How to cook buckwheat correctly: step by step instructions. Buckwheat is the healthiest cereal

12.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

Sort the buckwheat thoroughly, then rinse in several waters. Dry. Now the majority of buckwheat producers insist that their groats do not need to be sorted or washed. But we still advise you to do as our grandmothers and mothers did - spend a little more time and sort the cereals by hand, and then rinse them thoroughly.

Heat a dry frying pan and fry the buckwheat, stirring constantly, until golden brown, 4-5 minutes. Pre-frying the cereal makes it more flavorful and crumbly, and also reduces the cooking time.

Boil lightly salted water in a large saucepan. The proportion of water and cereals is always the same: for 1 part of buckwheat, 2 parts of water. Pour in the fried buckwheat and bring to a boil over high heat.

Remove foam with a slotted spoon, add vegetable oil. Reduce heat and simmer for 6-8 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and let it brew for a few more minutes. Previously, porridge was infused in the oven. Nowadays, few people can afford such a luxury. But there is a great way to do something similar. Cook the cereals 1-1.5 hours before serving. Wrap the pot first in 2-3 layers of paper (newspaper is ideal), and then in a woolen blanket and leave in a warm place. Serve buckwheat with milk or melted butter.

It would seem, what could be easier than boiling buckwheat porridge or crumbly cereals? But, like any dish, buckwheat has its own subtleties of preparation, so that the resulting dish is tasty, healthy and nutritious. Considering them, you can cook many different dishes from the same cereal.

Like all cereals, buckwheat can be cooked in water or milk, make it salty or sweet, add various seasonings. Modern cooking methods make the menu even more diversified.

How long does it take to cook buckwheat in water

Buckwheat on water is the easiest way to cook it, which does not require either effort or special knowledge. But the cooking time differs slightly depending on the cooking method.

In a saucepan buckwheat is cooked relatively quickly and easily. Water must be taken 2.5 times more than cereals. First, water is poured into a saucepan, and brought to a boil over the fire, after which salt and spices are added, and then the cereal is poured. Buckwheat is cooked under the lid for 15 minutes. During this time, the water usually completely evaporates, and the cereals have time to cook.

In a multicooker buckwheat takes longer to cook. It is necessary to pour buckwheat into the glass bowl of the multicooker and pour in water in a ratio of 2/5, add salt and spices to taste, then set the buckwheat mode and the cooking time is 40 minutes. After that, you can safely eat ready-made buckwheat.

Buckwheat in water in the microwave. Most housewives consider the microwave a convenient way to heat up ready-made food, but you can cook the same dishes in it as on the stove. To cook buckwheat in the microwave, you need to pour a glass of buckwheat into a pan for microwave ovens and pour two glasses of water, add salt and spices, cover and leave for 17 minutes at maximum power. With an increase in the amount of cereals, the duration should be increased. If the buckwheat is not cooked, then the cooking process should be continued. If it is ready, but there is still liquid, then you need to start the buckwheat in the microwave again, but without a lid for 4-5 minutes.

In a double boiler cereals are cooked almost as much as in a slow cooker. Less water is needed for its preparation - it should be two, not 2.5 times more than cereals. Buckwheat is likewise poured into cold water, salt, spices, butter are added. Cooking time - 40 minutes.

In a pressure cooker buckwheat is cooked much faster than in a multicooker - only 20 minutes. The ratio of cereals and water is 1 to 2. Salt and spices are added to taste, all products are put into the pressure cooker at the same time.

If the cereal is in bags

How much time do you need to cook buckwheat in bags? This type of packaging of cereals has several undeniable advantages. Firstly, it has already been cleaned of husks and impurities, so there is no need to sort it out.

Secondly, it is steamed, and is already partially ready, therefore it cooks much faster. And, thirdly, convenient packaging eliminates the need to calculate the ratio of water and cereals - you can pour with a margin and pour out excess liquid without risking spoiling the product.

Buckwheat in bags is boiled only in a saucepan. The bags are placed in boiling water, left on fire for 5-10 minutes, depending on the degree of steam treatment. Cooking times may vary for each brand, and are usually indicated on the packaging. Salt and spices are added to the water.

After cooking, the excess water is drained, the bag is opened - and the porridge is ready. The only drawback of this method of cooking porridge is the inability to taste it before opening the bag, so sometimes you have to cook it in the usual way in a saucepan.

We cook porridge in milk

How long does it take to cook buckwheat in milk? The dish turns out to be tastier and more nutritious than water. In addition, this porridge can be made sweet. This cooking method is not suitable for patients with diabetes mellitus, milk sugar intolerance and other diseases for which milk porridge is not recommended.

Such porridge is cooked longer than porridge on water. This is due to the fact that it is added not to boiling milk, but to cold milk. For each glass of cereal you need four glasses of milk. You need to cook over low heat, stirring occasionally so that the milk does not escape.

Cooking time is 35 minutes. At the end of cooking, butter, salt, sugar, spices are added to the porridge. You can additionally let it brew under the lid, wrapped in warm cloth.

Time required for crumbly buckwheat porridge

There are two ways to ensure that the porridge becomes crumbly - either by reducing the amount of water, or by shortening the cooking time. The exact amount, how much to reduce this or that, is difficult to indicate, since it depends on the personal taste of each.

But on average, in order for the porridge to turn out crumbly, you need to reduce the water by half a glass, and the time - by 3-4 minutes. If you cook buckwheat in bags, then only the time is important, since the excess water is still drained. It is impossible to cook crumbly porridge in milk.

There are many subtleties of cooking buckwheat, and each housewife knows a few of them or invents her own. But here are some tips on how to make buckwheat tastier:

  1. When boiling in a saucepan, buckwheat, added to cold water, boils more, and in boiling water, it turns out to be more crumbly;
  2. During cooking, the cereal is boiled twice;
  3. Buckwheat porridge can be cooked with meat, mushrooms, vegetables, stew;
  4. To improve the taste, ready-made porridge can be wrapped in a warm cloth or winter clothes for 15-20 minutes. If buckwheat has been cooked in the microwave, you do not need to take it out immediately, but leave it inside for 5 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

How much to cook buckwheat so that it turns out completely ready, but at the same time does not become "smudge"? Loose groats are obtained when the cooking technology is followed.

First of all, the kernel is washed several times in a sieve or colander with fine holes until clear water, then put in a saucepan and filled with water so that it covers the cereal with a layer of 2-3 cm.Now cover the dishes with a lid, turn on high heat and wait until it boils ... As soon as this has happened, the gas can be reduced, the lid can be removed and the buckwheat added to salt, after which it remains only to wait for all the excess water to boil away. This usually takes about 20 minutes, stir occasionally to see how much water is left in the middle of the pot. When it is completely gone, you can turn off the heat and let the porridge stand for 15 minutes so that it becomes crumbly.

There is an opinion that the main question is not how many minutes to cook buckwheat, but how much water to pour. It is believed that for 1 glass of dry cereals, you need to add 2 glasses.

Failures with a side dish or porridge do not always happen due to the fact that the hostess does not know how much to cook buckwheat, much depends on the cereal itself. Poor-quality unground is cooked unevenly: some of the grains turn into "smudge", while the other remains tough. If you succeed in such a dish, just change the manufacturer of the product: most likely you came across not the best product. Ask friends and acquaintances which company they prefer, perhaps someone else's experience will be useful.

Many are also interested in how much to cook buckwheat so that it does not burn. The point here is not about the cooking time, but about how much water is in the boiling pot. If it is not enough, then it is better to top up with hot from the kettle so that the bottom layer does not remain dry. Just do not overdo it - an excess of water will lead to the fact that buckwheat is too boiled, and not everyone likes this.

A great old way to make delicious porridge is as follows. After cooking, cereals cooked in the traditional way are placed in a warm place, for example, in bed, wrapping the pan with blankets for 20 minutes - half an hour. In this case, it is not so important how much to cook buckwheat, because even half-baked cereals will reach the desired state during this time. In addition, when served on the table, the kernel will remain hot, as if freshly removed from the heat.

Buckwheat porridge is an extremely healthy dish. Those who rarely cook it or do not cook it at all need to reconsider their position. Firstly, this cereal contains a high content of minerals and iron, and secondly, this culture cannot be genetically modified: scientists are still unable to crack buckwheat and force it to change its nature.

True, you cannot call a kernel a quick dish. It is important to consider not only how long it takes to cook buckwheat, but also the time it takes to sort out cereals. If the volume is large enough, it is quite possible to feel like a Cinderella. Some manufacturers sell products that are almost perfectly clean, without impurities, however, even this is worth looking at for small items that have accidentally fallen into: not only unpeeled grains, but also pebbles, twigs and other things. After that, for a special taste, washed for a few minutes in a clean pan without adding oil. There, the cereal dries up and begins to crackle - you can transfer it to a saucepan and fill it with water.

Buckwheat porridge is a traditional Russian dish; it is not so popular in any other country. And not so many countries grow buckwheat - its yield per hectare of land is much less than that of other cereals, which reduces profitability. Nevertheless, this tasty and healthy dish has a lot of fans, so the ability to cook buckwheat correctly will not be superfluous for any housewife.

Buckwheat dishes are widespread in cooking. Buckwheat is used to make side dishes, casseroles, milk porridge and even bake bread from its flour. This cereal is delicious and extremely healthy. The list of the benefits of eating buckwheat dishes is endless. Despite the fact that it is very popular, not everyone knows how much to cook buckwheat and how to do it correctly. But experienced housewives know a lot of secrets on how to cook a product so as to get a fragrant crumbly dish with excellent taste. Cooking buckwheat is a simple process, but nevertheless, you need to follow some rules.

Selection and preparation

Most often, on store shelves, you can find a kernel - whole grains of buckwheat seed. They are obtained by collecting and dehulling grains. The kernel is more commonly used in cooking and is more familiar. In addition, you can find a cut, a coarsely ground kernel is called a cut, it is presented in two versions: coarse and fine. When choosing between these varieties, you need to focus on the dish for which the product is purchased.

When choosing a buckwheat product, you should pay attention to the integrity of the packaging, this is very important because torn grains can become damp. You also need to carefully examine the contents of the package, the cereals should be clean without a lot of garbage. The color in one package of buckwheat should be uniform, although in general the colors may vary, it depends on the degree of processing of the product.

Advice! Buckwheat of a very dark color with a shade of red is not worth choosing. This means that the product was processed by the frying method, which killed all the useful properties of the product.

Before preparing the grain, it is necessary to sort out and remove debris and foreign objects. Then rinse thoroughly in several waters. Also, many housewives recommend frying the grains a little in a pan before boiling, this will give them greater crunchiness in the future.


Each housewife knows how many minutes to cook buckwheat in time; it will be ready in a saucepan over low heat in 15 minutes. In order to properly cook buckwheat and get a crumbly, well-cooked dish, it is necessary to strictly observe the ratio of water and cereals. For one glass of buckwheat, you need to take two glasses of water, no more and no less. Otherwise, in one case, you will get undercooked tough grains, and in the second, a watery porridge.

You need to cook buckwheat under a lid and over very low heat. After cooking in a saucepan, cover the boiled product with a towel and let it brew for a little so that the cereal will absorb the remaining moisture. Cooking buckwheat in water is convenient for preparing side dishes, if you need to cook baby porridge, then it should be cooked in milk. Since buckwheat is cooked quickly enough, milk can be added immediately, and not boil the cereal in water beforehand.

If you cook buckwheat in a multicooker, the cooking time will increase slightly, this is due to the duration of the cooking cycle. The microwave will cook the porridge for 20 minutes. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to open the lid until the end of cooking. After the cereal is boiled, it is recommended to add a piece of butter to it, this will give it a special taste. Then you can close the lid and simmer the porridge in the heating mode for another 10 minutes. A double boiler will become the record holder for the duration of cooking. She cooks buckwheat for 40 minutes.

Over the years, housewives have accumulated many recommendations for cooking buckwheat:

    • the cereal does not need to be stirred while it is boiling;
  • no need to pour buckwheat into boiling water, it must be filled with cold water;
  • it is best to cook in a cauldron or saucepan with thick walls;
  • buckwheat cook faster on low heat.

The list goes on and on. Each chef has his own cooking secrets.

By time, buckwheat is cooked -.

Buckwheat porridge is cooked in milk.

How to cook buckwheat correctly

1. Before cooking, buckwheat must be sorted out; it is important that pebbles and plant debris do not get into the finished buckwheat.

2. Rinse the buckwheat under cold water and drain the water.

3. Heat the frying pan, pour out the buckwheat, heat the buckwheat in a frying pan (without oil) for a couple of minutes over low heat - then after cooking it will be crumbly.

4. Pour cold water into a saucepan - 2.5 times more than buckwheat: for 1 cup of buckwheat 2.5 cups of water. Salt water.

5. Pour buckwheat into water.
6. Put the saucepan on a low heat, bring to a boil, add 1 teaspoon of butter.

7. Cook buckwheat over low heat, covered, for 20 minutes.

8. Serve buckwheat with butter and herbs.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker

2. Add cold water in a ratio of 1 cup of buckwheat: 2.5 cups of water, salt water.
3. Pour buckwheat into water, close the lid of the multicooker.
4. Set the multicooker to the "Buckwheat" mode (or, if there is no "Buckwheat" mode, to the "Milk porridge" or "Rice" mode).
3. Boil the buckwheat for 20 minutes, add a 2 cm side cube of butter, and stir the buckwheat.
4. Close the multicooker with a lid and let the buckwheat brew for 10 minutes.

Buckwheat in a slow cooker without cooking
1. Before cooking, sort the buckwheat, rinse and for friability, ignite in a dry multicooker on the "frying" mode for 5 minutes.
2. Boil a kettle of water, pour boiling water over the buckwheat so that it is completely covered with it, add salt.
3. Set the multicooker to keep warm or warm.
4. Insist buckwheat on this mode for 1 hour.
5. Add oil to buckwheat and close the multicooker for another 10 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat in a double boiler
1. For 1 glass of buckwheat, provide 2 glasses of water.
2. For a glass of buckwheat 2 glasses of water, cook for 40 minutes.
3. Before cooking, you need to salt the raw washed cereals and (optionally) you can add a little butter.

How to cook buckwheat in a pressure cooker?
Put buckwheat in a pressure cooker, pour water in the ratio: 1 glass of buckwheat 2 glasses of water. Cook buckwheat in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat in a microwave oven?
Put buckwheat in a microwave-safe pot in a 1: 2 ratio with water, cover with a lid; put in the microwave at maximum (800-1000 W) power for 4 minutes, then 15 minutes at medium power (600-700 W).

Buckwheat with stew

Jar of boneless stew - 500 grams
Buckwheat - 1 glass
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Water - 3 glasses

Food preparation
1. Sort out and rinse the buckwheat with running water.
2. Open a can of stew with a can opener, cut the meat into small cubes.
3. Try the stew for salt - if it is very salty, adjust the amount of salt when cooking buckwheat.

How to cook buckwheat with stew in a saucepan
1. Pour 3 cups of water into a saucepan, put buckwheat, add salt if necessary.
2. Cook the buckwheat for 15 minutes, add the stew (along with the liquid), mix the buckwheat with the stew.
3. Cook the buckwheat with the stew for 10-15 minutes, then turn off the heat, wrap the pot with buckwheat and stew in a blanket and let it brew for 10 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat with stew in a slow cooker
1. Put buckwheat in a slow cooker, pour in water.
2. Close the lid of the multicooker, cook buckwheat for 15 minutes in the "Baking" mode.
3. Put the stew and continue to cook the buckwheat with the stew for another 20 minutes.
4. Insist buckwheat with stew, without opening the lid of the multicooker, for 10 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat with minced meat

Buckwheat - 1 glass
Minced meat (beef and / or pork) - 300 grams
Onion - 1 piece
Salt - 1 level tablespoon
Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon

Food preparation
1. Peel and finely chop the onions.
2. Sort buckwheat and rinse under running water.
3. Defrost minced meat, if frozen.

How to cook buckwheat with minced meat in a saucepan
1. Pour vegetable oil on the bottom of a saucepan, put on fire.
2. When the oil is hot, put the onions on the bottom of the pan.
3. Fry the onions, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes.
4. Place the minced meat and divide it with a spatula so that it is evenly distributed over the saucepan.
5. Salt and pepper the minced meat with onions, stir and fry for another 7 minutes, stirring occasionally.
6. Put the buckwheat on top of the minced meat, add water so that it completely covers the buckwheat.
7. Cook buckwheat with minced meat for 30 minutes.
8. After cooking, mix buckwheat with minced meat, leave for 10 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat with minced meat in a slow cooker
1. Pour oil into a multicooker, heat it on the "Frying" or "Baking" mode, fry the onion with the lid open.
2. Put the minced meat and fry, then add salt and pepper, put the buckwheat and cover with water.
3. Close the lid of the multicooker and cook buckwheat with minced meat for 40 minutes on the "Baking" mode.

To cook buckwheat with minced meat faster, you need to start cooking buckwheat in another saucepan, and after bringing it to half-readiness (15 minutes of cooking after boiling), drain the water and transfer it to the saucepan for the minced meat. Continue to cook buckwheat with minced meat for another 15 minutes.

Fascinating facts about cooking buckwheat

Tips for cooking buckwheat
- Before cooking buckwheat, be sure to sort out - among the cereals there may be stones that are very dangerous for the teeth if they get into food.
- Buckwheat does not interfere with cooking.
- When cooking buckwheat, it is recommended to use a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron.
- It is better to wrap the cooked buckwheat in a saucepan in a blanket for evaporation for 20-30 minutes.
- Serve boiled buckwheat as a side dish with butter, stew, fried onions, herbs, mushrooms.
- Calorie content of boiled buckwheat: 335 kcal / 100 grams of buckwheat.
- Buckwheat can be cooked and on milk: it will make an excellent buckwheat porridge for children. For 1 glass of buckwheat you need 4 glasses of milk, cook under a lid over low heat. At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar and butter to taste.
- From 200 grams of cereal, you get 600 grams of buckwheat.
- When cooking buckwheat, foam can form - remove the foam with a tablespoon or slotted spoon.
- To quickly cook buckwheat, you need to bring the water to a boil over high heat (faster this way), and then reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking.
- The cost of buckwheat in Moscow stores is from 80 rubles / 1 kilogram (on average in Moscow as of June 2016).
- It is delicious to add lemon or lime juice to boiled buckwheat, as well as soy or tomato sauce.

What water to put buckwheat in
Buckwheat is poured with cold water. If you put buckwheat into hot water, nothing bad will happen, but buckwheat will cook for 3-5 minutes longer.

How much water is needed to cook buckwheat?
In a ratio of 2.5 / 1. Water is needed 2.5 times more than buckwheat. For example, for 1 glass of buckwheat - 2.5 glasses of water.

How to cook buckwheat in a bag?
Put a saucepan with 1.5 liters of water on the fire, boil, salt and lower the bag of buckwheat. Boil the buckwheat in a bag for 15 minutes, then remove the bag from the water, take it out of the saucepan with a fork, cut it and put it into a dish from the bag.

When to salt buckwheat when cooking?
Buckwheat is salted at the beginning of cooking, put buckwheat in salted water.

How does the volume of buckwheat change during cooking?
The volume of buckwheat during cooking doubles.

Buckwheat with meat

Buckwheat - 1 glass
Pork or beef - half a kilo
Carrots - 1 piece
Onions - 1 head
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Pepper, salt, seasonings - to taste

Food preparation
1. Defrost the meat, wash, cut the veins, cut into cubes.
2. Peel the onion and chop finely.
3. Peel and grate the carrots.

How to cook buckwheat with meat in a saucepan
1. Heat vegetable oil on the bottom of a thick-walled saucepan.
2. Fry the meat for 10 minutes.
3. Put onions and carrots, salt and pepper.
4. Add buckwheat and water, cook covered over low heat for 30 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker
1. Put the meat in a slow cooker, put it on the "Baking" mode and simmer in its own juice for 20 minutes.
2. Add onions and carrots to the meat, mix, continue to cook in a slow cooker for 7 minutes.
3. Rinse buckwheat, add to vegetables, add water, spices and salt. Set the multicooker to the "Pilaf" mode, cook for 30 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat with vegetables

Buckwheat - 1 glass
Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces
Tomatoes - 2 large
Onions - 2 large heads
Carrots - 1 large
Butter - 3 cm cube
Parsley - half a bunch
Salt - 1 rounded tablespoon

Food preparation
1. Sort out and rinse the buckwheat.
2. Peel and finely chop the onions.
3. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and stalks and chop finely.
4. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.
5. Wash the tomatoes, dry them and chop finely (or you can puree them).
6. Wash the parsley, dry and chop finely.

How to cook buckwheat with vegetables in a saucepan
1. Put butter in a thick-walled saucepan, melt it and put onion.
2. Fry the onions over medium heat, uncovered, for 7 minutes, until golden brown.
3. Add pepper and simmer, covered for another 7 minutes.
4. Add carrots and simmer for another 5 minutes.
5. Add the tomatoes and simmer for another 5 minutes.
6. Add buckwheat to vegetables, add water so that buckwheat is covered with water - and cook buckwheat with vegetables under a lid for 25 minutes over moderate heat.

How to cook buckwheat with vegetables in a slow cooker
1. In a slow cooker on the "Frying" mode, heat the butter and fry the onion on it.
2. Add pepper, carrots, tomatoes and buckwheat every 7 minutes.
3. Pour buckwheat with vegetables with water and cook for 25 minutes on the "Baking" mode.

How to cook buckwheat with mushrooms

Mushrooms (fresh or frozen champignons or honey mushrooms, or fresh forest mushrooms) - 300 grams
Buckwheat - 1 glass
Onions - 1 large head
Garlic - 1 prong
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons

Food preparation
1. Sort the buckwheat and rinse.
2. Peel the onions and chop finely.
3. Peel the garlic and chop finely.
4. Prepare the mushrooms: if fresh, boil them before cooking and cut them into small pieces; Wash fresh mushrooms, dry and cut into cubes; defrost frozen mushrooms.

How to cook buckwheat with mushrooms in a saucepan
1. Pour vegetable oil on the bottom of a saucepan, heat, put garlic, after half a minute - onion.
2. Fry onions with garlic for 7 minutes until the onions are golden brown.
3. Add mushrooms and fry for another 5 minutes over medium heat.
4. Put buckwheat in a saucepan, pour 2 glasses of water, add salt and pepper, cook buckwheat with mushrooms for 20-25 minutes over low heat under a closed lid.

How to cook buckwheat with mushrooms in a slow cooker
1. On the "Fry" or "Bake" mode, fry the garlic and onions, then add the mushrooms and fry on the same mode for 10 minutes.
2. Add buckwheat, salt and pepper, close the lid of the multicooker and cook for 40 minutes on the "Baking" mode.