Recipe for sweet cabbage for the winter in jars. Ingredients for harvesting sauerkraut for the winter in jars - in brine under iron lids

09.08.2019 Buffet table

Today I offer practical housewives my family recipe for cooking cabbage for the winter in jars under metal lids. Such a cabbage is prepared by the double pouring method: the first water is drained, and then filled with marinade. In my mother's cellar, such cabbage is stored for more than two years, which means that this cabbage has a long shelf life. But, what is most characteristic, during storage it does not change its properties: the color and taste does not change, it still remains light and crisp, as if it had been prepared recently.

In this recipe, the method of preparing pickled cabbage is described in as much detail as possible, do not forget the key to successful harvesting for the winter - these are the right products.

Garnish the pickled cabbage salad with any tasty additions before use: onions, fresh dill, lingonberries, cranberries, pickled mushrooms or soaked apples. Drizzle with scented oil and serve.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 kg of cabbage;
  • 400 g carrots.


  • 3.5 liters of water;
  • 80 g salted salt (2 tablespoons with a slide + 1 tablespoon without a slide);
  • 5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar 70%;
  • 6 - 8 pcs. carnation;
  • 3 allspice peas;
  • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns.

How to cook pickled cabbage for the winter:

From this amount of ingredients, the result is two 3-liter cans of the finished product. I will add right away, on average, one three-liter jar will need: 1.2 kg of chopped cabbage, 200 g of carrots and 1.5 liters of marinade - we will be guided by these data.

First of all, prepare the jars for salting: rinse the container and sterilize it along with the metal lids, in any convenient way.

Only winter (late) varieties are suitable for salting cabbage for the winter; choose large and dense heads of cabbage. Remove the outer leaves from the fork, cut into large pieces and remove the stalk. As a result, 2.8 kilograms of cabbage is obtained from a 3-kilogram head of cabbage. Grate it on a special grater for shredding cabbage or chop it with a knife.

Fill the jars with grated vegetables, press with your hands and add more, pressing in the same way. The jar needs to be tightly filled with cabbage, without tamping too much.

Pour the contents of the cans to the very top and pierce with a thin stick so that all air bubbles come out. Add more water, cover and let the vegetables heat for 10 to 15 minutes.
Drain this water down the sink, we won't need it anymore. Although some thrifty housewives continue to prepare marinade on this water, personally I have never done this, so I cannot say whether it is better or not. One more point, you need to try to drain the water from the cans completely, otherwise in the future the required amount of the marinade will not fit.
Along the way, put the marinade to cook. Pour 3.5 liters of water into a large saucepan, add salt, sugar and spices. By the way, seasonings can be added to your liking, for example, I don't really like the smell of allspice, so I put in quite a bit, but I like the aroma of cloves more. If desired, you can put bay leaves and dill seeds in the marinade.

Bring the marinade to a boil, remove from the stove and pour in 1.5 tablespoons of vinegar essence. It is advisable to catch most of the spices with a spoon, but everything is not needed, leave a little, let them end up in jars.

Fill the jars with marinade, pierce again so that all air bubbles come out and add more. As a result, I was left with one full glass of marinade, I think it's better to let it remain than not enough.
Roll up the filled cans with metal lids and turn over. Cover with a blanket or towel and leave to cool. After the jars of cabbage, you need to let it brew at room temperature for 3 days, then remove them for further storage in a dry cellar.
Pickled cabbage for the winter under metal lids is ready. In just two months it will be completely usable. Before tasting, do not forget to pour the cabbage with lean aromatic oil and sprinkle with chopped onions.

Cabbage is one of the most delicious and popular vegetables on the winter table, and this popularity is fully justified, because it is in cabbage that all vitamins are stored during the long winter months, including vitamin C, which helps to cope with colds. Sauerkraut contains minerals necessary for a normal acid-base balance, and it is also a low-calorie product that helps to maintain a beautiful figure.

You can prepare cabbage in different ways: ferment, pickle, preserve, make lightly salted.

For harvesting for the winter, it is worth giving preference to late varieties of large cabbage. As a rule, they ferment it in large wooden barrels, glass jars, or any enameled dish that is at hand. Ready cabbage is stored in a cool place, for example, in a cellar or refrigerator, it is worth noting that sauerkraut normally tolerates freezing, without changes in taste and quality indicators.

Cabbage preparations for the winter in jars

Simple and tasty cabbage preparations for the winter in jars, recipes

Traditional recipe for sauerkraut in a jar

Cabbage, fermented according to this recipe, turns out juicy and crispy, goes well when served with onions and sunflower oil.


  • 3 kg of white cabbage;
  • 6 pcs. large carrots;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt for every kilogram of cabbage.


  1. We clean the cabbage from spoiled and damaged leaves, chop it.
  2. Wash carrots, peel and rub on a coarse grater.
  3. Combine prepared vegetables, salt and mix thoroughly. You can slightly mash the vegetables, so they will give juice and become smaller in volume.
  4. We spread the cabbage tightly over the jars, cover with gauze and let stand overnight in a warm place. The most optimal room temperature is 20-22 degrees.
  5. The next morning, when the cabbage starts up the juice and begins to ferment slightly, it is not recommended to drain all the juice, only the excess is allowed, then the cabbage will be more juicy. In several places we pierce the cabbage with a stick made of wood or a knitting needle so that gases come out, we repeat this procedure several times over the next three days, then the cabbage can be closed with a nylon lid and stored in a cool place.

Cabbage for the winter with aspirin

The method of harvesting cabbage for the winter is a bit unconventional, but the cabbage turns out to be very tasty and crispy as fresh.


  • 2 pcs. carrots;
  • 1 head of white cabbage;
  • 90 gr. salt;
  • 90 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 3 aspirin tablets;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • black peppercorns.


  1. We free the cabbage from the upper leaves and finely chop or three on a cabbage grater.
  2. Wash the carrots, peel and grate for carrots in Korean.
  3. Transfer the chopped vegetables to a large bowl and mix thoroughly.
  4. Pour a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of salt into a prepared sterile jar, put one aspirin tablet, bay leaf and 2-3 peppercorns.
  5. Fill the jar with cabbage and carrots up to half, tamping a little. Then put the spices in the same proportions again, after which we spread the remaining spices.
  6. Gently pour boiling water into a filled jar to the top and let stand for 5 minutes. If the water decreases, top up again and roll up. Turn the closed jar upside down, wrap it up warmly and let it stand until it cools completely, and then put it in a cool place for storage.

Cabbage salad in a jar for the winter

Such a preparation will be an excellent alternative to fresh vegetable salads on the winter table.


  • 5 kg of white cabbage;
  • 1 kg of bell pepper;
  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 1 kg of onions;
  • 0.5 liters of vegetable oil;
  • 120 g salt;
  • 350 gr. Sahara;
  • 50 ml vinegar 6%.


  1. Wash carrots, peel and three on a coarse grater.
  2. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage and chop it.
  3. Remove seeds from bell pepper and cut into strips.
  4. Peel the onion and chop it into half rings or cubes.
  5. Put the prepared vegetables in a deep bowl, add oil, salt with sugar, vinegar to them, mix and let stand for about 12 hours, stirring occasionally.
  6. We put the finished salad in prepared sterilized jars and roll it up with a tin lid, or close it with a nylon lid. The salad is kept in a cool place.

Pickled cabbage with beets in a jar for the winter

Such cabbage will become not only a healthy dish on your table, but also a beautiful decoration thanks to the colorful color of the cans. Another name for this blank:.


  • 1 beet;
  • 1 kg of white cabbage;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 40 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 25 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 50 ml of 9% vinegar;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • allspice peas;
  • 0.5 liters of water.


  1. We clean the cabbage and cut it into identical cubes, about 2x2 cm, with the exception of the stump.
  2. Chop the garlic and beets. The size of the pieces is not important, the main thing is not to be very large. The garlic can be cut into 4 pieces, and the beets can be cut into medium cubes or slices.
  3. We take pre-prepared jars with lids and put a layer of cabbage, then a layer of beets, then garlic and again cabbage.
  4. Cooking the marinade. To do this, dissolve the salt and sugar in water, let it boil, pour in the vinegar and immediately turn off the heat.
  5. Pour hot marinade into jars and roll up. We turn the closed jars upside down and wrap them until they cool completely, store the workpiece in the cellar or any other cool place.

Designed for the winter. This seemingly simple and familiar culinary ingredient, with the right proportions, can surprise even the most avid gourmets. Below are the most popular and delicious recipes that are easy to perform and even novice cooks can do.

How to choose for blank

When choosing a cabbage head, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • pick up a head of cabbage and carefully feel it. If it becomes soft when pressed or changes its shape, then feel free to put it aside, such a fork does not fit;
  • there should be no spots or cracks on the surface of the leaves;
  • the vegetable should have a characteristic pleasant fresh smell;
  • carefully examine the stump: it must be at least 2 cm long and white. Only in this case the head of cabbage suits you;
  • it is advisable to choose a vegetable with green leaves. This will be a guarantee that he was not frostbitten in winter;
  • the weight of the head of cabbage must be more than 1 kg. Ideal - from 3 to 5 kg.

Important! It must be remembered that not all varieties of this vegetable are suitable for harvesting. The most suitable varieties are mid-season and late.

By adhering to these tips, you can choose tasty and healthy heads of cabbage that will make your preparations the most delicious.


Cooking salted cabbage for the winter is slightly different from pickling it. Below is a recipe for delicious and proper salting in beets.


For 4-5 liters you need:

  • 1 cabbage head;
  • - 2 pcs.;
  • - 1 PC.;
  • - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • 1 small hot pepper;
  • - 5 pieces.;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • - 2 pcs.;
  • - 1 umbrella;
  • - 2-3 branches.

In order to prepare a marinade for 1.5 liters of water, you need:
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • half a glass of sunflower oil;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • half a glass of vinegar.


In order to cook delicious salted cabbage, follow these steps:

  1. Cut the vegetable into large chunks, but so that they go into the jar.
  2. Peel and cut into small round pieces.
  3. Be sure to sterilize jars before use. Put all the spices, herbs on their bottom, then tightly fold the finely chopped cabbage heads with beets and carrots.
  4. In order to prepare a delicious marinade, pour salt and sugar into water, add sunflower oil there. Boil everything, leave it for 1 minute. Then remove from heat, pour in vinegar and mix everything well.
  5. Pour the still hot marinade into the jars of the vegetable mixture, then cover and leave to sterilize for half an hour. Roll up the cans, turn them over and leave them in this position for a couple of days. Choose a cool place for storage.
Delicious salted cabbage for the winter is ready!

Did you know? There is an assumption that the word "cabbage" comes from the ancient Greek and Roman words "kaputum", ie.« head» , which corresponds to the rather peculiar form of this vegetable.


  1. First, the brine is prepared, that is, we dissolve the salt in hot water.
  2. The cabbage is finely chopped, and the carrots are grated, then everything is mixed.
  3. The resulting mixture is dipped in parts into chilled brine for 5 minutes. Then the cabbage is taken out of it, squeezed out and transferred to another container. Repeat this procedure with the entire mixture.
  4. Put all the cabbage in jars, tamp it well, cover it with plastic lids and leave it overnight.
  5. After a day, take the jars out into the cold.
It's so easy to make a delicious preparation from this vegetable! Bon Appetit!

Did you know?Cabbage began to be cultivated in Ancient Egypt in the 15th-10th centuries BC.


Inexpensive, low-calorie, and most importantly - a useful and very tasty addition to your table for the winter will be pickled cabbage. The recipe for its preparation is very simple and does not require much time.


If you want to marinate a vegetable so that it has a juicy and unique taste, then you will need:

  • - 1 kg;
  • - 3 pcs.;
  • - 2 pcs.;
  • allspice peas - 4 pcs.;
  • - 1/4;
  • - 3 pcs.
To prepare the marinade:
  • water - 300 ml;
  • salt - 70 g;
  • sugar - 220 g;
  • 4% apple cider vinegar - 300 ml.


So, the recipe consists of the following:

  1. Cut the head of cabbage into strips, and grate on a coarse grater, cut into half rings. Next, everything needs to be mixed in a special container, add there, peppercorns and grate a little nutmeg.
  2. The marinade is prepared as follows: water is boiled, then salt and sugar are added there. After a minute, everything is removed from the heat, and vinegar is poured in.
  3. Pour the prepared marinade over the prepared vegetable mixture. After that, press down the cabbage with any weight so that it is completely in the marinade.
  4. After 6-7 hours, put the slightly pickled vegetables in the jars, covering them with polyethylene lids.

Important!It is best to store cans in a refrigerator or basement at a temperature of +3 .. + 4 ° C.

A unique appetizer is ready!

Another popular and very tasty cabbage preparation for the winter is salad prepared in jars. Even in winter, you will feel like you are eating a freshly prepared summer vegetable salad.


Based on 8 half-liter cans of lettuce, you will need:

  • any grade - 2 kg;

Published: 17.11.2017
Posted by: Natasha.Isa.
Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Which housewife doesn't want to roll up cabbage for the winter? This case is very interesting and everyone will like it. Now you do not need to ferment the cabbage for a long time and wait for it to marinate. We will roll cabbage with you into jars under iron lids. In winter, such a blank will perfectly match any side dish, even if you just boil potatoes in their uniforms, peel them and serve them. My family cannot live without salted cabbage, and in winter this issue becomes very urgent. Crispy always raises the appetite and everyone seeks to put several servings on the plate at once, it turns out very tasty. It is convenient to roll such cabbage under the lid for guests. If you have extinguished your friends, and there is no time to salt the cabbage, then just open the jar with the winter preparation and set the table. Pickled cabbage in a jar under the lid is no different from ordinary salted cabbage, you just don't need to salt it. I found this recipe by accident while reading the helpful advice newspaper. There they talked about harvesting cabbage, and below they wrote that winter cabbage varieties are good to roll up for the winter on an iron cover. For me it was a discovery and I think you will like my recipe.

Required products:

- 1 kg. white cabbage,
- 1 large carrot,
- 2-3 cloves of garlic,
- 2 bay leaves,
- 3-4 peppers,
- 1 tables. l. salt,
- 1 tsp granulated sugar
- 600 grams of water,
- 120 grams of vegetable oil,
- 50 grams of apple cider vinegar.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Chop the cabbage (it is advisable to take winter cabbage varieties for pickling) into thin strips. A sharp long knife will come in handy as well as possible.

Peel the carrots either with a knife or a housekeeper, then grate it on a coarse grater. Carrots are always added to cabbage in order to give the preparation only a beautiful color, but also to improve the taste of the cabbage itself.

Mix the chopped vegetables in a bowl and rub lightly between your palms to soften the cabbage.

Now tamp the cabbage into clean washed jars. We push properly so that as little air as possible remains.

Boil the brine: add salt and granulated sugar to boiling water. While the brine is boiling, stir gently with a spoon.

Pour in vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar according to the recipe.

Pour in jars and immediately roll up with iron lids. You can use iron screw caps or conventional turnkey caps. Put the finished snack in the cellar or basement. There it will be preserved throughout the winter and will be delicious. Bon Appetite!

Hello hostesses! Do you have a good harvest of cabbage? I have ideas where to attach it, as many as 11 delicious ideas! Even forks from the store (market) are suitable for harvesting for the winter. In some recipes, you can take absolutely any variety, but only special pickling varieties are suitable for pickling. So be careful. It is the wrong head of cabbage that can cause failure.

Otherwise, there are no difficulties, the recipes are all simple. I tried to describe in detail the cooking process so that everything would turn out to be a solid five even for novice cooks. But if you still have questions, ask them in the comments - I will answer.

So, we start harvesting cabbage for the winter, read the contents and start creating your home masterpieces. By the way, if you have not yet pickled this vegetable in a quick way, then be sure to fill this gap. All recipes already.

If you have a lot of cabbage, then you can prepare it for future use very simply and quickly - cut into pieces and pour over the marinade. You need to store such preservation in a cool place: on the balcony, while there is no frost, in the cellar, basement. This recipe is proven, it turns out delicious, little time is spent on cooking. As a result, the white vegetable will crunch pleasantly on the teeth.


  • cabbage
  • vinegar essence 70% - 1.5 tsp / 3 l can

For 1 liter of marinade:

  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp. (100 ml)
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoons

Cooking method:

1.Wash the cabbage, remove the top leaves, cut the stump. Cut the head of cabbage into medium-sized pieces so they fit easily into the jar of your choice. Slicing is done very quickly, you do not need to chop finely here, therefore this recipe is considered the simplest.

2.Place the resulting pieces into clean, sterilized jars, tamping lightly with your hand. It is convenient to take a large container volume of 3 liters. In parallel, put the water for the brine on the stove to boil. For 3 liters of workpiece, you will need about 1.5 liters of marinade.

3.When the water boils, add the right amount of salt and sugar, stir and dissolve.

4. Pour hot brine over cabbage in jars to the very edge. Pour acetic acid on top (1.5 teaspoons for every three liters of preservation).

5.Cover the workpiece with boiled metal lids and roll it up with a wrench.

It is best not to use reusable screw caps for this preservation.

6. Turn all the jars over, cover with a towel to cool gradually. After a day, canned food can be removed to a permanent storage location.

Pickled cabbage with beets and vinegar

Above was the simplest recipe for lazy cabbage for the winter, there is nothing at all except the main ingredient and the marinade. This option is also not difficult, but beets are added, which, in addition to sweetness, gives a beautiful bright color. It turns out very appetizing.

I recently wrote a recipe for a similar dish, but quick cooking. It is called, I advise you to familiarize yourself with that recipe at the link.

Ingredients (for 4 three-liter cans):

  • cabbage - 4-5 kg
  • beets - 1 kg
  • salt - 8 tablespoons
  • granulated sugar - 8 tablespoons
  • vinegar 9% - 8 tablespoons
  • water - 5.5-6 l
  • bay leaf - 16 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 large head
  • hot chili peppers - 4 pcs.
  • dill umbrellas - 12 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 1 tablespoon without a slide


1. Peel and cut the beets into thin semicircles. If the vegetables are small, you can just use circles.

2. Remove the top leaves of the cabbage, rinse the heads well. Cut into arbitrary pieces, not small, but large enough (the main thing is that they fit well in the jar).

Do not take young cabbage, it will become soft after sterilization, it will not crunch. You need to choose dense forks, tight, later collection, varieties for pickling.

3. Glass containers must be sterilized well. Put pieces of beet on the bottom of a three-liter container, on top - a layer of cabbage, then 3-4 leaves of lavrushka, a pinch of peppercorns, chopped garlic cloves (2-3 pcs.), Slices of hot pepper, 3 umbrellas of dill. Then again lay out the vegetables in layers, cut another bitter pepper on top.

You can adjust the pungency to your liking. In the recipe for a 3L jar, put one whole chili pod.

4. Boil water (6 l) and remove from heat. Add salt, sugar, vinegar to it - only 8 tablespoons each. Stir so that there are no crystals in the marinade. Try what you get. Should taste like salted broth.

5.Pour the resulting blanks to the top with hot brine. Cover with lids, which must first be poured with boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

6. It remains to sterilize the winter treat. This is done in the standard way. Place a napkin in a large saucepan and place the jars there. Pour hot water up to the shoulders (the place where the constriction begins). Put on medium heat, bring the liquid in a saucepan to a boil. Then sterilize for 15 minutes with a slight gurgle.

7. Remove the preservation from the boiling water. Be careful not to scald yourself. It is better to use special jar tongs. And roll up your blanks immediately. Place each jar on a barrel and roll it around the table to release any air bubbles.

8.Turn the jars over onto the lids, wrap them tightly with a blanket or blanket and leave them that way for 8-10 hours (overnight). The sterilization process will continue under the fur coat, which guarantees the safety of conservation. Then remove the blanket and let the cabbage cool to room temperature. Only after that it will need to be removed to a cool place.

9. You can eat such a snack in two weeks, when it is well marinated.

The most delicious recipe for cabbage with bell peppers in jars

If you are tired of banal blanks, then catch the original recipe! Here, they did not just mix cabbage with pepper, although you can do it this way, you get a salad. Here is the pepper stuffed with our today's white star. It turns out delicious and beautiful, an excellent appetizer!


  • cabbage (any will do - early, late)
  • bell pepper
  • carrot
  • hot red pepper
  • garlic

Marinade (about 3 three-liter jars):

  • water - 4 l
  • salt - 4 tablespoons
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. (200 ml each)
  • vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. (200 ml each)
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook:

1. Wash all vegetables. For peppers, remove the seed box. Do this carefully so that the fruit does not crack, but remains intact. Boil water in a large saucepan and start blanching. Dip the pepper in boiling water in portions, keep it there for about 3 minutes and remove with a sieve or colander.

2. After this procedure, the peppers will still reach a softer state by simply lying in a bowl.

3. Wash the jars with baking soda and sterilize over steam. Pour boiling water over the lids. Chop the cabbage thinly enough. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and mix with the white pot.

There are no clear proportions of vegetables in this recipe. Everything is taken to taste and at will. On average, for 2 kg of cabbage, you can take 1 medium carrot, 0.5 hot pepper pod, 4-5 cloves of garlic. Spicy lovers should increase the amount of the last two ingredients.

4. Peel and chop the garlic. You can not peel the bitter pepper (it will be sharper with the seeds), but simply grind it in circles.

5. Take the already softened bell pepper and fill it with vegetable salad, placing a piece of garlic and a chili ring in the middle. Fold the stuffed fruits tightly into sterile jars and cover with lids.

6. Prepare the marinade. At first glance, it might seem like there is too much sugar and vinegar in the recipe. But in fact, everything is quite balanced and tested - it turns out delicious. Water - 4 liters - boil, add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vinegar there at the rate. Boil for another minute, stirring, to dissolve everything. Put the water to warm up in parallel for sterilization.

If you make fewer cans, then reduce the amount of marinade accordingly. For example, for 2 liters of water, you will need 2 tablespoons of salt, 2 cups of sugar and table vinegar, 100 ml of oil.

7.Pour the workpieces with hot brine, cover and place in a saucepan for sterilization. The bottom of the container should be covered with some kind of cloth. Fill with hot water, without adding 3-4 cm to the lid. And put it on fire. After boiling water in a saucepan, keep it at a moderate boil for 20 minutes, then remove the canning and roll it up tightly.

8.Turn the container over onto the lids, wrap it up thoroughly with a warm blanket and leave overnight. After complete cooling, it can be removed to a permanent storage location. Believe me, in winter such a snack will go with a bang.

Korean spicy cabbage

Korean recipes are so popular that there are already a lot of them with different interpretations. A little earlier, I already wrote a recipe for you,

Now let's stock up on spicy Korean cabbage for the winter. The recipe will be in video format, which details the entire cooking process. I will write an ingredient composition for you so that you can quickly start creating in the kitchen.


  • cabbage - 1 kg
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves
  • bell pepper - 2-3 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 6 tablespoons
  • sugar - 5 tablespoons
  • salt - 2 tablespoons
  • acetic acid 70% - 1.5 tbsp
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp
  • ground red pepper - 0.5 tsp

Cabbage salad with cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes: the best recipe

Vegetable salads are just a storehouse of useful things in winter. And while there is an abundance of fresh food, you need to close them in jars so that the winter is well-fed. This salad is also called "Kuban", it contains several types of vegetables. Be sure to make such a blank!


  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • cucumbers - 1 kg
  • cabbage - 1 kg
  • bell pepper - 1 kg
  • onions - 0.5 kg
  • carrots - 0.5 kg
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoons
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • vinegar 9% - 150 ml
  • vegetable oil - 250 ml
  • black peppercorns - 20 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 10 pcs.
  • hot chili - optional
  • parsley - optional


1.Wash the cabbage well and chop finely. If there is no special shredder, work with a sharp knife. Take a little from the total amount of salt, add to the white pot and mix. At the same time, slightly suppress the slices to make them more moist and softer.

2.Cut the edges of the cucumbers, wash and cut into semicircles. Cut the bell pepper in half, remove the seeds and cut into half rings. If you decide to take parsley, then chop it finely.

3. Tomatoes are cut into medium slices, carrots are grated on a Korean grater with long strips, onions are grated in half rings. Place all prepared vegetables in one bowl.

Do not cut the food too small, otherwise they will turn into porridge after cooking.

4. Add salt, sugar, vegetable oil according to the recipe and 50 ml of vinegar to the total mass (not all the acid at once, the rest will be added later). Stir the salad, cover and leave for half an hour.

5.After the allotted time, put peppercorns and one and a half leaves of lavrushka (tear it) to the vegetables. Stir again and let stand for another 30 minutes.

6. In just an hour, there will be enough juice in the bowl. Transfer the entire piece to a saucepan and place over medium heat. Cover with a lid to speed up the heating process.

7.After boiling, simmer the salad for 5 minutes, then pour in 100 ml of vinegar, stir and simmer for another 2 minutes.

8. At this point, the banks should be washed and sterilized. Put the hot snack in a glass container, tamp it and immediately roll it up. Turn the jars upside down and let the canning cool completely. The result is a bright, crispy salad that will delight in winter.

Delicious pickled cabbage with tomatoes for the winter (with aspirin)

Before that, all the recipes were with vinegar. But instead of it, you can put aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) tablets. This pharmacy find increases the acidity in preservation, which in turn makes it possible to preserve the workpieces for longer. The taste of such an appetizer will differ from the vinegar one, so you should try this option at least once in order to decide for yourself which is better.

If you have already tried making other canned food with aspirin, write in the comments how such twists taste like? I think many readers will be interested to know your opinion.


  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • cabbage - 1 kg
  • bell pepper - 3 pcs.
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • garlic - 2 heads

Marinade for a 3-liter jar:

  • salt - 1 tablespoon
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • aspirin - 2 tablets

Cooking method:

1.Wash and cut vegetables. The pepper is cut into rings or long strips, about 5 mm wide. Tomatoes stay intact if they are medium in size. Large fruits can be cut in half. The cabbage is chopped coarsely enough, you do not need to cut too thin. Cut each garlic clove into several pieces. Chop the dill with a knife.

2. Banks do not need to be sterilized, but must be washed with mustard powder or soda.

You should not use a chemical dish detergent for this, it leaves a film on the walls, which can then spoil the food.

3. At the bottom of the jar, put some garlic and a couple of pinches of dill. Lay 5 pepper rings on top, tomatoes on top in one layer. By the way, tomatoes should be dense, strong, preferably small.

4. Fill the red fruits with cabbage and apply by hand. Then the layers are repeated in the same order to the very top: garlic - dill - pepper - tomatoes - cabbage.

5. Boil clean water and fill filled jars with it.

Pour gently and little by little to prevent the glass from breaking. During this procedure, it is better to put a knife blade under the bottom for safety reasons. Cover the workpieces with sterile lids.

6. Let the appetizer stand in boiling water for 5 minutes, warm up. Then drain the water into the pot using the hole lid. Cover the blanks again with metal lids.

7. Prepare the marinade from the drained water. The ingredients list indicates the amount of additives for three liters of the snack. It can be one three-liter can, two lorries or three liters. Put the required amount of sugar, salt, spices and aspirin in boiling water. Boil the filling, stirring occasionally, to dissolve everything.

8.Pour the brine over your vegetables and immediately screw the lids tightly or roll them under the clipper. Turn the jars over, cover with something warm, and wait until they cool completely.

9. Well, that's all. A bright and tasty piece is ready. In winter, it will be very pleasant to prick such crispy cabbage on a fork and eat a tomato. And no vinegar!

How delicious it is to preserve cabbage with eggplant under iron lids

I think you have already closed several different jars. I propose another recipe, original and not boring. The combination of flavors is very unusual, but pleasant. Make such a blank for trial, if you like it, cook more next year. Just remember to bookmark the recipe because it will come in handy later.


  • white cabbage - 2 kg
  • eggplant - 2 kg
  • carrots - 2 pcs. large
  • hot pepper - 1-2 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - 2 tablespoons
  • vinegar 70% - 2 tablespoons
  • refined vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 1 tbsp.
  • garlic - 100 gr.


1.Wash the eggplants and peel them. Cut vegetables into medium cubes. Place water on the stove and let it boil.

2. Dip pieces of blue in boiling water and boil them for 3-5 minutes, no longer. Then remove with a slotted spoon or sieve and put in a large colander, let the water drain.

3. Grate the carrots on a Korean grater. Chop the cabbage finely enough, you can use a grater with a special attachment or a shredder. Soak the garlic for 10 minutes in cold water, after which it can be easily and quickly peeled.

4. In an enamel saucepan, combine all the chopped vegetables. Dissolve vinegar in 200 ml of cold water and pour into the salad. Also add salt, sugar and unscented vegetable oil. Pass the garlic through a press, cut the hot pepper into small strips and send to the total mass.

5. Stir all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Leave the mixture to marinate for 6 hours and let the juice flow. During this time, you need to mix several times.

6. Wash preservation jars well. Use a new dish sponge and baking soda for this. Place the salad in a clean glass, thickening it. Cover with lids, which should first be scalded with boiling water.

7. For preservation throughout the winter, canned food needs to be sterilized. This is done in a wide saucepan, the bottom of which must be covered with any rags. If the bottom is not covered, then there is a high probability that the glass will burst. Place the filled cans in a prepared saucepan and fill them with hot water, not adding 3-4 cm to the top.

8. Bring water to a boil, reduce heat and sterilize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20 minutes.

9. Take the blanks out of the boiling water and roll them up immediately. After twisting, it is recommended to roll it a little on the table and then turn it over onto the lid. Check if the cans are sealed, nothing should leak. There is no need to wrap up this time, just wait until it cools down and put it away for storage.

Video recipe for cabbage, sauerkraut with apples and honey

Much has been written about sauerkraut, how to prepare it and its benefits. The main thing in this business is to achieve juiciness and crunch, as well as a balanced taste. And I already wrote a wonderful one, be sure to check it out at the link. But the recipe with honey is unique, in combination with apples it turns out to be just a delicious snack.

Prepare cabbage according to this recipe and write later in the comments what you got. I am sure that this recipe will fall into the favorites and become one of the most beloved.


  • cabbage - 3.5 kg
  • apples - 1-2 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • honey - 2-3 tbsp.
  • salt - 2 tablespoons
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - a pinch

How to close cabbage with mushrooms for the winter without sterilization

In the season of mushrooms and cabbage, you just need to make delicious preparations that will delight in winter. And one of the options is a hodgepodge with these products. It is very tasty, and most importantly, it is not difficult.


  • cabbage - 4 kg
  • carrots - 2 kg
  • onions - 1 kg
  • boiled forest mushrooms - 1-1.5 kg
  • tomato paste - 300 gr.
  • vinegar 9% - 200 ml
  • water - 400 ml
  • vegetable oil - 600 ml
  • salt - 12 tsp
  • sugar - 10 tablespoons
  • bay leaf - 5-6 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - to taste


1. Vegetables need to be washed, peeled and chopped. Cabbage is chopped into thin strips, carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater, onions are cut into medium cubes.

2. Rinse the mushrooms, cut the edges of the legs. Put them in boiling salted water and cook for half an hour. Cut into cubes after boiling.

3. In a large saucepan (10 liters), combine all the vegetables and mushrooms. Add the rest of the ingredients on the list: tomato paste, vinegar, water, oil, sugar and salt, lavrushka and pepper. Knead the salad thoroughly. Try what you get. Now it is possible to add salt if desired or add more sugar, for example.

4. Put the resulting mixture on fire, bring to a boil. Then boil the hodgepodge over moderate heat for 40 minutes, remembering to stir occasionally so that nothing burns and cooks evenly.

5.In the meantime, sterilize the jars and lids. Immediately after cooking, while hot, put the prepared salad in a prepared container. And roll up tightly with a key.

6. Turn the cans over, wrap them tightly so that cooling is slow and self-sterilization continues. The next day, you can put away the tasty preservation for storage in a cool place, where it will wait for winter.

Tomato Cauliflower Recipe - Lick Your Fingers


  • cauliflower - 2 kg
  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 250 gr.
  • garlic - 60 gr.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - a pinch
  • salt - 60 gr.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • tomato paste - 6 tablespoons
  • vinegar 9% - 80 ml
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • citric acid - 0.5 tbsp


1) Peel off tomatoes. This is not difficult to do if you follow our advice. First, make a cruciform incision on top of each fruit. Secondly, pour boiling water over the tomatoes and leave for a minute. Third, place the scalded tomatoes in cold water. And fourth, peel off the peel with a knife.

2.Wash the cauliflower and disassemble it into inflorescences. Bell pepper is more for beauty, it needs to be cut into wide and long strips. It will be beautiful if the peppers are of different colors.

3. Put the inflorescences and peppers in clean jars. Pour boiling water over and cover with sterilized lids. Leave it on for 20 minutes until the water is warm.

4. In the meantime, prepare the sauce. Put the peeled tomatoes in a saucepan (cut out the stalks) and mash them with a blender.

5.Squeeze the garlic through a press into the resulting tomato, put the laurel and peppercorns. Put this fragrant mixture on the fire to boil.

6.When the pouring begins to bubble, add three tablespoons of tomato paste and stir. Wait until it boils again. This will cause foam to appear, so don't go too far to prevent the sauce from escaping.

7. Pour in vegetable oil, add sugar, salt and citric acid. Cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, over low heat. Pour in the vinegar a minute before cooking.

It is not worth boiling vinegar for a long time, as it will evaporate and lose its properties.

8. Drain the water from the cabbage and fill it with boiling tomato, roll up the lids. Cover with a towel and let cool. It turns out both beautiful and tasty. You can make gravies, sauces, dressings from the filling, or just eat it.

Salt Beijing cabbage for the winter

Peking cabbage kim-chi is a popular dish in Korea. I suggest a simpler salting recipe adapted to our country and our products. The cooking method is quite simple, you don't need to find "overseas" ingredients. The taste of the finished snack is spicy, moderately salty, a crunch will be felt on the teeth.


  • Beijing - 8 kg
  • hot chili peppers - 100-150 gr.
  • garlic - 150-200 gr.
  • coriander seeds - 1 tablespoon

Brine for 1 liter of water:

  • salt - 2 tablespoons without a slide

How to cook:

1.Wash the cabbage and update the cut from the bottom. You do not need to cut the stump inside, it must hold the leaves. Cut each head of cabbage in half, then another 2 or 3 pieces lengthwise (depending on size).

2. Fold all the pieces of Peking into a large saucepan or enamel bucket, compacting them.

3. Now prepare the brine. One kilogram of cabbage will need 1 liter of water. In cold water, just stir the salt to dissolve. Pour the workpiece with saline, cover with a plate and put oppression.

4. After a few hours, the cabbage will release the juice and it will cover all the vegetables. In total, keep the Peking in brine for a day, you do not need longer, otherwise it will oversalt.

5. The next day, remove all the pieces from the pan. Make a garlic and pepper paste. First, twist these hot ingredients through a meat grinder, add coriander to them and mix.

6. Wear gloves to avoid scalding your hands when handling hot peppers. Take one slice of cabbage and brush each leaf with a spicy mixture with your hands. The more you smear, the sharper you will get the taste. Here, already focus on your preferences.

7.Fold the whole beeking back into the pot and press down until it is firmly in place. And put the oppression again, as the first time. And leave to gain taste for 3 days. It is not necessary to stir, but 1-2 times a day it is necessary to raise the oppression for a few minutes.

8.Three days later, you can already eat this snack. It can be stored for several months in a cool place - refrigerator, cellar, balcony. Just put it in clean jars and send it out in the cold. For all lovers of spicy, salt cabbage according to this recipe is a must!

Here are 11 recipes and ways to prepare cabbage for the winter, there is plenty to choose from. Such a variety will not get bored and boring. Well, I think you have already read and tried. I look forward to your comments and feedback. I really want all readers to have everything tasty!

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