The inscription on the cake is Nutella. Inscriptions on the cake with white and dark chocolate

14.09.2019 Bakery

A person gets so used to the gray everyday life that he ceases to notice their transience. The year flies by quickly and only the next birthday brings a storm of emotions into this routine. And the cake gives a special solemnity to this day. There are many ways to decorate it, but only a soulful inscription will create individuality! How to make an inscription on a cake at home? There are little secrets of this skill.

How to write on the cake to make it look beautiful?

The lettering should be applied to the surface of the cake first. It is she who is the accent of the celebration and should attract the eye. This does not mean that half of the cake should be filled with it. It's just that the jewelry has volumetric shapes and when the inscription is applied, it can smear and lose volume.

There is nothing difficult in applying an inscription on a cake, but there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, before writing on a cake with an uneven surface, consider whether it will be readable. After all, uneven surfaces deform the inscription, turning beautiful wishes into something shapeless, in appearance more reminiscent of a blot than kind words. Also, such surfaces do not allow you to correct minor imperfections when applying text.

The deviation from this rule is just a tiny surface. If necessary, it can be removed and sprinkled on a new layer.

How to make an inscription on the cake so that the birthday person is delighted?

1. It is not necessary to make the inscription very long. If the entire surface of the cake is full of letters only, it will envelop it in gloom. Even if it is a poetic form of expressing love for the birthday man.

2. Avoid using the word "from" in the inscription. This is an obligatory sign of a mourning, funeral formulation.

3. Eliminate repetition of words. "To the teacher on Teacher's Day!" Agree: hearing is annoying.

4. Spelling mistakes in short sentences are simply unacceptable. When in doubt, it is better to trust the dictionary than your intuition.

5. Writing long words also does not create a festive mood. When using an ornate font, the birthday person will have to work hard to read the inscription. It is better to replace “20 years” with “20 years”.

6. Try to place words evenly, on the same level, without transferring syllables. Dancing letters, and even in syllables, are not a pleasant sight.

How to make an inscription?

Experienced pastry chefs use syringes with special attachments when applying texts to cakes. This is a unique technology and it takes experience to master it. Using a syringe once a year will turn the lettering into a daub. How to write on a cake without a syringe?
You can buy a special cornet or a stencil, make a corner - a bag of thick paper or a plastic bag and put the "ink" there. To make the inscription even, you can scribble letters with a toothpick or "sugar pencils", and then circle them with cream, icing or chocolate.

In the modern world, there are even special printers that use food paints to apply text to a wafer cloth, so you can easily order such an inscription and just lay the waffle sheet on the cake.

What to use as "ink"?

Each craftswoman uses her own composition for applying inscriptions. Cream, glaze, melted cocoa butter, chocolate.

It all depends on the coating of the cake. On a soft surface, such as, for example, the text is easily laid out with nuts, dried fruits, colored dragees. It can even be scratched out or formed with light pressure. Hard surfaces won't tolerate this simplicity.

And how to make an inscription on a mastic cake? The easiest way is to use ready-made stencils or silicone stamps.

You can also make a stencil at home. To do this, you need to print the necessary text, attach it to the desired place on the surface of the cake covered with mastic, and trace the contours with a needle. An imprint of the inscription will remain on the cake, which can be circled with food paints or other "ink".

You can also make stamps at home. For this, words are used in a mirror image (for example, translate through the glass of a window) and icing. Words are filled with icing and dried. Then the stencil is applied to the surface and pushes the text. Then the print can be easily traced.

For those who want to make an inscription on the cake with chocolate, you need to remember the following regulations:

1. Chocolate tends to melt and spread.

2. The surface of the cake before applying the inscription should be slightly frozen.

To outwit the insidious chocolate, you can put the cherished words on the glass and cool in the refrigerator. Ready-made letters placed on the cake are less susceptible to heating.

But it is better to replace it with a mixture of butter and cocoa, combined in equal proportions at room temperature. The taste is identical, the mixture is elastic.

By the way, if you have not yet decided what kind of cake you will bake, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our

It's nice to get a cake for your birthday, March 8 or any other special occasion. When you realize that this is especially for you a person tried, baked cakes, whipped cream, collected this beauty, it warms up in the soul. It is especially gratifying to see a personalized cake with pleasant words and wishes, surrounded by roses and berries. The art of writing on the surface of the cake can be learned, but it's not just the good composition of the sweet "ink" - pastry letters have their own rules.

Basic rules for drawing up a beautiful inscription (theoretical part)

So that the inscription does not upset the culprit or hero of the occasion, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • Of course, there is a lot you want to say, but cake is not a greeting card. You do not need to write a lot of words in small handwriting, try to state the most important thing, the rest can be said. The only exception can be a very large cake, the surface of which can be covered with praises and at the same time filled in the voids in the glaze.
  • Write the name of the person you want to present the cake to - it's always nice.
  • Cake is an attribute of the holiday, and it should arouse extremely positive emotions. The inscriptions on the cake, like, "To Ivan Ivanovich from grateful subordinates", "To my beloved grandmother from her grandchildren", "To dear Tanechka from Vasya" are associated with texts on mourning ribbons. Avoid qualifications about the author of the lettering, and the ambiguous subtext will disappear by itself.
  • The text should be euphonic. Before you write something with chocolate, capture the project on paper and re-read it several times, then you will notice in time that "Teacher on Teacher's Day" and "Director of the Directorate" are tautologies.
  • Replace words that are too long with shorter ones or numbers. For example, it is better to replace “50th anniversary” with “50 - Happy anniversary!”. If the word does not fit on the cake, it will have to be transferred to another line, worse than that, only spelling mistakes.
  • The cake will be eaten, even if you make a few mistakes in the simple inscription, but they will remember your literacy for a long time. Don't skip letters, check the dictionary and don't forget about punctuation marks. An important rule for "cake writing" - appeals are highlighted with commas: "Since March 8, Lenochka", "Get well, darling", "Happy birthday, grandmother!". Respect should be expressed in a capital letter in the pronoun: "Happiness to you!"

How to write a chocolate cake (practical advice)

After writing the text, you can get down to business - think about the placement of decorations and inscriptions on the cake, develop the style of the letters, choose the ingredients for the mastic.

  • The lettering should be easy to read against the glaze background. If the cake is light, it is better to make the chocolate inscription black; make the inscription on the dark cake with white chocolate. The text will be well read even on photographs that birthday people and guests like to do.
  • Try to arrange the inscription symmetrically. You can get creative, but it is advisable to evenly fill the entire cake with letters and decorations.
  • Do not write on an uneven surface - if the texture is convex, the letters will deform and look unattractive.
  • Do not write hot chocolate on the icing - it will melt and ruin everything.
  • Use a toothpick to trace the lines so that the lettering is straight. It will be difficult to correct the unevenness, and discrepancies of even a few millimeters will spoil the idea. Thin stripes from a toothpick are invisible, do not be lazy to mark the surface of the cake even if you are only going to write a couple of words. Mark the center, count the number of letters, spaces and punctuation marks, start writing with the middle letter, then move to the right at equal intervals, and only then move to the left of the center.
  • If you want to write not one word, but a phrase, do not be lazy to mark each letter. It's better than suddenly realizing that there is not enough space.
  • The most important element of the lettering is the numbers. If they're supposed to, start with them. Then write the words and only after that fill in the empty spaces with flowers, leaves and berries. If you are decorating a cake for a women's holiday, start with "8", if congratulating the hero of the day - from age (5, 25, 50, 70, etc.).
  • If one of the letters turned out badly, do not rush to delete it. Put the cake in the refrigerator, when the lettering hardens, the letter can be carefully removed and replaced with another.

Practical part: how to make a chocolate inscription on a cake

There are several ways to make a chocolate inscription on a cake. A pastry bag in the hands of an experienced craftsman looks like a very simple device, but the ease with which the virtuosos work is deceiving. When you paint your tenth cake, you, too, will succeed gracefully and naturally. Inexperienced confectioners will have to prepare to overcome unforeseen, but completely surmountable difficulties. First, you need to choose a tool for applying the inscription:

Special food marker

The simplest device that even a child can handle. A tube with a special hole is filled with melted chocolate. The letters are written, squeezing out the right amount of the mixture, the lines are neat, of the same thickness.

Chocolate letters

Cream injector

The use of a special device greatly simplifies the task. The syringe must be filled with melted chocolate mixed with butter, shake slightly so that no air bubbles remain, put on a nozzle with a narrow and straight cut. Squeeze out the contents with equal force and at the same pace.

Plastic bag

Melt a bar of black or white chocolate in a water bath. Add 2 tablespoons of milk and a spoonful of butter, stir until smooth. When the chocolate has cooled a little, pour it into a plastic bag, secure the loose ends so that one corner remains. Cut off the small tip at right angles to keep the letters neat and thin. If you get used to it, you can write out beautiful letters with curls on the cake.

Baking paper cornet

This is an improved analogue of a plastic bag. It is more convenient to write the inscription, and the letters are clear.

Grated chocolate and your own stencil

Write congratulations on a sheet of thick paper or parchment, the letters should be large and positioned as the inscription on the cake will look like. You can use a computer or write by hand. Cut out the stencil with fine scissors. Rub the chocolate bar, place the stencil on the icing surface of the cake, and fill in the letters with shavings.

Brush and melted chocolate on mastic

Write text on tracing paper or thin paper, it is better to use a computer and a printer. Place the sheet against the surface of the cake and circle the letters with a needle. The outlines of the letters will be printed on the mastic, and you just have to draw them with a brush dipped in melted chocolate.

Which chocolate to choose

The chocolate lettering should be contrasting, so white chocolate is suitable for a dark surface, and black for a light one. It can be simple, but this "ink" is suitable for those who have already learned to write fluently - chocolate hardens very quickly. If you are using white chocolate, add some cream or butter to it. You can replace dark chocolate with cocoa fondant.

Chocolate fudge recipe

  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons l.
  • Powdered sugar - ½ tbsp. l. (not necessary)


Cocoa takes on a beautiful dark color only in boiling water or fat; butter is more suitable for fondant. Sugar can be skipped, a little bitterness will not hurt a sweet cake.

  1. Sift the cocoa. Heat the oil at room temperature until soft.
  2. Grind butter with cocoa and powdered sugar until smooth.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a cornet or plastic bag. Cut a corner and try the thickness of the line on a platter or hand.

Cocoa with butter will melt from the heat of your hand, and the chocolate ink will retain the desired consistency.

Chocolate calligraphy technique

Prepare the cake - it should be smooth, smooth and cool. Mark out the surface as described above and start writing.

  • Take a cornet or a bag of chocolate in your right hand, and support the hand with your left hand so that it does not flinch from tension.
  • Draw lines in fragments, do not try to write without tearing, as it is difficult to regulate uniform pressure on the bag and draw letters evenly.
  • The writing tip should be 1-2 millimeters from the cake. If you raise it higher, the line will stretch, lower - it will smear or be imprinted on the coating of the cake.

How to write congratulations on March 8 or birthday on a cake

The content of the inscription and the style of decoration of the cake should correspond to the nature of the holiday. Conciseness and brightness are the main principles of the confectionery message. To prevent the surface from turning into writing, leave room for other decorations. It is advisable to write the name of the hero of the occasion on the birthday cake. If the cake is made for the anniversary, indicate the number. You also need a beautiful "8" in congratulations on Women's Day.

Lettering for March 8

The easiest and safest option:

  • Beloved mommy (Irochka, Tanechka, Lenochka) March 8!
  • I wish you happiness on the day of March 8!

A woman will appreciate and will forever remember the more touching words:

  • To the most beautiful woman
  • Always in my heart
  • On the day of March 8, the most beautiful, sweet and beloved
  • Darling! Your smile is priceless
  • Spring begins with your smile
  • You're just the best
  • The sweetest, kindest and most beloved - to you
  • Always in my heart
  • To the best mommy
  • With love to my soul mate
  • I love you so much

Birthday lettering

A cake with an inscription that you made with your own hands will surprise and delight the birthday man. Start with a number, and then post text that you can think of yourself or find on the Internet. Remember to be literate and concise.

  • May life be sweet
  • To conquer all heights
  • The greatest happiness
  • Seas of love, ocean of happiness

Even the most delicious cake without a beautiful decoration will not be festive. Sometimes it is enough to make an inscription - and the culinary recipe becomes perfect, and the hero of the occasion's mood skyrockets. If you are in doubt about your artistic ability, start with the simplest lettering - you will succeed.

So, let's learn how to beautifully and correctly make an inscription on the cake.

First, of course, the theoretical part, and only then we will move on to practice.


1. Do not confuse cake and greeting card. A common mistake is that I want to write too much, I do not recommend it. There will be no space left for the rest of the decorations. If you leave a cake with only one lettering, it will look gloomy. After all, cake is a culinary dish, beautifully designed, and not a place to pour out your defirambs. Thinking over the inscription, try to make it as capacious as possible in content and minimum in the number of words. The exception is large "corporate" cakes. where you need to take something empty space.

2. We never write inscriptions according to the scheme "Beloved mother-in-law FROM son-in-law", "Beloved teacher Marivanna OT 10A", "Dear Lenochka FROM Seryozha". Such inscriptions are made on the ribbon of the funeral wreath. and the person gifted with the cake will definitely notice it. And to him. of course it will be unpleasant. Therefore, we formulate our congratulations as we like, but not in such a "mourning" form. After all, if the cake is for the mother-in-law, then the son-in-law gives it, right?

3. We do not allow tautology. "To beloved teacher on Teacher's Day!", "To the Dear Director of the Railway Directorate" ...

4. We try not to use the words "ugly". Ugly, because they are long (what if they don't fit into a string?) And not easy to read. "Happy 60th birthday!" - Looks awful, and in the photo it will be much less impressive than the large number 60 and the inscription "Happy Anniversary!" Therefore, when thinking over the inscription, be sure to take into account the length of the words.

5. Don't forget spelling rules! As you know, the reference is highlighted with a comma. We do not ignore this rule when labeling the cake! "Happy Birthday, Lenochka!" "Be happy, friend!" "My love, get well soon!" We emphasize our special respect with a capital letter: "Only for you!"

Well, WHAT to write, decided. Now we will learn HOW to write.


1. The inscription must be in contrast to the background. Even if the cake is in the most delicate pastel colors, the inscription should be clearly visible even from afar. As a rule, the birthday cake must be photographed as a keepsake. and guests. The lettering should be easy to read.

2. The inscription can be located anywhere: from the right or left side, from above, from below, in the middle ... It all depends on the idea. If the cake is strictly symmetrical, then the inscription should also be symmetrical.

3. At the place of the inscription, the cake should be absolutely even - never write on "dots", "Stripes", "squiggles" and other background decorations. Your congratulations will come out clumsy and ugly.

4. Always, even when you are absolutely sure of your capabilities, draw a "line" for yourself with a toothpick. If each letter is even a millimeter higher or lower than its neighbors, or if your hand leads the word down or up from tension, you will simply ruin your work. Therefore, take it as a rule - EVEN FOR A COUPLE OF WORDS, DRAW A RULER! After you write. it will hardly be seen.

5. Sometimes you need to place a phrase or word strictly symmetrically in the center. We use the following technique. For example, the word "Congratulations!" We count the number of letters, including the exclamation mark -11. We are looking for the middle on the cake, mark it with a toothpick. We draw a "ruler". At the center of symmetry we write the letter A (it is the center of our inscription). Then we add the second half of the word ("- I am!"). Now, with the same spacing between the letters, write from the letter A to the left P, D, Z, O, P. That's it, your absolutely symmetrical inscription is ready. If you need to write a phrase, then we divide all letters in half., Including spaces between words (we also count as one letter).

6. The biggest mistake that will ruin the appearance of the cake terribly and certainly won't decorate it is WORD TRANSFER. Do what you want, count as you want! Up to the complete destruction of the top of the cake, but the inscription needs to be redone. At first, try not to sign the cake on the right side, because you will not have the slightest margin, 1-2 letters will simply "fall" over the edge. If you write on the left, then the reserve width of the cake is more significant, and the position "nowhere to add 1 letter" is easier to correct.

7. Do not be lazy to make letter-by-letter markings (with the same toothpick on the "line" - a couple of minutes spent will turn into a clear inscription without overlaps and additions from below.

And now the most important rule for signing a cake, so I will highlight it in red letters:



That is why, first of all, we align the cake, arrange the side and put the date number.

Then we place the inscription.

And then fill the empty space with flowers. But so that they in no way obscure the main accents - the number and the inscription.


To make the chocolate ink, I use 2 tablespoons of soft butter and 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Cocoa is a must, well, just VERY absolutely must be sieved.

Now we grind this mixture until the butter takes all the cocoa into itself and becomes a homogeneous mass without lumps (this is important!). This ink tastes, of course, bitter, but on a sweet cake it is not felt at all - an insignificant amount goes to the inscription. If, after all, you want it to be tastier. then add half a spoonful of powdered sugar to the mixture (also MANDATORY sift !!!).

The property of cocoa is such that it gives its intense chocolate color only in two substances: fat and boiling water. In others, only a gray, slightly edible color. It is for this reason that your sponge cake with the addition of cocoa-like with the ground was mixed, and the cake is black as a Negro. The presence of fat "played into the hands" of the cake.

We have no time to cook, yes and troublesome. Therefore, we will take advantage of this wonderful property of cocoa and make the "ink" in a cold way, without boiling.

When writing, DO NOT use the "tube" nozzle - no matter how thin it may seem to you.

We transfer our chocolate porridge into a disposable bag or into a homemade parchment or just thick paper bag. We cut straight, not obliquely with the tip. Sooooo small. Trying the thickness on a platter. If it's too thin, cut it a little more.

This mixture is good in that all the liquid in the butter is bound with cocoa powder. And in the hand this "ink" becomes soft, but does not flow. That is why I put a lot of cocoa. A smaller amount would give color. but I need a consistency non-flowing.

After writing the bags, wrap them in plastic and put them in the freezer. A couple of hours before the end of work on the next cake, we take it out of the freezer, let it just "move away" in the room and write on. If mixed correctly, your ink will not delaminate and will behave well even after numerous defrost-freezes. But this is not a reason to knead a lot at once. It’s hard for a hand to draw letters and press at the same time. And then add the weight ... so knead for 2-3 tablespoons of oil, no more!


In our adored Internet, we fill in the search engine "Fonts in Russian". A bunch of options fall out. Choose what you like and download. Only a few can draw, but the absolute majority can draw. We print ourselves an interesting and not very complicated font. We take a pen and a piece of paper, write the inscription of interest in this font. We count letters, measure words ... In short. we estimate it as much as possible for the future cake.

We mark the surface of the cake, take the bottle of ink in our right hand. With the left hand we hold the wrist of the right hand so that it does not tremble with effort. As if transferring the weight of the right hand to the left.

We start drawing lines. Try to break each letter into several pieces. It will be much easier to write than one continuous line. The tip of your pastry pen should be 1-2mm above the surface of the torus - this is the hardest part of writing. A little higher, and the line will not lie in the right place, but will stretch for the hand. A little below, and you are already "plowing" the background.

No matter how hard I tried, I got it all the same!

It's OK! If some letter did not work out, do not rush to rewrite it. start to clean up, smear it even more. We finish the rest and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. We take out - the letters are thoroughly frozen and become solid. We pick up our karakul with a toothpick and remove it from sight. There is a small groove, but not chocolate stains. In place of the ugly we insert the beauty and that's it.

If the entire inscription is categorically ruined, then it's okay too. Remove the top layer of the cream with the letters with a knife and level it again. If it's bad, then just turn the cake 180 * and write out of the blue, and fill up the "scars" from past experiences with a bouquet.

But if you disregarded my advice and decorated the whole cake, leaving corners for the inscription, which did not really fit into anything, I have nothing to help you with. Instead of a 5-minute rework (or rather correspondence), you will have to break up a half-cake. ALAS!


It is impossible to hope that the first time you get what you intended. Here, as once in the 1st grade, you also need to develop handwriting. But it is worth it, because a personalized cake is many times more pleasant and valuable for a dear person than a "faceless" "addressless" one. Therefore, put in effort, patience and diligence, and you will succeed. With time.

Of course, the inscriptions can be made with other formulations - creams, glazes, melted chocolate, ready-made "sugar pencils", etc. But the principles and rules remain the same for everyone.

Therefore, I hope that my wordy work will be useful.

A beautiful birthday cake, baked with your own hands, will surely surprise and delight the birthday person. A huge selection of fillings makes it possible to please even the most capricious gourmet. But after trying, and making the baked goods really tasty, many want to complete the overall picture with an original congratulation inscription.

Professional confectioners will not be afraid of such a task, because in their arsenal there is always a whole set of tools that will help solve this problem. But if you are going to do it at home, you have to work a little. But the result will surely please you.

Congratulations and wish

Before starting the painstaking work, it is worth deciding on the text of the inscription. To do this, follow a few important rules:

  1. The cake is not a greeting card and you don't have to write much. The phrase should be succinct, but concise.
  2. Avoid texts like "Maria Ivanovna from grateful students." They are very similar to those written on funeral wreaths. So come up with something more appropriate.
  3. Don't use long, hard-to-read words. Instead of "fiftieth anniversary" it is better to write "50th anniversary".
  4. And, of course, do not forget about the spelling rules so as not to be considered illiterate. If after the congratulation "Happy Birthday" there is an appeal, do not forget to put a comma in front of it.

Now it's time to figure out how to make the selected lettering.

If you are doing this for the first time, it will not be superfluous to practice on a piece of paper, and then carefully draw one or two thin lines on the surface of the cake so that the words are on the same level.

For work, you need a pastry syringe with a fine nozzle or a bag.

How can you make an inscription? Here are some simple options:

Cream. You will not need additional ingredients other than food coloring. Add the desired color to a regular butter cream, and you can start working.

Chocolate ink... This is another standard cake decorating option. If you like pure chocolate, then you just need to melt 1-2 bars in a water bath. But you need to work with him as quickly as possible so that he does not have time to freeze. You can also make a simpler version of the chocolate fondant. For her, take:

  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 30-50 g

Melt the butter, mix with cocoa powder, make an inscription and send the cake to the refrigerator to solidify.

Chocolate letters... This method is not at all complicated, it just requires care and accuracy, and as a result, you will get beautifully displayed words, also in a font that you like.

The secret is simple. First, write the desired phrase in a text editor on your computer, select the desired font and size, print.

Using a syringe into which you want to pour the chocolate melted in a water bath, draw directly letter by letter on the paper. When you're done, place the letter sheet in the freezer for a few minutes. Then remove and transfer to the surface of the cake.

Glaze... On a dark base, a light inscription will look beautiful. You can make it from glaze. To do this, take:

  • milk - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 400 g

In a container, mix the ingredients, and bring to a boil over low heat, and then continue to cook until the mixture thickens. You can write wishes with a syringe or even an ordinary plastic bag, in the corner of which you need to make a small hole.

A beautiful birthday cake, baked with your own hands, will surely surprise and delight the birthday person. A huge selection of fillings makes it possible to please even the most capricious gourmet. But after trying, and making the baked goods really tasty, many want to complete the overall picture with an original congratulation inscription.

Professional confectioners will not be afraid of such a task, because in their arsenal there is always a whole set of tools that will help solve this problem. But if you are going to do it at home, you have to work a little. But the result will surely please you.

Congratulations and wish

Before starting the painstaking work, it is worth deciding on the text of the inscription. To do this, follow a few important rules:

  1. The cake is not a greeting card and you don't have to write much. The phrase should be succinct, but concise.
  2. Avoid texts like "Maria Ivanovna from grateful students." They are very similar to those written on funeral wreaths. So come up with something more appropriate.
  3. Don't use long, hard-to-read words. Instead of "fiftieth anniversary" it is better to write "50th anniversary".
  4. And, of course, do not forget about the spelling rules so as not to be considered illiterate. If after the congratulation "Happy Birthday" there is an appeal, do not forget to put a comma in front of it.

Now it's time to figure out how to make the selected lettering.

If you are doing this for the first time, it will not be superfluous to practice on a piece of paper, and then carefully draw one or two thin lines on the surface of the cake so that the words are on the same level.

For work, you need a pastry syringe with a fine nozzle or a bag.

How can you make an inscription? Here are some simple options:

Cream. You will not need additional ingredients other than food coloring. Add the desired color to a regular butter cream, and you can start working.

Chocolate ink... This is another standard cake decorating option. If you like pure chocolate, then you just need to melt 1-2 bars in a water bath. But you need to work with him as quickly as possible so that he does not have time to freeze. You can also make a simpler version of the chocolate fondant. For her, take:

  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 30-50 g

Melt the butter, mix with cocoa powder, make an inscription and send the cake to the refrigerator to solidify.

Chocolate letters... This method is not at all complicated, it just requires care and accuracy, and as a result, you will get beautifully displayed words, also in a font that you like.

The secret is simple. First, write the desired phrase in a text editor on your computer, select the desired font and size, print.

Using a syringe into which you want to pour the chocolate melted in a water bath, draw directly letter by letter on the paper. When you're done, place the letter sheet in the freezer for a few minutes. Then remove and transfer to the surface of the cake.

Glaze... On a dark base, a light inscription will look beautiful. You can make it from glaze. To do this, take:

  • milk - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 400 g

In a container, mix the ingredients, and bring to a boil over low heat, and then continue to cook until the mixture thickens. You can write wishes with a syringe or even an ordinary plastic bag, in the corner of which you need to make a small hole.

The lettering on the cake is a special addition that gives the gift a personal touch. It is not at all difficult to implement your ideas and ideas in practice, the main thing is to be patient and prepare the necessary materials.