Recipes for a long journey. Healthy snacks on the road, traveling by car, train or bus: a list of food for the trip, tips

01.09.2019 Buffet table

So you have a vacation or business trip planned? Surely the question arose of what you can take on the bus from food, so that you probably feel full and at the same time not worry about your health and not feel embarrassed in front of other passengers. Of course, familiar sandwiches and buns come to mind, but this is only a small part of how you can pamper your stomach while on a bus or any other transport for a long time.

What products to take on the road?

  1. Sausage and cheese sandwiches. Perhaps the most favorite food of passengers. When making sandwiches for the brake, give preference to uncooked smoked sausage, it has a long shelf life and has a less pungent smell. You can choose any cheese at your discretion, it can be both hard cheese varieties and soft ones. For lovers of blue cheese, please give in to your taste preferences and choose the cheese with the least flavor.
  2. Vegetables and fruits. This is a good choice for a snack on the bus, they satisfy hunger, they are easily digested without leaving a feeling of heaviness and they are convenient to eat on the road. Give preference to hard varieties of vegetables and fruits, they will certainly not choke in your bag. These can be cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, apples and bananas. It is better not to take pears and hard plums on the road, they can cause bloating.
  3. Dried fruits and nuts. Along with ordinary fruits, you can take dried fruits and nuts, they take up little space in the bag, but they give the body a large amount of calories, you can not only feel full, but can also eliminate motion sickness on the road.
  4. Cookies and buns. Such a snack on the road will also work, but you should give preference to, for example, oatmeal or ginger liver, it will give a long feeling of satiety and can also eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness.
  5. Boiled potatoes and eggs. This is another hearty meal on the bus, boil potatoes and eggs (be sure to hard-boiled) and peel them well in advance.
  6. Zucchini or potato pancakes. Such a dish is very tasty to prepare very easily, it is well stored and you can eat it both hot and cold.
  7. Fried chicken or meat. Both meat and chicken can be thoroughly fried in a pan or baked in the oven. Be sure to make sure the meat is well done, otherwise it can quickly deteriorate.
  8. Tea, coffee in a thermos and regular non-carbonated water.

How to properly assemble the brakes on the bus?

The question is very simple, however, referring to experience, many passengers do not take into account many nuances. Let's take a closer look at how to collect food for the trip in such a way that no matter what harm to health and it was practical to eat it, continuing the trip clean.
  • when taking fruits and vegetables on the road, wash and dry them in advance. This way, you don't have to wipe them on the road with wet wipes or, even worse, unwashed hands, which can lead to germs entering the body and upsetting the intestines. And you probably don't need it, especially on the road.
  • cut up all the food you need at home and put them in a container or bag. It can be bread, cucumbers or chicken cut into small pieces for a more convenient meal, etc.
  • do not bring liquid food with you. It is better not to take soup, okroshka and other liquid dishes on the road. Even if you securely pack such food in an airtight container, it is inconvenient to eat it on a bus that moves all the time, sometimes bumping into bumps, on our "faultless" roads and does not make sudden braking. Surely all this will lead to the fact that you overflow your lunch and then continue your journey in stained clothes or sitting on a wet, dirty seat. Therefore, give preference to drier foods.
  • your food on the road should be made up of products that have a long shelf life. It is imperative that before putting this or that product in the brake, check its expiration date, if there are 1-2 days left before it ends, it is better not to take such a product on the road. Under conditions of temperature conditions other than refrigeration, the product can deteriorate much faster.
  • when choosing between meat and fish, give preference to meat. However, the meat should be properly cooked, well fried, boiled or steamed. Lovers of steak with blood, it is better to postpone the use of this dish for later and take care of your health.
  • crumbs, crumbs and crumbs again ... Huge request not to take food that crumbles heavily on the road, this concerns shortbread cookies, it is impossible to eat it neatly, so as not to crumble, and other similar products.
  • water, tea or coffee can be used to quench your thirst. It is better not to take compote and natural juices, as on the road they can acidify and cause nausea, bloating and intestinal upset.
  • along with the food that you take on the road, you need to take wet and dry wipes, disposable bags in them you will put apple cores, banana peels and other food waste.
Having thought in advance what you can take with you on the road from food and how to properly equip all these products in a road brake, they will give you the opportunity to have a tasty and satisfying snack right on the road and stay not only full, but also clean. Already read: 20179 times

So you've decided to go on vacation by car. Your journey begins from the doorstep of the apartment, and your mood depends on the comfort of the car, comfortable clothes and, of course, food on the road trip. What to take with you on vacation by car, how to eat on the road, what to cook and where to buy, read on.

On vacation by car

If you are traveling by train, then I recommend reading my article "Food for the trip / What to take with you from food on the train?"

A long time ago, I also traveled by car along the endless roads of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, but more often the Crimea.

We were going on a trip for a long time and spent almost a whole month in the car, even sleeping in the car. And this is with a small child.

So I know firsthand what autotourism is. Many people find it difficult to travel by car, and even with children, especially when the road takes more than a day.

I assure you, it's only hard for the driver. Air conditioning in the cabin, soft seats, delicious food and cheerful music are the keys to a wonderful trip.

What to take on the road when traveling by car?

Let's start with things. In addition to suitcases and bags with clothes, be sure to put in the car:

  • First aid kit
  • Refrigerator bag with groceries
  • Canister of water
  • Tent
  • Bowler hat
  • Brazier
  • Necessary set of dishes
  • Folding chairs
  • Fishing rod
  • Bedspreads or blankets
  • Bed sheets
  • Tablecloth
  • Matches and lighter fluid
  • Foil to bake fish or potatoes on charcoal

To travel in the summer heat, you should not take a gas burner with a cylinder with you, a very dangerous thing, gas may leak or something else may happen.

Now about how to fill your travel refrigerator and stomachs on the road.

Food in the auto-refrigerator:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Juices in small packages
  • Milk in small boxes
  • Baby puree in boxes (not in jars!)
  • Raw smoked sausage
  • Baked buns or pies with jam, cabbage or apple
  • Stew in a tin can
  • Canned fish

Don't rely on shops along the way. Always have a supply of food preparation in your auto-ship. Shops may be closed, there is little space in the cafe, or poor food.

Cook yourself, arrange a small picnic right on the side of the road. Of course, you should not take the roadside literally, you understand that you need to turn a little off the road and find a green meadow under some tree.

Four healthy snack options on the road

Other products you need on the road:

  • Groats - buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, oat flakes, etc.
  • Sugar
  • Tea bags
  • Cracker
  • Candy, but not chocolate
  • Pasta
  • Potato
  • Carrot
  • Onions and green onions
  • Powdered milk
  • Dried fruits
  • Bay leaf, peppercorns

What to cook fast on the road?

Well, it's unlikely to work very quickly, first you have to collect dry branches, light a fire and boil water in a pot.

And only then start cooking. Camping food is very similar to road trip food.

By the way, you can go to nature not only by your own car, but also by taxi. If your husband or acquaintance is keeping his taxi, we recommend a taxi program that allows you to automate the activities of the taxi dispatching office and completely abandon the use of radios.

Travel recipes by car

Soup "Road"

In boiling water, add one peeled potato, cut into smaller pieces. There is also a handful of any cereal, a peeled onion and bay leaf. As the soup boils, skim off the foam and season with salt, then, according to your taste, put a jar of stew or canned fish into the soup. Boil the soup until the potatoes are soft.

If you took a frying pan on the road, then you can safely bake pancakes for breakfast... From flour, milk powder, water, salt and spices. Instead of butter, you can use a piece of bacon, which is used to rub the pan before baking.

Charcoal under the cooking first course is easy bake fish or potatoes... It is enough to wrap the food in several layers of foil and bury it in the coals.

Shashlik- an excellent dish for traveling by car. You can fry fish, sausages, sausages or meat. SHASHLIK - recipes, tips and secrets Picnic menu / What to cook outdoors?

Campfire tea comes out specific, not everyone likes it. Therefore, it is better to drink just water or cook dried fruits compote .

  1. As you consume food, buy everything you need along the way. To do this, ask the locals where they have a vegetable market. Usually in such markets, you can restock everything. Such markets are often called "collective farm" markets.
  2. In Ukraine and Crimea, these markets can be found not in the townships themselves, but outside the city, practically in the field. Fresh vegetables, fruits and fish will be sold to you with great pleasure and practically for a penny.
  3. Insist on trying everything to be sure of the quality of your purchase.
  4. By the way, you will definitely be offered to clean and cut the fish. Do not refuse, you also have less fuss with cooking.
  5. But ask the head from the fish carcass to be specially cut off. You won't need it on the road.
  6. Sausages, sausages or meat for barbecue, buy in stores. Let it be more expensive than on the market, but from the refrigerator. Try not to buy semi-finished meat products already in a barbecue marinade, it is not known how much it floats there and what kind of marinade.

For the rest, cook whatever you want and when you want. You are free from work and household chores. Auto tourism is an interesting adventure, relax and have fun every second!

Warm, fine May is created for traveling with the whole family. If the route is to be long, you need to make sure that your family does not get hungry. It is especially important to take your child's food on the road. Let's discuss the hiking menu together.

Lunch in the palm of your hand

What to cook for your child on the road? A ham and cheese sandwich, because it is so hearty and delicious. Lubricate the bread toast with sour cream, put a piece of ham. Cover with lettuce, 2 slices of tomato and a second toast. We also grease it with sour cream and also cover it with lettuce leaves. Next, put a slice of ham and cheese, cover with the third toast. Such a solid sandwich will replace a full meal for a child.

Crystal vegetables

A light vegetable snack on the road for kids is a win-win. We take 200 g of any fresh vegetables: zucchini, carrots, young potatoes, eggplants. Peel them and cut them into equal slices. In a saucepan, cook a thick glaze from 800 ml of water, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 100 g of butter. We put vegetables in it and simmer until all the liquid has boiled away. Such a snack to crunch on the road is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Cupcakes in greenery

Vegetables can be used to make more hearty travel meals for children. For example, squash muffins. We grate the zucchini, squeeze out the liquid and salt. Stir in 3 eggs and 250 g flour with a pinch of baking powder. Add 100 g of boiled sausage in cubes, 70 g of grated cheese, 7-8 feathers of green onions. Pour this mass into silicone molds and bake for 25 minutes at 180 ° C in the oven. By the way, this appetizer is even tastier when cooled down.

Queen of the fields

What can a child eat on the road? Corn pancakes are sure to go with a bang. We take 300 g of canned corn and 50 ml of liquid from a jar. Add 200 g flour, egg, ½ bunch of parsley, salt to taste and knead the dough. If the child doesn't mind, add some grated cheese. Next, it remains to fry the pancakes in a hot pan with butter and put them in a container. Incidentally, they are equally good with sour cream and jam, and even with slices of cheese or ham.

Hearty bouquet

What food should a child put on the road if he loves meat? Appetizing "roses" will delight him from the heart. Knead the dough from 600 g of flour, 100 ml of water, eggs and salt, roll out a thin layer. We cut it into strips. We coat the strips with ketchup or sour cream. Put thinly sliced ​​slices of ham or sausage on each strip, fold. We put the "roses" in a mold and bake for 20 minutes at 180 ° C. Adults will also love to try this dish.

Curd geometry

What to buy for a child on the road from food? Yoghurts and curds are irreplaceable here. However, you can bake quick curd envelopes with your own hands. We mix 500 g of cottage cheese, an egg, 50 g of raisins, 2 tbsp. l. honey and lemon zest. Roll out 500 g of finished puff pastry and cut into squares. We put 1 tbsp on each. l. fillings, sculpt triangles, grease with yolk and put in the oven at 200 ° C for 20 minutes. These fluffy puffs will keep kids from getting bored on the go.

Hello from Hawaii

The best food on the road by car with a child. We mix 800 g of rolled oats, 100 g of coconut, 150 g of cashews, 120 g of candied pineapple, mango and orange. Pour in a heated mixture of 80 ml of olive oil and 80 g of honey. Spread the thick mass in an even layer on a baking sheet with parchment and bake for 30 minutes at 180 ° C. Break the granola into portions and treat the kids along the way.

Happiness in chocolate

Chocolate biscuit is a good recipe for the trip for children. Melt 300 g of chocolate and, stirring often, add 200 g of butter, 300 g of sugar and 4 tbsp. l. milk. When the mass has cooled slightly, drive in 4 eggs, 200 g flour, ½ tsp. cinnamon. We spread the dough in a high oiled form. Bake the biscuit for 30 minutes at 180 ° C and cut into pieces - a delicious snack is ready.

Banana crunch

How to have a snack for a child on the road if he is capricious and demands fast food? Offer it to him. Cut a couple of bananas into 2 mm thick circles, sprinkle with linseed oil and place on a baking sheet with paper. We put it in an oven preheated to 160 ° C for 15 minutes, then turn the chips over and bake for another 15 minutes. Sprinkle them with cinnamon, let cool and place in a paper bag. With such a fruity delicacy, children will quickly forget about fast food.

The vigor of citrus

Do not forget to bring some cool lemonade with you, because on the way children want to drink more often than usual. Combine in a blender bowl a medium lemon, cut into slices along with the peel, 300 g of strawberries and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Grind them into gruel and pour 1⅓ liter of pure water or mineral water. We filter the mixture well, pour it into a thermos and throw 7-8 cubes of frozen fruit juice into it. This lemonade will perfectly quench your thirst and energize.

We cook quickly and tasty with the "Eat at Home" dough

Quick and easy pies are a lifesaver for all occasions and a great food option on the road. Choose the filling of your choice: berries, fruits, vegetables - or, for example, make a delicious pie with meat, chicken or fish. We hope that the suggested recipes will help you to while away the time on your trip. And what do you yourself prepare for the children on the road? Share with other readers ideas for interesting snacks that your little gourmets are crazy about.

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What products to take on the train - a specific list

I would like to remind you that there is food on our trains now. You can be provided with a plastic box with a side dish, sausage, biscuits and something else as a burden to the ticket, or for an additional fee ... In principle, you will not die of hunger.

But we make up our own set of products, so, as Yuri Gagarin said, getting ready for the trip: "Let's go!"

I suggest:

Take with you more disposable dishes, napkins, packages;

Do not take boiled eggs, radishes, onions, garlic on the road and be careful with cheeses - the smell is still the same, and the choice of products is already large;

As little greasy, dirty, crumbling food as possible. Chips, for example, can be denied unambiguously.

What remains? We look at the list.

Bottles with still water (it is better not to take juices and carbonated drinks - they are very sweet, they only make you want to drink even more).


Bread and bakery products.

Flatbreads, baked or fried in a dry pan, no fat.

Pita. Pita bread and thin flat cakes can be used to make portioned rolls with a variety of fillings, for example, with soft cheese and herbs. Very tasty and convenient.

Jacket potatoes (it is better to steam or bake) - it will stand for two days for sure. Baked potatoes do not damp, unlike boiled ones, therefore they are stored better.

Baked or boiled chicken breast - lean meat, does not spoil as quickly as fatty.

Raw smoked sausage is the most "long-playing" sausage.

Sliced ​​smoked meat - eat on the first day.

Sausages. The most convenient for the road are sold in glass jars.

Boneless fish fillet - steamed, individually baked in foil, boiled or lightly stewed in broth.

Baking pies. The following fillings are best suited for the road: with cabbage (no eggs), apples, jam or jam.

Cookies, crackers, gingerbread.

Cheese (varieties without a specific smell) - sliced ​​or in portioned packaging. In a convenient form, for example, processed cheese is sold - each slice is individually packaged.

Tea bags.

Instant coffee.

Dried fruits.

Nuts or a mixture of nuts with candied fruits or dried fruits (very satisfying product!).

Fruits (preferably hard) - apples, pears, bananas, tangerines (as the most convenient citrus fruits for the road).

Vegetables (hard can be cut into pieces): carrots, cucumbers, celery stalks, tomatoes, bell peppers.

From greens - dill, parsley (cilantro, for example, is better not to take: people have different associations with the smell of this herb).

Nut butter (peanut or almond).

If the trip is long or dry water is unbearable, then we take "canned food" with us on the road:

Chinese noodles, instant mashed potatoes, instant cereals, dry soups, instant jelly, etc. - poured boiling water over and done;

Several cans of canned food to eat with mashed potatoes or porridge;

Canned salads (they are already dressed).

For the first couple of days, you can still grab something from home (baked cheese cakes, pies with cottage cheese or meat, etc.). And then switch to canned food. It is better to distribute all products - eat perishable food in one or two days, and canned food, nuts and hard fruits and vegetables in the remaining days.

There is a still uncommon and relatively expensive option: freeze-dried products... They are preserved in a special way: frozen and dried, but without heat treatment.

The choice is great: fruits, berries, dairy products, meat, fish, mushrooms and even pickles. And also ready-made mixtures of sublimates: soups, cereals, main courses, omelets. Even sets are produced: tourist breakfasts and dinners. No sublimate requires cooking. All products are in powder form and only water is needed for cooking, cold is also suitable.

Well, we have finished with the list of groceries, now we can joke a little ... Since we are going to travel by train, it is customary to measure groceries with suitcases. One large suitcase of groceries per adult, taking into account two or three days of travel, should be enough. Do not eat too much, otherwise it will be difficult to rest.

Summer is the time for outdoor activities, vacations and travel. When going on a trip, you need to think over everything to the smallest detail: make a list of necessary things, collect a first-aid kit and, of course, do not forget about the stock of provisions. But food spoils quickly in summer, especially if there is a long train journey. Therefore, you need to choose those products that are stored for a long time and without a refrigerator. This is especially important for families with children, because for them the quality and freshness of dishes are of paramount importance. So what to take on the road from food to refresh on the way on the train or bus?

Basic rules when choosing food on the train

The train is perhaps the safest and most convenient form of transport. It has a bathroom, and you can always take boiling water. But the train does not have a refrigerator, and the journey usually takes longer than other modes of transport. Therefore, when choosing what to take on the road from food, you need to remember a few basic principles:

    Food should be well stored and not melt in the sun.

    Choose food that does not have a strong odor and does not leave a lot of debris (for example, cleanings).

    It is best to take food with you that does not require additional cooking.

How much food do you need to take?

It is difficult to accurately calculate the required amount of food. It depends, first of all, on the travel time. And if you have to go more than five to six hours, then a snack will be simply necessary. Besides, for some reason, the appetite is always good on the train.

What to take from food on the road in summer, so that later you do not have to throw out excess or spoiled food? The number of products must be calculated based on the approximate menu for the entire journey. It should include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, which are indispensable on the train. But, given that physical activity on the road is minimized and little energy is spent, it is better not to take a lot of food. Moreover, excess products are unnecessary cargo. As a last resort, you can buy something on the train or at the bus stop.

Sample list of products

Let's try to compile an approximate list of products that you can take with you on the train.

    Instant porridge with dried fruit is a great breakfast option. Especially if they are not packed in bags, but in disposable cups.

    Individually wrapped processed cheese is good because it can be eaten right after opening.

    Meat dishes: It is best to choose canned food, such as pâté in small jars. It can be used in one go. Fans of home cooking can take meatballs or meatballs with them, but they will need to be eaten within the first six hours of the journey. By the way, fried or baked chicken, beloved by many, will also come in handy, but it is better to pack it in foil and not put it off the next day.

    Bread or pita bread.

    Patties or muffins. Better not to take baked goods with cottage cheese or meat filling. But if you really want to, then you will need to eat it in the first hours of the journey.

    When choosing what to take from food on a long journey, you can think of soups, mashed potatoes and instant noodles. Of course, these are not the most healthy dishes, but they certainly will not deteriorate in the summer, especially if you need to travel for two or three days.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits. It is better not to take too juicy (peaches or apricots), so as not to crease. In addition, in the summer they can always be bought at the station and washed right on the train.

    For snacks, you can take nuts, corn sticks, cookies. From sweet - dried fruits, marshmallows or gingerbread.

Drinks are important

What to take on the road from food is, of course, important. But on a trip, especially in the summer heat, you need to follow the correct drinking regime. Therefore, drinking water without gas should always be available. It is good to take tea and coffee in bags, as well as refined sugar for hot drinks. You can also grab juices in small packages that you can drink through a straw.

The calculation of the liquid is approximately one liter per eight hours of travel per person. But if you have a long journey, then there is no need to carry extra water, because you can always buy it.

What to offer your child?

Families with children should pay particular attention to the quality and freshness of the food. Especially when it comes to very small children, because for them nutrition is of paramount importance. What should a child take for the trip to make the trip a success? If you have a long journey, then a cooler bag will be very useful, in which you can store or ready-made lunch.

For kids, you can take several jars of baby food on the road. By the way, vegetable or fruit puree can be offered not only to a crumb, but also to an older child. Baby juice, biscuits and, of course, clean water will also come in handy.

It must be remembered that many children get seasick in transport, especially in summer. Therefore, it is better not to feed the baby just before the trip. And you can eat in an hour after departure. It is better if it is a hot dish - it will help better transfer the road to both the child and his parents.

Unwanted foods

Having decided which food is better to take on the road, you need to mention those products that you do not want to take with you. Let's list some of them.