Eringi is a culinary community. Eringi porcini mushrooms

05.08.2019 Bakery

Royal oyster mushroom is native to the Mediterranean and parts of Asia. It is the largest mushroom in the genus oyster mushroom, these mushrooms are easy to recognize - there are small flat caps on long fleshy legs. It is both cultivated and harvested in nature, it grows, unlike other mushrooms, not on the trunks of dead trees, but on the roots of dead stems and it needs more nutrients than other mushrooms. It is called royal oyster mushroom or eringi.

The leg makes up most of the royal oyster mushroom. The mushroom can grow up to 20.3 cm at the stem, which are almost as wide as the caps on top of them. The caps are thin and flat, and their thick stems take longer to cook than most mushrooms.

Raw royal oyster mushroom is almost tasteless, but after heat treatment, a familiar mushroom taste appears. Although these mushrooms are not easy to find, they are always found in Asian markets. The shelf life of royal oyster mushrooms is longer than that of most types of mushrooms. Usually mushrooms have a shelf life of two to seven days, royal oyster mushrooms are stored for 10 days in the refrigerator.

We call Eringa mushrooms based on their scientific name Pleurotus eryngii. In the directory of mushrooms of the USSR, these mushrooms are called the Steppe white mushroom. In nature, Eringa mushrooms grow in the steppe territories of the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Middle East.

Unlike common oyster mushroom, the Eringi mushroom has an elastic, cartilaginous texture and a pleasant mushroom aroma. It is considered dietary, medicinal and well absorbed (unlike many other mushrooms). Like all mushrooms, Eringi contains a large amount of vitamin D 2, stimulates the immune system and contains minerals and trace elements, calcium, chlorine, copper, iron, iodine, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur and zinc.

According to the reviews of culinary experts from countries where this mushroom has already been tasted, Eringi is the most delicious of the cultivated mushrooms. Hats and legs are fully used and do not lose their taste during prolonged cooking. They are also eaten fresh (in salads, combined with tomatoes, apples, green salad, leeks), stewed, soups, julienne are prepared, and used for grilling. Eringi tastes very delicate, slightly sweet, with a cashew nut flavor, a pleasant consistency. Eringes can easily and without loss of taste replace the porcini mushroom in the recipe, not to mention champignons and oyster mushrooms. Losses during heat treatment are no more than 5%, while for other mushrooms this figure can be up to 50%. Eringi has a long shelf life - it can be stored in a paper bag in the refrigerator for several months.

Eringa mushrooms, cut in half, fry in a skillet over medium heat.

How to fry eringi deliciously

Eringi - 3 large mushrooms (weight 500-600 grams)
Dry white wine - 70 milliliters
Cream 10% - 70 milliliters (can be replaced with liquid sour cream)
Butter - 50 grams
Dill - a few twigs
Salt and pepper to taste

How to fry eringi in a pan
1. Wash 3 large eringes, cut off the lower earthy part of the legs.
2. Cut each ering mushroom in half lengthwise.
3. In a wide skillet, enough to put all the eringes in one layer, put a piece of butter, place over medium heat, melt the butter.
4. Put halves of mushrooms in melted butter in one layer, fry for two minutes.
5. Turn the eringes to the other side, fry for a couple of minutes.
6. Remove the eringes from the pan and place on a plate.
7. Sprinkle eringes with a pinch of salt and pepper.
8. Cover the plate with eringes tightly with cling foil, leave for 10 minutes to soften the mushrooms and release excess moisture.
9. Pour 50 grams of 10% cream, 50 grams of wine into a frying pan with the remaining butter, add salt, place over medium heat, let it boil.
10. Place in the eringi sauce, cook for half a minute, then turn over and cook for another half minute.
11. Wash and chop the dill.
12. Put the eringi with the sauce on a dish, sprinkle with dill on top.

How to fry eringi for a snack

Eringi - 3 pieces
Chips (kind to taste) - 30 grams
Ground black pepper - a pinch
Sour cream - 100 grams
Garlic - 3 prongs
Vegetable oil - a quarter cup
Salt - 1 teaspoon

How to fry eringi
1. Grind the chips to a crumb consistency.
2. Mix the chips with the pepper and half of the salt and pour into a deep bowl.
3. Wash the eringes, dry them slightly, cut them across into 1 cm thick rings.
4. Sprinkle the eringes with the remaining salt.
5. Pour a quarter glass of oil into a wide frying pan.
6. Heat the oil until bubbles start to form.
7. Dip each ering ring in the chip mixture and place in the oil.
8. Fry the eringi for 1 minute, then put on a sieve, and put the next part of the mushrooms in the butter.
9. When all the eringes are fried, prepare the sauce: put the sour cream in the gravy boat, add the chopped garlic and stir.

When eringi mushrooms appeared in the house, I threw up my hands: how to cook them? To fry, or to boil soup? Indeed, the white steppe mushroom made an impressive impression. Large, only 5-6 pieces per kilogram. A tiny hat, not in proportion to the leg. The leg is also amazing - dense structure, snow-white, fleshy. Interesting! And the taste pleased - a delicate, nutty, slightly sweet mushroom.

Like any inquisitive person, I surfed the Internet and found out what kind of mushroom this is - yering. Would you like to introduce and tell you about cooking recipes?

Meet the yering mushroom

I will list all the names of an exotic product for us, perhaps you have already met it: royal oyster mushroom, steppe porcini mushroom, steppe boletus, eringi, oyster, Korean or Chinese mushroom.

In countries where the curious mushroom has already been tasted, it is eaten raw, added to vegetable salads. Prepare soups, stew, grill and pan. By the way, eringi resemble our boletus, the broth in soups is transparent and rich.

In the countries of Southeast Asia, in the Mediterranean and North Africa, where eringes grow in the wild, the gifts of the steppe have long been popular. In South Korea, they are grown on an industrial scale, from where supplies come to us.

Steppe oyster mushroom is well absorbed by the body, unlike most forest counterparts. It is considered a dietary and quite healthy product.

Calorie content of eringes per 100 gr. - 40 kcal.

How to cook eringi mushrooms

Mushrooms are good on their own if you just fry them for about five minutes in oil. In my opinion, overdoing it with spices will only ruin the dish. Raw, I confess, I haven't dared to try it yet. As usual, there are a few secrets so that when you first start cooking steppe boletus, you feel more confident.

How to clean eringi mushrooms

You do not need to clean royal oyster mushrooms, unless you need to remove possible dirt and cut off the bottom of the leg. All that remains is to wash and cook them.

How much to fry eringi:

Fast, very fast. The whole frying process takes 5 minutes, but then it is recommended to hold the mushrooms for 10 minutes, covering tightly.

How much to cook mushrooms:

Eringi are boiled for 15 minutes after boiling water.

How to fry eringi

I offer the simplest recipe for frying steppe mushrooms, but I advise you to stew them a little in the original sauce.


  • Eringi - 500-600 gr.
  • Low-fat cream - 70 ml.
  • Dry white wine - 70 ml.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • A pinch of pepper, dill sprigs and salt.


  1. Cut the peeled and washed mushrooms along the length of the leg.
  2. Melt the butter in a frying pan, arrange the pieces in a row and fry for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Turn over and continue frying for a couple more minutes.
  4. Transfer to a plate. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. Cover with a sheet of foil and wrap the dish.
  5. Leave it on for 10 minutes. During this time, the eringes will "reach" - they will let some juice and go limp.
  6. In the allotted time, quickly prepare the sauce: pour cream and wine into a frying pan, add a little salt.
  7. Let it boil and transfer the eringi to the skillet. Timed the time: simmer for half a minute, turn over and extinguish the same amount again. You can not stew the mushrooms in the sauce, but simply pour the fried eringi over them.
  8. Sprinkle the finished dish with dill.

Yering mushroom soup recipe

The first Korean mushroom dish tastes like a soup with white mushrooms. Only the taste is more original, with a nutty note.

You will need:

  • Steppe white mushroom - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot.
  • Bulb.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • R. oil - 2 large spoons.
  • Salt, a bunch of herbs and pepper.

How to make soup:

  1. Slice the clean mushrooms lengthwise and then divide into half rings. The thickness of the plates is no more than 5 mm.
  2. Rub the carrots coarsely, chop the onion into cubes. Peel the potatoes and cut into strips. Chop the herbs.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, add mushrooms. Cook after boiling the liquid for 5 minutes. Remove foam if there is a lot of it.
  4. Heat oil in a skillet, add onion cubes and sauté until golden brown.
  5. Add the carrots, season with salt and pepper and continue to fry for another three minutes.
  6. Add frying, potatoes to a saucepan, and cook after boiling over low heat for 15 minutes.
  7. Mushroom soup is good with sour cream added when serving. Don't forget to sprinkle with herbs.

Yeringi stewed in Korean-style sweet and sour sauce

I came across a recipe and was glad. The recipe for the oyster mushroom dish is sustained according to all the rules of Korean cuisine. Soy sauce and honey marinade is incredibly popular lately. Chicken, shrimps, vegetables are cooked with it.


  • Eringi mushrooms - 200 gr.
  • Lemon juice - a tablespoon.
  • Soy sauce - 2 large spoons.
  • Honey - 2 large spoons.
  • Sunflower (olive) oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt, sesame seeds.

How to cook eringi:

  1. Fry the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan - it will fully reveal its taste. Remember to stir while roasting as it will burn quickly.
  2. Add honey, sauce, butter, plus a spoonful of lemon juice. Stir (whisk with a blender for speed).
  3. Cut the eringi into circles and send to the first bowl to marinate.
  4. Stir the contents of the bowl, spreading the marinade, and let sit for 20 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, place the eringi in one layer in a non-oil pan. Fry until golden brown. Adjust the heat to keep the honey from burning. Fry all pickles.
  6. Do not pour out the marinade. When all the royal oyster mushrooms are overcooked, return them to the marinade in the skillet.
  7. Simmer for 2-3 minutes together. The sauce will thicken and darken slightly.
  8. Place on a plate, sprinkle with the rest of the marinade from the pan and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

How to store a steppe white mushroom

In the refrigerator, royal oyster mushrooms are stored for up to 2 weeks, packed in a paper bag. If you want to keep longer - freeze

How to freeze eringi

Cut the mushrooms into random pieces, place on a baking sheet and place in the freezer. After 1-2 hours, take out and arrange in portions into bags.

Another recipe for cooking steppe porcini mushrooms is in batter. I hope that now you will not have any questions about how to cook eringi. May it always be delicious for you!

We present you three ways to prepare royal oyster mushroom.
The taste of mushrooms is different in all three cases, but it is very difficult to say which dish is tastier and more tender.


1. Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth, cut off the caps.
2. Cut the legs of the eringa into round spots - photo 1. The hats can be cut into pieces, fried in a little butter and used in other dishes, or frozen. The frozen pieces are then reheated in a frying pan without defrosting.
3. For the first cooking option, the thickness of the circles is 3-4 mm, for the second and third - no more than 2 mm. In all cases, we take olive oil.

Mix the oil with spices and grease the sliced ​​eringi with a silicone brush. We leave for 20-30 minutes.
It is good to use mixtures of herbs as spices - hops-suneli or Italian herbs.
Then we take a frying pan, drip just a little oil, heat it up and put the pieces of mushrooms in one layer. The flesh of the royal oyster mushroom is quite dense, but it absorbs a lot of oil. Then, during cooking, it stands out, and the mushroom circles are fried in it as in deep fat. See picture 2.
Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, the reference point is a golden brown crust. If there is too much oil, then taking out with a slotted spoon, press lightly on the edge of the pan, or dip the finished yeringi with a paper towel.

2nd way:

Roll the chopped pieces in flour, then in batter and finely ground bread crumbs (photo 3). As a batter, I use a beaten egg with spices and a pinch of salt. Homemade rusks are most delicious - slices of white bread are dried in the oven until golden brown and crushed in a blender. Fry on each side for 3-4 minutes, until tender. Photo above.

Option 3.

Put the sliced ​​circles in a frying pan with a little oil, add and sprinkle with spices. Then we oil the top side with a brush, turn it over after a couple of minutes to the other side. After a few more minutes, turn over and fry until tender. Since the circles are thin, they are fried quickly. Turned light brown - take out.

In the first two versions, it is better to eat warm, and in the last - the dish is very appetizing, both hot and cold.

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- I had a sluggish business - I was looking for something to do. One day a friend says: “I used to grow oyster mushrooms in my basement. Nothing was on sale. " I come home, open Google. I accidentally saw a photo of Ering. I think: this is a beautiful mushroom, I want to grow this one. I saw that no one in Ukraine produces. I decided to try, - saysNational Mushroom Agency UMDIS Kirill Vetryakov, the owner of the company PP "Aesthetic Foods", is the only one who industrially grows eringes in Ukraine. Its mushrooms lie on the shelves of Silpo supermarkets and other retail chains.

There is practically no information on how to grow eringes on the Internet - at the time Kirill started, there was even less of it. The more raw material suppliers. At first, the businessman planned to establish production like a champignon complex - to work on imported compost or mycelium.

- I bought ready-made compost from someone. All green came, - Kirill recalls. - I realized that I have to do it myself. Then I ordered grain from two suppliers in Ukraine via the Internet, allegedly infected with eringa mycelium. Equipped the camera. I made a substrate, sowed it. Some of the infected grains didn’t grow, while from others oyster mushrooms climbed. I decided: we need to tie it up. I went to study in China.

The specificity of growing eringa is very different from the production of both champignons and oyster mushrooms. The main difference is the sterility of the growing technology. The substrate is sterilized in an autoclave. To place the mycelium in a sterilized substrate, two people are involved. They work in the laboratory, dressed in special disinfected suits. Under a stream of purified air, one of them unscrews the lid put on the bag with the substrate, the other introduces the carrier infected with mycelium - and the first screw it on.

- He himself designed our first laminar flow cabinet, which blows with clean air, - the businessman recalls. - I also bought a small laboratory autoclave then. A month ago, a new one was launched - for 17 cubic meters, its volume is 3000 bags of substrate.

The company covers the full cycle of eringa production: from the production of mycelium in a test tube to the packed mushroom. The mycelium is also made here independently, for which a laboratory is equipped. Kirill Vetryakov says that it is advisable to grow eringes only if you are ready to focus on the full production cycle.

- First we fill the blocks, then we put them in an autoclave for sterilization. When they cool down, we infect it with mycelium, send it to an incubator for a month. Then into the chamber, where the fruiting bodies are already developing. If the bag of substrate is 1.1 kilograms, a good yield is 450 grams. Sometimes 300.

The businessman says that next year he plans to increase production to a ton per day. Now he buys and installs equipment for mechanization, equips cameras. He says that supply in his case cannot exceed demand. The current volume of the enterprise covers about 20 percent of what each of the chains can sell, given the low price at which eringes are sold in supermarkets. For example, the Silpo chain is currently ready to open the next DC for the Eringi position, or its own Fozzy or Fora chains. It does not do this due to insufficient volume. Silpo sells about 1.5 thousand trays of eringa per week - 600 kilograms. They also sell eringes in Varus and Kishena.

“We work mainly for Kiev and Dnipro,” the businessman explains. - We sell mushrooms to several restaurants directly or through intermediaries. We sell "Bebikov" (small mushrooms that are cut during thinning, or from the second wave) to the local market for 40-50 hryvnia. The trimmings that remain after trimming the trimmed mushroom - 25 hryvnia each. Lotters sell them for 35. It's very cheap. In Cherkassy, ​​even retirees eat eringes. Assuming that I have enough volume to cover the demand of not only chains, but also local points of sale, all of Ukraine at the moment, I think, will be able to grind two tons of eringes in a day.

The cost of one package of 400 grams of these mushrooms in the Silpo supermarket is about 60 hryvnia.

“Eringi is very easy to cook,” shares Kirill Vetryakov. You can boil, simmer, fry in a pan. I go to barbecue with my friends. If I come, everyone has a holiday. In sunflower oil and soy sauce I moisten eringes, string them on skewers. Whatever is on the table, they are always eaten first.

It will be possible to get acquainted and listen to the report by Kirill Vetryakov on the topic "Segment of exotic mushrooms: why eringi is difficult" June 6-7.

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