Calorie pork pilaf. The most dietary pilaf

02.11.2019 Bakery

Since in traditional recipes it is recommended to use the same amount of products (according to the plovovars, these are the ideal pilaf), you can replace some products with others. For example, reduce the amount of meat by adding more vegetables. Part of the pork can be replaced with mushrooms (champignons) and steamed.

The traditional Central Asian method of making low-calorie pilaf is to prepare all products separately and put them on a common dish before serving. This allows you to independently regulate the nutritional value of the finished treat and prepare a wonderful dish for every taste.

Pilaf recipe according to the Central Asian method

A lighter version of the traditional classic pilaf, which is prepared in the countries of Central Asia. The peculiarity of the dish is that it is prepared without oil at all, while remaining very tasty.

Required Ingredients:

  • Pork - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Rice - 1 kg
  • Onions - 1 kg
  • Barberry - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 2 pcs.
  • Spice mixture - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

Prepare all the food you need. Adjust the amount yourself by increasing or decreasing the weight of the ingredients. If desired, you can add any spices: hot and allspice.

Not very fatty meat should be cut into small pieces. For greater aroma of pilaf, you can add a small piece with a bone. Place the meat in a skillet or multicooker bowl and lightly add salt.

Peel the onions and carrots and cut into cubes. The carrots can be grated, but not necessary.

When the pork starts to juice, mix and add vegetables, simmer until the meat is cooked.

Add spices, barberry and a head of garlic to the finished stew with vegetables (you don't need to peel the cloves, just remove the outer husk). Stir well, cover the dishes with a lid and simmer over low heat for another 3-5 minutes. Remove the cookware from the heat and, without opening the lids, set aside while the rice is cooking.

Rice can be cooked in two ways: steamed or in water. It is much easier to do this in a saucepan, especially if you do not have a multicooker, double boiler or other kitchen appliance at hand. Pour hot into a saucepan, add salt and put on high heat.

It is advisable to take long-grain cereals; such rice is less boiled and does not require soaking. Rinse it in running water several times to rinse out any excess starch and put it in boiling water. Any amount of water can be taken, but less than twice that of rice.

On average, rice takes 10 minutes to cook, so check a few grains for taste. If it is almost ready, immediately remove and discard it in a sieve or colander.

Put the cooked rice on a flat plate, carefully place the meat and vegetables on top in the center and serve the low-calorie pork pilaf to the table.

Bon Appetit!


Pork 2610 kcal

Carrots 320 kcal

Rice 3440 kcal

Onions 410 kcal

Barberry 2.03 kcal

Despite the fact that the traditional recipe for pilaf came to us from Uzbekistan, the recipe for pilaf with pork has nothing to do with this Muslim country, since religion prohibits the use of this type of meat. Pilaf with meat, meanwhile, has an interesting taste and a unique aroma, but is it worth eating such a dish, and how many calories are in pilaf with pork - this question is asked by many, especially those who are worried about their figure, there are also some doubts about people with health problems. It is not even worth mentioning that everything is good that is in moderation, and as for pilaf with pork, it is difficult to resist the addition, while, in order to reduce the load on the body, "Private Kom" recommends eating vegetables along with pork pilaf preferably raw.

How many calories in pork pilaf

Cooking pilaf is a whole art and a good opportunity to demonstrate your culinary skills. Properly cooked pilaf is, first of all, crumbly rice, and this suggests that it is the choice of rice that should be approached correctly, choosing rice with a lower gluten content. Such rice, by the way, has fewer calories, and if you are interested in how many calories there are in pilaf with pork, you need to approach the choice of meat correctly, giving preference to the less fatty part of the carcass, and the pork leg is best suited for this. In addition to pork and rice, pilaf also includes carrots, onions and garlic, as well as vegetable oil, in which the main ingredients are fried, if you choose lean pork. The calorie content of such a dish is approximately 130 calories per 100 grams of product.

Not only those who are worried about extra pounds will want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, but also people who have problems with the heart and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. We will advise them to cook pilaf in a slow cooker. Experts have conducted studies designed to answer the question - how many calories are in pilaf with pork in a slow cooker. Given the absence of vegetable oil, which is considered a high-calorie product, in the number of ingredients, the calorie content of the dish may decrease, albeit slightly, given the small amount of oil used to fry the main products. Answering the question how many calories are in pilaf with pork in a multicooker, do not forget about the main advantage of cooking in this way - saving time, besides, vitamins are better stored in a multicooker, and there are enough of them in pilaf.

From all of the above, we can conclude that pork pilaf is not the easiest dish, so you should not often include it in your diet, especially if you want to lose weight. Meanwhile, if you do not want to deny yourself the pleasure, you can, by carefully selecting the products, make pilaf less high in calories, and therefore information on how many calories are in pork pilaf without oil will be useful. By eliminating the oil from the recipe, calories can be reduced, albeit marginally. In this case, the "weight" of pilaf will decrease by 15-17 kcal, which is often important.

Having found out how many calories are in pork pilaf, you may want to completely exclude it from the diet, especially considering that the plate contains much more than 100 grams, but you should not rush, because pork is not only fatty, but also healthy. It contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which are difficult to find in other types of meat, so we recommend that you consult a specialist - a nutritionist who knows exactly what your body needs. And is pork pilaf as harmful as it seems at first glance?

Pilaf properties

Calorie content of pilaf

What pilaf is eaten with

green onions

Pilaf is one of the most favorite dishes of Russians, the national pride of many Central Asian countries and a popular oriental delicacy all over the world.

Different peoples of the world have several recipes for pilaf, or even several dozen, with different components, but the basis for all is the same: zirvak, as a rule, includes meat or fish, and cereals, usually rice. In India, for example, ingredients such as vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, a large amount of spices are used instead of meat, and in Uzbekistan, for example, mung bean is sometimes used instead of rice.

Pilaf properties

  • On the holiday of Eid al-Adha, sacred to all Muslims, pilaf is always present on the table. The dish is considered healing, restorative, enriching with useful microelements, therefore it is recommended after heavy physical exertion, undergoing long-term illnesses, operations, in case of malaise and depletion of the body in the off-season (during spring vitamin deficiency), and, of course, after prolonged fasting. After all, the great holiday is preceded by the holy month of Ramadan, during which all believers observe a strict fast.
  • Boiled rice, thanks to the unique combination of products, almost completely absorbed by the body, does not cause a feeling of "heaviness" in the stomach and does not "sleepy", despite the huge amount of fat (both vegetable and animal origin).
  • Pilaf is not only shown, but can also have a beneficial effect on people, suffering from gastritis, as well as with anemia and tuberculosis.
  • Meat saturates the body with B vitamins, an irreplaceable animal protein; rice - "useful" carbohydrates, restoring strength and the nervous system, fiber and vegetable proteins. Carrots in pilaf are rich in beta-carotene, antioxidants, and garlic is rich in allicin, which has antibacterial properties.

It is better for diabetics to refrain from the traditional white rice pilaf, replacing it with brown. For everyone who suffers from obesity and problems of the cardiovascular system, doctors recommend eating dietary pilaf made from chicken or without meat at all.

Calorie content of pilaf

What pilaf is eaten with

To improve the taste of meat pilaf, in addition to zirvak (meat, onions, garlic, carrots fried in vegetable oil) and rice, they put such spices as barberry, cumin, black pepper, coriander, cumin, marjoram, rosemary, basil, raisins, quince, dried apricots. Turmeric or saffron is more used for a beautiful vibrant color. The finished dish can be additionally sprinkled with finely chopped green onions... Pilaf goes well with pickles and Uzbek salad shakarop (shakarob), consisting of tomatoes, onions, salt and red pepper. It is preferable to drink hot green tea, but some people prefer ayran with spices and other drinks.

Pilaf can also be prepared from fish and seafood (squid, mussels, shrimp). Vegetarians can enjoy a dish based on mushrooms, all kinds of vegetables and herbs. Those with a sweet tooth will surely like “sweet pilaf” with prunes, raisins, nuts, dried apricots, apples, pumpkin, honey and other “dessert” ingredients for every taste.

The classic pilaf recipe includes lamb, but on the tables you can often see an adapted dish with any other meat, including pork.

How many calories are in pork pilaf?

The calorie content of pork pilaf is quite high. But it should be borne in mind that even pilaf cooked on any other meat will not be a dietary dish. The calorie content of pork pilaf is so high that one portion will be enough for a full meal. The average amount of kcal in pork pilaf is 285. A more accurate figure depends on the part of the pork carcass. If pork neck was chosen for pilaf or added, then the calorie content of the dish increases to 300 kcal per 100 grams of product. For fewer calories, choose a lean piece of meat and cut all fat from it. Thus, the calorie content of 100 grams of pilaf can be reduced to 240 kcal.

Useful properties of pork pilaf

All pilaf ingredients contain vitamins and elements necessary for a person. The basis of any pilaf is rice. It is an oasis of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Rice is rich in proteins and carbohydrates, it contains starch and fiber, as well as iodine, iron, calcium and potassium. The presence of fat in rice is minimal. It is absent in it, which makes it possible to use it for people who have wheat intolerance. For those who suffer from diabetes, you can use special recipes for pilaf, which is based on brown rice. Much is known about the benefits of carrots and onions. Carrots contain vitamins A, some of the vitamins B, C and PP. And in onions, vitamin C and phytoncides come out on top, which act as the prevention of colds and viral diseases.

The main calories in pork pilaf come from meat and fat. Meat supplies protein to the body, and fat supplies us with energy. But even if you take other meat to prepare this dish, pilaf will still not be suitable for people on a diet. Despite its high nutritional value, it is quickly absorbed by the body. To make the pilaf tasty, you need to remember about the spices. Paprika, cumin, turmeric and dorvor are ideal for this dish. Do not forget about salt, the daily use of which is simply necessary for a person. Meat with vegetables should be cooked over high heat. After rice is added to the prepared meat, you do not need to stir the pilaf, otherwise instead of pilaf you will get rice porridge with meat and vegetables, which is also delicious, but this is a completely different dish.

Although pilaf is Asian in origin, it has long and reliably entered the menu of the average Russian. Probably, there is not a single of our compatriots who would not periodically cook this dish. The “owners” of the recipe, most likely, will not agree that this is their dish, since in the original it should contain mutton, and we replace it with other types of meat. But for us it is still pilaf, we love it, appreciate it and cook it quite often.

Hearty but healthy

Pilaf is definitely not a dietary dish. Its nutritional value is so great that pilaf is enough for a full meal. However, it cannot be called a harmful dish, since all the ingredients contain the elements that a person needs. The main component is rice - a carrier of a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and minerals (among which the most valuable are iron and calcium), starch and fiber.

The importance of carrots and onions is not even worth talking about. The orange vegetable is even used to prevent cancer, strengthen vision and immunity, and lower blood pressure.

Meat and fat increase most of all. With pork it will be more, with other types of meat it will be slightly lower, but for dieters this dish is still not very suitable. At the same time, meat remains necessary: ​​it supplies a person with the necessary proteins, mineral salts and some vitamins.

With all its increased nutritional value, pilaf is very easy to digest, so it can be eaten even by those who have not too advanced digestive problems.

The most delicious option

And although the calorie content of pilaf with pork is maximum, it remains the most attractive for us. The main thing when preparing it is to follow all the rules so that, despite the satiety, it is easily assimilated and gives taste pleasure. Not to be mistaken in spices is the first key to success. So do not forget cumin, paprika, turmeric, and be sure to find a door. The second component that will help avoid failure is a well-crafted zirvak, that is, meat fried with vegetables, cooked before laying the rice. The main condition here is to cook it over high heat. The third rule is not to stir the rice, so that it turns out exactly pilaf, and not porridge with meat.

There are a million recipes for this dish. But if you do all of the above, they will make the desired dish. And if you are only interested in the calorie content of pilaf with pork, then take care of the selection of a part of the carcass. The average calorie content of pilaf with this meat is 285 kcal. If you take a fat neck or add lard (lard), it will go up to 300. And if you choose a relatively lean piece, and even if you cut off the fat layers, you will get pork pilaf, the calorie content of which will drop to 240-250 kcal.

For gourmets - beef

One of the varieties that is also recognized by Muslim "inventors" is pilaf with beef. If a pig is a dirty animal, then they do not protest against cows. There is even a special recipe called “Uzbek beef pilaf”. There are peculiarities in cooking, but too significant. At the same time, the calorie content of pilaf with beef is noticeably lower.

The main differences: the meat must be carefully cleaned of veins and films - this time. Second: after frying the zirvak, it must be stewed. Braising will take from an hour (if you got the veal) to two (if you found only the meat of an adult cow). And third: when everything is ready, the fire is extinguished, but the contents of the cauldron under the lid must be infused for at least half an hour. All these measures are aimed at removing the toughness of the meat. But the calorie content of pilaf with beef will be only 215 kcal, and if you take completely low-fat pieces, it will drop to 200. For those who are concerned about their figure, this is a significant difference. If we compare the beef version and the calorie content of pilaf with pork, the numbers in the first case are very pleasing.

Vegetable fantasies

Concern about excess weight has given rise to many recipes in which meat is not involved, but pilaf is present. You want something tasty, but you have to limit yourself. So, options for marrow, eggplant pilaf have been invented; the same dish with dried apples and carrots, apple-nettle modification; pilaf with sweet pepper or lemon. This is not to say that these are too successful replacements. For example, eggplant instead of meat will not reduce nutritional value: this pilaf is comparable to the favorite one, with pork (287 kcal). Eggplant is comparable to the beef version - the same 214 kcal. Unless apples, nettles and bell peppers are quite consistent with the diet: from 86 to 165 kcal. But the taste is vegetarian!

And mushrooms are good!

The method of cooking mushroom pilaf does not quite correspond to the usual one. It is understandable - what a zirvak if there is no meat. Mushrooms, onions and carrots are fried separately, rice is boiled.

Then all the components are added to the place where the mushrooms were fried, and even mixed. However, if you add the spices to the Asian dish, you still get the calorie content of which will range from 91 to 170 kcal, depending on which mushrooms and what additionally you used.

The most dietary pilaf

It all depends, first of all, on what kind of "filling" you have chosen for your dish. If you lean towards the meat option, the chicken will be the least nutritious and dietary one. Moreover, if you resort to modern kitchen appliances. So, the chicken as part of this traditionally cooked dish will give the dish about 170 kcal, if a low-fat bird is caught or a chicken is taken. Pilaf made from the same chicken in a slow cooker will have no more than 140 calories. A beef variety of 215 kcal will lose about 50, and the same amount - pork. A minimum of 165 kcal will remain, but if you compare them with 220 or 280, losing weight will urgently have to run to the store for a multicooker.

And if you choose pilaf without meat, and even low-calorie, then you need to stop at the nettle-apple variation. She will bring you only 86 kcal - compared to all other recipes, this is a record. The second place is taken by dried apples, "diluted" with carrots - they pull by 126. The proud third place is for bell pepper with its 165 kcal. Other vegetables are inferior in energy even to chicken, so that in terms of dietary weight they are unlikely to contribute to weight loss.

As you can see, pilaf is different in taste and composition. Choose what suits you and do not deny yourself the enjoyment of this dish, even if you are on a diet.