Recipes for using cinnamon sticks. Cinnamon - benefits and harms, useful properties and contraindications of ground spices

18.08.2019 Buffet table

Collection BUSTAN BUDUR.

Does not contain fragrances, dyes, preservatives.

Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices on earth, known in Ancient India and Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians even used it to embalm the pharaohs. Today The best cinnamon is Ceylon cinnamon. This spice is considered one of the most festive and is among the top three Christmas scents (along with the scent of citrus and vanilla).

For industrial use, cinnamon is grown for two years and then cut at the root. Subsequently, about 10 new shoots are formed at the cut site during the year. And already from these shoots, when their length reaches 3 meters and their diameter is at least 2.5 cm, the bark is cut off. It is dried, separated from the outer woody layer and a thin, literally 0.5 mm, inner bark layer is left. It turns out a kind of meter-long brown strip, which, when dried, curls into a long tube. The strips are dried so that strips from several shoots are included in one tube. For sale, long tubes are cut into 5-10 cm pieces.
Due to the favorable climate, in India and Sri Lanka, this work is carried out 2 times a year, at the end of the rainy season.

The plant is not very whimsical. Cinnamon easily adapts to a variety of soils and climatic conditions, withstands adverse environmental factors. The cinnamon tree grows well at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. It is cultivated in non-irrigated areas with an average rainfall of 200-250 mm per year. On the west coast of India, cinnamon is grown in sandy soils with poor mineral nutrition.

Cinnamon is used in different forms- in the form of powder, sticks or tubes (the best is in tubes). Ideal for jams, preserves, compotes, dairy products and jelly. It is added to vegetable and fruit dishes (especially dishes with apples, quince, pears), puddings, sweet pies, buns, and drinks. It goes well with salads of carrots, red cabbage, corn and cucumbers. In oriental cuisine, it is used for cold poultry dishes (turkey, chicken) and beef main courses (fried, stewed), in China and Korea - in the preparation of fried pork.

Cinnamon good combined with other spices: cardamom, coriander seeds, cumin, cloves, black and white pepper, bay leaves, nutmeg. In India, it is part of the national spice mixture "garam masala", and in Chinese and Syrian cuisine - in the composition of spicy mixtures with black pepper, star anise, fennel seeds, cloves, paprika, coriander.

If you want to use whole cinnamon sticks in a hot spicy seasoning (chutney) or rice dishes, remove the sticks before serving. Rather than buying chopped cinnamon, buy whole sticks, fry them dry and chop them when needed. The strong-smelling, slightly bitter cinnamon commonly found on the market comes in thick, single chunks or comes in powder form. It is a faint resemblance to real cinnamon, the taste of which is subtle and sweet.

Cinnamon sticks - exclusive on the Russian spice market... Real quality cinnamon sticks rather than a ground surrogate are nearly impossible to find.

Whole cinnamon is added not only for canning, but also in casseroles, rice, wine and punches, hot chocolate and coffee are stirred. The taste of cinnamon sticks is stable, subtle and sweet.

Serve tea or compote cinnamon sticks - this will allow you to stir the sugar without a spoon, give a wonderful aroma to the drink and look original.

Chef Tips:

  • Cinnamon is used to flavor sauces, marinades, confectionery, preserves, compotes, various cottage cheese dishes, etc. Cinnamon gives a very interesting taste to yogurt, varenets, kefir.
  • It is better to buy cinnamon powder in small quantities - it quickly loses its flavor.
  • Cinnamon sticks taste much more persistent, although they are rather difficult to grind finely.
  • Cinnamon powder is added only at the very end of cooking (no more than 10 minutes before the end), since with prolonged heat treatment, cinnamon will give the dish an unpleasant bitterness.
  • Can be used for marinades and dough. It is many times more aromatic than dry cinnamon, so be careful with dosages.

Application of cinnamon:

As a whole cinnamon is added to liquid dishes, in the hammer- in the main courses and in the dough. Lay it 7-10 minutes before the hot dish is ready, and immediately before serving it - in fruit salads, curd masses, drinks, etc.

In different countries, cinnamon is added to food in different quantities. Especially they put it a lot in oriental, Indian and Chinese dishes - on average, from 0.5 to 1 teaspoon per 1 kilogram of food.

Have ceylon cinnamon the aroma is sweetish and very delicate, therefore, it is most often used in confectionery and cooking.It is added to cookies, muffins, gingerbread cakes, sweet pies with fruit filling, as well as puddings and sweet pilafs, compotes, jams, mousses, jellies and curd pastes.

In modern Western European cuisine, cinnamon can be found in trendy fruit salads and even in some vegetable salads. She goes well with spinach, carrots, red cabbage and milk corn, as well as with dishes of apples, quince and pears. It is also added to cold fruit soups made from fresh or dried fruits.

In Eastern, Central Asian and Transcaucasian cuisine, cinnamon is added to the preparation of hot and cold dishes and poultry and lamb second courses.

Cinnamon can be found in kharcho, chikhirtma and a wide variety of pilafs. In China and Korea, it is believed that cinnamon ennobles the taste of fatty meat. Also, cinnamon is a part of a variety of dry spice mixes - curry, Yerevan mix, Christmas dessert mix, mulled wine spices, as well as mixes for fruit, mushroom and meat marinades. Liqueurs, punches, grogs, homemade drinks and desserts are flavored with cinnamon.

As an aromatic seasoning they use not only bark, but also the so-called "cinnamon buds" - unripe fruits of cinnamon, collected immediately after flowering and outwardly similar to a carnation. The "buds" are less aromatic than the bark, but their smell is very interesting - soft, clean and sweet (to achieve maximum fragrance, they must be ground very finely). Such a spice is loved in China (although the fruits of cassia are harvested here) and in India (Gujarat state). Indian and Thai cooks also appreciate the leaves of the Chinese cinnamon tree as a flavoring additive in curries. The leaves are very similar to laurel, but smaller and thinner.

In Russia milk soups, pancakes, porridge and aspic fish were traditionally prepared with cinnamon; in the Transcaucasus it was added to dishes made from meat, vegetables and beans, put in soups (for example, in kharcho and chikhirtma) and in lamb pilaf. In Belarus, pickled lingonberries were flavored, and in Ukraine they were used for pickling cucumbers and salting watermelons. However, not only in Ukraine. Even in "Domostroy" there is a rather curious recipe for such storage of watermelons.

The warm, enchanting aroma of this spice goes especially well with apples, pears and chocolate, so real gourmets always add a whisper of grated chocolate and cinnamon to cappuccino coffee. Or, for example, the classically cooked stuffed eggplant or Greek lamb stew is simply unthinkable without cinnamon.

Cinnamon, like a magic fairy, can turn the simplest dish into a treat - for example, cinnamon toasts sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon turn into a favorite treat at traditional teas in Oxford and Cambridge colleges.

One of the culinary highlights of France is considered to be cinnamon muffins from Bordeaux (le canelle de Bordeaux). Thrifty nuns invented them. In the holds of the ships that delivered the flour, they collected the remains, kneaded them with butter and sugar, and filled bronze molds sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon with dough. In the hot oven, the sugar was caramelized, and the muffins turned out to be fragrant and festively elegant - smooth and shiny. In some European countries, cinnamon, along with ginger, is often added to home-brewed beer, which probably came from the tradition of treating yourself to heated beer or wine with spices (mulled wine) at Christmas.

The bark contains 1-2% essential oil, consisting mainly of cinnamic acid aldehyde (about 90%), as well as some tannins. The smell of the bark is aromatic, pleasant, the taste is sweet, spicy and slightly astringent. TO orica contains essential oils, as well as cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, resin, starch, tannins, magnesium, dietary fiber, w iron, calcium.

Calorie content 1 tbsp. spoons - 6 kcal

Medicinal uses of cinnamon:

The beneficial properties of cinnamon come from 3 main components that make up the essential oil: cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, and cinnamic alcohol.

This spice also contains poisonous substance coumarin, which in large quantities can adversely affect the liver. According to the EU standards, the coumarin content in food products should not exceed 2 mg per kg. The small amount of cinnamon that we consume, for example, with food, is not hazardous to health. But trying to normalize your blood sugar by spooning cinnamon is harmful. Also use with caution for people who have:increased nervous excitability, early pregnancy, hypertension, should be used with caution in the elderly.

  • In medicine, it is used as an antiseptic.
  • Alcoholic extract of Chinese cinnamon bark is active against various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, has a detrimental effect on tubercle bacilli and viruses.
  • Cinnamon helps to increase appetite, improve digestion, normalize the stomach and intestines. It activates the kidneys, liver, gallbladder.
  • Avicenna claimed that cinnamon oil was wonderful for trembling limbs, and today homeopaths use cinnamon as a remedy for motion sickness.
  • Cinnamaldehyde prevents blood clots.
  • Essential oil of cinnamon has an anti-microbial effect, prevents the growth of fungi, including the yeast Candida.
  • Cinnamon can help normalize blood sugar levels. Research shows that less than half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder lowers blood sugar, increases insulin activity, and the ability of cells to absorb and use glucose.
  • The aroma of cinnamon activates the brain and functions such as attention and visual memory.
  • Dietary fiber and calcium in cinnamon can help prevent colon cancer. Calcium and fiber bind bile salts and remove them from the body, thereby preventing the harm that salts can cause to cells in the colon. Fiber also helps prevent constipation and diarrhea.
  • Cinnamon, added to tea and mixed with fresh ginger, can be used for colds and flu as a warming agent.
  • Cinnamon is a great beauty product! Its oil is good for cellulite, to increase the volume of lips and tighten the skin, as well as remove dandruff and stimulate hair growth.

The magical properties of cinnamon

In magic Cinnamon is credited with many different properties at once. Cinnamon belongs to the element of fire, according to various sources it is a plant of the Sun, Jupiter and, according to more rare mentions, Mars. Leo is the governing sign of the zodiac for cinnamon.
The fiery properties of the plant are amazingly illustrated by one legend. You all know about the magic bird Phoenix, a symbol of immortality, rebirth, the Sun. Its colors symbolize the rising sun. And you all know that once every 500 years, a bird makes itself a funeral pyre and burns itself so that in three days it will be born from the ashes again. But few people know that the funeral pyre must be made of wild cinnamon leaves. Phoenix lights cinnamon, flapping its wings in the sun and, enveloped in cinnamon fire, burns, mixing its ashes with cinnamon ash.
Who knows, maybe it is this connection with Phoenix that gives cinnamon such magical properties as protection, healing, cleansing, love, psychic perception. The occult meaning of cinnamon is good.

In the language of flowers Victorian cinnamon meant: "My destiny is in your hands." In Austria, lovers exchanged bouquets, which included cinnamon, symbolizing tenderness and love.

The aroma of cinnamon helps to gain independence and originality, strength and confidence. Cinnamon is very actively used in aromatherapy. In winter, its aroma helps to get out of the winter blues, warms, revives, spurs to action. The magical power of cinnamon helps to restore faith in yourself and hope for the best, and just give you a good mood. Are you lacking in creativity? Arrange an evening with a cinnamon smell, and you will have a thirst to live, create, strive for the fullest use of your time.

Cinnamon is also known for its properties to attract money. It is also used in love potions. Cinnamon brings success, prosperity, and attracts good luck.

Cinnamon was especially respected in China. There it means immortality, the Tree of Life in Paradise, a tree on the Moon, good luck, an ascent to greatness.

Here are some specific tips for magically using cinnamon:

To improve well-being, you can add a little ground cinnamon to your wallet or wallet (preferably in combination with mint). If you have a large purchase, rub dried mint with a small amount of cinnamon between your palms and imagine how everything spent is returned to you threefold.

But curious a ritual for those looking for a job. For the ritual, you will need a pure white candle, one black, green and brown, candlesticks for them - so as not to be afraid to leave the candles unattended until completely burned out, dry leaf or patchouli oil and cinnamon (you can use cinnamon oil).
In complete solitude, sit at the table, light incense, put a bowl of water and a towel next to you. Imagine your problems and failures. Take a black candle in your hands and warm it with your own hands. Imagine how all your problems will burn in its flame. Sprinkle patchouli powder from bottom to top, but only on it - the rest of the candles should remain intact. Place it in a candlestick in the center of the table. Rinse your hands off the patchouli. Sprinkle the other three candles with cinnamon. The white candle is you. Place it so that it rises above the black one. You have to set yourself up to rise above problems and get a good job. Green is a symbol of future prosperity. When you sprinkle it with cinnamon, think about that. Place it on the right. Brown is work. Mentally formulate to yourself what specific job you want to get and keep that in mind. Place the candle to your left.
Light a white candle with the words: "What I ask is mine by right."
Light a black candle with the words: "Sorrow will burn, the enemy is defeated."
Light a brown candle with the words: "I will find a job to my liking."
Light a green candle with the words: “Good luck will come! May it be so!"
The candles must burn out completely. It is not necessary to be near them. You are now ready for an interview and an active job search. But don't wait for her from heaven. Take action! Search, go to interviews, post your resume. And the performed ritual will help you to conduct this search purposefully, consciously and calmly.

Cinnamon is actively used in combination with basil - for making a love talisman. The same combination is also suitable for making witchcraft ink, basil is added for love, and cinnamon for the mind.

But don't overdo it. Cinnamon essence can be used not only to attract love, but also to induce disgust.

And finally, a version of fortune telling with cinnamon. Wait for the rain, not heavy, but with large drops, in summer such is not uncommon. Think about your question and hold out a cookie or cake sprinkled with cinnamon on your open palm under the rain.
Return to the house and look at the marks left on the cinnamon. In the silence and comfort of your home, focus and try to understand what exactly the rain painted on the cinnamon. This will be the answer to the question.

Composition: whole bark of the cinnamon tree Cinnamomum verum.

Weight: 70 gr

Production:Kharnoub Establishment, Damascus, Syria.

Raw materials: Sri Lanka.


Such a spice is found in almost every kitchen. However, in many cases it is used much more modestly than it could be. We usually add it to baked goods and sweet dishes. In fact, the use of cinnamon is much wider. In different countries of the world, it is used in the cooking process, for example:

  • sweets and
  • meat dishes
  • marinades

This spice is the dried bark of an evergreen tree that belongs to the laurel family and grows in South India and Sri Lanka. When it is harvested, it rolls up itself into tubes. Then it is dried and cut.

Connoisseurs say that it is best to buy this spice grown in Sri Lanka: it has not only a delicious aroma, but also contains more nutrients. Also keep in mind that cinnamon contains the dangerous substance coumarin. So, in the one that comes from Sri Lanka, as well as in other high-quality varieties, there is very little of it. And in low-quality it can be quite a lot.

Cinnamon is not only fragrant, but also useful, as it contains tannins and minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus) and vitamins (A, C and PP, B1, B2).

Sell ​​cinnamon in sticks (tubes) and powder. It is better to choose exactly the sticks. They retain their odor much longer than powder. Keep the spice in a tightly closed container (for example, a glass jar), in a dark and cool place. Then it will carefully preserve its properties.

High-quality cinnamon sticks do not exceed 10 centimeters in length and 7 millimeters in width. If they are easy to break, then the spice has been lying for a long time. Fresh cinnamon is rich in essential oils that give it elasticity. High-quality sticks should have smooth edges and no spots on the surface.

You can also find fake cinnamon on the market - cassia. It is not recommended to use it. To distinguish cassia from cinnamon is quite simple, with the help of banal iodine. Put some iodine into the powder. Cassia will turn blue, but cinnamon will not.

The use of cinnamon sticks is a rather difficult question for many Russian housewives. If everything is clear with the powder, then what to do with the straws? There are actually enough use cases. First, the sticks can be ground up to create a fresh, much more flavorful powder than you would buy in the store. Secondly, they can be used whole by adding them to drinks, soups or marinades when preparing. Putting a cinnamon stick in a liquid dish should be about seven to ten minutes before the end of cooking. It can also be added to the second course: meat dishes or meat in combination with cereals, vegetables (pilaf, stew, etc.). Then first it is better to fry the cinnamon tube in oil a little so that it will give him its enchanting smell. And then fry the rest of the ingredients in this oil. When the dish is ready, it is better to remove the cinnamon stick.

The use of cinnamon in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of this spice allow it to be used far beyond cooking. For example, in China, the use of cinnamon in medicine is widespread. However, in our country this spice is not deprived of attention. In folk medicine, she is highly respected. The use of cinnamon in this area is very wide. So, this spice is used for

  • prevention of infection with Escherichia coli

Add some cinnamon to your perishable food. This spice is a natural antibiotic that can suppress not only E. coli, but also fungi.

  • normalization of digestion
  • relieve toothache

Make a gruel with a teaspoon of cinnamon and water. Spread this mixture on the gums. You will feel relief after 5-10 minutes.

  • speed up metabolism
  • normalization menstrual cycle
  • treating type 2 diabetes

Cinnamon is taken in the morning, one gram per day - dissolved in a drink or added to food. It lowers blood glucose levels. If you decide to use this remedy for diabetes, be sure to check with your doctor first!

  • relieving itching and redness from insect bites, as well as an antiseptic for cuts
  • enhancing sexuality in both women and men
  • seasickness
  • improve memory
  • cold treatment

Mix a teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon. Eat on an empty stomach.

The use of cinnamon in traditional medicine does not end there. It is actively used for weight loss. Recipes for use can be different, one of the most common is as follows: pour half a teaspoon of cinnamon with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. Put a teaspoon of honey in the infusion. Stir well. Drink half of the infusion in the evening. Put the remainder in the cold, drink in the morning before meals, on an empty stomach. Repeat the next evening.

Also, cinnamon is good for depression, stress, anxiety. In addition, it removes bad breath.

However, it should be borne in mind that there are also contraindications. So, cinnamon and its essential oil should not be used when:

  • pregnancy and lactation
  • hypertension
  • internal bleeding
  • increased nervous excitability
  • epilepsy
  • high blood pressure

And healthy people should not consume more than half a teaspoon of this spice per day. In old age, the spice should be used with caution, a little at a time.

Applying cinnamon oil

Along with powder and sticks, cinnamon essential oil is also popular. First of all, it can be used in an aroma lamp: for example, to combat stress. The use of cinnamon oil in cosmetology is also common. For example, it is used for as well as for the prevention of its appearance.

You can make an anti-cellulite wrap: take a bar of dark chocolate, melt in a water bath. Add 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil or a teaspoon of ground spice. Apply to cleansed skin of problem areas. Wrap them in cling film and cover with a blanket. Wash off after 20-30 minutes. Hot wraps have contraindications (for example, varicose veins, gynecological diseases), so before using them, consult your doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications to this procedure. The wraps should be repeated no earlier than 3 days later.

Also, the use of oil helps to get rid of spots left after acne, blackheads, redness on the face. To do this, it is best to make a mask: mix a teaspoon of honey with a drop of cinnamon oil. Apply to the entire face or problem areas, leave for 20-25 minutes, rinse. Apply in a course - within a month, every other day. Such a mask is contraindicated for rosacea!

And finally, cinnamon essential oil helps, makes them stronger. Add 2 drops of cinnamon oil to 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply to scalp, massaging lightly. Leave it on for half an hour. Rinse off with shampoo.

For whatever procedure you use cinnamon oil, remember that it can only be applied to the skin in a diluted form (mixed with base oil, honey, clay, etc.) Undiluted can cause skin burns.

If the average resident of the post-Soviet space has somehow managed to become friends with cinnamon powder, then cinnamon sticks, which went on sale much later than their crushed counterpart, can still cause many unnecessary questions. In fact, the use of cinnamon sticks is approximately the same as that of powder, unless you add them to baking, but we will discuss detailed recipes later.

How to use cinnamon sticks?

Rolled cinnamon is nothing more than the highly aromatic bark of Ceylon cinnamon, which is dried before being sold. As a result, in order to get the maximum aroma and taste of the spice, a cinnamon stick must be boiled or steamed with boiling water, which is why most often cinnamon sticks can be found in drink recipes like the following.

Cider with a cinnamon stick


  • red apples (large) - 6 pcs.;
  • - 0.7 l;
  • cinnamon sticks - 3 pcs.;
  • anise stars - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


Pour the cider into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. After boiling, we reduce the fire and put spices in the liquid: a cinnamon stick and anise. Cook the drink under the lid for 20 minutes.

During this time, we make "cups" from whole apples, extracting the core with seeds and part of the pulp from the fruit so that the walls and bottom remain intact. We fill each apple "cup" with a fragrant drink and decorate with the same cinnamon sticks.

How to make tea with cinnamon sticks?


  • water - 500 ml;
  • favorite tea - 1 tsp;
  • 3 carnation buds;
  • lemon and orange peel.


Pour half a liter of water into a kettle and set it to a boil. While the water is boiling, put a spoonful of your favorite tea and spices in the teapot - clove buds and cinnamon sticks. In addition, we remove the zest from citrus fruits and also put it in future tea. pour boiling water over the fragrant contents of the teapot, cover it with a lid and leave the tea for 5 minutes. When the drink is brewed, it can be supplemented with a teaspoon of rum, or you can drink it in a non-alcoholic version.

Classic Pakistani coffee with a cinnamon stick


  • water - 750 ml;
  • milk - 750 ml;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • cardamom - 5 pcs.;
  • ground coffee - 3 tbsp. spoons.


Pour coffee into a small saucepan, send a cinnamon stick and chopped cardamom there. Pour the contents of a saucepan with a mixture of milk and water and put everything on fire. While the coffee is brewing, and this will take about 10 minutes, it is necessary to stir the coffee all the time, collect the drink with a spoon and pour it from a height so that a coarsely bubble foam forms on the surface. Then it remains only to pour the coffee into small cups and add sugar to taste.

Using cinnamon sticks in main dishes

With cinnamon sticks, not only drinks are more aromatic, but also meat dishes, like this beef stew.



In a preheated roasting pan, fry the diced beef until a characteristic golden color is formed on the meat slices. After that, put the beef on a plate, and in its place we pass all the vegetables for 8 minutes. Mix them with meat, add cinnamon, laurel, rosemary and thyme, grated zest and orange juice, garlic paste and keep it for a minute to "reveal" the aroma. Then pour the contents of the brazier with water and vinegar and simmer under the lid for 2 hours. We extract both cinnamon and herbs before use.

Are you dreaming of a clever way to lose weight as quickly as possible, preferably in a day, or at most in a week? If so, then, unfortunately, I will disappoint you. This article is not for you. Cinnamon, although it is a kind of "magic" stick for weight loss, but it is not able to cope with the gained pounds so quickly. It will take at least one month of taking cinnamon drinks to lose weight.

As a weight loss aid, cinnamon works slowly but surely. Its usefulness lies in the general debugging of vital processes:

  • improving digestion,
  • normalization of the functions of the liver, gallbladder and kidneys,
  • removal of excess fluid and reduction of edema,
  • raising immunity,
  • strengthening the nervous system,
  • elimination of depression and increased mood,
  • increased efficiency.

In the early days of drinking cinnamon drinks, there may be some slight weight loss. This is due to the diuretic effect, that is, the body leaves not fat, but excess water. This has a beneficial effect on the appearance and well-being.

With a longer intake, weight loss is already due to a decrease in fat reserves. Cinnamon has a complex effect on the entire body, heals it, which in turn leads to the desired weight loss.

It's important to know!

  1. The recommended daily intake of cinnamon powder is no more than 1/2 tsp. With an increase in the amount of cinnamon, various unpleasant effects can be observed (excessive sweating, nervousness, sleep disturbances, allergic reactions, etc.). For any suspicious symptoms, eliminate cinnamon and see a specialist.
  2. The duration of taking cinnamon drinks is individual. To remove excess fluid and reduce swelling - 1 to 7 days. For weight loss - a month or more.
  3. The recipes below use cinnamon powder. It can be obtained both by purchasing a ready-made one and by rubbing a stick. Self-preparation is preferable, since the powder will be fresh and more active substances will be retained in it than in what is sold crushed.

Cinnamon water

The easiest way to make slimming cinnamon is to brew it. For 1 liter of hot water, take 1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder. Brew it, and while it "reaches" cover the dishes with something warm, such as a blanket. After an hour, the drink will be ready to drink. Drink it in small portions throughout the day, preferably shortly before meals.

With honey

The recipe is similar to the previous one, only 1 tablespoon must be added to the finished drink. honey. Honey enhances the health benefits of cinnamon and improves the taste of the drink. Reception recommendations are the same as above.

With ginger

Another version of the first recipe. Take 1 liter. hot water, 1/2 tsp. l. cinnamon and the same amount of grated ginger (fresh or dried). Optionally - to improve the taste, you can add another 1 tbsp. honey. After an hour of brewing, the slimming drink is ready. Consume it 15-30 minutes before meals 4 times a day for 1 tbsp .. Cinnamon and ginger form an active fat-burning cocktail. They improve metabolism and promote early weight loss.

With kefir

K 1st. Add 1% kefir 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, place and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Eat a light breakfast after 15-30 minutes. Do the same in the evening, an hour or more after a small dinner. In this drink, kefir does not play a key role; rather, it serves as a low-calorie basis for its creation. As in the previous recipes with water, cinnamon does all the work.

With other components

Since cinnamon has received well-deserved recognition among those losing weight, every day there are more and more options for the original cocktail. So to the base of 1L. boiling water and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, you can still add 2-3 plastic lemon, a pinch of red pepper or bay leaf. Naturally, not all at once, but separately! These supplements are worth considering. All of them complement the drink: some change its taste, others enhance the fat burning properties.

Cinnamon sticks are a spice made from 6-10 layers of the tree of the same name. Sometimes they are used to decorate the interior, some like to add them to coffee, but there are many more ways to use cinnamon sticks. They serve as a fragrant seasoning for many dishes and drinks.

Tea with cinnamon sticks

Using cinnamon sticks, you can make a tea that will not only be a delicious tonic drink, but also serve as a remedy for colds and flu. To prepare it, you will need one stick for half a liter of water. Pour boiling water over the spice and let it brew well. After that, pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat, not bringing it to a boil a little. Pour black tea into a teapot and cover with water and a cinnamon stick. After five to ten minutes, you will have a fragrant drink ready, which can be poured into cups.

Mulled wine with cinnamon sticks

Mulled wine is a hot alcoholic drink that has become especially popular since the end of autumn and does not give up its positions until the end of winter. It is prepared on the basis of wine with the addition of various spices, one of which, as a rule, is cinnamon. To prepare classic mulled wine, in addition to table red wine, you will need the following spices: - a cinnamon stick - 5-7 pieces of cloves;

Nutmeg - vanilla (optional) - ginger (optional) - zest Put the zest and spices on the bottom of the turkey, pour in 100 milliliters of water and put on fire. After the water has boiled, let the broth simmer for a minute, then cover it with a lid and let it brew for 10 minutes. Pour a bottle of red wine into a saucepan and put on fire. Add the strained broth there, as well as a couple of tablespoons of sugar or honey to taste, so that the drink does not seem sour to you. Shortly before the mulled wine boils, it should be turned off and poured into tall cups or special glasses.

Mulled wine cannot be reheated: it will lose its aroma. If you do not have time to drink a drink, it is better to pour it into a thermos.

Indian pilaf with cinnamon sticks

In Asian countries, cinnamon sticks are often used as a condiment for meat and vegetable dishes. You can make Indian pilaf using this spice. You will need: - 400 grams of rice (Basmati is best); - 1 kilogram of chicken drumsticks; - 4 cloves of garlic; - 3 cinnamon sticks; - 2 onions; - 400 grams of canned tomatoes; - Ground black pepper; - Ginger; - Cumin; - Turmeric - Red hot peppers - Salt Rinse the rice, cover it with cold water and leave for 30 minutes. Peel the meat from the drumsticks and cut into cubes. Pour vegetable oil into a preheated frying pan and fry the meat in batches in it until golden brown. Put it on a plate and fry the onion in the same vegetable oil, adding turmeric, garlic, ginger, cumin, two cinnamon sticks, pepper and salt to it. Add canned tomatoes and meat to the skillet. Bring the mixture to a boil and then turn off the heat. Remove the cinnamon sticks.

Put a saucepan with one and a half liters of water on the fire, add cardamom and a cinnamon stick to it. When the water boils, pour in rice and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then fold it in a colander and remove the cinnamon.

Pour 150 ml of water into a large saucepan, add half of the rice you have, pour the contents of the pan on top and add the rest of the rice. Simmer the mixture for about half an hour without stirring. You can also garnish the finished pilaf with cinnamon sticks.