Smoked boiled carbonade. Technology for the production of smoked and boiled-smoked gourmet products

30.10.2019 Buffet table

Carbonate is pork meat, usually from the back, prepared by boiling and then baking, and having a layer of fat no more than 5 millimeters. The product turns out to be very tasty and aromatic, and at the same time, the calorie content of boiled-smoked or baked carbonade is relatively low. In this article, we will tell you how the carbonade is prepared and what is its nutritional value, BZHU.

How is carbonade made

Even the name of the product itself hints at the method of its preparation, the word "carbonade" comes from the French word carbonnade, which, in turn, comes from the Latin carbo, which translates as coal. Carbonade is prepared by stewing with dry and warm steam, and earlier it was obtained using a quiet coal heat.

To make a tasty, high-quality product, you need to choose a certain type of meat that is fast cooking. Therefore, as a rule, chop is made from pork tenderloin, but sometimes fillet is used, in which case the product should be called pork neck. The low energy value of carbonade is due precisely to the fact that low-fat parts of pork are used for its preparation.

Before cooking, the prepared part of the piglet is cleaned of films, trying to preserve a small layer of fat. Then breaded with flour, or use a special fabric with flour, or soaked in a composition of flour, salt, spices, saltpeter and food colors.

In modern production facilities, meat is treated with dry steam in special chambers and then baked. There are also two more types of carbonade: raw smoked and dry-cured.

This, one might say, dietary delicacy can be prepared at home. Such a product will be as harmless as possible, since it does not contain flavors, dyes, harmful preservatives and sodium glutomate.

Chemical composition of carbonade

The exact chemical composition of a product depends on the brand that makes it. Since, in addition to the standard set of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, the previously mentioned components can be added to it. Therefore, we can only tell about the approximate chemical composition of carbonade.

Despite the fact that the product is mainly made from pork, it can be called rather "protein".

To be convinced of this, it is enough to look at the 100 g carbonade BJU:

Protein - 17 g

Carbohydrates - 0 g

Carbonate has a noticeable vitamin composition: these are mainly B vitamins, as well as vitamins A and C. Most of the macronutrients in the product: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus. Carbonate and microelements are not deprived: its composition is saturated with iron, manganese, copper, zinc.

Calorie content of carbonade per 100 grams

Above, we mentioned that the calorie content of carbonade per 100 grams is low compared to other pork products. It is believed that 100 grams of the product contains approximately 177 kcal. But depending on the manufacturer and the method of making carbonade, this figure can vary from 127 to 345 kcal. The energy value of the product also depends on the thickness of the fat layer. So, pork carbonate, the calorie content of which is over 200 units, already contains more fats, not proteins.

Speaking about the energy value of this product, we, as a rule, mean the calorie content of boiled-smoked pork carbonate. He has it equal to approximately 140 units. But there are other types of product and methods of its preparation, respectively, they will have different energy values. The calorie content of cooked-smoked carbonate per 100 grams is low if the fat layer does not exceed 3 mm. Therefore, it is allowed to be consumed on diets. Of course, in small quantities. However, some manufacturers allow for a thicker body fat, as a result of which the energy value is increased. Such a product will no longer be considered dietary.

There are many homemade recipes that you have to tinker with, but it's worth it. Oven-baked chop is especially popular with housewives.

A suitable pork tenderloin will need to be washed, dried, made small cuts, where to insert a clove of garlic. Grate the pork with a mixture of salt and pepper, gently wrap in foil, and bake for about two hours at 200 degrees Celsius. After the carbonate has cooled, it should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours. Then you can make delicious sandwiches with it. The calorie content of pork carbonade baked in the oven in this way will be approximately equal to 234 units.

In the store you can buy another type of product - uncooked smoked carbonade, its calorie content is approximately 300 units. Pork tenderloin is smoked with cold sawdust smoke, mainly alder and cherry sawdust is used for this.

Other types of carbonade

Carbonade is made not only from pork; beef and pork can also be used. The least high-calorie product made from chicken. Chicken carbonate has about 121 calories per 100 grams. However, in the broadest sense, carbonade most often refers to a pork product.

By the way, you can often find another name for the product: carbonate. With the letter "t" at the end, a chemical is written - calcium carbonate. But the name of a fragrant dish made from pork, beef or chicken should end with the letter "d".

Carbonate is meat, which is a product of fresh, unsalted pork. Carbonate is prepared in the same way as boiled pork. Both of these types of meat must be roasted on a baking sheet. As for the taste, they are almost the same.
So what needs to be done to make the carb meat that your guests will enjoy?
You will need an unsalted pork fillet. A thin layer of bacon must be left on its surface. As a rule, a layer is left, the thickness of which does not exceed half a centimeter.
A piece of pork, which is cut in advance for the preparation of carbonate, should have the shape of a rectangle. It is rubbed on all sides with crushed garlic, as well as nutmeg, smeared with salt and placed in the oven. Please note that most housewives cook carbonate in the oven. This meat, like any other, will not be ready soon - after three hours.
This is necessary so that the meat is completely baked.
If your skillet doesn't fit the whole piece, then it's best to cut it in half and rub it well with a mixture of salt, sugar and black pepper. You can add some other spices to taste, or even use seasonings that are specially designed for meat dishes.
The meat with all of the above ingredients is laid out in a pan, poured abundantly with vegetable oil. Sometimes you want to add some flavor to the carbonate. I want to make the meat more aromatic and tasty, so brine is often added to it, which remains after salted tomatoes or cucumbers.
As a rule, you need to simmer it over high heat on the stove. It is advisable to cover the meat with a lid as it boils, reduce the heat a little and simmer for another fifteen minutes.
The carbonate must be turned over to the other side and extinguished for another fifteen minutes, while the heat does not need to be reduced.
How do you know when the meat will be ready? Many housewives are of the opinion that the carbonate must be stewed until the sauce boils down and becomes thick, like sour cream. Typically, it takes forty minutes to achieve this effect.
Sometimes carbonate is also made in the oven at home. As you know, in the oven the meat turns out to be even more tender, it is baked properly, acquires an appetizing color, pleasant aroma and divine taste.
To do this, you need a kilogram of carbonate, two tomatoes, mayonnaise, Russian or Dutch cheese, salt and pepper - to taste.
The carbonate must be cut into pieces, preferably in the form of cutlets, put on a baking sheet, which is pre-greased with vegetable oil. Don't forget to brush the pieces of carbonate with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese and top with the tomatoes.
Now we put the baking sheet in the oven, timed it for forty minutes - and now a delicious dish is already on your table.
If you like spicy food, then you need to pepper the carbonate before putting it in the oven. Since the meat itself (carbonate) is dry, it should be made more juicy. This is what you need mayonnaise for.
Baked carbonate will not leave anyone indifferent. You will need no more than a kilogram of meat. You also need to take five cloves of garlic, thyme, sea salt - only one and a half teaspoons, and you also cannot do without a mixture of peppers, moreover, ground.
No more ingredients are needed.
The meat must be washed and dried with dry napkins. In a separate plate, mix salt, peppers, thyme and rub the meat with them. Finely chop the garlic and stuff the meat with it. Then they put it on a ceramic plate, cover with a lid and place it in the refrigerator, where it lies for about a day.
After that, the carbonate must be tied with twine, and also wrapped in foil. You need to bake pork in the oven for an hour and a half, while maintaining the temperature at least 180 degrees.
After the meat is ready, it is pressed down with a load without unfolding it and cooled. The final step is to remove the foil, threads and cut the carbonate into small pieces.
This dish is festive, it can be served with various salads, as well as fried or boiled potatoes.
By the way, baked carbonate in the oven is an excellent snack for strong alcoholic drinks, for example, vodka.

Smoked, boiled-smoked and baked gourmet products are very popular among consumers, and are an indispensable product for the festive table. The gourmet group of products has a pleasant taste with a delicate smoked aroma, and also have a rich biological value.

Assortment of smoked and boiled-smoked gourmet products

The assortment of smoked, boiled-smoked and baked gourmet products is quite wide and may include, but not limited to, smoked-baked hams, rolls, bacon, boneless ham, brisket, carbonate, loin, baked carbonade and boiled pork.

Raw materials for the production of smoked and boiled-smoked gourmet products

For the production of smoked, boiled-smoked and baked gourmet products, the following types of raw materials are used:

Chilled or defrosted pork carcasses and half-carcasses of meat or bacon fatness in skin or without skin, weighing 20-60 kg:

Cooking food;

Or a nitrite-curing mixture. The nitrite-curing mixture is more preferable due to the entry into force of the customs union;

Or glucose;

Spices and herbs (ground, ground, paprika, etc.) or spice and herb extracts. Extracts of spices and spices do not change the color of the product during injection and retain the pleasant appearance of the finished product;

It is also possible to use various food additives, such as gums, plant or animal, flavoring and other components.

Technology for the production of smoked and boiled-smoked gourmet products

1. If pork carcasses or half carcasses were frozen in the defrosting chamber to a temperature in the thickness of the muscles of 0 ... 2 ° C.

2. Carcasses and half carcasses are divided into cuts, then the cuts are divided, rolled and, if necessary, depending on the product produced. For example: the neck-blade part is sent to the production of rolls, bacon; brisket for the production of bacon, rolls, smoked baked brisket; hams for smoked-baked hams, boneless ham, loin for the production of smoked-boiled loin; carbonate for the production of smoked and smoked-cooked carbonate, etc.

3. Cut meat and fat are removed from the prepared meat. The meat temperature should not exceed 2 ... 4 ° С.

4. Brine preparation.

If there is no flake ice, you can use chilled drinking water previously kept in the ripening chamber at a temperature of 2 ... 4 ° C.

The brine can also contain various food additives to thicken or increase the moisture binding / water holding capacity of meat. For example, vegetable or animal proteins, gums, starches, phosphates and other food additives.

Important! If possible, avoid microbiological contamination of injection brine and meat, as this can lead to product spoilage in the future.

5. The resulting brine is injected into the meat using a manual or automatic multi-needle. Ham and lumpy delicacies are injected up to 12%, small rolls, brisket, bark, carbonate are injected by 5%.

6. After extrusion, the meat is placed in a vacuum massager with a cooling jacket and massaged for 45-120 minutes at a temperature of 0 ... 2 ° C.

8. After rubbing, the meat is placed in stainless steel cheburashkas. And withstand depending on the size and weight of the product for 1 - 5 days at a temperature of 2 ... 4 ° C.

9. After a period, the meat is poured with the same injection brine in an amount of 40-50% by weight of the raw material. Exposure in brine can be from 1 to 5 days at a temperature of 2 ... 4 ° C.

10. After holding in brine, the product is washed with running water at a temperature of 20 ... 25 ° C. Allow the water to drain.

11. The product is shaped, if necessary or in accordance with the technological instructions, the product is wrapped in cellophane and tied with twine. The product is sawed and hung on the frames.

12. The suspended product is kept for 20-30 minutes at an ambient temperature of 20 ... 25 ° C in order to dry the surface. If the surface is poorly dried, then during smoking it is possible the formation of defects, such as darkening of the surface, obtaining a pungent aroma and smoking taste, imparting bitterness to the product.

13. Heat treatment of smoked gourmet products:

At a temperature of 30 ... 35 ° C for 1-3 days, depending on the type of product, then the product is sent for drying at a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C for 5-10 days with a relative humidity of no more than 75%.

The safety of the product in this case is ensured by a complex of factors: a high content of table salt, a decrease in moisture (due to drying), and the preserving effect of smoking substances.

Heat treatment of cooked and smoked gourmet products:

Smoke at a temperature of 30 ... 35 ° C for 3-4 hours (sometimes more).

Cooking until cooked at a temperature of 95 ° C at the time of loading and 82 ... 85 ° C during the cooking process. Cooking is carried out until the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 72 ... 74 ° C.

After cooking, the product is sprayed with clean tap water with a temperature of up to 40 ° C, and subsequent cooling to a temperature in the thickness of the muscles of no more than 8 ° C.

The safety of the product is due to the following factors: high content of table salt, preserving effect of smoking substances, heat treatment of the product.

Heat treatment of baked products:

Baked delicacies such as boiled pork and carbonate are baked at a temperature of 120 ... 150 ° C for 3-5 and 1.5-2 hours, respectively. Baking is carried out until the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 72 ... 74 ° С. Then it is cooled to a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C.

14. They carry out quality control of the finished product, carry out analyzes for the content of moisture, table salt, sodium nitrite. "
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Cooked-smoked Rublevsky carbonade is a pork loin delicacy created by a well-known Moscow meat-processing plant using the latest technologies. Cut into thin slices, with a light scent of smoke, it will decorate your festive table. Like all MPZ products, carbonade is made from high quality chilled meat, which has passed environmental control, and selected spices. "Rublevsky" occupies a premium segment in the market and is the owner of 50 gold and silver medals received at international exhibitions. The plant is equipped with modern equipment to preserve the vitamins, minerals and proteins contained in the original ingredients.


Manufacturer MPZ Moskvoretsky
Trademark Rublevsky
Country Russia
Type of Delicacies
Meat type Carbonade
Processing type Smoked-boiled
Slicing type Piece
Thermal state Cooled
Type of packaging Vacuum packaging
Composition Pork, water, curing mixture (salt, color fixative: sodium nitrite), milk protein, stabilizers: carrageenan, sodium pyrophosphates, acidity regulator: sodium triphosphates, glucose, maltodextrin, sugar, flavor and aroma enhancer: monosodium glutamate, antioxidant: sodium ascorbate , spice extracts (allspice, black pepper, nutmeg, garlic, paprika)

Nutritional value per 100g

Storage conditions

Shelf life 15 days

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