What patterns do cake nozzles make. The most essential tools for working with cream

26.09.2019 Bakery

Finally! The long-awaited post about pastry nozzles for many. I'll make a reservation right away that here I will tell you about the most popular baits that I have and which I regularly use to decorate cakes and cupcakes for the site.

First, some general information.

What attachments to buy

Let's agree right away that we do not buy plastic nozzles that are sold complete with bags or syringes in stores in post-Soviet countries and do not seriously consider it. Most often they are too small and with an inexpressive relief of the outlet. I myself threw one such set in the trash about six years ago. of little use to him. The exception that I met in popular retail chains is the set of nozzles in Ikea. They are made of stainless steel, normal size and even with a more or less decent bag included. In all other cases, we turn around and go to look for specialized confectionery stores or explore the Internet for online ordering (ozone, Amazon, Ali-express and others like them to help you).

If you have a choice between a set or several separate attachments when purchasing, buy separately. Experience shows that most of the attachments from the set are just lying around. Pick and buy some of the attachments you'll actually use - save both money and cabinet space.

About bags

If you choose between a pastry bag and a syringe, then a bag is preferable. It is more convenient for several reasons:

  • The size. You can put more cream or dough in the bag at a time than in a syringe.
  • Ease of use. The bag makes it easier to control the squeezing force of the cream.
  • Versatility. Any attachments without a connector (special adapter) can be used with the bag. Especially with a disposable one - we cut the tip to the desired diameter - and use it.

I have a couple of reusable nylon bags. But given the fact that I hate washing them with every fiber of my soul, my favorites are disposable bags - a set of large ones for everything and a set of small ones for small decor. If you are buying a reusable bag, take it at least 35 cm in length. The material is already a personal matter.

My attachments

Everything I have I divide into three groups:


1 - 20 mm at the outlet, 8 twisted teeth.
2 - 22 mm at the exit, 12 teeth, large clearance in the center.
3 - 18 mm at the outlet, 8 teeth.
4 - 14 mm at the outlet, 10 teeth.
5 - 8 mm at the outlet, 9 teeth.
6 - 7 mm at the exit, 4 cloves.
7 - 9 mm at the outlet, 8 teeth.
8 - 4 mm at the exit, 5 teeth.

Straight nozzles

Diameter - from 3 to 17 mm. The photo does not show the whole set.

Other curly nozzles

9 - nozzle “weaving” 10 mm wide.
10 - nozzle "weaving" 17 mm wide.
11 - nozzle “sheet” 10 mm wide.
12 - nozzle “sheet” 6 mm wide.
13 and 14 - petal attachments.

And now - about what you can and should do with them.

This is the result of working with attachment number 4:

Most often I use it to decorate cake borders. Like, for example, here:

I use them to “trim” cupcakes, plant meringues and marshmallows.

Attachments 8, 6 and 7:

Again, borders and small decor.

Nozzle number 2:

I use it for choux pastry for profiteroles and eclairs. And also for custard rings.

Well, it is also suitable for cupcakes, although here the volume of the cream turns out to be too large for my taste.

Attachments 11 and 12:

The most obvious is the flower leaves on the cakes. They can also be used to decorate the sides of the cake. For example, here:

Attachments 9 and 10:

Braids on the sides are made with just such attachments. There is an example in this recipe (sorry for the photo, the recipe is very old).

Unfortunately, I will not give an example of how nozzles 13 and 14 work. Frankly, I haven't learned yet. But roses from cream cakes are made with their help.

Now - about the straight nozzles. They may be needed for:

  • French pasta,
  • Profiteroles, eclairs and shu,
  • Meringue,
  • Savoyardi cookies ("ladies fingers")
  • Spreading cream between cake layers,
  • Decorating cakes, pastries and cupcakes.

The most running ones I have are 6, 10 and 15 mm.

It seems to be all 🙂 If you still have questions - ask them in the comments. Then I will supplement the post if necessary.

Finally! The long-awaited post about pastry nozzles for many. I'll make a reservation right away that here I will tell you about the most popular baits that I have and which I regularly use to decorate cakes and cupcakes for a blog.

And further. With this post, I begin a series of publications in which I will talk about the culinary tools and techniques that I use more or less regularly. I think this will remove a good part of the questions in the comments to the recipes :)

First, some general information.

What attachments to buy

Let's agree right away that we do not buy plastic nozzles that are sold complete with bags or syringes in stores in post-Soviet countries and do not seriously consider it. Most often they are too small and with an inexpressive relief of the outlet. I myself threw one such set in the trash about six years ago. of little use to him. The exception that I met in popular retail chains is the set of nozzles in Ikea. They are made of stainless steel, normal size and even with a more or less decent bag included. In all other cases, we turn around and go to look for specialized confectionery stores or explore the Internet for online ordering (ozone, Amazon, Ali-express and others like them to help you).

If you have a choice between a set or several separate attachments when purchasing, buy separately. Experience shows that most of the attachments from the set are just lying around. Pick and buy some of the attachments you'll actually use - save both money and cabinet space.

About bags

If you choose between a pastry bag and a syringe, then a bag is preferable. It is more convenient for several reasons:

  • The size. You can put more cream or dough in the bag at a time than in a syringe.
  • Ease of use. The bag makes it easier to control the squeezing force of the cream.
  • Versatility. Any attachments without a connector (special adapter) can be used with the bag. Especially with a disposable one - we cut the tip to the desired diameter - and use it.

I have a couple of reusable nylon bags. But given the fact that I hate washing them with every fiber of my soul, my favorites are disposable bags - a set of large ones for everything and a set of small ones for small decor. If you are buying a reusable bag, take it at least 35 cm in length. The material is already a personal matter.


Everything I have I divide into three groups:

1. Asterisks.

1 - 20 mm at the outlet, 8 twisted teeth.
2 - 22 mm at the exit, 12 teeth, large clearance in the center.
3 - 18 mm at the outlet, 8 teeth.
4 - 14 mm at the outlet, 10 teeth.
5 - 8 mm at the outlet, 9 teeth.
6 - 7 mm at the exit, 4 cloves.
7 - 9 mm at the exit, 8 teeth.
8 - 4 mm at the exit, 5 teeth.

Diameter - from 3 to 17 mm. The photo does not show the whole set.

3. Other curly nozzles.

9 - nozzle "weaving" 10 mm wide.
10 - nozzle "weaving" 17 mm wide.
11 - nozzle “sheet” 10 mm wide.
12 - nozzle “sheet” 6 mm wide.
13 and 14 - petal attachments.

And now - about what you can and should do with them.

This is the result of working with attachment number 4:

Most often I use it to decorate cake borders. Like, for example, here:

I use them to “trim” cupcakes, plant meringues and marshmallows.

Attachments 8, 6 and 7:

Again, borders and small decor.

Nozzle number 2:

I use it for choux pastry for profiteroles and eclairs. And also for custard rings.

Well, it is also suitable for cupcakes, although here the volume of the cream turns out to be too large for my taste.

Attachments 11 and 12:

The most obvious is the flower leaves on the cakes. They can also be used to decorate the sides of the cake. For example, here:

Attachments 9 and 10:

Braids on the sides are made with just such attachments. An example is in (sorry for the photo, the recipe is very old).

Unfortunately, I will not give an example of how nozzles 13 and 14 work. Frankly, I haven't learned yet. But roses from cream cakes are made with their help.

Now - about the straight nozzles. They may be needed for:

  • French pasta,
  • Profiteroles, eclairs and shu,
  • Meringue,
  • Savoyardi cookies ("ladies' fingers")
  • Spreading cream between cake layers,
  • Decorating cakes, pastries and cupcakes.

The most running ones I have are 6, 10 and 15 mm.

It seems to be all 🙂 If you still have questions - ask them in the comments. Then I will supplement the post, if necessary.

A beautifully decorated cake pleases the eye, is able to charm and surprise guests. Housewives come to show maximum imagination and make remarkable efforts so that their pastries become not only tasty, but also amazingly beautiful and unusual. There are a great many techniques and recipes for decorating cakes today. For this, a variety of devices are used, of which the most inexpensive and affordable is a pastry syringe or a bag with nozzles.


For a confectionery syringe, the cream is selected sufficiently thick, plastic, well-retaining its shape. Too thick mass will be squeezed out of the nozzle unevenly, in pieces. And too liquid - it will spread immediately after applying the decoration to the surface or sides of the cake. Therefore, the main parameter for choosing a cream recipe is its consistency.

Butter cream

The easiest and cheapest recipe. Consists of several available ingredients. It can be used for decoration in its pure form, as well as tinted and additionally flavored.


  1. Butter - 250 grams;
  2. Condensed milk - 1 can (boiled is used more often in this case);
  3. Vanilla, cognac, liqueur optional.

Cooking process:

  1. Soften the butter and chop it finely with a knife.
  2. Add condensed milk and beat with a mixer for 5-10 minutes. Make sure that the mass does not delaminate.
  3. Add flavoring, food coloring according to the recipe.


This cream is more fluffy. The mass turns out to be snow-white, and therefore can be used for decoration in its natural form or set off with natural or artificial dyes. The cream holds its shape perfectly if prepared strictly according to the recipe.


  1. A pound of sugar;
  2. 5 very cold proteins;
  3. Half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  4. Half a glass of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the syrup from water and sugar. Add citric acid to it.
  2. The syrup is boiled, stirring, for at least 5 minutes.
  3. The mass is cooled slightly.
  4. The whites are whipped until fluffy and the uncooled syrup is introduced in a thin stream.


Cream based on fresh cream is also suitable for decorating a cake with a syringe or bag. It is lightweight, squeezes well even from the narrowest nozzle, its consistency is uniform, so there are no voids and air bubbles in the finished decor.


  1. One large egg;
  2. One glass of cream (35%);
  3. 80 milliliters of milk;
  4. 80 grams of granulated sugar;
  5. 10 grams of gelatin;
  6. Vanilla.

Cooking process:

  1. Soak the gelatin in plain cold water for 25 minutes. Wait for it to swell and absorb all the water.
  2. Mix the egg with sugar and grind it white. Boil the milk, immediately remove from the heat and pour in a thin stream into the egg mixture.
  3. Add gelatin, stir and place in a water bath.
  4. While continuing to stir, dissolve the gelatin (just do not bring the mixture to a boil).
  5. Whisk the cold cream until frothy. This will take about 10 minutes.
  6. Pour the milk mixture cooled to room temperature little by little into the creamy foam, add the vanilla and stir.

Decoration technology

The decorating method with a syringe is quite simple. You will need the actual syringe and several attachments. There are sets with nozzles in the amount of 4-10 pieces. The more there are, the more refined and unusual decorative elements you can make on the cake.

Decorating technology:

  1. Prepare the cream according to the recipe of your choice. If you paint with a slightly warm mass, the decor will turn out to be shiny, and if the cream is pre-cooled, the decoration will be matte and more durable.
  2. Put the cream into the syringe with a teaspoon. Shake it a little so that there are no voids and air bubbles inside. There is also an interesting recipe for creating the "ombre" effect: a cream of the same color is applied to the walls inside the syringe with a thin flat stick, and a contrasting mass is gently laid inside with a spoon. As a result, the jewelry is obtained with interesting tints of color and looks very original.
  3. Decide on a decorating scheme. If you are going to squeeze patterns directly onto the surface of the cake, you can draw their outlines on the coating (frosting or mastic) with the edge of a knife or a special pastry stack with a sharp tip. This will make it much easier to apply the pattern evenly and neatly.
  4. If decorative elements will be formed separately, and only then laid out on the cake, prepare plastic hats or long sticks (for creating flowers). Place parchment pads or pieces of foil of the appropriate diameter on the hats so that you can easily transfer the flower to the cake.
  5. Prepare the cake according to the recipe: cover it with mastic, cream or icing. The surface should be slightly sticky. If the product is covered with dry mastic, coat the decoration areas with a thin layer of special gel or jam, confiture so that the decor does not slip and sticks well to the cake.
  6. Place the nozzle over the syringe or bag to create the desired pattern. Borders around the edges of the cake can be made using a bevel cutter, wedge cutters are used to create leaves and thin petals (for example, in chrysanthemum). The narrowest, straight cut is used for lettering, fine lines, lace, flower stems, ears, eyes and mouths on figures. The serrated nozzle can be used for decorating with stars, zigzags, flowers, including on the sides of the cake.
  7. The size of the element varies depending on the force of pressing the piston of the pastry syringe. The harder you press on it, the larger the element will be. When creating many of the same elements, it is important to maintain the same pressure throughout the entire decorating process.
  8. Lift the syringe higher if you are drawing a large drawing. To apply small details, keep the nozzle as close to the cake surface as possible.
  9. When you are finished decorating, pull the nozzle away from you sharply along the pattern line so that the tongue remains invisible.

You can paint the decor even after applying it to the cake. Today, a special device is used for this - an airbrush. Spraying a dye from it onto a white cream, you can achieve amazing color combinations and overflows. Alternatively, you can use improvised means - perfume bottles, nozzles with sprayers. The decorated cake must be placed in the cold immediately. Prescription cream with gelatin can be quite watery. You can put it in the cold for a few minutes, and only then decorate the cake. The separately made items are also placed in the cold (you can even in the freezer) before laying out on the cake.

Bon Appetit!

Hello everyone. Today I come to you without a prescription, but with an extremely important article! We disassemble pastry nozzles. Yes, this time I will tell you in detail about my nozzles and show examples of caps on cupcakes.

This question has become so popular in my direct that I couldn't get past it. Many girls who begin to comprehend this path of sweets are lost in the world of tools and do not understand where to start.

If you open the site of any store for pastry chefs, you can spend half a day looking through its contents. And after all, at first it seems that all this is so important and necessary for the beautiful design of your desserts.

I can calm you down! A good half of all this is useless rubbish! You don't need so many tools to work.

And here are some of them today with examples.

So what kind of attachments does a beginner need to decorate cupcakes?

You will be surprised! But, in fact, only 1-2, well, with a maximum of three attachments, you can create absolutely incredible patterns on cupcakes!

Do you know how many of them I have? 15! And some in duplicate) And I only work with three!

What is the most basic and necessary attachment for a home pastry chef? What should you pay attention to?

A must-have attachment for every cake maker is the 1M or 2D Wilton. The principle of their work is about the same, in principle, like the appearance. These are closed star nozzles. This is how they look.

I have 2D. This is the same nozzle with which I make roses on cupcakes. Here's a plan.

And I decorate my trifles - desserts in glasses, and Pavlov's cake.

When choosing attachments, be sure to look at their size. Standard attachments are approximately 3-4 cm high. Less than 3 cm are not convenient to use. There are large nozzles of 5 cm, from which beautiful patterns on cakes and wonderful meringues are obtained.

Below are examples of hats with different attachments.

In order for you to understand that sometimes the same patterns are obtained with different attachments, I made such a selection.

Nozzle 2 D.

Rosette with this nozzle.

4CS nozzle. Similar to the previous attachment.

This is how she looks from the side.

But such a rose is obtained using this nozzle.

Next nozzle. I have it without a number. It is called like a French fantasy rose. This is how it looks from above.

But such a rose comes out.

As you can see, all three of these nozzles have a similar pattern on the cupcakes. And you can safely choose just one nozzle of such a plan - a closed star. And not buy a whole set)

But, not only roses can be twisted with such attachments. If the cream is deposited not from the middle of the cake, but from the edge to the center, then tall beautiful caps for cupcakes come out. Now I will show examples of such cool hats.

My favorite Wilton 2 D nozzle.

So, for comparison, both a high hat and a rose with a wilton 4cs attachment.

And here's a hat closed with a rose again. The pattern itself is beautiful, but the nozzle is too small, so it is not very convenient to work with it.

So from these three examples it is clear that there is not a very big difference in the pattern, so you can safely buy one of the attachments without spending money on others of a similar plan.

This is what the drawing looks like.

There are nozzles of this type with different slots, wider and narrower. But, the essence is the same. Tall hat on cupcakes. There is only one drawback, the middle is empty, so you have to decorate it with berries or candy cookies. But, after all, so almost always cupcakes are decorated with this kind of decor, so you can safely take such a nozzle.

If I have any new favorites, I will definitely add their photos here.

Well, in the next article I will write a recipe for lemon cupcakes, the same ones from the photos above.