Useful properties of apples and existing contraindications. Apples

26.09.2019 Bakery

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Central Asia is home to apples, but nowadays they are grown almost all over the world. There are a huge number of different varieties of apple trees that can grow in different climates. The varieties of apples differ in their color, size, shape and, of course, taste. The availability and the huge number of varieties have made the apple quite a popular fruit. It should be noted that in addition to taste, apples also have useful properties.

It is clear that the composition of apples directly depends on their variety and growing conditions. Do not forget that the duration and correctness of storage also affects the composition of apples. Almost all apples contain fructose and various organic acids (ursolic, chlorogenic, citric and of course malic acid). In addition to fructose and acids, apples contain a huge amount of useful microelements - fiber, pectin, tannins and nitrogenous substances.

In terms of minerals, apples contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, copper, zinc, magnesium, cobalt, molybdenum, iron and nickel. Do not forget that this fruit also contains vitavins PP, E, C, P, K.

Useful properties of apples

  1. Apples are pretty good for preventing and treating colds. Apples are best used grated with honey. This mixture is quite effective in fighting coughs.
  2. Dental health can be easily improved by adding fresh apples to your diet. They perfectly clean teeth from plaque and massage the gums while chewing.
  3. Cellulose, pectins and fiber contained in apples can easily normalize digestion. It is recommended to use apples for colitis.
  4. Apples also have a great effect on the health of the heart and the cardiovascular system in general. The composition of apples (a combination of vitamins, minerals and acids) helps to reduce the risk of vascular occlusion, prevent vascular fragility.
  5. This fruit is an excellent dietary product. The fiber contained in it activates the digestion process and normalizes weight.

The benefits of dried apples

As you know, drying is one of the types of fruit preservation that has been used since the Stone Age. Drying allows the fruit to be stored until colder seasons, when the trees are not bearing fruit and the need for food remains. Dried apples retain all vitamins, minerals and acids. During drying, only the liquid contained in the fruit evaporates. It should be noted that dried apple slices are deprived of vitamin C.

The benefits of baked apples

Baked apples contain as much fructose, minerals and vitamins as fresh ones. But it should be noted that baked apples contain more pectins.

Eating apples baked with honey (in the oven) is a good way to prevent dysbiosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis and chronic pancreatitis. In addition to prevention, baked apples do an excellent job of restoring the digestive system (mainly after surgical interventions on the abdominal cavity). The pectins contained in baked apples are good for removing various by-products of decay from the medications taken from the body.

The benefits of apples for children

Children love fruits and this is very good, because they simply contain a huge amount of various substances necessary for the growth of the body. Apples contain easily digestible iron, which is necessary for the prevention of anemia in children. Apples are also useful for pregnant women. Note that more iron is found in green apples. Red and yellow varieties of apples contain a large amount of nutrients, but the iron content in them is slightly less than in green ones.

The benefits of apple juice

The benefits of drinking freshly squeezed apple juice are expressed in increasing the body's immunity in relation to various colds and infectious diseases. In addition, apple juice quite well helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys (prevents the formation of new kidney stones), stimulates the intestines and, accordingly, improves the digestion process. Often, apple juice is drunk in the treatment of atherosclerosis, liver and urinary bladder diseases. It can be consumed over a long period of time without prejudice to your health (provided that you consume less than 1 liter of juice per day).

Apples in cooking

Apples, like most other fruits, are often used in cooking. Most of all the benefits of eating fresh apples and baked with nuts and honey in the oven. Also, dried apples, which are used for cooking compotes, are very useful.

On New Year's and Christmas holidays, you can find a goose stuffed with apples on the tables. In addition, apples make excellent jam and jam. In baked goods, apples are used as a filling for pies and pies.

How to eat apples properly

  1. Apples should not be peeled. Wash the apples thoroughly before eating and feel free to eat them with the peel. It is in the peel that most of the nutrients and vitamins are contained.
  2. Wormy apples should not be thrown away. The places spoiled by worms are simply cut off and thrown away, and the rest is usable.
  3. The smaller the apples, the greater the concentration of vitamins in it. Therefore, do not neglect small apples.
  4. Apple seeds contain iodine. Eating 3-6 apple seeds a day will have a very positive effect on your immune system.
  5. Apples that darken quickly at the cut site are very beneficial. They should be eaten first (best fresh or baked).

How to choose healthy apples

To the touch, the healthiest apples are very strong and have a very pleasant aroma. Apples should be free from brown spots and signs of aging or physical deformation. Avoid overripe apples (usually large apples). When buying apples, feel free to do an iron test (ask the seller to cut the apple in half and make sure it darkens quickly).

Contraindications to eating apples

Any fruit, despite its benefits, has some contraindications for use. For example, people with stomach ulcers or gastritis should use apples with great care. Apples contain a certain amount of various acids that can irritate the mucous membrane. In such cases, apples should be eaten in small quantities after meals (when the stomach is not hungry). With colitis and urolithiasis, before use, it is necessary to grind the apples in mashed potatoes.

You should not eat more than 6 apple seeds per day (an excess of hydrocyanic acid is possible). Decoctions from apple leaves can provoke diabetes mellitus.

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It is a fruit with a thousand-year history, a landmark for the economy and culture of many countries around the world. Botanically Apple- the fruit of an apple tree (tree or shrub), a representative of the tribe Apple trees, subfamilies Plum, families Pink (Rosaceae)... The name of the genus Apple tree in Latin - " Mālus"- according to one of the versions goes back to borrowing from Greek (gr." mêlon", Denoted as" Apple"In particular, any fruit).

The word "apple" in Russian, according to a group of linguists, originates from the Indo-European " albho» - (« White"). A less popular variant connects the etymology of the word "apple" with the ancient city of Abella (Campania region in modern Italy), famous for its apple harvests.

Within the genus, there are 62 species of apple trees. Among them, the most common and significant in terms of the degree of use in various industries or are the ancestors of modern varieties are the following species: domestic apple (cultivated), forest (wild), low, pubescent, Caucasian (eastern), Almaty (Sivers), slate (Chinese) , Siberian berry. ,


The apple tree has been a companion of mankind since time immemorial. The Tien Shan Mountains in the south of Kazakhstan are considered the homeland of the wild apple tree.

It is believed that the apple tree ended up on the territory of Europe thanks to the Greeks, who developed intensive trade and business relations with the most distant peoples. Over time, the wild apple tree was cultivated by man: the best samples were selected, the growing conditions were improved.

In the 4th century BC. Theophrastus describes apple varieties bred by gardeners and the most popular in Hellas. Later, the Romans Cato, Varro, Callumella, Pliny and Virgil named 36 apple varieties in their writings, indicating the techniques of grafting cultivated fruit plants.

The apple culture migrated to the population of the Western European region from Ancient Greece and Rome. By the beginning of the 16th century, the development of this branch of fruit growing accelerated. Less than a hundred years later, in Europe, a detailed description was given of 60 varieties of apple trees, among them those that are cultivated in our time: Stettinskoe red, Calvil white, Short-legged red, Zvezdchatoye.

The apple tree got to the eastern and southern Slavs in the 10th century through another intermediary - Byzantium. Increased attention was paid to the cultivation of apple trees in the Kiev principality; the apple orchard founded by Anthony Pechersky (1051) was widely known. In the 12th century, Yuri Dolgoruky initiated the laying of apple orchards in the Moscow region. Apple culture entered a new stage of development under Peter I. The 18th century was marked by the discovery of the science of pomology and the activities of its founder, A.T. Bolotov, a detailed study of the varieties of apples and pears known at that time. Years later, the works of Michurin I.V. were devoted to the development of new varieties.


There are more than 10 thousand varieties of apple trees. All their diversity is divided into summer, autumn, winter and late winter varieties.

Summer varieties include: Moscow Grushovka, Melba, Papirovka.

Velvet, Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, Borovinka, Cinnamon striped, Streyfling, Kitayka form a group of autumn apple varieties.

Winter apple varieties: Antonovka, Minskoe, Slavyanka, Welsey, Delicious, Jonathan.

The varieties Aurora Crimean, Babushkino, Bananovoe, Golden Delicious, Saltanat, Boyken are considered late winter varieties.

Growing features

For planting apple seedlings, a sunny site is chosen. Lighting requirements are reduced to a simple rule: trees must receive a portion of direct sunlight for at least 6 hours a day. The distance between individual planted trees is from 4.5 to 5.5 m. Before planting, it is necessary to make sure that the seedlings do not fall into the so-called "frost pocket" - a low-lying fragment of the site in which cold air usually settles.

You should also clear the soil: remove weeds and grass. If the roots of the seedling are dry, they need to be fed with water on the eve of planting. Young apple seedlings are planted in autumn (second half of October) or early spring. The planting hole is dug up to 0.6 m in depth, the width is calculated as follows: the approximate diameter of the root system of the seedling is multiplied by half. Fertilizing during planting is possible, but without the use of nitrogen fertilizers and lime, since they cause burns to the root system. After planting and backfilling of the planting pit, the stem of the seedling is fixed at the peg support. A hole is formed and watered abundantly. Then mulch. Young apple trees are pruned annually in the spring (for the first, second, third, fourth and fifth year after planting). Watering seedlings is rare, but abundant. According to the schemes for the years of planting, fertilizing and preventive spraying are performed.

Picking apples

There are two degrees of fruit ripeness: removable (botanical) and consumer (edible). Removal maturity of the fruit coincides with the completion of the growth processes and the accumulation of nutrients in the apple pulp. The fruit no longer grows in size and is easily removed from the branch. Consumer maturity of the fruit is determined by the moment the apple develops the aroma, taste and color inherent in this particular variety. These two degrees of maturity occur simultaneously in summer varieties. In autumn and winter varieties, the removable maturity is ahead of the consumer one by a month or more. Harvesting of summer varieties is timed to the stage of consumer fruit ripeness. The picking of apples of autumn and winter varieties should be strictly timed: too early harvesting does not leave sour fruits yet “ripen”, and untimely late harvesting leads to the fact that apples become unsuitable for long-term storage. It is wrong to pick apples by shaking or knocking them off the tree. The apple must be carefully removed into the branches, without damaging the stalk.

How to choose

A ripe apple, during the cultivation of which they did not use nitrates, has a pronounced aroma. The color of the fruit is also important: the apple should not be “colored” in one color. If the surface of the apple (peel) slips, sticks, or moisture is felt, this is a sign that the fruit has been treated with chemicals. When buying, apples with small brown spots should also be sorted. A soft peel, on which traces of dents or partially wrinkled peel are easily left, indicate that the fruit begins to wilt and loses its juiciness: the taste characteristics of such fruits have already deteriorated significantly.

How to store

Fresh apples are kept in the refrigerator. At room temperature, fruits can also last long enough if you put them in a plastic bag and sprinkle with water periodically (once every 7 days). Summer varieties remain fresh for about 3 weeks under optimal storage conditions. The shelf life of autumn and winter varieties is from 60 days to six months.

Apple pulp is a comfortable breeding ground for microorganisms, the only barrier to which is a whole and intact skin. If the fruit is spoiled and begins to rot, it must be immediately transferred to a separate container, since rotting can spread to healthy fruits. ,

Useful properties of apples

Chemical composition and presence of nutrients

Basic substances (mg / 100 g): Raw with skin Raw without peel
Water 85,56 86,67
Carbohydrates 13,81 12,76
Alimentary fiber 2,4 1,3
Protein 0,26 0,27
Fats 0,17 0,13
Calories (Kcal) 52 48
Potassium 107 90
Phosphorus 11 11
Calcium 6 5
Magnesium 5 4
Sodium 1 0
Iron 0,12 0,07
Zinc 0,04 0,05
Vitamin C 4,6 4
Vitamin E 0,18 0,05
Vitamin PP 0,091 0,091
Vitamin B6 0,041 0,037
Vitamin B2 0,026 0,028
Vitamin A 0,003 0,002
Vitamin K 0,0022 0,0006

The chemical composition of apples is different for fruits of different varieties, it is determined by the degree of maturity, the conditions in which the apple tree is cultivated, depends on the shelf life and other factors. The amount of water in fruits can vary from 84 to 90%, sugars - from 5 to 15%, fiber - from 0.59 to 1.38%, and tannins - 0.025 to 0.27%.

Medical use

For medicinal plants include the forest apple. Its fruits contain carbohydrates: phytoglycogen, pectins; organic acids: malic, tartaric, citric; carotenoids, vitamin C, chlorogenic acid, tannins, catechins, flavonoids, anthocyanins, leukoanthocyanidins, essential oil, organic compounds of iron and phosphorus. The leaves include dihydrochalcones: phloretin, phloridzin; flavonoids: hyperin, quercetin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, rutin, naringenin; catechins, ascorbic acid.

Forest apple tea is prescribed for urolithiasis, gout, rheumatism, cough and hoarseness, stomach catarrh and colitis. Baked apples are recommended for chronic constipation. Fresh apples are indicated for gastritis with low acidity (hypoacid gastritis), spastic colitis, hypokinetic biliary dyskinesia, and vitamin deficiencies. Outwardly freshly grated apples are used to treat abrasions, burns, frostbite, ulcers that do not heal for a long time, and cracks in the nipples of nursing mothers. In dermatology, apple applications are used for inflammatory skin diseases. A decoction of apple leaves is used as a source of vitamin C.

Application in traditional medicine

A medicinal product is made from the fruits of the forest apple Extractum ferri pomati... The extract of malic acid iron is prescribed for hypochromic anemia.

The use of apples in traditional medicine

For urolithiasis, gout, rheumatism, stomach catarrh, colitis, cough and hoarseness, tea from the fruits of the forest apple tree is useful: 10 fruits are crushed and boiled in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Add honey or sugar to taste.

Cooking use

Apples are a unique product used in desserts, main courses, baked goods, salads, sauces. Poultry is stuffed with apples; they are baked with meat or fish; stew with vegetables; fried with liver; add to herring in forshmak. Apples are delicious in casseroles, pancakes, cheesecakes, cereals and puddings. Apples are pickled, dried, pickled apples are harvested for future use.

Fruit soups made from apples are useful (as a mono-variation or with the addition of other fruits). They are prepared on the basis of applesauce from baked apples, juice or pureed raw fruits. Served with honey, sour cream or cream.

Soft and sweet varieties of apples are suitable for making jams, marshmallows, marmalade. When baking, the culinary specialist prefers hard and green apples with a dense skin. Such fruits do not add excess moisture to the dough and it does not have to be additionally thickened.

Apple recipes:

This is a Bosnian dessert (apples stuffed with nuts and raisins).

Required: 4 medium hard apples, 2 cups sugar, 3 cups water, juice of half a lemon, half a cup of shelled walnuts, tablespoon of raisins, whipped cream for serving.

In a deep skillet or saucepan, prepare the syrup: bring water to a boil, add sugar and add lemon juice. Peel the apples, make a hole in the place of the stalk and carefully cut the core. Dip the whole apples into the prepared boiling syrup and cook for 5 to 10 minutes (the finished apple should be easily pierced with a fork, while remaining intact). Remove the apples from the syrup and let cool. Put the peel of the apples in the syrup and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes, until the volume of the liquid is halved. Drain off remaining syrup and refrigerate. Chop nuts and raisins, mix. Fill apples with nut-raisin filling, pour over the cooled syrup and decorate with cream.

Apple Chutney

Chutney is a traditional Indian sauce, often very spicy and spicy, cooked from vegetables or fruits.

You will need products: 30 medium-sized sweet and sour apples, 60 g of salt, 300 g of cane sugar, 100 g of onion, 1 clove of garlic, 80 g of ground ginger, 14 g of dry chili peppers, 28 g of mustard seeds, 100 g of raisins, 900 ml of vinegar.

Peel and seed apples, cut into slices, put in a deep saucepan, add sugar and vinegar, and boil until the apples are soft. Soak mustard seeds in vinegar and then dry thoroughly. Mash the raisins. Cut the peeled garlic and onion into slices, mix with chopped chili, ginger and mustard seeds and grind everything in a mortar. When the apples are boiled, combine all the ingredients with the apple mass, mix well and let cool. Arrange in jars and store in the refrigerator. Apple chutney is served with fish, poultry, pork, rice, tortillas or homemade bread.

The use of apples in cosmetology

Cosmetic recipes use apple peel, apple juice, or fruit pulp.

Apple hair mask

Peel and seed 2 large apples and puree them. Mix the applesauce with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and a tablespoon of cornmeal until smooth. Apply the mixture to dry hair and let the mask stand for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water and then wash and dry your hair as usual.

Apple face masks

Apple mask for normal skin: grate the peeled apple on a fine grater. Mix the grated apple with a teaspoon of sour cream (or any vegetable oil) and the same amount of starch. Apply a homogeneous mixture to face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Vitaminizing mask for any skin type: apply the crushed apple gruel to the face, soak for a quarter of an hour and rinse with cool water (for dry skin, apply a little emollient cream on the face beforehand).

Rejuvenating mask

Boil the apple in a little water, puree, mix with a couple of drops of olive oil and a teaspoon of honey. Apply to cleansed face for 15 minutes.

For facial skin care in the cold season: prepare a mask from a tablespoon of oatmeal, the juice of one apple and a small amount of milk. Apply to face and neck for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Apple masks for dry skin

Mix the apple into a gruel with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of chopped oatmeal. Apply to face, hold the mask for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Combine 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of apple juice, half of the yolk and a teaspoon of camphor oil. Apply to face and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off first with warm, and then with cool water.

Apple masks for oily skin

Mix a tablespoon of baked apple puree with a tablespoon of beaten protein. Leave the mask for at least 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Grind the apple and boil a tablespoon of raw apple for a couple of minutes in 40 ml of milk or cream. Let it brew for half an hour. Add whipped protein to the mass. Apply to face and rinse off after 15 minutes with cool water.

Combination with other products

In a culinary sense, an apple works well when paired with semi-sour and sweet fruits, citrus fruits, carrots, fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir). Good compatibility of apple with meat and protein products enriched with fats: cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, nuts. But starchy foods in combination with an apple cause fermentation.

Apple drinks

Tea, kvass, juices, cocktails, punches, fruit drinks are prepared from various varieties of apples (with the addition of other components). Apple juice perfectly quenches thirst, acts as an aperitif. It is drunk neat or mixed with a variety of fruit or vegetable juices (carrot, tomato, pumpkin, parsley or celery juice). Compotes are made from fresh and dried apples. Some varieties of apples boil quickly, so you do not need to boil them, but should be dipped in boiling syrup and immediately cooled. Apples are used in the basis of both non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks (Calvados, Apfelwein).

Fresh apple kvass

To prepare kvass, you will need: 15 medium-sized sour apples, 2.5 cups of sugar or honey, half a glass of blackcurrant juice, 2 tablespoons of raisins, 20 g of yeast, a tablespoon of ground cinnamon, zest of one orange and lemon, 5 liters of water.

Peel the apples, chop together with the peel, add water and cook for a quarter of an hour. Then strain and let the broth cool to 20 0 C, add sugar or honey, yeast, cinnamon, citrus zest, currant juice, raisins and leave in a warm place for 2 days. After kvass pour into bottles and store in a cool place. Serve with crushed ice.

Crushed apples

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of sweet apples, 2 lemons, 2 liters of cold strong tea, 2.5 glasses of sugar, a bottle of champagne. Peel the apples, cut into quarters, cut out the seeds, then grind into thin slices, put in an enamel saucepan, squeeze the juice of 2 lemons and grated zest of half a lemon, pour in chilled strong, freshly brewed tea, add sugar, stir, cover and leave in cold place for 5 hours. Before serving, transfer the mass to a jug and pour champagne.

Required products: 10 apples, water, ¾ cup sugar, a tablespoon each of powdered cinnamon and ground allspice.

Cut the apples into quarters and core. Put the prepared apples in a saucepan, add water so that the apples are covered by about 5 cm. Add sugar, cinnamon and allspice. Bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat, uncovered, for 60 minutes. Then cover and boil over low heat for another 2 hours. Let cool and strain. Keep the finished cider in the refrigerator.

Apples in winemaking

The best varieties for winemaking are apples of autumn and winter varieties: the level of sugar, tannins and acids they contain is higher than in summer varieties. Fine wines come from varieties Antonovka, Parmen winter gold, Slavyanka, Anis... This exquisite wine is made from the summer variety Grushovka Moskovskaya. Wines of excellent quality can be obtained from Chinese and Ranetki, but given the high acidity of these apples, the juice of their fruits should be diluted with water or the juice of sweeter apple varieties. The blends use the juice of wild apples.

Apple wines tend to lose flavor and freshness during storage, so they are best consumed in the year they were made. This does not apply to the wine product from Ranetki and Chinese women: due to their astringency, these wines should be aged for at least 2 years. During this period, their taste softens.

Apples are best used for making semi-sweet or dry wines.

Other uses for apples

  • An apple successfully replaces toothpaste with a brush: having eaten a fresh hard apple, you can not only have a snack, but also brush your teeth. The fruit used for this purpose must be quite hard, sweet and sour.
  • The skin on your hands that has darkened from the hassle of kitchen can be whitened and peeled with apple peels.
  • The ability of apples to remove radionuclides justifies one of the ways of "cleaning" food: to reduce the radioactivity of any food product, it can be covered with layers of thin apple slices and left for several hours (from 3 to 6). Instrument readings indicate that the radiation background of the product after such a procedure decreases.
  • Many types of apple trees are highly productive honey plants. Apple trees of certain types and varieties are decorative. In turning and joinery, apple wood is widely used: the material from it is strong and dense, easy to cut and polish.
  • Apples are a great craft material. You can create funny little animals from them, make stencils for color printing from apple halves, cut a depression in the fruits and get original decorative candlesticks for pill candles. ,
  • In order to try all varieties of apples that are grown on planet Earth, a person needs to eat an apple of one specific variety per day for more than 20 years.
  • Why don't apples sink in water? An apple is 25% air, so it floats to the surface when thrown into water.
  • Apples are among the largest (and most expensive) Sekai ichi: the variety was first developed in Japan in 1974.
  • There is a rare phobia that affects people who are afraid of apples - "malusdomystikophobia".
  • Agronomists study apple varieties within the framework of pomology, a special scientific discipline.
  • In China, it is customary to give apples to the owners of the house, thanks to them for their cordiality and hospitality. The word "ping" means both "apple" and "world" at the same time.
  • The same Japan became the homeland of the apple record holder in weight: a fruit weighing 1 kg 849 g was plucked in the Land of the Rising Sun in October 2005.
  • In the shipbuilding of the past centuries, superstition took root: it was considered a bad sign to use apple tree wood to build a ship, since coffins were made from this material.
  • In Ireland, marriageable girls used to guess as follows: they cut off the peel from an apple with one continuous ribbon and threw it behind their backs. It was believed that the apple peel would fall to the ground, taking a shape resembling the first letter of the betrothed's name.
  • The expression “comparing apples and oranges” in English means to compare absolutely different things, phenomena, parallels and comparisons between which are impossible.
  • In "A Thousand and One Nights" one of the stories told about a magic apple from Samarkand that heals all human diseases.
  • Although there is no direct indication in the Bible texts that the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge was the fruit of an apple tree, in the European cultural tradition the sacred role was assigned to this particular fruit. Apples are captured by painters of different eras on canvases depicting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (A. Durer's engraving shows the first man and woman with apples in their hands; in the works of Lucas Cranach and Titian, Adam and Eve are also depicted under an apple tree). In the work of J. Milton "Paradise Lost" the forbidden fruit plucked in Eden is called an apple. HG Wells' remarkable story, The Apple, plays on the motive of the temptation of knowledge. The irony of the story is that the characters do their best to get rid of the forbidden fruit, which carries mental enlightenment. As a result, the main character throws out the apple, but the feeling of a perfect mistake and regret that he deliberately refused the opportunity to taste from the Tree of Knowledge do not leave him.

Monuments to apples in the world:

  1. 1 A monument to the Antonovka apple was unveiled in Kursk in 2008. The Kursk "apple" was made by V. Klykov from a copper sheet, the sculpture is 2 meters high and weighs about 150 kg.
  2. 2 A monument to an apple in New York was erected in 2004 in one of the parks. The author of the sculpture is S. Weiss.
  3. 3 A monument to an apple near the city of Almaty. The sculptural structure in the shape of an apple is a real functioning fountain and is located on the top of the Kok-Tyube mountain.
  4. 4 The sculpture "Apple" was installed in one of the squares of Milan in 2015. The author of the creation is M. Pistoletto.
  5. 5 Sculpture "Green Apple" in the city of Vilnius. The structure is a half of an apple, on the cut of which the names of the residents of the city who take part in charity are engraved.

Dangerous properties of apples and contraindications

  • Sour apple varieties are prohibited for those who suffer from stomach and duodenal ulcers and hyperacid gastritis (gastritis with high acidity).
  • Fresh sweet apples and undiluted apple juice can raise blood sugar levels. Therefore, with extreme caution, they should be used by those who have been diagnosed with diabetes.
  • Apple seeds contain cyanide and are poisonous. But the amount of poisonous substance in the seeds per apple is negligible. A full cup of apple seeds can be considered a lethal dose for humans.
  • An apple can cause an allergic reaction in individuals with individual intolerance (allergies in patients can be provoked not only by an apple, but also by other members of the Pink family: apricot, plum, peach, almond, pear).

In addition to the delicious taste, apples have very useful and medicinal (medicinal) properties. Apples are the most common fruit in our country and it is very nice that apples are extremely useful and necessary for our health. The beneficial and medicinal properties of apples are explained by their medicinal composition. Apples contain vitamins C, B1, B2, P, E, carotene, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, pectins, sugars, organic acids. The composition of the fruits of various varieties of apple contains in%: Sugars 5-15, fiber 0.6, starch 0.8, pectin substances 0.27, organic acids 0.3-0.89 (malic acid 0.37, citric acid 0.11 , tartaric and chlorogenic acids). Apples are very rich in vitamins, in%: vitamin C - 8-22.4 vitamin P - 60-400, vitamin B1 - 0.8-2.3, vitamin B2 - 0.05, vitamin B6 0.08, carotene 0 , 02-0.03. The green apple varieties still contain Bis 0.07; E 0.63 mg% and biotin 0.30 μg%. Also, apples contain a large number of trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, iodine, copper, molybdenum, nickel, fluorine, chromium and zinc. The peel of the apple fruit contains flavonoids. The fruit contains 84-90% water. Apple seeds contain up to 15% fatty oil, amygdalin glycoside up to 0.6%. The leaves contain vitamin C 450 mg% and amygdalin glycoside.

The health benefits of apples

Apples contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, and are also used to prevent constipation and increase appetite.

The composition of apples contains from 5 to 50 mg% chlorogenic acid, which promotes the excretion of oxalic acid from the body and, in addition, normal liver function.

Apples lower blood cholesterol levels due to their pectin and related fiber content. One apple with a peel contains 3.5 grams. fibers, i.e. more than 10% of the daily value of fiber required by the body. An apple without a peel contains 2.7 grams. fibers. Insoluble fiber molecules attach to cholesterol and promote its elimination from the body, thereby reducing the risk of vascular blockages and heart attacks. Apples contain soluble fiber called pectins, which help to bind and flush excess cholesterol produced in the liver. The peel of the apple contains a large amount of the antioxidant quercetin, which, together with vitamin C, prevents free radicals from having harmful effects on the body. Thanks to pectin, the apple also gains some of its protective power. Pectin is able to bind harmful substances such as lead and arsenic entering the body and remove them from the body. The insoluble fiber in apples prevents constipation and flushes harmful substances out of the body, thereby reducing the likelihood of colon cancer.

Useful properties of apples. Apple treatment

Apples are used for vitamin deficiency, a decrease in the level of vitamin C, anemia. From the juice of sour apples (by adding 2 parts of iron per 100 parts of juice), an extract of malic acid iron is obtained, which is used for anemia.

Apples prevent the formation of uric acid, are used for gout, chronic rheumatism. It is good and useful to drink decoctions and infusions from apples. Cut apples into tea, let them brew and drink.

Apples have good dietary properties, and are used as a dietary product for indigestion, vitamin deficiency, anemia and as a diuretic. Apples have a tonic effect and increase the body's resistance to radiation. Apples are considered a good dietary remedy for metabolic disorders, obesity and gout, fresh - for the prevention of atherosclerosis. It is better to eat apples fresh, as they contain substances that can oxidize vitamin C, and heat treatment leads to the destruction of these substances and a decrease in vitamin C.

Apple phytoncides are active against the causative agents of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, influenza A viruses. The antimicrobial activity of phytoncides increases from the periphery of the fetus to the center. It is recommended to eat apples in the period after suffering a heart attack.

With gastritis one of the most effective remedies is apples. Only green varieties, washed, peeled from the core, but not from the peel, grate on a fine grater. 4-5 hours before and after eating apples, do not eat or drink. It is advisable to eat apples early in the morning, then at 11 o'clock you can have breakfast, or in the evening. Apples should not be eaten at night due to increased gas production. Continue treatment for a month every day, the second month - 2-3 times a week, the third - weekly. At the same time, observe the prescribed diet and do not consume milk, fatty, spicy, salty foods, strong tea, coffee, fresh bread, spices.

Benefits of apples for relieving cold coughs and hoarseness: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of apple peel with 1 cup boiling water and infuse like tea. Take 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day before meals or 2-3 unpeeled apples pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Take 1 glass 3 times daily before meals.

Apples are unique fruits. Nutritionists and doctors have been arguing about their benefits and harms for decades.

Apples are considered the most common fruits, although Central Asia is considered their primordial "homeland". They can be bought throughout the year without any problems, they are always present in the human diet. And they are also interesting in that they can be consumed both raw, so you can cook all kinds of them: preserves, jams, marmalades, vitamins. You can make delicious and nutritious apple juices.

These fruits are widely used in cooking, industrial cosmetology, medicine, as a natural and tasty medicine.

Composition of apples: calorie content, chemical composition, vitamins

Apples are a real "storehouse" of all kinds of vitamins, especially A, C, P, E, H, PP and group B (especially B1, B3, B5, B9 and B2). Most vitamins in freshly picked apples, of course, when the fruit is still fresh. The amount of ascorbic acid in them depends on:

  • from the shelf life of the fruit;
  • from the calorizer;
  • from apple varieties.

Certain apple varieties contain 300% more ascorbic acid than other varieties. Any fresh fruit contains the most vitamin C.

Due to their high pectin content, apples can be characterized as very low glycemic index product... This index is intended to “rate” a food item according to its effect on blood sugar levels.

It is the fruits of apples that prevent the formation of uric acid and, conversely, help formic acid to decompose.

This is why it is so beneficial for older people to eat apples, especially for those who suffer from:

  • from rheumatism;
  • from atherosclerosis;
  • from gout;
  • from chronic eczema.

Apples are very low in calories, 100 grams contains only 47 calories. As with almost all other fruits, apples have a minimal amount of fat. This amazing fruit is 87% water.

They contain a minimum amount of kilocalories, therefore, "sitting" on apples is very effective if you need to quickly lose weight and get yourself "in shape." These fruits are very often used in all kinds of diets and options for fasting days. You can always replace a sweet but high-calorie dessert or sweetness with a delicious apple. And so, imperceptibly, you can lose weight well, without even making special efforts for this.

Apples are really “the fruits of health”. There are a lot of them: minerals, microelements, macronutrients.

Especially apples are rich in:

  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • nickel;
  • fluorine;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • vanadium;
  • sodium;
  • molybdenum.

In addition, apples are one of the most easily digestible sources of natural iron.

And also, apple fruits are rich in content:

  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • starch;
  • ash;
  • fiber;
  • organic acids;
  • Sahara;
  • dietary fiber.

Apple peel is also very useful, it contains flavonoids - very "powerful" natural antioxidants.

General health benefits of apples

Eating apples is extremely beneficial because they well strengthen the skin, nails and hair... Also, these fruits are very useful for improving vision. Apples are also shown for diseases of a nervous nature.

In addition, they also act as a super powerful blood purifier:

  • with problems with blood vessels, in particular, with their hardening;
  • with low blood pressure.

It is recommended to use apples for improve the functioning of the lymphatic system... It is in apples that the necessary components are contained, thanks to which the body begins to absorb many times better such a macronutrient as iron from other food products, such as liver and eggs.

The best thing there are fresh fruits and always with the skin- so much more useful components will enter the body.

After all, herself peel and pulp underneath are rich in high content:

  • pectins;
  • flavonoids;
  • ascorbic acid.

This is important to know! If the apples are cut into pieces, then the amount of ascorbic acid in the fruits will decrease significantly, and the very surface of the juicy fruits will darken sharply, acquiring a brown tint (calorizer). This indicates the beginning of oxidation - apples begin to gradually "lose" their useful vitamins.

It is best to snack on a fresh apple between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner, that is, between main meals.

One of the unique features of these fruits is their hypoallergenic... For this reason, there are practically no contraindications for them, they can be eaten by all people.

Thanks to the pectin contained in the fruits, apples improve the complexion well, refresh and rejuvenate the skin.

Apples are very useful for the normalization of the cardiovascular system... They can significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the body. In addition, they well remove from the body, in particular from the joints, oxalic acid and its salts, therefore, if you eat these fruits regularly, you can warn development of arthrosis and gout... Also, the fruits of the apple tree are extremely useful for the human musculoskeletal system.

Apples make an invaluable "contribution" to the work of the digestive system. They improve intestinal motility, therefore, they rid a person of toxins and toxins, since metabolism is normalized, all poisons begin to be excreted normally from the body. That is why apples help to reduce the risk of cancer by several times.

Why is it good to eat apples?


  • Apples are lovely "Protection" against diseases such as diabetes... Therefore, if a woman eats at least one apple every day, she will have a 28% decrease in the likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus of the second type, because the soluble fiber of apples helps to dissolve sugar in the blood.
  • And women are shown to eat these fruits. postmenopausal, because they are rich in the content of an enzyme like phloridzin (it improves bone density). For a woman during menopause, this is extremely important - then she is less likely to develop osteoporosis.
  • In addition, apples can also safely "boast" that they contain a lot of boron, which also helps to strengthen bones.


Apples are one of the healthiest fruits for men's health.

  • If a man overweight, which is associated with a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, constant employment, because of which there is no time to get to the gym, it is good for him to eat apples - the extra pounds will quickly go away.
  • With the apple diet, a man can quickly get in good shape and fit.
  • Apples also help to strengthen the cardiovascular system, remove cholesterol from the blood.

For children

Highly it is good to drink apple compotes children, because this tasty, healthy and fortified drink does not cause allergies in them.

For the same reason, these fruits are so widely represented in baby food.

For kids who have asthma It is much easier to tolerate their illness if they regularly drink a glass of apple juice.


Many experts and doctors advise pregnant women to gnaw more apples - then, the born child will have an excellent predisposition against a disease such as asthma.

The risk of developing asthma in such a child will be much lower.

At night

One of the unique properties of apples is clean your teeth well therefore, it is good to eat them after meals to disinfect the oral cavity. Even eating apples before bed is a good idea to “kill” all the harmful bacteria in your mouth.

Note! Doctors assure that if you eat these fruits regularly before bedtime, you can gradually normalize sleep well, strengthen the work of the central nervous system.

And apples are also an excellent preventive measure. against colds.

In addition to fresh apples, it is also useful to eat baked fruits, since during heat treatment they retain all their useful components.

Especially shown are baked fruits for gastritis and gastric ulcer.

Green apples

  • Green apples are high in fiber- it is absorbed for a very long time, therefore, for a long time a person retains a feeling of satiety.
  • It is in green fruits, in comparison with other varieties, the least amount of sugar and dyes, but green apples are real "champions" in the content of iron, acid and vitamins.
  • And in the red, on the contrary, contains the most carotene, in comparison with other varieties.
  • It is in green apples that a lot of calcium and potassium.
  • Green varieties need to be eaten to strengthen the heart muscle... That is why all hypertensive patients and heart patients are shown to eat green apples.

Dried apples

  • Unlike fresh apples, dried fruits when stored for a long time do not lose their useful properties and qualities.
  • The fact that dried apples are very useful is especially well known to chefs and culinary specialists. No wonder they are so fond of using them in the preparation of bakery products, all kinds of confectionery dishes.
  • Dried apples are a very high-calorie product, 100 grams contain up to 231 kilocalories, therefore, "drying" -it is a very nutritious product, in terms of energy.
  • They can well improve digestion and normalize bowel function... That is why it is so useful and useful to eat a plate of oatmeal with "drying" in the morning - this is a hearty and healthy breakfast. This combination of products "starts" the work of the gastrointestinal tract well, therefore, a person with such a breakfast will not have digestive problems for a long time.
  • But due to the high calorie content of dried foods, their It should be consumed in minimal quantities. Then the body will definitely be of great benefit: the metabolism will improve, which is especially important for a woman.
  • In addition, "drying" is also a great natural "medicine" for the prevention of all kinds of oncological diseases.


  • Apple juice is "famous" for its anti-aging rejuvenating properties being a great natural antioxidant.
  • It contains a large number of enzymes such as enzymes... There are very few of them in the body, but it is these enzymes that contribute to better digestion of the food eaten, being an excellent catalyst.
  • Apple juice from sweet and sour apples should not be drunk people who have: serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis with high acidity.
  • He also contraindicated if a person has an individual food intolerance to apples.


Apple compote is good mineral and vitamin "cocktail"... It has a high content of such microelements and macronutrients as:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

Apple compote is a very valuable drink in which contains vitamins such as: PP, E, C and B vitamins... This drink is not very high in calories, its energy value directly depends on the amount of sugar added to the compote, but, on average, 100 grams of apple compote contains 93 kilocalories.


Apple pits are real "Storehouse" of iodine, but they contain a special acid, which is one of the most powerful poisons for the human body.


Many people think that peeling the peel from an apple will be tastier and healthier. But they are deeply mistaken.

  • Apple peel is rich in insoluble fiber that help remove cholesterol from the blood.
  • It also contains soluble fiber, which is responsible for removing cholesterol from the liver.
  • In addition, it contains unique natural antioxidants, thanks to which apples help slow the growth of cancer cells.

Application in medicine

  • Apples are very healthy to eat for colds... In addition, they are needed for the prevention of colds.
  • They are also successfully used for medicinal purposes. with malignant neoplasms.
  • Due to its high potassium content, these amazing fruits effectively help normalize blood pressure levels.
  • Due to their high calcium content, they well strengthen bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  • It should be noted that, due to the high iron content, apples are good help in the treatment of anemia (anemia).
  • Doctors often attribute them to patients in dietary nutrition in order to raise the level of immunity. It is also useful to use them for vitamin deficiency.
  • Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, they are also famous for their antibacterial properties.

Application in cosmetology

The benefits of apples are known in both industrial and home cosmetology.

  • Apple face masks are suitable for all skin types, but are best for wrinkled, tired and loose skin.
  • Also, these fruits are good remove age spots... You just need to grate one medium-sized apple on a fine grater and the resulting gruel should be gently spread over your face. Leave the mask to "work" for 15 minutes, after which it can be safely washed off.
  • Homemade masks made from sour, green apples it is better to do for women who have predominantly oily skin, but owners of dry and normal skin types can be advised to make homemade apple masks, on the contrary, from varieties of sweet, bright red.

Harm to apples

Today they are very popular apple diets and apple fasting days... Indeed, apples help a lot quickly burn excess fat- kilograms dissolve literally before our eyes.

But these fruits rich in coarse fiber, which can cause an imbalance in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and provoke an exacerbation of colitis.

Extremely careful with apple diets and apple fasting days should be people suffering from duodenal ulcers and gastritis. It is best for them to refuse such a weight loss option. If a person has vegetative-vascular dystonia, then it is contraindicated for him to eat sweet varieties of these fruits.

Apples are very tasty and healthy fruits, they are easy to get, they are inexpensive, therefore, there is no problem to introduce this vitamin delicacy into your daily diet.

As you know, an apple is one of the most useful and affordable fruits, a storehouse of essential trace elements and vitamins. You rarely meet a person who is indifferent to this delicious fruit. Apple is one of the most widespread and widely available fruits in our country, it is used in food in every home, it is loved by both adults and children, it is sold on the shelves of every supermarket. Aromatic apples have beneficial properties that can help prevent many health problems.

Apple is a medicinal and dietary product rich in iron, potassium and calcium, folic acid, and is a source of fiber. The beneficial properties of apples were already known to our ancestors and were widely used in folk medicine.

Why eat apples

Apples are both food and medicine. Fresh fruits help to establish the work of intestinal peristalsis, remove toxins from the body, improve metabolism, prevent various diseases of the biliary tract, strengthen immunity, fight anemia, prevent gout and vascular problems. Apple pulp is a natural cholesterol regulator, useful in hypertension. Eating apples together with seeds has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, since apple seeds contain iodine.

What else is the use of apples? Due to the high content of folic acid, apple pulp is useful for pregnant women to prevent the risks of developing fetal pathologies. And varieties with a high content of magnesium, pectins prevent obesity and are widely used in various to combat obesity. However, apples are useful for both women and men. Vitamin C, which is abundant in apples, helps fragile blood vessels regain their strength.

An important fact is that after heat treatment, apples do not lose their nutritional and energy value, but still a fresh product is most effective.

Of course, apples, the beneficial properties of which are undeniable, should be eaten more often, but there are also contraindications to eating these fruits. For example, sour varieties of apples are contraindicated for gastritis, and fresh fruit peel irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum in case of ulcers. We must not forget that people who are suffering are contraindicated in red varieties of apples, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. Fruit acids, found in large quantities in apples, pose a danger to tooth enamel. In principle, apples have no special contraindications, but everything is fine in moderation. Remember this.

The use of a mixture of two boiled apples in a glass of milk and a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning relieves constipation.

If you pour 200 g of boiling water over one tablespoon of apple peel and take 100 g daily before meals, you can cope with a cold cough.

Tincture to combat varicose veins is taken once a day, 200 g with the addition of one spoonful of honey. Its preparation is easy to perform. It is necessary to pour 3 apples with 1 liter of boiling water and insist in a dark place for 4 hours. Next, knead the fruits in water and strain.

Eat an apple before bed, and you will normalize sleep, as well as strengthen the nervous system.

The properties of apples help to prolong youth, improve skin color, condition of nails and hair. Scientists say that for this you need to eat at least two apples a day. It has long been established that the antioxidant properties of apples prevent the development of various forms of cancer, including cancer of the liver, colon, mammary glands and lungs, as well as stop the multiplication of cancer cells.

We also offer you a short video about the benefits of apples: