cooking, take:

  • strawberries or strawberries - 2 cups
  • sugar - one and a half cups
  • starch - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 1 liter
  • Sort, peel and wash the strawberries, then grind them through a sieve or beat with a blender.

Simultaneously prepare the syrup: boil water and add sugar to it, stir until completely dissolved.

When the sugar dissolves, slowly add the starch solution to the syrup. It will thicken quickly. You just have to put the berry puree in the syrup, stir and turn off the heat.

Similarly, you can make jelly from jam. To do this, take:

  • jam - a few spoons
  • water - 1 l
  • sugar - to taste, depending on the sweetness of the jam
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons

Dissolve the jam with hot water and boil it for a few minutes, then strain through a sieve. Add the starch solution, a few tablespoons of sugar, and citric acid to the saucepan to adjust the sweetness of the dessert. Mix everything well. As soon as the jelly boils, turn off the heat.

Milk jelly

Finally, we will tell you how to cook milk jelly. In general, milk jelly is rather disgusting in terms of preparation: they need constant attention. They need to be stirred all the time so that the milk does not burn and run away. In order to cook delicious milk jelly, you will need:

  • milk - 1 l
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar, vanilla - to taste

Arm yourself with a ceramic pot and a wooden spoon. Beat the egg with sugar, add about 700 ml of milk and vanilla to this mixture. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Dissolve the starch in the remaining milk and slowly add it to the boiling milk. The kissel will immediately thicken. Wait for bubbles to form in it and immediately remove it from the heat!

We have given examples of recipes for medium-thick jelly. You can vary the amount of starch depending on your preference, based on the recommendations that were given at the beginning of the article. We wish you successful culinary experiments and bon appetit!

In ancient times, a real Russian jelly was prepared for several days by specially trained people - "jelly", who thickened the drink not with starch, as is now customary, but with fermented decoctions of cereals (hence the name: "jelly" = "sour"), the most common then was jelly on oat broth.

Today, the drink is prepared from almost any ingredients: fresh and dried fruits and berries, fruit and berry juices, syrups, from all types of jam, jam, jam, bread kvass, milk, as well as from berry extracts and some other products.

Kissel is boiled mainly with sugar, and its density depends on the added amount of starch. Moreover, fruit and berry jelly should be prepared with potato starch(so that they are not cloudy), and milk and almond - with corn(maize) starch, which gives them a more delicate taste. For 4 cups of fruit and berry jelly, it is enough to take 2 tablespoons of starch (more - it will turn out to be very thick). Starch is diluted with chilled broth, juice, syrup, milk or water, while one part of starch is diluted with 4 - 5 parts of liquid.

It is better to strain the diluted potato starch through a sieve and, while stirring, pour into the hot syrup at once, and not in parts, bring the jelly to a boil and remove from heat. You should not boil the jelly for a long time, otherwise it will be liquid.

All jelly has one unpleasant feature- a film forms on the surface during cooling. This can be avoided if freshly prepared jelly is sprinkled with a thin layer of granulated sugar. If the film has already appeared, you can add a little fresh juice and stir thoroughly, stirring the juice into the formed jelly.

Kissels should be homogeneous, without lumps, non-sticky, and their appearance, color, taste and smell should correspond to the product from which they are prepared. To preserve color and improve taste, a small amount (0.1-0.3 g per serving) of citric acid, previously diluted with cold boiled water, is added to some fruit and berry jelly.

According to the consistency, jelly is divided into dense, of medium density and semi-liquid. Semi-liquid are used as sweet sauces for some dishes (in particular, for cereals). In some fruit, the consistency can be altered by pureed fruit puree.

Thick jelly is usually poured into molds and cooled well (the molds are pre-moistened from the inside with cold water so that the drink is easily separated). And drinks of medium density and semi-liquid can be served hot.

Kissel is a very nutritious and high-calorie dish due to its starch content, but, at the same time, it retains many vitamins. Kissel is recommended to be included in diets for gastritis with high acidity and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Kissel, made from high-quality berries or juices, firmly holds the first place among other drinks in terms of the amount of organic acids, moreover, it has healing qualities, which largely depend on what kind of fruit it is cooked from. So, for example, cranberry jelly is the best drink for colds and flu, blueberries in jelly are effective for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, infectious diseases, as well as for improving visual acuity, apple is recommended for the prevention of anemia, hypovitaminosis and to improve digestion. Kissel from mountain ash is useful for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, has a mild laxative, choleretic and diuretic effect. Cherry kissel has antiseptic properties and is a good remedy for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

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