How much beet to cook. How much to cook whole medium and small beets? How much to cook beets in a pressure cooker

05.08.2019 Bakery

Beetroot, or beetroot, as it is called in the common people, serves as a good basis for soups, is used as a side dish, adds flavor and color to elegant salads. In order to meet expectations and make the beetroot dish appetizing, you need to know a few subtleties, how to cook it correctly and how long it will take.

How to choose good beets

If vegetables are to be cooked whole, they should be about the same size. Then they will be completely ready at the same time and will not disappoint with the raw middle.

If possible, it is better to check the thickness of the skin. In juicy and ripe fruits, it is tender and thin. Root crops should be dry, dark, without blotches of green.

A shriveled, sluggish beet can not be used raw, nor cooked for a vinaigrette or any other dish.

Cook the beets in a saucepan for vinaigrette

Vinaigrette is the most popular dish in which boiled beet is used. Traditionally, it is boiled in a saucepan. Without knowing how long it will take, you can spoil the color and taste of the root crop and, accordingly, the future dish.

For the vinaigrette, it is better to choose a medium-sized beet. They need to be well washed under running water and placed in a saucepan. The crockery should be large enough so that the vegetables are completely covered with water. Approximate cooking time:

  • large beets - about 2 hours
  • medium - about 1.5 hours
  • small fruits - 1 hour is enough

The readiness of the product is easily checked with a knife, which should freely pierce the entire root crop. To make the vinaigrette a bright saturated color, experienced housewives add table vinegar to the water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.

Advice! Beets have to be boiled in the same dish, as the sides of the pan acquire a characteristic bloom that is difficult to clean. The beet can be placed in a bag, tied well and dipped in water. After boiling, pour cold water over the bag of root vegetables to cool down. The pot will always be clean!

The subtleties of cooking beets in different kitchen appliances

The abundance of kitchen utensils sometimes leads to confusion about how many hours or minutes it takes to cook vegetables in them. There are different options that can be adopted:

    • In a pressure cooker, the beet can be cooked whole or cut into strips. How much should you cook in different versions? Whole root vegetables will cook for 30 to 40 minutes. It all depends on the size. Chopped into strips - only 20 minutes.
  • To get a boiled product from the microwave, the fruits must be washed well, made multiple punctures with a knitting needle and set to maximum power. After 10 minutes, the beets will be fully cooked.
  • In a double boiler, whole beets need to be cooked for about 50 minutes. Cooking time can be reduced to half an hour if the washed and peeled root vegetable is cut into strips.
  • And if there is a multicooker available, how much beet should be cooked in it? Medium root vegetables will be ready in 40 minutes, large ones in an hour, and diced ones in just 15 minutes. In all cases, the "Baking" mode is set on the multicooker.

On a note! With any cooking method, you also need to know how much water is required to cook the beets evenly. It should completely cover the roots during the entire cooking time. During the boil, the water evaporates intensively, so you will have to add it regularly until the vegetables are completely cooked.

    • Cook the fruit properly in unsalted water. There are several reasons for this. Salt water makes the product hard. If you add salt to the water during cooking, the salt will still evaporate and will not be felt. This is due to the sweetness of the root vegetable itself. That is why vegetables are salted already in a goth dish.
  • Buryachki are always placed in cold water. This helps to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins.
  • The finished product should be removed from boiling water and poured over with ice water. This will make it easier to peel off the skin.
  • In order for the beet to retain its color during cooking, you can add not only vinegar, but also lemon juice to the water.
  • No matter how much beetroot is cooked, the musty smell in the kitchen will be annoying. To avoid this problem, you can add a crust of rye bread to a container of boiling water and root vegetables.
  • A decoction of beetroot is used to prepare first courses, as well as a diuretic.

If there are no contraindications for eating beetroot, then it may well be used in a diet menu for losing weight. Its energy value is only 44 kcal per 100 grams of product. Bright fruits are also suitable for making baby puree. Beets, rich in vitamins and minerals, can be safely included in the daily diet for the whole family.

It is impossible to imagine traditional Slavic cuisine without beets. This beloved vegetable is present in every dish known to any person: borscht, vinaigrette, etc. Therefore, the actual question is how to quickly and correctly cook beets without losing their nutritional value and rich vitamin composition.

How much and how to cook beets: cooking secrets

There are many methodologies for the preparation of root crops:

  1. The vegetable must be placed in a convenient container completely filled with cold water. Then place on the stove at maximum flame. After boiling water, you need to reduce the flame by 2/3, and continue cooking the vegetable for several hours. This method will preserve all the nutrients contained in the root vegetable.
  2. If you need to quickly cook beets, you need to fill them with boiling water. To increase the temperature, add a few tablespoons of sunflower oil to the container with the root crop.
  3. The methodology used by professional chefs. Place the root vegetable in boiling water and immediately add the sunflower oil. Cook over high heat for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, remove the container from the stove, pour out boiling water and pour cold water. Place on the stove for another 10 minutes. The temperature drop will quickly bring the vegetable to condition, but it will not work to preserve the fortified substances.

To successfully cook a vegetable, you need to know a few simple secrets:

  • after the root crop is cooked, fill it with cold water for comfortable cleaning;
  • during the cooking process, avoid adding salt - the taste of the vegetable may deteriorate;
  • if you want a rich color, do not peel the vegetable before boiling;
  • to eliminate the beetroot smell present during cooking, it is recommended to place the rye bread crust in a container with boiling water;
  • the readiness of a vegetable can be easily determined by sticking a fork or knife into it. A root vegetable is considered ready if the kitchen object has entered it freely.

You can cook deliciously and quickly beets not only in a saucepan, but also in a different container. There are dozens of ways to properly cook the root vegetable.

A fairly simple and quick way to cook a vegetable is to cook it in a slow cooker. To do this, you will need to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Take a root vegetable, wash it under cold water, use a kitchen brush to clean the vegetable from adhering soil. If the beets are large, cut them in half. Small vegetables can be placed whole.
  2. Using the multicooker, fill the multicooker with water up to the bottom line. Then place the vegetable in a special steaming bowl and place it in the kitchen appliance.
  3. When finished placing, close the lid of the appliance and select the "steam cooking" mode. The vegetable will be cooked in 45-50 minutes.

This is a fairly simple and economical way to allow multicooker owners to quickly cook beets.

How to quickly cook beets in the microwave

If you need to quickly boil a root vegetable, it is recommended to cook the beets in the microwave. Of course, the standard version of cooking in water will give the vegetable the desired taste, but sometimes situations arise when guests are soon to come, and the festive table is still in the process of formation.

To cook a vegetable in the microwave, you need to thoroughly wash it under hot water without removing the peel. Next, put the vegetable in a plastic bag without holes and tie it. We put the root vegetable in the microwave.

Cooking time - 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of the fruit. The readiness of the beets can be determined by the size of the plastic bag - it should swell, but not burst.

Roasting beets in the oven is another popular recipe loved by many housewives.

Baked beets have a lot of useful properties and an unsurpassed taste.

The algorithm for cooking the dish is as follows:

  1. For cooking, you will need several unpeeled root vegetables with whole skin. It is recommended to cut the tail and tops, but not too short. Before placing in the oven, the vegetable must be washed using a kitchen brush.
  2. There are many variations of how to cook a vegetable in the oven, but the traditional recipe, according to the chefs, is the most delicious - roasting beets on a baking sheet, without additional ingredients. It is important to remember that during the baking process, the vegetable loses a third of its mass. Consider this when preparing a salad or other dish.
  3. A medium sized root vegetable is recommended. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees, let it warm up for a few minutes. At this time, place the vegetable on the baking sheet. If you are baking several root vegetables at the same time, then place them at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from each other. Place the baking sheet in the oven.
Baking lasts for two hours, taking into account the size of the vegetable. Readiness is determined with a toothpick, piercing the root crop with it.

Cooking a vegetable in a saucepan is a traditional method used by all chefs. It is thanks to this method that the vegetable has an unsurpassed taste and retains all the nutrients and fortified substances.

The cooking algorithm is simple:

  1. Place the root vegetable in a comfortable saucepan, preferably a narrow one. In a wide-bottomed saucepan, the vegetable will cook for 30–35 minutes longer.
  2. Pour cold water over the root vegetable so that the liquid completely covers the product.
  3. Place on stove.

On average, the vegetable will be ready in 2-3 hours, based on the size. It is recommended to check the degree of cooking with a thin knife or fork. When the cutlery fits into the beets without any problems, cooking is over.

How much to cook beets for salad in a double boiler and pressure cooker

Pressure cookers and steamers are more convenient and practical than multicooker. The vegetable cooked in these devices becomes soft and does not lose its flavor. This is a particular advantage of this kitchen appliance.

As a rule, in all models of pressure cookers, and, accordingly, steamers, there is a "steam" function. Unfortunately, the original kit does not include metal stands, but it is recommended to purchase them, as the plastic models will be painted with beets.

It's quite simple to prepare - using a multi-glass, pour 150 milliliters of water, then place the root vegetable on a metal stand and close the lid. The less liquid there is, the faster the vaporization will occur, relatively, the vegetable is faster to cook.

On average, the cooking time is no more than 25 minutes. To finish cooking faster, use boiling water instead of cold water.

Everyone's favorite beet has not only excellent taste, but also has a number of useful properties:

  • the vegetable contains vitamins of groups C, B, PP;
  • in the root vegetable, iodine, magnesium, calcium and other nutrients are present in abundance;
  • using beets in any form, you can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • consuming the root vegetable for a long time can prevent the formation of malignant cancerous tumors.

In addition to the benefits described above, beets cleanse the blood and kidneys from foreign elements, reduce the acidity of the human body and remove congestion from the digestive tract on a large scale. Boiled, finely grated beets are recommended for people with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including irregular bowel movements and constipation.

Beet varieties

We propose to consider the varieties of beets:

  • Chefs use exclusively beetroot, cylindrical or round in shape.
  • There are food and fodder beets used for animal feeding.
  • Among the popular food species, in the past few years, the Mangold variety (otherwise called beetroot) has been of particular relevance. Dishes made from this type of vegetable have a pleasant sourness.
  • Lovers of sweet varieties are advised to use sugar beets, a quarter of the mass, which is sugar.
  • Bordeaux and Eclipse varieties are not inferior to their predecessors in popularity. These root vegetable varieties are classified as salad varieties, sometimes used to make the popular borscht.

How long can boiled beets be stored?

If you choose the right temperature, then boiled beets can be stored for a long time and used for their intended purpose, if necessary.

For example, in the refrigerator, boiled beets can be stored for 14 days at a temperature of 2 degrees. A warmer temperature regime will cause the vegetable to quickly lose all its flavoring and fortified properties.

If you decide to freeze a root crop, then its storage should take place at a temperature below 12 degrees. In this state, the vegetable is stored for up to one month. The advantage is that the beets will not lose their properties throughout the entire time.

How to choose suitable beets for cooking?

To prepare a dish, you will need to choose a suitable root vegetable that has not only an attractive appearance, but also matches the taste. Going through the grocery stores, you will spend 10-15 minutes knowing the criteria for choosing a vegetable:

  • the tuber must be fresh and young;
  • it is preferable to purchase a medium-sized vegetable, it contains more nutrients;
  • the skin should be thin, not deformed;
  • there should be no deformations, veins or foreign spots on the surface of the root crop. Such signs signal the artificial cultivation of the product.

Beets are used to prepare first courses, side dishes, salads, and even desserts. This unique vegetable retains its beneficial properties throughout the year. It is important to know how to cook delicious dishes from it, how much to cook this root vegetable and how to do it quickly and with maximum benefit.

Nutritional value of beets

Without exaggeration, this amazing vegetable can be called a home pharmacy. It benefits all human systems and organs:

  1. Strengthens all vessels - large and small. Makes their walls elastic, normalizes blood pressure, helps in the prevention of stroke, atherosclerosis and vascular spasms.
  2. Thanks to the potassium, folic acid, and antioxidants contained in beets, it has a beneficial effect on the work of muscles, including the heart.
  3. For people with diabetes, it is important to know that zinc, which is abundant in the root vegetable, increases the time of insulin action.
  4. Improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, cleanses the body of toxins.
  5. It has a rejuvenating effect on the body, is well absorbed, with almost no contraindications.
  6. Useful beets and overweight people, because its calorie content is low - up to 45 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How to choose a vegetable and prepare it for cooking

The most important quality of beets in cooking is the degree of their sweetness. It ripens at the end of July. Grated young beets are very tasty and healthy. In salads, it can be eaten even raw.

When choosing a root crop, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • The beets must be of the correct shape, free from defects and traces of mold, and firm to the touch.
  • Do not take large beets: they can be easily confused with fodder. And when growing such root crops, various harmful chemicals are often used. On the cut of these vegetables, various blotches are visible, inside they have an uneven color.
  • Beets up to 10 cm in diameter, cylindrical or flattened, are boiled most quickly.
  • Preference should be given to fruits with a thin skin.
  • The color of the vegetable is not critical. It can be white, yellow, purple or ruby. Almost all table beets are equally healthy. But if you are not well versed in vegetable varieties, then it is better to choose red or maroon beets with dense pulp.

Before cooking, the root crop must be washed well. You can even soak it for a while at first. And then gently wipe with a brush or sponge so that the skin remains intact.

You do not need to remove the tail and the remnants of the tops before cooking. Cutting off spoiled places is also not worth it, these vegetables are cooked whole.

How to cook beets in the microwave (video)

Beets are best cooked in a stainless steel or aluminum pan. The size of the container should be such that the water completely covers each vegetable.

Often you need to cook other vegetables along with the beets (for example, for vinaigrette). It is important to remember that carrots and potatoes are digested quite quickly. They need to be removed before the beets.

How to quickly boil beets using kitchen appliances

There are several ways to cook beets using various kitchen utensils. These technologies are different in time when the vegetable comes to readiness, while retaining the maximum amount of useful components.

In a saucepan: method one

The cooking time can be halved, against the usual, using the following technique:

  • you need to boil not very large beets for 30-40 minutes;
  • then place it in ice water;
  • if the vegetable is still not ready, then it should be placed in a saucepan filled with cold water, and then re-cooked for another 15 minutes;
  • then refrigerate again.

In a saucepan: method two

In a frying pan

Beets for borscht are often stewed in a skillet. Before that, it is cut into cubes or coarsely grated. Cooking such vegetables should be covered for 10-20 minutes.

In a multicooker

  • Method one. Water is poured into the bowl up to the lower mark. Set the "Steam" mode and cook for 40 minutes.
  • Method two. In this case, completely fill the beets with water, close the lid and set the "Soup" or "Cooking" mode on the device. The vegetable is ready in an hour.
  • In a multicooker-pressure cooker. A multi-glass (160 ml) boiling water is poured into the bowl where the beets are boiled. Set the "Steam" mode. Time to readiness - half an hour.

In the microwave

Prepared vegetables are placed in a bowl or plastic bag. Before that, they pierce the beets through a couple of dozen times.

No water is added. At maximum cooking power, it will take about 10 minutes to cook.

In the oven

Here the vegetable is not cooked, but baked. Most often it is wrapped in foil and baked at 180 degrees for an hour and a half. Sometimes salt is used instead of foil, or even salt mixed with raw protein. At the same time, the beets are rolled in such a mixture.

To make the process of boiling beets as fast and useful as possible, you need to know some of the nuances of this process:

  1. Always finish boiling by cooling the vegetables to make peeling easier.
  2. It is not necessary to leave them in cold water for a long time after cooking, so that useful substances do not pass there.
  3. Vegetables should not be salted during cooking, because this does not affect the taste, but the cooking time increases. And the root vegetable, boiled in salt water, becomes hard.
  4. You cannot peel the beets before boiling, but if you did this, to preserve the color of the vegetable, you need to add lemon juice or vinegar to the water.
  5. A crust of bread will help soften the smell of beets boiling in a saucepan.
  6. The readiness of the vegetable is checked with a toothpick or fork.
  7. Many useful substances are stored in beet broth, so a drink similar to kvass can be made from it.

Storage terms and rules

  • Unpeeled boiled beets can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, and peeled beets - 48 hours. Better to put it in a plastic bag.
  • If you sharply cool the root vegetables, and then send them to the freezer, then they can be stored for several months. Do not re-freeze defrosted vegetables. There will be no benefit from them.
  • You cannot store boiled beets indoors for more than 3 hours: it dries up and loses most of the vitamin C.
  • Dried vegetables, cut into small cubes, can be stored in bags or jars for up to 6 months at temperatures up to 20 degrees. In this case, you need to constantly check if mold has appeared on them.

How to quickly cook beets (video)

Beets have been known in Russia since ancient times. It is used in cooking, in folk medicine and even in cosmetology. Beetroot dishes are varied, healthy and tasty. And if you know some of the secrets of its quick cooking, then cooking this unique root vegetable will be easy and not too troublesome.

Beets are a vegetable that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Torn from the garden, it can be stored in basements all winter, and the nutrients contained in it will not diminish in the least. Beetroot is very useful for all age groups of people, it cleanses the body, normalizes bowel movements, helps with stomach diseases and cardiovascular problems. This sweet vegetable also plays an important role in blood formation. How long to boil beets? It all depends on its variety and method of preparation, but first things first. If you want to make the taste of the product a little spicy, you can put a small pinch of cumin, which will improve the preservation of many vitamins. How to cook beets and for how long, this article will help you figure it out.

An important choice

Often, after buying, you can find that a beautiful vegetable has a completely different taste. This indicates that during the purchase the seller offered the buyer a fodder variety and not a table one. Naturally, it is not suitable for cooking any of the dishes. Here are some of the clear differences between beet varieties, which can help you determine the required vegetable.

How to cook beets properly?

To begin with, you need to choose it correctly, here are the signs of a suitable vegetable variety:

  • table beets are much smaller in size compared to fodder beets;
  • the variety we need has a darker and more saturated shade;
  • a good vegetable will never have irregularities and cracks, which may indicate staleness of the product.

Boil in a saucepan

Often we wonder how to cook beets properly. It will take about 50-60 minutes to cook. If the vegetable is small, it may take a little less time. In any case, the cooking process is accompanied by samples, more precisely, piercing the beets with a knife or fork. This is done in order to find out how well the vegetable is cooked. The classical method does not include anything complicated. The ingredients are washed (the tails are not cut off, only the leaves, but no damage to the skin) and placed in a pot of water. The beets will boil until cooked, and this is about an hour on average. Never cut a root vegetable so that it cooks faster, this will only allow all the beneficial substances to evaporate. If you add a spoonful of vinegar or lemon juice at the beginning of cooking, the vegetable will not lose its color during cooking, and it will also release less juice when cutting.

How to cook beets: a quick way

Sometimes there are times when vegetables need to be cooked quickly. In this case, they are washed and placed in a refractory container with water that is already boiling. It is boiled all for about 20 minutes, then the vegetables are pulled out and poured over with cold water for about five minutes. For greater effect, some housewives then put them in the freezer for 15 minutes. Such a temperature drop softens the beets, and you can continue to cook the necessary dishes from it. Many supporters of steaming argue that freezing destroys all the beneficial elements in the product, and they advise their own way of cooking. By the way, one more piece of advice: if you are a supporter of a salt-free diet or simply do not like salt very much, you do not need to add it to the product, since beets already contain sodium salts.

How to cook beets in a double boiler

There are similar devices in almost every kitchen; they make it easier for housewives to prepare various dishes, including boiling beets. So, take water into the main container, put a steam sieve on top. Put the peeled beets cut into circles or strips on it and turn on the double boiler. Usually it is enough to cook beets for 15-25 minutes, but it all depends on the density of the root crop and the thickness of the sliced ​​pieces.


The article lists only a few ways that answer the question of how to cook beets, but there are others. For example, you can cook it in a microwave oven or in an oven (baked on a baking sheet), you can use a pressure cooker or a multicooker. There are many such options, and each housewife chooses the method that she likes best.

Beet salad, vinaigrette, borscht, herring under a fur coat - this is not a complete list of dishes where beets are used. They have become traditional for most families in Eastern European countries. The answer to the question "how much to cook beets?" depends on how the process will be carried out. It can be done in a regular saucepan, multicooker, pressure cooker, or microwave. Modern advances in kitchen technology allow you to spend very little time cooking a healthy root vegetable.

The heat treatment process directly depends on how many nutrients are retained in the product. Correctly cooked beets will retain their taste and bright color, which is extremely important for cooking boiled beetroot dishes.

Beets are one of the healthiest root vegetables around. It is rich in folate and potassium. The most valuable are the roots of this plant, which have a rounded or oblong shape. Red varieties of root vegetables are used for food, which contain useful components that make the chemical composition of this product unique.

This root vegetable contains:

  • vitamins P, C, B;
  • amino acids arginine, lysine, betaine, valine;
  • acids;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • crotinoids.

It is very important to know how to cook beets properly. Salad from it has a high content of the following acids: malic, oxalic, citric, folic, pantothenic. At the same time, the product is extremely rich in minerals.

Beet salad satisfies the body's daily need for calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, magnesium, sulfur.

Thus, it can be noted that the root crop should occupy one of the main places in the diet of every person. True, it is very important to cook it correctly in order to preserve its useful components.

Scientists believe that the use of such a product reduces the risk of developing cancer and prolongs the youth of the body. This root vegetable is a wonderful prevention of diseases of the hematopoietic system, such as leukemia and anemia. In addition to the listed substances, beetroot salad contains quartz, which strengthens bone tissue and vascular walls. The product has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It lowers blood pressure and removes excess moisture from the body.

Beetroot improves brain activity, detoxifies the body and stimulates memory. Due to these properties, the product must be consumed by children and the elderly. Pectins, which are rich in beetroot salad, protect the body from radioactive radiation. Exposure to heavy metals, which is a major health threat, is also minimized by eating foods containing pectin. Other beneficial properties include protecting the intestines from harmful microorganisms, cleansing cholesterol and strengthening the nervous system.

Salad or freshly squeezed beet juice should be used with caution for people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines. The fact is that the product is forbidden to eat with high acidity. Otherwise, it can aggravate the condition, cause heartburn, nausea and cause unpleasant symptoms.

How to boil beets in different ways?

The most common way is to cook beets in a saucepan. Any, even the most inexperienced housewife can cook a root crop in this way. To make a salad or any other dish tasty, it is important to adhere to certain rules. The main thing is that the cooking process should be started in cold water over low heat. The root crop should first be washed thoroughly and the tails should be cut off. Cooking usually takes 30 to 40 minutes. The time depends on the amount of beets and the power of the cooker on which the cooking is carried out.

Any modern housewife should know how to cook beets in the microwave. This technique is already available in almost every kitchen, which greatly simplifies the process of preparing and heating many dishes. To cook a root vegetable in this way, you need special dishes, which are made from glass, clay, and ceramics. Root vegetables need to be placed in a saucepan, pour water into it and turn on the standard microwave mode. The cooking time depends on the power of the kitchen appliance.

Cooking in a multicooker is convenient in that you can not follow the cooking process. This method takes a little longer - about an hour. The water in the multicooker bowl should cover the whole root vegetable so that the temperature is evenly distributed during cooking. Usually the standard mode "Cooking" or "Porridge" is used.

There are general rules that indicate how to cook beets in the microwave, multicooker, or ordinary saucepan:

  1. One of them says that salt cannot be added to water. Otherwise, the root vegetable will turn out to be hard and tasteless.
  2. In accordance with the second rule, delicious beets can only be boiled if you do not peel the skin first. This will preserve the sweet taste and vibrant color of the beetroot.
  3. The third rule recommends placing the beets in cold water immediately after cooking until they are completely cooled. Due to this, the peel of boiled beets will be easily and quickly peeled.

Since some do not know how to cook beets properly, they prefer to buy a ready-made semi-finished product. Today, in supermarkets, you can find a cooked cooked product that is sold in a vacuum package. Such a product also retains almost all the beneficial properties, but, of course, it is better to cook the beets on your own in order to get confidence that the salad or any other dish is made from the highest quality product. It is especially important to adhere to this rule in baby food.

Delicious beetroot dishes


There are many delicious, healthy beetroot dishes out there. You can make a salad that enriches the body with vitamins and protects against respiratory diseases. To do this, you need to boil the root vegetable and grate it on a fine grater. After that, 100 grams of dried and chopped walnuts should be added to 500 grams of the product. The dish will turn out to be very tasty if you put 200 grams of grated hard cheese in it. The following varieties are best suited: Russian, sour cream, Dutch.

After that, 2 - 3 cloves of garlic are added to the salad. You can season the dish with mayonnaise or olive oil. In the second case, the snack is low-calorie and very healthy.

The most popular beetroot salad, the vinaigrette, takes a little longer to prepare than the first recipe. For such food, you should boil in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 by the amount of products: beets, carrots, potatoes. After that, they should be cooled and peeled. It is customary to grind all the ingredients in the vinaigrette into small cubes.

After the beets, potatoes and carrots have been chopped, pickles and canned green peas are added to the salad. Some varieties involve replacing pickles with sauerkraut. Such a component can make the taste of a dish quite specific. Dressed with vegetable oil vinaigrette. Some housewives use mayonnaise. It is believed that refined sunflower oil is best combined with such food.

Side dishes

Beets can be served in the form of chopped slices or in a grated form. The tasty root vegetable has a pleasant sweetish taste, which allows you to use it as an excellent side dish for meat dishes and cereals. You can add a little vegetable oil and salt to it, which will emphasize the taste. Beets are combined with rice, buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes. Meat dishes include cutlets, meatballs, schnitzel, goulash.

Experienced housewives know how to cook beets in a microwave, multicooker, pressure cooker, or a regular saucepan. The process takes approximately 40 to 60 minutes of time. This root vegetable is extremely useful because it has a unique chemical composition, rich in vitamins, acids, trace elements, amino acids.

It is believed that eating beets every day is an excellent prevention of cancer, cardiovascular, mental and other disorders of the body.

If you cook it in accordance with all the rules, the beets will taste sweet. Due to this, it is used in many dishes of Eastern European cuisine.