Yeast-free flatbreads on water. Potato cakes in a pan

29.07.2019 Buffet table
  • 100 ml of water
  • 0.5 tsp dry yeast,
  • 0.5 tsp salt,
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
  • 1 cup flour (250 ml, with a slide).

Cooking process:

Dissolve salt in water and add oil. Water can be taken at room temperature or slightly lukewarm, so that the yeast revives faster. Add yeast.

Add flour and stir. At first, you get a very thick and even seemingly dry dough, which is stratified into separate pieces.

Next, the kneading should be done with your hands. Assemble the dough and knead it diligently for about 5 minutes to develop gluten. Usually, with such proportions of ingredients, the dough of the desired consistency is immediately obtained, which does not stick to your hands, but since the flour is different even within the same variety, it may be necessary to slightly adjust the thickness.

If you have a kneader or bread maker, the task can be completely transferred to the technique.

Leave the finished dough to stand for 40-60 minutes. Tortillas differ in structure from bread, so the dough does not require long-term proofing. Cover the dough while the dough is heating to prevent the crust from drying out.

For small tortillas, divide the dough into 4 parts, put each into a ball and roll out. You can roll out the dough a little thicker or thinner - this slightly changes the taste (thin cakes have more crust in relation to the crumb). Try rolling out different thicknesses the first time to determine which option you like best.

Fry the dough on both sides in a well-heated skillet and covered. Without oil, they do not burn much longer, they have time to fry well, and the taste is obtained as in the oven or on the wood.

In fact, baking is very simple and easy. To do this, you do not always need to knead the dough for a long time and wait for the yeast to rise. Ordinary yeast-free cakes can be a great help in the affairs of a hostess or a sophisticated gourmet. The main thing is to know how to cook and where to start.

It is important to remember the main points and characteristics:

  • Various dried fruits and sweet ingredients do not go well with starch, which is full in the dough. So you should observe moderation and minimalism in this matter.
  • It is dangerous to mix large quantities of protein and starch. It follows that the addition of different types of nuts will make the dish heavier and create unnecessary problems for the digestive tract. However, adding fiber-rich foods will help increase peristalsis and enrich the meal.
  • Using fully sprouted cereals. They will be better absorbed than "dry" ones, however, when grinding, you get only a kind of "minced meat".

The most interesting and popular recipes for yeast-free cakes

Sour cream cakes

Remember how as a child your grandmother prepared you an abundance of sour cream cakes? In those days, there were no famous branded snacks and people prepared their own treats. This recipe is kept in the best traditions.

You will need:

  1. Sour cream 25-30% fat 1 cup;
  2. Flour from 2 to 3 glasses;
  3. 3/4 cup sugar
  4. And 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda.

Make sure the sour cream is chilled. Next, for sour cream delicacies, mix the flour with soda and sift well. Add sugar to sour cream separately and beat with a whisk. Slowly, in a thin stream, pour the flour to the sour cream mass. Knead a thick, but not too steep dough. With a liquid consistency, add a little more flour.

Divide the finished dough into 2 equal parts, roll it out on a non-sticky surface to a thickness of about half a centimeter. I will cut out the necessary cakes in any shape and send them to the oven when 200-210 ° C... Just remember to grease the baking sheet with oil or cover with parchment paper. About 10-14 minutes and you're done. It is not recommended to cook in a pan, only in the oven the sour cream cakes will turn out to be whole and tasty.

Rye cakes

An excellent alternative to yeast-free bread. The simplicity with which this recipe is prepared is amazing. This dish will easily take root in your family.

Let's take:

  • About 300 gr. flour;
  • 350 gr. kefir;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp coriander;
  • 1 tsp olive oil, you can take sunflower;
  • 1 tsp soda.

Rye cakes at the exit should be in quantity 6-7 pcs.

The recipe is very simple: mix all dry ingredients, separately kefir and butter. Next, knead both parts into a soft dough and let stand. minutes 20-25.

Future rye goodies can not be rolled out, but molded by hand. Put our products on a greased baking sheet, make holes and cook in the oven. The temperature should be in the area 200-220 ° C, cooking time - 15 minutes.

Like the previous recipe, this one is important in the way it is cooked. In a frying pan, rye products will quickly set and become hard, while in the oven everything will go fine.

Step 1: prepare the flour.

Preparation of flour is a very important and responsible step! Indeed, it depends on this component how tasty the cakes will turn out. Therefore, in order for the dough to become tender and without lumps, be sure to pour the flour into a sieve and sift it over a medium bowl. In the process, the component will be saturated with oxygen, so the dough will become tasty and slightly airy.

Step 2: prepare the tortillas dough.

Pour into a large bowl 1/2 part sifted flour, as well as salt. In the center, we make a small depression with clean fingers and pour clean cool water here. We knead the dough, constantly adding flour.

We do this until the mass becomes steep, elastic and, of course, does not stop sticking to our hands. Finally, shape the dough into a ball and cover with a clean medium bowl. Let it stand minutes 30 aside.

Step 3: prepare unleavened cakes in a frying pan.

When the dough has rested, take it out and transfer it from the bowl to a chopping board lightly sprinkled with flour. Using a knife, we cut the ball into four parts.

Next, in turn, with clean hands, form a ball from each piece of dough, put it on the kitchen table, crush with a small amount of flour, and use a rolling pin to roll it into a thin cake about 0.2 centimeters. Attention: the diameter of the circle should be approximately the same as that of the pan. I have 26 centimeters.

Now we put the pan on high heat and let it heat up. Immediately after that, put the cakes here in turn and fry on both sides 30-40 seconds each. Important: pay attention to the color of the dough - it should brown and be covered with golden bubbles. Put the finished cakes with a wooden spatula on top of each other on a large flat plate and we can invite everyone to the dinner table.

Step 4: serve unleavened cakes in a frying pan.

We serve even warm cakes to the dinner table along with various dishes. For example, they are good for dinner instead of bread.

Also, you can wrap shredded vegetables, fried meat in such cakes, season with any sauce you like and treat friends and relatives with a kind of shawarma. It turns out very tasty and satisfying!
Bon appetit, everyone!

For the preparation of delicious tortillas, try to use only the highest grade wheat flour, finely ground and proven brands;

Fry the dish in a hot frying pan without adding vegetable oil;

Such cakes can also be cooked on the grill right in the open air at a picnic.

Not all housewives love baked goods. Either the dough will not work, then the products of the “wrong system”, or the flour all over the kitchen ... In general, it’s a headache, not a pleasure. But there is such a baking that any housewife can do - it cooks quickly, requires a minimum of ingredients, it can be sweet, salty, lean, yeast and will definitely please everyone at home. These are cakes in a frying pan. They can be quickly prepared when the bread runs out in the middle of the night or you really want something for tea, if the guests will be in 5 minutes and there is no time for delights, but you want to surprise. Plain flatbreads are good for the first course, while the options with tricky fillings can be used as a full meal.

Preparing food and dishes

Probably, every country in the world has its own national dish like flatbread. These are khachapuri, shanezhki, tacos, tortilla, kystyby, chalpak, pita, matnakash, lavash, puri, patyr, katlama, matzo, focaccia ... You’ll break your tongue! And that is not all! Regardless of which of the recipes below you like, remember one thing - half of the success lies in the quality of the products.

  1. The simplest cakes are made with water and flour with the addition of some salt to taste. Therefore, it is clear that the choice of flour should be given special attention. Be sure to get the premium grade from a reputable manufacturer. The flour should be dry and absolutely white, then the cakes will be tasty, soft, appetizing.
  2. Egg cakes turn out to be more ruddy and acquire a slightly different taste. If you decide to add this ingredient, then be sure to either reduce the amount of water, or add flour so that the finished dough falls well off your hands.
  3. Don't skimp on quality cheese or cottage cheese if you want to use them in a recipe. Do not use so-called cheese and curd products for baking. The first one does not melt and can taste bitter, the second stratifies and crumples.
  4. Most recipes involve frying in a dry skillet, but some peoples fry their tortillas in a large amount of oil. It can be melted butter or sunflower. But it is better to refuse margarine.

So, for the preparation of the most common cakes you will need:

  • fine sieve;
  • one large bowl and one or two smaller ones;
  • beaker;
  • rolling pin;
  • pan.

Before kneading the dough, prepare all the ingredients that you will use in the process:

  • sift flour to remove possible debris and "fluff" it;
  • shake the egg;
  • melt the butter;
  • measure out the required amount of liquid and bulk products;
  • chop herbs and vegetables.

Pay special attention to the frying pan. Ideally, it should be cast iron, or, in extreme cases, just thick-walled. It is such dishes that will be able to give our cakes the maximum of the accumulated heat and fry them quickly, evenly and with an appetizing crust. Everything seems to be ready? Let's get started!

How to cook cakes in a pan?

The process of making most flatbreads is extremely simple, since for all the peoples of the world this dish was mainly food for the poor and workers - in general, those who are not up to delights.

  1. Kneading. Always knead the flatbread dough in the pan with your hands. To do this, pour some of the sifted flour into a large bowl, form a slide. Make a groove in the top with your fingers and pour water into it. Knead the dough, adding the necessary ingredients and constantly adding flour to the desired consistency (the dough should be tight, not sticky). Keep in mind that depending on the quality of the flour, its quantity will also fluctuate.
  2. Recreation. Give the finished dough the shape of a ball, cover it with a bowl on top and let it rest for half an hour. At this time, sprinkle flour in a thin layer on a large cutting board or directly on the work surface of the table and put the pan on fire.
  3. Rolling out. Transfer the rested dough to the table and cut it into several pieces with a knife (depending on the diameter of the pan, the amount and type of dough). Make a ball from each part, grind it with flour and roll it into a thick pancake with a rolling pin. Many housewives make smaller cakes by simply kneading balls of dough between their palms. They claim that it tastes much better this way.
  4. Frying. In most recipes, frying is carried out without oil, so we quickly make cakes in a pan, distribute the dough evenly and immediately on a hot surface. It takes from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes to fry on each side. The readiness indicator is a dried edge, golden color and brownish "freckles" all over the surface of the cake. If after frying a burn remains on the bottom of the dishes, then it must be removed so that the next portion does not taste bitter and does not burn.
  5. Innings. Fold ready-made cakes one on top of the other, like pancakes on Shrovetide, and cover with a towel to keep them warm. Serve instead of bread or sweets for tea, neat or with sauces and jams in small bowls.
  6. Storage. Usually, such yummy is scattered right at the table, but if there are too many cakes, it is permissible to store them in the refrigerator for a couple of days. When they become harsh, reheat them before serving in the microwave with a drop of water on each.

Tortilla dough (options)

Such a dish can be prepared from a variety of types of dough:

  • yeast or yeast-free;
  • on water, kefir, sour cream, yogurt, whey;
  • custard or mineral water;
  • lean or rich.

It all depends on the capabilities and preferences. Often half a glass of kefir or yogurt remains in the refrigerator, which simply has nowhere to put it. In this case, cakes are a great way out! The usual classic dough is kneaded with water and flour. Nothing will prevent you from mixing cheese or herbs, flax or sesame seeds, adding sugar or, on the contrary, finely chopped garlic.

1. Cakes in a pan (recipe for kefir)

This recipe for pancakes in a pan is good for those who love sandwiches. The neutral taste of the finished dish allows you to add a variety of fillings to it - from jam to salami.

A glass of flour will require 2/3 cup of kefir, an egg, a little baking powder, salt. We will fry in a little oil.

Drive an egg into a bowl of kefir, add salt, baking powder. Gradually introducing flour, knead an elastic, but not very tight dough and let it rest. At this time, grease the pan with oil and heat it up. We make the cakes relatively thin, but not to the state of sheet pita bread, and fry each side for a couple of minutes.

2. Cakes in a pan with cheese

These cakes are probably the most famous and popular. This is a traditional Georgian dish called khachapuri (hard to read without an accent, right?) There are many options for how to cook delicious khachapuri. Let's take the classic one.

Make a dough in water with yeast and sugar. When ready, add salt and egg, stir in flour. At the very end of the kneading, add butter (up to 2 tablespoons), and leave the dough for an hour - let it fit. At this time, prepare the filling: grate suluguni or another cheese of a similar taste, add a couple of eggs and melted butter.

Khachapuri is folded in different ways. You can pin them like pasties, or you can use an envelope. Traditionally, they are made in the form of cheesecakes, spreading the cheese in the middle of the cake and covering it with the edges. Fry in oil for a couple of minutes, putting the filling down first.

3. Cheese cakes on kefir in a pan

Cheese can be added not only to the filling, but also to the dough. This is a great breakfast idea! It's good to add a slice of ham to the filling of such a cake.

For cooking, take:

  • incomplete glass of kefir;
  • cheese and ham 200 grams each;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt, sugar and black pepper to taste.

We knead these cakes on kefir with the addition of baking powder. Mix finely grated cheese into the dough. It's good if it is spicy, not bland. Finely chop the ham for the filling.

We form large "dumplings" with ham filling and send them to the frying pan with sizzling oil. Fry both sides of the cakes for 4-5 minutes.

In principle, you don't need to mix the cheese into the dough, but mix it with ham and add it as a filling. You can make such cakes without filling, simply by introducing cheese into the dough.

4. Tatar cakes

In Tatarstan, of course, it was not without cakes either. Here they are called yuka and there are no special secrets in its preparation. Nevertheless, this is a great option when in the winter cold you really want to bake, but you don't want to go to the store.

For one and a half glasses of flour, take 100 ml of ghee and milk, an egg, half a spoonful of salt and twice as much sugar.

Whisk the egg into a bowl and stir, add milk and butter to it. Salt, sweeten. Knead the dough and traditionally set it aside to rest. Yuka is fried without oil for up to 2 minutes on one side and the other.

5. Potato cakes in a pan

And this recipe also came from Tatarstan and has been tested by more than one generation. These are ordinary Tatar yuki flatbreads stuffed with mashed potatoes. In their homeland, they received the name kystyby.

Fry the yuki according to the above recipe, but prepare the filling in advance:

  • boil potatoes with garlic and bay leaf;
  • sauté finely chopped onions in oil;
  • prepare mashed potatoes with warm milk and onions (it should be big enough to spread).

Brush half of the cooked yuca with potatoes and cover with the other half. Kystyby is ready!

6. Unleavened cakes in a frying pan instead of bread

But such loaves of bread in India are called puri. Let's try to cook them at home, since no tricky ingredients are required for this dish.

In addition to water and flour, for puri you will need:

  • a tablespoon of butter (butter, melted);
  • a glass of vegetable oil.

We heat the water, salt and only after that we begin to knead the dough. We introduce the pre-melted butter closer to the end of the batch.

We heat the vegetable oil and fry thin puris in it, as in deep fat. Put the finished crispy rounds on a paper towel or napkin before serving, so that excess fat remains on it, and not in our stomach.

7. Lean cakes in a frying pan (no eggs)

And such cakes will be an excellent solution for those who are fasting. Take a glass of mineral water and one and a half to two glasses of flour. Prepare the dough by adding sugar, sunflower oil and salt. Grease a frying pan with oil and fry the prepared cakes. It is good to add lean fillings to them: mushrooms, onions, potatoes, cabbage, preserves.

8. On milk without yeast

Here's a great example of how you don't have to invent something to make it tasty. It is enough to take 1.5 cups of milk, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream and butter, an egg and salt. Knead the dough - it will be soft and very docile, shape into cakes and fry in oil. Make them thin or thick. Add sugar if desired.

9. Cakes in a pan with herbs

Such cakes are good both instead of bread and as a snack.

In addition to water and flour, take:

  • egg;
  • greens (except for dill and parsley, green onions, spinach are good);
  • spices as desired.

Wash greens and shave off excess water. You can grind it with just a knife or in a blender. In the first case, pieces of greenery will be visible to the naked eye, in the second the dough itself will become a beautiful green color. Stir the egg and herbs into the dough, then fry the cakes in the usual way.

You can diversify such a dish by preparing a filling from a boiled egg, chopped herbs and salted cottage cheese. In this case, put cottage cheese with herbs on each classic cake and cover with a free edge (like a cheburek). Fry the same way.

10. Cakes in a pan made of flour and water

Only Jews could have come up with such an extremely economical dish. Flour and water are the basis of a laconic recipe for the Hebrew dish matzah. Mix a glass of flour with 100 ml of water, roll out thin rounds from the resulting dough, prick them with a fork over the entire area and fry until golden brown and brittle.

11. Corn flour cakes

However, the poor Mexicans also prepared their authentic tortillas without adding exotic ingredients. Only at the base of their tortillas is corn flour. When you can get a real, special fine grinding (Masa Harina) - great. If not, dilute with wheat and add some oil.

For 2 cups the mass of harin, take a little more than a glass of hot water. Make a dough, let it brew, and fry the tortillas in a skillet without oil.

12. Indian cakes

But what is there, in India, too, they did not particularly stand on ceremony with the preparation of cakes. Here they are called chapatis and are made from ordinary wheat flour, but preferably coarsely ground. The secret is that when frying, they inflate as if they are about to burst, and if you open them, then you can put any filling in the resulting "pocket"!

For two glasses of flour, take a pinch of salt and 100 ml of boiling water. Knead the dough well, and let it ripen for a couple of hours (you can even leave it overnight). Roll out round dough on chapatis up to half a centimeter thick and fry without oil on both sides.

13. Oat cakes in a pan

And this is a recipe for losing weight. Something similar is prepared in Scotland for breakfast, but preferably in the oven.

Take oatmeal, grind them in a coffee grinder, but not to dust. Add a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour to a pound of such flour (it contains gluten, due to which the cakes will not "creep"). Knead the dough in boiling water with a little oil. Make the round ones not too thin and fry in a skillet with grease.

14. Rye cakes

And here's another version of spicy bread for vegetarians who are losing weight and just want to diversify their diet. A glass of rye flour will need half the water, 2 tablespoons of oil, salt, paprika, your favorite herbs and green onions. Mix all the ingredients and make thin rye pancakes from the finished dough.

Be careful, the dough is not as tight as with wheat flour, and the finished tortillas are crispy and more crumbly.

15. Rice cakes

Rice flour cakes (better than coarse grinding) will also go to the piggy bank for lovers of healthy food. They are called tirimgubi and are prepared in the classical way - in boiling water with the addition of eggs and butter.

Tirimgubi can be eaten simply as bread, but try making a sauce for them with herbs, yogurt, and finely chopped pickled vegetables.

16. Curd cakes in a pan

In Dagestan, such cakes are called the miracle with cottage cheese. The dough for them is kneaded without frills - on water and flour, and for the filling you will need:

  • cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • butter.

After rolling, start preparing the filling. To do this, fry finely chopped onions with salt in butter. Then add the egg and prepared onion to the curd. Place the filler on top of the cakes and cover.

Such a miracle is fried in butter until tender. Ready and ruddy, they are smeared with sour cream and put in a bag so that they become soft - done!

17.With cheese in a frying pan

A great option for a quick snack on a weekend, while borscht is boiling and meat is stewed for a family dinner.


  • half a kilo of flour and feta cheese;
  • a glass of kefir and baking powder;
  • 2 eggs;
  • vegetable and butter.

Beat an egg into a bowl of kefir, add butter and baking powder. Knead by adding flour. When the dough is resting, grate the cheese, add the egg and butter. Put the filling in the middle of the dough round, splitting its edges from above, as in khinkali. Such cakes are baked for several minutes on both sides.

18. Onion cakes

They are made in Uzbekistan. Cheap and cheerful, but nonetheless not trivial. In addition to water and flour, take a couple of onions, oil (preferably sunflower oil), salt-sugar-greens and a small spoonful of yeast.

Make yeast dough in the usual way and leave to rise. Chop the onion and herbs into small pieces and stir into the dough when done. Fry the onion cakes in a little oil until browning.

19. Cakes with meat in a pan

In principle, many peoples make their cakes with meat. But let's stop at Arabic cuisine and their chic minced meat dish called lahmajun.

Dough: make a hole in a pile of flour, add yeast with sugar and pour part of the water, mix without stirring in flour. After a quarter of an hour, knead the dough, add salt, adding the remaining water and olive oil. Remove the dough for an hour to come up.

Filling: herbs, spices, tomatoes or pasta, grind the bell pepper in a blender and add the minced meat. Season with salt, pepper, add a little oil.

Put thin cakes in a frying pan, grease with minced meat on top and fry under the lid for up to 10 minutes. Shred fresh herbs and sprinkle on lahmajun before serving.

Well, it's no surprise that regular cakes were made sweet all over the world. In India it is roti, and among Jews it is almoishavena. We have just a sweet cake for tea.

In a glass of flour, take a chicken egg, sugar, 2 tablespoons and the same amount of butter, a pinch of salt, vanilla and cinnamon, baking powder.

Knead the dough and cut it into pieces, each of which is rolled into the thinnest translucent pancake. Grind the pancakes with sugar and roll into tight rolls. Twist a "snail" from each roll, and then roll it again into a thin cake, which you will fry.

Ready-made cakes are sweet, crunchy, slightly flaky. Rub them with cinnamon before serving.

21. Honey cake

Another version of cakes, from which you can't drag children by the ears, and adults too.

For a couple of glasses of flour, take:

  • half a glass of milk (water can be used);
  • 3-4 tablespoons honey;
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • half a spoonful of soda and salt;
  • two tablespoons of oil;
  • sesame and poppy seeds.

We mix all the ingredients, except for the last two. Take half of the honey. Fry sweet honey rounds in butter, put on a dish, pour with the remaining honey and sprinkle with sesame seeds and poppy seeds.

22. Mexican tortilla

These are traditional Mexican flatbreads, the recipe of which was allegedly borrowed from the Aztecs. At home, they are prepared preferably from corn flour, but in our conditions, wheat flour is also quite suitable. An interesting taste is obtained from ready-made tortillas made from a mixture of wheat flour with corn flour.

Kneading the dough in the classical way, take 50 grams of butter and grind it with flour. Enter the resulting mass into the dough and add a little nutmeg for a piquant taste.

Rolled tortilla pancakes should be thin - only 1-2 mm. Fry them for no more than a minute on one side and the other.

23. Taco cakes

There is bread with all kinds of fillings - the tradition is not ours at all, but, so to speak, the world. Shawarma, lahmanjun and even pizza are classic examples of such dishes in different countries. In Mexico, they are tacos. These are envelopes made from ordinary tortillas prepared according to the recipe above, with juicy fillings and sauces.

For a classic filling, take minced meat, tomatoes, tomato paste, garlic, bell peppers, herbs, olives. Simmer all ingredients. Fold the tortillas, while they are still hot, in half, then put the filling in them, sprinkle with herbs, add lettuce leaves. Our tacos are ready.

Vegetables, beans, seafood, only shrimps and so on can be used as a filling.

24. Uzbek flatbread

A flatbread is called patyr in Uzbek. It has a characteristic shape and is baked in the homeland only in the tandoor. They are often found in ethnic restaurants, serving lush and large (about the size of a soup plate), with a flattened center and taller edges. At home, patyr can be made in a high cast-iron pan and in the oven.

For a pound of flour, take a glass of milk instead of water, 25 grams of yeast, 50 ml of butter, a little sugar and salt.

Prepare the dough by diluting the yeast and sugar in warm milk. While the leaven is fermenting, add salt and oil to the flour. Knead the dough and remove to rise for an hour and a half. Cut the finished dough, roll out the cakes from each portion, in the middle of which make a depression with your fingers and prick it with a fork. Grease the dough with butter and simmer for a quarter of an hour or more.

Patyr cakes are also fried well in a high cast-iron pan or in a slow cooker. Hot they are best folded in a bag or covered with a towel for softness.

25. Oven cakes

  1. Of the unsweetened ones in the oven, it is best to bake Uzbek flatbreads. Cook them according to the recipe described above, sending them to bake for ¼ hour at a temperature of 220-250 ºС.
  2. Finnish potato cakes are also good in the oven. Make a dough using salted mashed potatoes with egg and flour. Shape into cakes, brush with butter and place on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with Provencal herbs and sesame seeds, prick with a fork and bake until tender. Serve with sour cream, mushrooms, curd cream with spices. Delight!
  3. A great option for a sweet cake in the oven, mentioned earlier by almoishavena. For 100 grams of flour, take the same amount of sugar and almost the same amount of butter, a couple of eggs, and cinnamon. Heat water in a deep bowl, add ghee, salt. After boiling, gently but quickly add flour, kneading the dough. Cool slightly, add eggs. Distribute the finished dough evenly on a baking sheet covered with parchment, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and put in the oven for ¾ hour at 180 ° C. Tear or cut the finished almoishavena and serve with tea.

You can think of many more different recipes for flatbread, but even the usual lean one is a great replacement for bread, and with a piece of cheese on top - a full breakfast, and spread with jam is already a dessert. This is really, really, a universal and simple dish that can be different every time and will please all family members.

Pour mineral water with gas, vegetable oil into the mixer bowl and mix. Such cakes can also be cooked in ordinary, non-carbonated water, but with carbonated dough it turns out softer, respectively, and the cakes are even tastier.

Pour in baking powder, salt and about half of the sifted flour. Mix thoroughly.

Add the remaining flour and mix with a mixer.

Collect the resulting dough in a ball and knead for 2-3 minutes. The dough is very soft and tender. It is difficult to accurately indicate the amount of flour, be guided by the resulting dough: it should be approximately like a dumplings.

We divide the dough into the number of future cakes. From the amount of ingredients given in the recipe. This makes four cakes. Roll out a piece of dough thinly - 3-5 mm, to a diameter of 15 cm (approximately).

Put the cake in a frying pan, preheated with a little vegetable oil. Bake the cake over medium heat (or slightly below medium), covered for 2.5 - 3 minutes, until golden brown.

Then turn the cake over and bake the same on the other side. We bake all other cakes in the same way. But we no longer grease the pan with vegetable oil - we put the blanks in a dry pan. It is convenient to work in parallel: we roll out one cake and begin to fry it. While the first cake is being fried, roll out the second, and so on.

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Put the finished cakes in a bag or cover with a towel so that they remain soft.