Delicious non-nutritious meals. Low Calorie Weight Loss Meals with Calories: Cook and Lose Weight Tastefully

30.10.2019 Bakery

Such a concept as the satiety of food is individual. A lot is influenced here - the size of the serving, the fiber content, the amount of protein, the rate of digestion, and, finally, the associations. Some sources praise apples as a real storehouse of satiety, and bless cabbage as the main fighter with kg. Others - curse the former as a source of increased appetite, and the latter - also as the best way to "stretch the stomach". Everyone is right, in fact, everyone should choose a list of satisfying products for themselves individually.

What foods are satisfying and low in calories at the same time

Technically, there are very few of them. According to the ADA classification, we can classify only food as low-calorie foods, the energy value of which does not exceed 90-100 kcal per serving (120 g according to the same classification). Do you know a lot of such food? Among vegetables and fruits - almost all representatives of the kingdom. But what about meat and fish?

In general, in the strictest sense, these are:

  • - cod, haddock, pollock, hake, lemonema. The meat of this fish gives us a little more than 73 kcal per 100 g, mainly from protein. Contains all essential amino acids. Helps to cook dinner even when calories are minuscule and time is short. Brews in seconds. Don't like boiled fish? Steam or bake in foil. But frying increases the calorie content of a portion by 200 kcal at once. And the fish is no longer so useful. Many people, however, will disagree that white fish is satisfying. It is digested rather quickly, leaving the stomach in just a couple of hours. How to "slow down" it? Serve on a pillow of fibrous vegetables such as broccoli, kohlrabi and cauliflower. You can also rub carrots, it only improves the taste of fish dishes;
  • - shrimps, crabs, mussels. Sounds more interesting, right? However, adherents of strict low-carb diets shy away from the meat of these sea inhabitants. The reason is one gram of glycogen per 100 g of product. There is little seafood when it is "pulled" by more than 83 kcal per 100 g, the rare lobsters and trepangs, which are rare in our country, are a little more high in calories. This product category has a lot in common. All are a source of complete protein, all contain omega-3s and help fight hunger. They are also digested quickly, therefore for the needs of satiety - with vegetables;
  • - extra fat free beef. Or very dry veal, as we call it. In general, this is calf meat completely devoid of fat. It will need to be steamed, and this is the only type of meat that is "low-calorie" in principle. Even chicken breast meat contains about 120 kcal versus 101 kcal of this. In addition, calf meat contains high-grade three-heme iron, therefore it should be included in the diet of absolutely all women of childbearing age;
  • - all kinds of vegetables without starch. Cabbage and squash, cucumbers and tomatoes, leafy greens and celery. All of them contain a lot of fiber and water, and little, literally from 18 to 35 kcal per 100 g. Want something sweet? Eat pumpkin. Salty? Sprinkle the crushed seaweed on the cucumber salad. Mashed potatoes? Grind the cauliflower with a blender. Chips? Oven dry the kale and sprinkle with spices. Vegetables will have to fall in love with everyone who is looking for a satisfying weight loss;
  • - all mushrooms. Here the opinions of nutritionists from different schools differed. In the United States, the "general theory" is the benefits of mushrooms for a healthy, non-allergic person. It is believed that their fiber-rich protein bodies saturate for a long time, and "protect" us from absorbing junk food. For example, fried fatty meat. But in Russian-language textbooks on dietetics, mushrooms are considered a controversial product. Many people are not able to assimilate and digest them at all, since they are very "demanding" on the enzyme activity of the gastrointestinal tract. One way or another, no more than 20 kcal per 100 g;
  • - seaweed. We eat a little of them, but the Japanese eat a lot. Guess who is slimmer? This is, of course, an unscientific approach, but algae saturates due to its "gel-like" consistency. They fill the stomach, envelop ... And they are also tasty and healthy, as they contain a lot of iodine, which is also necessary for us to lose weight;
  • - unsweetened and watery fruits. These are grapefruits and some varieties of pomelo, as well as green apples. Most doctors will list all berries, except watermelon, and most sweet fruits. But with these gifts of nature, an individual approach is required. Many people experience bouts of hunger over one particular fruit and are "tolerant" of others;
  • - fiber pasta konnyaku. They contain about 12 kcal per 100 g and are almost not absorbed by our bodies. Konnyaku is a hard, insoluble fiber that cleanses the intestines and helps to reduce the glycemic load of food. Food from horseback is recommended for diabetics and those who are losing weight. The only negative is that if you overeat, it can cause bloating.

Slightly behind the low-calorie list are foods such as chicken breasts, coarse buckwheat porridge, barley and brown rice. More high-calorie, but certainly very satisfying - legumes, including soy. Combinations of foods are also important in reducing calories and increasing satiety.

Win-win couples for satisfying hunger

The addition of vegetables to it will help reduce the calorie content of food. Vegetables with porridge are more satisfying than just porridge. Vegetables with meat - more than just meat.

And there are also couples of foods, one of which is satisfying, the other is low in calories:

  • - Coarse oatmeal and yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • - chicken eggs and spinach or broccoli;
  • - any meat and green vegetables;
  • - low-calorie cottage cheese with bran and honey;
  • - strawberries or raspberries and cottage cheese 0% /

Of course, eating some low-calorie foods is not an option. We still need fats and complex carbohydrates, not just "dry" proteins and fiber. But from time to time, when you want to eat a lot, and the calorie corridor is modest, you should not give them up. After all, they make our life easier.

Dreaming of losing weight and changing their diet for this purpose, most people try to use primarily low-calorie foods. This is correct, but few people understand what effect they have on the body. This information should not be considered superfluous, because it will help to avoid common mistakes when organizing meals.

Benefit and harm

Calorie content is the energy that a person receives by eating a particular product. He spends it on physical or intellectual activity and on maintaining the vital functions of the body. It is necessary not only so that we can be cheerful, smart and cheerful during the day. With its help, such important processes as growth, division and repair of cells, blood circulation, digestion, heart contractions, etc. are carried out.

However, more often than not, a person spends much less than what he receives. For one hearty meal alone, you can consume up to 800 kcal. And with a sedentary lifestyle, such an amount is spent in a whole day. But there is still breakfast, dinner, snacks and night gatherings in the kitchen. Everything that is not spent goes to fat depots. So excess weight is gained and folds appear on the body, a sagging stomach,.

Therefore, it is so important, when composing a new diet for weight loss, to include mainly low-calorie foods in it. For lunch, eat not fatty borscht on pork (200 kcal), but cold beetroot (50 kcal), not fries (almost 300 kcal), but mashed potatoes (80 kcal), etc. Such a significant decrease in daily calorie content will contribute to the shortage energy. The body will have to extract it from those fat depots that it formed before. The result is weight loss.

However, the golden mean is good everywhere, and this also applies to low-calorie foods. They can be harmful to health. An excessive decrease in daily calorie intake is fraught with:

  • lethargic state;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased performance;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • headache;
  • loss of muscle activity;
  • in women - menstrual irregularities;
  • vitamin deficiency and anemia.

These are not all the consequences of excessive enthusiasm for low-calorie foods. It can lead to slow and defective work of almost all systems of the body, which will be sorely lacking in energy. The most dangerous thing is hormonal disruption. It can slow down the process of losing weight and lead to new weight gain, despite a low-calorie diet. To normalize it, then you will have to undergo a long course of treatment.

Which exit? When drawing up a menu for weight loss, you do not need to focus solely on low-calorie foods. The diet needs to include other healthy, but more saturated carbohydrates and fats, so that the diet is balanced. This will save health from problems. And in order to start the process of fat burning and weight loss, you need to reduce the portion size. The approximate daily calorie content in this case should not exceed 1,200 kcal for women and 1,500 for men. These indicators are averaged, without taking into account physical activity and other individual parameters. To more accurately calculate your daily calorie intake, ours will help.

What foods are considered low-calorie

Different nutrients (the same BJU) contained in foods release different amounts of energy. These indicators are summed up and the total calorie value is obtained. For example, 1 g of fat provides the body with 9.3 kcal, proteins and carbohydrates - about 4 kcal.

In dietetics, low-calorie foods are those in which this indicator does not exceed 100 kcal per 100 g (100 ml) of their weight. They are sometimes referred to as negative calorie foods, although the term is controversial and unofficial. It is believed that they require much more energy from the body to digest them than they give it calories.

The group of low-calorie foods includes most of the fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs. But this does not mean that all of them are so useful for losing weight. For example, among vegetables (you will find lists of the most useful and low-calorie ones), nutritionists do not like potatoes and corn, since they contain starch that disrupts digestion, and there is not much fiber. Or the situation with fruits: grapes and bananas contain a large amount of sugar, the consumption of which is limited by any diet.

The calorie content of fresh and thermally processed foods is different. The first ones are most often indicated in the tables. But when drawing up the menu, you must definitely find out how this indicator will change after you boil or fry the dish. Example: boiled pollock gives 72 kcal, and fried pollock - already 136. So, in the latter case, it does not fall into the list of low-calorie ones.


An approximate list of the lowest-calorie foods that you can focus on when drawing up a diet for weight loss may look like this:

  1. - 0 kcal.
  2. Black tea - 0.
  3. Black coffee - 1.
  4. Nigella - 9.
  5. Butterlets - 12.
  6. Cucumbers - 14.
  7. Chinese cabbage - 16.
  8. Lettuce - 16.
  9. Milk mushrooms - 16.
  10. Ryzhik - 17.
  11. Lemon juice - 18.
  12. Chanterelles - 19.
  13. Russula - 19.
  14. Radish - 20.
  15. Brown birch trees - 20.

Few people know that among low-calorie foods, mushrooms are the real champions (this can be judged by this rating). They contain a lot of protein and are almost a complete substitute for meat. However, you should not lean on them when planning to lose weight, for 2 reasons. First, they are heavy food for the stomach and can cause serious digestive problems. Secondly, during their growth, they, like a sponge, absorb too many harmful substances from the atmosphere, therefore they are considered sources of toxins.

Calorie charts

The calorie content in all tables is indicated per 100 g of each raw product (except for cereals) and per 100 ml of drinks.

The distribution by food group will make the search more convenient. Inside each of them, the products are distributed in terms of calorie content in ascending order.


Fish and seafood

Dairy products



Fruits and berries



Alcoholic drinks

Soft drinks


Sometimes, even with all these tables at hand, it is difficult to calculate the total calorie content of a dish. Therefore, we offer the lowest-calorie of them with an indication of 100 g of a ready-made dish.


Cucumbers in yogurt - 27 kcal

An hour before the main preparation of the dish, cut 1 medium-sized salad cucumber into small cubes and leave. After an hour, drain the separated liquid. Chop 10 g of dill and green onions with a knife. Crush 1 garlic clove (chop with a knife, grater - in any convenient way). Mix it with herbs. Divide the garlic-green mass into 2 equal parts. Mix one with cucumbers, the other with 50 ml of yogurt. Put the salad in a portioned plate, pour the dressing on top.

Herdeprush - 35 kcal

Put fresh peeled radish (1 pc.) On a fine grater. Chop 1 small bunch of herbs with a knife (ideal ingredients are dill and parsley). Do the same with a small stem (5-6 g). Fill with 1% kefir (it will take no more than 20 ml). Mix.

Pineapple salad with mushrooms - 41 kcal

Peel and dice 2 peeled grapefruits. Mix with 300 g canned pineapple (buy a jar with pre-cut fruit, not rings). Put 300 g of raw mushrooms on thin slices, add them to the salad. Stir, pour 20 ml of pineapple juice from a can. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. Mushrooms behave like a sponge in such a salad: they absorb fruit juice and become juicy and tasty.

Whisk - 40 kcal

Finely chop 200 g of white cabbage, squeeze with your hands to extract juice. Cut fresh carrots and beets into strips (1 pc.). Peel the green apple of seeds and core (but leave the peel), also put on straws. Season with ½ lemon juice. Mix.

Cabbage - 29 kcal

Chop 1 kg of white cabbage finely. Coarsely grate 1 medium-sized carrot. Chop 3 celery stalks at random with a knife. Peel 2 bell peppers, cut into arbitrary cubes, as well as 5 blanched tomatoes. Chop 5 onions, fry. Mix all the ingredients, pour 3 liters of boiling water, cook until vegetables are ready. Add spices and salt before turning off the heat. Garnish with any chopped herbs before serving.

From zucchini - 34 kcal

Chop 1 carrot and 1 onion. Dice the young and peeled courgette. First, fry the carrots and onions in 15 g of butter, then mix them with the zucchini, pour 1 liter of boiling water, add a pinch (no more than 2 g) of caraway seeds. Cook for 25 minutes. Cool down. Puree with a blender. Garnish with chopped herbs before serving.

Cold beetroot - 35 kcal

Boil 200 g of beets until tender, separately - 3 chicken eggs. Cool down. Peel the beets, put them on thin straws and immediately pour 2 liters of boiling water over it. To prevent the soup from losing its rich color, pour the juice squeezed from ½ lemon into it. Dice the white radish and 100 g cucumbers. Peeled eggs - into quarters. Chop 5 g of dill and parsley, 10 g of green onions. Pour all this into water with beets when it cools down. Serve with 10% sour cream.


Fruit and berry salad - 32 kcal

Peel and dice 1 green apple, 1 orange and 1 pear. Do the same with 500 g of melon. Mix fruits, add 50 g of strawberries and red currants to them. You do not need to fill up with anything, since the juice secreted by berries and fruits will be enough.

Pumpkin-apple dessert - 63 kcal

Peel 5 apples, cut into large cubes. Do the same with 100 g. Mix them, add 50 g of sugar. Pour 50 ml of water into a saucepan (so that the dessert does not burn), pour the ingredients into it. Bake in the microwave. The time depends on the power of the device. On average, 10 minutes. Sprinkle with icing sugar and cinnamon before serving.

Cherry Jelly - 52 kcal

Place 400 g of ripe cherries in a saucepan, add 50 g of sugar (preferably brown), pour 0.5 liters of water. Boil after boiling for no more than 5 minutes. Switch off. Wait for the cherry to settle to the bottom. Strain. Pour 20 g of instant gelatin with 100 ml of water, melt it in the microwave or steam. Mix the strained cherry compote with gelatin. Pour into molds. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours before serving.

Homemade fruit ice - 53 kcal

Pour 30 g of sugar into 150 ml of water, heat to obtain a syrup. Pour in the juice squeezed from ½ lemon. Pass 200 g of overripe strawberries and 3 soft kiwis through a blender. Mix all the ingredients, pour into molds (you can use ordinary cups), stick wooden ice cream sticks into them. Put in the freezer until it solidifies.

Baked pear - 73 kcal

Peel 3 tough pears, cut each into quarters. 50 g of sugar (for weight loss it is better to take brown sugar) pour 50 ml of water. Heat to make a syrup. Add 10 g of turmeric to it. Put the pears on a baking sheet and pour the syrup over them. Bake for half an hour at 200 ° C.

Low-calorie foods and meals are essential for losing weight. But everything must be approached competently and without fanaticism. Weight loss should be safe for health, and without a balanced diet, this is impossible (you can read about the basic principles of such nutrition).

Striving for ideal forms, you should start this difficult path with nutritional adjustments. Making a menu is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It is necessary to pay attention to the calorie content of dishes and their nutritional value. To make it easier for you, we have selected the most delicious and healthy weight loss products with an indication of each calorie.

Calories are necessary for a person to obtain energy.

For those who follow the figure, you need to pay attention to the calorie content of the dish.

However, there are hearty foods, the overuse of which entails negative consequences:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • obesity, etc.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the calorie content of dishes for everyone, but especially for those who follow their figure.

The amount of calories entered into the body largely depends on how much the energy value of the product is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

During normal functioning of organs and in the absence of diseases, substances are assimilated in the following quantities:

  • fats - 9.3 kcal / g;
  • proteins - 4.5 kcal / g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.1 kcal / g.

The number of calories in raw foods can vary depending on the following factors:

  1. Heat treatment. Boiling and frying increases the nutritional value of food.
  2. Grinding and mixing. Products in the consistency of puree are more easily absorbed by the body with minimal loss of energy value.

Substances that could not be absorbed by the body are deposited in the fatty layer. Hence the notorious overweight.

Table: calorie content of foods for weight loss by group

Here are the main foods traditionally "living" on our table, with an indication of the number of calories. For convenience, the food calorie table is divided into groups.

You are what you eat!

Vegetables and greens

NameCalories per 100 g of product
Boiled potatoes80
White cabbage31
- redhead34
- colored30
Green onion21
- leek38
- onion41
Green pea75
Bell pepper38

Fruits and berries

Fruits are lower in calories.

Along with vegetables, fruits and berries are considered low-calorie foods.

NameCalories per 100 g of product
Dried rosehip259
- fresh106
White currant37
- black38
- red39

Cereals, beans and cereals

Most of these foods are slow carbohydrates that provide the body with long-term energy.

Legumes are rich in protein, dietary fiber and valuable minerals.

Therefore, despite the rather high calorie content, cereals and beans must be included in the diet menu.

NameCalories per 100g
Boiled buckwheat92–110
Boiled rice116
Oatmeal porridge93
- rice79
- buckwheat137
- barley84
- semolina77

Fish and seafood

All kinds of sea creeps and fatty fish are an invaluable source of omega-3s. Alternatively, these acids can be obtained in sufficient quantities only from oils, which do not belong to dietary products at all.

The calorie content of seafood in general is lower than meat, they are easily digested.

Therefore, seafood must be present on the table of every person at least once a week, regardless of what diet he adheres to.

NameCalories per 100 grams
Pink salmon151
Crab sticks73
Language of the sea79
Herring (canned)88
Sturgeon breakout caviar123
Alaska pollock roe127

Meat, poultry and eggs

Major sources of protein.
NameCalories per 100 g of product
Beef liver100
Lean pork318
Pork liver105
Chicken eggs157
- quail168

Low-calorie baked goods

Of course, it is better to refuse bread and other pastries on a diet.

Excessive consumption of white bread contributes to the appearance of excess weight.

But if it is psychologically difficult to do this, then you should know which categories of bakery products are the least in calories.

Nuts and oils

Despite the prohibitively high calorie content, these products must also be present in the diet to ensure the intake of the most valuable fats in the body.

Sources of valuable fats.

It is best to season salads with oils and chopped nuts - tasty, healthy and without harm to the waist.

NameCalories per 100 g of product
Olive oil780
- apricot899
- sesame899
- almond816
- coconut899
- linseed898
- walnut898
- hemp899
- cocoa899
- sunflower899
Low-calorie margarine545

Low-calorie drinks

It is best to drink freshly squeezed juices.

The menu of low-calorie drinks is varied. The table shows how many calories each glass contains.

Type of drinkCalories per 100 ml
Cucumber juice14
Vitamin waters
Lemon juice29
Mineral or carbonated0
Teas (sugar free)
Black coffee without sugar2

Vegetable juices are fat-free.

The "nuts and oils" group contains the highest calorie foods. However, their use is necessary for the absorption of fats by the body. They are also very useful. Calculate your daily fat intake and eat nuts and oils in limited amounts.

List of the lowest calorie foods

Low-calorie foods help you shape and improve your health. If you correctly draw up the menu, then the feeling of hunger will not bother you.

A well-designed menu is the key to a good figure.

The ratio of BJU in the diet should be kept normal, regardless of the chosen diet. The lack of certain components can cause severe pathologies

  1. Proteins. To calculate the protein norm, you need to multiply your weight in kilograms by 1.5. It is advisable that most of the diet consists of plant proteins.
  2. Fats. The daily fat intake for women is 85 - 115 grams. Fats cannot be completely eliminated. Otherwise, the body will be weakened and undergo a number of diseases, and the beauty of hair and skin will have to be completely forgotten.
  3. Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are needed primarily for energy. Therefore, their daily rate depends on age and workload. For example, a 30-year-old woman who goes in for sports three times a week needs 95 grams of carbohydrates per day. More detailed tables can be found in dedicated online analyzers.

List of protein foods for weight loss:

  1. Turkey.
  2. Hen.
  3. Lean beef.
  4. Veal.
  5. Rabbit.
  6. Zander.
  7. Pollock.
  8. Pike.
  9. Flounder.
  10. Crucian carp.
  11. Chicken and quail eggs.
  12. Curd 5-9%.
  13. Kefir.

Low-calorie foods will lose their properties if cooked with a lot of oil. Therefore, they should be steamed, boiled or baked in foil.

What foods can you eat while losing weight?

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the lowest-calorie foods:

  1. Broccoli. It is a hypoallergenic, very healthy and low-calorie vegetable. It can be eaten both raw and boiled. It prepares quickly, just a few minutes. It is not recommended to overdo it with heat treatment in order to avoid the loss of useful properties.
  2. Carrot. Fortified and delicious vegetable. It is versatile and useful in any way. However, boiled carrots will have the least amount of calories. However, as well as nutrients.
  3. Chilli. The spice is used for prophylactic purposes against cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system and the digestive tract.
  4. Artichoke. It is a very healthy herbal product that is rich in calcium, magnesium and iron. In addition, the artichoke normalizes metabolism, which helps in the fight against excess weight.
  5. Tea. The lowest calorie tea is green. It has no calories at all. Flavoring the product and adding sugar will add calories to the drink. It should be borne in mind that this drink increases the viscosity of the blood, which somewhat slows down the metabolism.
  6. Cucumber. A healthy green vegetable that can be consumed in any quantity.
  7. Grapefruit. Low calorie fat burner. The only negative is that not everyone likes its bitter taste.
  8. Salad. Greens rich in vitamins and minerals.
  9. Onion. The vegetable is useful, but it is not recommended to be consumed in its pure form in large quantities.

You should not make your diet only from the above products. There are a variety of low-calorie meals that can help you keep your weight in check and not feel hungry.

Table of complex carbohydrates and their composition in food

Carbohydrates are essential for the normal functioning of the body. A sufficient amount of them improves mental and physical performance and gives an energy charge. Therefore, it is not recommended to reduce their number, however, you should adjust your diet in relation to complex (slow) and simple (fast) carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates play an important part in the human diet.

Complex carbohydrates should make up the majority of your daily diet. In what products they are contained, we find out in the table.

ProductsAmount of carbohydrates
Grade 1 flour bread41,2
Rye bread48,3
Brown rice23
Boiled potatoes20,1
Boiled pasta26,5

Foods rich in fast carbohydrates are associated with obesity. Therefore, they should be kept to a minimum in the diet. And in the menu for losing weight, it is generally better to exclude them. We are talking about all kinds of sweets, flour products and sugar.

The average daily calorie intake for a woman is 2000 kcal. It all depends on age, physiology and occupation. The average rate for losing weight women is 1500 kcal. To calculate the correct dose of calories for weight loss, you need to subtract 500 kcal from your norm.

The process of losing weight includes a whole complex - it is a balanced diet, an active lifestyle. In order to prepare low-calorie weight loss meals from simple products, you need to take into account their components. To do this, you need to know that one gram of fat is 9 kcal, and a gram of carbohydrates is 4 kcal.

High-calorie foods can be replaced with low-calorie foods and you can enjoy them

Based on this, when preparing dishes, you can use those products that contain a low percentage of fats and carbohydrates. Butter, fatty meats, sausages, sausages, chocolate, confectionery are excluded from the menu. The list goes on. How much fat a product contains can be found in reference books.

Features of cooking to reduce calories

Observing some nutritional advice during cooking, you can reduce its calorie content.

Vegetables, fruits contain a lot of liquid and they are low in calories. The presence of fiber contributes to a decrease in calories, because when it gets into the stomach, they slow down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates by the body. It should be noted that cooked vegetables contain more calories than raw vegetables.

Latent fats have a particularly negative effect. For example, in cooked sausages, in confectionery products, they sometimes make up 50% of the weight of the product. Before processing, it is imperative to remove fat from any meat. It is believed that eating foods with a low fat content will lead to a decrease in body weight, while the total number of calories does not decrease. Fans of extreme weight loss, striving to find the desired body in 2 weeks, will be able to find out about the diet, reviews by clicking on the link.

Many people think that potatoes, cereals and pasta contribute to the accumulation of fat. This is not true. If cooked correctly, it will not affect the increase in body fat. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Use any oil to a minimum;

  • Do not boil pasta and cereals, then carbohydrates will be absorbed less;

  • It is recommended to use brown rice and cook for 15 minutes, then it will remain a little hard;

  • Fry potatoes without oil in a Teflon pan; mashed potatoes and boiled potatoes should not be on the menu.

When choosing low-calorie slimming dishes from simple products, you should take into account the content of all constituent components. For example, pepper and cauliflower have the same water content, but pepper contains more fiber and fat, so the calorie content of pepper is less than that of cabbage.

The same relationship can be traced when comparing products with the same amount of fat, but with a different proportion of fiber. For example, champignons and boletus mushrooms have almost the same amount of fat, but champignons have half the dietary fiber, as a result, the calorie content of the latter is higher.

Find out how easy lose weight by 10 kg per week on a watermelon diet!

What foods have the lowest calories

Low-calorie vegetables are those, which have only 30 kcal per 100 g. Potatoes, carrots, beans, beets, green peas, as well as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi have a higher calorie content - up to 99 kcal per 100 g of product.

Low-calorie foods include:

  • Milk, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, koumiss, yoghurts with a fat content of one and a half percent or 3.2%;

  • Fruit, fish - hake, cod, flounder, pike perch.

Some nuances that change the taste of coffee and tea

Sugar Free Tea - Low Calorie Drink

Eating low-calorie weight loss meals from simple foods, what should you drink to avoid gaining weight? In addition to the need to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day, you can drink drinks that have a small amount of calories. Drink tea or coffee without sugar. One teaspoon of coffee contains 2 kcal, tea - 1 kcal. A spoon contains 16 to 40 (!) Kcal of sugar. The number is different, because depends on the fullness of the spoon and sources: in Wikipedia - 4 g in a teaspoon, and according to GOST - 10 g. Therefore, for the purity of the experiment, you can independently determine the number of grams in one spoon.

If you drink tea and coffee without sugar, then you can immediately reduce the number of calories consumed per day. Milk added to coffee or tea also adds calories to the drink. One teaspoon of medium fat milk contains 11 kcal, condensed milk - 40 kcal. One spoon of cocoa contains 33 kcal, if you add sugar, you get a lot. Drinking sweet tea, coffee or cocoa is just a habit, so giving it up is difficult for the first few days. When you get used to drinking these drinks without additives, you will feel the real taste and aroma.

Low-calorie diet: menu for the day

Juices, especially grape juices, are high in calories. 100 g of compote made from dried fruits contains 170 kcal. Mineral water has zero kcal. From alcoholic beverages:

  • the most high-calorie are liqueurs (300-350 kcal per 100g);

  • a bottle of beer contains 250 kcal;

  • the least calories in 100 g of dry wine - 65 - 86 kcal.

Therefore, to obtain effective results, you need to not only eat low-calorie weight loss meals from simple products, but also consume appropriate drinks.

How to determine the number of calories

To calculate the number of calories needed for weight loss, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. Age, gender;
  2. Height Weight;
  3. Lifestyle or activity level;
  4. Availability of training;
  5. What is the current diet.

There are several ways to calculate the calories needed to lose weight. The simplest is as follows:

  • for 1 kg 26-30 kcal for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, with little physical activity;

  • 31-37 kcal for people with moderate physical activity;

  • up to 40 kcal for those who combine an active lifestyle with high physical activity.

For those wishing to lose weight, you can make an adjustment by 10-15% downward.

There are other more complex calculation systems. You cannot go below 1200 kcal per day, as this will negatively affect the metabolism. No need to get hung up on calculating the number of kilocalories. Each organism is individual, it is necessary to determine the types of products and the amount for adjusting the weight, taking into account all the characteristics and preferences.

If you are preparing low-calorie weight loss meals from simple foods, then you need to consider the effect of heat treatment. For example, when cooking vegetables, fiber is destroyed and, therefore, the calorie content of this product increases.

Delicious breakfasts to help lift your mood and promote weight loss

Baked oatmeal with fruit is a great low-calorie meal

If you follow a diet or if you just need to lose weight, then it is not necessary to eat tasteless food. Experts recommend diversifying the menu and developing several types of dishes.

Breakfast is a must. A complete meal in the morning fills the entire body with energy for the whole day. Better to skip dinner than not eat breakfast. Of course, sandwiches with any sausage, butter and pies should be excluded from the menu. You can eat a whole grain bread sandwich with fish.

For a quick and low-calorie breakfast, muesli seasoned with kefir or low-fat milk are suitable. A low-calorie breakfast for weight loss can be made with simple foods. Cook porridge in water, without oil. To do this, you can use buckwheat and rolled oats, millet, pearl barley. They help restore digestion and cleanse the stomach.

Porridge needs to be cooked correctly. How to do it:

  • Cook in water or milk with 2.5% fat content;

  • After boiling, simmer for 10-15 minutes;

  • You can add fruits, berries or honey.

For breakfast, cottage cheese pancakes are suitable, but they must be baked in the oven.

An egg omelet with vegetables and a slice of whole grain bread is a great breakfast!

Low Calorie Lunch Recipes for Weight Loss

Even if you decide to lose weight, lunch is essential. At lunchtime, with food intake, the body receives 40% of the required calories. Lunch should start with salad. It can be made from vegetables that are rich in dietary fiber. This will create a feeling of fullness and the rest of the meal can be reduced. The water and fiber in the vegetable salad can help reduce the absorption of other foods.

It is better to season the salad with soy sauce or vinegar. Here is one of the recipes for such a salad:

  • White cabbage is cut into strips.

  • Carrots, apples and beets are grated on a coarse grater.

  • Mix vegetables, add herbs and season with low-fat kefir.

Low-calorie hearty salad recipe:

  1. Boil cauliflower in salted water, then disassemble it into inflorescences.
  2. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Add chopped boiled eggs, green onions and a small amount of low-fat sour cream.

A low-calorie salad like this will be satisfying.

For lunch, low-calorie weight loss first courses can be prepared with simple foods. A properly cooked soup loses up to 4% of its calories. Hot soup or broth can help improve digestion. Don't skip soups.

Here's a recipe for turkey soup:

  • A pound of turkey;

  • Three potatoes;

  • One onion;

  • One carrot;

  • A glass of rice;

  • One tomato.

Pour three liters of water into a saucepan and put the turkey there. Cook the broth for 45 minutes, add carrots and onions. Rinse the rice and place in the broth. After 20 minutes, add chopped tomato to the soup. Cook for another 10 minutes and the soup is ready.

The second dish can be prepared from dietary meat with a vegetable side dish; a cottage cheese casserole cooked in the oven is suitable. You can add apple pieces and cinnamon to the curd, this will diversify the second dish.

Here's another recipe for an interesting, low-calorie second course - vegetable-stuffed potatoes:

  • Potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • Carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Celery - a bunch;
  • Tomato - 1 piece.

Peel the potatoes, cut them lengthwise, scrape out the middle. Boil the rest of the vegetables and fill the potato halves with them. Cook in vegetable broth until tender. Add squeezed tomato juice. Sprinkle chopped greens on the finished dish.

To remove extra inches from the waist, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with diets. With the help of low-calorie meals, you can eat normally.

For weight loss, it is necessary to prepare a full meal from simple, low-calorie foods.

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Read the entry:

Low-calorie, simple foods for dinner

Fish stewed with vegetables is good both as a low-calorie lunch and as a dinner.

Many people think that having dinner is unnecessary if you need to lose weight. You can have dinner, subject to a number of conditions:

  • Have dinner three hours before bedtime;

  • Give up fatty meat, flour and confectionery products;

  • Make small portions: meat and fish - up to 150 g, foods with carbohydrates - up to 40 g, vegetables - up to 250 g.

A delicious fish stew with vegetables is an example of a low-calorie dinner:

  • 500 g fish fillet;
  • 200 g onions;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • some tomato paste;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cut carrots and onions into rings and sauté in butter, adding tomato paste. Then put the fish on top, pour in half a liter of water, add spices and simmer for 40 minutes.

You can cook boiled chicken for dinner. It will take about 20 minutes. You can add vegetables or some green peas as a side dish to the chicken.

Treat yourself to a delicious baked apple in the evening. Cooking recipe: wash apples, cut out the core, you can add sugar, honey, cinnamon. Put in a container and bake at 180 degrees until the juice comes out. Such an apple can also be a complete dinner.

Making low-calorie slimming meals can be delicious. Even simple products make culinary masterpieces. For example, baked eggplant:

  • cut the eggplants into one centimeter circles and place them in a greased form;

  • put chopped tomatoes on the eggplants, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with chopped herbs and spices, squeeze out two cloves of garlic;

  • put the form in the oven for 50 minutes;

  • before you get the finished dish, you can sprinkle with grated cheese and hold for another two minutes in the oven.

Another recipe for a healthy dinner is chicken cutlets:

  1. Make minced chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese and onions.
  2. Beat in one egg, salt and pepper.
  3. Bake the formed cutlets in the oven. Very tasty and low in calories.

You can lose weight without diets, just use low-calorie foods for nutrition, be sure to have breakfast, drink about 2 liters of liquid a day and have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime. By adhering to all these recommendations, it will be easy to achieve the desired result.

Meat lovers can pamper themselves with chicken cutlets with vegetables for dinner (low-calorie option)

Any sane person understands how important it is in our time to lead a healthy lifestyle. This applies not only to walking in the fresh air, exercising in the sports hall and gym, but also to complete healthy nutrition that supports our body.

Why do you need to know the calorie content of foods and use the table?

Extra pounds, saturation of the body with fatty and high-calorie foods, lead to the most unpleasant sensations, the emergence and progression of a number of serious diseases. Therefore, doctors and nutritionists strongly recommend that people who are starting to fight overweight, in addition to physical activity, use exclusively low-calorie foods for weight loss in their food.

Ideally, a person should understand that the calories in the bulk of your daily value should not exceed 100 per 100 g of product. It is really easy to remember this simplest way of calculating, if you do not want to resort to complex programs and formulas, tables of conformity of products, which must be balanced not only in terms of energy value, but in the presence of carbohydrates and vitamins in them.

However, in order to diversify your diet, to bring out your own eating methods that are suitable for you, it is easier and more effective, so that you always have a table of low-calorie foods for weight loss at hand.

Using this table, you can easily calculate the energy capacity of your daily diet and experiment with replacing certain foods in it.

Do not forget also about what type of physical activity your body takes on a daily basis. If you work in production with daily heavy physical activity, then the number of calories your body will need more than if, for example, you are engaged in monotonous office work at the computer.

Having set the task to use only low-calorie foods for weight loss in your diet, do not forget about your age as well. For people of different age categories, the daily calorie intake is different.

It is necessary to start eating, counting the daily amount of calories, with a thorough acquaintance with the table. For comparisons, you can calculate the calories of your usual daily diet and see which foods should be eliminated first.

You do not need to completely lean on the consumption of vegetables and fruits. The table of low-calorie foods for weight loss shows that some of the fruits in terms of calorie content significantly exceed the consumption of boiled lean meat or fish.

Interesting options for tables, which, in addition to the numerical values ​​of calorie content, are divided into groups:

  • fast saturation foods;
  • products that support and tone the skin;
  • foods that keep blood sugar spikes;
  • low-calorie foods;
  • Low-calorie sweets
  • energetically valuable low-calorie foods;
  • foods that help remove excess fluid from the body.

And this is far from a complete list of subtypes of categories that can be seen in different calorie tables.

Protein is an essential part of any diet. And if you go to the gym or do activities such as jogging or cycling - protein food is essential for you!

  • Lean, low-calorie boiled or oven-baked meats, and low in fat are an exceptional source of protein for your body.
  • The use of dairy products should also be limited in fat content. Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk or sour cream for diets are used only with a low percentage of fat.

Having thoroughly studied the number of calories in certain foods, and having a calorie table at hand, you will very quickly be able to learn how to make a menu that will allow you to bring your weight to the required norm.

We bring to your attention a table of food calories in ascending order, from which you can see which foods are the lowest in calories:

Product name

Kcal per 100 g of product

Mineral water 0
Black coffee (without sugar!) 2
Seaweed 5
Oyster mushrooms 11
Chinese cabbage 12
Head salad 12
Cucumbers 12
Butterlets 12
Radicchio 13
Iceberg salad 13
Chard 14
Field salad 14
Radish 14
Radish 14
Endive 14
Chanterelles 15
Morels 15
Spinach 15
Chicory 16
Salsify 16
Eggplant 17
Tomatoes 17
Sour cabbage 17
Celery 18
Birch mushroom 18
Watercress 18
Asparagus 18
Zucchini 19
Paprika 20
Red cabbage 21
Tomato juice 21
Champignon 21
Artichokes 22
Cauliflower 22
White cabbage 24
Kohlrabi 24
Fennel 24
Savoy cabbage 25
Melon 25
Leek 25
Broccoli 26
Pumpkin 26
Green onions 27
Carrot 27
White mushroom 27
Onion 28
Vegetable juice 29
Strawberry 32
Cherry juice 33
Diet beer 33
Raspberries 33
Currant 33
Cranberry 35
Buttermilk 35
Lemons 36
Brussels sprouts 36
Gooseberry 37
Watermelon 37
Blueberry 37
Quince 38
Beet 41
Apricots 43
Peaches 43
Cola 43
Blackberry 44
Tomato paste 44
Grapefruit 45
Wheat beer 46
Tangerines 46
Milk (1.5% fat) 47
Plums 49
Fruit Juice Drinks 49
Kiwi 50
Mussels 51
Elder 54
Apples 54
Cantaloupe 54
Pears 55
A pineapple 55
Mango 59
Fig 60
Yogurt (3.5% fat) 61
Kefir (3.5% fat) 61
Cherry 63
Horseradish 63
Milk (3.5% fat) 64
Table wine 65
Oysters 66
Mirabel 67
Grape 68
White wine 69
Truffles 70
Potato 70
Flounder 72
Dry wine 72
Low-fat cottage cheese 72
Squid 73
Cod 76
Lobster 81
Perch 81
Pike 82
Champagne 83
Zander 83
Shrimps 87
Sea buckthorn berries 89
Bananas 94
Veal (fillet) 95
Veal (meat) 95
Halibut 96
Roe 97
Veal schnitzel 99
Gin 100
Mustard 102
Trout 102
Beef (meat) 102
Pork (fillet) 104
Pork (meat) 105
Sea bass 105
Pork schnitzel 106
Chicken sausage 108
Ketchup 110
Venison 112
Veal chop 112
Lamb (fillet) 112
Hare 113
Carp 115
Lamb (meat) 117
Sour cream (10% fat) 117
Sardines 118
Beef (fillet) 121
Lamb schnitzel 131
Veal (breast) 131
Olives 133
Cream cheese (20% fat) 134
Garlic 139
Ham (lean) 145
Pork chop 150
Eggs 156
Cottage cheese (40% fat) 160
Mackerel 180
Pork legs 186
Boiled ham 193
Pizza mozzarella 200
Salmon 202
Rye bread 212
Turkey 212
Minced beef 216
Grain bread 216
Avocado 221
Wheat-rye bread 224
Tuna 226
Duck 227
Vodka 231
Rum 231
Whole wheat bread 231
Herring 233
White bread 236
White beans 238
Chewing gum 240
Confiture 240
Whiskey 246
Soy meat 249
Cream cheese (60% fat) 251
Mozzarella 255
Hen 257
Pizza dough 258
Baguette 260
Pork (belly) 261
Wheat toast 262
Peas 269
Beans 270
Pork shoulder 271
Frankfurt sausages 272
Egg liqueur 280
Acne 281
White sausage 287
French fries 290
Wiener sausages 296
Meatloaf 297
Raw minced sausage 298
Yeast dough 303
Cognac 305
Cream (30% fat) 309
Liver paste 314
Crispbread 318
Rye 321
Liverwurst 326
Honey 327
Corn 331
Wheat 331
Oats 337
Soya beans 339
goose 342
Rice 347
Lamb chop 348
Noodles 360
Soy flour 361
Spaghetti 362
Rusks 368
Salami 371
Puff pastry 375
Lamb (breast) 381
Smoked ham 383
Raw minced sausage 390
Sugar 400
Mascarpone 460
Nutella 480
Mayonnaise 490
Milk chocolate 526
Peanut 570
Almond 577
Salo 621
Walnuts 666
Pine nuts 674
Alcohol 700
Margarine 722
Butter 754
Peanut butter 895
Lard 897
Olive oil 897
Pork lard 898
Sunflower oil 898
Soybean oil 899
Wheatgrass oil 900