Does wine increase pressure? Is it possible to drink red wine with hypertension

18.09.2019 Bakery

Often, a lot of positive properties are mistakenly attributed to wine and the facts about its dangers when used excessively and regularly are neglected. So, it is high time to dispel the myth about wine, which lowers blood pressure, and to clarify how this drink acts on blood vessels, pulse and blood flow. First of all, people who already have a tonometer in their house for health reasons should know how wine affects blood pressure.

High pressure wine

Real high-quality wine is a multicomponent drink, the composition of which is not fully understood, and, therefore, its effect on the body is also not fully disclosed. But not a large number of components explain the effect of wine on pressure. Entering the body, in the first minutes, this drink:

  • dilates blood vessels;
  • makes vascular walls more elastic;
  • improves blood flow;
  • reduces both systolic and diastolic pressure.

However, the fact that at first wine reduces blood pressure does not give it the right to be called a folk remedy for hypertension. Already an hour or two after entering the human body, blood thickens, it becomes more difficult for the heart to pump it, the vessels suffer from endless spasms, and blood pressure rises.

No matter how long it takes white and red wine to raise or lower blood pressure, drinking it will not go unnoticed.

Low pressure wine

With hypotension, many people use alcoholic beverages as a means to raise blood pressure. In fact, wine under reduced pressure is contraindicated to the same extent as under high pressure. Immediately after this drink enters the body, the tonometer readings will show even lower numbers, which is very noticeable in case of hypotension. And, despite the fact that later the wine raises the pressure to higher levels, the person will feel bad due to vasospasm: the head will hurt, the limbs will go numb, and the pulse will become more frequent.

It is important that you feel unwell on the third day after drinking, and most often it does.

Pressure Wine Recipes

Unfortunately, it is difficult to convince a person suffering from pressure that wine does not help with cardiovascular disorders, but does harm. But since a person firmly believes in this, then at least due to a placebo, a positive effect can be achieved. Lowers the pressure, according to the people, the drink is in shades of red, but the fact that white wine lowers the pressure of information is not met. In fact, it's not about the variety, and not even about aging (it only affects the cost), because the effect of any wine on the body depends on its quality. Only vintage wines contain tannins, amino acids, antioxidants (but in red the latter are really more). Below are the most popular recipes based on different wines: semi-sweet or dry red, pomegranate, raspberry, chokeberry wine.

Dry red wine with honey from pressure

Add 500 g of honey to a 1 liter hot wine and mix. The container is stored in the refrigerator, taking 25 ml of this "elixir" daily before meals. Whether it will cure the pressure is unknown, but it will definitely help with coughing.

Chokeberry wine against pressure

To prepare this drink from black chokeberry, berries are mixed with sugar in a 2: 1 ratio, respectively. The cooking process is not quick - while the wine is fermenting, it is regularly stirred, filtered, making sure that it does not stop playing (adding a drop of ammonia) and, at the end, adjust the taste, adding sugar if necessary. It is recommended to take wine from pressure, a teaspoon three times a day before meals. They do not drink such wine at low pressure, since among the properties of black chokeberry is a decrease in blood pressure.

Garlic tincture with red wine

To prepare such a “medicine” for pressure, it is necessary to clean and crush the cloves of one head in a wooden container (upon contact with metal, garlic loses its useful properties), put them in 0.7 liters of red wine (preferably Cahors wine). The container is removed for a week in a dark, cool place and periodically shaken, after which it is filtered and taken 25 ml before meals for 3 weeks.

Horse chestnut buds with wine

200 g of kidneys are added to 2 and a half liters of hot wine and boiled for 30 minutes over low heat. This elixir should be consumed 50 ml three times a day before meals. It should be noted that this dose of alcohol is quite perceptible for a person, even without problems with blood pressure.

What to do if pressure rises from wine

The question of which wine lowers the pressure can be answered unequivocally - none. Any alcohol-containing drink has the same effect on blood vessels, and certainly does not normalize health indicators. A person with normal pressure may not notice the negative effect with a single use of 50 ml of any wine, and a hypertensive person is enough and such a dose for feeling unwell.

If a person feels that the pressure has risen from the wine, he should take a lying position, use a tonometer and take a medicine that is compatible with alcohol.

Date of publication of the article: 05/04/2017

Date of updating the article: 21.12.2018

In this article, you will learn how wine affects the cardiovascular system: this drink increases or decreases blood pressure. Is it possible to drink this drink for hypertensive and hypotensive patients. What dosage is safe.

The influence of wine on pressure depends on its variety and strength. Red and white wine raises or lowers blood pressure.

Consult a physician before drinking. If you are suffering from cardiovascular diseases - with a cardiologist.

How does red wine affect blood pressure?

Dry red wine can lower blood pressure.

The grapes from which a quality drink is made contain polyphenols. The most beneficial of these is resveratrol. It is he who provides a decrease in pressure. 100 ml of dry red wine contains up to 0.58 mg of this substance.

Resveratrol is also called the "king of antioxidants" and speaks of its anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory properties, as well as many others.

In high dosage or with long-term regular use, even in small quantities, red wine often increases blood pressure.

White wine and pressure

Wine for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels

In order to prevent cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, it is advisable to consume 100–150 ml of dry red drink per day for no longer than 7–10 days. Then take a break for a few weeks.

Semi-sweet and sweet red varieties are also suitable. However, their effect will be lower than that of dry. Also, with a high sugar content, some of the beneficial properties of resveratrol are lost, therefore dry wines are more preferable.

Also note that you need to choose high-quality drinks that are made from natural grapes and do not contain flavors and dyes.

Choose a soft drink, as the high ethanol content overrides the beneficial effects of polyphenols.

White wine is not suitable for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, as the resveratrol content in white grapes is much lower than in dark varieties.

The effect of large doses of wine on the cardiovascular system

If wine is consumed in a dosage of more than 300 ml at one time or in a "healthy" dosage for more than 10 days, it begins to have a negative effect.

The pressure is increased by the ethyl alcohol in the wine. The stronger it is, the more harmful it will be for the heart and blood vessels in large quantities and with regular use.

However, even weak wine, and even low-alcohol drinks, when consumed for more than 10 days, have a negative effect on the body. With long-term use, they:

  • They constrict blood vessels.
  • Increase the pressure.
  • They interfere with normal kidney function, and kidney problems exacerbate the problem of high blood pressure.
  • Reduces the level of magnesium in the blood. A deficiency of magnesium is harmful to the heart, blood vessels and the nervous system.
  • Deteriorate liver function.
  • Disrupt the functioning of the brain.

Long-term regular use of even weak alcoholic beverages can cause alcoholic myocardial dystrophy (inferiority of the muscle layer of the heart) and dilated cardiomyopathy (enlargement of the heart due to the expansion of the cavities of the heart chambers). However, here we are talking not about several weeks, but about several years of chronic use.

Wine for pressure problems

You should be careful with drinking wine for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, as this can lead to undesirable consequences in case of problems with blood pressure.

Red wine and blood pressure readings above normal are not always compatible things.

If you suffer from prehypertension (BP above 130/85 mm Hg, but below 140/90) or initial hypertension (from 140/90 mm Hg to 160/99), 100-150 ml of dry drink will reduce pressure by 5-15 mm Hg. Art.

If you suffer from a serious form of hypertension (high blood pressure from 160/100), alcohol in any form is contraindicated for you.

When it comes to low blood pressure, dry red wine can cause it to drop even further. However, this is individual. If you have low blood pressure, you can drink 50-100 ml of wine, but only if it does not cause you a significant drop in blood pressure (it is advisable to measure blood pressure before and after drinking).

If you have cardiovascular problems, talk to your cardiologist about whether you can drink wine.

If you are undergoing medication for any medical condition, consult your doctor, as many medications are incompatible with alcohol.

Other benefits of resveratrol

Resveratrol, the main beneficial substance of wine, has, in addition to lowering blood pressure, the following effects:

  1. Increases hemoglobin levels.
  2. Lowers sugar levels.
  3. Prevents the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels (this is the prevention of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attack).
  4. Prevents blood clots.
  5. Reduces the risk of gastrointestinal tumors.
  6. Slows down the aging of the brain.
  7. Reduces the activity of herpes, flu, chickenpox viruses.
  8. Improves the ability to become pregnant, as it increases the level of the female hormone progesterone.

Contraindications to drinking wine

  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergy to grapes;
  • gastritis;
  • a stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  • neuroses;
  • psychosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • chronic kidney or bladder disease;
  • pressure above 160/100;
  • heart failure;
  • frequent migraines;
  • addiction to alcoholism;
  • planning pregnancy, pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 18 years.

Non-alcoholic substitute for red wine

If alcohol is contraindicated for you for health reasons, or you are under 18, or you are planning a pregnancy (and at this time, drinking alcohol is highly undesirable for both the woman and her child), you can get resveratrol from other sources:

  • red, blue, black grape varieties;
  • blueberry;
  • Reinutria Sakhalin (Highlander Sakhalin) - a plant of the buckwheat family;
  • peanut;
  • cocoa beans;
  • plums;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper.

Polygonnum cuspidatum or Knotweed - a plant from which the extract is extracted to obtain concentrated resveratrol


Drinking 100-150 ml of high-quality red dry wine for no longer than 10 days in a row is good for the cardiovascular system and for the whole body as a whole. This will help reduce slightly high blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, prevent atherosclerosis and thrombosis, lower sugar, and increase the body's resistance to viral diseases.

White wine does not lower blood pressure.

Prolonged intake or exceeding the dosage leads to increased blood pressure and other side effects (disruption of the heart, liver, kidneys, brain).

The active ingredient in red wine can also be obtained from other sources: berries, nuts.

For many centuries, millions of people have loved wine, and although the question of its composition and properties is still open, about six hundred compounds have been found in it. It has been proven that the drink improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, has a positive effect on certain diseases of the digestive organs, and strengthens the immune system. There is even a direction of alternative medicine called enotherapy, or wine treatment.

Hypertension, constant pressure surges and deadly complications developing as a result of these deviations have long turned into a global problem of mankind. More than half of the world's population faces the symptoms of these disorders. At the same time, one of the main causes of pathology is food, which negatively affects the heart and blood vessels. One of the issues of concern to wine connoisseurs is the effect of the drink on blood pressure. People suffering from hypertension are afraid of the deterioration of well-being caused by alcoholic beverages, they do not know which of them will not harm, and which is better to abstain from.

First of all, let's take a look at how wine affects the state of the vascular system. Absorbed into the blood, the active components have a vasodilating effect, lower vascular tone, activate blood flow and smoothly reduce blood pressure values. In addition, small amounts of the drink help relieve headaches and relieve the increased irritability characteristic of hypertension. However, the hypotensive effect is short-term, and soon the relaxation of the vessels is replaced by their narrowing, the heart rate rises, and the pressure rises again to its previous values. At the same time, if you drink more than the recommended dose, a further increase in blood pressure is possible up to.

There is one more important advantage of red wine. Once in the bloodstream, it activates the synthesis of nitric oxide, which causes vasodilation and increased blood flow. Dry varieties have this effect, contributing to a decrease in both systolic and diastolic values. Not so long ago, clinical studies have shown that if you regularly drink a little red dry drink, your blood pressure will steadily decrease, the likelihood of stroke will decrease by 20%, and cardiopathology by 15%.

What components cause a decrease in blood pressure

People prone to high blood pressure are allowed to drink no more than one hundred to two hundred milliliters of vintage dry wine no more than twice a week. It has been proven that these red varieties not only do not worsen the state of health, but even lower blood pressure indicators, which is due to the content in them:

  • Fruit acids-, have an antispasmodic effect.
  • Resveratrol- lowers blood glucose, improves oxygen supply to tissues, prevents thrombus formation. In addition, the compound inhibits the development of malignant neoplasms, increases the ability to reproduce, significantly increasing the synthesis of testosterone.
  • Flavonoids- have a powerful antioxidant effect, strengthen the vascular walls, preventing damage to the endothelial layer. Reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis, heart attack, strokes, weaken the symptoms of hypertension.
  • Tannin- obtained from the skins and seeds of grape berries, makes the vascular wall more durable and elastic.

To strengthen blood vessels and normalize pressure, the aging of red wine should be at least three years. During this time, it accumulates a sufficient amount of amino acids, tannins and other useful compounds.


We have already found out how red wine affects blood pressure, but you need to know the conditions in which its use, to put it mildly, is undesirable:

  • Severe forms of hypertension - we are talking about the second and third stages of the disease.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.
  • Pancreatitis
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Emotional lability, increased irritability and nervous irritability.
  • Allergic reactions.

Also, any types of alcoholic beverages should not be drunk while taking antihypertensive drugs.

Red or White?

Now let's figure out which varieties have a more pronounced hypotensive effect, red or white, and how this is explained.

  • Higher levels of antioxidants and other active compounds that help normalize blood pressure - while research has shown that the antioxidants in white wine are more easily absorbed by the tissues, dry red is still more effective at lowering blood pressure.
  • After a glass of red, antioxidants circulate in the blood and remain active for an average of four hours.
  • Unlike white wine, red helps to reduce the concentration of endophelin peptide, an excessive concentration of which contributes to the development of atherosclerotic lesions and other vascular diseases.

An increase in pressure is not caused by dry varieties of red wine, so the beloved by many Cahors is not suitable for the treatment and prevention of hypertension. The recommended strength is 9 - 11.5%. Sometimes you can afford a glass of a stronger drink, but, in any case, not more than 13%, because in the production of fortified wines, alcohol is added to the wine material.

Why red wines are good for you

An interesting fact was noticed: the population of France, whose national cuisine is replete with fatty dishes containing a large amount of cholesterol, is less susceptible to cardiovascular pathologies than residents of other European countries and, moreover, the United States. As it turned out, this paradox is explained by the action of weak red wine, which the French drink every day.

The drink contains procyanides, which, along with antioxidants, prevent the development of such diseases of the heart and blood vessels:

  • Hypertension.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Coronary circulation disorders.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Thrombosis.

If you drink no more than a glass of dry red wine a day, blood pressure will soon normalize and your health will improve. But you can not get carried away with the drink, since exceeding the dosage leads to the opposite effect and threatens with pressure surges.

Wine is an alcoholic drink, the properties of which remain unexplored. Scientists have identified 610 components that make up the wine.

Wine helps with hypertension only when it has been aged for at least three years. This statement is not true.

In order for a patient who drinks wine under pressure to receive a lot of beneficial properties from it, the wine must last three years.

The aging of the wine does not affect the level of useful properties in any way and does not lower or increase the pressure. The only thing is that if the wine is aged for several years, then it is saturated with amino acids and tannins. Despite its composition, which consists of many components, experts have not completely determined white,red wine raises or lowers blood pressure... Red wine increases blood nitrogen. Nitrogen, in turn, increases blood flow to internal organs. This occurs by vasodilation. In this case, wine lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure, rather than raising it.

In Barcelona, ​​a large experiment was carried out to determine how a wine drink affects pressure, which showed that wine lowers blood pressure when consumed regularly and in small quantities.

It can also reduce the risk of stroke by 25% and cardiovascular disease by 17%.

  • when a patient is diagnosed with a stomach or intestinal ulcer, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) and gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining);
  • patients with regular headaches, migraines;
  • in the presence of various allergic reactions;
  • patients with neuropsychiatric disorders and alcohol dependence;
  • patients with asthma.

Having drawn the conclusions, we can be sure that wine has a lot of useful properties (only in moderation), but wine is not shown to patients with hypertension. But now you need to understand what kind of wine you can drink with hypertension, white or red?

So, red wine increases blood pressureor lowers it? The answer to this question is that red wine increases blood pressure. It is desirable if this wine is vintage. White wine has fewer health benefits. After the experiments were carried out, and there were many of them, the scientists found out interesting facts.

Antioxidants are mainly found in red wines, but they are more effective in white wines. This is explained by the fact that in white wine the size of antioxidants is smaller and it is easier for them to penetrate living cells. But in any case, it will be useful for the patient to drink red wine, useful elements prevail in it.

Half an hour after drinking red wine, the blood is saturated with antioxidants and prevents the formation of viral pathologies. Thus, the patient's mood is improved and youthfulness is preserved. The wine lasts approximately 4 hours. if you drink white wine, then there will be no such results.

Dry red wine can lower endophelin protein. If such a protein in the body exceeds normal levels, then a person begins to have problems with blood vessels, for example, atherosclerosis. White wine has no effect on this protein.

Although red wine has more beneficial properties, this does not mean that white wine is not healthy. If you drink dry white wine in reasonable quantities, then they also have a beneficial effect on the body, for example: cardiac activity normalizes, stops the development of atherosclerotic disease and anemia.

Can you drink sweet red wine with high blood pressure?

Wine and pressure have a close relationship with each other. Drinking red wine with high blood pressure is not allowed, as it can further increase it.

But sweet red wine and fortified wine, any varieties of semi-sweet wines, are not recommended to drink, as they negatively affect the vessels, especially when it comes to cores.

Useful properties of red wine

How red wine affects low blood pressure directly depends on the amount drunk. If you drink wine in reasonable quantities, then wine has the following beneficial properties:

  • natural wine has cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties;
  • after wine, oxygen enters the cells faster, while the blood sugar level decreases and cell metabolism improves;
  • tannins, which are contained in natural wine, can give strength to vessels. After that, they become more elastic. Antioxidants and procyanids, which are part of the drink, prevent the development of hypertension, myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis.

How much can you drink to benefit from the drink

Let us remind you once again that in order to get the beneficial properties of wine, you need to drink it in reasonable quantities, otherwise the situation can only get worse.

The daily norm of a wine drink should not exceed 130 ml.

If you are used to drinking wine every day, then the dose should be no more than 80 ml. People who drink 60-120 ml of dry wine drink per day enrich the heart and blood vessels with beneficial properties.

Experiments have determined that if you drink red dry wine regularly and in the right doses, then it lowers blood pressure.

But it is important to remember that wine is categorically contraindicated for patients with hypertension and alcohol dependence.

Wine has unique properties, it contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Doctors recommend drinking wine as a preventive measure for:

  • chronic arterial diseases;
  • anemia;
  • pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • colds;
  • heart attacks and strokes.

Often, when wine reduces the risk of oncological pathologies.

If you drink wine with food, then the iron contained in foods is absorbed faster. When a patient is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, doctors urge the patient to drink 100 ml of wine a day.

Also, wine has a tonic effect. Often, doctors recommend using it to recuperate after serious illnesses, spring vitamin deficiency and after severe blood loss. You can drink a little bit of it to get rid of diarrhea, as wine has astringent properties.

When is it forbidden to drink wine

There are diseases that are diagnosed at a later date, although they develop rapidly in the body. Therefore, it is customary for each person to undergo preventive examinations once or twice a year.

  • stomach ulcers, 12 duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • migraines;
  • any allergic reactions;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • asthma;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • alcohol dependence and mental disorders.

You should not drink alcoholic beverages if you are on medication and need to take medications.

  • blood pressure dramatically changed its indicators: it increased to 145/115, or dropped to 85/55 millimeters of mercury.
  • a person's consciousness is upset, he becomes overly active or faints.
  • begins to vomit, while it is impossible to stop this with folk remedies and medicines at home.
  • The vegetative system is disrupted, that is, the heart rate increases, the limbs grow cold, the skin turns red and begins to itch.

In such cases, you need to call an ambulance. Alcohol poisoning may have occurred.

The effect of wine on hypertension has not been studied. The composition of the drink makes it possible to understand whether wine increases or decreases red pressure? The blood contains more nitrogen. It dilates the veins, increasing blood flow. Much research has focused on how red wine affects blood pressure. It was found that wine reduces the risk of stroke by 20%, and heart disease by 15%. But if the dosage is respected.

Which wine is better for pressure?

For hypertension, red wine is useful, but dry. Preference should be given to vintage wines. Drinking from different grape varieties in the absence of the skin has less negative impact. It turned out that there are more antioxidants in red varieties. But the result from them is greater in white drinks, since the absorption into the cells is better. But in red varieties, there are more useful trace elements. Therefore, they are more useful.

In addition to vitamins of group B and A, C, E, PP, red wine contains microelements important for the body: iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron.

Distinctive features of wines:

  1. Half an hour after drinking red varieties of the drink, the content of antioxidants in the blood serum increases. They improve mood, prevent signs of aging, viral diseases. The effect lasts for 4 hours. No such changes were found after the white varieties.
  2. With an increase in the protein content of endophelin-1, the risk of blood vessel pathologies (atherosclerosis) increases. Red wine lowers its quantity. After white varieties, this effect is not observed.

But research results do not mean that white wines are useless. They improve the functioning of the heart system, are useful for anemia and atherosclerosis. The main thing is to observe a reasonable dosage.

The effect of the drink on blood vessels

Alcohol relaxes the venous walls, lowering blood pressure. But this effect does not last long. The contraction of the myocardium becomes more frequent, the release of blood into the veins and arteries increases, which causes an increase in blood pressure. For heart disease, alcohol should be avoided. Allowed dry red wine under pressure. Due to the sour taste and the presence of fruit acids in the composition, blood pressure decreases.

Branded drinks have a therapeutic effect. Tinctures, table varieties and vermouths only increase the pressure. Dry wine has a higher content of fruit acids. They are antispasmodics, dilate blood vessels.

Based on the results of medical studies, a decrease in blood pressure after taking a drink occurs only in those cases when it was initially increased.

The benefits of red wines

The composition of red grape varieties contains:

  1. Lots of polyphenols. One of them is resveratrol. It eliminates inflammation, myocardial defect, relieves swelling, has a hepatoprotective effect. It improves the supply of oxygen to cells, lowers the amount of sugar in the blood, and accelerates cell metabolism.
  2. Antioxidants and Procyanids. They improve the condition of the veins and arteries, the system as a whole. The likelihood of developing arterial hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction is reduced.
  3. Tannin. The component preserves the color of the drink and prevents oxidation. It has tanning properties, prevents thrombus formation, increases the elasticity of veins.
  4. Flavonoids. They improve the work of enzymes, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, reducing their permeability. The protective properties of the body increase. A person is not so susceptible to seasonal viral diseases. Prevents the development of cancerous growths. There are more flavnoids in dry varieties without a sugary sweet taste.
  5. B vitamins and minerals. Improves immunity.

The beneficial effect on the body is provided by a moderate amount of the drink. The daily rate is up to 150 ml. And with daily use, the dosage is reduced to 100 ml.

Glass of drink:

  • will charge the body with energy;
  • soothes the nervous system;
  • improve metabolism.

According to doctors, fruit acids contained in natural red wine relieve vasospasm after the effect of alcohol ends.

Antioxidants and catechins remove cholesterol from the body. Essential oils lower blood pressure, remove toxic substances.

Table red wine at low pressure is not prohibited in moderate doses. It accelerates myocardial contraction and increases blood pressure. The recommended dose of the drink is 50-100 ml per day. To reduce the strength, you can dilute with mineral water. This will not affect its beneficial properties.

The benefits of white varieties

Many people do not know whether white wine raises or lowers pressure? The result is influenced by several factors:

  • strength of the drink;
  • dosage;
  • individual characteristics of the patient.

All alcohol increases blood pressure. What kind of wine lowers blood pressure? These are dry varieties. But red wines are healthier due to their higher content of flavnoids and tannins.

No white wines have the ability to lower blood pressure: neither dry nor sweet table wines.

The benefits of dry white wine:

  1. Reduces blood pressure.
  2. Reduces the likelihood of coronary heart disease.
  3. The lungs function better.
  4. Strengthens the vascular walls.
  5. Normalizes the work of the myocardium.

Wine contains:

  1. antioxidants;
  2. trace elements;
  3. salt.

All substances are easily absorbed by the body. Wine is a light drink that quenches thirst well. The daily rate should not exceed 120 ml. When consumed 2-3 times in 7 days, 50-100 ml per day is considered the norm. If the dosage is exceeded, wine increases the pressure and can exacerbate the problem.


Wine is contraindicated for:

  • gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • asthma;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • allergies;
  • migraine attacks;
  • alcoholism.

For hypertension, only dry varieties are useful. The rest contain a lot of sugar.

Is it harmful to the body?

If an alcoholic drink is consumed not for prophylaxis, but in an amount higher than the recommended norm, you can harm the human body. With alcohol abuse, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver is disrupted. Diseases of the digestive system, heart attack develop. Signs of skin aging come earlier.