Homemade natural yoghurt. How to make live natural yogurt at home

26.09.2019 Bakery

Despite the incredible usefulness and excellent taste of such a product as yogurt, you don't always want to buy it in the store, especially for a child. After all, the overwhelming majority of industrial yoghurts are stuffed with dyes, preservatives and other "usefulness". At the same time, one can argue about the presence of live bacteria in them, because the shelf life indicated on the package often exceeds 2 weeks, or even reaches a month. Way out - make lactic acid products yourself. The Eco-Life website offers to make yoghurt at home without a yoghurt maker: a recipe with sourdough or the addition of a natural product.

If you are not too lazy and make such a product at home, you will get a lot of pleasure not only thanks to its taste, but also to the moral satisfaction from using it. environmentally friendly and an absolutely healthy food product.

Homemade yogurt: recipe without yogurt maker

To prepare such a healthy lactic acid product, take one or two liters of whole milk and yoghurt starter culture (this can be a special dry starter culture usually sold in pharmacies, or ordinary store-bought live yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 7 days).

  • Milk must be brought to a boil and boiled for at least 15 minutes.

And if you evaporate the milk well (up to half original volume)- the product will be thicker, denser and more homogeneous. But it will turn out to be less;)

  • Then we cool the milk. It should acquire a temperature of no more than 39-43 degrees ("favorite temperature of bacteria"). You can determine by dipping your finger in milk: if you can hold your finger without scalding, for a long time - the temperature is normal.
  • Pour a little cooled milk into a cup and add the leaven. Mix thoroughly, pour over the rest of the milk and mix again.
  • Now we cover the vessel with milk with a lid, wrap it in a towel and put it in a warm place, for example, near a battery, for 4-8 hours. The milk should stand still, its temperature should be constantly warm.

Of course, if you have such a miracle of modern technology as a yogurt maker, you only need to pour the milk with sourdough into jars, put it in the yogurt maker and turn it on. The cooking process itself is no different.

We ALWAYS put the finished product in the refrigerator to stop the growth of bacteria. Otherwise, your homemade yogurt will acidify.

Such a product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week, ideally 4-5 days.

Do not forget to leave the starter culture for the next batch each time (about 100-150 g per liter and a half of milk).

Why homemade yogurt is good for you

  • It is full of living bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which inhabit the intestinal microflora, having a beneficial effect on the digestive system and immunity in general.
  • has antiallergic effect, helps the body to cope with dysbiosis.

With dysbiosis, it is often prescribed to drink probiotics of the type. However, it is not at all necessary to drink capsules - it is quite possible to make a homemade lactic acid product from their contents 🙂 One capsule for about 200 g of milk.

  • Its use is possible for people with lactase deficiency and milk allergy.
  • Besides eating directly homemade yogurt, it can be added to cereals, fruit and vegetable salads, wheat germ, and even c. Well, the kids will love it with fresh berries and fruits!

As you can see, making yoghurt at home without a yoghurt maker is very easy. Moreover, it can be done in a more "advanced" way - in a yogurt maker, in, in a thermos. As a starter, you can use both pharmacy dry starter cultures and purchased natural yogurt like activa, only with a minimum shelf life.

A maximum of information about yogurt makers, yoghurt, as well as a variety of yoghurt recipes at home without or with a yogurt maker can be found on a specialized website Yoghurt maker.ru... Here you can ask questions and even buy your favorite yoghurt maker using the offers of online stores.

High-quality yogurt made from natural ingredients is capable of performing several tasks at the same time: normalizing the digestive tract, getting rid of the hated centimeters in the waist, suppressing raging hunger, and replacing a full meal. This is partly the reason why PP advocates are looking for ways to make their own yogurt. In fact, it is not difficult to make it from milk at home. We offer for consideration not one recipe, but several variations at once.

The subtleties of making homemade yogurt from milk

Since you can make yogurt yourself, learn all the intricacies of the procedure at home. Below we present the available recipes.

1. Choose natural milk as a base. If this is not possible, buy a high-fat product.

2. Before the main manipulations, the milk is boiled. In this way, you can kill the pathogenic microflora that sometimes causes stomach upset. Even a store-bought pasteurized product needs boiling.

3. Since homemade yogurt must contain beneficial bacteria, the recipe must be followed. After boiling, let the milk cool to a temperature of 38-40 degrees, only then start the process.

4. Take care of the sterilization of containers and all cutlery that will be used in cooking in advance.

5. If you care about your figure, you need to take milk with a low ratio of fat content (1-3.2%). In other cases, it is better to buy a composition from 6%.

6. Since making yogurt from milk, following all the rules, does not always work out the first time at home, stick to the recipe. Keep in mind that during the fermentation process, you must not interfere or shake the fermented composition. Otherwise, the fermented milk drink will not ripen.

Sourdough milk yoghurt: "classic"

  • milk - 1 l.
  • starter culture (available at the pharmacy) - 1 pack

1. Transfer the milk to a saucepan and bring to a boil, then leave to cool. The composition should reach 38-40 degrees.

2. Measure out a small amount, dissolve the leavening powder in it. Put in cooled milk.

3. Sterilize the yoghurt preparation bottle. Pour the mixture into them and cover with nylon caps. Insulate each jar with a towel.

4. Soak the product in a warm place for about 13 hours. After a specified time, send to the refrigerator, cool and taste.

Milk yogurt in a thermos

  • milk - 0.9-1 l.
  • fresh yogurt - 0.2 kg.

1. Submit the milk to a boil, then remove from the stove and let cool to 40-42 degrees. Pour boiling water into a thermos, close, shake, dry. Steam and water should go away.

2. Mix part of milk with natural yogurt, make sure there are no lumps. Add this mixture to the cooled milk.

3. Transfer the components to a thermos, cork. Expect 7-9 hours. Then pour into containers, refrigerate for 8 hours and taste.

Fruit and berry yogurt in a slow cooker

  • milk - 1 l.
  • fruits / berries - 0.2 kg.
  • natural yogurt - 0.2 kg.

Since it is possible to make yoghurt from milk not only by the above methods, we recommend using the "helper" available to almost everyone at home. The recipe is simple.

1. Rinse fruit or berry platter, dry, pass through a blender and mash. Next, wipe with a sieve to remove peels and pits.

2. Pour milk into a refractory dish, boil, cool to 38 degrees. Add the fruit and berry mixture and prescription yogurt to it. Stir.

3. Sterilize the container, pour the base over it. Prepare the multicooker for work: line the bowl with a cotton towel, put jars of yogurt on top.

4. Pour in warm water until it reaches 1/3 of the multi-bowl. Switch on the Yoghurt function for 7.5 hours.

5. When the signal sounds, remove the composition and cool. Then transfer to the cold for another 8 hours and taste the homemade yogurt. Here is such a simple recipe in a slow cooker!

Thick Greek yogurt

  • natural yogurt - 250 ml.
  • whole milk - 0.9 l.

This yoghurt is distinguished by the technology of making it at home. The recipe allows you to get a thicker consistency without a yogurt maker.

1. Before making yogurt from milk, send it to the stove and wait for a boil, then cool to 40 degrees at home. According to the recipe, it is necessary to dilute yoghurt in a small amount of milk.

2. After that, mix the prepared mass in a saucepan with the rest of the milk. Cover the container with a lid and wrap it up with a warm cloth. For convenience, it is recommended to use a blanket.

3. Leave at room temperature for 7.5 hours. After that, move the workpiece to the cold. It is important to know that stirring the product is strictly prohibited.

4. Use a colander and cover with 4 layers of cheesecloth. Pour in yogurt carefully. Leave the mass for 4 hours. During the allotted time, excess serum will drain. As a result, you will have about 400 grams. thick Greek yogurt.

Homemade yogurt in the oven

  • milk - 1 l.
  • 20% sour cream - 0.2 kg.

If you still don't know how to make yogurt from milk, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the method of cooking in the oven. At home, it is quite easy to translate the recipe into reality.

1. Bring milk to a boil and then cool to an acceptable temperature. Dissolve sour cream in half the volume of milk. After that, the piece must be carefully mixed with the rest of the milk.

2. Distribute the mass into single portioned glass containers. Preheat the oven to 50-60 degrees. Then disconnect it. Place the filled jars on a baking sheet.

3. Pack each tightly with cling foil. Place in the oven and close the door. Every hour the oven must be turned on for about 6 minutes at a temperature of 50-60 degrees.

4. The total time of the procedure will be about 7-8 hours. After that, put the workpiece in the refrigerator. Lie down to rest. After waking up, the yogurt is completely ready, it can be combined with jam.

Since yogurt is easy to make, you only need to be patient. Consider options for making a milk treat. Try different variations of the blanks at home. Each recipe is very easy to translate into reality.

In a modern supermarket, you can find a wide range of fermented milk products. Various packaging, tastes and prices of yoghurts, sour cream and kefir leave no room for imagination. The main question that all yogurt lovers ask is how to evaluate its quality and benefits.

Homemade yogurt - how to make?

In store-bought fermented milk products, there are impurities and preservatives that negatively affect their useful properties. To leave any doubts about the yogurt you plan to consume, you can make it at home from natural products. There are many recipes for making yogurt - a healthy and tasty product, but everyone has the same cooking principle.

The main thing for homemade yogurt is how to make it while retaining all the beneficial properties of fermented milk products. In order for the difficult mission of preparing such a product to be crowned with unconditional success, you will need:

  • Milk;
  • Leaven;
  • Banks;
  • Pot.

Yoghurt tastes better with higher fat milk. Starter cultures can be different - you can use sour cream, store-bought yogurt, or special starter powders that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Yogurt for sourdough is chosen without dyes and flavors, and most often they take natural white, with a shelf life of no more than seven days. The starter cultures that are sold in the pharmacy are used according to the instructions and recommendations indicated on the package. Even a young and inexperienced housewife can make yogurt at home.

Whole milk is preliminarily brought to a boil and cooled to a temperature of 40 degrees. This temperature is considered optimal for the correct "work" of the starter culture. The starter culture is mixed with milk, and the resulting mixture is poured into sterile jars. You can put the fermented milk on a battery or in a saucepan with hot water, but it is difficult to achieve a high quality product in this way. It is also quite difficult to achieve the optimal temperature for correct and quick fermentation without special devices.

Cooking in a yogurt maker

For a convenient, quick and proper preparation of a homemade fermented milk product, it is best to use a special electrical appliance. The peculiarity of such a device is that it maintains the temperature necessary, optimal for the correct fermentation, throughout the entire period of yoghurt preparation. In addition, many yogurt makers are equipped with a timer that turns off the device after the end of the cooking process. How to make yogurt in a yogurt maker is described in detail in the instructions for the device.

The utensils that come with the yoghurt maker are convenient, have lids in the kit, allow not only convenient dosing of the dairy product, but also conveniently stored in the refrigerator after preparation.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Let's figure out how to make yogurt in a slow cooker with and without an additional option? Many modern models have a special function for making yoghurt. In this case, you need to follow the instructions and, having prepared milk and sourdough, poured into portioned jars, turn on the necessary program for making yogurt. The multicooker itself will regulate the temperature and cooking time of the fermented milk product.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker

You can also make homemade yoghurt in multicooker models without a special function. To do this, you need to prepare a multicooker and portioned jars. Preheated and mixed milk with sourdough is poured into sterile containers. The jars are covered with cling film and secured with rubber bands.

Place a small cotton towel on the bottom of the bowl of the malti-cooker, on which the prepared jars are placed. Water is added to the multicooker bowl to the level of the milk mixture so that when heated, the water does not cover the portion containers. The multicooker must be turned on in the "Heating" mode and set for about 20 minutes. After the end of heating, the multicooker must be turned off and wait about an hour without opening the lid. Then we repeat the "Heating" mode for another 20 minutes, turn off the multicooker and leave the containers until they cool completely. The finished yogurt is removed for two hours in the refrigerator to solidify.

Yoghurt can be prepared without additives or with different flavors. Sweet yogurt can be obtained by adding sugar, honey, condensed milk to milk before sourdough. You can also add various fresh fruits and jams to yogurt. To do this, you can take a small amount of milk and grind the fruit in a blender until smooth.

Yogurt recipes

There are two main recipes for making yogurt. The first recipe is based on the preparation of the product without the use of special starter cultures. For preparation, choose a jar of store-bought yogurt without fillers.

So how to make yogurt, homemade product recipe:

Ingredients for making homemade yoghurt without special starters:

  • Store-bought yogurt (secondary sourdough) -100 grams.

During the preparation process, milk (if it is store-bought) just needs to be heated to 40 degrees, and if homemade milk, it must be brought to a boil and cooled to 40 degrees.

The average fermentation time for homemade yoghurt is 6-8 hours. It is not necessary to keep more than the permissible time, since the product will turn out to be sour and tasteless.

Ingredients for making yoghurt with special sourdough:

  • Milk, high fat content - 1 liter;
  • A portion of the starter culture - 1 pack.

The cooking process is similar to the previous recipe, only dry sourdough is used instead of liquid yogurt. After making delicious homemade yoghurt, 150 grams can be left to re-ferment. It is recommended to renew the starter with frequent use once a month.

Homemade yogurt step by step recipe

Let's start the preparation of yoghurt by sterilizing the jars.

Now you need to heat the milk to 85 degrees and make sure that it does not burn.

Bring the milk to the desired temperature and remove it from the heat.

Now we lower the pan into a sink or other convenient container with cold water and cool the milk to 50 degrees.

It's time to add the leaven.

Add store-bought yogurt to a small bowl.

Add 2 cups of chilled milk.

Stir the contents of the bowl and add it to the pan with the rest of the milk.

Stir so that in all containers in the future, yoghurt turns out to be equally good. And we pour it into jars.

We close the lids - we make sure that they tightly close the neck of the cans.

Pour water into the travel refrigerator to about three centimeters, the water temperature is 50 degrees.

Close the lid and remove for about three hours.

After three hours, we take out the jars and put them in the refrigerator for cooling. The yogurt is, in principle, ready, but you can wait a little longer and it will turn out to be thicker.

This is how the yogurt you made yourself should look like.

With a little patience, it turns out that making delicious homemade yogurt is not that difficult.

April 14, 2018

Yogurt- a very tasty and healthy product. It is eaten with pleasure by children, adults and the elderly. Yogurt perfectly maintains the balance of intestinal microflora, which makes it not just a breakfast product, but a full-fledged preventive therapeutic drug. Children especially love fruit yoghurts with different fillings: cornflakes, chocolate or caramel balls. And then there are yoghurts with jam, pieces of fruit and just natural, which can even be used in salads.

On store shelves, all these types are presented by different domestic and foreign manufacturers, in different packaging and packaging. There are thick and drinkable yoghurts, in short - for every taste. All this is great, but the only drawback: such a product is not very cheap. It is quite possible to cook homemade yogurt.

Four ingredients for making homemade yogurt:

  • milk;
  • leaven;
  • the container in which it will ripen;
  • desire of the hostess.

Homemade yogurt in a thermos

It is better to take home milk from a friend's grandmother. If she has sanitary - epidemiological and veterinary documents, then you can not even boil it. You can also take ordinary store-bought pasteurized milk. In any case, both must be heated to a temperature of 40-42 degrees. The temperature can be measured with an ordinary water thermometer, which is in any family with small children. There is no thermometer - just dip your finger into the milk, and if it tolerates the temperature without experiencing a strong burning sensation, then this will be the optimal temperature.

How to make yogurt in a thermos:

  1. One liter of warm milk should be poured into a regular thermos, add the leaven there, tightly close the thermos with a lid and leave for 8-9 hours.
  2. As a starter, you can use regular store yogurt without colors, fruits and sugar. This yoghurt has an inscription: "Natural".

  3. It needs 3-4 tablespoons per liter of milk. Do not forget that the milk, together with the sourdough, must be mixed well.

Kitchen gadget - yogurt maker

Modern kitchen appliances make life easier for housewives. They bake bread, beat cream, and stuff sausages. And of course, they make yoghurts. If the whole family is used to eating it for breakfast, then it is the yogurt maker who will help not to give up the usual delicacy. You should definitely purchase this wonderful device or ask your friends to present it for the next birthday of your child or mother. Dad also does not hurt to eat a portion - another tasty bacteria, so it is quite possible to buy a yogurt maker as a gift for him on February 23rd.

The yoghurt maker consists of a container itself, in which the optimum temperature is maintained for yoghurt ripening, and several yoghurt cups. If the family is large, then you need to buy a yogurt maker with the largest number of containers. It is worth noting that there are plastic and glass cups. Of course, it is better to opt for glass. It is chemically pure and inactive towards lactic acid bacteria.

How to make homemade yoghurt using yoghurt maker:

  1. Pour milk into the cups, which can be left unheated beforehand, and add the starter culture at the rate.
  2. Close the yoghurt maker and select the "Cooking" mode.
  3. It is better to do this in the evening, then the family will receive the freshest and most delicious natural yogurt for breakfast. As a starter culture, you can use special pharmacy starter cultures.

  4. The instructions for them say how much sourdough you need to put on a certain container for yogurt.

The same starter cultures are now sold in all dairy departments of large hypermarkets. Only, if in pharmacies, they are domestic and inexpensive, then in stores, they are mainly imported and significantly more expensive.

The slow cooker also makes yogurt

If the yogurt maker is intended only for the preparation of this particular fermented milk product, then the multicooker can boil, bake, stew, and fry. Its most expensive models also have the “Yogurt” function. Yogurt cups can be supplied with a multicooker, or they can be purchased separately. In such a kitchen multi-device, yoghurt is prepared according to the principle of an ordinary yoghurt maker: milk plus sourdough and the “Yogurt” button.

Fillers for yoghurt

As mentioned earlier, children mostly love sweet fruit yoghurts. Nothing prevents you from preparing a fruit dessert at home. You just need, instead of some part of the milk, say the fourth, add any fruit or berries to the glass: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears. All fruits and berries must be cut into equal pieces. Instead of fresh fruits, it is quite possible to put those that have been frozen over the winter. If the child does not want to eat non-sweet yogurt, you can add a little sugar or honey to the milk.

After the yogurt is ready, you can also put glazed cornflakes on your child's plate. The charm homemade yoghurt the fact that it can be prepared, taking into account the tastes of the whole family: for dad - with a pear, for a son - with strawberries, and for mom - natural. Firstly, she monitors her figure, and secondly, in the evening she will fill the vegetable salad with the same natural yogurt. In the meantime, dinner is being prepared, you can make a face mask from the same natural yogurt.

The first mentions of yoghurt appeared over 6 thousand years ago. According to one of the legends, it was invented by the ancient Turks, according to another version, the fermented milk product began to be served to the table in Ancient Greece and Rome. In Europe, yoghurt became popular at the beginning of the 16th century, after the healing of the stomach disease of King Francis I of France. In the 20th century, mass production of this product began, which became possible thanks to the Danone company. But even today, homemade yogurt is considered healthier and tastier than its store counterpart.

A wide range of yoghurts, both natural and with various fillings, is presented on store shelves. Manufacturers assure that they are useful, help to establish bowel function, normalize metabolism and improve well-being. Still, homemade yoghurts are considered better. The benefits of this fermented milk product for the body are invaluable.

  • Thanks to bacteria such as Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus, with regular use of yogurt, it is possible to normalize the intestinal microflora.
  • Gently eliminates the problem of constipation and intestinal disorders.
  • Effectively combats the manifestation of allergic reactions on the skin, improves its condition.
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria.
  • Homemade yogurt does not contain sugar, which means it is allowed for people with diabetes.
  • Helps in the fight against excess weight.

Homemade yogurt has a number of significant advantages over store-bought products. It contains only milk and ferment containing beneficial bacteria, without preservatives and stabilizers. Only homemade yogurt is really healthy.

Homemade yoghurt without sourdough

To do this, you will need a liter of milk and a jar of ready-made store-bought yogurt without sugar or fruit fillers.

The label must contain the inscription "Contains live bacteria", they are responsible for the fermentation process.

  1. Boil the milk or heat it in a thick-walled saucepan
  2. Cool to 40 degrees, stirring occasionally with a spoon, so that no foam forms on top
  3. Dilute yogurt in one cup until smooth
  4. Pour into a saucepan with warm milk and stir again
  5. Close the pan with a lid and wrap it with a large towel
  6. We move it to the oven, leaving the lighting lamp on
  7. It will take about four hours to ferment.
  8. The longer you keep the food in the oven, the more acidic it will be.
  9. We take out the pan, carefully drain the milk whey that forms on the surface
  10. We pour yogurt into containers and send to the refrigerator

Options for making homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker

Anyone can make homemade yoghurt, and it is not necessary to have a special device for this - a yoghurt maker. It is quite possible to do with other improvised means.

Homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker, the recipe for which (and more than one) is presented below, suggests several cooking options:

  • in a thermos;
  • in a blanket;
  • using dry sourdough;
  • in a slow cooker;
  • in the oven;
  • with sour cream sourdough.

Each of the recipes has its own advantages and disadvantages. But yoghurt, prepared at home using one of the proposed methods, turns out to be no worse than from a yoghurt maker.

Delicious yogurt at home. Recipe without a yogurt maker in a thermos

A thermos is great for making homemade yoghurt. This type of dish has good thermal insulation properties and maintains the desired temperature of the liquid poured into it for several hours. And this is just one of the prerequisites for making the right and healthy homemade yogurt.

The recipe without a yogurt maker (in a thermos) consists of the following sequence of actions:

  • Boil 1 liter of homemade or pasteurized milk. Cool to a temperature of 38-40 degrees.
  • While the milk is cooling, it is necessary to pour boiling water over all the dishes that will be used in the preparation of yogurt, including a thermos and spoons.
  • Remove the froth from the cooled milk. Pour out a small amount (about 100 ml) and mix gently with store-bought natural yoghurt. Make sure that the fermented milk product used as a starter culture does not contain dyes, flavors and other "chemicals". The composition should contain only milk and sourdough.
  • Combine the sourdough with the remaining milk. Pour into a thermos and close the lid tightly.
  • After 8 hours, pour the finished product from the thermos into a sterile container (jars of baby food are suitable) and send it to the refrigerator for 6 hours.

This is how yogurt is prepared at home. The recipe without the yogurt maker presented above is simple to perform. It requires a minimum of effort, and the result is a very tasty and healthy fermented milk product.

Greek yogurt at home

Greek yogurt has a special consistency. By its structure and taste, it resembles soft and tender cream cheese. It is eaten in its pure form or used to make cream for cakes and pastries.

Homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker, the recipe of which is known to many, differs from the previous one in that milk with sourdough is not poured into a thermos, but wrapped in a blanket in a sterile jar or saucepan. In this way, it is possible to maintain the desired temperature regime necessary for the fermentation process. After 6-8 hours, ready-made homemade yogurt is transferred directly from the pan into a colander covered with several layers of gauze. After a few hours, the excess whey will drain and you will have about 400 grams of thick, creamy Greek yogurt.

Natural yogurt at home. Recipe without sourdough yogurt maker

To prepare yogurt according to this recipe, you will need 1 liter of milk and dry sourdough. You can buy it at a pharmacy and in some large supermarkets. The base for fermenting milk is prepared similarly to the previous recipes, but the ferment is used dry, not store-bought yogurt. Otherwise, the sequence of actions is the same.

Homemade yoghurt (recipe without sourdough yoghurt maker) is made from boiled or UHT milk. It is completely processed, that is, free of any bacteria, so it does not need to be boiled. A small amount of milk is mixed with dry starter culture, and then combined with the rest in a sterile container. After that, the base for the yogurt should be wrapped in a blanket or poured into a thermos.

Providing the necessary temperature conditions, you can get healthy homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker. A recipe with a photo will make the cooking process easier. Daily use of natural homemade yogurt will allow you to forget about constipation and intestinal disorders forever.

Homemade yogurt in a slow cooker

Those who don't have a yogurt maker but have a slow cooker will love the following homemade yogurt recipe. The base for this fermented milk product is prepared from milk and sourdough. Next, you need to sterilize glass jars, such an amount that they all fit in the multicooker bowl.

After that, the sourdough milk should be poured into the jars. At the bottom of the multicooker bowl, you need to spread a cloth napkin, pour water and put the container (as for sterilization during canning). We turn on the "Yogurt" mode. If this method of cooking in a multicooker is not provided, select the "Heating" mode for 15 minutes. An hour later, we turn on the heating of the cans again for the same time. We repeat the above steps for the third time. After 3 hours, homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker (recipe in a slow cooker) can be put in the refrigerator. Bon Appetit!

Natural yoghurt without a yoghurt maker in the oven

This recipe, according to the cooking technology, resembles the version with a multicooker. But instead of this modern appliance, which not every housewife has in stock, an oven is used.

Homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker, the recipe for which is presented below, is made from milk and sourdough. It can be poured directly into portioned jars or cooked in a saucepan. In the first and second cases, the lid for the container will be a foil, which must be well fixed.

We send the cans into an oven heated to 50 degrees. After 5 minutes, turn off the device. We repeat the procedure every hour another 6-7 times. In modern ovens, where you can set any temperature for heating, you should adhere to the value of 40-42 degrees.

Homemade yogurt with sour cream

To prepare a healthy fermented milk product, it is not necessary to use sourdough. You can make homemade yogurt without the sour cream yogurt maker. Its fermentation time will be longer, about 12 hours, but the result is excellent.

In boiled cooled milk, you need to add 3 tablespoons of sour cream, heated to a temperature of 38 degrees. We carefully combine the ingredients with a whisk. We put the yogurt in a warm place to ripen. For this, any method of fermenting milk you like is suitable. After 12 hours, homemade sour cream yogurt will be ready. Now it can be sent to the refrigerator, and after 4 hours you can taste a delicious natural fermented milk product.