Beef with potatoes in the oven: recipe and recommendations. In the evening for dinner, aromatic beef with potatoes, cooked in the oven

10.09.2019 Desserts and cakes

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Beef is healthier meat than pork. But many housewives do not like to cook it, let alone bake it, because during heat treatment it often becomes hard and dry. However, these problems can be very easily avoided by knowing a few basic rules for cooking beef: the right part of the carcass, a good marinade and baking mode. Today I will tell you how to cook beef with potatoes in the oven, the recipe with the photo is very simple, and the dish turns out delicious based on it.


- potatoes - 600-700 g;
- beef - 500 g;
- onions - 200 g;
- ready-made mustard - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
- ground black pepper - 1/2 tsp;
- table salt - 1 tsp. (taste);
- spices for potatoes - to taste;
- sour cream or mayonnaise - 150-200 g;
- vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. For roasting with beef, it is better to use "old" potatoes, it contains more starch, so it will not turn out tough. Wash the tubers well and peel them. Then cut into slices 0.5-0.7 cm thick. You can also use any other form of cutting - cubes, slices, straws.

2. Remove the husks from the onions and cut them into thin half rings.

3. Beef for roasting is better to choose young, with a little fat. Veal is ideal, but the "old" beef will be quite tough. Wash the meat thoroughly and remove the films. Then blot with paper towels and cut into portions across the grain. I cut in slices about 0.5 cm thick, about the size of chops. Then wrap the meat in plastic wrap and beat gently on both sides.

4. Place the beef in a deep marinating bowl. Add mustard and black pepper to it.

5. Then add the chopped onion. Stir the meat with the onion with your hands, while stirring, make light squeezing movements so that the juice comes out of the onion, which will make the beef softer and more juicy. Marinate for an hour at room temperature or in the refrigerator for 2-12 hours. You can also marinate the meat in whatever mixture you like best. For tough beef, there is a great kiwi-based marinade. For half a kilogram of meat, you need half a small fruit. Peel and grate or puree. Add to chopped beef. You can also put onions cut into rings or half rings. Marinate beef in kiwi for 40-60 minutes, no longer. The toughest meat will become tender.

This dish is very similar to other variations of such a hearty lunch or dinner, you can also explore on our website.

6. Add some salt and spices to the chopped potatoes. Their seasoning with potatoes goes well with black pepper, paprika, rosemary, thyme, basil, etc. You can take ready-made seasoning. Also pour in a couple of tablespoons of unscented vegetable oil and stir. Place the potatoes on the bottom of a refractory baking dish.

7. Spread the beef and onions on top.

8. Brush with mayonnaise or sour cream to get a golden brown crust, you can also use grated hard or semi-hard cheese. It is better to use homemade mayonnaise for baking, without harmful additives and preservatives. But it is still more useful to cook this dish with sour cream. Bake beef with potatoes in the oven for 45-50 minutes at 180 degrees. In the first half of cooking, it is better to cover the form with a lid or a sheet of foil, and remove it 15-20 minutes before it is ready so that the top of the dish is covered with a golden brown crust.

Serve the dish as soon as it is removed from the oven.

We also invite you to explore others that are on our website.

Bon Appetit!

Beef dishes are healthy and tasty, but many refuse to eat them, because the meat becomes tough and dry during heat treatment. Few people know that this can be avoided by knowing a few secrets. The point is in the right choice of mascara, marinade and temperature regimes. Oven-cooked beef is softer than in a pan.

There are many recipes for cooking at home, thanks to this, you can cook dishes from one type of meat, but get an unexpected result and enjoy the harmony of taste.

Beef Potatoes are a dish where experimentation is encouraged. You can bake it yourself or add vegetables, mushrooms, spices and other ingredients and sauces.

Calorie content of beef with potatoes

ProductQuantity, gProteins, gFat, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
Potato746 14,92 2,98 135,03 596,8
Beef tenderloin405 81,41 14,18 0 457,65
Onion136 1,9 0 14,14 55,76
Low-fat sour cream51 1,53 5,1 1,48 58,65
Black pepper (ground)2 0,21 0,07 0,77 5,02
Salt3 0 0 0 0
Total1343 100 22,3 151,4 1173,9
The nutritional value100 7,4 1,7 11,3

Classic recipe

In cooking, everything depends on the skill and imagination of the hostess. I offer a classic version of potatoes with beef in the oven (cooking time - 60 minutes).

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Beef - 400 gr.
  • Potatoes - 12 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - for greasing the baking sheet.
  • Ground black pepper, salt, spices (optional).


  1. Rinse the meat under running water, removing unwanted films. Cut into small pieces. Add pepper and other spices. Season with salt to taste. Drizzle with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.
  2. Prepare a baking sheet: treat the inside with vegetable oil, spread the meat evenly and send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  3. Prepare the vegetables: cut the potatoes into large pieces and the onions into rings. Add mayonnaise and spices, stir.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the baking sheet, put the potatoes and onions on top and place in the oven for another 30 minutes.
  5. At the end of the time, remove the dish from the oven and serve. Arrange the dish on the plate in an original and tasteful way as you wish.

Video recipe

Delicious potatoes with meat in the oven - cooking secrets

Choose the right meat. It is better to buy in the market, where there is a choice and the opportunity to make sure of the freshness of the product, as well as to bargain.

How to choose the right fresh beef? There are several rules that every housewife should know:

  • Red color and shiny surface.
  • Fat streaks should be firm.
  • Nice smell (no foreign smell!).
  • The edges of the tenderloin must not be dry.
  • When you press your finger on the meat, the cavity is immediately leveled.

We select the recipe for the marinade. Beef is a tough type of meat, so it is best to marinate it before cooking. Thanks to this, it will not only become softer, but also improve the taste. Pay attention to the quality of the marinade and the result will please!

When choosing ingredients, it is important to know what the end result should be: make the beef soft or get a unique taste.

Basic rules

  • Rinse the selected piece under running water, dry with paper towels and cut into portions.
  • When preparing a marinade, be creative by adding and combining spices and herbs. Most often used: vinegar, onions, spices or poured with tomato juice (diluted with water).
  • Soak the portioned pieces in the marinade for a little over an hour, and the whole tenderloin for several hours.

Choose spices as you wish. Seasonings are sold that are better suited for beef:

  • Basil. Add at the end of cooking, it enhances the flavor.
  • Rosemary. If it happens that the meat is old, rosemary will eliminate the foreign smell.
  • Thyme. Will give beef a unique, delicate taste and aroma.
  • Parsley. Best added at the end of cooking, it will add freshness and flavor.

Video preparation

  • Choose meat on the market, give preference to the sirloin.
  • Keep the meat in the marinade for over an hour.
  • Put onions and cut into rings.
  • Place the potatoes on top of the beef, otherwise it will fry.
  • Don't use young potatoes.
  • Cut the potatoes into large pieces.
  • Use spices both in the marinade and when dressing potatoes.
  • If you like crispy crust, do not cover the baking sheet with foil.
  • Together with potatoes, you can bake other vegetables, the main thing is that they are combined to taste.

Beef is a product unique in its usefulness and taste. When combined with the right side dish, you can even complement a festive table with a delicious and satisfying dish.

There are many recipes for beef with potatoes in the oven. If you are new to the culinary business, master the classic recipe, and then, gaining experience, experiment and surprise your loved ones with new dishes!

Potato and meat dishes rightfully occupy a special place in the cuisines of most peoples of the world, because they are the key to satiety throughout the day. Regardless of whether it will be French-style meat under a cheese crust, which has absolutely Russian roots, or country-style meat baked in pot-bellied pots, any of the dishes will be appropriate both on an everyday table and on a festive one. And if you cook it in the oven, the fat content of the product decreases, which makes the dish as harmless as possible.

French meat with potatoes in the oven: a recipe with a photo

The most attractive and festive way to cook a potato meat casserole in the oven is to make French meat. Contrary to its name, the dish owes its appearance to a Russian person: the favorite of Catherine II, Count Orlov. It is generally uncommon for the French to combine mushrooms, meat, potatoes and onions, or to use veal as the main ingredient. The only purely French component here is the béchamel sauce, which was later replaced by regular mayonnaise, and the recipe itself was greatly facilitated. Gone are the mushrooms, and the veal was replaced by beef or pork, often twisted into minced meat. This did not affect the taste - from beef meat in French with potatoes in the oven is no worse than from veal. Cooking technologies vary, and several options will be considered below at once, but the main thing is the moment of serving: the dish is cut in portions and shifted so that the layers do not collapse.


  1. Beef tenderloin - 700 g
  2. Young potatoes - 5-6 pcs.
  3. Soft cheese - 180 g
  4. Mayonnaise or cream - 220 g
  5. Bulb - 1 pc.
  6. Salt - a pinch
  7. Spices to taste


  • The potatoes are peeled and washed under running water, after which they must be cut into slices 2-3 mm thick. They are poured with cold water and left for 30-40 minutes to draw out excess starch. Some cooks advise to drop 1-2 tsp into the water. lemon juice.
  • The beef is cut into small pieces and passed twice through a meat grinder to make a very soft minced meat. It is required to wrinkle it with your hands, salt and season with seasonings, if necessary.
  • The onion is chopped into rings, 1/3 of its volume is crushed and in 1-2 minutes. fried in hot vegetable oil, after which the sautéed onions must be added to the ground beef. The rest of the onion rings remain intact.
  • When the specified time has elapsed, the potato slices are wrung out in a paper towel and coated with mayonnaise (120 ml), and also slightly salted. The cheese is rubbed finely and set aside.
  • In a glass dish with low sides, the ingredients are laid out in layers: first, ground beef is distributed along the bottom, over which mayonnaise (50 ml) is pounded, onion rings are sunk into it, and potato plates are overlapped on top of each other, creating an imitation of fish scales. Cover the potatoes with the remnants of mayonnaise and sprinkle carefully with grated cheese.
  • To make the French meat well baked, and the cheese crust does not burn, it is recommended to tighten the form with foil. The bowl is removed in a hot (175 degrees) oven, where it stands for 40 minutes. After that, you need to remove the foil, and let the dish come to readiness already in the open state. The total time for baking products is 60-80 minutes, depending on the state of the potatoes and meat, as well as on the power of the oven. Serving meat in French is advised with fresh herbs.

Beef with potatoes in pots in the oven: a recipe with a photo

An even more satisfying version of the potato and meat casserole is beef with potatoes in pots. Due to the fact that, in addition to these products, other vegetables are often present, a nutritious and varied lunch is obtained. And the fact that each pot is an individual portion makes it possible to make several different combinations of ingredients, pleasing everyone. In pots, both meat and vegetables are more tender, but do not lose the light crust that occurs when it comes into contact with the walls. By and large, this dish is a kind of "relative" of pizza or salad, since you can add almost anything you want to it. Mushrooms, tomatoes, zucchini, carrots - any ingredients are acceptable, so you can change the recipe below at your discretion, remembering only to follow the general technology.


  1. Beef (tenderloin) - 600 g
  2. Potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  3. Carrots - 2 pcs.
  4. Bulb onions - 2 pcs.
  5. Sour apple - 2 pcs.
  6. Prunes - 100 g
  7. Hard cheese - 120 g
  8. Sour cream or cream - 90 ml.
  9. Flour - 3 tablespoons


  • Potatoes are cut in semicircular plates and immersed in cold water for 30 minutes, beef tenderloin is placed in another bowl with the same cold water. Soaking it is a mandatory step if the meat was bought in a store and went through the freezing stage. Simultaneously with this boiling water, prunes are poured, apples are peeled.
  • The onions are chopped into small pieces and the carrots are passed through the shallow side of the grater. In a large, thick frying pan, butter is heated, in which you need to fry for 2-3 minutes. carrots and onions. If desired, you can also throw 1 tbsp there. flour, and extend the frying time to 4 minutes.
  • The potatoes are dropped into a colander, salted and covered with cream. Beef is cut into small pieces (up to 3 cm in length) along the fibers, combined with potatoes, rubbed with spices. It is recommended to give the products time to absorb these additives: 10-15 minutes is enough.
  • An equal amount of meat and potatoes, carrot and onion frying, as well as steamed prunes and chopped apples are placed in each ceramic pot. A little grated cheese is scattered on top, and the pots are covered with lids. The joints must be filled with a mixture of flour and water so that moisture does not evaporate during baking - otherwise the dish may turn out to be dry.
  • The pots are placed in a cold oven, after which the temperature is set to 170 degrees with convection on, or 195 degrees - in its absence. From the moment the oven warms up, it counts down 50-60 minutes: this time is often enough for not only vegetables, but also meat to be completely baked. Also, if you wish, you can pre-add 50-70 ml of water to each pot in order to get hot gravy at the exit.

Beef with potatoes in a sleeve in the oven: a recipe

The laurels of the easiest way of cooking potato and meat casserole in the oven are given by all chefs to recipes that involve the use of a special baking sleeve. In addition, this also makes the dish very healthy, because it does not need additional fats - even lean meat will turn out to be soft and juicy. In most cases, potatoes with meat in the sleeve do not have a crispy crust, as they are stewed rather than baked. And this is precisely the positive moment for those hostesses who are afraid of uneven cooking or overdrying of food.


  1. Potatoes - 6 pcs.
  2. Beef - 600 g
  3. Porcini mushrooms - 300 g
  4. Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  5. Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  6. Seasonings to taste


  • If the mushrooms are taken fresh, it is enough to stand them for 20 minutes. in cold water and cut into slices. If they have been frozen, you need to rinse them under running water and leave in a colander until completely thawed.
  • The potatoes are cut into quarters, salted and rubbed with pepper. The beef is cut into small cubes, salted and set aside for 5-10 minutes. During this time, you need to cut the bell pepper into strips and chop the onion.
  • Vegetables are laid out in the sleeve with the bottom layer, the meat is placed on top of them. If you want, you can add fresh herbs, then tie or button up the sleeve, make a small hole for air exchange in it and place it on the middle level of the oven.
  • At a temperature of 200 degrees, beef with potatoes in the sleeve will cook for about 60-90 minutes. It is worth noting that meat is no less tender if it is wrapped in foil: it, like a cellophane sleeve, retains heat and moisture.

It is recommended to serve the finished dish with fresh sour cream and toasted brown bread, as well as pickled cucumbers in a separate bowl. On hot beef with potatoes, removed from the oven, you can sprinkle grated cheese mixed with garlic passed through a press.


Beef is a healthy and dietary meat, but not all housewives like to deal with it, as they believe that when baked it will become tough and dry. We will teach you how to cook beef with potatoes in the oven to make it tasty and juicy.

Not everyone runs the risk of cooking beef baked in the oven with potatoes, because root vegetables can reach readiness earlier than tough meat. Prepare it according to this recipe and make sure that the dish comes out, as they say, with a bang.

Advice! Buy young meat with a thin layer of fat!


  • beef tenderloin - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 600 g;
  • turnip onions - 200 g;
  • black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon spoons;
  • mustard - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sour cream - 1 glass (mayonnaise is also possible);
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • seasonings.


The most delicious option for roasting beef

The most optimal way to bake such meat is beef with potatoes under cheese in the oven, since the cheese cap improves the taste of the dish. And if you put more onions, then the meat will turn out to be even more juicy.


  • a piece of beef weighing 500 g;
  • potatoes - 5 medium tubers;
  • round onion - 2 heads;
  • mayonnaise - 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • cheese - 100-150 g;
  • dried garlic - 1 tsp. spoon (you can take a couple of fresh teeth);
  • salt;
  • coriander - 1 teaspoon;
  • pepper.


Juicy beef roast? Perhaps!

If you have a piece of red meat, but you are not sure if it comes from a young cow, then it is better to cook a roast beef with potatoes in the oven in the sleeve. The meat in the bag will steam well and become tender and juicy.


  • beef fillet - half a kilogram;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 4-5 pieces;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • salt;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sunflower oil (olive) - 1 table. spoon;
  • spices;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • culinary sleeve.


It will not hurt you to learn a few more secrets of how to cook beef with potatoes in the oven so that the dish turns out not only edible, but guaranteed delicious.

Rules to help bake soft beef:

  • Pour ghee over the beef before placing it in the oven. This will make the vegetables and meat even softer.
  • If you come across old beef, don't be discouraged! Marinate it (in soy sauce, vegetable oil, mayonnaise mixed with spices) without salt and put it on the refrigerator shelf overnight.