How to drink and not get drunk methods. How to drink so that you don't feel bad after drinking alcohol

20.09.2019 Desserts and cakes

The easiest way to drink and not get drunk is not to mix alcohol, smoke and eat well. However, there are more effective recipes that help keep your mind sober during a binge. In this article, you will learn what you need to do to avoid getting drunk from alcohol.

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What to do in order not to get drunk before the feast

The ancient Greeks used to say “treat like like”. When asked what to drink before drinking so as not to get drunk from vodka, the answer is simple - drink the same vodka. One hundred grams of alcohol 3-4 hours before the feast will provoke the production of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase in the body, which is responsible for the processing of alcohol. You "Accelerate" the liver and prepare it for active work. In addition, before the party, you can:

Eating high-calorie fatty foods is the main secret of the FSB's method of drinking and not getting drunk. Lard, cheese, steak, cake a few hours before alcohol, in a compartment with observance of the measure, will save the mind from the "drunken fog".

Drink one hour before drinking succinic acid. The dose is indicated in the instructions. The acid will speed up the metabolism;

Removal of toxins from the body will be faster if 2.5 tablets are swallowed in two hours glutarin(Alcocline).

100 mg vitamin B6 that's what you need to eat so as not to get drunk for a long time. You can buy the vitamin in any pharmacy in the form of "B-complex", "Pician", "Neuromultivita", "Neurogammag".

Have a drink in the morning bile collection No. 2 by diluting a spoonful of herbs in a glass of boiling water. The tool will accelerate the processing of fats in the liver, which will make it possible not to get drunk for a long time.

Two days before the holiday, eat a dish in which there is a lot of iodine. Fit squid, shrimp, seaweed. Products activate the thyroid gland and hormones that oxidize alcohol will begin to concentrate in the body. These products are also great as a "sober" snack.

Eat in a day aspirin or any similar drug. The medicine will enhance microsomal enzymes that will speed up the processing of wine, vodka, beer.

How long do not get drunk from alcohol, drink two tablespoons of sunflower oil... It envelops the stomach and slows down the absorption of alcohol. This should be done half an hour before the first glass. You can replace the oil with oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, but not butter.

How to drink and not get drunk tricks during a feast

If the booze was formed spontaneously or you simply did not have time to prepare, do not despair. If you follow a number of recommendations, you will remain sober and will be able to control yourself.

How much to drink and not get drunk - do not mix alcohol, do not smoke, eat without drinking sweet carbonated drinks. These "three whales" hold the main secret of sobriety. It is possible to consolidate the result by reading the following recommendations:

Give preference not to colored, but clear alcohol;
communicate more, say words to yourself, count in your mind, do not let your brain stagnate;
get up from the table more often and move more;
how to drink vodka and not get drunk, avoid sudden temperature changes... Avoid going out from a warm room to a cold street;
if you eat a lot, alcohol acts more slowly, but this is fraught with sharp intoxication;
better at the table drink lemon, grape, apple juice... They irritate the stomach lining and slow down the intoxicating effect of alcohol;
the best snack is jellied meat, aspic fish, fish soup and other dishes containing a lot of glycine, which blocks alcoholic toxins;
activated charcoal, here are the pills to drink so as not to get drunk from alcohol. When it enters the stomach, coal absorbs harmful substances before they are absorbed into the blood;
which tablets will replace coal so as not to get drunk from alcohol - lignin sorbents ("Lignosorb", "Polyphepan", "Liferan"). Dilute 3 tablespoons of any product with 300 ml of water and take the solution twice with an interval of 2 hours.

If you did not listen to the advice on how to drink and not get drunk, then you can sober up by causing nausea... Induce gagging by inserting two fingers into your mouth. Control over the conceived consciousness will return if you smell the ammonia. Strong green tea will ease the condition.

The main secret of what needs to be done so as not to quickly get drunk from vodka or other alcohol is compliance with the norm. The body per day a person weighing 70 kilograms can accept and process no more than 170 grams of ethanol. Remember this and in any situation, control yourself so that later you do not have to blush with shame and blame everything on the "green snake".

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Alcohol consumption has long become the norm even for the most successful and advanced representatives of our society, and not only for morally depressed people who drink, as they say, "without drying out." The only difference is in the quantity, regularity and materiality of the reason for drinking.

Today, holidays and feasts, corporate events and parties and other events rarely do without drinking. However, alcohol is often present in business negotiations, on romantic dates, and in many other situations, when it is not entirely correct to refuse drinking (with a boss or a promising investor, for example), and in no case should you get drunk. And in the company of friends or employees, many do not want to be drunk enough to be ashamed to watch and show photos and videos from the holiday with their participation.

So, it is possible to limit the effects of alcohol on the body at any stage, and there are various means for this.

Before the feast

  • Activated carbon 5 - 6 pcs (or white coal, sorbex, polysorb ...) 10 minutes before drinking - a sorbent that absorbs everything, including alcohol, preventing it from entering the blood.
  • Almagel is also a sorbent, but stronger than coal. In addition, if taken in the form of a gel, and not tablets (a couple of spoons), it will provide an enveloping effect, and can completely neutralize all alcohol.
  • Aspirin, Festal, Mezim - will help the stomach to cope with increased stress, taken half an hour before the start of the walks, but with a break of at least 10 minutes from activated carbon or other sorbents.
  • 1 - 2 capsules of Puearia lobata should be taken if you need to be in shape in the morning after drinking. It speeds up the processing of alcohol, and the hangover will come earlier, even by the end of the feast. But keep in mind that you will get drunk faster.
  1. Folk remedies - mainly provide an enveloping effect. It can be 15 ml of vegetable or 50 g of butter, a piece of bacon or lard, a raw egg, a glass of fat milk, oil from canned fish.
  • Mix 10g butter, 20g sour cream, a pinch of grated cheese, salt, add white pepper, a little salt and a spoonful of lemon juice. Spread on bread, this mixture will not only provide an enveloping effect, but also provide a supply of vitamin C.
  • Tea with mint, natural coffee with lemon tone up, prepare the body for active work.
  • If during the day, at a hearty dinner, you drink a glass of alcohol, in the evening you will need much more alcohol to get drunk.

During the feast

Such pills and folk remedies help from a hangover:

  • 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid for the first couple of hours with the addition of 35 g of salt and 4 g of soda per 1 liter. Also, cucumber pickle, salted mineral water, kefir, bread kvass, sauerkraut or seaweed will save you from thirst and deficiency of salt and trace elements.
  • Enema, diuretics and laxatives, forced vomiting (2 fingers in the throat or a weak solution of potassium permanganate), as well as a bath, coolness, fresh air, hot or contrast showers (not a warm bath) will help to remove the remnants of alcohol and its decomposition products.
  • To keep your stomach and intestines running, force yourself to eat, but not heavy food. Broth, soup, fish, poultry, vegetables, dairy products, raw eggs, jellied meat, bananas and citrus fruits are suitable ...
  • To improve the appearance, massage the face skin with a chopped apple or a terry towel soaked in warm water with a couple of drops of mint oil will help. Edema of the eyelids will be relieved by brewed black tea bags.
  • Tablets and other drugs used for a hangover: activated charcoal, panangin, asparkam, glycine, vitamins C and B6, eleutherococcus tincture, aspirin, citramon, paracetamol, solpadein and specialized antipochmelin-type tablets.
  • You can relieve a headache without pills with cool fresh air or a couple of ice cubes applied to the temples.
  • If you have the opportunity to sleep, but the headache interferes - drink strong sweet tea with 2 tablespoons of brandy.
  • Do not "hangover" with alcoholic beverages - you will only prolong the intoxication and temporarily delay the inevitable hangover syndrome.

New Year, wedding, birthday, corporate party - a Russian will always have a reason to drink. How to maintain a sobriety of mind so that the next day it will not be excruciatingly painful when restoring memory and the chain of events? Don't drink a lot, and it's best not to drink. This is understandable, but not always doable. Therefore, we offer several recipes that will help in such cases.


Why does a person get drunk? Everything is explained by the effect of ethyl alcohol on the blood and blood vessels. Special enzymes that the liver produces are opposed to this effect: alcohol dehydrogenase converts ethanol into acetaldehyde, and then aldehyde dehydrogenase oxidizes it to acetic acid. At the same time, acetaldehyde is much more toxic than ethyl alcohol, and it is he who causes a hangover - a severe poisoning of the body.

In different people, intoxication occurs at different rates and the hangover goes away with varying degrees of intensity, but there are still general patterns. For example, men need more alcohol to get drunk than women, and people with less body weight get drunk faster than large people. This does not apply to overweight people with abundant body fat: they just get drunk quickly.

So, if a hectic feast cannot be avoided, there are some simple tricks that will help you stay on your feet and control yourself.

Even if you are extremely hungry and want to make up for lost time right on the holiday, eat something before going out. Never start drinking on an empty stomach: intoxication will overtake suddenly, much faster than you expect. "Lucky from one glass" - this is what happens if a hungry person drinks alcohol. Contrary to popular men's opinion ("What about 100 g before dinner?"), Alcohol does not improve digestion, but only enhances the production of gastric juice. So in the end, you can eat much more than you want. If you do not eat, then the body will begin to produce faster insulin, and the blood sugar level will drop sharply. This is fraught with very poor health.

Before the feast, if your stomach allows, eat a sandwich with butter, a small amount of fatty foods, and if you can, drink a raw egg.

Surprisingly, these affordable and completely safe medicines, sold in any pharmacy, are still not widely used at feasts. Meanwhile, they will definitely save you from a severe hangover and weaken the effects of alcohol. The cheapest and most well-known adsorbent is activated carbon (dose - 1 tablet per 10 kg of human weight). Lignin-based drugs - "Lignosorb", "Liferan", "Polyphepan" are considered more modern. It is necessary to drink adsorbents in advance, a couple of hours before the start of the holiday, and the next morning it is worth repeating the procedure.

They will help the body to cope not only with alcohol, but also with a fair amount of food. After all, there are so many tasty things on the table! To facilitate digestion, take "Creon" ("Mezim Forte", "Abomin", "Pancreatin", "Wobenzym") an hour before the meal.

When alcohol is broken down, a lot of vitamins of this group are consumed, and vitamin B6 also stimulates the activity of the liver, which breaks down ethyl alcohol. If you do not want to feel exhausted and unable to concentrate in the morning, take a complex of vitamins containing B6, for example, "Pician", "Milgamma", "B-complex", "Neurogamma", "Neuromultivitis" a few hours before libation.

Tip 5. Eat hot food, as well as vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C

Hot meals are usually served on holidays. Do not neglect this in any way. Meat dishes will slow down the absorption of alcohol, and a lemon or orange will give the body a supply of vitamin C. Salads with herbs in this regard are also very useful. Do not forget to make up for the loss of vitamin C in the morning after a meal - for example, by taking ascorbic acid.

Tip 6. Do not drink carbonated drinks, even non-alcoholic

“How many times have the world been told ...”, but each one once steps on this rake. Everyone knows the instant feeling of euphoria and fun from champagne, as well as their own amazement in the morning - how could you get drunk from this light drink? The thing is that the "effervescence" enhances the absorption of alcohol. Never drink alcohol with soda, even mineral water, otherwise you risk being quite surprised at the consequences. But lemon, apple or grape juice is quite suitable for accompanying a meal.

On this occasion, you can hear different statements, for example, that you can increase the degree, but you cannot lower it. In fact, people perceive the combination of alcoholic beverages differently, but in the case of a long feast, you do not need to mix anything. Drink the drink you started with, with the exception of champagne - otherwise the holiday will end quickly for you.

Today, for many people, drinking traditions are the generally accepted norm. Gathering at the festive table in order to enjoy various dishes and consume certain alcoholic beverages is already perceived in the order of things. But some people feel bad after such events. As a result, they have a logical question: how to prevent intoxication?

Folk methods

In order not to get drunk quickly, you need to at least adhere to moderate dosages of alcohol. Before the feast, it is better to eat a slice of rye bread, spread with butter. A simple sandwich like this will help delay the onset of drunkenness. In addition, a few teaspoons of vegetable oil will be beneficial. It has a special enveloping property. Therefore, if you consume vegetable oil an hour before the holiday, you can significantly postpone the moment of the onset of intoxication.

In addition, vodka will come to the rescue - one hundred grams. It should be drunk four hours before the meal. As a result, the body will begin to process toxins even before large doses of alcohol enter it.

However, it should be understood that all these methods will not work if you drink for a long time and a lot.


Among the pharmaceutical preparations, there are also several effective means to reduce the degree of intoxication. Among them is activated carbon. This is the easiest way not to get drunk. Enough five to six tablets two hours before the corresponding event and two more - before the feast itself. Activated charcoal will speed up the elimination of toxins and reduce the effects of alcohol.

In addition, Festal or Mezim will benefit. These products contain enzymes that help the digestive organs process alcoholic beverages. You can also use Eleutherococcus: only 20 grams of this remedy is enough before drinking alcohol to prevent excessive intoxication.

Feast rules

In order to always be normal during the celebration, you need to follow a number of recommendations. For example, you cannot consume alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach, you need to have a good snack. You should not drink alcohol of dubious origin - it can lead to poisoning. It is advisable to give preference to a high-quality alcoholic drink, because it contains a minimum amount of fusel oils.

  • You can not mix alcoholic beverages with different strengths. So, the alternation of champagne, wine and vodka threatens with strong intoxication and the highest intoxication of the body. After such a cocktail, a person will have a severe hangover. It is best to start with a drink containing a low dose of alcohol and then switch to cognac or vodka. This approach will be more rational.
  • Drinking sugary cocktails should be limited. They taste good, and it is difficult to control the amount drunk. Moreover, the tradition of drinking a cocktail through a straw only enhances the intoxication.
  • You cannot eat exotic dishes. The reaction of the digestive system can be unpredictable. In combination with alcohol, severe poisoning often occurs. Also, you do not need to get carried away with too overcooked or spicy food - it strikes a powerful blow to the liver. It is better to have a snack with vegetable salads in vegetable oil, as well as hearty meat dishes.
  • It is better to exclude carbonated drinks. They only enhance the effects of alcohol. It is better to drink strong alcohol with compote or juice.
  • No need to try to drink everything that is poured. A moderate amount of alcohol is considered to be one glass or glass of alcohol per hour. It is this pace that will help maintain relative sobriety.
  • To avoid getting drunk quickly, you need to move more. Fresh air is good for you. But this is permissible in the absence of frost. Sudden changes in temperature sometimes negatively affect a person's condition. You can chat with guests, take part in dances or competitions. Smoke less is better, especially for those who rarely use nicotine. If you start to vomit from the alcohol you have drunk and you have a headache, you need to induce vomiting. As a result, alcohol will free the stomach - and the state of health will improve. At home you need to take a shower and go to bed in a ventilated room.

    Such recommendations will give you the opportunity to have a drink and relax well in a friendly company. It is important to control the amount of alcohol consumed. Only then will the holiday really bring joy and pleasure.

1. Freeze the worm.

The most important thing to learn is that you should never drink on an empty stomach. It is recommended to eat well before the meal to reduce the absorption of alcohol. Fatty or enveloping foods, such as oatmeal and semolina, a raw egg, butter, lard, or boiled potatoes, help quite well. The disadvantage of this method is that the film that forms on the walls of the stomach after eating fatty or enveloping food, although it interferes with the absorption of alcohol and does not get drunk, but the effect of this is not great in time. Therefore, it is recommended, if possible, to have a snack while drinking alcoholic beverages, so as not to get drunk longer.

2. Don't mix drinks.

Now it has become very fashionable to make cocktails from several alcoholic drinks. The most common "cocktail" among the people is "Ruff", but it is strongly discouraged to do so if you do not want to get drunk. The fact is that beer enhances and accelerates the process of absorbing alcohol from vodka. This applies not only to beer, but also to other carbonated drinks (champagne, lemonade, energy). This is because carbon dioxide is very helpful in the absorption of alcohol. It is best to drink it with juice. It is recommended to consume only one type of alcohol during the feast (do not mix strong drinks with low alcohol drinks), but if this is impossible, then in no case lower the degree of alcohol, you can increase it, for example, after a gin and tonic, you can drink vodka.

3. Prepare your body.

Alcohol dehydrogenases, enzymes in human blood that process alcohol, play an important role in alcohol consumption. An increase in the amount of this enzyme in the body occurs with the use of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol dehydrogenases are involved in the processing of alcohol and its neutralization. Therefore, before the feast, you can do a little warm-up so that later you do not get drunk longer. To do this, you need to drink 100-150 grams of vodka 3-2 hours before the upcoming event. After that, it is recommended to have a solid snack.

4. Drink activated charcoal.

A very good way not to get drunk is to take 10 tablets of activated carbon 1 hour before the feast, it is also recommended to take 2-3 tablets of coal every hour while drinking alcohol. Activated carbon is a sorbent (absorbing substance) that binds excess ethanol and toxins produced as a result of alcohol intake.

5. Be proactive.

This method will help you not to get drunk for a long time only if you are not very drunk anyway. The method is for you. To do this, you need to do a little physical activity, for example, just dance, but the main thing is not to overdo it. A little physical activity will increase the body's metabolism and help to remove alcohol faster.

6. Vitamin C.

Vitamin C will help you not to get drunk from drinking alcohol. Of course, it does not completely neutralize alcohol, but intoxication occurs more slowly. Therefore, after each shot of vodka you drink, it is recommended to eat 1-2 slices of lemon to maintain good health. The main thing is not to rely too much on this method, otherwise you can provoke it. Foods high in vitamin C are also very helpful for hangovers.

All of the above methods are not 100%, they will only help slow down or reduce drunkenness from drinking, but will not make you completely sober. Much depends on your body, because everything is individual.

Remember that it is better to drink alcoholic drinks chilled, as warm drinks are absorbed faster in the body.

Do not keep alcohol in your mouth for a long time, about 5-10% of alcohol is already absorbed in the oral cavity.

Also try to smoke less often during the feast, cigarettes poison the body and weaken it, which gives an advantage for faster absorption of alcohol.