How to make turtle soup. How to make turtle soup

27.06.2020 Desserts and cakes

When eating turtles, remember - they are listed in the Red Book!

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"Green pea soup with or without turtle.

Remove 1 turtle from the shell, without legs and head, peel, boil with salt and roots, strain. Pour 4 cups of ripe peas with part of the turtle broth, cook until the peas are boiled, rub through a sieve, dilute the broth properly. Put slices of parsley and leek fried in oil, cut turtle into the soup; boil, add greens, serve. "

Turtle soup- soup made from turtle meat, usually green turtle, snapping turtle, vulture turtle and Far Eastern turtle.


Turtle soup is illegal in many jurisdictions as many species of turtle are endangered and therefore prohibited from fishing.


Turtle. Japan.

It is a heavy, thick brownish soup. Sliced ​​turtle meat is boiled for 3-4 hours in salted water. In Russia, the resulting broth is used in combination with beef, veal, chicken or turtle meat is also added. Potato starch is used to give the soup the necessary thickness.

In Asian countries such as Singapore, turtle soup is considered a delicacy in Chinese cuisine and has a rich herbal flavor.

Fake turtle soup

Fake turtle soup

In English-speaking countries, imitation turtle soup is popular. Mock turtle soup), prepared from veal offal (brains, hooves, entrails). US President William Howard Taft was a big fan of turtle soup and even had a chef who cooked this dish.


  1. (English)
  2. 1 2 Arlene Burnett, "Slow food: Turtle soup is a throwback to an earlier elegant time", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 26, 2008 (English)
  3. Philadelphia Turtle Soup
  4. Turtle soup
  5. Turtle soup
  6. Turtle soup

Turtle soup

In China, each of the provinces is famous for its traditional dishes. In Heibei, this dish is considered a real delicacy - turtle soup. It is prepared there in various restaurants and according to different recipes, but the soup always turns out to be invariably delicious. Treating honored guests with turtle soup is also a national tradition and looks like this: before serving the soup directly, the host brings a tray with two cups to the guest; in one of them the blood of a turtle is poured, and in the other its bile, diluted with vodka; the distinguished guest is invited to drink the contents of these cups. And now about European traditions. The word "turtle soup" immediately comes to mind an aristocratic dinner, culinary delights. How did the soup from this reptile earned itself the fame of a delicacy? This exclusive soup has healing powers. This is due to phosphates and iodine, which are abundant in algae-eating turtles. From this, we can easily conclude that only one type of turtles is suitable for preparing a healthy dish - green, or soup ones. European gourmets recognize only the classic turtle soup, which is cooked for 3 days and has a greenish color. Fun historical facts. In the old days, ships with turtles (and transported them up to 1000 per year) were sent to England (which is considered the birthplace of turtle soup) from the Ascension Islands, which were delivered to members of royal families, lords and other nobility. The abdominal shield of each caught turtle, which is called "plastron", was signed with the name of the one to whom the reptile was intended for the table. The conditions of transportation left much to be desired, and therefore every morning the officer on duty on watch reported to the captain as follows: "We lost Lord Barrington overnight" or "The Earl of Shaftesbury is not feeling well, he may die," but the king's turtle was sacred to all sailors - she had no right to feel bad, much less to die. By the way, on the Ascension Islands themselves there were such a huge number of turtles that they were used to prepare dinner for local prisoners. At the same time, there were rumors among sailors that people who ate the meat of turtles began to suffer from stomach diseases. This could indeed be true, but only for a certain breed of turtle - the byssu. The fact is that these turtles can eat poisonous marine life without consequences for themselves, the poison of which accumulates in the turtle fat. Experienced fishermen from Sri Lanka, catching a byssa, gutted it and threw the liver to hungry crows. If the birds refused such a "gift", the meat of the poisonous turtle was thrown away. By the way, turtle eggs, which have a strengthening and stimulating effect on the body, are also of interest to gourmets. And among lovers of alternative medicine, a powder from the dried genitals of a male turtle is known, which should be added to rum to increase potency.

1. Turtle soup.

After cleaning the shell, cook the turtle for 30 minutes. Then remove the meat and cut it into small pieces. Cook the carrots separately with salt, sugar and butter. Add the turtle meat to the cooked carrot soup and strain the broth in which the turtle was cooked. Add potato starch to the resulting soup and boil, stirring constantly. Salt to taste. If desired, the soup can be seasoned with lemon juice. 1 turtle, 1 carrot, 1 cm. a spoonful of potato starch, a piece of butter, a pinch of sugar, lemon, salt.

2. Turtle soup.

Rinse the green turtle carcass well. Cut the lower part of the shell into slices, pour water over and cook. Boil the eggs separately. Cut the meat into pieces, add a small amount of green fat, chopped onion from the top of the shell, sprinkle with pepper and fry in vegetable oil. Peel the eggs. Drain the water in which the pieces of turtle shell were cooked. Add eggs to the boiled shell, a little oil and 2 cloves of garlic, fried meat. Add a glass of water, a little salt and cook, covered for 30-40 minutes.

3. Turtle soup.

Butcher the turtle, rinse thoroughly. Use everything: meat, liver, turtle eggs. Cut the meat into pieces, melt the butter, fry the turtle in it, pour over the wine and cook until soft. Add salt and pepper to taste. 1 turtle 100g butter 1 glass of dry wine salt and ground pepper to taste.

4. Tortoiseshell soup.

Butcher and rinse the turtle carcass thoroughly. Separate the meat from the bones. Peel the carapace and cut into pieces. Boil in plenty of water. Boil the legs and neck separately. When the carapace pieces are soft, drain and strain the broth. Chop the raw turtle bones, put together with the meat and deboned paws, pour in the strained broth. low heat. Cook meat broth. For it you need: 500 g of beef, 2-3 carrots, turnips - 2-3 pieces, parsnips, leeks, celery, parsley - to taste, bay leaf - 1 piece, cloves - 1-2 pieces, garlic - 1 clove, 1 piece of onion (fried). Strain the broth, add to a saucepan with meat and bones, pour in a few bottles of white wine. Cook all this, removing the foam. Drain and strain the liquid, remove the bones, put the meat in a bowl and pour over the strained broth.

5. Australian Aboriginal tortoiseshell soup.

Cut off the turtle's head, neck and forelimbs. The hind legs and entrails, clean, put back into the turtle shell. Put the turtle in the hole vertically, tail down, and cover it with sand. From the side of the turtle's back, dig a hole, pave the bottom with stones and make a large fire. When it burns out, remove the bridge between the pits, and the turtle will fall on the rocks with the upper part of the shell. Cover with a dense layer of leaves and cover with sand. Leave on for 8-10 hours. Dig a hole, separate the plastron, and in the shell, as in a large bowl, there will be ready-made soup.

6. Turtle soup.

Rinse the turtle carcass thoroughly. Cut the meat into pieces, cook for 3.5 - 4 hours in salted water. Take out the turtle meat, put beef, veal and chicken in the broth. Cook until the meat is cooked. Peel the onions and roots and chop them finely. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add the fried vegetables to the broth and bring to a boil. Strain the broth, add the boiled turtle meat and cook for another 30-40 minutes. Boil Madeira in a saucepan, add herbs, bring to a boil again. Infuse the broth for 10 - 15 minutes. Add the broth to the soup, salt and pepper. Dilute the starch with cold water and gradually add it to the hot soup.

7. Turtle soup.

Rinse the turtle meat, cut into pieces. Cook the meat for 3-4 hours in salted water. Remove the meat, put the beef, veal and chicken in the broth. Cook the soup until the meat is tender. Peel the onions and roots and chop finely. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add the toasted vegetables to the broth and bring to a boil. Strain the broth, add the boiled turtle meat to it and cook for another 30-40 minutes. Bring the Madeira to a boil in a small saucepan, add the herbs, let it boil again. Leave the broth for 10-15 minutes. Pour the broth into the soup. Dilute the starch with cold water and gradually add it to the hot soup. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Turtle meat 200 g
Beef 100 g
Veal 100 g
Chicken 100 g
Carrots 1 pc
Parsley root 1 pc
Bulb onion 1 pc
Madera 1 glass
Starch 1 tbsp
A mixture of aromatic herbs 1 bunch
Vegetable oil 2-3 tbsp
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste

8. Turtle soup.

Put meat in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil. Skim. Add 1 onion, bay leaf, pepper and salt. Cover and cook until the meat is tender. Remove the meat and cut into cubes. Strain the broth. Melt the butter, fry 1 onion until golden brown. Add flour, lightly fry, add tomato sauce. Cook for another 10 minutes. Combine turtle stock, chicken stock, minced eggs, lemon juice and meat. Simmer for 5 minutes. Decorate the finished soup with chopped parsley.
turtle meat 1kg
2 medium onions
1 bay leaf
5 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
3 tbsp. l tomato sauce
0.5 l chicken broth
2 boiled eggs
juice of 1 lemon
bunch of fresh parsley
pepper - to taste
salt to taste

9. Turtle soup.

Method of preparation: Melt butter in a saucepan, add flour and fry until golden brown. Dilute the sautéing with 4 liters of water or vegetable broth. In another pan, fry the finely chopped onions, add the finely chopped ham, put the finely diced tomatoes and fry everything together for about 10 minutes. Cut the turtle meat into portions, add to the vegetables, hold on the fire for another 5 minutes and remove. Put the contents of the pan into the broth, mix gently, add herbs and spices, pour in the sauce, bring the soup to a boil and cook until the meat is tender. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice and brandy to the soup. turtle meat 1 kg, vegetable oil 100 g, flour 1 cup, onion 1 pc., ham 100 g, tomatoes 400 g, tomato sauce 1 tbsp. l., juice of 3 lemons, cognac 150 g, garlic, thyme, lavrushka, salt, pepper to taste

10. Turtle soup.

1 turtle,
1 carrot,
1 cm. a spoonful of potato starch,
a piece of butter
a pinch of sugar
Rinse the turtle carcass well, clean the shell, cook for 30 minutes. Cut the boiled meat into pieces. Cook the carrots separately with salt, sugar and butter. Add the turtle meat and the strained broth in which the turtle was cooked to the cooked carrot soup. Add potato starch to the resulting soup and boil, stirring constantly. Salt to taste. If desired, the soup can be seasoned with lemon juice.

11. Turtle soup.

1 turtle,
200 g of beef
200 g veal,
200 g of chicken meat
1 onion
1 carrot,
1 parsley root
1 tbsp potato starch
salt. 1 glass of Madeira
basil, marjoram, parsley, dill, rosemary, mint, nutmeg.
Rinse the carcass thoroughly. Cut the meat into slices. Boil in salted water for 3-4 hours. After that, remove the slices from the broth and put in it beef, veal, chicken and pieces of turtle meat remaining after cutting. Add chopped onions and roots. Cook until the meat is ready, then strain the broth, dip the boiled turtle slices into it and cook for another 30-40 minutes. Prepare the infusion. To do this, bring Madeira to a boil, dip the leaves of greenery into it. bring to a boil again, remove from heat and let it brew. Strain the infusion, pour into the soup and bring to a boil. Season the soup with salt and pepper to taste, season with starch diluted in water.

12. Turtle soup.

1 yolk;
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
4 cups canned turtle soup with turtle meat
1/4 cup sherry
6 tablespoons of whipped cream.
Stir in egg yolk, cream and curry. In a saucepan, bring the canned turtle soup to a boil, combine with the mixture, stir. Add sherry, heat it all over low heat until thick. Pour into cups and top with whipped cream.

13. Turtle soup. (False)

2 cans of green peas
1 can of red beans
4 smoked chicken legs
2 onions
2 carrots
1 bunch of parsley
Salt, spices to taste
Pass green peas and beans through a meat grinder. Cut the chicken legs into pieces. Finely chop onions, carrots, parsley and stew in a skillet. Put all the ingredients of the turtle soup in a saucepan (2 l) with boiling water and cook over high heat for 20 minutes, then add spices and remove from heat. The soup is delicious, hearty and healthy.

Turtle soup is a traditional cult dish in the culinary traditions of many Far Eastern (and not only) peoples. Nowadays, turtle soup is popular not only in the East, it is considered a very healthy delicacy and a real gourmet dish.

In general, if you are not sorry for cute reptiles, we will figure out how to make turtle soup.

In order to miss the first animal caught or bought at a pet store, it would be a good idea to first find out from which species of turtles the soup is made (there are about 230 modern species). Cases of severe and even fatal poisoning by some species are known. It should be noted that the marsh and Mediterranean turtles (which are found in Russia and Ukraine) are listed in the Red Book. Usually, the meat of the green, caiman, vulture and Far Eastern turtle is used to make turtle soup. Soup is also prepared from red-eared turtle.

Turtle soup - recipe in oriental style


  • the meat of one turtle;
  • lean beef meat - 250 g;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • parsley root - 1-2 pcs.;
  • spices for broth (bay leaves, peas, cloves);
  • aromatic herbs (basil, marjoram, parsley, dill, rosemary);
  • fresh asparagus - 150 g;
  • sweet red pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • hot cayenne pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Madeira or sherry - 200 ml;
  • lime or lemon - 1 pc.;
  • starch - 2 tsp;
  • garlic - 2-5 cloves;
  • salt.


First you need to chop off the turtle's head and limbs, drain the blood into a separate cup. Carefully separate the carapace from the plastron (upper and lower parts of the shell), gut it, trying not to touch the gallbladder (put it aside). The insides are best discarded. Remove the meat, rinse thoroughly with running cold water and cut into small slices. Boil the slices in salted water for 3-4 hours along with the beef, cut into cubes, periodically removing the noise. At the end of the process, add the roots and onions. We catch the meat and filter the broth. Combine meat and broth.

Pour wine into a separate saucepan, add spices, boil for 4 minutes and leave to brew for 15 minutes. Pour into a saucepan with soup. Add asparagus stalks and bell peppers, cut into short strips. Cook for 8 minutes after boiling. We fill the soup with starch for thickening.

Pour turtle soup into soup cups, season with chopped garlic and hot pepper. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

That's not all.

We mix the turtle's blood and its bile and dilute with strong, preferably rice vodka 1: 1, season this wonderful cocktail with lime juice and serve.

Less extreme oriental soups: and, will also appeal to lovers of classic cuisine.

"I dreamed of eating turtle soup ... I stepped onto the ship, and the boat turned out to be
from yesterday's newspaper ", - I sang with sadness. The fact is that I have been suffering for a long time
an obsessive desire to taste real turtle soup.

I read in the monograph of a German scientist that among the many
species of turtles the most delicious Green or Soup turtle with Latin
named Chelone mydas. She lives in warm seas and
was brought once alive from India. Today we can only lick our lips while reading old recipes for making turtle soup, since the animal is under
protection, its fishing is strictly prohibited.

I understand everything - my passionate desire to eat real soup from this reptile
- "quasi-fantasy". It is foolish to buy little turtles by weight,
sold in pet stores.

Green turtles keep close to the shores, but are also found in the open sea. During the breeding season, they go to land, go to desert sandy shores, slowly crawl out onto them and dig holes in the sand with their hind legs, which are then filled with eggs. The time of laying eggs is detrimental for turtles; on land, defenseless creatures become easy prey for humans. On the shores of Brazil, the Indians waited for this time and watched the animals that they ate to obtain fat from them, collected whole baskets of eggs for food. Turtle hunting was active in India, in the Torres Strait and in the South Sea.

So, today fake soup is offered to gourmets. Instead of Chelone mydas
it is enough to soak an ordinary veal head in water for a couple of hours, then
change the water and cook until soft - with pepper (black and allspice), onions,
carrots. When ready, cool the broth, strain and start dressing -
fry the flour in butter in a skillet until smooth
golden brown, in small portions, stirring occasionally, add to flour
bone broth. Then mix it all with the main broth, add juice
half a lemon and tomato puree. Heat separately a glass of Madeira with various
herbs - basil, thyme, rosemary, tarragon, oregano - give
brew and add to the soup. Boil everything again - and you can serve.

Tasty ... But like a pregnant woman, I am drawn to salty, attracted to
turtle soup, real. I can’t sleep, but I’m still imagining how I’m trying to split the shell, chop off the head and limbs of the turtle, and hang it up so that the blood drains.
Gut and rinse thoroughly several times with cold water. Remove meat from
carcasses, trim the pieces and cut them into neat small slices
(blankets). Boil them in salted water for 3-4 hours.
Remove the meat from the broth, and put a piece of beef in the broth, a piece
veal, chicken, leg of veal and turtle pieces left over from cleaning.
Add roots and onions and cook until all meat products are cooked through.
Strain the broth, put a turtle in it and boil some more
30-40 minutes. Prepare an infusion of aromatic herbs (basil, marjoram,
parsley, dill, rosemary, mint, nutmeg).
Finally season the soup with salt, pepper and serve, placing a few pieces of turtle meat on each plate. To give a little consistency
you can fill the soup with a spoonful of potato starch diluted with water. And so
when everything is ready, and the table is set, and the soup is poured into a deep plate, I
I understand that all this happened in my imagination!

I'm starting
terrible headaches, insomnia. I swallow panadol, wash it down with water, forget
for an hour. In the morning I go to the doctor. I am diagnosed with a rare type of disorder
nutrition, the recommended treatment is hunger under the supervision of a doctor. This is for me
did not start exterminating the relic soup turtle! I got it right and
decided on an independent long hunger strike. I must say that at the reception
I was not frank enough with the doctor. I hid what I got from the publisher
offer to send materials about seafood dishes. Cookbooks
are in demand on the market, but recipes from exotic inhabitants of salty
there is almost no water, rare species of turtles, sea snakes, sharks and other living creatures.

I began to study literature about the life of the sea. Shoveled Google and Yandex, found many articles. Once I came across a newspaper article that a shipwrecked man spent a long time on a desert island. He ate pasture, but in his dreams he made up culinary recipes. When he found himself on the mainland, he published a book of "exotic" recipes and got rich on this.

I needed to force myself to work in one direction. I took a vacation
for three weeks, retired in the country. There I have a computer and the Internet,
the freezer is packed with food, silence and clean nature. But I missed
push, some kind of inner effort, feat. I was in the throes of creativity
and the most severe dissatisfaction with oneself. I suffered from the impossibility, if not
catch a live Green turtle, then at least write out its meat from distant countries
in dried form. I was so worried that I could not eat anything. Thus, I
entered the process of starvation without any effort, without an ounce of romance.

The first day

On the morning of the first day, I drank a glass of magnesia sulfate. I drank in order to somehow tune in to the feat. I felt hungry in the evening, and I began to prepare broth from my favorite seafood.

To prepare the broth, you should use turtle heads, skin, plates of shell shields. Cut large shields and heads into pieces, after removing the eyes. In a turtle, they are glass, like beads ... Boiled, they are all the more inedible.

Pour boiling water over the head, parts of the shells, skin of the extremities and rinse in cold water. Then, together with fish - best of all sturgeon, catfish, pike perch - put in a saucepan, pour cold water (at the rate of 3-3.5 liters of water per kg of food) and bring to a boil, periodically removing the resulting foam. Add white roots, onions and continue simmering for 40-50 minutes. Allow the finished broth to stand for 20-30 minutes, then remove the fat and strain.

Second day

The next day, I felt hungry, zhor attacked. Saw at every urge
and composed some water. During the day I tried to walk a lot, did exercises and
swam in the lake. In the forest I did not look at raspberries, but breathed pine

Fillet the medium turtle, cut into small pieces
pieces, simmer and cool. Next, cook okroshka as usual. At
serving in okroshka, put pieces of turtle and sprinkle with finely chopped

Day three

By the end of the third day, the hunger was gone. But you have to cook food ..

To prepare the hodgepodge, you can take any fresh Chelone turtle
mydas, but not small or very hard-shelled. Good hodgepodge
obtained from the Green Turtle caught off the coast of western India. Filmed
cut the fillet into pieces, 2-3 pieces per serving, and cook from the shields and heads
bouillon. Finely chop the peeled onions and lightly fry in a soup
saucepan with oil, add tomato puree and simmer for 5-6 minutes, then in
the pan put the pieces of Chelone mydas. cucumber slices, chopped
tomatoes, capers, bay leaf, a little pepper, pour it all over
prepared hot broth, salt and cook for 10-15 minutes. Front
serving in a hodgepodge, you can put washed olives and finely chopped
parsley or dill. You can also add lemon slices, peeled from

Days four, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth

Turtle chill

The second stage passed without discomfort. I didn't need food.
In the morning after exercising, I cleansed the intestines, put a bottle of water, a pen in my bag,
notebook and went for a walk. I went around the neighborhood, on a visit, wrote recipes,
sitting comfortably on the grass or just climbing the mountains. In the morning there was
some weakness and chills. You had to get out of bed slowly, otherwise
I could feel dizzy. Sleep became less.

Prepare a concentrated turtle shell and head ear. Fillet
simmer in the same ear, and then cool. Chop fresh cucumbers and
green onions with dill. Mix, pour over chilled fish soup, add kvass. At
serve, put pieces of stewed turtle in a plate.

Days ten, eleven, twelfth

The most interesting sensations came on days 10-12. One day walking down the street
felt like a Bishop. The king of the sea was portrayed as a bishop
medieval scholars.

Headache soup

This ancient Chinese recipe is over 800 years old.

Cut a large turtle, rinse and fry without oil: within 2-3
bake for minutes on both sides in a hot frying pan. In 1.5 l of water 2 h
boil the peppercorns, then take them out, put the turtle in the same boiling water
and add vinegar. Cool salt and cook for 30 minutes, covered.

On the fifteenth day, problems began: thoughts appeared that it was time
stop killing turtles. I had to stop fasting for
seventeenth day. First I drank the juice diluted with water. Gradually switched to pure juice. Then rubbed apples. Etc. Strictly by the hour.
By the end of the vacation, the restoration was completed. I gained weight. Skin on the face
acquired a delicate creamy color with a golden brown tint. Organism
acquired the ability to eat a little, but with an enormous appetite. Obsessions

When I arrived home, I moved slowly through the rooms, stopping
for a few minutes by the closet, by the dresser. I was in one place for a long time, as
would be frozen. I kept trying to remember something. She stretched her neck to the call of her family,
freezing. She walked slowly towards her husband, spreading her arms and legs. When he tried
pat me on the back, pulled my head in. I lost the habit of people, I became wild in
forest. My character became calmer, my movements were not fussy. I probably
entered a new phase of its development.

Popular in many world resorts. Moreover, some tourists visit certain places specifically in order to taste this dish. It has a specific rich taste that distinguishes it from other products of national cuisines.

Turtle meat is quite tough, so it must be processed for a long time. At the same time, you don't have to go anywhere to try turtle soup (see the photo in the article). It is quite possible to make it yourself if you find all the ingredients you need. With the many gourmet stores that have sprung up in recent years, this shouldn't be a problem.

Turtle soup: recipe for cooking

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 750 grams of fresh turtle meat (thawed);
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1-1 / 2 tablespoons Creole seafood seasoning;
  • 1-1 / 2 tablespoons Creole seasoning for meat;
  • 1 cup finely chopped onion
  • 1 cup finely chopped green pepper
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped celery
  • 1 tablespoon chopped garlic;
  • 1/2 tablespoon chopped dry thyme
  • 8 cups unsalted beef or veal broth
  • 3/4 cup tomato pats;
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil;
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 glass of dry sherry;
  • 2 tablespoons hot pepper sauce (chili or similar)
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • 150 grams of fresh spinach without stalks, finely chopped;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, finely chopped;
  • dry sherry for garnish (optional).

How to cook this dish

Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large saucepan over low heat. Saute the turtle meat with the meat and seafood seasoning for about 20 minutes. Add bell peppers, onions, celery and garlic, stirring constantly. Then add the thyme and bay leaf, reduce heat, and sauté (stirring frequently) for an additional 20-25 minutes, or until the ingredients are tender.

Add broth and tomato paste and bring turtle soup to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer over low heat for half an hour, periodically scooping up any fat that will rise to the surface with a spoon.

Soup dressing

Continuing to follow the instructions on how to make turtle soup, you should make the dressing. Heat 1/2 cup oil over medium heat in a small saucepan. Add flour gradually, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Be careful not to burn the mixture. After the flour is evenly mixed, simmer the dressing for about 3 minutes, until it smells like nuts and is like wet sand.

Use a whisk to vigorously stir the dressing with the soup, try to completely prevent lumps from forming. Cook the turtle soup over low heat for about 25 minutes, stirring regularly to prevent the ingredients from sticking to the bottom.

Add sherry and bring to a boil. Pour in and Worcestershire, reduce heat and heat soup for another 30 minutes, or until the starchy taste is gone. In doing so, you must continue to remove any grease or foam that will form on the surface.

Add lemon juice, bring to a boil again, and continue cooking for 15 to 20 minutes longer. Then add the spinach and chopped egg. Adjust the amount of seasoning and salt to your liking. Remove before serving cooked turtle soup into bowls or bowls. Many restaurants have one to two teaspoons of sherry added to each plate for a more expressive taste.

As you can see, this dish takes a long time to prepare. However, the results are quite reasonable. In addition, there is another well-known variation on how to cook turtle soup.

Ingredients for the second version

  • 150 grams of butter;
  • 1.2 kg of turtle meat, cut into small pieces;
  • freshly ground salt and pepper;
  • 2 medium onions, cut into medium slices;
  • 6 celery stalks, chopped;
  • 30 cloves of garlic, minced;
  • 3 bell peppers, chopped;
  • 1 tablespoon dried thyme;
  • 1 tablespoon dried, ground oregano;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 2 liters of veal broth;
  • 1 cup flour
  • 750 ml dry sherry;
  • 1 tablespoon;
  • a quarter glass of Worcestershire sauce;
  • 2 large lemons, juicy;
  • 3 cups peeled and chopped tomatoes
  • 350 grams of fresh spinach, coarsely chopped;
  • 6 hard-boiled eggs, cut into large chunks.

Cooking process

In a large soup pot over high heat, melt 50 grams of butter. Add turtle meat and brown until brown, season with pepper and salt as desired. Simmer for about 18-20 minutes, then add onion, garlic, celery and pepper to the meat and mix everything thoroughly. Add thyme, oregano, bay leaf and cook for about 22 minutes. Pour in broth, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes, skimming off any fat from the surface.

Cook the dressing with flour and leftover butter in a separate saucepan. Do not keep it on fire for more than three minutes, in this short time you should knead the mixture well and avoid the formation of lumps. Then, using gentle movements, gradually pour the dressing into the turtle soup, stirring constantly. After all the ingredients are well mixed, cook the dish over low heat for about 25 minutes. Stir the soup constantly to prevent sticking, slowly pour in the sherry, Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces. Continue to cook over low heat, skimming off the foam, gradually add lemon juice and tomatoes, then turn the heat on the stove high.

Bring the dish to a boil, then add the spinach and eggs. Boil for a few more minutes, then adjust the amount of spices to your liking.

Both of the above turtle soup recipes involve caramelizing vegetables and meats. This means that all ingredients will take on a deep, dark color during cooking. There is no need to be afraid of this, it should be so.

You can make Worcestershire sauce yourself at home: it contains vinegar, soy sauce, onions, garlic and spices. You can replace Tabasco sauce with chili sauce. If you want to use Tabasco Habanero sauce, you will need less of it. its sharpness is much stronger.

What else do you need to keep in mind

Speaking about how to cook turtle soup, we recommend that you remember that the meat of this animal is quite tough and rough. For this reason, you should not deviate from the cooking times indicated in the recipes. Otherwise, you can end up with hard and not very tasty meat in the soup.

Turtle soup (see photo above) can be split into two separate dishes before serving. To do this, you need to get the meat out of the soup and serve it separately with a side dish for the second.