Recipes for pies made from yeast dough in a bread maker. Yeast dough recipe for fried pies in a bread maker

25.07.2019 Buffet table

If you have an unrequited love for making yeast baked goods, then this bread maker pie dough recipe will make your life a lot easier. You will forget that you need to look for a warmer place for the dough to come well and quickly. You will not be outraged to boo at household members who wanted to laugh out loud or hammer in a nail so that the dough does not fall off. A “smart” device will do everything for you, and only you will get the glory of an excellent culinary specialist. But this is not an advertisement for kitchen devices, but a photo of a recipe for a dough for a pie in a bread maker, so I propose to study it right now.

List of ingredients

Step-by-step recipe for pie dough in a bread maker

Heat the milk to 38-40 degrees. This temperature will allow the yeast to start its "work". Hot is not allowed, colder is also not desirable. How to define a "comfortable temperature regime" without a thermometer: if you dip your finger (clean, of course) into the liquid and feel a rather powerful, but not scalding heat, then everything is fine. After heating the milk, pour it into a small bowl.

Add yeast.

Pour in granulated sugar, 2-3 tablespoons (for a sweet version) or 1-2 tablespoons (for a savory version). Yeast "loves" sugar, so it must be put into yeast dough for pies, both sweet and not sweet.

Stir vigorously but gently. Did you manage? Then cover the bowl with something dense but breathable, such as a kitchen towel or cling film, making a few holes in it. Put in a warm place for 10-15 minutes.

The surface of the milk-sugar-yeast mixture will be covered with a lush foam head. This is the dough, on the basis of which the dough for the pie in the bread maker will be prepared. Pour it into the bowl of the appliance.

Melt the butter (in the microwave or in a water bath). You cannot add hot ingredients to the yeast, so remember to cool it down to room temperature.

Pour the butter into the dough. Pour in the remaining sugar (for dessert products, for unsweetened ones, you do not need to put more sugar), salt and vanillin (if you wish).

Add unscented vegetable oil. Thanks to him, the cake will not stale for a long time.

Sift the flour and pour it into the bowl. The whole portion at once, you do not need to mix, the device will do it for you.

It remains only to fix the bucket, close the lid and install the program. Cooking in my bread maker takes an hour and a half. After the signal of the device, you will see something like this. It seems that a little more and the contents of the container will fall out.

This recipe makes a dizzyingly delicious jam pie. I think, and pies or buns will come out great. You should try other pastries yourself sometime.

I suggest you try to make a wonderful dough for fried pies in a bread maker. Pies made from this dough turn out to be unusually fluffy and very tasty. You can also cook whites from this dough.

To prepare dough for fried pies in a bread machine, you will need:

warm milk - 300 ml;

refined vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l .;

margarine - 40 g;

salt - 1.5 tsp;

sugar - 1.5 tsp;

dry yeast - 1.5 tsp;

premium flour - 500 g.

Pour warm milk into a bucket of a bread machine. Add vegetable oil and pre-melted margarine to milk.

Pour salt and sugar in the corners, and in the middle make a small hole and pour yeast into it.

Place the bucket in the bread maker and set the "Dough" program for me - 1 hour 30 minutes). The dough is ready! If you do not have a bread maker, you can knead the dough with your hands. To do this, sift the flour, make a depression. Add sugar and yeast to it. Mix milk with melted margarine, salt and vegetable oil. Pour the milk mixture into the cavity little by little, kneading the dough. Knead the dough, it should be soft, but not sticky. Leave the dough, covered with a clean towel, in a warm place for 1 hour to approach.

Remove the dough from the bucket of the bread machine, knead a little. That's it, the wonderful fried pie dough is ready to use.

Enjoy your meal!

Pie dough can be made with a bread maker. This electronic assistant will do a great job of kneading while you prepare the filling for fragrant pies. Next, you will learn a few of the recipes available for pie dough in a bread maker.

Yeast dough for pies with milk

We need: sieve, bread maker.


Step by step cooking

  1. We heat milk with a fat content of 3.2% to a temperature of 35 degrees. Pour the warmed milk (185 milliliters) into the container for the bread maker.
  2. Pour 25 grams of sugar and 3-4 grams of dry yeast into the milk. Shake the mixture slightly to mix the components.

  3. Pour 2-3 grams of salt into the resulting mass and drive in 1 egg.

  4. Put the container with the dough in the bread maker, close the lid and select the "Dough" option (90 minutes).

  5. In the process of kneading, we check the dough, if it sticks strongly to the walls, then you can add a little flour (literally 45-50 grams).

  6. When the dough has formed into a ball, pour in 10 milliliters of sunflower oil, close the lid and wait for the end of the program.

  7. After the end of the program, we take out the dough from the bread machine and can start making pies.

Video recipe

In the video below, you will clearly see the whole process of cooking yeast dough for pies in a bread maker.

Yeast dough for pies on water

Cooking time: 220-225 minutes.
We need: sieve, bread maker.


Step by step cooking

Video recipe

In this video, you will learn how you can make a dough for patties in water in a bread maker.

Yeast dough for kefir pies

Cooking time: 145-150 minutes.
We need: sieve, bread maker.


Step by step cooking

Video recipe

In this video you can see how to make yeast dough with kefir in a bread maker.

Pour warm milk into a bucket of a bread machine. Add vegetable oil and pre-melted margarine to milk.

Pour salt and sugar in the corners, and in the middle make a small hole and pour yeast into it.

Place the bucket in the bread maker and set the "Dough" program (I have 1 hour 30 minutes). The dough is ready! If you do not have a bread maker, you can knead the dough with your hands. To do this, sift the flour, make a depression. Add sugar and yeast to it. Mix milk with melted margarine, salt and vegetable oil. Pour the milk mixture into the cavity little by little, kneading the dough. Knead the dough, it should be soft, but not sticky. Leave the dough, covered with a clean towel, in a warm place for 1 hour to approach.

Remove the dough from the bucket of the bread machine, knead a little. That's it, the wonderful fried pie dough is ready to use.

Then you can use the dough to make pies or whites. I had potato pies today. These are so ruddy and very tasty.

Lean yeast dough for fried pies in a bread maker is very easy to prepare, and for you today is a proven recipe that is suitable for a Panasonic or Redmond oven.

Once again, my wonderful assistant made me happy. Actually, as always. I thought of frying pies - I really missed them, since I cook them quite rarely - I save the health and shape of my family and mine at the same time. But sometimes you really want such pies, because they are delicious and go well with the first courses - borschik or soup. And they are also quite self-sufficient, so as an independent dish
are also great.

In general, I cooked borscht, and I thought that I really wanted to make pies for it. I figured out how much time was needed for this, and realized that by the time my husband arrived from work I would not have time to do all the planned things. After all, it takes a certain amount of time to prepare the dough. And then I remembered that I have a wonderful and reliable assistant! And I was not mistaken - I
threw all the products into it, and she herself took up other important matters. For an hour and a half, the oven did everything without my participation - she kneaded a soft dough, from which excellent pies were obtained.

During these one and a half hours, the oven not only mixes all the products together, but kneads the dough 2 times, and creates a special temperature regime at which the yeast begins to act, the pie dough in the bread maker increases, and as a result becomes suitable for further use. In general, the oven helped me out very much, and I managed not only to do all my business, but also to fry pies with cabbage.


  • Water - 1 glass
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Yeast - 2 tsp (we take dry)
  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
  • Flour - 3 cups

And additionally: vegetable oil in order to fry the pies - about 2 glasses

How to knead a fluffy dough for pies with cabbage in a bread maker

For the filling, you can take cabbage, herbs, mashed potatoes, mushrooms, minced meat, pea porridge, fruits, berries, or any other filling of your choice.

I had cabbage. So, I divided the dough into pieces, formed cakes from them. I laid out the filling in the middle, pinched it. She formed pretty neat little pies.

Fried them in a large amount of vegetable oil until a beautiful rosy color on both sides. She put the finished pies on a plate and sprinkled greenery on top. That's all, the pies are ready, borscht too, so the husband will definitely not be hungry!

If you didn’t know how to knead dough for pies in a bread maker before, now you know how to do it without too much hassle using a wonderful oven. The bread maker makes life much easier and saves time, because it takes exactly 3 minutes to put everything in the bucket, and the oven will do the rest without our participation. So do not neglect the help of this wonderful oven!

Bon Appetit!