What to cook with small corn. Fragrant and spicy mini corn (recipe with photo)

04.03.2020 Bakery

The length of mini-corn heads is 8-12 cm, and the diameter reaches 2-4 mm. It has very small, light yellow grains with juicy flesh. It is because of the miniature grains that the variety got its name..

On the territory of our country, such a plant can be found very rarely. But if you see corn bushes about a meter high in the garden of your neighbors, you can be sure that this is mini corn. On one bush of a plant, up to 10 heads of cabbage can appear at the same time.


Reference! Dishes made from this corn are considered dietary.

Eating mini corn has a beneficial effect on the state of the body:

  1. This representative of cereal plants promotes high-quality removal of toxins from the body, which prevents premature aging.
  2. Also, the heads of the plant are used for the prevention of cancer and heart diseases.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Mini corn has many health benefits

  • It contains many B vitamins, namely B1, B2 and B5.
  • Also, the cereal includes vitamins C, A, D, E, K and PP.
  • Also, the plant is rich in minerals and trace elements, which include:
    1. salt;
    2. iron;
    3. phosphorus;
    4. potassium;
    5. magnesium;
    6. copper;
    7. nickel.

The advantage of this type of corn is the minimal presence of starch in the composition.

Important! But it is worth remembering that not everyone is allowed to eat this type of corn.

Due to the excessive content of vitamin K, which contributes to blood clotting, the plant is forbidden to be consumed by people who have problems with the formation of blood clots.

How to choose the right one?


Attention! Before boiling the cobs, they must be soaked in cold water for 2 hours along with the leaves.

Thus, you will preserve as much as possible all the useful properties of this product, and further cooking of mini-corn will contribute to the fact that it will be juicy and sweet.

How to cook?

How to cook small corn properly:

  1. After the soaking time has passed, remove the corn and place it in the pot.
  2. Fill with cold water and place on the stove.
  3. How many ? Depending on the state of the mini-corn, it is cooked for 20 to 40 minutes (for details on how to cook it correctly, so that it is soft and juicy, read).


At this point in time, there are many recipes for making mini corn.

Chicken soup

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:


  1. Pour water into a saucepan, place the chicken in it and place the container on the stove.
  2. After boiling water, you need to salt it, the chicken is cooked for half an hour.
  3. While the broth is preparing, peel the onion and cut into thin strips, grate the carrots.
  4. Put the prepared vegetables in a frying pan and fry for 10-15 minutes.
  5. In parallel with this, separate the corn kernels and put in a pan with the onions and carrots, the mixture of ingredients is fried for 15 minutes, the products must be constantly mixed.
  6. Peel the potatoes and cut into small sticks, add to the broth.
  7. Cook for 10 minutes, then add fried vegetables to the broth. Cook for another 15 minutes.
  8. Check for salt, pepper.
  9. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add finely chopped herbs and garlic.
  10. Serve on the table.

With melted cheese

To prepare it, you will need the following products


  1. We put the chicken fillet to cook for 30 minutes, after boiling, salt the water.
  2. At the same time, peel onions and carrots. Cut the onion into small cubes, three carrots on a grater, set to fry. Add vegetable oil, stirring the ingredients from time to time.
  3. Separate the corn kernels from the cobs and add to the onions and carrots.
  4. Cut the bell peppers and tomatoes into small cubes, add to the onions and carrots.
  5. Fry until soft.
  6. Peel the potatoes and cut into medium-sized cubes, add to the boiling broth.
  7. Cook for 15 minutes, add fried vegetables and taste with salt.
  8. Add the processed cheese and continue to cook until the cheese is completely dissolved.
  9. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add finely chopped herbs and garlic, pepper to taste.
  10. Serve on the table.

Vegetable stew


  1. All vegetables should be washed, peeled and cut into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Next, take a large frying pan and fry the potatoes until golden brown.
  3. Then add the onions and carrots and fry again until half cooked.
  4. After that, grains of mini-corn, green peas, and bell peppers are added. The vegetables are fried for another 10-15 minutes.
  5. Then add the zucchini and tomatoes, salt, pepper and simmer until the dish is fully cooked.
  6. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add finely chopped greens.
  7. Serve on the table.

Boiled vegetable salad

To prepare it, you will need the following components:

  • 200-300 grams of pre-cooked mini corn;
  • Apple;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • one medium onion;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • one pickled cucumber;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • mayonnaise to taste;
  • Dill.

Many today see in supermarkets a special variety of young cobs, similar in shape to ordinary sweet corn, but much smaller in size. How to cook mini corn? You can use it raw, boiled, fried and stewed, add it as an auxiliary ingredient in various Asian dishes. And you can build an independent meal. This article will show you how to do this.

  • How to cook mini corn? Before starting cooking, rinse the heads of cabbage under running water, then wipe them dry with a kitchen towel.
  • Sometimes stigmas remain on the cobs of mini-corn, so we remove them, if any, when rinsing the product.
  • If you come across a frozen "baby", you will have to defrost it, washing away the remnants of icing.
  • And if you use canned, you need to strain it, rinsing it before cooking.

  • Another recommendation: cut off the ends of each cob with a sharp knife. Leave all other parts of the miniature corn unprocessed. And since the cobs are very small, they are often used whole in cooking and serving. But if you wish, you can cut into cubes or slices diagonally (a couple of centimeters thick) or cut into halves. This will make the sliced ​​corn cook faster than whole corn.


If you don't know how to make mini corn, you can start with the simplest thing - blanching.

  1. Boil water. Pour about 2/3 into a medium container. Bring it to a boil again using high heat.
  2. At the same time, fill a large container with ice water and set the container aside for later use.
  3. Cooking heads of cabbage no more than 15 seconds. We dip it in boiling water. And we get the mini out of boiling water.
  4. Immediately put the mini-corn in a container with ice prepared in advance. We keep it there for half a minute.

Ice water slows down the cooking process, preventing the fruits from softening too much. When you try this kind of blanching, the heads should be crispy. Serve them to the table or you can use them for another recipe as a semi-finished ingredient for other dishes. We add the blanched mini to salads, spaghetti or other cold dishes.

You can also add mini corn to hot meals during the last minutes of cooking. Since the corn is already partially cooked, it does not require any further cooking.

Mini corn recipes: how to cook the cobs?

  1. You can also boil the product. For this we boil water in a saucepan, filling a small container about 2/3 of the way. You can add water as soon as it boils. This procedure improves the palatability of the fruit.
  2. Cook for five minutes, no more. Cover with a lid and reduce heat, cook until the fruits are tender and crispy. To check, you can pierce it with a fork, but it should still remain hard and crispy. You don't need to overcook corn.
  3. We serve boiled heads of cabbage to the table while they are still hot. You can season it with melted butter a little, adding spices.

Steam cooking

How to cook mini corn for a side dish so that it turns out to be dietary? You can try to steam it.

  1. Bring the water to a boil in a medium-sized saucepan, pouring it about 5 centimeters.
  2. We install the steam basket - it should be held at the edges of the container, without touching the bottom.
  3. We put the heads of cabbage in a basket and lay them out in an even layer so that they are steamed evenly.
  4. Cook for about five minutes, covering the pot with a suitable lid, until the corn is soft. We check by piercing with a fork. It should be easy to enter. If the heads of cabbage are boiled longer, then the product acquires a soft, not very pleasant texture.
  5. Serve as a dietary side dish until the corn has cooled. Can be flavored with olive oil or butter.
  6. If you have a branded steamer, then proceed according to the instructions of the device (but still you shouldn't steam the heads for a long time).

What is Stir Fry?

You can use the stir-fry technique to make mini corn.

  1. Heat the vegetable oil (don't spare it!) In a medium-sized frying pan or wok.
  2. Pour the product into the oil and cook, stirring constantly with a spatula, until the heads of cabbage are soft and acquire a golden hue on each side. The corn should be pierced with a fork, but crispy.
  3. Serve hot, can be flavored with fresh spices, a mixture of peppers, butter.

Fry in dough

What else can you make with mini corn? The next dish is quite ordinary, but delicious. And it's done simply.

  1. Pour the vegetable oil into a wok (or a heavy-bottomed cast iron pot). We put it on moderate heat, bringing the fat to almost a boil (you can use a cooking thermometer). If the medium is not hot enough, the dough will be moist and the mini corn will not cook yet. But do not overheat: when it is too hot, the dough will burn, and the heads of cabbage will not reach readiness.
  2. Knead the dough. We take cornstarch, a little ground pepper, garlic powder. According to individual preferences - salt. We add so much water that a liquid and pasty mass comes out.
  3. Pour the cobs into the dough. Turn them over with a fork, covering the surface with dough on each side in an even manner.
  4. Roll the corn for a few minutes. And then we put a couple of ears rolled in dough into the heated oil so that they do not come into contact with each other. Fry them to obtain a golden hue, turning them several times during cooking.
  5. We continue cooking in batches so as not to overload the pan.
  6. We use a slotted spoon to get the corn out of the oil. We stretch the container itself with a paper towel. In this way, excess fat can be removed.
  7. Serve hot crispy.


There is another way to cook mini corn and asparagus for a delicious and healthy side dish. We mix the ready-made broth (or water) and spices, put on the stove. You can add some soy sauce, garlic and pepper. Then bring the broth to a boil over moderate heat. Cook mini-corn with asparagus for a maximum of 5-7 minutes, immersing the products in the broth until the products are tender and crispy. The ears should be soft when pierced with a fork, but crisp at the same time. We serve as a tasty and healthy dietary side dish or as an independent dish. Bon appetit, everyone!

The advanced ones grow 7 types of corn: waxy, waxy, bursting, dentate, starchy, siliceous and sugar

Try to sow unusual corn - small, colorful, delicacy, which today is doing well in the middle zone of our country and even to the north. You will get a good harvest of useful ears and decorate the area with a colorful plant.

Mini corn: what happens

There are special varieties of mini-corn, their peculiarity is that small cobs are harvested early unripe, a couple of months after germination.

They are considered more useful and vitamin-rich than ordinary ones, because they can be eaten raw whole, along with the core and core.

In addition, these cobs are tasty and boiled, and fried, and canned.

What varieties of mini-corn can you buy from us?


A plant 1.5 m high has many stepsons and gives up to 8 ears about 10 cm long and 2 cm in diameter with small grains, which are initially white, but then turn bluish-black.

Mini Striped

It grows up to 1.7 m and gives 5-6 ears 10-12 cm long with white-red-striped grains.

Miniature corn is also red ( varieties: Strawberry, Red ear, Red arrow, Miracle red cone), yellow ( Pineapple, Miracle pine cone yellow), white ( Minipop F1).

However, small ears can also be obtained i from common varieties of sweet corn, picking them before i is ripe.

On every ear of any corn, there is always an even number of rows of grains. There are 8-16 of them, but sometimes up to 32. The number of rows is a varietal trait.

Usually a plant in country gardens gives 1-2 cobs weighing 200-300 g. Mini-corn has 2-3 times more cobs - a real maxi-harvest! But, of course, they are much lighter in weight than traditional ones.

How to grow mini corn

Due to its early maturity, such corn can be grown by direct sowing of seeds in the ground at the end of May. Sunny areas are allocated for plants, where it is warmer - a gentle southern slope, a place protected from cold winds. The soil should be light, nutritious, loose to the depth of a shovel bayonet.

A bucket of rotted compost is added to 1 m 2 and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and sulfuric potassium,

The seeds are kept in the sun for 4-5 days, soaked in water for a day, which speeds up seedlings by 2-3 days.

Our reference:

Recipes made from young unripe corn cobs have become popular in Thailand and remain a culinary tradition in Southeast Asia. Now they are very much loved in Europe, along with other oriental dishes. Such mini-ears are called " baby corn».

They sow 10 pieces per 1 m 2 at a depth of 4 cm, that is, much thicker than ordinary sweet corn.

The first loosening is carried out with 3-4 leaves to a depth of 10 cm. Side shoots can not be removed. Corn tolerates drought well, but when it blooms and bears fruit, it should be watered at least once every 10 days.

Before flowering, mini-corn is fed with complex mineral fertilizers (0.5 tablespoons, for example, nitroammophoska, per 10 liters of water). Additionally, you can carry out a second feeding with organic matter (mullein solution 1:10), when male flowers appear (they are on top). However, these panicles are cut in advance, since it is important for mini-maize that pollination does not occur.

Young and immature cobs are harvested selectively in the morning, when a tuft of hairs begins to emerge from the leaves.

Mini corn: benefits

Mini corn is nutritious and healthy, it does not accumulate nitrates at all and is easily digestible. If you eat it regularly, it will cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, will be an excellent prevention of oncology and heart disease.

Miniature ears are low on sugars, which is useful for different diets.

Corn inhibits the aging process and the development of atherosclerosis, removes radionuclides, and is used as a bile and diuretic. Corn products remove cholesterol from the body. For all these advantages, in the United States, corn flour is necessarily included in the confectionery.

Fragrant, juicy golden grains came to Europe from Mexico in the 16th century. The delicate delicacy has become the favorite food of the king and the poor. Adults and children give their preference to tasty, vitamin cobs. So that they do not lose their value for the body, you need to know how to cook them correctly.

How much to cook corn

Corn grains are fortified with carbohydrates, fats, iron, protein, vitamins and minerals. They are distinguished by their nutritional and biological activity, improve metabolic processes, are easily digested, and promote rapid satiety. For vegetarians and people on a diet, they are irreplaceable. To retain the maximum benefits, you need to know how to boil corn. The secret of cooking this product lies in the correct choice of the variety, the ripeness of the heads. After reviewing them, any housewife will know how long it takes to cook corn.

Distinguish between feed and food varieties, they can be young or fully matured, differ among themselves in taste, shape and color of the cobs. For human consumption, it is preferable to use food, sugar varieties that have the amount of calories necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It is easy to distinguish young ears from ripe ones: as soon as you bite through the grain, sweetish milky juice will sprinkle from there. It is very important not to let them get digested so that they don't get rough. How to cook and cooking time directly depends on these qualities:

  • young heads of cabbage - 10-15 minutes;
  • matured - from 2 to 4 hours.

When buying, you need to choose "dressed" corn. Purified loses its freshness and juiciness, becoming shriveled, dry from air and sunlight. The greens should be bright, saturated - this means that they have not been stored for a long time. How to cook so as not to lose useful properties during the cooking process? You need to know how much to cook corn on the cob, what points to consider:

  1. Break large cobs in half.
  2. Place tightly in a prepared container.
  3. The water should cover the corn.
  4. Boil on a large flame, cook over low heat.
  5. Cook dairy varieties for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Mature - 2-3 hours.

In grains

In order to be able to cook a delicious product in winter, dairy corn grains are prepared for future use. To do this, you need to know how to cook corn in order to freeze and preserve. You can store fresh grains, but then they must be boiled. How much you cook corn kernels depends on how you want to use them.


  • corn grains - 3 cups;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt - a teaspoon without top;
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. Pour boiling water over the cobs for half an hour.
  2. Use the blunt side of a knife to separate the grains.
  3. Add sugar, corn. Salt is added at the end of cooking.
  4. Cook the grains over low heat - 15 minutes, frozen - 20, canned boil for 2 minutes.

How to cook corn

Young corn cobs cannot be stored for long. Even covered with a protective suit made of leaves, they dry out and lose moisture. The old ones during storage can ripen, become unusable. On the contrary, if the heads of cabbage are young, then the grains will begin to blacken and rot. To keep them a little longer, wrap the ears in parchment or foil, and put them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Cooking corn involves the following rules:

  1. Remove leaves, remove corn silk.
  2. Pick up heads of cabbage that are the same size.
  3. Discard blackened, rotten grains.
  4. Inspect for insects, caterpillars. Having found pests, put the cobs in cold salted water, soak for 30-40 minutes.
  5. When cooking, use the lower leaves, discard the upper ones.

In a saucepan

It is convenient to cook heads of cabbage in a deep, thick-walled dish. The lid should fit snugly against the pot. Place the prepared ears in boiling water. To preserve their value, cook over low heat. It depends on the variety, preparation, selected capacity, how much to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan. The recipe is simple:

  1. Line the bottom of the pot with clean corn leaves.
  2. Place the peeled heads of cabbage tightly.
  3. The water level should be 5-6cm higher than the corn.
  4. For reliable preservation of taste and color, the ears can also be covered with leaves on top.
  5. After the desired time has elapsed, check the readiness by piercing the grain with a fork.
  6. Pull the finished product out of the boiling water with tongs, let the water drain.
  7. Place on a platter and serve with butter and salt.

In a multicooker

There is a multicooker in almost every home, but not everyone knows how to cook cobs in it. The following recipe will tell you how to cook corn in a slow cooker: corn leaves are not used, no need to salt water, the rest of the recipe is no different from boiling the cobs in a saucepan. Fold the washed, stubbled and greens heads tightly into a cup. Pour water above their level, select the "Cooking" program, set the time. After the sound signal, open the lid, pull out the tasty, aromatic cobs with the help of culinary tongs, as in the presented photo.

In the corn machine

Sweet ears are not losing their popularity. Outlets for the sale of treats are becoming more common, boiled cobs are becoming a profitable business. For their preparation, a special apparatus for steaming corn has been created, it is also called a professional corn cooker. The next photo shows what she is.

The control panel is equipped with regulators for setting the desired mode. A thermostat can be used to control the temperature. If two chambers are included in the kit, it becomes possible to cook whole ears and kernels at the same time. Simple equipment does not require complex maintenance and care. For the manufacture of a quality product, one cannot deviate from the operating rules, if the sound signal informs about a decrease in the water level, it must be topped up. So the rules are:

  • compliance with the temperature regime;
  • ensuring its stability;
  • water level control;
  • the apparatus must be clean;


In a corn steamer, the grains are tender and crumbly. The technology is simple and accessible to everyone: peeled heads of cabbage are stacked vertically in a perforated basket, as in the photo. After filling with water, close the lid, set the timer to the desired time, taking into account the variety and maturity. The steamer is economical, shortens the cooking time, cooking lasts from 30 minutes to one hour, large and old ears take longer to cook. When the dish is ready, each boiled ear is sprinkled with salt and oiled.

How to cook corn cobs properly

Eat young or old ears, milky ripeness or overripe - everyone decides for himself. Whatever you prefer, unique grains will not lose their taste and useful qualities during heat treatment. Knowing how to cook corn properly is essential. You need to act like this:

  1. Heads of cabbage can be placed in cold water or boiling water.
  2. Put salt at the end of cooking, or serve with a ready-made dish.
  3. If you add a small piece of butter, sugar - the grains will be tender, oily, and will acquire a creamy taste.
  4. After boiling, reduce heat to moderate.
  5. Check the readiness by piercing the grain with a fork.
  6. Serve the finished product immediately, do not cook for future use.

Soft and juicy

The recipe for the delicacy is already known, but there are little secrets in how to cook soft and juicy corn. If you choose early-ripening varieties, for example, Bonduelle, success will be obvious: the cobs are almost the same length, the grains are compacted, and have excellent taste. If you follow sensible recommendations, even forage varieties are able to maintain juiciness:

  1. Cut large heads of cabbage into 2-3 pieces.
  2. The color should not be saturated, light.
  3. Put mature grains in boiling water.
  4. Salt ready-made.
  5. Add milk, cream, or butter to the water.

A young

Peel the heads of cabbage, place them tightly in a cooking container. It is possible to preserve the taste and tantalizing aroma by shifting them with green corn leaves. In order not to float, cover with a plate, bring to a boil over high heat. Remember how long it takes to cook young corn - it is fully ready in 15 minutes.


The recipe for cooking in this version is not much different from cooking fresh ones. Cooking them is not expensive and easy, the taste, the benefits of frozen heads of cabbage remain the same. If you have frozen corn heads and grains, you need to know how long it takes to cook frozen corn. Here are some simple rules:

  1. The workpieces are not thawed.
  2. Placed in cold water.
  3. When it boils, add ½ teaspoon of salt and sugar.
  4. The grains are boiled for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Whole heads of cabbage are boiled for half an hour.

How to cook mini corn

Cream-colored heads of cabbage, even raw, have an excellent taste. Cooking recipes allow them to be boiled, fried, baked in the oven, on the grill. It can be eaten with a head of cabbage, after heat treatment it becomes soft. These small ears are unusual for us, many believe that they are not ripe. Having bought exotic, sometimes we do not know how much to cook mini-corn. The recipe consists of the standard rules for the preparation of this product, the only difference is the reduced cooking time, about 5-7 minutes. It is impossible to digest, it will lose its tenderness and aroma.

I rarely take mini corn. And this time she took it just like that - just in case. But I forgot about it, because there was no cooking practice. And today, having rummaged in the refrigerator, I discovered the loss. How happy I was later! After all, it does not have to be cooked alone. Macaroni, mini corn and vegetables - everything turned out delicious in such a company!

So much so that I did not notice how the portion "left"! Exactly as fast as I prepared. I will also add that the ingredients can be changed indefinitely, and the recipe is designed for one serving. I love such vegetable "collections", because within their framework you can fantasize and fantasize. They especially save when guests are on the doorstep ...

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes, it all depends on the portion

Complexity: in principle, simple, because all processes are running in parallel


    70 grams of hard pasta

    3-4 mini corn

    30 grams of zucchini


Simultaneous cooking is what I like here after the taste of the dish itself! We put both a frying pan and a saucepan on the gas. Let's choose the right pasta. Preferably hard varieties!

The frying pan is on a small fire. And we need to prepare the corn, which is the first to be fried. In the meantime, cut the carrots into strips.

Following the corn, and then the carrots, leeks will go into the pan. I like to cut both parts of it - both white and green. But this time it was only white - cut into thin rings.

And now you can pour oil into the pan - let it warm up. Let's cut the Bulgarian pepper. And also - straws.

If the oil is hot, you can send corn into it.

And let's continue, next in line are mushrooms. I had champignons, a couple of things. We cut thinly along.

Is the water boiling? You can add a little salt and send the pasta to the pan (cook according to the instructions). If it is browned, remove the corn from the pan, and put the carrots and leeks in it. This time I cut the celery lengthwise into strips.

And now - to the zucchini. By the way, I like them more than zucchini - they keep their shape better, and are not so watery. Cut into strips.

Now it's the turn to send all the vegetables to the carrots. Fry over medium heat for 3-4 minutes. And let's hurry to cut the tomato.

I like the vegetables in these dishes to crunch slightly. Therefore, I do not delay the process. The last ingredient is garlic. I cut it into thin strips, and threw it into the pan with tomatoes.