Making Worcestershire sauce at home. Worcestershire sauce - recipe at home

09.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

The British, who discovered this unique product to the world, call it nothing more than “Lucullus feast sauce”, without which even the most luxurious meal will seem poor and tasteless.

A bit of history

In 1837, a native of the English county of Worcestershire, Lord Marcus Sandis returned to his homeland from the Indian colonies and brought with him a recipe for his beloved spicy sauce. He turned to local pharmacists - William Perrins and John Lee, with a request to reproduce this oriental seasoning for him.

However, the resulting mixture had nothing to do with the prototype, and Sandis flatly refused to take it. The failed sample was hidden in the basement and forgotten for two years. We discovered the product by accident when we were cleaning up the warehouse of the pharmacy, throwing out the accumulated garbage. The same fate awaited the wooden keg of sauce, but fortunately for gourmets around the world, Lee and Perrins wanted to try their bitter culinary experience once again. Imagine their surprise when they discovered that the seasoning acquired a unique, very pleasant taste and aroma.

It is from this moment that the history of Worcester sauce begins. Pharmacists bought the original recipe from a noble customer and patented it under their own name. To this day, the Lea & Perrins brand is considered the number one among the producers of refined seasoning.

The legendary Worcester has many secrets. Manufacturers keep its exact recipe in strict secrecy, revealing only 25 out of 40 or even 50 ingredients, and yet each component makes the taste of the final product unique. You can only taste the original to appreciate all the charm of the dishes seasoned with "truly English" sauce.

Composition and taste

Culinary experts unanimously assure that the colonial gift of Lord Sandis has no analogues in the world cuisine. The rich bouquet of the sauce unfolds gradually, affecting different taste buds, so it is difficult to describe it in two words.

The strongest in the seasoning is sour and sweet notes, as well as the piquant aroma of fermented fish. It is difficult to replace Worcestershire sauce in dishes - its taste is too multifaceted compared to other dressings.

Many housewives try to make a fragrant mixture on their own, however, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the list of ingredients that are included in the classic English (or is it still Indian?) Recipe.

So, the main components are:

  • fermented anchovies (small fish from the herring order, slightly reminiscent of the sprat we are used to)
  • malt vinegar (made from barley grains, has a pleasant aroma, enhances and emphasizes the taste of dishes)
  • sugar, and in the American version, corn syrup
  • molasses (or black syrup) - a product obtained during the processing of sugar cane

Manufacturers do not reveal all the spices added to the sauce, so we list only those that are indicated on its label.

  • tamarind - a variety of dates from India
  • onions: onions or shallots
  • horseradish and celery roots
  • ginger
  • Bay leaf
  • pepper: black, chili and allspice
  • Bay leaf
  • curry mix
  • nutmeg
  • asafoetida
  • garlic
  • lemon juice
  • tarragon
  • meat extract - aspik

What sauce is eaten with

In general, English traditional cuisine, which cannot boast of variety and sophistication, has been greatly enriched with the advent of the spicy mixture of Lee and Perrins. Now "Worcester" is added to most meat dishes, including roast beef, steak or stew, they are seasoned with hot appetizers and sandwiches, and used for fish marinades.

Salad and vegetable casseroles are also rarely complete without this ingredient.


The sauce belongs to highly concentrated products, therefore it is used only in small doses: 2 - 3 drops per standard portion.

In dishes, "Worcester" plays a supporting role, delicately emphasizing, but not interrupting the taste of the main products. It is often found in multi-ingredient dressings, along with soy or Tabasco sauce, olive oil, garlic and pepper.

Homemade recipe

Of course, we will not be able to reproduce exactly the branded factory seasoning. This requires large volumes of raw materials, oak barrels, special aging conditions and a long shelf life.

Nevertheless, it is possible to create a completely worthy alternative that will become a decoration of the family menu.

Let's try to make homemade Worcestershire sauce, the recipe of which is as close to the classic as possible.

We need:

  • 1 onion (medium)
  • 100 g sugar
  • ½ cup soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp. l. mustard seed
  • 1 anchovy fish
  • 1 small ginger root
  • ½ cinnamon sticks
  • 2 tbsp. l. tamarind paste
  • ½ teaspoon: curry and cardamom
  • ¼ h. L. hot red pepper
  • 1 tsp carnation flower buds
  • ½ cinnamon sticks
  • 1 tsp. allspice and black peppercorns
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 cups 9% vinegar
  • ½ glass of water
  • fine salt (preferably sea salt)


  1. Peel the onion, marinate for 30 minutes. in vinegar, then cut into cubes.
  2. Pass the prepared garlic through a press or chop it by hand. Then sprinkle with vinegar as well.
  3. Put our onion, garlic and all the spices listed above, except curry, in a thick gauze bag and tie them well so that they do not fall out during cooking.
  4. Pour vinegar into a saucepan, add sugar, tamarind paste and soy sauce, mix thoroughly and place on the stove. We also put a bag of spices in the mixture. First, cook the mass over high heat, and after boiling, reduce it to a minimum and simmer the base for the sauce for about 45 minutes.
  5. Combine water, finely chopped fish, salt and curry powder in a separate container. At the end of cooking seasonings, add this mixture to them, stir everything together and immediately remove from heat.
  6. Pour the resulting sauce into a glass jar, put the bag in the same place and close it tightly with a lid. After cooling, the mixture must be refrigerated.
  7. For 2 weeks, we take the spice bag out of the solution every day and squeeze it out, after which we alter the contents of the jar well.
  8. After 14 days, our sauce will be ready. We take out the bag with spices - we no longer need it, and pour the present mixture into small bottles or jars, preferably from dark glass.


Store homemade Worcestershire sauce in the refrigerator, shaking occasionally as it has sediment. You can focus on the shelf life of the factory seasoning - 1.5 years, but usually the product is consumed in a few months.

How to choose the right "Worcester" and what can replace it in dishes

The hostesses who manage to cook the Worcester with their own hands can congratulate themselves - they, without a doubt, were able to rise to the heights of the culinary art.

But this seasoning requires such efforts and includes so many exotic, expensive components that a natural question arises: maybe it is still better to buy it ready-made in a store?

The idea seems quite reasonable, but how not to be mistaken with the choice?

Most popular manufacturers

Important: The original Worcestershire sauce is only sold under the Lea & Perrins brand. Other manufacturers, and there are many of them today, have a different composition and do not have such a rich taste.

Currently, the Lea & Perrins brand belongs to the American company H.J. Heinz ". This manufacturer also produces its own Worcester sauce, which is somewhat inferior in quality to its British counterpart.

The cost of the product in a branded bottle with the inscription Lea & Perrins, with a volume of 290 ml is 330 rubles. Since the sauce is added to dishes in small portions, it lasts for a long time, even with active use.

Japan has its own "English sauce", which is similar to the original, except perhaps in name. It consists of vegetable and fruit components, without fish and meat extract. This option is suitable for vegans and vegetarians, but for those who want to know the real taste of "Worcester", such a mixture is not worth buying, although it is cheaper than Heinz products.

How to replace Worcester sauce in Caesar salad dressing

Lee and Perrins' invention is not a product that you can find in the nearest supermarket. Many dishes can be cooked without it, but, for example, the Caesar salad will lose a lot in this case.

You can try the following dressing, which will create a similar taste experience:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • juice of half a lemon
  • ¼ h. L. balsamic vinegar
  • a few drops of Thai fish sauce and Tabasco
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 3 - 4 anchovies (can be replaced with spiced sprat)
  • Salt (preferably sea salt) and pepper mix to taste


  1. Add 1 tbsp to boiling water. l. vinegar, reduce heat and gently pour in a raw, very fresh egg. After 4 minutes, take it out with a slotted spoon and cool in ice water.
  2. Beat the resulting poached egg in a blender with mustard, Tabasco sauce and lemon juice. Gradually top up with olive oil, bringing the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Add finely chopped fish and beat again.
  4. Pour in the "balsamic," Thai herb, and then bring the mixture to taste with salt and pepper.

This is a worthy replacement for the classic Worcester sauce.

You can make a very simple seasoning using more readily available and inexpensive ingredients. It is far from "Worcester" with its many components, but the taste will turn out to be pleasant, piquant and original. Let's try?

We need:

  • ½ cup natural apple cider vinegar
  • 50 g each water and soy sauce
  • by ¼ h. l. garlic and onion powder, the same amount of mustard
  • 1/2 root fresh ginger (grate)
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. cinnamon
  • sugar and salt to taste


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan with a thick bottom, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.
  2. After the sauce has cooled, it is stored in the refrigerator by pouring it into small glass containers. Before use, the mixture is allowed to brew for 10 - 12 days.

Worcester is one of the must-haves in your culinary arsenal. If you can't buy a factory product, you should cook it yourself to add an exotic touch of haute cuisine to your usual home dishes.

What's stopping us from trying? Even in a non-professional performance, the Worcester will be great. In a word, let's start cooking!

Useful video

This material perfectly complements the article on sauce, be sure to check out:

Why make the most complex Worcestershire sauce at home? Firstly, because it is not always in stores, secondly, because it is expensive, and thirdly, because it is simply interesting.

You've probably heard the name of this English sauce at least once. You may have even tried the sauce in dishes, as you can find it in stores. And if they did not find it or found it too expensive for themselves, they refused to cook any dishes. And there are many such dishes, because a sauce with a slight aftertaste of slightly rotten fish is the king of glazes and marinades for meat, especially when it comes to grilling or barbecuing. By the way, it is Worcestershire sauce that is included in the Bloody Mary cocktail, turning a mixture of tomato juice with vodka into a drink, the taste of which will be remembered for a lifetime. And it was he, Worcestershire sauce, who happened to be a random participant in the culinary improvisation, as a result of which he was born.

If you ask how you can replace Worcester sauce, my answer is firm: nothing. Think for yourself, more than 15 ingredients! And the cooking process is already breathtaking! If you prepare the sauce according to all the rules (which the English chefs are silent about, because the recipe is a commercial secret), you will have to mix the anchovies marinated in brine, soybeans, molasses (black syrup), tamarind (date variety), garlic soaked in vinegar , chili, cloves, cardamom, shallots, sugar, and a few more spices. Then you will keep this mixture for 2 years, or 700 days, after which, stirring occasionally, strain and bottle. Like? Here I am about the same.

What would you like to do if you are impatient and economical (the sauce is quite expensive)? Making Worcestershire sauce at home is what it is! Of course, you won't be able to get an authentic one, but very close in taste - very much even. The main condition is to insist on it as well as possible. As for the ingredients, after cooking, I want to give you the following tips: it is better to take shallots, anchovies (if you are lucky to buy fresh ones, I was not lucky), for example, or take Italian in a spicy marinade in the store, and you can use instead of burnt.

Worcestershire sauce has a very strong taste and unique aroma. This makes it not so much a sauce as a spice, seasoning, accent. It is enough to add a little sauce to the dish, make it with a Worcester "accent" - and it will be transformed.

Cooking time: 20 minutes plus 3-4 weeks for infusion
Finished product yield: about 300 ml


  • white or red wine vinegar 1 cup
  • burnt oil 50 ml
  • soy sauce 50 ml
  • sugar 50 grams
  • lime juice 25 ml
  • anchovies 2 fillets
  • hot pepper 1 pod
  • fresh ginger 1 small root
  • 1 clove garlic
  • cinnamon 1 stick
  • bulb half head
  • grains of yellow / white mustard 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • black peppercorns 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • cloves 0.5 tbsp spoons
  • curry seasoning 0.25 tbsp spoons
  • cardamom 3 boxes


Crush the cardamom boxes in a mortar. Inside you will see seeds - they contain the main flavor.

In a small saucepan, send salt, mustard, curry, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, black peppercorns.

Chop the garlic finely, chop the onion into small cubes, and chop the hot pepper into rings without cleaning the seeds.

Grate the ginger root on a fine grater - in grated form it will take 1 teaspoon.

Juice the lime.

Chop the anchovy fillets finely.

Add garlic, onion, pepper, ginger, and lime juice to a spiced saucepan. Drain the lime juice, burnt, and soy sauce there.

Then add vinegar there.

Place the saucepan over the heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Cook the Worcester sauce within 10 minutes of boiling.
Melt the sugar at the same time and cook a simple caramel, which is also added to the sauce.

Cook the sauce for another 5 minutes.

After that, pour the sauce into a glass jar and refrigerate for 3-4 weeks. Shake the sauce container well 1-2 times a week.
When the sauce is infused, strain it through a fine sieve.

Store the prepared sauce in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

Worcestershire or Worcestershire sauce Is the name of a traditional English recipe that has amazed the world with its rich taste for about 200 years. The original product is produced only at the plant in Worcester under the brand name "Lea and Perrins", its recipe is strictly classified, and to obtain a unique taste, it is aged for several years in barrels. But do not be upset - you can make a sauce that tastes as close to the original as possible on your own at home.

Required Ingredients

This "Worcestershire sauce" consists of more than three dozen ingredients, many of which have not yet been disclosed to the public. A recipe adapted to home cooking will require the following ingredients:

  • shallot;
  • mustard seeds, salt - 3 level tablespoons;
  • fresh ginger root;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • black peppercorns, cloves - a teaspoon;
  • a couple of small cinnamon sticks;
  • lemon juice or vinegar - 100 ml;
  • cardamom, curry, red pepper - half a spoon each;
  • soy sauce and water - 100 ml each;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 40 grams of Indian date pulp;
  • 2 anchovies.

Step by step cooking

To make a homemade analogue of Worcestershire sauce, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • vegetables are peeled and finely chopped. Peeled ginger can be grated on a fine grater;
  • chopped ingredients and all spices (except curry) are placed in cheesecloth folded in several layers and tied tightly, getting a bag;
  • all the liquid ingredients are poured into the pan - vinegar, soy sauce, water, all the sugar and date pulp are added. The mass with a bag dipped into it is boiled over low heat for half an hour;
  • chop anchovy with a knife, mix with salt and curry, and send to the rest of the ingredients on fire for 5 minutes;
  • the mass is removed from the heat, the bag is transferred to a glass jar and the resulting sauce is poured there;
  • the cooled composition is covered with a lid and sent to infuse in the refrigerator for a week;
  • daily stirring is required, the bag is carefully squeezed out and put back;
  • after a week, the spices are thrown away, the resulting sauce is filtered and bottled for further storage.

Shelf life of ready-made homemade sauce- up to two months, provided that it is stored in the refrigerator.

Worcester sauce video recipe

Making Worcester sauce at home is time consuming, but worth it. A step-by-step recipe and all the necessary ingredients are described in this video master class.

What can replace some of the ingredients?

Many of the ingredients included in the various sauce recipes are extremely difficult to find in a regular store. Even in making a homemade alternative, some substitutions may be required:

  • instead of anchovies, you can use sprat or, in extreme cases, ordinary herring as a fish ingredient;
  • fresh ginger is replaced with dried ginger;
  • shallots - onions;
  • mustard seeds - powder;
  • the main difficulty is the Indian date. Fresh it is extremely difficult to find, but you can look for pressed dried fruits, tamarind paste.

It is difficult to replace the sauce itself in dishes with a classic recipe, but variations are possible. So, Caesar salad can be used instead of Worcester dressing according to the following recipe:

  • balsamic vinegar, mustard - 1/4 teaspoon each;
  • a couple of drops of Thai fish sauce;
  • poached egg;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice and olive oil
  • a drop of Tabasco hot sauce;
  • a few anchovies;
  • salt and pepper.

Beat poached potatoes with mustard, hot sauce and lemon juice, gradually adding butter. After that, anchovies, vinegar, fish sauce are introduced and the resulting one is brought to taste.

What dishes does Worcestershire sauce go with?

The spicy and concentrated taste of the sauce requires a delicate sense of proportion - it is added in small quantities, which already gives pronounced and rich outflows. At home, it is eaten in almost any dish.

  1. The product is suitable for meat (popular recipes are pork in the oven with peaches, beef tenderloin with onions, chicken baked in sauce), fish, vegetable stews.
  2. The sauce is also used as a component of the marinade, for example, for steaks and pork ribs.
  3. Worcestershire Sauce is an essential ingredient in Caesar Salad and Bloody Mary Cocktail. In Spain and Greece, the component is often found in salad recipes.

Why make the most complex Worcestershire sauce at home? Firstly, because it is not always in stores, secondly, because it is expensive, and thirdly, because it is simply interesting.

You've probably heard the name of this English sauce at least once. You may have even tried the sauce in dishes, as you can find it in stores. And if they did not find it or found it too expensive for themselves, they refused to cook any dishes. And there are many such dishes, because a sauce with a slight aftertaste of slightly rotten fish is the king of glazes and marinades for meat, especially when it comes to grilling or barbecuing. By the way, it is Worcestershire sauce that is included in the Bloody Mary cocktail, turning a mixture of tomato juice with vodka into a drink, the taste of which will be remembered for a lifetime. And it was he, Worcestershire sauce, who happened to be a random participant in the culinary improvisation, as a result of which he was born.

If you ask how you can replace Worcester sauce, my answer is firm: nothing. Think for yourself, more than 15 ingredients! And the cooking process is already breathtaking! If you prepare the sauce according to all the rules (which the English chefs are silent about, because the recipe is a commercial secret), you will have to mix the anchovies marinated in brine, soybeans, molasses (black syrup), tamarind (date variety), garlic soaked in vinegar , chili, cloves, cardamom, shallots, sugar, and a few more spices. Then you will keep this mixture for 2 years, or 700 days, after which, stirring occasionally, strain and bottle. Like? Here I am about the same.

What would you like to do if you are impatient and economical (the sauce is quite expensive)? Making Worcestershire sauce at home is what it is! Of course, you won't be able to get an authentic one, but very close in taste - very much even. The main condition is to insist on it as well as possible. As for the ingredients, after cooking, I want to give you the following tips: it is better to take shallots, anchovies (if you are lucky to buy fresh ones, I was not lucky), for example, or take Italian in a spicy marinade in the store, and you can use instead of burnt.

Worcestershire sauce has a very strong taste and unique aroma. This makes it not so much a sauce as a spice, seasoning, accent. It is enough to add a little sauce to the dish, make it with a Worcester "accent" - and it will be transformed.

Cooking time: 20 minutes plus 3-4 weeks for infusion
Finished product yield: about 300 ml


  • white or red wine vinegar 1 cup
  • burnt oil 50 ml
  • soy sauce 50 ml
  • sugar 50 grams
  • lime juice 25 ml
  • anchovies 2 fillets
  • hot pepper 1 pod
  • fresh ginger 1 small root
  • 1 clove garlic
  • cinnamon 1 stick
  • bulb half head
  • grains of yellow / white mustard 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • black peppercorns 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • cloves 0.5 tbsp spoons
  • curry seasoning 0.25 tbsp spoons
  • cardamom 3 boxes


Crush the cardamom boxes in a mortar. Inside you will see seeds - they contain the main flavor.

In a small saucepan, send salt, mustard, curry, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, black peppercorns.

Chop the garlic finely, chop the onion into small cubes, and chop the hot pepper into rings without cleaning the seeds.

Grate the ginger root on a fine grater - in grated form it will take 1 teaspoon.

Juice the lime.

Chop the anchovy fillets finely.

Add garlic, onion, pepper, ginger, and lime juice to a spiced saucepan. Drain the lime juice, burnt, and soy sauce there.

Then add vinegar there.

Place the saucepan over the heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Cook the Worcester sauce within 10 minutes of boiling.
Melt the sugar at the same time and cook a simple caramel, which is also added to the sauce.

Cook the sauce for another 5 minutes.

After that, pour the sauce into a glass jar and refrigerate for 3-4 weeks. Shake the sauce container well 1-2 times a week.
When the sauce is infused, strain it through a fine sieve.

Store the prepared sauce in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

Worcestershire sauce is an English seasoning made with fish, vinegar and sugar. It has a sweet and sour, piquant and distinctive taste.
The sauce was named after the county of Worcestershire (England), where it was first created almost two centuries ago.

The dish is considered the most famous and mysterious seasoning. Its original recipe is known to its subtleties only by British producers. But what kind of components includes Worcestershire sauce has long been no secret.

Worcestershire sauce composition

The sauce is made with more than 25 ingredients. In addition to vinegar, sugar and water, it should contain:

  • anchovies;
  • onions and shallots;
  • ginger and celery;
  • horseradish and garlic;
  • asafoetida and tamarind;
  • lemon juice and nutmeg.

And that's only half of the ingredients in the sauce.

Even if all the ingredients are used, the original taste is unlikely to be replicated. After all, real Worcestershire sauce must mature in special oak barrels. And only three years later it is bottled and delivered to supermarkets and restaurants.

The sauce is popular in many countries around the world. It is highly concentrated which makes it economical to use. Sometimes a few drops are enough to decorate and transform the taste of the dish.

What dishes are decorated with Worcestershire sauce

The complex bouquet of ingredients allows Worcestershire sauce to pair perfectly with a variety of foods. Most often, the seasoning is used for ready-made meat dishes: pork and chicken chops, beef tenderloin, barbecue, pork carb. The sauce is poured over pasta, pancakes, dumplings, casseroles, vegetable stew.

The sauce is ideal for fish dishes. In combination with them, the sweet and sour taste of the English seasoning is perfectly revealed.

Caesar salad and Bloody Mary alcoholic drink also cannot do without Worcestershire sauce. It is the most important ingredient in these dishes, making them especially tasty and savory. Worcestershire sauce makes Bloody Mary irresistible.

Cooking a substitute for Worcestershire sauce

The culinary masters have come up with several recipes that closely resemble the sauce from Worcestershire and are successfully replacing it. Here is some of them:

Recipe 1

You will need:

  • bulb;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • a piece of ginger root;
  • 3 tbsp. l. French mustard;
  • a pinch of cloves;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt and the same amount of vinegar;
  • one anchovy;
  • half tsp. hot pepper, curry, cardamom;
  • one tsp soy sauce;
  • tamarind - a quarter of a glass.

Cooking like this:

  • Using a blender, grind the onion, garlic and ginger.
  • Add mustard, cloves, cardamom and hot pepper to the resulting mixture. Stir the ingredients again to make a puree.
  • Put the contents of the blender in a cheesecloth bag and tie it securely.
  • Pour half a glass of water into a small deep saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  • Add tamarind, soy sauce, sugar and vinegar to the boiling liquid.
  • Place a gauze bag in a saucepan.
  • Reduce heat to low and leave the contents of the saucepan for half an hour.
  • Mix the anchovy, curry and salt.
  • Add to a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  • Pour the sauce into a glass dish. Place the spice bag in the same place. We send the dishes to the refrigerator for two weeks.
  • We squeeze the contents of the gauze bag daily. Mix the sauce.
  • After the specified time, we squeeze the bag for the last time and remove. Strain the sauce and bottle it.

We store the seasoning in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2

This method of preparing the sauce, which will replace Worcestershire, is somewhat easier, since it involves the use of fewer ingredients.

You will need:

  • half a liter of vinegar;
  • shallots - 2 heads;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • anchovies (1-2 fish);
  • 35 g soy sauce;
  • 50 g of ketchup and the same amount of walnuts;
  • salt.

Cooking like this:

  • Finely chop the onion and garlic.
  • Grind the anchovies and nuts.
  • Combine all the ingredients and place in a bowl with a tight-fitting lid.
  • We leave in the refrigerator for two weeks.
  • Shake the contents of the container daily.
  • After 14 days, filter the sauce and use it as directed.

Recipe 3

Necessary components:

  • 1/2 cup vinegar (preferably apple cider)
  • 40 g of clean cool water, the same amount of soy sauce;
  • quarter teaspoon powdered onions, mustard with garlic;
  • quarter teaspoon ginger (grated);
  • on the tip of the knife - salt and cinnamon.

Cooking the sauce like this:

  • Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  • Cook on minimum heat for half an hour.
  • Set aside the saucepan to ensure that the sauce has cooled completely.
  • Pour the seasoning into dark glass bottles and store in the refrigerator.
  • The sauce can be used 10–12 days after it has cooled completely.

How to replace Worcestershire sauce in Caesar salad

The correct Caesar must be seasoned with Worcestershire sauce. But it is not always used. A worthy substitute can be made from the following ingredients:

  • one egg;
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 4 drops of Thai fish sauce and 1 - tabasco;
  • anchovies (2 fish);
  • balsamic vinegar and mustard - a quarter tsp;
  • 40 g fresh lemon juice;
  • salt and pepper.

Let's start making a substitute for Worcestershire sauce:

  • Boil a poached egg. We shift with a slotted spoon into the bowl.
  • Whisk gently (preferably with a blender) with mustard, lemon juice and tabasco. Add olive oil little by little until you get a mayonnaise consistency.
  • Chop the anchovies finely. They can be replaced with spiced sprat.
  • Pour the fish into the whipped dressing and work with a blender for another minute or two.
  • Add Thai sauce and balsamic vinegar to the fragrant mixture. Season with salt and pepper.

Worcestershire sauce is produced by several foreign companies. The original version of the seasoning is made by Lea & Perrins. All other manufacturers offer only their own variations of the sauce.

To prepare the seasoning yourself, you will need a significant range of products and step-by-step instructions. Sauce, like most British dishes, requires that all stages of its production are followed with precision, including boiling and aging.