The name of the cafe canteen is modern. An original and beautiful name for a cafe - the best options

13.10.2019 Buffet table

In order for a cafe or restaurant to be profitable and attract customers, it is not enough just to build a business correctly. It is very important to come up with a good, interesting, catchy and memorable name. This article proposes to explore 30 options beautiful names, one of which can be called your cafe, restaurant, club or other private enterprise:

1. "RANDEVA" - in other words, a meeting. This is a very good and memorable name.
2. "MEETING" - the same as RANDEVA, only in the Russian way.
3. "PROVENCE" is a great, modern and trendy name, for example.
4. "LASKOVY MAY" - nostalgia of the Soviet era.
5. "BRIGANTINA" - an interesting name, will always be heard.
6. "KOLIBRI" is a small bird. A light and simple name, suitable for both an ordinary cafe and for a nursery.
7. "PENGUIN" - which can also be duplicated as "GwinPin". A very simple, but at the same time not common name.
8. "SCARLET SAILS" - a phrase known from the school bench. Suitable for the name of a youth cafe.
9. "BE READY" - this name will be just right for a youth cafe or nightclub.
10. USSR - quite suitable for a cafe, bar with attributes and symbols of the Soviet era.
11. "POBEDA" is an interesting and memorable name for a cafe of any type.
12. "RED SQUARE" - this name is especially suitable if the cafe area will be decorated with red paving stones.
13. "COLUMBUS" is an unusual but memorable name.
14. "SUBMARINA" - the interior of the cafe is made in the form of a submarine.
15. "DYIMOVOCHKA" - this name is suitable for a children's cafe.
16. "GOLDEN KEY" or "BURATINO" - is also suitable for a children's cafe.
17. "BAIKAL" is a deep and rich name for any public institution.
18. "LEOPOLD" - a fun and positive name for an adult and for a children's cafe, bistro.
19. "GOLDEN KHOKHLOMA" is an interesting name for a cafe, built from wooden beams with a corresponding painting inside the premises.
20. "TORTILA" - for children and adults, offering a lot of sweets and various delicacies.
21. "JUBILEE" is a very common name that is suitable for a mini cafe.
22. "PIONEER" - nostalgia for the Soviet era.
23. "PEGAS" is a simple and luxurious name.
24. "FAMILY" - a suitable name for family-friendly inexpensive cafes and a large assortment of dishes.
25. "BANIFACIO" is the name for a children's cafe.
26. "GLOBUS" is an unusual and interesting name for a restaurant or cafe located in a resort town or near a water body.
27. "NORTHERN LIGHTS" is a magnificent and colorful name.
28. "MIRAGE" is a fitting name for 24-hour cafes.
29. "ICEBERG" is the name for nightclubs or restaurants located on the seaside.
30. "GULLIVER" is a sonorous name for a children's cafe.
Here are some names for your new cafe.

Yes, whatever you call the ship, so it will float. The name of the store is correct and means a lot!

If you are faced with the task of coming up with a name for a cafe, then a little excursion into the history of this establishment will not hurt you.

The name comes from the French word cafe, initially only coffee, hot chocolate, tea, cakes and other pastries were offered. They were prepared here and used local cheap products to the maximum to keep prices low and so that the owners of the establishment always have a profit.

The first cafe appeared at the end of the 17th century in Venice, and then in Marseille and Paris. They were also local centers of cultural life, where political news and theatrical performances were discussed, poets recited poetry, and writers read their novels aloud.

These were, in fact, the same fashionable salons of aristocrats, but anyone could come here, he did not need an invitation.

The atmosphere was free, there were disputes, sometimes even duels arose, but everyone could express their opinion. Because of this very freedom of communication, their wild popularity began in Europe, especially in Paris.

There, on the corner of Boulevard Saint-Germain, in 1887, the Café de Flore opened and still exists. The name for this cafe was given by the goddess Flora, the patroness of flowers, youth and the flowering of all things. Her statue was located in front of the institution. Today the prestigious literary prize for young authors is awarded here. It is also popular with tourists and lovers of authentic French onion soup.

There is a wide variety of these establishments: cafe-bar, cafe-snack bar, grill cafe, ice cream parlor, coffee shop, internet cafe.

Many entrepreneurs in their activities use a cafe franchise of the corresponding profile, which greatly reduces the entrepreneurial risk. But in this case, the name of the institution is governed by the clauses of the franchise agreement.

The contingent of visitors at cafes of various types differs in composition and age, as well as the interiors of the premises: modern and retro, made in American, Italian, Japanese, Mexican styles.

The kitchen also varies. Therefore, when deciding how to name a cafe, you can start from the category of customers, the style and location of the room, or from the specialties.

In Europe, they like to call a cafe by its location - "Near the skyscraper", "On the bridge", "Near the fountain", so that it is easier to remember them.

If your signature dessert is called "Romance", "Tango" or "Bolero", then it can be called the name of the company.

TO When the majority of clients are students, it would be quite appropriate to choose the following names: "Resume", "Portfolio", "Illusion", "Mood", "Rendezvous", "Wheel of Fortune", "Oasis", "Amigo", "Android".

If an art cafe opens, then something artistic will suit it: "Vernissage", "Maestro", "Pastoral", "Caprice", "Avangard", "Autograph", "Modern", "Beaumont", "Photographer" , "Salvador", "Majestic", "Perla", "Muse", "Elegy". The beautiful name of the cafe is always liked by people of art, aesthetes and patrons of the arts.

Regardless of the style, the name for the cafe is chosen in such a way that it is understandable and absolutely clear to everyone, without any discrepancies. This will serve to serve its popularity, create a superior image, reduce advertising costs and attract more customers. For example, "Aquatoria", "Crown", "Temptation", "Coffeeman".

Sometimes you can use fashionable slang for the name, that is, simplified well-known words, since jargon is very popular among young people and after a couple of decades smoothly flows into colloquial speech. This is justified when a youth or teen cafe opens.

Here are some examples of slang: IMHO (IMHO - my humble opinion), freebie (free), avatar (picture), user (user), disco (disco), umatovo (excellent).

The name of the cafe should in no way cause discomfort among customers.

For example, a cafe-bar, designed for the workers of the automobile plant, who come after a shift to sit with beer and pasties, cannot be called "Blue ball", "Fashionable outfit" or "Siren". You will simply lose these clients, real men.

However, there are owners who do not hesitate for a long time about what to call the cafe. They use, relying only on their own opinion, the words they like: agate, arabesque, blanche, hammock, glaze, dominoes, continent, panorama, tara-bars, ultraviolet.

This approach also has a right to exist, since entrepreneurs risk only their own money and have the right to make any decisions.

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This is the development of the brand name and one of the key points of positioning.

The importance of a well-chosen name can hardly be overestimated. The perception of the product by the consumer, its positioning in the market and all subsequent promotion depends on this.

Smaller companies often try to take over this job. In this case, the naming process is reduced only to brainstorming and the subsequent selection of the most liked names. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, since the development of naming is a complex step-by-step process that requires the involvement of experienced specialists.

There is no simple answer to the question of what to name a restaurant. This is a painstaking work of a group of experts.

Naming development, main stages:

1. Study of competitors.

The important thing to understand here is:

  • how competitors position themselves in the market;
  • what techniques are used in the name most often;
  • Which brand positioning strategies work best?

The main goal of the study is to separate from competitors, and at the same time choose a name that will not scare away the consumer with its dissimilarity.

2. Study of the target audience... When researching consumers, it is important to highlight the following points:

  • factors in choosing a product or service
  • favorite brand names
  • emerging associations with a product or service.

3. Choosing a positioning strategy. At this stage, you need to decide how you want to present your product or service. It depends not only on the quality of the product, but also on the current state of the market. The main positioning ideas should resonate with your target audience.

What is meant by the main idea? For example, for one restaurant, it might be delicious homemade food in a cozy setting. For another, a famous chef and a wealthy public.

4. Generation of titles... Only after passing through the previous three stages, you can proceed to the development of the name. Here, the maximum possible number of options is invented, corresponding to the main idea of ​​positioning.

5. Choosing the best names. At this stage, a team of marketers and copywriters, together with customers, select several of the most suitable options.

6. Checking the title using focus groups. The last step is to check the titles together with the target audience. What needs to be checked here?

  • The euphony of the name
  • Lack of negative associations
  • Compliance with the brand concept

7. Final approval of the name. Based on the results of the focus groups, the most apt name is chosen.

How to name a restaurant: basic requirements

  1. Difference from competitors. The name of the restaurant should not duplicate existing names and be noticeably different from them.
  2. Nice association. Regardless of the chosen brand concept, the name of the restaurant should evoke pleasant associations, best of all, related to food.
  3. Ease of memorization and pronunciation. These requirements are optional if a complex word has a strong association with something pleasant.
  4. Correspondence. The name of a restaurant should reflect its main qualities: type of cuisine, service, design, etc.

The main mistakes when choosing a name

How to name a restaurant: good examples

« Honey "

Honey is a cafe specializing in French desserts. The design of the institution is made in warm yellow tones and attracts with its brightness, and at the same time, a cozy homely atmosphere.

The name of the cafe has two meanings at once:

  1. Honey means honey. It evokes associations with sweets, which are widely represented in the cafe.
  2. Honey means sweet, dear. They evoke warm associations associated with home, loved one.

TheBurger "

The Burger is a restaurant specializing in classic American burgers. The restaurant's menu includes 15 different burgers, as well as potatoes, salads and drinks.

The simple name fully meets the requirements of the brand: it emphasizes the type of cuisine (American) and reflects the main specialization of the restaurant.

The design of the restaurant is made in the classic style of American eateries, which once again reminds of its specificity. The target audience of the establishment is young, active people who appreciate delicious food and a warm atmosphere.

In addition to meat burgers, the restaurant also offers fish and vegetarian burgers, which further expands the circle of consumers.


The Ikra restaurant positions itself as the best fish restaurant in Ukraine. The main feature of the establishment is fresh caviar, fish and seafood.

The name of the restaurant reflects its main concept - exclusivity and high quality. The target audience of the establishment is wealthy clients, many of them are regular guests.

The restaurant is divided into three rooms with different designs and interiors for every taste.

Bigoli "

Bigoli is an Italian restaurant, the main dish of which is pasta, as well as pizza, risotto and Italian desserts.

Bigoli is a type of Italian pasta made from buckwheat or wheat flour.

The name of the restaurant reflects the concept of Italian cuisine, as well as the atmosphere of home comfort.

The institution has two large rooms and a summer terrace. All furnishings are custom made for the restaurant and create a warm, homely atmosphere.

All of the above examples are united by the fact that their names reflect the main concept of the restaurant, and at the same time are easy to remember and sound good. This proves once again that the choice of the name is one of the key factors in the success of the restaurant.

If you don't know what to name a restaurant, the Koloro branding agency will be happy to help you with that. Contact us and we will choose the name that will bring your restaurant success and recognition!

To make a restaurant profitable, you need to consider everything from the interior to the menu design. Name plays an important role in the process of starting a business. It should attract the attention of guests, make them want to visit the establishment.

How do you create an attractive title? How do you come up with a restaurant name in accordance with the cuisine and concept? Read about the naming rules right now!

How to come up with a restaurant name: basic requirements

To develop a name, you can contact marketers. Professional help is expensive, but you get ready-made options that fit your basic needs.

To independently develop a concept for an institution, come up with a name for a restaurant and a menu, use these tips:

  • Use simple words that are easy to remember, write and pronounce.
  • Analyze which associative row which brings up the title. Unpleasant associations will cause rejection of potential visitors. The complete absence of associations will not make a profit.
  • Try to convey the main idea, concept of restaurant... You can rely on the style of the interior, the national identity of the kitchen, the location of the institution.
  • Remember about euphony... The name, pleasant to the ear, is easy to remember and evokes positive emotions
  • Be original... Check your chosen names for uniqueness.

How to name a restaurant beautifully and where to get inspiration

How can you name a restaurant based on the menu or cuisine? Can't think of it? Search for examples of the world's best restaurateurs. This will help you broaden your horizons and give you an interesting idea.

How to name a European restaurant: what to look for

European cuisine is a fairly broad concept. Typically, the menu includes continental breakfasts, Italian pizzas and pasta, German strudels, and French desserts. Therefore, you will not be able to rely on the peculiarities of the kitchen. You need to determine how your establishment differs from competitors.

Most modern restaurateurs prefer to call the restaurant in English. This will help expand your target audience. For example, "Grand family", "Real Food Restaurant".

How to name an Italian restaurant: examples from the homeland of pizza

To come up with an Italian-style restaurant name, first decide on the format of the establishment. There are different types of Italian restaurants: hostaria, osteria, taverna, trattoria, enoteca.

If you do not know what to call an Italian restaurant, try combining the designation of the type of establishment with the name of the city, Italian surname, literary character. For example, a premium-class restaurant styled as a country house might be called Taverna Rivoli(Rivoli is a small Italian town in the province of Turin).

One of the famous institutions in Italy - Osteria francescana... Osteria is a wine restaurant with light snacks, francescana means "Franciscan". A similar example - "Enoteca Pinchiorri".

How to name a French restaurant with Parisian finesse

In France, there is no problem with the name. It is often enough to combine the word "restaurant" with the owner's surname. To name a French restaurant in Moscow on such a principle will not work. Another option is to use the name of the restaurateur in a French manner. For example, "Restaurant d'Hélène".

When choosing the name of the establishment, consider its positioning. Option for a family establishment with a menu for children "Le petit prince"... an establishment with a large assortment of drinks "Aquarius"(translated as "Aquarius") If you position a restaurant with a wide range of wines, a suitable name is "Château du vin".

How to name a Russian restaurant and attract attention

To name a restaurant with national Russian cuisine attractively, it is necessary to emphasize its belonging to Russian culture. Try to strengthen your positive associations, because most of the visitors to national restaurants in Moscow are tourists.

Suitable names - "Russian Sun", "Dr. Zhivago "... The names of the great Russian writers and poets are often used in the names of restaurants - "Pushkin", "Chekhov".

To stand out from the competition and attract visitors, use Russian words that have no analogues in the West. For example, "Vatrushka", "Izba".

How to name a Russian restaurant and attract tourists? Write the title in transliteration - "Zabava", "Ded Mazaй".


Attract visitors by reflecting the menu assortment in the title. Not sure what to call a butchery restaurant? The answer lies on the surface - "Meat & Vine", "Hunter's Prey", "Much Meat".

Experiment with titles. Try to convey the particularities of the kitchen, the atmosphere, the style, the emotions that you want to see from the guests. Write out all the options, make associative chains, cut off everything that is banal and too complex.

Where to invest small amounts? One of the easiest and most profitable options is to open your own cafe. Such a catering and recreation establishment is similar in some aspects to a restaurant, but has a limited range, can operate in different formats, for example, self-service, confectionery, coffee shops, etc. In addition, opening it requires less investment, lower requirements for the level service. When choosing a name for a cafe (it does not matter where it is located - in a big or small city, village), you must take into account the basic criteria:

  1. Do not evoke ambiguous associations, unpleasant emotions.
  2. Easy to remember and pronounce, be sonorous.
  3. To harmonize with the interior design, the form of customer service, the level of service.
  4. It is desirable that the name reflects the concept of the establishment.

These parameters are also relevant when choosing a name for a clothing store. To quickly choose a beautiful name for your cafe, you can use the following approaches:

  • use a foreign word with suitable semantics, depending on the format of the institution, or a Russian word, one syllable of which to make in Latin transcription;
  • display the name of the concept, format of the institution, interior, service features, assortment;
  • the creation of neologisms - words or phrases, you can combine the Russian and foreign basis;
  • the choice of an easily pronounced, short name without a heavy semantic load;
  • playing with words that mean opposite concepts;
  • play on words.

When choosing an original name for a cafe, it is better to avoid using personal names (Lydia, Anna) and words with a strong emotionality (Happiness, Dream, No worries). You should be very careful when choosing names that are tied to historical figures (cafe Stirlitz, Dovbush, Pasternak, Pushkin, Landrin), movies or works of art (At the Pokrovskie Gates, Gentlemen of Fortune, Cherry Orchard, Moby Dick, Hero of Our Time, Hachiko, Turandot) , geographical areas, names of cities (Toronto, Tibet, Tel Aviv, Windsor). It is advisable to do this only in the case of 100% combination with the concept of the institution, so that the original name does not seem too pretentious and does not disharmonize with the atmosphere in the cafe. It is also important to choose a name that is harmonious in meaning (for example, Chalet Berezka - in our opinion, the semantic combination of the word denoting an alpine rural house and the already boring name Berezka is not a very good decision. More examples: Old House, Soprano, Revolution, Olive Beach, Mu-Mu, Cat and Cook, Spark). And, of course, you should not choose banal, boring names: Troika, Berezka, Barberry, Marzipan, Yunost.

Advice: when choosing a beautiful name for a cafe (including fast food), you need to make sure that it is not occupied by competitors, is not patented. You can view the list of operating establishments on specialized portals.

Examples of the name of the cafe

The name of the cafe should become a brand for its owners, visitors, easy to remember and evoke positive emotions and associations. Usually, such a task is entrusted to professionals in the field of naming, but if you wish, you will be able to choose the original name yourself. We provide the following options for beautiful names for cafes (many positions are also suitable for fast food establishments):

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Advice: if you don't succeed in opening your own fast food establishment, you should not despair, there are still many interesting and easily implemented ideas. For example, the creation of a mobile cafe on wheels, a business for the procurement and sale of herbal tea, making handmade soap, growing mushrooms (the price of a truffle in Russia reaches $ 500-1000 per 1 kg).

When choosing a beautiful name for a cafe, it is important to feel a fine line, which is not worth crossing, otherwise the name will not be in harmony with the institution, it will be positively perceived by visitors (Seven Cockroaches bistro, Hannibal, Los Vegas cafe, You Woo Eat diner ?, Clockwork eggs). You should not stop your choice on double-digit options or those that can cause an ambiguous understanding: Paradise Hell cafe, Herase Japanese pub, Children of the barbecue. When creating a neologism for the name, one should also not overdo it (Night Dogor, BuchenNaus, Drunken traffic cop, Deep throat, HZ cafe - stands for "good establishment", but evokes ambiguous associations).

Opening a cafe from scratch is not a very simple but exciting process. Choosing a beautiful name for it, the owner should remember that it must be interesting, memorable, and different from other names. But it is also impossible to get too carried away with this process, because going to extremes, you cannot choose a good name. If necessary, you can always ask for help from professionals in the field of naming.

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