Why is beet borscht useful? First courses: good or bad? Is it possible for children to eat borscht

05.03.2020 Desserts and cakes

Borscht is a favorite soup that is popular among the Eastern Slavs. It is difficult to imagine Ukrainian cuisine without it, because this is its traditional dish. It is very satisfying and tasty, many have heard of it. Let's see what borscht is useful for and why people love it so much?

What is this dish?

First of all, it is the main dish of Ukrainian cuisine. Borscht is known all over the world, and everyone who has tried it praises its taste. There are a huge number of varieties of this soup, because earlier the Ukrainian lands were divided, and the people themselves lived in the territories of states such as:

  • Russia;
  • Romania;
  • Poland;
  • Moldova;
  • Czechoslovakia.

Ukrainian cuisine was formed under the influence of culinary traditions and tastes of the following peoples:

  • Greek;
  • Crimean;
  • Russian;
  • Turkish;
  • Hungarian;
  • Nogai;
  • Moldavian;
  • Polish.

Therefore, borscht is prepared not only in pork broth, it can be prepared from:

  • lamb;
  • goose;
  • ham;
  • duck;
  • sausages;
  • beef;
  • chicken.

You can also make this soup with bone broth.

What is borscht made from?

Every tourist who has visited Ukraine will definitely try this national dish, which is the country's hallmark.

It contains the following ingredients:

  • Red beetroot;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • sour cream with which he refills.

It is also customary to add meat and beans to it. Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of recipes for its preparation, the composition of the dish always remains complete, healthy and very tasty.

Detailed analysis of ingredients

This dish is famous not only for its taste, but also for its benefits for weight loss. Borscht helps improve overall health. This is due to the fact that it contains a large amount of vitamins, antioxidants, and pectins. Let us analyze each ingredient of the soup in more detail in order to understand how borscht is useful for the human body.

Useful properties of each product

Each of its components has a number of beneficial properties, which together form a real source of vitamins.

  1. Red beets - it is thanks to them that the characteristic red color of borscht is obtained. It is very beneficial for the intestines. Buriak removes from the body all that is superfluous that has accumulated in it. Beetroot also lowers blood pressure and gives you a boost of energy.
  2. Carrots are a very useful product, which contains beta-carotene, which has a beneficial effect on vision. However, it is well absorbed only if it was combined with vegetable oil, so oil must be present in the borscht.
  3. Potatoes - This product contains a large amount of potassium, which improves heart function. In addition, it is very nutritious, which is why it was nicknamed “the second bread”. However, potatoes, like previous foods, have a very high glycemic index. For this reason, people who have any blood sugar problems are advised to be more careful with this vegetable.
  4. Cabbage - with its help, the metabolism in the human body is normalized. It is good for constipation because it cleanses the intestines. In addition, it contains tartronic acid, which prevents the formation of fat. That is why cabbage is very useful for losing weight.
  5. Beans - thanks to this product, the nutritional value of the soup is increased. How is borsch with beans useful? The fact that it contains a lot of fiber and vegetable protein. Dietary fiber saturates the body well, and protein serves as a building material. Beans provide energy that is used up gradually, so these calories do not lead to weight gain.
  6. Tomatoes - instead of tomato paste, it is better to add them to borscht. Tomatoes are high in antioxidants that are effective in fighting cancer as well as free radicals that lead to aging. Moreover, tomatoes that have been heat treated are more useful than those that are eaten fresh.
  7. Onions - both whole and chopped (for frying) are used for cooking borscht. Naturally, this vegetable as a whole is much healthier. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which protects against colds, improves digestion, and can also prolong youth.
  8. Meat is a complete protein, which the human body cannot do without, since it is the main "building material". Many recommend boiling it in advance and then adding it to the dish. The soup itself is recommended to be cooked in water, without using meat broth. This is due to the fact that extractive substances and saturated fats get into the broth due to meat, so the body is overloaded. But this is rarely practiced.
  9. Sunflower oil - without it, it is impossible to imagine frying for borscht. It contains a lot of vitamin E, which also prolongs youth.
  10. Lard - many people think that it is harmful to the body, although, on the contrary, its beneficial effect has been proven. However, this only applies to the raw product. If you eat 30 grams of lard per day, then in this case there will be no harm to the body. It is not recommended to fry on it, because it will not bring any benefit.
  11. Garlic is a well-known antiviral agent.

Traditional recipe

The benefits of borscht for the human body have long been justified, so consider its classic recipe in broth so that you can test its beneficial effects on yourself.

For the broth you will need:

  • two liters of water;
  • 400 grams of beef or pork on the bone.

Frying is made from:

  • two medium-sized beets;
  • one carrot;
  • three small onions;
  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • sunflower oil;
  • pinches of citric acid.

For the borscht itself, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 300 grams of white cabbage;
  • four medium-sized potatoes;
  • spices and herbs.

Borscht is usually served with sour cream and herbs.

We start cooking, which consists of the following stages:

  1. First of all, you should take a three-liter saucepan, into which you need to pour two liters of water, and then add the meat. Place the pot on the stove and make it medium heat. Remember to keep an eye on the broth, and also to skim off the foam. It is best to take meat on the bone, in which case it will be tastier. When the broth has boiled, cover it and cook over low heat.
  2. While the broth is preparing, you can start frying. To do this, you need to wash and peel carrots, beets and onions. After that, grate the ingredients and cut the onion into cubes.
  3. Preheat the pan and add sunflower oil to it. The fire should be medium. First, the carrots and onions are fried for about 5 minutes.
  4. To make your borscht a beautiful red color, you need to sprinkle the beets with lemon juice or add a pinch of acid to it.
  5. Cook vegetables for five minutes. Then add tomato paste to them, after which frying needs to be cooked for another seven minutes.
  6. When the broth is ready, you need to get the meat out of it. Leave it aside for a while to cool. Add chopped cabbage to the broth itself, and after 10 minutes you need to add chopped potatoes.
  7. Return to the meat again, which needs to be separated from the bone and cut into cubes. Then it must be added back to the soup.
  8. Salt borsch. Add frying and herbs to it, then cover with a lid and wait another 5 minutes. Now your beetroot borscht, the benefits of which have been proven, are completely ready for use.

It can be eaten right away, but most often it tastes better after a day.

Borscht is considered a peasant dish, so in those days it was eaten with bacon and donuts, but only on holidays.

Before serving, the soup must be poured into deep bowls. It is customary to add sour cream, black pepper, herbs and lemon slices to it, if you like sour. It is customary to eat borsch with rye bread. It is also very tasty when combined with garlic donuts.

What is the use of borscht?

Borscht is useful because it is very balanced. It contains the optimal amount of vitamins, enzymes, proteins, fats, minerals and carbohydrates. This gives the answer to the question of what borscht is good for for the body. After all, when vegetable and animal fats are in perfect balance, it has a good effect on the liver, and a mild choleretic effect is also obtained. The work of the digestive system is noticeably improved.

Thanks to seasonings and vegetables, the soup contains many beneficial minerals and vitamins. For example:

  • vitamins of group B, C and K;
  • pantothenic and folic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • organic acids;
  • mineral salts;
  • carotenoids.

If you are interested in the benefits of beetroot borscht and why, then you should know that thanks to its broth, digestion is activated, as well as the condition of the blood vessels.

We should not forget about proteins, of which there are a lot of them. Thanks to this composition, you will have a lot of energy, and your performance will noticeably improve. Having dined on borscht, you will not feel hungry for a long time.

Another advantage of this dish is that thanks to it, the body is cleansed of toxins.

Can children eat borscht?

Children can not only eat this soup, but it is even recommended. How is borscht useful for children? The same vitamins.

If you do not know whether a children's stomach will cope with such fatty foods, then it is best not to add fatty meat, as well as beans, to the broth. After all, this can lead to increased gas production.

Is it possible harm from the dish?

We figured out what is the use of borscht. He can also bring harm to health. However, this can only happen if the soup was improperly prepared or poorly stored. It also depends on your body personality. In order for borscht to bring only benefits, you should adhere to some recommendations.

Cook your broth correctly

When preparing meat borscht, it is best to drain the first broth. Nowadays, meat contains many toxins, which are removed from it when cooked. This is not necessary, but it is still recommended.

Process vegetables thoroughly

Another danger of borscht is associated with the fact that vegetables contain nitrates. This is true, even if carrots or beets were grown in clean ecological conditions, they accumulate dangerous nitrates in themselves. But heat treatment of vegetables helps to fight them. After it, fiber will not let harmful substances into the human body. The same cannot be said for raw fruits and vegetables.

It is not difficult to guess what is useful for vegetarian borscht. Of course, the fact that it is based on vegetable broth. Consider recommendations for its consumption, as well as a recipe for making a soup.

When is it useful?

  • obesity;
  • liver disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes mellitus (only you need to exclude potatoes from the soup);
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

Contraindications to use

There are also contraindications to the use of borscht, including vegetarian.

Refuse from borscht should be those who have an exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis.

Vegetarian borscht recipe

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • one medium beet;
  • 60 grams of white cabbage;
  • 5 grams of wheat flour;
  • 5 grams of tomato paste;
  • 400 grams of vegetable broth;
  • 30 grams of carrots;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • low-fat sour cream.

Cooking technique:

  1. Chop the cabbage and prepare the potatoes. Then they need to be cooked in vegetable broth. Alternatively, you can simply add vegetables to hot boiled water. We put the saucepan on medium heat.
  2. Meanwhile, sauté carrots and beets in a pan, add wheat flour to them. After 15 minutes, pour the ingredients into the pan.
  3. We make a low heat and continue to cook the borsch.
  4. When all the products are cooked, add salt, sugar and butter to the finished soup. You can also decorate the dish with herbs.

Red borscht is a popular Ukrainian dish that many have heard of. But for some reason, few people know how useful borscht is. It contains a large amount of substances necessary for the human body. In addition, it is very tasty and satisfying, and is prepared from ordinary products. Therefore, it is understandable why he is so popular. We hope that this article helped you, and now you know everything about how borscht is useful for the body.

Borsch is a dish of Ukrainian cuisine. It is prepared more often than any soups, and eaten with great pleasure. It does not become boring because it is very useful for the human body, it contains vitamins and minerals that our body constantly requires. Doctors also talk about the beneficial effects of this first course.

Many may say that after the borscht is cooked, all the useful components leave it, but this is not the case. Indeed, some of the vitamins still disappear, but most of them remain. During the cooking of borscht, the fiber structure of the vegetables that make up its composition is destroyed, which allows the body to quickly and easily digest food. The first dish of beets, cabbage and carrots and tomatoes also acts on the body as a sorbent.

Eating borscht has not only a positive effect on health, but can also help in the diagnosis of certain diseases. So, for example, bloating after eating borscht can cause stomach atony. Heartburn after borscht indicates high acidity, and belching is caused by problems with the pancreas.

Borscht preparation begins with broth. In order to make it more useful, it is worth boiling meat on the bone, it is not only a necessary protein, but also unique fats. Lenten borscht is recommended for people suffering from diseases such as cholecystitis, gout, pancreatitis.

It is added to borscht and beans, it is a diuretic and enhances the secretion of gastric juice, has a good effect on those who suffer from liver and cardiovascular insufficiency. In addition, beans will be useful for those who suffer from overweight, diabetes, hypertension.

More than 70% of the substances that are part of the potato help stimulate the metabolism in the body, the same properties are possessed by cabbage leaves. Cabbage removes excess fluid from the body, cholesterol, improves heart function and helps dissolve gallstones. Another important factor for men is that cabbage has a beneficial effect on men's health.

Beetroot improves blood circulation in the brain, thanks to the iodine in its composition. The high magnesium content lowers blood pressure and soothes the nerves. The most important and basic property of beets is to reduce the appearance of benign tumors. Reduces beets and the risk of cancer cells. Many vitamins and microelements are included in enzymes that regulate blood circulation in the human body.

Carrots absorb and remove all unnecessary substances from the body, improve blood circulation, act as a laxative and diuretic, improve heart function and normalize blood circulation. To enhance the beneficial properties of carrots, you should not overcook them in oil. Tomato added to borscht or lemon juice will stop the chemical conversion of nitrates, if such were in vegetables purchased from unscrupulous traders. The herbs and spices that make up the Ukrainian borscht stimulate the liver, kidneys and the entire digestive system.

Borscht benefit and harm

Ukrainian borsch, prepared according to a traditional recipe, is a perfectly balanced dish. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it - carriers of energy necessary for the normal functioning of the whole body, as well as minerals, vitamins and enzymes is such that you don't need to wish for the best. The indicator of the optimal ratio of nutrients is not suitable only for supporters of separate nutrition and vegetarians when it comes to borscht in meat broth. For the rest of the people, the dish is an example of the harmony of products in one plate.

When the dish is balanced, then, for example, fats (vegetable or animal) give a mild choleretic effect, which is useful for the liver. Based on this, and the whole digestive system starts to work like a clock.

Real Ukrainian meat borscht with lard is a real storehouse of protein, which is an energetic of amazing strength, which guarantees vigor and a high level of efficiency. Complete protein nourishes, gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, increases the efficiency of metabolic processes. Vegetables and spices supply the body with macro- and microelements, organic acids, fiber, vitamins A, C, K and group B.

Fiber is worth mentioning separately. Borscht is an excellent detoxifier that detoxifies the body. It is no coincidence that the mixture of vegetables that are used to prepare real, traditional Ukrainian borscht is called the “magnificent seven”. Beets, potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots, tomatoes, greens (sometimes garlic) - all together they perfectly complement each other and form the very "magnificent seven", which in the sautéed and boiled form acts as an excellent sorbent, "brush". Due to the fiber present in these vegetables - a rather coarse part of them, which is practically not digested by the stomach, the "seven" gently removes decay and decay products accumulated in the body.

Even one broth of Ukrainian borscht can claim a high degree of usefulness. He, as the Japanese centenarians would say, sends energy to the fire of digestion and revives the blood, i.e. regulates its viscosity, making it more fluid, which is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.

Here are the claims made by its opponents to the Ukrainian borscht:

Meat broth is harmful, it causes diseases of blood vessels, joints, kidneys;

Carrots and cabbage are leaders in the absorption of nitrates; - borscht contains oxalic acid and dangerous compounds that lead to caries, osteoporosis and other diseases; - frying, an essential element of Ukrainian borscht, is the cause of gastritis, stomach ulcers, and also carries cholesterol affects blood vessels and heart.

What can be said about that. Broth cooked on the "wrong" meat can do some harm. That is, obtained from an animal whose diet was supplemented with growth hormones or antibiotics. There is only one way out - buy meat from trusted manufacturers and you will have nothing to fear.

Is there a good way to secure the broth. Once the meat is in the pot is boiling, remove from the heat and drain the liquid. Meat rinse, cover with fresh water, put a whole onion, put back on the heat. Onion then discard.

Regarding nitrates: the opinion that a large amount of them enter the body together with cabbage and carrots contradicts another opinion based on the studies carried out. According to the conclusions of scientific research, heat-treated vegetables, in contrast to fresh ones, provide easy transit of nitrates through the intestines and their safe removal from the body.

As for oxalic acid: yes, it is present in borscht, but in a concentration that is not hazardous to health. In addition, it is easily neutralized by sour cream, which is a must when serving Ukrainian borscht. The very process of frying onions and carrots does not take long, only before the appearance of a light golden color. As is known, carcinogenic substances with a high carbon content are formed only in burnt foods that have been fried in oil or fat at high temperatures for a long time. Just do not allow this when cooking fry, and then it will not be dangerous to your health.

So what harm does Ukrainian borscht do? Yes, in general, none. This is nothing more than a far-fetched and unconfirmed myth. The benefits of this dish have been proven by a thousand-year culinary history of its use and many objective studies. It is only important to use high-quality products and know the rules for making real traditional Ukrainian borscht.



About the benefits of borscht

Recently, sensational information from nutritionists appeared ... it turns out that borscht is by no means useful, it is harmful to the health of most people. Harmful in several circumstances:

  • the fact that it is a strong broth - whether bone, meat or vegetable, it does not matter,
  • the fact that cabbage and carrots are champions in the absorption of nitrates,
  • those that contain oxalic acid and some compounds that lead to kidney disease, the development of osteoporosis and caries.

And still. The harm of the favorite dish of the Eastern Slavs seems to be greatly exaggerated. The benefits of borscht have been proven by a thousand-year culinary history of consumption, plus a host of other equally objective studies. It is only important to be able to properly cook Ukrainian borscht.

But this is by the way. As for the essence of the claims to borscht, the following can be said about them:

Much is known about the dangers of meat broths that contribute to diseases of the joints, blood vessels and kidneys, less about vegetable broths. The dubious benefit of the latter is that they over-activate gastric secretion. And if you have severe pancreatitis, then, of course, it is better not to indulge in broths. None. However, experienced housewives have long been able to "deal" with this and other negativity.

About broths. Drain the first broth and put a whole onion, not a chopped onion, into the broth, it "takes away" the harmfulness. Of course, this is not a 100% guarantee against gout and kidney disease, but a significant increase.

About nitrates. This opinion is contradicted by another study, according to the conclusions of which thermally processed vegetables, in contrast to fresh ones, easily provide for the transit of nitrates through the intestines.

About oxalic acid. A good housewife knows how to neutralize oxalic acid. She adds a spoonful of sour cream to a bowl of borscht. It turns out, not only for taste and benefit, but also because it is a "security system"!

Therefore, we will reserve the right not to be intimidated by newfangled dietary theories and allow ourselves not to trust them. We'd better turn to a nicer topic.

See also: How to cook chicken broth

What is borscht good for?

First, it is a perfectly balanced dish. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins, minerals, enzymes are in an optimal ratio. Of course, if you eat on a separate food system, this dish is unlikely to suit you. However, for everyone else, borscht, especially real Ukrainian borscht, is an example of the harmony of everything you need in one plate. Why is it important? Because, for example, when there is a balance, fats (animal or vegetable) provide a mild choleretic effect, which is positive for the liver. And the whole digestive system works like a clock.

Vegetables and spices give borsch a lot of vitamins and minerals - vitamins of group B, vitamins C, K, organic acids, folic, pantothenic acids, amino acids, carotenoids, mineral salts.

Secondly, the usefulness of borscht, especially yushka (broth, broth), is that it, as the Chinese centenarians would say, activates the fire of digestion and controls the viscosity of the blood, thinning it (which is important for blood vessels and the heart).

Thirdly, meat borscht is useful for its proteins. It is an energetic of astounding strength, providing high efficiency. It nourishes, saturates for a long period of time and ensures efficient metabolic processes.

Fourthly, borscht is an excellent detoxifier, cleanses the body of toxins.

Fiber - a great seven of vegetables (beets, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, roots, tomatoes and something else optional, beans, for example) - in boiled and sauteed form acts as an excellent sorbent, gently removes harmful substances from the body (toxins, radionuclides, nitrates, etc.) and preserves usefulness (vitamins, microelements). As for nitrates - see above for them.

Still, the critics of borsch are right in some ways, because borsch is far from being a dietary dish. It becomes dietary if you refuse to consume not only bone and meat broths, but even mushroom and bean broths. And even in this case, you will have to make reservations ...

The benefits of vegetarian borscht

The main advantage of vegetarian borscht is that it is cooked in vegetable broth, not meat broth. From the point of view of a nutritionist, meat broth is more than questionable food, especially bone broth. It is saturated with extracts of animal fats, nitrogen-containing substances and chemical compounds - poisonous for people with gout and other joint diseases, as well as high cholesterol.

See also: Cholesterol-lowering foods.

Vegetarian borscht is good for:

Liver diseases, atherosclerosis, obesity, as it contains a significant amount of the lipotropic substance betaine, which promotes the breakdown and elimination of fats and bad cholesterol.

Diabetes mellitus, only in this case borscht is prepared without potatoes and sugar.

Biliary dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis,

since it has pronounced choleretic properties.

Borscht, including vegetarian, is contraindicated:

With exacerbations of gastritis with high acidity and pancreatitis, in the stage of remission, it is advisable to remove cabbage from borscht, and wipe or grind carrots and potatoes with a blender.

See also: Borscht in a multicooker pressure cooker.

Cooking vegetarian borscht does not require special skills, but you still have to follow the technology. Here is a simple and clear recipe that even an inexperienced housewife can handle with borscht.

Vegetarian borscht recipe for 1 serving includes:

  • beets (medium size for a 3 liter saucepan)
  • fresh white cabbage 60 g
  • carrots 30 g
  • vegetable oil 10 g
  • sugar 5 g
  • wheat flour 5 g
  • tomato paste 5 g
  • roots 15
  • salt 1 g
  • vegetable broth 400 g
  • low-fat sour cream 15 g

Put potatoes and cabbage to cook in ready-made vegetable broth or hot boiled water over an above-medium heat (first potatoes, later, after 5-7 minutes, cabbage, salt a little). During this time, saute the beets, carrots, roots, flour in a small amount of broth and add to the vegetables in a saucepan after 15 minutes, reduce the heat and cook. Season the ready-made borscht with olive oil, adjust the salt and sugar. Greens - depending on your mood.

See also: Borscht in a multicooker pressure cooker.


Red borscht, how to cook properly

Red borscht is a very old traditional Ukrainian dish. They began to prepare it on the territory of Kievan Rus in the families of ordinary peasants. Soon, the delicious soup hit the table of noble people. The difference in cooking was only in the fact that the poor had borscht without meat, at best with lard, and the rich ate the dish with steep meat broth.

The benefits of borscht and its ingredients

The secret of the fact that borscht is so firmly rooted in the Slavic menu is in its unusually great benefits for the body. Almost all first courses are shown in dietary nutrition, with the only difference that for different diseases the diet and cooking recipes are different. But borscht without meat can be consumed by almost everyone, due to its high nutritional value, while the calorie content is low.

The benefits of borscht for the human body

  1. All vegetables that make up the composition contain fiber, vital to the human intestinal tract. After heat treatment, it loses its aggressive properties (which can harm some diseases) and turns into a soft, gentle sorbent for the intestines and its flora.
  2. The components of borscht are perfectly digested and do not stay in the body, removing various toxins, heavy metals, nitrites, nitrates, radionuclides, and other harmful substances that can accumulate in the body.
  3. Despite the fact that all the ingredients of borscht undergo heat treatment, they contain a huge amount of vitamins, macroelements, and microelements. There are studies that prove that a portion of classic borscht contains all the chemical elements necessary for a person in an ideal proportion.
  4. The spices that are included in Ukrainian borscht stimulate the functioning of the kidneys, liver and the entire digestive system, which helps to activate the natural processes of cleansing the body. All borscht recipes include certain seasonings.
  5. The calorie content of borscht is small, but its nutritional properties are very high, which is very valuable in any medical diet.

Meatless borsch is a must-have vegetarian dish. The ingredients that make up the composition have nutritional properties that can replace all vital proteins and vitamins:

  • Beans. A valuable protein product that enhances the secretion of gastric juice, useful in renal and cardiovascular failure. Any overweight diet contains this product.
  • Potato. A dietary ingredient that has practically no contraindications. Contains a lot of potassium, which helps to flush excess water from the body.
  • Cabbage. Has the ability to remove excess cholesterol, dissolve gallbladder stones and improve the work of the heart muscle.
  • Beet. Perhaps the only product that, after heat treatment, is saturated with useful abilities more than raw. Microelements in beets work wonders for all body systems. Iodine dilates blood vessels, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis, magnesium is beneficial for the nervous system and lowers blood pressure. But the most important value of beets is that it contains substances that prevent the formation of benign and malignant tumors.
  • Carrot. Endowed with the ability to remove sand and small stones from the kidneys, has mild diuretic and choleretic properties, improves vision and normal heart function.
  • Onion. Has antimicrobial properties, improves the functioning of the gastric tract, stimulating the production of gastric juice.
  • Tomatoes. They fight very effectively against aging of the body, thanks to malic and citric acid in their warehouse. The vitamin set in tomatoes makes these vegetables a great way to boost overall immunity.

Often, a therapeutic diet for diseases of the stomach, duodenum or others, provides for a special consistency of dishes in the diet - in the form of mashed potatoes. This makes them easier to digest and eliminate. Mashed vegetarian borscht can also be consumed, its benefits will not be affected at all. There are very different recipes, but to enhance the dietary effect, vegetables can not be fried, but stewed with the addition of a teaspoon of butter and vegetable broth. The calorie content of the dish will be minimal, which also contributes to an increase in the dietary value of this first course.

Traditional recipes for different types of borscht

The main secret of making red borscht: In order for the beets to retain their beautiful red color, they need to be added only after adding acidic products - tomato, citric acid or vinegar.

In general, borscht is known and loved not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, Moldova, Poland, Romania and even Lithuania. Each nation has its own name for this beetroot soup, and the recipes are very similar, but all have slight differences in terms of herbs and some ingredients. But all the recipes have one feature in common - red borscht should be infused after cooking for at least 2-3 hours. During this time, he will be saturated with color and only his inherent beetroot taste. We offer the most original recipes for different types of this wonderful soup.

Polish borsch

Calorie content in 100 grams is 26 kcal.

A distinctive feature of Polish beetroot soup is that it is usually drunk from a mug. Often they use only the liquid part of borscht - a decoction of all the ingredients. And the calorie content of the dish is increased by potatoes or onion pies, which are usually served together.


  • Water 2 l.;
  • Beets 3 pcs.;
  • Sour cream 100 ml.;
  • Flour 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • Vinegar 1 tbsp l .;
  • Sugar, salt to taste;
  • Laurel leaf;
  • Cumin 1 tsp


Bring water to a boil. While the water is boiling, dilute sour cream, sugar and flour with cold water in a glass. Stir well so that there are no lumps. Add all this to boiling water. When it boils again, add spices and salt. At this time, beets are cooked separately. In finished form, you need to grate it and sprinkle with vinegar. Put grated beets in the boiling mixture and boil for another 2-3 minutes, no more, so that the color does not lose during cooking. Turn off and let it brew.

Little secret: If the therapeutic diet excludes the use of vinegar in any amount, it can be replaced with lemon juice or not used at all.

Poltava borsch

Calorie content in 100 grams is 116 kcal.

There are recipes that only mimic the real dish. But this is a recipe for an authentic Ukrainian borscht with all the main ingredients. It takes a long time to prepare, and the process is very reverent. A special feature of Poltava borscht is considered to be dumplings, with which it must be seasoned, as well as exclusively bird broth (chicken, duck, goose).


  • Poultry - 500 g
  • Water - 4 l
  • Potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • Beets - 3 pcs.
  • White cabbage - half a head
  • Bulb onions - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomato puree - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Buckwheat flour - half a glass.
  • Sour cream - 100 gr.
  • Tomato paste - half a cup.
  • Pork lard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ghee lard - 50 g
  • Parsley root - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar 3% - 1 tbsp l.
  • Bay leaf, salt, pepper (hot or allspice), herbs


Dip the meat in water, bring to a boil and remove the froth. Then season with salt, season with bay leaves, parsley root, chopped onion, half of the whole garlic and chopped carrots. Cook this broth for 2.5-3 hours over low heat. At least a liter of water should boil off. After about 1.5 hours of boiling, add very finely chopped potatoes to the broth. The cabbage is added 20 minutes before the end of cooking the borscht in general. During this time, it will not boil down, and will have a pleasant crunchy texture, and the broth will not acquire a characteristic cabbage smell.

In a frying pan with melted bacon, simmer onions and raw beets grated on a coarse grater, which must be sprinkled with vinegar in the pan. Ten minutes after the start of the stewing process, pour in the tomato paste and add 2 cloves of garlic. This should be stewed for about half an hour or forty minutes over very low heat, stirring constantly. Also, no water addition is required. Possibly a few spoons of broth. While the vegetables are stewing, it is necessary to grind the bacon or season the finished one with chopped garlic and black pepper. Season the finished stewed beets with sour cream and simmer together for 2-3 minutes. Combine the mixture with the broth, from which you first remove the meat. Boil for five minutes, then add lard with garlic and dumplings and cook for another 7-10 minutes. Turn off the fire. Let it brew for at least half an hour, ideally 1-2 hours. Served with sour cream.

Dumplings are made from buckwheat flour, eggs and salt. Mix all the ingredients, achieving the consistency of sour cream. Dip small parts of the mixture into boiling water with a teaspoon. Readiness is determined by floating dumplings.

A little secret: Do not salt the beets during stewing, this can give them a slightly bitter taste and steal the natural sweetness of the finished dish.

Old recipes for dumplings say about buckwheat flour, but if it is not there, wheat flour is quite suitable.

Vegetarian borsch with vegetable broth

Calorie content in 100 grams is 20.1 kcal.

Vegetarian red borscht has a low calorie content, but tastes as good as traditional beetroot soup. It is a part of diets where the use of broths is contraindicated.


  • Water - 2 l.;
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Beets - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves;
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Sour cream 50 gr.


The principle of cooking borscht with vegetable broth is the same as in the previous recipe. The only difference is that it is not meat that is cooked, but vegetables. During this time, the potatoes are boiled and give the broth thickness, which is not only very tasty, but also beautiful on a plate. Grated peeled tomatoes are added to the beets. You can replace it with tomato paste, but the taste of tomatoes will better set off the finished dish.

A little secret: To enhance the taste of the vegetable broth, you can add grated celery root (20-30 gr.) To it during cooking.

Ukrainian borsch

Calorie content in 100 grams is 63 kcal.

Each housewife has her own secrets in the preparation of Ukrainian borscht, but beans are its invariable attribute.


  • Water - 3 l.;
  • Pork meat with bone - 500 gr.;
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Beets - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Beans 200 gr.;
  • White cabbage - a quarter of a head;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves;
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Sour cream 50 gr.;
  • Lemon juice or vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Prepare what you need for the dish.
  2. The broth should cook for at least 2 hours. An hour later, after the start of the boil, add carrots, onions, chives, salt and bay leaf.
  3. Finely dice the potatoes and add them to the broth.
  4. Fry the onions in a preheated pan.
  5. Add raw grated or chopped beets and drizzle with lemon juice. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  6. Scald the tomatoes and peel them off. Cut into small cubes.
  7. Add to the pan with beets.
  8. Add chopped cabbage 1.5 hours after the broth has boiled.
  9. Add sour cream to the finished beets.
  10. Simmer for another 2 minutes.
  11. Combine the broth with the beets and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Add 2 more cloves of garlic 3 minutes before the end. Serve with herbs and sour cream.

A little secret: garlic at the end of cooking will give more taste and smell if it is not crushed, but crushed with a knife on a board and thrown into the soup as it is.

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Thank you for the attention! Best regards, Olga.


Ukrainian borscht: benefit or harm

Borsch, a traditional first dish of Ukrainian cuisine, is famous for its rich taste and healthy properties. But lately there have been statements about the dangers of borscht. Is it really?

Guests who come to our country, in addition to visiting many ancient sights, tend to try the national cuisine, the fame of which has long spread beyond the borders of Ukraine.

Borsch is a traditional Ukrainian dish. Indispensable ingredients of borscht:

  • red beet,
  • cabbage,
  • carrot,
  • potato
  • sour cream

Traditional borsch with beans and meat is also cooked. Regardless of the cooking recipe (and there are a great many of them), this dish is always complete in its composition, tasty and healthy.

So what is the use of borscht?

Vegetables that make up borscht contain a lot of fiber. Thanks to heat treatment, it turns into an exchangeable sorbent that is soft and gentle for the intestines.

What removes the components of borscht from the body:
  • eliminate toxins
  • remove radionuclides
  • neutralize pesticides, herbicides
  • remove heavy metals
  • deactivate nitrates, nitrites
Useful substances that borsch products give us:
  • vitamins
  • macronutrients
  • trace elements.

In addition, on thermally processed fiber, microorganisms useful for digestion develop well and produce about 50% of the daily dose of B vitamins.

This leads to positive changes such as:

  • activation of carbohydrate metabolism in cells
  • increasing the level of energy in the body
  • rejuvenation of metabolism in the body
  • preventing the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

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Vitamin K produced by this microflora enhances the liver's ability to cleanse our blood. Proteins contained in meat are a source of amino acids involved in metabolic processes.

Borscht with or without meat?

Vegetarians can replace animal proteins with vegetable proteins, which are found in beans, mushrooms, beans, and soybeans.

Red borscht is a very old traditional Ukrainian dish. They began to prepare it on the territory of Kievan Rus in the families of ordinary peasants. Soon, the delicious soup hit the table of noble people. The difference in cooking was only in the fact that the poor had borscht without meat, at best with lard, and the rich ate the dish with steep meat broth.

The benefits of borscht and its ingredients

The secret of the fact that borscht is so firmly rooted in the Slavic menu is in its unusually great benefits for the body. Almost all first courses are shown in dietary nutrition, with the only difference that for different diseases the diet and cooking recipes are different. But borscht without meat can be consumed by almost everyone, due to its high nutritional value, while the calorie content is low.

The benefits of borscht for the human body

  1. All vegetables that make up the composition contain fiber, vital to the human intestinal tract. After heat treatment, it loses its aggressive properties (which can harm some diseases) and turns into a soft, gentle sorbent for the intestines and its flora.
  2. The components of borscht are perfectly digested and do not stay in the body, removing various toxins, heavy metals, nitrites, nitrates, radionuclides, and other harmful substances that can accumulate in the body.
  3. Despite the fact that all the ingredients of borscht undergo heat treatment, they contain a huge amount of vitamins, macroelements, and microelements. There are studies that prove that a portion of classic borscht contains all the chemical elements necessary for a person in an ideal proportion.
  4. The spices that are included in Ukrainian borscht stimulate the functioning of the kidneys, liver and the entire digestive system, which helps to activate the natural processes of cleansing the body. All borscht recipes include certain seasonings.
  5. The calorie content of borscht is small, but its nutritional properties are very high, which is very valuable in any medical diet.

Meatless borsch is a must-have vegetarian dish. The ingredients that make up the composition have nutritional properties that can replace all vital proteins and vitamins:

  • Beans. A valuable protein product that enhances the secretion of gastric juice, useful in renal and cardiovascular failure. Any overweight diet contains this product.
  • Potato. A dietary ingredient that has practically no contraindications. Contains a lot of potassium, which helps to flush excess water from the body.
  • Cabbage. Has the ability to remove excess cholesterol, dissolve gallbladder stones and improve the work of the heart muscle.
  • Beet. Perhaps the only product that, after heat treatment, is saturated with useful abilities more than raw. Microelements in beets work wonders for all body systems. Iodine dilates blood vessels, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis, magnesium is beneficial for the nervous system and lowers blood pressure. But the most important value of beets is that it contains substances that prevent the formation of benign and malignant tumors.
  • Carrot. Endowed with the ability to remove sand and small stones from the kidneys, has mild diuretic and choleretic properties, improves vision and normal heart function.
  • Onion. Has antimicrobial properties, improves the functioning of the gastric tract, stimulating the production of gastric juice.
  • Tomatoes. They fight very effectively against aging of the body, thanks to malic and citric acid in their warehouse. The vitamin set in tomatoes makes these vegetables a great way to boost overall immunity.

Often, a therapeutic diet for diseases of the stomach, duodenum or others, provides for a special consistency of dishes in the diet - in the form of mashed potatoes. This makes them easier to digest and eliminate. Mashed vegetarian borscht can also be consumed, its benefits will not be affected at all. There are very different recipes, but to enhance the dietary effect, vegetables can not be fried, but stewed with the addition of a teaspoon of butter and vegetable broth. The calorie content of the dish will be minimal, which also contributes to an increase in the dietary value of this first course.

Traditional recipes for different types of borscht

The main secret of making red borscht: In order for the beets to retain their beautiful red color, they need to be added only after adding acidic foods - tomato, citric acid or vinegar.

In general, borscht is known and loved not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, Moldova, Poland, Romania and even Lithuania. Each nation has its own name for this beetroot soup, and the recipes are very similar, but all have slight differences in terms of herbs and some ingredients. But all the recipes have one feature in common - red borscht should be infused after cooking for at least 2-3 hours. During this time, he will be saturated with color and only his inherent beetroot taste. We offer the most original recipes for different types of this wonderful soup.

Polish borsch

Calorie content in 100 grams is 26 kcal.

A distinctive feature of Polish beetroot soup is that it is usually drunk from a mug. Often they use only the liquid part of borscht - a decoction of all the ingredients. And the calorie content of the dish is increased by potatoes or onion pies, which are usually served together.


  • Water 2 l.;
  • Beets 3 pcs.;
  • Sour cream 100 ml.;
  • Flour 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • Vinegar 1 tbsp l .;
  • Sugar, salt to taste;
  • Laurel leaf;
  • Cumin 1 tsp


Bring water to a boil. While the water is boiling, dilute sour cream, sugar and flour with cold water in a glass. Stir well so that there are no lumps. Add all this to boiling water. When it boils again, add spices and salt. At this time, beets are cooked separately. In finished form, you need to grate it and sprinkle with vinegar. Put grated beets in the boiling mixture and boil for another 2-3 minutes, no more, so that the color does not lose during cooking. Turn off and let it brew.

Little secret: If the therapeutic diet excludes the use of vinegar in any amount, it can be replaced with lemon juice or not used at all.

Poltava borsch

Calorie content in 100 grams is 116 kcal.

There are recipes that only mimic the real dish. But this is a recipe for an authentic Ukrainian borscht with all the main ingredients. It takes a long time to prepare, and the process is very reverent. A special feature of Poltava borscht is considered to be dumplings, with which it must be seasoned, as well as exclusively bird broth (chicken, duck, goose).


  • Poultry - 500 g
  • Water - 4 l
  • Potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • Beets - 3 pcs.
  • White cabbage - half a head
  • Bulb onions - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomato puree - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Buckwheat flour - half a glass.
  • Sour cream - 100 gr.
  • Tomato paste - half a cup.
  • Pork lard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ghee lard - 50 g
  • Parsley root - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar 3% - 1 tbsp l.
  • Bay leaf, salt, pepper (hot or allspice), herbs


Dip the meat in water, bring to a boil and remove the froth. Then season with salt, season with bay leaves, parsley root, chopped onion, half of the whole garlic and chopped carrots. Cook this broth for 2.5-3 hours over low heat. At least a liter of water should boil off. After about 1.5 hours of boiling, add very finely chopped potatoes to the broth. The cabbage is added 20 minutes before the end of cooking the borscht in general. During this time, it will not boil down, and will have a pleasant crunchy texture, and the broth will not acquire a characteristic cabbage smell.

In a frying pan with melted bacon, simmer onions and raw beets grated on a coarse grater, which must be sprinkled with vinegar in the pan. Ten minutes after the start of the stewing process, pour in the tomato paste and add 2 cloves of garlic. This should be stewed for about half an hour or forty minutes over very low heat, stirring constantly. Also, no water addition is required. Possibly a few spoons of broth. While the vegetables are stewing, it is necessary to grind the bacon or season the finished one with chopped garlic and black pepper. Season the finished stewed beets with sour cream and simmer together for 2-3 minutes. Combine the mixture with the broth, from which you first remove the meat. Boil for five minutes, then add lard with garlic and dumplings and cook for another 7-10 minutes. Turn off the fire. Let it brew for at least half an hour, ideally 1-2 hours. Served with sour cream.

Dumplings are made from buckwheat flour, eggs and salt. Mix all the ingredients, achieving the consistency of sour cream. Dip small parts of the mixture into boiling water with a teaspoon. Readiness is determined by floating dumplings.

A little secret: Do not salt the beets during stewing, this can give them a slightly bitter taste and steal the natural sweetness of the finished dish.

Old recipes for dumplings say about buckwheat flour, but if it is not there, wheat flour is quite suitable.

Vegetarian borsch with vegetable broth

Calorie content in 100 grams is 20.1 kcal.

Vegetarian red borscht has a low calorie content, but tastes as good as traditional beetroot soup. It is a part of diets where the use of broths is contraindicated.


  • Water - 2 l.;
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Beets - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves;
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Sour cream 50 gr.


The principle of cooking borscht with vegetable broth is the same as in the previous recipe. The only difference is that it is not meat that is cooked, but vegetables. During this time, the potatoes are boiled and give the broth thickness, which is not only very tasty, but also beautiful on a plate. Grated peeled tomatoes are added to the beets. You can replace it with tomato paste, but the taste of tomatoes will better set off the finished dish.

A little secret: To enhance the taste of the vegetable broth, you can add grated celery root (20-30 gr.) To it during cooking.

Ukrainian borsch

Calorie content in 100 grams is 63 kcal.

Each housewife has her own secrets in the preparation of Ukrainian borscht, but beans are its invariable attribute.


  • Water - 3 l.;
  • Pork meat with bone - 500 gr.;
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Beets - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Beans 200 gr.;
  • White cabbage - a quarter of a head;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves;
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Sour cream 50 gr.;
  • Lemon juice or vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Prepare what you need for the dish.
  2. The broth should cook for at least 2 hours. An hour later, after the start of the boil, add carrots, onions, chives, salt and bay leaf.
  3. Finely dice the potatoes and add them to the broth.
  4. Fry the onions in a preheated pan.
  5. Add raw grated or chopped beets and drizzle with lemon juice. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  6. Scald the tomatoes and peel them off. Cut into small cubes.
  7. Add to the pan with beets.
  8. Add chopped cabbage 1.5 hours after the broth has boiled.
  9. Add sour cream to the finished beets.
  10. Simmer for another 2 minutes.
  11. Combine the broth with the beets and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Add 2 more cloves of garlic 3 minutes before the end. Serve with herbs and sour cream.

A little secret: garlic at the end of cooking will give more taste and smell if it is not crushed, but crushed with a knife on a board and thrown into the soup as it is.

This dish has been known in Russia for a very long time. It is mentioned in Yamsk books, legends, proverbs and sayings are passed from mouth to mouth: "Borscht and cabbage - the house will not be empty", "Your unsalted borscht is better than someone else's fish soup." But for what merits such glory to an ordinary dish, even if cooked in meat broth?

Useful properties of borscht

  • This filling soup is considered hearty and perfectly balanced dish... The amount of all useful elements: enzymes, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals is such that their ratio can be considered optimal. As a result of consumption, the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract and other systems of the body is getting better, therefore, human immunity increases.
  • Vegetables (cabbage, beets, carrots, tomatoes, onions), without which there is no borscht, contain enough a lot of fiber. After heat treatment, fiber becomes a soft sorbent that removes harmful substances: heavy metals, radionuclides, nitrates, toxins.

Calorie borscht

  • The calorie content of these dishes depends on the recipe, the quantity and quality of the components and may be different for one type of this filling soup. By the way, when using sauerkraut instead of fresh, the calorie content of the dish increases almost 2 times. If it is cooked in pork, it is considered the most delicious, the most rich, the most satisfying.
  • Soup will be less fatty and high-calorie, cooked with beef bone... In principle, real beef broth is classified as a dietary meal and is considered very useful. It contains little cholesterol, but it contains more than enough amino acids, B vitamins and proteins of natural origin.
  • It is considered even easier and more healing chicken bouillon and soups based on it. It is given even to seriously ill people, it helps with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and colds. Since the calorie content of chicken broth borscht is low, it can be recommended for those who want to lose weight.
  • Anyone who does not eat meat at all can prepare a vegetable broth, and cook borscht on its basis. This soup will also be useful, although not as satisfying. The so-called cold borscht(it's easier to say okroshka cooked with beet broth). A very tasty and refreshing dish in the heat.

Borscht is harmful - is it true?

Only if you make it from low-quality products. Nutritionists say there are a lot of toxins in meat. To reduce their amount, it is enough to bring the water, which is filled with meat products, to a boil and pour it out. And pour the meat products again with clean water, cook until cooked and fill this broth with all the ingredients. To reduce the effects of oxalic acid, add a spoonful of sour cream to a plate.

Vegetables are stuffed with nitrates, chemicals that increase shelf life, and pesticides to the chapel. In order to somehow reduce their amount, wash them thoroughly, then fill them with clean water with lemon juice (squeeze from half of the fruit) or sea salt (0.5 tablespoon) for at least half an hour. For potatoes - cut the peel thicker, for beets - remove the bases of the stalks, discard the cabbage stalk, and remove the stalk from salad peppers. After passing through heat treatment, the content of harmful substances in vegetables will become even less.